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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Aug 1907, p. 5

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BçOWMANVILLIs STATION. Gou*E&ST IaoiNG Wsisv Mai.........9 o6 a. m .'Exress -, 4,40 a, m~ Rlxpress 1010 s9 LoalI... 7 57 Po Mlxed....a...6.P« 8 ru p.m ~enFog e,5 p XLoa ..... 6 49 p.m. Mixed. - . 7 83 CÉt3 t certain points sold in accordane with speciai holiday rates announced in another volumn wiU nt be honored on trains NOS. i Or 4 SvTiT & 3uaYqý Town ARents When Stêtt & Junry test Eyes It Ig Done Projperly SPIQIAL S SEE THIEM IN3 OUI TE si WIND 0W. YOUR CHIOICE- Àny Tooth Bruislinl the window. A Alny Comnb in the wiudow, Any pair of Spectacles in the window, Any box o! Tal(eum in the window bok of Soap iu the window. Any piece . of gennaine Castile Soap iu the window. Aniy Whisk inu the window. Auy bottla o! Perfume in the window. Âny Purse iu the wlndow. Eooper's Hat Cleaner (makes old, dirty, sunburnt bats look like new and aIl for 10c.) Stott & Jury, D Dojonml Phis is the name of o the bést articles kn( for destroyinoe 80WMANVILLE, AUG. 14 1907.1 PERSONAL. Mliss Mabel Mills le visiting friends in Toronto, --Mrs. A Pennlngton vited friends in Toronto Mfiss Mabel Barrie Is visiting friends in Toronto. Mise Effie Gay vlsited1 Miss Iva Blew- ett Sundlay. MiSS Viola Gilfillan, M.A , Iam-ilton,, bas beeu home~. mr Ale Pennlington, Toronito, spe t Suinday at lhome, Mr, Ed. W. Pattinson, Toronto, w,- home over Sunday. iss Clara windatt 18 visitlug Mis, Chas, Tod, Whitby. Mbiss Winnie Penningtou, Toronto, is home for vacation. Mrs. J. Virtue, Montreal, la vislting Mrs. A. W. Fiekard. Mr Fred Sparling~, Tor.»uto, has been hoidayýiri at home. Mr Harry Gilbert. Toronto, recortly vislted relatives here. Miss Exlth Qulgg Is in the G. T. K~ ticket omlce, Lindsay, Miss Greta Jackman is visiting Miss Oliye Herron, Toronto, Mr and Mrs, W. H., Banbitry are vlsiting Toronto friands, Mr. Samn Farguson, Lindsa.y, has beani visiting friands hera. MIr and Mrs Wm Fiee yibitad Miss Orphy Harper. Pontypool. Mr and aIýB Fred Heal, Toronto, spent, Sunda., with friands hema Miss Alabel Scott has raturnied froin visiting friend8 at Fleetwood. Mr. La wry Cryderman has heen visit- lng- Mr. R. M. Saxby. Witfby. MIr, JolinlHenry Devitt, M L. A, Blackstock, Was in town reantly. Mr and Mrs RHlJames, Oshawa, were Sunday zueats or Miss E. White. Miis mîdred Glovar is visitlbg, her sister, Mrs A, Toronto. Mr and Mrs Herbert Ridge, Toronto, are , isiting her father, Mr T Legge. Miss Muriel Wicks, Cobourg, bas beau visiting Miss Marlon MeDougail. Mrs , W. Dickinsajn, Toronto, bas beau visiting Mrs. G. Edger and othar friands. Miss' Eila N Sanders, Tyrone. has been visting ber aunt Mrs John Brock ' Miss Dlckey, Toronto, is visiting Miss JInos Pearca, South View Villa, Darling- ton. Miss Flada Sluta, Toronto,is spending oer vacation with bier cousin Miss Maria Painton. Mies Edith James has returned home after a pleasant fortnight's visit with friends bare. Miss Winnie Jouen has returned froïn au extended visit with friands in Win- nlipag, Man. Mr S 3 Cotrtice. B