AUmst Boar signature 01 Seo Pac-Silie Wrapper Below. .uyeau lla das ceasv o keas rugar. ADVERETISIN G IUATES. Thje (an1adian Statesman le publlshed e\ery Wedesdy soiung t the, office 16 Sttsîa Bo K, ing Ytreet, B1owrmzanvile, nt- by M. A. Jamnes, e-ditor and proprietor. Suýibscrptioa, et..5( per ainni, or $1.00 if ps-Id strlctly in avne Advertising rates. transient advetisitug. ten cents per first Insertion; five cents per lino es-ch subseq lo Isertion. Cont -t rates on app1iato. A. E. MeLAUJGH-LIN. BarseSolicitor and Conveyancer. Oflce:-Bleakiey_ Block, RCing Street, JiOWmnville Money to Joan at reason- ablie rates. 48-lyr. rOBERT YOTJNG, V, . ~ O FI CE IN' HORSEY'S ELOCTK, opposite Town Hlll Entranc, where ho will ho found from 8 a.m. to 9) psu. Nlght calis st residence. direct- ýly Oppos ite Dill Shed. 17-ly. SIMPSON & BLAIR. D. B. SIMPSON, K. C., CHAS P. BLAIR, Barristers, Solicitors, Nots-ries. etc, Morris Block. up-sts-irs, King et reet. llowmsanvilie. Solicitors for the Ontario Bank. Private inoneya lban- td st Jowest rates. B.J.Hazlewood, M.D.,O.M .BUWMA&NVILLE. * Oe T. G OLD MEDALIST of Trlutty Un- lverslty, Toronto; Four yeare Atteedîni ~îPhysiclen and Surgeon t Mt. Carmel Hospitul Pittaburg, Ks, Ofice ad Resîdence Wellî"gton Rt. Telc. »bons No. Ion. Voterinary Surgeon and Dentýst F. H. S. Lo)wrey, fl'IONORARY GRADUATE of Otarf e i etertnary Cllege. Toronto. Speclef a.ttontion given te Dentltry Office In Mr,W, Cldwell's Livery Stable.; ilght catis t hie residence, Lorme Villa, Centre Street. 0e r nlght cello promptty reaponed to. R'outa phone no 126. Office 127 B~nife STOCK NOTES TuiE ARcHiER The Archer will stand for service at his own sfabe, Hamipton. Terrms $12. JOIS JOLL Proprietor The Bairrie Bgis Canaa's best production, including Ruibber an.d Steel tireý,1 11 Bepairing and Painting Wm.. Edgar, Carriage Butîlder, Bowmanvîlle eoal Wasell the best gca toi of Ceai at the lowest, 9POSSIblo Pri= . Prompt de- lIivery a n d salisfaction Jlohn Gilbert & sOî1, Bo0wmanville. FULL SUMMER- SERVICE LAKE SUFEfUOR DIVISION-.-Steniers kj, leave ;mi 3.30 p.M. Monde , Wednesey enmd Fiday, fr Saut Ste. MrîZ' Port Arthur, Fot William md Dlt-rdysteamner go,:ing tîhrougb b Duluîh. GEORGIAN BAY & MACKINAC DIV.- Sticses leve Co!lingwood 1.30 pan-. Owen Sound 11.30 p.mii, Tuesdays. Tbursdays and Saturdaye fr Saqutiste. Marie and, way porte. NtORTH SHORE DIV.-For Psarry Sound. Byng mIel anti Frch River. steamer lecaves Coiinigwood 10.310 pm M asynd Fridays. PARRY SOUND & FENETANG DIV.- Sîermer loaves Peneîsng daily 2.45 p.,), or ParrySound an" tvyports. Tkiid s . iaeWýetiQn £froms-a!; raiiway pas-- aegekr agens. CURRENT TOPICS. Trulýy lite la fullif et ar. Nef metrefy f t i itcoreswitl ta ani [erclnir if , ant einemoorpeilsý by ii ani antipeila etfvatr. bt tIc bas lerutifro11 r, laistono ant untid warns us against fi danger tf tee mucli cicwing. BafIor shoultiwe 101f ouùr fod, aller fie ianne eti flice futeilligent dog, finntaylufliccase et im