BOWMM VILLE STATION. GorNGE&STGoING WEST Mai ...... 906 a. M~. J*Expres-. 4.40 sa lM 4Zxpress- 10 10 N Local -.. 7 57 > 4 Mixed - 5 6 p.m. I Fssajngr-l86 P. M LOCýAl.. - 6 49 p.m. Mixed.. 7 83 ' Vàt. certain points sold in aceordance ~wth speelAl holiday rates annouieed in another column wUi not be honored on trains Nos. 1lor 4 >/OT JUV o~wr.~rn Agents IWhen We test Eyes IIt Is Done Pr operly. STOTmI& JURY'S B1)AUG% X1AIN S - - No 1 A b)ox of Taicumi Powder free witi ever7y Soc bottle aif iorida Water. No, 2 Babv's 0Own Soap . No 83Iland Seýrubs 8 f'or e N4Whisks 8ec, d , e , -No 5 Comibs J- off. i ~ Z iO.Cf eaCih kind for I ,ý1 00 or 25C for a sinzgle INo ip f)od, uplis i ilkids yýour ebjîdiren gou) yu balby, saur bouse or youir dogL No 8 Best Beef Iron and Wine 75e. No.9 b 100c CALL AND SEE IL 1IM.I Stot)ýt &Juy The Druggists and Optieas Test Eyes It isi ne Properly. I PTICIAN ;NCE Thorýe -01 îk anci ro dang, er ,o! , ifjorY 10- cnr iglit \, eu I toIt ytsj. tel ,ItrttioAl odtosv ti y u1O id. odynh andyscta, Pfoleur asesv &L JurL zy, cirait Op'ieai Coîbege, îw Yark ScS~ aI ai Outies, inadian OptEs-il Collage, ,uadi-i Opvhalrnie Cailege, Dr;. Pitce - I flt~1ET51 A WTt7T? T ti A TTfj ~ ~ a j NY DLlJ.1 iiLýi, -, 28.U !. *-19- Mr. G. E. Bal, Toronto, visited friends bore. IMr. Frank Jackman, Toronto, spent holiday lhere. Mr Ilarry Baskerville, Toronto, vis- ited. bîs mother, MViss Agnes Coxwey, Toronito, is with Miss Arvilla Co~x Mr. Hubert Higginbotbam, Toronto, la home for a sat Miss Neva Sûaltb, Orono, reeently visited friends in town. Mliss Pheobe Moore, Port Perry, îs visitlng iront, jackman Mr. ani Mrs, Travers, Napanee, re- cently visited friends bore. Miss Nellie Hislop, Whltby, la visiting beor unc!e fMr. Wm. Hislop. Miss MillieJackson bas been hollday- ing witb friends in Oshawa, Mrs.JR. D. Davi'deon is visltlng ber brothers and sisters ai Caniton, Mr, Donald MacsDonald attended the funeral of bis cousin at~ Barrie. Mliss Mlay Gi, Fort Erie, le visiting ber cousin, airs. F. R. Korsiake. Mr. Albe3rt Hîtint, Brantford, is vis- itin)g bis uncle M1r. Jlesse Haut. Attend the lawn social ai Mr. Thos. Bottrell's next Tuesday evein. 'Mss, b. Paterson is Visfiuig ber sister Mr. eo. HEancock., NewtonVllle. ISs Ethelighan, Lindsay, is visit- ing be cosinMiss Leta JaeksoU, Masterý Archi(-G. JamesCobs, is viilg bis unele Ms. LM. A. James Mrs. G. A. Smitb', Los Agls a. bas be guesi of 'Vrs. J .Ift Fin1kie. MrS A. L. Brown ,iiifldaiughter RIuth! atre visiting- relatives ai Waïterford. MUrs R. Crago and Miss Ruby rg vîstedMrs G.L. tevens, Peterboro. Mss. Mo%1rrison and snTorontio, arei spenLin- vacation at Mr A Barber's. Mrss Ait, Todighami-ý, Toronto, is vîsit, ing- Mrs, W. W, Aln anld other frierds MýissesS tella ai 11elFb MasNI are