A, and rs Courtice, Walkarton, have beau guesta of Mr T Gao uason Dr. Hugh S. B3ingharn, Cauning-ton, hRs raturnad from an extensive trip t I miss EBE Arnot, Lindsay, le visiting Mrs Meraady. Mrs Raworthi visited Kingston and 1000 Islands last weev. Mrs. Milford Wilkins and daughter Elva James, Oshawa, visitad lbar sister, Aus R HIHlel(y. Miýss Mvyrtia McRae-nolds, Brook 11111 Dair y, is -visiting bar grandmother, Mrs. John Tizck, and other friands lui JMcuafrey of Bowman-1 villa for mnanv years shariff o! Victoria City, B. C is dead. Hae was founder o! the old Bowmnanvflla Massenger. __4 y Alen rpreantugthe Domi- nion Council, R T' of T, bas beau doiug sema succassful missionary work for thie Order iu town. Sevaral young people are joinlng Excelsior Council, Salain peopla ara expeetiug a big at- tendance at their Harvest Home festlv- ai and have providad a larga tant lu which to bold services. Solina aajd Salain basehal teams wlll give a scian- tifie exhibition o! hall piaying on Mon- day. Eyerybody coma naxt Mouday avaning. Chieken pie supper froma 4 30 p.M. Dr. John Hoskin, K. C., Chairman of the Board o! Governors o! tba Uuiverslty of Toronto. in writing to the aditor says: We ail enjoyed our trip to the Old Town and aiso the meeting lu the Opera flouse wbicb suiroassed alexpeetations." We ,ara equall ' sure that it was a great pleasuire to hava Dr and Mns. Hoskin honor the town witb thair prasancea. misses Alice Thompson and Bertha mcWin writlng Aug 17, Brook-iyn,N Y, say thay ana havingi a grand outl-ig. Tuasd2 v they visltad srs James A Phil- ipR, Westebestar, N Y, Fnidayv ou a trip Up the Hudsoni thay mat a Mr De- milI of BowmauvýIli. They are now dolng Jamalstown, Exposition, and willl visit atmr Andrew Pollard's, Rlchmo nd, Va, Countrv setiools opeuadt Monday. Cobourg-'s Civie holiday Jts to-day. Suinday was Pa vary fine anJoyahie day, A gardan party at Prince Albert ylald- ed $142. Scugog waters ara fuliy 4 ftjbalow normal loeai Quaity tels-F. A. Haddy, China Hall Grocery. Farmiers, John M ýackay Limitad,want ail your Bariay. A goodi serviceabxa Ttumblar 40e doz. China Hall Grocary. New subserihers zet TISE STATESMAN to Jan 1, 1908, for 25e Uxbridge Organ factory bad a S25,000 fir--Insuranca $18,000. Studant lu 'Photographv wanîted at Hay%' Studio, Bowmauville. 84t R R Star ans wauits a silo and bas taken a wlia way teget it, Seaadvt Sea ourwc0 Doz Tumblers worthý froün75ctofflOper Djz. F A addy,ý Niue animais from Wavanlay tale are at Coboung Heürsa Show thîs waek,1 With contlinuo)us fine.weatherhiarvast, wvil! he wall advanced by Saturda-v night. See Cfhina Hall Qroc.erv __ Il'n n Our salas o! Ideal 'aea are steadiiy lacreasing. Glass Tumblers at bargain prlce6. P. A. Haddy., Baniey wanted hy John Mackay, Limùited, Bo'wmanviile. Ideal Tea makes eup of tea that chere.