ewt mucili clewýiug La ltoreu Èei et serieous indigestion. Ani in w, 'a ave.meekîy accept'eti f is dctrci.ine uyLrsc a pliysiciau, fs'csl anti rutity treiit hs sixteen days-atst, anti tells us net toeace at ail, Lut drink copionis- !y et spenkling water, for eating ilaa vile hiabit, productive etf maay diseases of tic digcsfive orgens. SfU1R mtirti c are censtrainati tc eeit a coti bah, whidl i lamueli admîeti t cnlai medcaigentlemanj. Olh the rn ot1fic tulb a Les Anges eet ]liiusanti assures us tfltne- bo4dy ess' iti njo a coiti batli, ana tiafmoe, it la dangierous as if 's unpleasant. Wcliat the waten anti You have heard of bicuits-arid read of biscuits-assd eate lci;a- but you don' t koWbicrUits7-Util you try Mooney's Perrectoii C'e-i Sodas. They are everýthing the, the ideal biscuits should bc. 1x1 The air -tiglit, moisture -proof pa-c kage bring s them f0 you fresh, ratclyevery grocer in Canada nas MOONEY'S. Yours will get themn if yen ask. In i & 3 1lb., pkgs. Stole antide Aw,-i«ay ndctiifApa acienktiat. wbeü warns us te teûrbear troua "Dtiny O Nili," by Scu.nas Vtacauus;ý sopif we muat bafith ue, as tbe "Enfer. a Ladiy," by Wili Levningfou,- î.ecet auals, oe isfiecese-t "ieComoret; "A Persoually Coîatucfod Ad- Leqentinailiy o th Anjo-Sa fonvr-nture," by Capt. Ll-oyd Buchanan; l"r atr Feels Hi-a Outs," by Seaah tes-i-t tilaase." Even thee tact that[ Chicester Page; "At the Don eofthîe it ie bwe d e dean canuiit entirclv I Cage," by Aticle Marie Show; "Froua tli neceucile us toe lc lîuglit et a prenai-! turc dernise. Anti sG, unfeti, uný'osheti, w, . go' about eus' daily business or sýeck su gcrm intiestat alicets ticeswet e- tîvion et ail tint mokas lite'beappu-( a' menace. Assuîîing fiat we base slcpt flînce heurs anti a hlai, Mn. Edi- son wakes us up anti assures us fLot in exeesslet lumben we are tiespeiling cuu 1 iafuna' resources anti switfly un- vifing generol dtilitfy. We aise, pos- sbly nluctantly, anti await flic next expe-rt opinion as te fie dcvelopment Cf a log ant iumeny lite. Now, in flic absence et tesfirn'y f'om iMetiîiselab anti oIt Pars', wc mu-t acccpltev-ery suggestion tflilaottetiý on rejeeItt blerall11witli "a piague î'! Lelli youieu ,es ,"fry talix e up te wen exlict aît naatifen. lt"y, faîvoilveti flicgenerel pnhaiciple, 'È'at stowly; cbew yens'r looti," witlioit any splecial enumenatieu et jew moements. Tf ey maintainedtheti doctrine, "Eonly te bati anti rnly te risc," wiltliut de- fining tic exact heurs. They inalaf cd upenflice lti tasiioîaeti Seurtiay niglif soak, wîtli seap anti plcnty etf if. Anti flit. subjecta efthfila trcatrnent liveti te a fine oit age or tiieti young, accorting as Providence tiecrceet, antiwitli ne liauntingag teesafefsleep, onrmef, r ,,a s siontenfng tfi ls'tmys. Ane nana WVarti eiti."We air g verned 2 sint li," anti Anfemus passet(,l iay be- fore, tIic medical exp raniïf be acten- tiicgetry asse efnecierge cf oüui li ig nt eiig, cxii wii qusmr- ify et bisexuerat sellng A