spedin hoidas aongthe 1000 l15. landsl' Irand Mtrs, Fred Rheder aiid dÎaughe Rul setV vsited frie1nds1 s Mui bS hbouda-,is ai bis uncle'M Mr. adMrs. A H Griflini, INew York ity, are vistlg er sister MyssRe, T.WJolliffe G~ o D'irbm RuberCe.excursio)n Friay uguW Oh b osoor0Éto 'and Mss iWm. eonnel dMis5 L. Pr Ll.E. W j!eï %andýMissF.WiileyTor- alli, wee guepSs i;f" nelirL. Cor- Gardûiner, M.D )ever, Coi, are vst an ai Ms . A Basr1,1ýi-'s. Mr &d Mss, Wmtr Glover and Mrýs 301ti1, OsÏb--awa er uet o wir, Tîoran,.to, serent the holday a Ms. nd ss.G. P.Freeland an guesi ai M. R.JarVi. MisaWLbteTnroLtc, wrg. Miss htte ver he hoiday lies hoJpsN 1di1 ec j "U.aen~at~ aN w ok Jsm-twnan RihmndjVa Msi' MsJhnMys ubauh ïe, alWetn ae enget of~ ~ tl cusnMrJ.N Lwre L,{E.~5. Misu Editb Mas Reary, BE , slsrraî~d- ist n isioderus sud Engli0h us Napauce Colt, plate nstiuie, bas h'e Iapî'oint~ cd ta ti simulas position au the tain-bing staff ai Bowraauril:e ugO Schost ut a saiart- ai i8oO a yeas. 51.> lItumv causes varq h ghls seeauîmceded as a ta, cher aird as a lady, bbc is pe An glicun lu religion. - Mi'. W WTambl;u, M .5. at-i Mss Tambîru, the Misses Pertha L sud blrr.trîce Tamblîn, Dr W F Lmrnblu '4r IV P Qreeî-wand ai Thu Toraivo Vs'ar>d sud fomily, sud M" 5V F T"eb~ ir cocu sud wîfe are aIl auj-s un"' ibenu- C~ires gî-estly ou an i land, et Wasr uronSo XVtrr'f. îch nt txcn usîlco fi--s -r lu- qùêdiè-àïiw '17 ûn7 Rd F. Weekes Torouto, ~penîCivi~ holiday ut home Spaciel tralu wili Rave Bawniîusille ai 7 a. ni, Friclar Augusi 91b for Taran- 10 aud Nuag.tra Rails, villi tho excur- sion cf emolo~ecs cf Dushan Ruhbes Ca. Ms. sud lr~, Vs lu. (sua, Miss Bartha sud Masier llsrc'la Cana sud Miss Jeen Ted , ci M~s Cclrlia Orano, ara ~u- air ont ~rg nu lic Kawcmtha Lakes. M~' ccd Mn A~sx, Leekhari sud d,-nn7'Lrtnr .r id Ms, sud dOrs Bowrss, 1'or'.sr-în, v~no ~ been 4, iOns' Ms. auri Mre M. A Luchissît, bss~ ~urn. r homo. r îU F"ssu~t e Ecoin" ina lii.iceu ~r~osl druglitar r t >l~. J bu Dr~aers, br ~, ['I. .'s~ lbo'î L s> s ~.. îxh, >0 >1 sas f Ms 10 e~ il Dasurs, lsaw~, ru e J, ne e r ,rcîrs, ru O 13 .W~ an sng O Ibo?, os I L'E ~2 - r' rsL' clrrssç, 't 4 3) . - i b' tb~, lies Gucli A Ilassar. ~ > .s f O>rdrviilt ~ i' s n r - i S.r, O/ar' s l-tasp~t. 1, i-~ -- ruteu, - , 15 >'ceou>paE.'ug ha - ", ut L, s u,-'0r'sns- wile aI the Id-s soc; rru XEr Larrmbis, ta t,î~ î r V c~ ici,, Id C Oa Ibai" jau~~ 'e" Ibve' 'r ,lsp a~ Ye!çoy StJrQ, 4h. te" a mrm >. - lier ~o, du3r Victss- I r-~ a, vs k rî- 5> - I niake an exleudad sisit wîrb lrs brother sud aider la Xveoiî,,as aiR- whicb she Wlli strîtisu - . ne 1cr' bas .rOS'îOîr rsrb ber parents i'~". sud Ms.