TOWN ODUN401L. Regaiar meeting held on Monday 6ýereing lait. Meaibers ail prefient, Mayor Spry progsidlng, mainutes of last maeeting reAd and on motion confirmod. Petition wad reoeived from W. Scott, à. flreemand -aa nmMeean . Binu. &pplicationFa were r"eïeved frorn T F, Bruce, T. McýKee and J. Strong for per- muission to elect wire fonces. -Granted. Orderiq werc drawn on the Treas. as Gale,Adetig.,,. A.mstrong, 29 rda wire fence Vance, 24 rds wire fec1ia june 3, 7. Il 5cal:ngs ot Mvay £.M, June 4. 13, th.rovgh to Duiuth. For Sauli Se. Marie and Way Forts. Leave Coilin-gwoad 1.30 p.M..Olwen Sound 11.30 p.m.,Tues- day. Thursday and Saturda.y. For Farry Sound and French River. Leave Collingwood 10.30 p. m, Monday snd Friday. TOUR »RL-f.UT SOLICITE». Randlinùacddsatch th ast. â 4 Lake Ontario and B1-y of QlteSttamuboat U0.1 Lifflited PORT HOiPiE. COBOURGCi ROCHESTrER. WEERI DAY SERVICE. ~Str. "North Kingýt Commencinz May 27th, SOIIUNU Arr,,vtlg Somierville, 1N.-Y ,(Port ô1 NORT~H BOUND. Leaving SumI£merville.,NYÏ, (Pol'rt of Arriving Cobouirg OIF.......10pm Arriving Port op,'nt.... ... Foi fulll informiation applY to M1 A. James Aen, Stott & jury f omnvle E. E. LIitJSEY, t3eneral Manager, Hier0es a Money Saveri 11OPSEKEEPE1RS EXCURSION TO1 Mianitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta. $32,00 rond trip tO Winn--ipeg. ý4 2 .5 0 round .trip ta EdmGn tonB. Rater, W other points in pr0oportion. Tic-ketûs good for 60 days. Second c'jas aresc cm ro stations in Ontaîr1o. Leave Toronto Juine 18. July 2, 16, ,0, Au-. 13, 27, Sept 10, 124. Suiner chanige of time In effeïct June 19. For fnrthor particulars s;es nesrest Grand Tunk Ticket Agent or wite J. D). >cUA Union Station, Toronto, Ont. STOTTF & JURY, C. P, Agent. G. 'f Emplire WALL PAPFiRS The 1argest Une iii selectcd fromr the lcadirng factonies of Europe, Utc, Unitedi States and C an- ada. We guarantoe our papers to be of the best stock and coloning, The range of our papers w,,11 meet the purse of the- poor and the rieh. The niost artistie effects can be had for littie money. shipped the same day ais re!eeived. If your decor- ator cannot show you our samiples, write ,to iia direct and we wili send yon a fulilasrnet exprespre-paiLd Emp"ire Wpaliper Co. 56 Kw!ng St. West --TORONTO. 318 DcinaldSI. - WINNIPEG. thst '$5 wotild be enokigh te psy lm Coun. Cmoah tihonghit that part cf the damane wàls due te a datfebtlunAir, Da&rch'a owni drain, whieh ewptied jute Mot-ved by ComunCornbla, econded by Cun. Gilbrahhà theýt the matter bo -eferred te the PReads and StrezLs Coam- miites te invebt;gateo roghyand report on. If MNr. Daýlch emptled bis drain into itOt lown ell hthoagbt he ,siould bear pArt of the dauiage lm- seif. Ma. B. Werry was aiiowed te de his roâd work on the bouindaty between Dariingtoa and the town auder the snpeîvieien of the RoaRdu anld strets commlttee. Frein T. O. Jewifl auïking for privil- ýge cf eennecting with the wat9r worksý sys;tai, and ierqiring ceeu of Esaine, Connus. Toesasd, Carnis.h m3ved te refHrtb to the Fira aed Water commit!