cheintut iece e teuoetenl-y wilbe tý)und iru Ite JuI BleitnenttIet, "HeOw Sie'Iqk limes Cougý,iat BEffles." Own Kildarec, w lie las been catîcti "fli lieaypnotigy efthîe limres," lias a jteu sfery entilleti "Thie Nollycoddtle," aý tie et-o Ne\v Yorl<s seerny site. "Tic INoî'tf Pole at Loaàt" is flitoe absurti turns'. "Tic Lady et Fancylaut"i" l s cbarmiag bit et fiction toning. Four- snittes xifl lihep wfrile asvay a surn- erday.,'îLe spciial ariesar:"The D),pfiniiat at Wasliuiagloia,"1 by Aubci'y t.ansfan. "My Ysedv, by Eleanor liLea cbaî'îîdîg lit,' steny et a tif-I fia gufalieti octreas. "Aufemrobiling," I y N- rman 1H.Croesel, a satile en flic cliluýf pres-eut- doy sports. Tic tiepant- ment i[cllet Bobernianan s is wuîg a lîli torseit as beimig "a dprfîu c, iinelafng serions," anti et eveOrytlIfngI î-glani cle-en. Aiiresa Chicago Presa Ci)pping 1Bureauv, 34 ISo-uthi Clark sir~el.,Cbicage conj Maazne lic catees ae Jy ottcîsare"nîutinet."Bey Stannti, Boîtr, nweue thflicpditors etIb f~ ~ ~ ~ 'cL the "Bac Bif l te unf Aeý cen.Walei'Picliard Lafen tescný!ibos "Mo laltn: nu Islanti Oubgrosvn i." a i teri 'iiia nfdl TcIn- witli Wa1tl;iGmN." tteA, Tle oafie Ouglit," by -Jane Belfieef;ý "Augel Peradise," by George Edin Hunt, anti "Isaiafr's Datidy, " by, Elia MMiitn Tyboutt. A porficulanly timne- iy papen b1jy Col1. Willand Fr'enchi is cia- tilieti "Wliy is Perpafuel Peace Impos- sble" Mr-s. Van Vorast contiiutes ana cxLremly eîgagia 0k about French wonikiîig-girf er lives andt tbir rates 3f wges. ILstifle ia "Grisettes anti Miti netes"Elert Hubbard's "Tliouglls on îbefy"are conceufroteti essence. \ ere sufet thfieout cdoor acason 's fnem tfoli ewing 'ieli kniesn aegens: Use Banken, Hilton ri. rcer, Gertrude H1unf.ingtlon Mefliffent, Naey Byrdi Tuirner, Graca Duflîciti Goetiwin, Grace Sbupanti O. F. Pennypackcs'. Belh flic "'y tth-a He-ur' anti "Waluuta antiWin" tepanuacf samply f nîflîl f enpurpos etunsiententainmeîaf lii epetv Lraac. Atitresa, Lîppiucetf Mgaiie W\ashington Sanore. Pbîladaelpl[ia, Penn. Thie s'arieus efforts ft as iecia miatietroma firnate time, by notet swimi- miers, te swina f1,-l'iEglîsl i ianne, arc tAuclict upon in July SuccesMgzn by W. G. Filz-Genolid a iis article, "Anl Eîglfcen Heur 'Swiî-n.' "'fhie ,Moony- shiinens," by H. S. Cooper, fthe first cý.iapte's et whicli appear 'thia me3nt li i, e rn oee icTenessee naounioin- cens. "Tho\WinelesseýýTelegrapli BuLble," l'y Fnaî a yolt, wifli its dramaticecx- pes)sure oetflice pei'atiis oethtic men wli-e have miadthiis greaft discovei'y a bywsord i e reproacel, is coeacitîtin i 'f lis issue. Henary Beach Neetifrnis t-istony et basabal la ceathaucti wffbi an fTýrîesfiug aco/aunt et sonie oet îLe rick pîays hto- bave et lofe yeasa een tievellopeti in baseball science. "'A Quart cf Turquoises," liy Henry Nîfîn-es' Bide- eut; "The, Perarnbultlng Bouse," liy El- l'ot f Flewes'. anti "Roert Gallaline T'otit," by Wiibus' Noabîf. arc fiction feaf unes tor sumunier neodiiug. ."Gljis 4-' fie Dit ch", is aEb)tUt, fKýPiîng.esqucý verse on flic woes ofet Panama Caall wkc',by Atei onnBuunon. 