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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jun 1907, p. 4

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ýROSS COUNTER TALK Customecr: What%'s in a 7namel, Cone pa-int is as goodI as an ether1 Dealer. Vn aea i istae idtat su-,pposition. Agoopuint iskn ynm n eua ion ts on'e thing th 'at dstngihe e ran Grm a hUst of unirelia-ble paints. It's aaa ntee ccf the ualitcf the product. Sherin-ihims ait, Pî'epared is known every- where as the tandrdfpit excellence. It's name is recognized as rep.resent:ing the highnest quality. Forty years of the b-est paint making stand behind it-best nma- teniais anid bs o esecf manuifacture. S. W. P. is vorsure prtcin nd mine in paint buying and selling." RICE & 00,, Agents. Dealers in Hardware, Stoves and Tinware. Phone 66. OPpOSte post Office. .~Wall Papers 4î 0f Quality To those wbo appreciate true art deugnr our Wall apern will appeal very strongly. We have the highest qua1ity papers this :sprirg we have ever showr. 4q The priceR nowv from 5c. per roll upwards. Borders same prices per roll as the papers. Mouldinga to match at 2c. per IL. W. T. ALLEN, * Cor'ner Sboe Stor~e * ~Vonth1y B1ulletin. We are stArting thîs month with a larger and botter assorte-l tock thanever before, we want sou to eall and seIt as space wilI fDot permt us te teil youl j Our Mon's Une of Boots and Oxfords are perfect fitters made on up t-date3 Uiiut ndae resoabeiah< i it, an In the WomeIn' Ii e we have every. Patent Leather, Viol Kid and Box Caif. 7e make a specialt3' cf ois'ad O 'children's goode ard have themi in every color, shape and size. ____ Reid &Pearn, CLEANEsr 5TODJK ITOWN. Opposite Balmoral Botet omavle Quantitv .qý value. Ail Full and4 SEE OUR JANES IN: ln sud Brais Bedteads frein $3.i00 to $50 00. Sprigýs sud mttresses frein$200te Dres ors sud stands frei $m 0te D)iuing room cairs insýets fron Z3 50te Sieb sansd Bulff ets froin $7.50 te Ail Other LUnes Ful and MORRIS & SON,1 The Home Furnishers ~ uea irectors J ~ ~phone I oma rle Orno and Ha-mptrn. I.,- t. t. t. t. t. t. t. t. t. t. t. t. t. BfOWMANVILILE, JUNE 12, m-,7 REV, R. DUKE'S ADDRESS. The second raragraph ia Rev. IRich ard Dake's address afrer bis election as Presidonit of the confereuce is unfortu- ntitely wantlng lun the report of the adi- dress which appears ou an inside page That: side cf the paper was iprinted be- f ore we discovered the omission and now the best we can do is to supply here the mlssiug excerpt Âfter addressinez the Ex-President as stated i the first paragraph as publisbed President-elect said. "Dear Fathers an3d Brethrenl: 1 tbank yïoa al 1 say 'lt" for 1 do net thtik for a moment that anv other than a kiudly feeling towards me actu.ates any~ brother who cast his ballot for either of the other brothers, whose day of finir and trembling, pies se God, will net tarry long-". Yoa wiii eastbly andenstand me etc. CONFERENCE INOTES E.vervbody says Cunference has been a grand succes. Pastoral Âddress in complete ferm les tu an inside page. Final draft of stations was flot ready up to going- te press. Don't fait to read President Dake's address on 2ud page. Report cf Preside)nt -Duke's openingi address is on another page. Collections are about $30 greater thau at any prevlous Couference. Rev. 3,. J. Rae has been left without a station next ye3ar- at his ewn request. -B&mft Chur-oh Problerns" is an edit- criai on an inside page crowded out cf Jast ise When mrinisters send church news wliile3 it is fresh te thieir locýa1 papens it is "good copy". - A-wego o ress4the Conference- la 0 tl lu session, the tationiug Commit. tee not having comp)leted iLs work, 0 Mintters. has it ever qccured te 5yoou to pray for editors? No men need year praver nione. 