- tee with power te aot. Reevo Teïbilýcock, chairmn c f the i Fire and Waûteira itte:e, sad that ha qolng on w1th thie work w1thcnt repoirt- ing te the Concil. Movad by Conne. Galbràaitb snd Tam bhya hat theprayor cf îo eltob grantod, and Ltat the matter cf charges ba loft wîi hthe FPieand watsr uGem- Fromi Mies Vealse, ra the overflew of watsr on ber premises, and submitting prepleltion te the counciL. Oa motion of Ceuns. Trebilcoa k and Carntsh, the oo)mrnnloatien was laid ons the t able. An scoonnt frein Mr. Glat, for work on concesion Srsadaisoelesfroni the Foinndry, Wa8 pressnted. The acconut froni the Ponndry wasd rsferrsd te the Pire snd water cern- mittee. Rsegarding àMr. Uist's account ha vas aked te explain and rslated te, thq Concil thst ho bsd looked aftter hls place ef road for a numaber of yesrs and kept il tn repair, and i, Wathbe firaIturneo he had ever asked for an7 re- munaretion. Coun Dayman conaidered that ail- thoiugh Mr. GhIt had donue work thers, for wblch hoaehould be pald, it wao as- tabishlg epreosdent wblnh mighs eansq trouble. 11ee Trebllcoole theught that tb.e objeotion cff(Joun IDaYnIUanwa,% voll taken. Âlthongh the mmoaut wae ainail, Mr, lat hadnorlvht to go in and d) Wcrk wtt heing aw-uthojrizd te de mo. Âny citi" e nlmight do the usine thing. It was estabiishing a Pzecedant which umight cansetroiib!e. Street CmntsioerHtohinson ex- plsiried that ne donbt Me. Glî;t had dons some work tht ram The road seuth of his place wsIn very geod shape. On motion cfConu Oornish and Tol,,Mr G4iebwas paid lte sui f $9 A number cf fammers' appeals were referrad te Court cf Ravliin. Coun Cernish, Chaimman cf Finance coIMMittea prsented' report recoin- 1mon 'ding paynient cf a number cf se- counta as follovu, ameun rting linail te e.430.12: Rends and atrast;,$8270 66; Fîro. and water, $57. 21; Police, $3; Peor relief, $27 25; Contingent, $45; Pub. property,$2' FreinSnp.of Caemetery, 5snbmittlng nombor Col interiments fer menth cf ejoun Tole, OChalrmau cf ROaduand 9treetn cemmitte reported verbslly regardlag a l oo grading work do,18 the ceut fer nine dâya work beiag &bouct Mmyor spr'y raporîod rairardlng the trip te Oýtawa, W ho-rs haovas acýospa- nleê by Uesve Troblceck end Ceun Oomnl8h, Owlng 10 a techui3,al peit ralsed by oesof the Grand TrUnk rep- rasstatloathat theo Depnty Miister weuld net aum the respcnslibility of, the qusîtien vas referrsd te the Rai way Commissaiou and adjourned te an other date, wban aIl the' municipalitlen would ba notified. Coun Deymn explaiaed regarding the3 Veale caseû, that thons had been se mqny diffenent propositions isubmitted, t hat thd Ce ncti V, are no£l n a position te re-portý. tseoed an If a proposition would be snbmitterd, snd hefona the 0ouncîIl had timo le look latoit,another one weuld bo uabmitbd. Tho's Mayor sugg-ested that the cern Imittes have an interview with Mm. Simpion, and ho hed no doubt but that se agreement cealdha reachad and the thing eattlad. Moved hy Coun (Galbraith, secondsd by Court Cornish, that this communties. tien froni Miss Veale h o ferred to the Roada and Streea oommittee, and when tbay vers pmepaned te neopentthu Mayor wouid a clla sPeolai meetinig of tLe Councîl tc eaosiwlh the cques-tion.3 Conn Ediott Gta'od thaýt thore vas certain parts oft te work suggeisted whiebhehý wonld objeot te go on witti. Reeve Trebilcock etated that Lt seanl- das theugh 7Mn ýSimi,sen did net ?ticr teeaprt.pisition lon0 en1" hte aûllow the ouclte deede ws a ott ho dons Tho Mayor szatEýd that frein some remarks dneiped e hlm hy MÊ Simp- son, ho tbonght thie weun doui but that an agreemennt could id ho eachied wlthont any trouble, OCoun Teile dilneýt vaut b iu toîfere ivith th~ o cutment ' hlch had beau aigned. if IMWu Ve2le would indeimi- St. George's Baking Pow,,der "A nde(-veryoneof tede mwill tell you the saine -- tat ,St. George's stan1ds every test and eyer loses its ,.treigti." Write forf e e tktestirCokBo Canada, Iimitedl, Montea. 