12 WasolyPlc, ewYnkCîy Ho0me Coaaa ieufr July. TeJl NWeman's Home Compamioný is unustýialy sirong flu fiction, lic re being iiiatd ien te fi" -Aîatjie-ny I-ope serial-, shot a/cories by Oswen Olives', Juliet \Vilborl -Toinpkins, JanWebster, cuti Bebent V.. Myraise a two-panf sfery by hlerbent D. W\-ard. Dr. E. E. Hle writes .cf the pleasures et outtieor lite iftfs ri-ntily editoniat page, anti C4enlefteý Pcnkins Olliacitescnibesfthe tiomestie pregnesa et weua-en. Oflies'speciol c- f ides are, contibuteti by Somluel Ar/a- strong H~aiîilten. "Wlîen tlie Gondoea Loroka ShabliS," anti A. G. Bicliortsola, Whvia gises plons anti instructions for building aslra cottage fer $1,700ý. Grace Margaret Geulti coutributes ses- ea pages Wlicli untieubfedly wif 1 pi-ove et tieep intereaf te- fieenmnîne neatirs inuaddition fliere ar tepant- naut s con3ducteti by fi aionalCilît l.ebr Cn.îniteeMrg'aret E.Sagt, em Lyi, Ane S eBelatsn son SurNwYn iy AVAIN DESIBE. 1 wan11f 1tego bot'flic'ltiborepac Ant sin enti th i dfront gte lu1W flc cool, ean rspl'ing oud av m I log tekuce on ic priniehýuse lo Anti sfton flie isfep Iv h, tic ideuee Anti tream as jI used te ieo j wmîît fego bac1k c'en li lngh ln Fergctfug fi pnitietintamanlmnat pay For îfli c percat (et fotuîjeP'Ssme 1 want te esmep fno hfe noise aid tlie IAndti fliclsiernlng of nne-a Butilic'iprbbywant me t) g o t IfIwantiered eut tiere agaisi. HOME COL1LECTIONS. I wasn't but a 1f ttle boy Wlien I cellecteti buttenflies; Anti next I fLook tt postage sflirps, Andt len cigas' bands were flic pnize. 1 hati a lot etf birtis' eggs, tOe, Anti liorseshees,ý-se<mýe were, reti wifl rnst. Tic emotsaiti tliey cllettdtnt But mofler wipicintte mmdl For sic ha(! a cojlleo, tee, Anti sbewed me juat fi lic neeCstl- A babys caýLp, ýa aafpksie A ruliber eew. ,1 yclîexv mun, A,1 leltuf-, iik it bles, I ie TAnd fuff but e tin 1îaaIf ie IL wasn'f aubetiemn, b-ut wien if.cernes tel epbgtJhinga, Slic gîves me poinitera, yenieau bl t selti or sweoped iineng oge.i But nioten hoscler rubifti yct FOR OVE1 SXTY YLiRS Mr.WnsengSolig yu ias bnueI lyll t in t melreto fiaci eile 1pulil elii. î turet etnilatieke iiiflyeur rsi by a illilt uf riganicyigwt pac,ýinf Cufig eefi,snti a oceanti get a bettleci "Mis. \Vis-ow's Stotl th rergultas t(i c],sftacl nt and cues WintieCo'i, soffeus ic Gnumses ne- tri" United niî,tes. i1-iceiwnyfv cents a Lottle. Sotby ailt imnggists tfîrougbeut fit wrt. osueatiai ton "M rs , nse'sSoffg Syrupr."1 Guarenteet iunii' fie Foti niDrags Acf, June IfOfi, 1906, sen;i iieliunbr 1U918 A SIGN 0F1,THIE SIES. Hîstoriansinerr us tiahIe Emperor] Cuastusintine fic re, hnalia 1a previon te f b comenceent thfei batfle whicligaincd fer bim bis crowa, saw suspentieti in mtiaira arge fiery cirosa ; andt fit arthe vicfery lhe Le- crnme a cenvernt te Cibisfianif y anti adoptedtihficsga etM tli,,cross as is bag.Antid oef ro