'Tbe greatest mealders >of opinion are ministers aud editors o! niewspapers, magaLines and other liter- patuire How Imîportan~t, therefore, that Rthey aIl shotild have the prai ers of the 0righteous which avatleth mach. TaE Enr-rou's SPECIAL REQUEST Dean Mýiiiters, please seul us nt eonce a few lines contatniug your in- epressions of this (Conference, of this town suAd ts people or auythtug else e that you may f8ee ln Vour heurt te sav b We want a svmpcsium on "The Con- 0ference of 190e7" for our next issue. THE NEW PRESIDENT. b u n. apprecation bj, one 2iwkr know-' him Shoald anyoue vieiL the home cf our Snew President, ha would find hanzixig upon the studY Wall a fine paneramie t.picture of the oi cty of Cer n the te frearouud appeans a stataly rasidance w-e hihi tathe Pregident's ancestral home. Farther off iu the picture stands the -towar of the cburch immortslLzed by Father Prout. who sang the weil-known verses in honior of I "Thosa belle o! Shandon WWhleh sound se grand on 4~The pleasant waters of the river Lee." O In Cork was laid the fouindation of ý )ur Presideut's more thanl respectable H cbolarsbip. The "pot-bîocks sud hang- e rs" learnied there at the prlmary sho ,~.evolved jute tbe ealignapby ef bis liter '~days There le ne man on the planet that eau s!gn 'Ricbard Dak&' lun the m auner o! hlm Who owns tbe nsmr; sud Iover-,?unique., es wouîd make it a *splendid signýature for a banker who had biis toeuederge. Sevarat 3ears at, th English collageocfDidsbury, coin- lIeted is acedemie course, and ltLrý a fouud his way to Ceand lu appearance slightly even the m3 fi-m-hlelaht, îomewhat spare lu fig-ure, anr auwith dark baIn and eye, we-have iaOur Prasident a person good te ochý) * pü - is mannenrs are polished, aud are sucb as become a descendant of Sthose French rafugeas frein whuu neot deacended. But ha bas also the wit cf the tYPicai Irishnian, and scuietimes Sthis SPanklas and corusetes lu a mnair n er that le aL once the woudar sud de. l ight cf bis mone stold Saxon cenfreras. SMany aie the Lcufoence traditions of Wbis wluniug bis casa by argument whfieb ~abocanie irresistibla bÏecause barbed by Sbis inimaitable wlt, sud, did space par. Wmit, wa miigbt adduca soe stiking ex- ~aamples Net se praetical ,lu soea s, as ha IInisaîf confesses, as soe of bis more prossic brethi-an, bja bas tha advantage - hewever cf being more peetical. We do net know wbetbar ha bas aeven ciimbed Paruassus andid ndîcted versa.i bat ha is P. poee to the finger-tips Nt doees bis fancY run rnet, for lha ta -witha1, 9 logician wlien hae wills It, and ha iindetands bow te uake a Fientifie usie cf the imaginiationî. Fnesb frein the% grind cf more atifitarian thougbt and reasiouing, the visiter te car Pres- ldaut'sq home weould find himieaif imuned. iately lu a new sud rafreshing atince- phre lie pesant greeting. iirr presslble good humeor, and gaulais for fiendship ana backed by cnitn hooo0rnngcf the prniuciple that the hast ama is teade rich not by whRt ha gaets bat by wbat lie ahanes. Soin il-ien ara genitlemen who ara E chol]ans. 8SoMe are scholare wbo are noue gentleman. Aud soe are neithan Igentlemen non ichoturs. Our Pneui- Ident la bothi a ec-holnr sud a gentlemen. ILHS palpit aud platfcrm efforts blave alwvas a true litersrv finish. and wtt- nasa tc, a rare initeliectual training aud eqaîpimeut. And bis fine feelinig,bis self-respect, sud bis regard for the fahnrof thera ara outstandling' I~p:t~4deewÈblch are iuseparabli Jolghlm, aud the naine f thti1ev RthndDu-ha willlong ha cberished as! HELLO, GUELPH COLLEGE! 