2t frein Mr Simpeon lhsd coma saomi baud. fHa tbenght it was alimoat tme that the Couincýlinotify Mvn ýjm118"- thiat if ha had any proposition haiehýIonld subinit It o the Coi Tui e Myor rep'lied thbt th ea me n Mn Simnpion hsd ntevIee(!hum as%, asi ho wasa the bead cf' the Corp)onatoni,ý Mr Simûp3on thcnght that he awss tho propar one te spoach Mea ýedhb Coun Corniîb, sacondad by VU-oiiDeymau, lthat onday, 4&eg 5th be appointait au a CivIc hoiîday Carried Cotin Tainblyn__e'ated that seine menoîth li Ipasses and o ation -hae-. heen taken by the Rnhben Mfg Co. te- wards pîtyitng, the debt tbey owad the tewn for wator suppliad te thein, I.J va owei theuL w6 shh,,id bha ce on te psy It, then why sbonldl they net psy what they ewe us. HaieMvead a eltion daaling oith the question, but it was net seconei~. The Mayor the ta as way to suttila tliisvas hy smile a arrugo- ment. Therà vas ne doabi but that the Comnpany had been pi-omised fres vatar, snd they bad proof te that effeot The Miayor raid a velarmi eua docui- ment freonMr Fergmaon, whe had beon hao a short tino aRc, enduaver- inu to negotista a loin cf $15 000 fhem the towu Ws regnet thst vs have net noin fer il, but Il csrtainly vas ae cn- ricetyi Ooun Tamablyn canauderad It a mAiet ridiculous farce, arid the nman wbo vcuild 9subLuit auoh a documeant te sny Corporation vas orssy The Clark vvât, on ,t ùriennet!aiwtad to pnrchase vh&t .t Ijoas saaeded for drain vor vontemjilalad by thc oiea and Straou Coin. Ceun soemýlsth Introduced the matteer of tu Âcdmss ef Welcme. bolng pro- eentad to the, Methodiat Confarance, whieh -eu In îsessi-on- hcithIis ok, Reve Trebfllock qovad, eecondad hy ConunTe, thrl the Mayor, wlth snob nùAembors cf the Counecl as ho mity select, watt upon the Conferenco, )n Thursday niomniIng snd pressaitaen ad- drasu of veiccine frcm tha evai.n On motion, Ceunicil adiournsd. Zegular meeting hald on Monday, Ju.ncîABd,eve, G. L. McLýaughlirt pnssiding,ý. Members prasenit: Voues. Jobb, Býyers3, ooey anad Bruce. Min- utas c lIsat meeting resd sud en motion cenfimmied. A communication was roceived freon -R. j. Fongu8onà, Pathmsuter, Ro'ad Div. Ne. 14, asking for a lb rigran% on that Division, andaieskg ri- formation as te where gravel should be parchased. From JJAe.G.Manlow, Sec, of Trusýtea Boa'rd, $8. ý No. 5, notfying coweus. tbthe by itî3tuded asking for $100 te. varda Tsachers Salary. stiks of cdar wbich. ho iad on lbaud for cuiventï. On motion of Couni. Job'b the matten vas referned te C ,nes Byes ansd Uooey te ins;pect sud report on. Mm. D. Galbraith wssg îven permis. sien to e asr iiulvert on Rtosa- Div. No. J. Hl. Devitt, A.PJI. appliad for use of Drilli Shed for 'Ladies Aid of SI. Johnus chunch, for an Enttertaiemaent. GýrantedI. On Motion of Couns. Jobb sud Byera the Chureb Wandons cf 8I, John's churcb wera given permissigon tecut dewn sbmuýbbny opposit-ýe he ctory Groundq