in efimei icreeion hbas Lee neseettugit courrse infise icy tuaion antfi- enfighteuiment flicstagesecalei ret viewcti \\[IiIi i fb om i fePrrer1 whici if voei ic tiays et icli- dem, r a ie drkWgsetJedlc A beauitful ist oe tf 1is s1tirling touna eof laifingjýli,,ecrif h île avas titving deug eoe thtose 1loi efy caf. roada wbk Ici ieii Le dlfficenît te match for naturellibty In any part eti tfia worlti. On eaci ide efthfe e atiw :l igliantid cueqeirglrbde miti tîmnet town f alog trf î un£, by ývthe vandalIlati et fioewb ar d<lespetling tflicç_euilyret fs ,beu yanti mrbing flche Intiscape et 4)ifs grýeafest chermi, Lut a luxuriant festeeni 1aifft garlantietisylvan cepse;: lare a teei ie;atlery spray, et travelr ey ir a ixretiticiapliet etraceres etic ýhtlInlaaniliand-ilme sonnet bcýrry of the, bliibyey rlere&aali bush ot tlic, sfnking ati serewli iare iilti leayrese, ant(i oaneriple ber- re.Antid w fat aturu etiltic iroadthti sporkting sea-sc'ape bîîref s upon fi" îcthe rend soskýirtf lic s,,a- sie, fietam -eft fic rain ae But feir rnlareheautfl antiner mor Wn rIll(petit oe' lc s ietanl grec, ani s itinys tig uti vcw anidsint flegi in fI l noonday; net ectagula,iiLut siapeti somewliat likea S. Anirea crss.Ani tire if bang, gi~tcingfau pale-, larbnet giew fliugl lid L it eent iifwoulti tiufls ase aline \vii.a Lniliarit, quie 7azlin)g fine untýilsrnitA fatied ai ayotaving a mer\r nyr te Le dimmeti, neyer tei Le torgof feu or oblîter- Aye, anti wlat d&es fieecross mean t the %vorld? An ernanoiiipation roice cî'uclfiesandtih b e )rcera et heallin dora ; a tl rac pardoýi n t 011 'iifl Oc ct fic Griieat Aklonomenit maie tbyflic Son eofGeti ticreen; :ai dan elerual in- lieitanecefer ail befýievers, lu a reailm et urpassing i,neyer cuin-iig plea- surýes antiid ecivbegleî-îes anti 1 liiLies. 1 Deu 't Le se liazy.Thenesplcenty et rom 0f ithe t, atiyu'rc clever enoûi gi te g,,t i!ire"P"ut," replicti t-lic~ ~ ~ ~ ~he laygans Lîkbo vrit is NIP 1-r IN THF_ UD, liIrat Appearaece of D.indrilly a Fore. r s e r o f F u t ur e a d e . Thatusncb e rIthe case lias beenüoni-ý c1usl-vely proven by sintforesearcu.' Prof. Unna, the notnd Erpa kht ipeaîit, declares that dandlýriff le the reurowe-upcuteleof the ecalp caýust-d, Phy Parasites dsrofgthe tliyin the bai- 'bulb. The haîr beýconmes lfeless, ia1,(1, In ti me, faIls out. This can be pre- ventedj. Newbro's E hicd ills tb s andruf geri-r, and restoes ith hair to ls natural egoftnass and abundancy. Ilerpir- )de is now usaS by thousande of Peoprle-qll satiafied thlat t le thse Most 'wonderful bs-irpreparat1on on the mna-- ket to-day. rSold by les-ding drugglsts. 'Send 10c. lu mtampm for sarnpla to The 7ITarpic!da fCo., Dletroit, Miels. Two sizeas-50 cenIts anid $1.