> Uic ad Vnrttr, Bawman i île, j Obus Q~isr~ s e0510E)>3crtta 15 axis-lIent, Rcai'ls cainnîn la goad Ibis weok, Csaipb-d r rd Iloîald wiiî ual issue a papes f'r ~wa vraies, Tire tbaff are JIIOUSE IiFEPEIi waplc-ci ai once, 1213 C b Mu'a'ou, Concession et. Bawmu-r. " O, 32 t! Pcwm~uvIllo bsril s'a wera b~atan by Tl,~ TtIsLl~s ~s St sumitherys clubs, T routa. C~vra hîrhday, 122 ta 48 sud nîs sau ai pe, died Fi If yon bave noves been ta the RaIls uow le yaur oppofînuliy. Go te ibe Durbani Ruhirer Ca', emplayese' ex- cursion au Frrdsy Augusu 9th. Baud concert tItis (Wednesday) aven- iug, Ffrds',' 15 tisa day ai Ihe Rubber Uempsuy excursi -ru ta Niuigara Rails. L~cl les, vo mus ite sO~ ta eau sud Ste t'rc uew styles lu Be~ts a' d Coliars. ke cire lia 'e a great variety ai fancy l1nehmu~ for o'sllrrrs and nies nng Tt tas ion te ius~ech tho~a linos as se s ura e a spoclaît'- ai sm',ll wesos ai Nichr'lls' Pool Card Albums 5e. aI Nir..hol.s, Lites'rrj cotes are ou an iauer page. A rsice reirerrhiug' ctrirrh, 11a3r12 's bIsa! Les. ~)pE.cnts Bs J0,itduiz~5' sud Childrse's bss'cc. a' ham et F. h. I-la ldy's a~. If il .Ol~oUO5y Ner -n.~.. loess gel 1m~ o to J iii 1, iE."S, tus 25e Ext,.~. ICCI, id coluoî.a~-wll ha fcuad an na lu rda îs-.~e- SaC Il lut Hall Grocer" a, e'iai.s on Glose 'tnimbers aI SQo'. 7~ sud Sî.0o 1,cr dae, If yen don't gel one ai eus cu~alogues s> nd us word os cati und gel ans aI f Raid sud Psar~'o, Niagara Falis I If yau visb ta enjou a nies axcnunîou, go witb the Duthani Augari 9>ls. Cheap rates--sue ar'ivt. Ses the new dinnes wa-e ci China lieU Grecery, A new stock pattera. Yau eau hny a dinuer se: as yctu vaut. a fese places ut a lime or a Et haie set aI once. Ibe geods sud tise pries viii pIeuse 70U. D~n't forget thal ave saur girls huis tnp ibis seasan. Tai r. bas ta tha Duthaun Rucher 'Jo's exeursîan ta Niag ara F~lls Lois ai dancing ou the PERSONAL Mr. James Moore, Brooklln, was ii town Frida. miss Emeline meMustsy l is fitlng tb4î misses Stephens11. Mrw. (Dr.) Potier, bas been visitini tfriend. in Toronto Lawn social nt NMr. Bottrell'8, Tues day eveulng Aug. 13. Mir and aira A Mitchell and famili, have gone to muskokza. Miss Gilimour visited ber cousin MisF Carrie Hawkins recently, Ms. Arthur Beilman, Toronto, visited bis parents bore last week. Mr. and Mss. J.McI, Lifford, re- ceintly visited friends bore. Miss Carrne ioenigk la vlsiiing Miss Gertie Roenigk, Lindsay. Miss Coralie Adair ise onjoying two week's vacation in Montreai. Mr. (i. A. Johinston visited bis siser Mss. W. HE. Giddy, Port Hlope. Miss Pora MeInty re bas been visiting Mise Mabel Walker, Port Hope Annual plenie of Durbara Rubber Co , Frlday Augusi 8th tu Niagasra Fabls. Dr. T. H. Hazzard and T. D Eliiotr, Mlllbrook,, sailed Tbnrsday for Glasgow, Mr. Ricb. Moors, Brooklin, bas se- turned fromn a trip to Frlendship, N. Y. Mr. Lorne rank of The Revioew office, Peerboro, is