Aimnan Grnahamn asked permission le 1put ,stone3 un the oad,,off bhis fan. The miatter vas bift with oenu. Byeoa On me ion ef Ceunm. Jobb sund Byes the equiest freom S,.Is. No. 5, vas grau- ted. On motion oi Couns.Jebb sud Hooey the whola Qouncil vas, appeinted a cemmittea te mieet th? Manvars Council at 13 p,fl June lltb, -me thsa Steel Bridge oýn the Boundfry. THE PEOPLE ALL i la Ohrua! C"ried cive, U.4Newlsre's01 'Ibis word of Lateý has beeni in every- one's mouth, and man.' arewaetg has yetbenfud who wi!1 d!eny thakt NEWIRO'S-IIEPICIE des te wormK. Well, fol the, InformatIon oC thouisands of peopleU who Ilike te kInow ail abouit a good thn, we would say tlaat ER'CD m ans esryror k!iler eof epe, Now "eps~is the famIlv y aineoh a diseasocau11sedI by various vegetable par- fa;tfas A ,,,,. 4ý.. a- imiitching scalp, anid falling hIr: thi Is themroe that NWIOs HEPI- CTDE pr(mptly deIstroys; att.-which tise Inrgrews. SoOl iy leading dmn(1rggsts.1 fi c.le Stamps Afor 'sexIle 13te The Heroictde e., troit,. Mfch. -SIOTT & JURY, Spýcial Agents. (J Frder, Jolan ureer and Eiicrale, appealed agairatDog ,RTa, claiminig that it vwaî an errorç-Appeals ailowed Fred veaîs wasa msesFs6d for one dog, Qmitteýd The asso was lnstrncted te change the asasnnof S Hyvland, Con 4 L,9t 11, to W Thomps4on The sssae o f W Par r, Con 7, Lot 2-4 vws (canged te0 W Forder This beig ail the blneseon motion cf Coons Byers anrd Hooey, the ausse muent roli as flna'ly revised was accepted às thea asesament roll for 1907 on m10'ion coudt ad]journed tir. Jon AlGlit, 1 F Iomer Bident c Darlinlon, assesAway atloa alj 1iiýl! Palmesin -W0d. IJt iiiIdiVas ii fil possssioniri and, l b ihl Upe a)f noI tee Id. Fie John albra 1114, hem l IC'an ýi I ý ~ odo~nCuelii 4Sui lngfsti Caaand foanin, vtzue tcwnshipcf1Daî'itoxher ie e-io to ar[rigt, hente Aibr. MNrns HyrscgIlie\ ve1tePomrtenuron, endh. pinvatis, Acemmon te eviery earlyH pioer. g oi-li w:àifc of laenn Gam- FOR OVER SIXTY -VEARS. NonmsWislow' sSootisig Srup lins "Ibeir eblitIu wlsile teatlimg. If dis- turlied atlîigt ed roanOf ormet i)y a s-uclil tfi ius ni cytg i p'ain ti rCiffltg T-ýcatI'issel etone as gef ajletiÀ i"Mrs.Wislw Sts- wlraiaellco CQ'li tile sfee me dictI>'.Depel uenfmJisersCIsr Winsbews Se(Jing Syup" omIuidr n tactisig isleasmnt te te ei s fer "M.Wise ' cethîng Syp." Guaýrntlunler the Foodl Ced DmujgS -t Adln 01,106 aia u Wbr198 DR 1R-. .CAMPBELL. Re-pufi tel(o eLeit S100,O00 ifel Semis Fanîily, -Ckirke, ansi Uai. N. Y. v- i1' ecai erbte f t, ip lalefcu ie a> fl)ic repeti>' deceasil ultî H-ilnim,- c~~~~~~(m cae li atthfI rati aset lac! dI me vexi ivd ic ipr 1>' ar feul' bbc ma"Ii parilt l Canda lime> "' cde a icce îlfI1sle m 11 tli, cl(or h ivel. unknoIvn t lits p lit f iîds cf flcl cs nesi; ha xx 'endtl ttl, p ic laisd ree, cdtcee etfi lce knwem reîcaistts mnws prenîteent Dm'SICampIý lif He A "ld i e l > 1t rf' l ie lace te till.