eff SANDRDBANK 0F CANADA Head Off-ce - - - - Toronto Th'e Standard Bank ýPa?,ys in4terest four times a ye-ar on ýalil aig Bankdpsts Savings Bank Departmnent ini Connectýionl with all Brandies. BOWMANýVILLE --BRANOH Bratieh Aise at Orono W. J.joNiS, Manager. * WANI'ED ANY * *-ITT JonfaKyM ilPYýl9e' prc tteM1-5 O Illvle Bomfii f" 13f eJ Il BABY's 1HOLD ON ,LIPE B&1by",ï Oxw Tablais cosiL 25 centoaa box, A box boughkt now mfay save your baby'piBf e. Summner Complaints coa of ton wtbout wrnlzig and Thon eauda of littie ones die front thent every sammer. If chidreri'.tamacb aud bawels are kept lu a',der therois Ilttie danger of theseq troUb1es,. and that Is jua, wbet Baby's Own Tablata do. They are good for the newv borii bab-y or the weil grown Chuld and thley are pbeolutely safe. Give yonr ohild an £ccasiional dose of Teleta and von wil keep It WeflI. If you have not got ,% box of Tablais lnuthi hou8a now eand for thant at once3 and you will feeaithat your lUtle anas avea afe. Mns. Wm. Parrott, Myrile, Ont. es&y,3 My 140'a boy enffored greatly' frontcole, and orled almoat cintnuoisly, A few dovs of tha Tabletn crd hlm, and now 1 give tha TJablee ocoaleoniy ta prevcint thie trouble roturoung. Soid by inedi oine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box fromn The Dr. Willilamsý' Madlcirne Go., Brockvllle, Ont. Mir Gao Awdeansd wife, Drayton, hava beau witlh friands lea..Ms Effia Vice, Bomnrîil le, isitedat home ....Mr Il G Pascoa iW roprenting Count Archer at High Court of I1O F, Midiand ...Capi W O Frankk, bMaple Grave. praachad liera Suoday. . Crowds are ut the liuckleberry 1marshl ataly; barries wara quita pientifui.. . Wa con- gratulate Parey Westiakaou passlng hie matricutation axais .... Marvin and Ed Sanders, Osliawa, vislted at L T pascoe!s. ý.. Misses Gertie aud Pearl Pearce, and Mr Cbas Cowre, Newcastle; Rev and Mrs E E Howard, Mrl;Mr and Mrs Robt Miller, Stouff yilae; and Mrs J McCaîter aud daughters, MisEes Cors and Ethel, Villa Nova, have beau gcuasts at Mr Thos Bakar's That tlred, languld feling an d duli beadacha Is vary disgagreesb)le. Taka two of Oartar's Little Liver Pits befora retirlng, aud you wili find relief. They neyer fail te do good. MAPLE ROE -Recent-visitors: Mr. adMs ae Pascea, Oakwood, wltb friands; Mr. asud Mrs. George J. Staphanson, Oshawa, wltb baer sistar. Mrs. John SuSowden; Miss Carrie Painton, town. racently vlsltad MNiss Annie Cox; Air, sud Mrs. Rd, Snowden and Masters Poster sud Rtonaild, town,spant Sunday witli friands; r tend Mrs. J. Norman Thlckson, Ostwspant Sundsy Ywltli Mrs. J. Snowýdea; MiseNettia Trimbla, Toronto, is visîtinig bar mather.- Mrs. G. Trimble; Mliss Gladys Muflnday lias returnad front vlai IDL- ber brothiero ut Ladysmith.. 