holida 'vingai home. Mss W. Il. Williams is Visiting ber brothier air Alex Patersoýj, Rictimond Mrs, Forbes sdM_ý1ýiss Leslie Forbes, Gnelpb, have been visiting fnlends here Mr V PllarY VaiIngà1f -erso;i. was";se ce-nt guest G!fhbis qîster Miss Flonewe Vanu. Pl'tmsa. mr iand MrS, larry Caun bave returu. ed! from Qýuebee and a trip onte St Lawrene mrs John .Reneland iree sons, Tos- onto, arl-,tin ersitrars Ueo. J. RwCbureb et. Mr. and Mrs Artbur MDual North BI.v, h-ave visiting i's fathen Mr. _!rs. .McDougaf. Uiiier aî_d Mr. Her- ryfieson, Toroto, visitGd inde in Por-t Hope recentlv. Mst. Dudley Gougb axnd MAiss Ada TylIer, Trntspe"nt the civie holiday ai Ms, Pbnilip Tlrs MrfR. Deverîli, cobalt, w h as been isîtig hieparet iWhiltby, vle osrcenly. mr andMr. F H Alann and ltwvo ebldre, indso3r. are 518în bs mohrMss H. Minn,' Msîi, Fred WV. MClng Xeilaïnd, Ont, doppd i bre ans xgbt s wee 1 se bs noterand ier Missda MAllan S"., ist ing~~~~~~~ýig bearte s eo1 MCeln Mange o te oyl au, oniher aiss Ad Deaco, B Ast hm s~swho as een njoyng plesàn "-'r', R- b'O~i,"XLtt SP arr., h~I0g dire .2 'rit, t oct il,- 111< -s~het ,- r -'p i g~ d~"crri -1,,> - r, o .rlciî s' s 4 bit-k h ors t' h,. stiblo v 'r r r- t.' or c. ILr,' a rie i a rOco e i ni h te (te ii Fie' i~, lOt ix rl~, Jr> 1.. FOi) SALi Q îr-.s r i4~ ~ liEr-c - r Q on 5v, >5eus.-vrsiila a r e5ro -, -iri aid ,.Jt rîto.; ~ rn, "vi' St', oo, E -rt--ru i~c iv, r Or '; . ,> 10 M rn-'> r ' r, E.> rylil ~,, .>1-.' OD l'h>Q LB r 3V xs W - don b ce s Lvnd 's. -o r>'aslrinrg. -t r t nar tir, G ,,d ,~ 'r,,, rer r tir-r ho .4jc-e1en 10 i clvi rrt g>'rr re'rr r. Fe ptrlîviilart .tmly to~irs as ve, 30 Esît St , Le dort. si ~ 1151 FOR SALE. 7e acres, lot 20, >0- C, (tar-hi, et ir iv r - o!eudtd stoîr .10> go, 'I 0ntbuiidirr~s e irir ste, e Sîshier, '~1 ARM *1 nst.e t tire a -ff a lot r ['tsev as Rend the fous lunes pages. Grand Trunk traffie le hoavy. T. J. Cole. advertlsee bosses. Good borne for sale. Se advi. Sunday was brighi and pleasant. See the Cushion Tops at Niebolle', 19e. Days are getting pereeptibly sbonter. Nýow for barveet homes-exuuct lawn sociale.- Somethlng now ln Post Carde at MDYfOuInd- lilquire ai STATEI Neasly as niany local items are on au lunes page. Babcock milk test le explalaed on au lunes page. Oranges, Lemons, Plnes, Bananas, at P. A. Haddy 's. Pusse blos Finder please leave nt STATESMANoffi Ce. Excursions have been tbiek but the beet le on August 9, Men spend more on a habit tban for ehunch and ehaiîy. Obituarles of Rufus-Baker and Albert Ca% ley are ou lu nespa.ges. -S. S. No. 3, Darlingioni, promotion exame are on an lunes page, Temperature tnok a sudden drop last week, ovorcoats h;eing needed Canadian Pictorial sbould ble lu every bore-sos notice on lnes