150Durham and Ontarinieppe, more or less, are goting te Guelph neit Monday Janie 17, leaviug Bowmanythle station at 7.15 not 1.15 a mn4as the bis saty. Gel a âubstsantia! lunch and hot ecofise readlv as we must take Very earl Y breakfast and we will have kieen appetites. The advertisemeut with par. ticutars is lu another column. No better or pleasauter day 's outing eau bt, had iu titis part cf Ontario than sa day at Gue1lph College grounds. Take this excursion, frieuds, next Mou day. ______ MINISTERS AND CHURCHES Uev. W. Herbert 'Moore, Tekousha, Michigani Confereni(e, occuple 1 the pal- pit of the Disciples Charch Suudav morutng taklnig as bis subj sect the -meaare of a ran" preacblng a very torcefut and practiÇsi sermon. Bey J. -E Moore, Ph.B,., Little Britain, pr6ached in the Cengregatlonni church Finnday mcrning. Rev. M. E. Wilson, Dunsford, preached lu the even- ing. Botb sermons were able discoarses and were. greatly enjoyed by the con- gregatio-ls The siuging was4cood and the Ferviecs interesting and bel plal throughoat IMPORTANT NEW TRAIN SERVICE Commenciiing Moilday June 17th, and ýoutinujn - thieneaftec dally except -Sun day, the Grand Truk wiltins1mugarate an-wpassen ger Fervicý3 betweeRPeter beo and Port Hope, which wili afford a service flot h6retofore enjosed. glving- passengers frein Toronto, Oshawa Rnd Bowmanvllle direct cennection wlth Peterbero, Lke aeknd ~Stoney Lake points, ai1se affordtng direct couectien frein Peterboro and Pert Rene for ail points Esat A new tri - l eve Peterbefo 8.3(j a. mn. arniving P rt Hope 9 40 aL. in imakin.c cenuecticu with loca! train for ail stations east and with f ast day train fer Kingston, Monti-eal, etc Retarniug train will leave Port Hope 10 40 a, in.making direct conuection wtth iimited for Toronte. O3hawa, flow- man,çlle, for P, terboro, Lakefield and aIt points ont Kawartha Lakes THE DIAS014 CO'S BIG SALE. Nuit the bot weatber bas cerne the Mason Co. are bnlnging forward for qaick sale ail kinde cf auimer goods, etraw bats, linen bats, etc; aise summer dresa matenial1 mushuns. ginghams, chambrays, stlk bioiseas, silk ecieunes voiles, etc. etc., iargely bougzht fer this spring's trade befçre the~ change of bus. mess was anticipated fand wlll uow be ed beiow whotesale prîeeF, 'rhey -aise wish te remtnd the public of staplee unes ol whieh theur stock ta iet ivell assorte4 and wlib- ih 11 bclfur- ther redaced to $~easpiee'y clear. suce durniuz tiê tiamt few week5 of this big sale. Extra speclal valaes will be found lu the followtug lios: Table linen, towels, ribbons., corsets, hoslery and gloves, underwear, aces and em- breideries, parasols and ambrellas, readymade dress skirts, dresa gords~, etc., etc. Read thelr new adv'Lt tbuweek for particulars RAT DON, The Sabbat h School auniversury will be beld as followqs: Sunday Julne 3SO seîmmons wlili bcpreached by Rev. L.S, 1 Wight, B.A.,B.D,, at 2.80 and 7 1),w,. Mscby the schoGil. Couetions in aid I of sS. .fundl. Mon dav July Ist serviceis wil. b re resumed at 2 80 p.m.hna progri conhsttiuug cf reciaton, dia- logues and drffls wWl be rendered. Stuging by thf3 sL et. desswfllJ be given 1>y LJ.ýS§Wight sud 1 "fier te !RewnmààiyB1e ôtet will faruish musice duritpg the afteýruooa suid whlile tea is being àÏved. Tes. wil I be seydfrein 4 p m. ulP tla re ýe.