n,...i n v..,., 1~ A- oe ai ininter- >ug orlir !In-terestin Ma1ke au strmor ,m bv fllle .~ W~L~U ~ I chair. On ~ nr<w'ram u xiESTL ETON. pecIal meeting o1 the Womlen's 1ntl e wili be lheld ini tueForesters WedLlsdav May 29ý Mrs, J. W- ,Broad Ripple, lud" wUi .Speak lood Valutes' wal demonst r"tiO ls. s, corne aîidj bring Souir friendg., À po8itively cuire Sick lheadache revont Its, retarn.CaersLte IPUiib ThIis Lýi ïnot tlk: but truth. ki. a dose. S e3 adveiýtiscment. putStuL dse. , lprice. oe Thd SundaySholaniesrYw ~ry be held aS foliowvs: OnSndyJae2d iav sermnons wili be preache,-d at 2 30 p. ri 3o b-y 1ev. V. HEIl ryBowrnancille, A., and at 7. p. m. by 1ev. W. LÎimbert,; e. Camnbornie. Seia uin ll te tr 'on- noou by achoir of fldes, anti lu t'e be avenlng by a choir of men Specia M wieio andi snhç,rnttns 111 aid of M The Maso n n t _________________________________________________________________________ -B- g Co's providence .........June 2:1 Eboenezor,..........june 9-10., Maiple Grove.........Jane 1-7 Enfield 8S S.... ...Jane 1-7 51r. Edug;ir and George Nodea, New- castio, were homne over Sunav.. Ms iposa attendoing the wedding oi lher1 brother. Mr. chins. Moase .. Atniver. sGarv servic!es of Newtonviled church,! beld.C Suda wreIrgely attended. 11ev. A 'V.Brown, Newcastle, coniduet- ed both serviýes, preachivg exceillent sermns.Mur, and Mrs. Chas. Brit- ton Necslvisited biîs fathler ever Sunda. Y.OM A RheumaticWreck, Af ter ifospital. Treatiuer FalledDrÙ Williams' Pink Pis Cured Hlm, 1 buffered the greatest agony from rheamatismn. Leading physicians pre- scibed mnany mnedIcines, but with p satbfator reu'tQ. 1 was comple to go an hospital, but evei, the re4 - mîent theýre faIleýd. Then I t1okD 'IiUzmS' piuk PUIS andi to.dyL well man." These words, were ýspoken b y C ,Ir L.Forbes when ia iterviewed . - is hiome in Port Maitland, N, . r , Forbes la a fisherman anid had, ilwa- beenG very healthyý, iutil some th ee years ago while fishlng off Newfound- Big Sale!