-Halve youtrled it? Suhecrihars. send STATESMtAN to Jan. 1, 1908, toa fiand. Pay us2.5e Barlay, Bariay, BarIley, bring it alilto Jiohn M ackay Limtitel, jomuvla A new lot o! China Tea Sets at F A Mrs, T. H. Sluta Is offerng ber bouse and lot for sale. A nice home for some oai Sea advt. Wa ara baadquartars for everytbiug that le up-to-datte lu the shoe lina, Raid and Paarns. THB STATESMAN wiil ha sent to a naw address lu Canada or Great Brîtain to Jan. 1, 1908, for 25c. Tepeople say we have the finast liof xords lu town. c ail and sea them at Raid and Pearn's, A lot of muelins and dress, goods salI- lng Off away down halio ost somne Pt hal! pricsa at Couch, Johnston & Cryder- man 's. A choica Stock o! Maen's and. Boys' perfect fitting Ready-to-wear Suits. Just recaived at Coucb Jonstou and Cr37derman's. 'l- Barnister W. H, Harris, Port Ferry, won the sailing race at Sturzeon Point ragatta. Ha3is son o! Rev. John Harris, a former adîtor o! The Obse5rver lu this tuwu. Hlave you remarkad that tbraa o! avary four nain fals this season bava beau thunder shower , Bowmaténviiia bas had more rainus than the avc-rage lu Outanlo. Just opaning nip a direct importation o! Dînner Sets, Ilu buylug direct w-e Save two commissions and eau -ive thasa retail nt wholesala prices. F A Haddy. OSIIAWA, isEs Rose Harrison e ysitlng han cousin, Miss Jaunie Mrris, Miss Lana Piceal is spanding a few days lu Pickering. Misses LIzzie and Maggie Carr ara spanidlng their vacation lu Suff alo, N,Y, Mn. and MerS. J, H. Cowan, Bunketon, spent Sunday week witb friands. Mliss Leona Wilams Is spending a faw waleks at sturzeou Point, Mlisses Mabal NMorrïs aud Kate Fergus. on are bolidaying in Toronto, Mrs. Wil Dyar, Port Huron, le spand- ing a weak wilh Mrs. Whitney. Miss Hattie Adams is visiting in Guelph and Speedîlide. Mre. (Dr.) MtePhail, Manilla, is ra- newing o0M acquaintances iu town. Miss E, Becer sang at St. Gaorga'3 church Sandav morning. Mrs. Wm. Lang, Gravanhuret, visit- e dMrS. H. B. Samalis. _Mrs. E. J. Ca; r writes : ln your last STATEISHAN "News of 40 Ye8ar9 Ag-cn" waS vary lntarestlng to me for 1 was pfrlonaUly acquainted with many of the dear People meuÈntied. Beys. John Cimur. John Smnith and T M. Raikie 1 ramamber perfactly, Mrs. Reikie gave mn e uslc lassgons and Miss C in 9 taught me naedlework. I have a place of Berlin wool work now that 1i made at that timre and 1 bought the inatarials of Miss Stoughtou, I remenmber, too, tho pooitical enatest between lion. George Brown and Mr. Thomas N.ý Gibbs, when mv uncla (Mn. Gibbs) was electad. B3oWïmanvileltt as bean my home for over bal! a canturyv and J have never beau away from it for more than two Sears at a tiine, BORN V-ALLANT-In EaSt Whîitby, Aug. 8, the wife of Frank Valiant of a danghter. BEL.L-Xln(Oshawa, on Aitg. tSth, th~e wifeý of Thos. Bell, Royal St., a soni. FLINTOF-iD Oshawa, Aug. 12th, fhe wlfe of Robt. Flintoif of a soni. RowEN-10 Oshawa, Aug. 141ht, the wife of Walkei- Rowdlen of a sont. <euh borin) VÂiNNFST-Xn1 Cedar Da1le on1 AUg. l4th, to Mr. nd hms.VanNest ason (Stih born) lVFiiEBÂ-ButyNiKNEL-In Oshawa, by Rev* Jas. Hodee. 'M. A , Aug.151h, Air. Herb3ert il. Meehan, of Peterboro, and Mliss Cç>rrinne Buck- nell, of Oshawa. ALLAN-TRULL-At the residence of thO hide:'s mother, Leskard, Angnist M2th. by 1ýev J. A. McKeen, B. A, Mr. Thomaý.s Jamies Allan of Cinefinnati, Ohio. and Ethel a., aughter of Élie late Alfred Truil GAGE.