(0. STT'& JURJY, Spýciai Agents Fashiion OAE F LINENS AND M USLINS. Lfnien dresses trfrnmed fl clotare an anomaly, but in the ndavrIole original Uthîs idea lias been evolveinti t effet i-s ,,-)d. Strappfngs 'eL, whFt cloth on a .1,telinen ire-'i, shoW' up weff, for the dve Ito uraeprlo duces a pre(tt ypfy t igii ad aade. More srviceaie areflic wbfng tim- mings, er fliewboleîgwn can lien Le submitted l lie laundrly. AtIe an dres, nomater lew f 1strinmcd wii nef fook selwcll a fr befng fniflic wash- tub as if dfdbeo, and if is w olihwbile b'ý send if iobofi more costiy, but aise more ei~tfstf, pcesýes of the protes- sionaf leaesuilposing fl, te Le sui-i c,ýentfy daî nfy fn mke te Le wortli keep- ing in finecondf ltien. Coarse gufpure lace ,ai rclICl crochet are the rnesýt lar- mnfous t iimings for linen. For tb more defut y cettoni fabrics, sueb a ifste andtireerf-zcdcotten. voile anti lawn, a seIectieýneofue -of flie timngl a Le ecntid.These ther uself fain slfcoer obt e fr~mingw~tilflfbieo lic gewn Mulins ý,r tae iookfce, ned contant etteuffn Ilih tfmê te lia)'hML worn tilIey abulife pgeneovrfha boict iren. Tbey crumpie eesily, andi in t liJsý condiffen are f ar from levely eL- jeotls. Tliey ouglif te Le unlinedi thet fs tO saýy, worn wftli a separate sfip, for conveenoe fn launtiering. A geniufnie runsin washes te ipro- l rb9 1, Ibut, cfû ths, fifine laver o i the pa)ýýnted geuzo the oarefcl, s eye mnay et a 'glance take for re mu slin f an.efber stry, anti iusf go e hlean crs. Emridi:-,eret i muin vreifn flireatd atone wffl wasli as w(f1 as flic ptafn fabýri c;-and Ifrffis cen L e satisine- furily "gibf p" Ly a cwmpetent laun- dress. "My sprigged dimify," ýseidtheli bette et ,6 te lier tirewornian,, ,vbcn slie wanteti tI. *\car ber daîntiest fr{jck., For a Luni dred ycrs- anti morce lidmitleshave been summier arîstocrats-coolI, fine, sflky in texture, anti; ,ith patterns runît" matolietd for dîstinclion and daintiness. Tlie weave nex er h las change'd, -if efways lies been fli c prfcfýýon of Lest Irish wo-rk: but no te mkes ave copteti delea ernci foa atenstripeti ettets aii amen i ldots l ifs carspaf- terns co'veroa Vaire[f y ofisL, le eyr lie- fre-, ccu in dirnffîcs. 'fýic cool derk blues ndso0ft D utl blueiarc p ccîalfy appeeftetlndtfie ifgbcrcff cfseern more cwifc iii fLan evr. No mefer ani rssfi frin ii ascore etj pretfy, v;,ys flie tfmy allmark et dîsfînc- FASHION NOTES. A present wlifmoetheli Parfaienne is black taffeta anti mousseline de sofe diresses. Slme offlihe most chaermfng ci, th gowns dfsplay voluminouSsîcleves ,cf monusslifne de soie >set in1 wide eria- Loijes; ecre in bLieci cloth4fl lseeves et green chiffon anti a yoke of foiLet lace. A black taffeta tiran;fot atedt aîucli approx ing atniýiqon lied a box- plaiteti skiif,tfelic Lrecs on theb otIlce linnging like e stole anti falifng te flic feet in front. Thie upper part et flihec-cor- sage was frnwbite, lace, ouffineti wttli blue andti vite Japaniese embroti,, flhic outer aleevaes în taffîita ant Ifl,,ic unde eues fn golden brown marquisettedot ted wffh golti. A scinrf 0f Hava ne Lrewni crepe dec cil,, lboideredi withbbieý fi avers and[ l lHavane sfraw cloclie bat,, Itiimnft iaiineth bflillue, gave flic By li wa, tesecripe de cine scafa wlici re e ucl senjusf no\v, awmtein every eccfai tint ot brew, an giv e oaracýteraie note to f b~sîmicstblak tress. Sfntri st Uis mlore flian hoiti their own, cspeciaiyfufi tor-matie ge\vn. Tbey ae parîcuiai smrt fanflic long strafgf coat iso muli von by Pari s- lear nes, lt,,u fic Dncteire coats, witb Ilng. arwrvr opencti on a front ef plaffeti trilla. 