-v- In -lathe evqi4ug R, -rand concert wilbezýven byt*he'fclîowing artiste»1 Mn, ;',iltyQ.U MçDul;ad; Ba1tûne: I Miss Maretta Là1rt<i4oia 1z e.L eRy Kenfly, refiïned umirst; also mausie by the orchestrp,. W.H.CSEPER, 1II53QM. SLEMO1i),1 Sapt, _____ Sceay UNIVERSITY BXAMINATIONS B r bj%Ë -Light Summer Suits- We have an extra good choîce lui hot weather Suits ini ail the light grey mixtures, with plaid and over-check effects, in double and single breasted suits with cuif s on pýaats or withuut. Coats are hanci-made, shoiders are padded well, and firted back with pressed sideseama, These make a smart suit for summer wear Extra valuesa ranginig in prices from $5 (0O up and rangin~gJi sizes from 36 to 4", Navy,, Blue and Black Worsted Suits There is no doubt whatlever but that we have the finest selection of Navy Blue and Black Woisted Cheviots nmade in s-ingle ior double breasted with raised seams or without. We have your size in ail these lines and also your size in ail tweeds a.nd worsted twee d effects, 50 110W is your chance f or your sui t as every- person needs one f or spriug, Diry Goods Depjv-artment, -Rugs. Squtares and Lin'oleums. We are still, selling large quantities in th'is line although it is a little late in the seas.on. Il you -need a-nything whatevei, in this 'Une it will pay you. te buy now rather than later on at the prices we are selling the material 110w, This is your chance to get a bargain in any of the limes mnentioned above. E:xtra Values In Summer grood1s. A f ulI1 range of Ladies' and Children's U-nderwear with no0 sleeves, short sleeves or long sileeves CJotton llosier i Ladies' and Ch ildren'7s in blacks, whites, tans and greys from 10c pr ani up, Blouses in lawn, India Linens, Persian lawns and muil with lace and embroidery trimmings, TjOc and upwards. A full range of Ladies' Gowns, Skirts, Drawers and Corset Co-ver,,. High(est Price paid for al kinds of Produce, cash or trade. Bring Us -Your Wool. JOHN MctoMURTRVY West End. fouse. ýBowmanvilla, - ) à 1 .1I MM DPO<ALD U. G LEÂIIs BArriater, Soieltor. NoteryPM ec Pnîvate anid Company Moneys to bnlm ows etirrent rates. Agent for lhe Midland Loani rond gsCompany.- 0ffle OPPOSite J. B. Mar=~' tre, Kng, St, Bowmanvflle. 8-tf Sbbath 8eltooî i niversar -l-wil ba bld êçia lollowïs: ýuunday Jane 16. sermnaus wll be preaclhed aut 2.30 aud 7 p. in. by Bev. V. 1E. Eme1ry5 Bowmau. ville, la the avenino- aun -Ufin service will be held in the S. of T, hall Iu the list cfunines cf the sueccsafal to be addressed by Rev. G. W. Soarlîiag, stridents at the recent examnations held B. A..,iissionary elect. Cofllections at lu connection with the.,UuinVersitV ot eatch service. Msab nikhe Toroute we note the folowlng as bav. choir. Moenday, Jane 17, a prograin ing received at least aspart cf their ed. 0Tl3 aigt<2.30 P mn,will ba given acation au Bowinsnville High Sehlool by the esiçblrar, onssting cf recitationa, M. A. Degree-C. L Bilkey. dliogues, etc. Tea served fnom 1 P la At 8p. n a first claie sacred concert B. A. Degree--Miss A P. Oaberne, wiJl be gîyen w heu IMiss EMery, Bow. Who obtalued Second Cîasse Bonons luin m viPt, an orchetra rm"saa Clasisie audrraunkud third lu that De- and agodelctinsa fre1 i Oshe partinent sund R. W. Edmlison who pi-p aPulicutoi illinve t obtalned Third Classe Honore 1in Poltie Àlïnis n Publidc onrdilty nvted, Science oDly 25c; concert onlly 20c. Second Year--Miss N. B.lHall etood U,,^. SNOWDN, D. CULCI finaL in the Facuilty o! Hoaseiiold Science ebtaiuig Finît ClagiseHouons in Ailtatr aeitnet iiabjacta cf the Dopar.