0-I.RO!NSOI4 Çr~'ÇWom n Amerca Is !n16red* II ~ hsWOman's Ex f w jce NEWCASTLIW. iss Wilson àe guest of Miss L,,ckhart. las. Barfaît was liera front Coibornae Charley Perrin bas beau home, Garnet Hall is in Traders Bank. Mrs. Galbraith bas gone ta Belleville. Mîr. Weatherilt bats beau on sIck lilt. M rs. W. T L-ckbhart enlertaPined a faw friends Tuesday afternoonwe. Messrs. jackson and Jamieon lcst a valuï,bIe horse racanlv. Mr, and NMrs- John Iglo took lun the ex-culrsion ta Midland. Mrs, Crossan, Wiipag, visited ber sistar, Mrs.,Stiggins, lately, 1Miss Millw-ard, Port Hope, is visiting har aunt, Mrs. Gea. Wermlngton. Wm. Eddy, ex-Mayor of Ragina is ranewing aid aqaitneslera. Johin Seot t',3 health îs vmuch improved. He is able ta be about again. M!rs . Wiiliie Thorna, Toronto, ile guemt of MIrF. Chasý. Thorne. Dr.an Mr. Ugiow hava raturnad hoeto Chicago. Aibert Piekard and wifQ ware dawn from Bowmanyilla Sunday waek. Miss Mhinnia Mustard. Brantford, is vistiig liar ncle, J. R Fisher. Roy PDouglas epent a holiday at Mrs. Glascott's Gth Lina. Mr,-,. Frank Bennatt, Bowmaivillla. lias beau visiting at the Oriental. Milss Annia, Mpora, professional nurse, Younkars, N, Y , la home. Miss N. Vanner, Orillia, was guest of lier str.MrI. Mason. Princi*pal W. C. Aluin and wi!e, Gian- coa, wera gueste at Wm Rickard's, Methodiat Chureli choir beld thaîr pic- nie a ut Iha laka Thursday aftarnoon. Mrs, W. H1. Jackson and Gladyýs, ara vislting lier sistar, ai Moorafiald. Mrïs., Mason, Bowmianville, and son vis-ited lier sistar, Mrs. Buirro'ws. John Grieve isbhera froma Guelphli wth bis mathar. Miss Graca Butler and Gardon E5re, Toronto, yisited Mrq. R. P, rker. Daninis Dillon and James Fitzpatrlck wara in 'town last week. Miss Edua Laug, Klrby, called at John Douglags' an routa to Port Hlope. Miss Flossie 'Wright, with lady friand, lias beau dawn friom Parry Sound. Mrs. Stanton, daughter cf M. Garvin, and two daughters visitad liera. Mrs, Wm. Tigha bas beau tufferlng wlth a badfly sprained ankia. ReaudMrs. Parker and Downar, dressed in bis Highland costuma, at tauded Scotch doings ut Camuîbeliford, Dr.lbOlvar cf Niagara was ina'tba vil- lage renewing- old acquaintanices last week. Miss !LueIla Colwiill las returad to the citv after spanding her hlildaye aT, lier falier's Mr Gao. Coiwill. Miss Mary Farncomb returned from Toronto, accompanied by Miss Marg'uer- iae Chapman, cousin of Dr. Chaprnau Charles -Watson wlio laarned the tralia of*iarhie dresse- r n'a -tth Joh E E O E O E O E O E O E O O E E G E 0 The Mason CO* ýw The mechanies are bvýsy getting the store in shape for the new business. Alil the new fixtures are being placed in position as rapid- ly as possible. This will flot materially ini- terfere with the business. The more crowd,- ed we become the more anxious we are to dispose of the balance of our dry gooçis and4 many lrnes of clothing and furnishiugs. 'Wehaye ef in Dry Goods as folli s: Ladies, winter Underwear-a f ull range, no better goods in the market and socme si,,mmer lunes. Ribbons-a very fair assortment still left al extra value. Embroidleries and Lacezs-quite a 'lot as good as imoney cau bny. Ends of, Carpets and Stair Carpets, 1i .,cad 2 yd. Linoleum. Gloves, Hosiery, Silk, Satins, Velve teBJs,, Ribbons, velvets 3nd Dress Goods. