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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jun 1907, p. 2

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Litie Livecr Plus. .5e. Fac-Simllo Wroppcer Ieloi;. CURE S10K HEAOAQOHLE The CaIlnaciianr StIlatesmn, la uls ever y Wdndynlornug rt thl ofiïce 26 Staýteaman* block, Kin1g StLreat, Jio w nia l !ie> (On't.- by M. A-Jaïles. EditoLr van)d Propr fto r. Subjalcription $]5 e nu,,-o $1 00 if paid atityin advaince A1vrtlEing 1rxteS, trunsient adve tisin, teii -ents per i'e, f rst insertion; fiva 'Cets par linae acti eubsequent insertion. Contract rates on ttPplication. A. E. McLATJGHLIN lartrSolicitor anid Conveyancer. ffcc-llleakley Ilock, Klng St reet, lloxnavils.Money t'àa bn t aon able rates, -yr OFFICE IN 10i 1-S Ev'81 OCS o0 oste Town Hal&! 1En t ra nc1-n wlerc lie will be found from e8 ar.1lto p..Nigh-t caRîb at rcsidence,]ireGct- WY opposIte Drill Shud. 1 7-1. SIMYPSON'T & BLAIP. D.1.SIMPSO)N, E. C., CHAýS P. lItA11t, Barristars, Solîcitoýra. Nrotaries, etc., -Morris Block, up-stairs, King street, Bowrnanville. Solicitors for the Ontario Bank. Privàtts moneys loan- ed at owest ratea. Býl.J.Hazlewood, >LD.ogC. BOWNWANVILLE. a ONT. 1-1 OD MEALISZ ofTrlnity !Un. Physiclan anfd Surgeon aM Mt. armel 1HopIt Pit+sbuý-rg, Kg, Oiice and ReaidfancC ellgon Talc. ohono No.10, Veteriary 8rgeon and Dets RlNOP)R A Y GR A D U AT-ýE of Ontaurlto VtefWrlu'y Coae, T-oronlto. Spelal ttLention givon ta Dentýt)try Office Ili 1fr, li., CadalaLlvery S1tRabý leighl Calla t bis reieeLornie Villa, Cetre trest. Day o r niglit caltai promptly rsapoodCed te. Houas phoas fano1U6. 0515e 12ï BowMauvllýile. eoal! F el the bea grýa tes of Coal at the lowest possible price. Prompt de- iivery a n d satisfaction guaranteed. John G Ibrt L& o, Bowmanvîlll. The fourth Annual Meeting of the Durham Liberal Association wlll be bed ln TOWN HALL,. ORONO on Frktay, June 7, ai 2 o'clock, p. m. A resolublen pro- vidiug for a change lu the place of holding the meetings cf the Ase clation will be taken up. It le expecbed that Hon. A. B. Avleswcth will be pyresent 10 gîve au address._ THOS. BAKER, 22-2w. Peiet LAWN MWERS The old ne,'elie leon deck agalu and past 3- will. guarauitec 10 harpn a repair youn Mower tb give tborough satsfatio.1Ihave t heolatesi Impvrov. eidaGidecoped with 'a very large epeie cvu eau depend oui god jo",b doue. Also -aIl edge tol grun uch as kiesisrec easbsarpeued , and FIlerl j1)bi g doue -wth ne-atese antr brnt Thbankiuýg you ail 1cr pasi patronag,,e The West Eud çithy KlugvSt, Bw 0OMPTL Y SECr" byý Experts. Priiuinaryadvicc free.Care inoderate. OurbnenorAdvler siiuo M uLt reai ; andWahutnDC,.5A DIST'RICT NOITES. Port tîepe las roubl o(erils eeti Titllin iivaue1210,00 iljtis. tl The no-jury ibtingiu ise g Cur \vii be ,el I tiia.g, uie (3d 11i Ceiy Court mlld gi ra in ,e 111h, leteilel Judge Bensen.iý coised b' tb Oîai le iasre-f-u tht- Xilin-,PaoC.lsawr-Ot- ing~~ coîtsl 11mbi efee o X ens0il-Iy 5 leoG iei. J Xli.A. . Caffisa. iuseeiiyantheoi lx flc li a0ti-idrunsel fer uae Ls siîo. Osl~ 2-20 tuurisce C1etan og ist TI npr iieuande l Ja n Dnnft I siie ut Bc lii, IO n t., re W', aîd u ul elîreis. L r.Si u LSteame r gyie isicuul i li-o n tise nerîh isg of î,,, 1,fo1r ses i [rlt ,eurs, 1las ptîn~teî atenusut ycrs, asd uill ne ru ,fin on ItpIl "re teil[ 50050('. genai ns. tnder lptienuefot ites- Canadian piuisrst. Vi iu danttisae alaeis vtersutL Daul~Guid, Pot Heua, igfr heir i P.ii~ uit-i Fflssi-lsiIals ai 7. pie -; iîuy0 su. Moode~ - Joîsa 17 ; Seliiîu. Teie0dux - Jeîîîa 'uasilaieis. XX adito-imi' - duiuc 19 Llmucl50f se. tisnm-sduy - dxliii' 211; Elsisîs- k udt Cii-cuit, Fiiduy , misa 21 Xlaple Gros a. Sondai - luise 23, ut 2.30 p.