-meut. e-c ases cf sick he0adache, billoas- J 1M. Hutchelinson pasSed the second tiess, constipation, eau be cared lu JaeF, .year exaipinatiqn iii Arts with Tfhîrd time. With li(-s Medicine, and for leqs las Honora in the Bilig-y option of monev, by~ using Carter's Little -n the Natairal Sciee Dapartinant. Piîlla,tiian by anyv other uxeanis. 1 In the Lil'liaunMassey NormailCotürseM Mfiss Edna C. King ,,Passed thaeSeond Nl-r. Rteuben Earîbut, K,ýcirý1e la Year examinatiou and asmo Miss Neilie vatn relatives here..,.Misa L.lHo- pattDsoý th jjter tttinin rit a, th, Solina, and M1iss Edua Reynolds, Clasi 1onôrs. carbGro, visited friands lbore necentlV DC W C are3oriHoue t ens. - M r, W . G riffa tte'd ed ran D W.Clane cunpltedtIi.ThiD Cuncili d (. OC. F., forouto. ..-Mn. Yea.riluMediine. L* B. W;lllams the John Hepburn bas rented a bouse in ,Second Year aud R W. Clanka the Genieva aud wil noe ibere soon, .... FinaL '.'ar exzamlnation. Miss Idtella Emrs l. ai tresigned Weil done al, as teachen cf ELelvd sLebool . . . MI-. W. 'us ulaEloJJ FOZERA Cn-Smltbh had is lbarn.rïsiig Tfiursdav. LMJSa C. S:TANLEY- 0585, pr-Ofesalan~i E.rtiguae.ofwl.-M.L n urse, 283 SImce Street, Toronto Kleatoire la mFovilng luCthIe 1bou1ehr w~iea:"InMy occupation as nursale ~rec(eutly prbad- .M .Nd I nave coma acrosa many eesiun-yitnarpitgbsotuli whicb D3R. Cl aF's 15iME bas beaextusveythis sme.. n a uROd witb extnai-ordluarny retaîts. Oaa Kxuspp ta a regulaqr wilidforaI- x fstei M01inoulbu44d ehild wbo ing.the cytOclnefenýe. , . - rere las ws , cu ý c cald Iead and another chance for EuIieid foot-bail tea m te i thiat cf a woman cured of ezenia OL $15 atthejuffb1iet, at 2Aaieburn lua he the face after ber dpc0tor h ad givan ap. "l erfuue awaneth&t ertan indvidu lcinue ppoacb lugonthe Kea totpresieves. HereatterC ofener jl b iven in imsloment withtollt R. S. VAN VLAOI, NecslMay 27, '07. 28 2w. GhildreW's Slioesi I ,lot Mach of the trouble of tender leet le the resait of weaing ijll.fttinz ill-a de shoes lu chlldhod. -r BE ýSURE VOUR CEILDREN niAVE SHOES TJIAT Fi P. We inake it a special Study and take pnide in seeing car httle cuitomers neat, and weii shcd. Bring- thein 10 the store an-d ]et, as fit thein prop- eriy Dn't ýinch or cramnp lite feet P1cuty of rooml yet not too mach and as f n-r wear none better. SETHEM. PRICE THEMl BUY TIIEM. Fred R.Foley, Bowiivîlle. Ont Y 1-4 M, M. rMýouR.-Issuer e IT r Marage Lclenses, tgerOffee. J3ow- DENTIST, >posite Eato'ýs, TORONTO~$ 181 Yonge st, m ~0 S. TO0USE FORt' SALE-That splendid 1. bus itu 1ted on Ontario Street at pi-es- .tOcup)lied b y3, Mr- J. H, Cryderinan, oae of r ieq esrab le il-; vl e çhi eleirl v1rlr;pease fu-mae bard i Sf wa ter !insioe nIIýel.' deeoraucd; olues' Olii.anci aill onvenuences an(I in st-claies nltci orpriuasap)lyl Mr. D. G.,. Lrêîm arse.etc., ~w1u 4PRPEI I* S You wtll want te see niy* Stock-the best patterns frein thýofactories-from 5c, per 4'roll. Border sold by the roll 4 saire price abs ide Wall. I NoU want semethiug verv SSpecial, Select frein mv specjal 4'patterns. Suggestio)ns Ziven. ZWindow Shades, Z Curtain Poles, Room Moukting, Picture, Framies, * ~cShade cloth and shade paper, S Watch MYy indows for 4' atraýtlOnS! UB~RALNEBT a, A meeting of the Liberais of Darling- tou township wMl be held in tht, Town Hall, Hampton, on Fniday Jane 218t. at 8 p.m. to selett delegates and alternates tattend mptu ovninat Vice Fresident. 2Oth Century Brand Clothing.I . 1

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