page. W6. prepared a loi of ntutv mi infor luside pages ibis ýweek. Subsenibers, coud STATES-MAN (- 10 Ja. b, 1908, to a fiend. Pay u1s325e. Deaibeth by drowDiug areý fan too freq uent-ico înucb carellessuess Cobou g agstig the terminus nf Midland nailway iroM Pont iTope. Dr. Simmns sayc mian thinka ,Switbbis tees-c-,ee bis resss on an iln espag-e, If-,on eujov ge)cd baud îinusie go to- Dutrbam Ruibber ex;cursioni Augusi 9'. Aiititoýx;iin l iphtiberia -bow anti. teXin le mad ce. Read lb ou a ïnother Meet me ai the China Hrall Grocesy. 1 want some ie cf Haddý 'e ideal Tea, Il is deliciaus. Wep are headquariers for eeybn taleupý-to-ie mniibthebQlocilino, RodandPers 'IRE STATESMAN Wffl be sont 10 a noeW addelr e, Ss lu Ca n ada 0or GrLeat uB ritain tho Ja-n. 1, 1908, for '25e. The peoloe sayý we haVe the flulesi lins ai Oxfords lu iowUý , Lano sses tbem ai Reid and Pearu's. W1ýomen'e Page in ibis pape s isvory goedl-.tbe t drocipes, useful hbt, w a-sbday und fashion blute "On the Fanm-t" coumIis we telle bo ta cd disry cws d abou cows tbat pyaut cow.s ihai du't by, readiug ibhe pa'tichle atidë Col dn ses ber belons ho died",en an tb ageC. Brool lingardn paiy-se luide masu' be fiu! nd ou ansinsiie -page tini A !")t o! mucli suddresegoodseýl ing ffaway aublwc aea hall (reTiCuh Jbc rd - niau'n'. rjn sapl i 90130e et ru e e flason & Sons' Ira ta vi tas assoie ~s r rasa svsrarg I adi'rs' Shirt ~Vass.. ~' coL ,a'lo uc'g ~3.OO frr..,..,. ,, ..~. ¼, Ludi.s ,, ,, o ,, ueg.$'7~ foi'. ,,...,, ~i2(r0, Lsrh~ 'Lue Shirt WaL S h Lary e.l'.lE. v Rh wL t,~ p'4~ca CE. , v/ny p:e'u~ r> g ,~> r.EU hv ,, ~ ~3,75 Ltklrsc' >v»Lsie Id-LUI il tJrJiet,, - E. ,~ ~ ,..5 .,,,.,..... t r2lfe' C',X0E.,, (ie,'î's'e :~e I ir- ,.,.~ tE.', 1>5n. '0V, ~.....,., Ce~c'rri>i5, DsmIîE.s, anti BaîLis, rc,~' ~')c, n ~d 2~e, Tise balaises aI cu" air cari h1~elr, whnle anti erriereri 15:1k Warsta ta c'iuar at rnars'.bractu<crs' pneu Ladies' Dress kirts to Olear -O-t - C aies aiour Colared Scins m g. $3,75. sit 0, M c ou a 51p ,O Ailiirl~cass talQru'aeol quaiit, gain Mensuraw and inenIl Cc ai!l marked tiavaruaibar- oi~ ialarY ~ ' I AlLadie' Myope ~ear ai p aue Pr!eril%0 numccous îw Ms Rbrt Miller, Stouffville, bas se- , t Ine romSeotland, where ho pur. OO wwww chasedanmbIer of ihoroughbbed ani-e mals.d Ms.Mle t adalso to ho ~adiR Nodhwsebmelat 41Cn-It is a Go od Thing S Excursions to seaside August 12.18, ~ 14 and 15. Bowmanville to Old (Or- tetOwn,$24.15, Halifax 828.15, Si John < N B, $21 .15, North 'Sydney $27.65. w t eur imtAugusi S30,' QTry Haddy's ±deal. rea., The obituary of Mr. Albert Ca_ýley, >Oshawa, appears on an lucide page. Ms. Cayîoleai a cousin of Messrs. Jamnes 4V The loersen of Hladdy's Ideal Tea are gradually inereasiug. tand Mer~l Nookes and Miss NookesQ A good Tea ai a low price in half pouini of tbis towu, and wlll bc remembered and pound packages. by many of eus citihens i W 1H1 Moore, a weaihy Amenican, Qre . B a k psoprietor cf Mooro'e newspapos sub- Gre n la k i'MixV d.