ýisehl et isc lf lofew ie iis xvas Clyliý,DiýEphell' Neisa r ~ ~ ~ ~ - TecueablutelY, Stomach, Liver, Kiney, Bowel and Sklzn Troubles. Because none of the uisual rem edies have given you relief, is no reason why you should not give "Eruit-a-tives;" a good, honest trial. Fresh fruit acts directly on theé thr-ee great eli minating oigans-Bowels, Kidneys and Skin. But, fruit. contains only a minute quantity of the medicinal principles and in order to receive any marked benefit fromn fruit, one w'ould bec ompelled to eat more than could be assimilated by the systen. "Fruit-a-tives" contain ail the curativ e virtues of fruit în a wonderfulJy conenratd orm. 1n1a1 n ?rntatie, the juice s cf appies, oranges, figs and prunes are Conîbinei-. aýnd, by a wondlerfu,-l discovery cf ia famous phiysician, A cheinical change takes place in theo juiea b whchth mdicinal action -is maniy limes inicr,ýased. Thren tonics are added, andc the whole coniprîessed into tabletsý. "Fui-aties " contain n Coelno Casar-no Senna-no Morphine- no -violent purgatives-only fruit juices and tonjcs. "Fui--tye"act directly 0on the Boel, idneys and SI-tanteigthem-andi areuising thiem -ta vigorous action. With the IidmeyshaIhte Bow-els 1nioving regulariy every da-teijver active-andC esof-thie szndigterfulsa( oad rà-hr ai Soc. a box-6 boxes for $2.5o. Sent to, any address Qon receipt FRUIT-A-.TIVES LffMI1TlD, OTTAWeAb los o,' Buttalle te Surregate Hart te ha, ap- poit-a amiffistralter o! te estfll. Thed g e ise pitio , ( lie asIatel are camail l(a iinaensf- iows- 11v, ames lampli reier, Shac rnicCl~Ms zbt rînda MeCu;iclogli, cccINe,, t oil (Janada; ýlJohiý n 1I am ll , broflace, -i Perboro,' Cerand WrrenSeis caile Caad; rvst GilasceEi- bPaW - b GucmuMagat Hear Ced Mlas- ïthaHd, WIcst Suparior;Sarl cet t4iece, Teronte, ae-y pnumoiestads s-ItnestIiii wls tumisis a reweîne mhilit 0 i devatatin ~rugli b>'if. et ei ba (ha ~ Ile patwitmtan censumien, u i [is becmng inoce vll1 i uentemI >fllcr ticail vtete.Cnumto hgnr Slelt l as is-wek nd t ittes n ay-sI -ori boums. A4instco>snpill flim are many reuteies aiil ritacof te t ipiyiaTv ie ucle wuil ie eue- o cumli e iit.s Ifata latim . h l,3qFt LITEBAB NOTES tiseln asdctPitra ui 1bn n>) yt sscd TaPrxr. 1xv th lasvl mnmn wxeldl MoteIlcri may 2t, teLodnSrais cenaaniltIseCanaiansxx'Iele;t Ihei (1! fuit 4f)ite ald viorïïl ilra1 ALBERTA PRAIRIE IMAGEDY. Richa4rd Gaud, anl Old iBommanvi Boy, Persh filonAlberfa's Plains. Meama.Jaolace Jon aud i Bowrnavslle O 111we, hae ret icdli copyo! VhcLes ngees agly Tme et My 2, 107,sentby m. 1. ruc rr'ma iscfti l ýdbterRihd filrated light l atnd vtnIte tsecm bcd'.ite pitMrefalitmagedy Ilxc iebd lof Rchad Gaud ljiita Proince, Can dayerg, afi theý î'eins oi ccî e n cf lad levAiberta, sevrIlmilesfo the littw'ie tI.,n 0f Se dx i l[ ta provIic. HobC Ia ùeIclit cf hersesý A n i lefa cd Il, ick cl i n lun ie, ef fin whcaflaiyise cernl] r o taI s wili incrkeid iilh vè m;GCd a xvellkrîoxn intise istrot u 'Ilc ho lsIl.atve - I l- v m naanilie ii 183, an 'd ilcdnie t eau - wut. tXi 5PCL ilS i, -ts -tmni" LI , It lutatluÇ,Ut- ~Iit finit adnasd>' le eptemar. hi e' "ceues" cd w i!smbuile suijci nîirce:Pbcicog' las- bmta atn' fecl t1a er'ca>'t b1iean hattalsed and 4evercome b>' an of thsetirc ceauîs t tU Gaud, lJr.i , Iretumnal te a 1lnge -- lai r;u- cdtecoelilisi' Lait Octber iter sp)f ove xvhib sh ieid uplic initi es txIilExxnTIF luY * 'pe e f tealhcog i udli c r ýiicin , i '... ic' be hc l ,ti! mît u\ t Afnat reice hc, bit1mcxvifeuit hind lite~~ ~~ ccîuiryii m aios iipitfrHi aitîcuiti et (lie hecutitl"Tu tx isunl iessiie l scîd feut of flicl ci unirftfemaintesteiLs Atgeb to prepaIrfhurlai 7 Q-5 600U iî- -1-44-- 1. -A , - - 1 -1