1 le stripes are allways mode up vertically. A curfous fefturcetfsome etfflic latesf ba0ýis is flie y show netifviing uine 1 wýe, flhiccrewn andt ttîebrirn. Some w ojen er teseliets set rfgbf back "Yes," alie telti hfîn. "Cerne agaîn- corne lu y'our air-slip." Witi a wiiti cry et despair, lie turneti anti fleti. WILL FOFfTHCC}MING. He-Se your husban4 lias given 'îp smoking? 'f toit ~wants a pretf y Sf rong wîtI. Sbe-WeIl, Ive gef eue. DIPECT DRA n FT L DAMPEJ ~ There àliznodus nuisance in cennectien with thie Sunisinen Because the Sunshine is fitted wih. ~ > a dust fluie (sec illustration.). ..-ei»' V When yeu rock Cen h ashes (no back-breaking . , te ars shaking with the Sun- 0 the fire-pot te o shine) what dust the smeke-pipe, .~ arises is drawn -Y? .. as shewn in illus-tra- frem the s . A ~ Ien, wherê it imm-ediately pan up the:.. ~ ascends te the euter air. dust flue . Only twe thiings te remember then in cennectien withi this eperatien ~-/i~<s.-epn beth the dust and direct draft Sunshine is just the cleanest, sîmi- M * plest, easiest managed, greatest labor saving furnace that yeu can buy If yeur local dealer dees net ~ handie the " Sunshine" write direct te us fer FreeBoke S-AS «'lin Clgr Too.o Totrnt PEinr4IrGTO,, RS ntr ing. girl lier tirat salary envel- ope, or fa nef ifieti et lier fiast promotion os' 'aise in saaary, 1 believe thatflic fiî'sf vocation mark5sflic most importent ena et lier wage-earning iistery," writcs Anna Sicese icharsinfaWomau's Itorme Cemîpanien for July. "The tvo wcels cri salary given Ly mea rors sive fiî'ms anti oppreciative individueli ernploe rs shoulti Le regaîtictias flic st&'l op f the ecplï,yc!s"- tphea fa rewarti t ofucaf- ,efforts. \V Iien ifa e- cepteti as a îiglit it is robbet et ifts5 in- .dis idual significance anti mueli etits ceai pîcasure. "Vaafin lnitibnn9-et or rafler receale,:!te Muscles anti n1,r-î .'li l,,,[nef ueccssaî-ily mnu obsoute qiet. alina novel anad a box eelico- lofes. il tni)canrs chiange et seen, move- mecît nt f lie-uglt. "Tices-h iiteacier or wirnr aa snmal towu shoieul ec i ut for a broatien viewpeint. If will lac gotifoi ber tInviif sonie hîsfling city with gal. lcies, muscuma, yes, ni- meto gardu anti gotirestaurant-s, as wc4llas pintoe histenicol faf crest. All irOugilien' cliaci term aie lie-a livet in an atmos- plIh(ire et pet ty gojsaip aéntilias b Jngv- ri,, fonthl, acyer tma ingispirationi fIrcm otiers. NoW let ber ftfaway te)s- city wlerc flieeefa ne gessip nn 'neýigli- honing,' wbcre lier iceminga anti len go- inigs are 'nef watcbed anti criticize, a nti wvlire pensons anti thïing-, wftl ýwîiei - spiratien anti ncw thouglits foranfle yean's werk. SIc wilf net 1fiilcity iteP i a simmer -extravagant. 