îuî.; aîîd tif I bih.; Z an. .\toiidu~ - Jînso 24; Boss aimis ille, 'I na-duy, luise 23 O0i1aau. XX edsuc"duy aîud Tbursduy, duime lu tillO 57. Mothers caninot be too careful1 iii what, they give childrn tel mnove the bowels. Calomel, cascara, snn, sits, aarc pulis, castor oi, and puirg-ing( inierai wTaters iriae thei bowes-usetthesomc- and eventiually lead ulp to cho onl-actonof theý (R UI", UVER TADIETS. are the finest di(ýcinie ina the world for ebjîLdre..- It is j nst like giving the little ones apples, oranges, figs and prunes - because "Frutit-a- tives" ARE the j niceýs of these fritls-but so comibined that the inedicinal action- is in- creased many tmes. Fruit-a-tives are perfe2ctly safe for the children. Keecp a box always îin the house, 11j SOC. abx 6foýr $2.5o. Sent c'Il receipt of p i1f your doe2s nothnleem Futa-tives1Limiteýd, Ottawa FLO'JRP, q100()b.......2 00 to $2 40 WHSÂýT, A . d 1,s,,.. fO" 80 'I prîg......ill, Oet O75 ïe Red Alfe.......O ,O, v85 19 Goose ....0 00"110 65 BARLEY, P bugih, No. i ... 0o oo 's 0uo il" 2..,. G0W" 04s el"8.- 0 00 '1045' Il '£Wo rowed 00 te0" -o OÂTs elfl îe 0" 'o........00 0 60 ?lOK._ ...Il ...O f0 o'ci 5U Pus lcee -iibush.. O0 0" O (I 'oCanadian Ileauties O0 0 'o O75 0s Mummey O GO' (10, le Bl0s OC; s' 0771 CLOVEýPSfRî)i... ... ....ý7 dO " 8 dO, Tissor11Y SaIoýD....ý.....2 CO ' l" S OG, 1dUTTEr,bettale i b., ( O 0O " O 2U P sJdoz ............. 0 16"10 17, PO£Troas, V hbush ne'W .050 1- 0O 61 ton 8 00 r 13 Wt 4.-e STOCK NOTES The Archer wMl st-and for service at ieo own stabe, H'ampton. Tercus >$12. 2-tf BEEMi) TO A PRODDUCER HAIRRY WILIcS, JI, (1004 H'arry W iJr., stands 1 B au ds hljgh, wighs 1150lbs , and îis the smire of Eva Wýilkzs -2 3oà. trial 2 26; Hlarry Wî, l ks 2 34; Muiel Wjîis 2 183/, winner cf thie match wîîh Harry Diet at CooGUr- which peiformance is equal to Stepping a frull,Îe jin 2 10 over anv American As- sociation traciç; and cf Hazel V'4ilks trial ini 2,20 whiom the owner Mr. L B. Ben. nett of Port Hope w&s offered the tîdy sum cf $icoce for. The above popular sire witl make a ,Noon, Stanri" on Saturdars aI the Bennettt Houe, Bow- manville, duriug the scason ccmmencîng May 6th 1907. Term, $12 te nsure; ta 1906 patrons $io A A. GAMSBY, Proprieter, IlMaple Avenue " Orono Master Harrv P ";ok f Port Hope rivi-itiug-a't- frT. ýJ Reic-s .... MrIs'. Pethick. MNizs LilliT.ýan ad Miss Maud' Eda 01o oraoarevisting tei faîh"er -Ur. P. Edwards.MssBer- tha Thcmn. Toronto, is î isiting ati hoe .M, frs John Grat Torontoi Bnner.-,Miss NMav àcKcenzie, 1Baw- mavlwas home o3ver Sunday. Mrs. W. Naden is ysitivig ai Peterboro. Winipeg Free Press reporte the an. nal han quet lu that city whenthe teacl? e c f the different churche chools w@re entertained by their Chinese pu- pils, over 400,being lu attendace, 150 of wham were Chinere. Mn.1. James Thomson. eider ai SÉ. tephen's 11un1 THE TEACHERS' DIFFICULTIES ArD REWARDS. Inspecter Tille y caulJd hardîy lau tai feel a mensure of inward pnide as hel faced the intelligent ann, we will be pFur- denied if WC add, preîîy faces of the teachers of his iseortas tle ï were a ssembled in conventioni hall of tle