- seriptlonago,-ncy ai Brockzport, N )C committed suicide by shooiing blimselfQ We have jusi openod iup a fine lino of Dinner ware, our Aug 2 wbill near Lakte TemagfAmi, ui Ontario, witb bis physician wbere ho *~OWI importation, We keep it as a stock paitero, 'Yo * bad gone because of ill.bealth. Q an buy wbat you want, as you want it, whether one A woman and two eilidren pieking pieco or a full dinner set. Oboice dcean goods. Dainty saspherries in a patcb ontide of Janet. patterns, nicely gi, uew designs, and tLhe pieees arle ville Tbursday wore cbased by a big t eree a bte au.I boas. Ttie woman beard tbe boas esnberufc envrhdbte au.I o eoming m a ibth birnadare noedinIg anyîhing in dibner ware, sec our stock,. seaped lnjurv. but the aninal was O close-on ber beals. Thoe viiltLgers or- eHlArle' ganized ami surroiudIng-the patcb, HA"' CHALL abot the animal somne bouseaf terwards,. HLLNI fl LJ LJDIYH luý the Rufus Baker obitnany wo Q GROIER G lu es"ýor lu saying- dece3ased was une!e ________________________________ cfmar. Thos. Batkes. Tbey were fot relate. Bake's seb olbose was!* uae&fier thier mani's fathor. Wil- huiatnir d or f tiis îown clsk dhi deceased luAi, n' sore north aif Hampton, ierlciîer nev bun wol a a yuu m Iiay.ÀHo owned othe farm ati 7e rov2 uo ewud b ser tion. When filnerai Cards are1 - BRANTONInnwnavue usdy ng 1i ,te if fMr, J i. ruot. À as HOWLL-ml-g. it t ar d M.N.q by 11eýv. W. L:. TuekerrWie iLd an isEiaehA. 2Monningboith TfTa 1. EU _ s Lawarence CaýyIly , Oba-wa, frnryo ow ilf',b',i,,t, AnieoN- nNortb oagaJoy291, A iOdCru bath romi'3 ucss Ann Dixoî, îelcto! ýibe r.Admo,11 mors so t'han alury Esmteanbh eniy o; Port Holpe, il., her ï751h yoar. IýoLVP--At AS*htonlIa o. I 1,"ov. re adalkid i l ig ilb Rolfe,~~~ luLtsqthys 2hMar', renwiow 0f the la", Jem, pubngbsns l urnie0 u MeKe, nhe ijt ear.hiooiwork DA-va,-In engo. JnI 27,Judih hop Aunbe~~~ÎF 7 1î, gd55yas HEAR-Af he ousefoitho giS Cobur> Joly~~ 7. iiJn fçsl ~wss1,eei8 setîls not laies than Aîîoiiot 9/eh 10 'v as I ru Isa ina' Bowmanvills, - 31-1w F. R, S, Lowasy, V. S. iUttNî¶i~CoT Pd.GETO RENT-- At Poit Bovmaî-,vilîo for balance ci 300000. Apply te D. G. iL Garorraîjor, Bew j mon-ville. 5>3 hi ENvIIAL SERVANT WANTFD- G Bigbe~ ascsLogecagir 32 If ~ SIse J. F. ALLEN, 52-tf. c/o JAieFs ELLICOT, trtWn f LIORSR FOR Srl.LE-4ed m val L1. -md foal t'y ithdnoek m o euppsoed le f 1,0 1 * foal a'aiu. Prise ,,rî ho,., ~,, sean c.ld gelGcg ~ illaci os., ?,ice 4335.0e Ceai, Bsxsnrarvrlrc, Sî 3 ~ ~E'sT OR2Onc, 3 LE t i - -, - - - -- ru "Inson, i - - - - 1 1 -