1Hotel -ani bcoartiing-beùsce rate& are gcýnerally lower, tunnîsheti aparLmeuta ca -uie e uft- el Ly a couple oe t unur teuistln, town tfon a omparative asorg, atii la tcw simple sliorf-wafstsuifS, wI)b-)ppro- p Iate iat , aioca ant;ýi goe, ifui'- mminufctned y ffin i-king Ciiu- yang as antyas198 . C 25 AN E HIS VA4ICANT CAN WiE RECOMMEND YOU ýFOR ONE 0F THESE POSITIONS? Ail over the countny business boues are installîng special mnodernized systems, designed individually for their own businesses. And as they -put in these new systems they want men irained in thieir use, Who are capable of stepping right in and taking hold. The directors of Business Systems, Limited, continually in touch Nwýith the largest commercial institutions throughout the Dominionwhich are inistallingq these ncw systems ofaccounting, are frequently asked te recoenmiend men te take'charge of offices. Right this instant, they have a num4br ,of positions in which they could pllace capable men,,if they had men whom dshey Icit they knew enotîgh about te i-ecommend. In orden, therefore, that they mighýt have men v ith whosd- woirk they are suiffieiently familier that thcy mighit feel safe te i-ecommend themn, tby have arranlged for- the stas'tîng of Business Systems Commrercial Sehool. Business Systems Commercial Schoel will aim te fil a de imte field. .Where tbe ordinary Busîiness Schtool educates bookkeepei-s, Business Systems Commercial School will get away [rom ail thle stereoîyped roùuine that bas se long heen consideradzn neccessary part eto a business education, and will instead, give practical instruction in îthe methods of office systein es adopted by modemn commercial ho(uses ail over the Dominion. Business Systems Commercial Sclbool ahýsolutely will refuse te turniout as a graduate anny.student Who is net thnoroî'ghiy capable. Ai.ming ut a high standard of excellence, pupils enteringm sn 1ysesCnierilSho who) caniot comne up to a certain standard, are given a preliinary training befoee h eing placed nt the regular %work, se that when these pupils have gradnafed tbciiy wîll be capable of stcpping ïin, taking hold ai-id FJIlig the best Positions. Business Systems Commercial Schooi is nof caterhng te infants, aimd the clasaý of students, who, whetn they leave scboci, are tbtrust ouf b-y tlheir parents. te taire a year in a business collegec, mostly because their Parents do not know what else te do with themi. Business Systems Commercial School wants brigh[t aud aggressive young men sidwometn whio are th'emselves determined te succeed. Business SystemeC(oïmmercial Sclhool cein bring t'ne rungs on the laidder of success Jdoser tegethe-r, but the student bas te lift his ewn feet. Are You the kind of man who lifts bis own fe2et? Il so, write for part1cul&rs. Fal term hegîns Tuesday, Sept. 3rd. 9 48-52 SPADINA AVENUE (Near îing) - - -TORONTO, ONI.