-LAw---AIthe home of ~ebie 0 MJotr-eal street, -igtoAg. l4ti. A da Lena, only daugliter of Mn. D. B. Gage and Sergeant HiarryE. Law, 0f staley Barraclks, Toronto, formerly of Bowmanvllle. WAL5u-ln 1Clarke, Aug. lSth, Margarct Be- a try, reliot 0f Élie laie Ja~s talsh, aged 80 yeas,] MCFÂLAtE-A hi reidece7Reaiel, Ang-i u8t S. Argus MFrlnaged c60 years Làir-At Mancihester, AuLgust sth, ffiram Lamh, aged 87 years. BOWMAN VILLE MARKETS. "'LOU, ibso11o.........82 2ate 8260 WunAIl, Fal, bushi. 0<)00 0o80 " Sprin ........OO0i,0075 n Red Pife----00 0 85 Goose.....000 r0 065 BARLEY, P bush, No. 1 .. O0 0 o'OJ n n n2 ... 000 0 48 3 n ... 0 M'0 45 e "Two rowed 0 00,10 00 OAswît ...........00 W 0 44 MYE, ..... 000 0 60 BUox-wme1AT n...........O O0"0O50 PsAs, Blackeye, IP bush.. 0O0 0 t'O 'l Canadian Beau.ties 0 00 fi O 75 't Mumrnay e'l O0 01'iO O It Sialu 'Il O60 fi O 70 ei Bilue '19 0 û i0" 70 CLOVER SEziD...........700 8 00 TIMOTHY SSED ........ 2 00" 3 00 3UTTER, hast table, e 1b., O0 W 0 20 .Pd ý......0 1.6" 016 PorâTons, V' bush naw () 00 0 40 HOU(SEr4-KEEPEP. wantad at once, Mrs. C L NMuxçsoN, Concession st. flowmanvilla. 82-t! CfJAL 1 COALiI O When combinad with a spirit of up-to- datenat u ds ig ,styla and maka-up _____adds the soDiet'hinU,ý that iuakes The ____ Dolv Varden and Foot-Rite 1Shoes the the bast to bh badon the markat,. We c1aim that you can prove it by buit-1ng G your pair of shceýý ar this store Look at the lasts-best American Look ut the iea.than-bast qualitv of Looký at tha e cs-hast oatk tannad1 ~ leather. LoOk at the finiish, woritmanship anid appearanca. As said bu oe hey are the best shoes on the market. PriceS: 81 00, SI 5u and 85 OOý Cali and inspect titan îf 1u & Pearn, j 10p;sita EA-NEST STOCK IN TOWN. &,orit almoral ilotel - Bwavla a 1 ' ~OSHAWA' 4ï 1 lM. HASTINO 4î1The Proprietreas o! thea Oshawa Lý e i open an Ageue,ý e Wagons frein the Laundrv wil cc Tuasday, and they wil ha dali Fniday Orders left with F promptly andl STHE FOLLOWING 1 Sirt.........., New op. h'm or fan .......2 Colilars., .................... 2c Cuffs8 par pair.........c Ladies' cape g 3ocr.....B 4îChemisettes. ......... ...... 5c NightI Shirts............-%e to 7e Drawars........--5c te 7u Undarshirts,........ ........ . 4î Flannel Shirts........ ý. 5e to 7e Soeh s, par pair.............. àe Handkarehiefs.......2c te 3e 4~Neckti'es Sl.....eto 4 Coats ..............10ete 50e e~ VSt........ ..10e te 25e -wlPants----------25eto 50c 4 TE pones........... .....5 JAUNDRY S, Proprietor, undr bas ma&de, arrangements ta et gýoods in Bowmauvilie aver'y 70rad by maessenger ba,)s s vary C Pathick, herber, wililha TEE PItICE LIST: ~ Table Covers..... 0t.,.. Pillow S'ips ........... Curtaina ecach. >.......2.5 Ïe$10' Dressas..........25c;to_.. skirts, plain.. ....... 25e te Cheisas.. .... .. 5e, 10e to 25C sacquas ............ 20eto .. Night Dressas ........ 5c to 10e ý Shiaus, each........ 15e tQ 2-De Aprons........5c, lueto.,,,r Drawars........c, 10e te .- . Shadas, aah......20C to.., waists...... .......Se to. , Blankats ...........25c toS0cIuý Sprads---------10e to 2cI Sheate..............

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