High scr col Lasi week. As there we,,re cnl, few maie:s present cun renrks appîy, mor exlusvelt10îleschoel cmm The'y %were -an nr. lcul n brighît bevy cf gilsimsîly ycungý,and ali ok confesseýd te us that r be h ud taug(it te-- years, buýt sh;e did nco-k a d y ovier 21 years. >Ti rogram wans 00 trlbuete, hiberaliy iby mmlbers cf tszfi ex, but theî were diqiident if i g tiepr in tle discussions iaI enlsua'd. As woe wee pivileged ta -siand b 'erre thse conventin antI Iok stra,,-igt mbiuthe faces of the niou1l1ders et C e char 1cter et tise child eu of Durham caunty, there iras very luie ev eiex:ce l ise cheerful faces thtt cOir gaz a of the numerous and foirmidabl)e dîficu-lties, fronm witisout astIJ fremwitsu lta-meet tise y'ing teac-her, sud ha s inadequnte accommoda tien, -want of imodem canveniece,s nnd appa-,ra tus, irregý.uliîlî of atteedance, w&a:t aofp1retal s athy,, tllediversity of nîatur atgifts, tempen auridîdienesition of puplsâaverse home nfue c ec. To the faithful andI couscien-tieus teacher wio lias et heant the welfar e ithe scîjolaIrs, andtIhie cause of ed.ucation gencrally, thene 15 neoailier pursidit sol enviroisd wi'th dflcutiscfeull f snare and CitemptationsI or dmniga1 langer amnrt cf pblcsym-pathy sýup-1 port antI e('pe0 niî na stntc f Public schaol teaching. Fotuaty, however, teeaecm pensgatory rewards, otherwiv-se the diff-h cu ies are suffic,ýien.t taoverhem udý siagg-er Ilie atoutest antI boldesi tWei ai salîsta;cîmen andI newar d thait co-mes ta the beachen. ifor il is a trim that by- teclgothers wemsianeeiti- prose o urse vecs. antI thbe 1more faîtîfutl andI entisusiasic Lu er tcnînance af echeool m11IIhes thle g reniter is tle uritlcaIl ben-efi t ta teacher anuIsciiolar Bthtie reflex influence af the tfeachenr's emrploymeait is ioticess exensive tisan il i's valuab'e in referenice ta theý whoeeof luis or ber demeanar, indeed, ire know et noc beîterarena for c îin ie liveier exer'cice thse grand pýec-ýuies of Chnstaniy.Thisenncstceah in prf-sinandI brings along with l a pIes-ent rewý,ard, Cluaradter study -fl-nds wide ,scope,ftee which is bath interesting,, andI leeciiTepragness ai the pupils is accuser great source cf gretification ,te- the teceand ïl-aiedenfulïy enhauced by Ileir gratit.ude aod the acknýowledýg- ment of Jifectionate parents -aud 1r ne atives. SpRace wMl not permit us te write at and capable teacher, ihese consider- ati'ooe ulk heaviiy in tise more-evident antI positi ve re-Wardç,: Cousciouaness of be h onored with the respousibil- iy Of, preipaing 7-beys antI ,girls for thse I uties 4f 111e aud cf bîîî lu bue ob- lest lO fChiba pilnhp- gererlin fr iîl n lhîe m ant inChîstenwork 'md hil, dî an work for timeeaftIfe e'cîLb~ 1hr sîe fie e ltendr tha vorsas teaýcheï7rranIours as13 fui with rewar,,d? Tie onet itude o or iWi ud pret, E miies9 o f heLýaIn.ud tic blessîng of GotI. i Whsa1itrmnîynet tesacred nsinistry, i ehallowed, so influential, a) perpebutntlng anIidwide spreading seenai pragressive as ieechiug the voueg5 bovs andI girls andtI meuldiog thein y.,ouug lires imb bhe nigisi dharne. fer for greatesi uz-efuinese aiii benefit. Tiruly, the leadýer stands on 11igh ran- tage ground, ant iIf aincene, faithi and preern.may nighllire-rpect >thse hlghesbt posib1e rewards. Take cargteachers, We hop.e Yen enjoyed yaur ail bco bnief Ftiay lunBowmanville and eau asecie you bletnme W0lCOM3 ealts souir retun A FAST PASSAGE. Thle Allin ice', M. S. Tu'rbine Stemer"Vitorien" arrived e Quba, at S ., ndey, IM-ay 17th!. having- sailed fnom Ll,ýerpcol et 6 41 ,Onl huton tbise Noih Coqsî ai Ire'3,1d a 7u a5 M. SFauday bheItth. Shewa reponted bv Marcoaiîlgn a i 8a. Wednedaythes e 1th Sdys, 238 heurs, 28 minutes. Tihe advantagcs 0fbise St. Lawrene route- are set fonrh iu Me abeve as lb will b obseirved thai ibte Oceuan pas- sage wasundler four dayf, while ibree da"- s were on the smcoth wabers ai the Guif aud River. M. A. Jamnes Lqtes Allan 'neagenb fortliseDistniel.- If bub the suggestiontisaiaprson musi give evid-nceo of semiýIàwnacy before be. fing adlmib'ted daes ot appean luiilb e Board neguletiens --W, Wu S., lmate lapswa0 iiedls17 usnwss I-IEwr""ALTI4Y 1-AIR F0R ALL BY USINU M it 18 10W psibe for everyone o to have healthy and rich lookingý hair.ý by usinÀgNebo lierpicide, thé- ORIGINAL remedy that "k-ilIs tho dandruif germù.- The presence of the dandrmïgm ln the scalp cussfirst. duli, brite and lusterless hiwiUh later, dandruif, itching ecalp arhd fadig bair. Aý, i f hes iageales3pt swilldisapipear, and the hair grow kasnature lntended,iS thedrir germ is desroy(ed and kepi out cf tho scalp. Don't t for chrons..c bnldmess for it W !Incurable. Herpicide stops itching of the cap amoi Instantly. "~I cannot speak toc ighly of Nuwbro'e Herpicido, Itkeops my haïri and clpl ecllnondition, "' (Slne)-RSNE TIE KARBACH.i Be sma3Ure o eo erpicta uanteedun uder thO IGocd and Drugg -PLICATIUKN S AT PIIOKMIMNT WBARf ,R SIIOPS- VT liy ali,- f 1,\h~ ttu s oi At ou (l~ii~iîd V-,il beyw 1 Pend, ol' 11 ýl They aree sh, fond, ;'i L bips Tf splove. E IJ, iPr;oy if lve-II j Orhp if tb emspcu te be so oaniksd TIle', wil î y -IvA t,~;frw u o Dai-lneftur it. wb hosuk od Beause iclips Lo spoîc il nenio het Iiria 1-ë t i QAulg ttc piiH cLliU tt dto ifrt thoth Inîiisied lia, O- ~ ~ Rà trhesm f-w ~L t s ew oudteake Oî cu-hsssagoesun tPt 11000,i th 6rahroatfouit ; foramaxyocures lIasatrr aandh olili" oyb g ra boer fealree., ch atle wshile,. uoW. Cfae m ay iiie Couisw ino a1Bfao 1NTR18TNGaý Fuît ho, r 9, f9lt, e ye yn B0 inl 7' 0 J;w a G, misa1as, orOta Iobs Doys chang Jý-e sumon thngssos eur sf XXrs ei sce ter tiylingýu a1nsow Maey ho su cbrishe n f mro' PI iesgh ý O ti-M r We wi ha ptient fo çte t emow AGR. A. W NE'S, ~~~~I~~ Funtre uniuo Our stock cmrssal i ues of useful and .dfecorative uc iue in tho ' different grades. Thlere is nothinig made that Po annot supply you with, and our, pri.ces3 are as low as the low- est, lnwdesigus constantly arriving. ceeour SoeWno Av e tion e urnihers -: Bwmanhleand Orono. Fu1ruiture Dealers, J'hune 1tO. Fuýnera'l Directors To those who appreciate true art design our Wal Pn1rswiliappeai 1Very rogy eàýýWe have the highest qWa1iy papers thts spning we have ever sho-wn, The prices 130W fnom lie, per roijl upwrs Borders same prices per roll as the papers. Mlouidings to match aI 2c. per fI. Mlg 20p BookÊetoe omnvie WAeluyn GVe Aud look Wuer our'stoc, Webav o boot $5 00. For men wc are ives supplied %rm proces that range ferom $1»50 10 j sucs 0 newfrchuîdren ive have auil kLddsile whHit, tananb1kwihpce »agn rM 6i7Cts w0vi,50.Spaca wen't permit us b bellyou aml.CasiandI ______-~ eî fr -yorself. CLENST50K MTW M soten usc--,f ,cou , CBro nt Cough, G I', sthm, dipte accsomeplts 'mc more etv cbatena reoey o ur dseseofthfbeahthrgn thi10 aetermd no1-soa ItoeC M a us h i ruee m nl ni

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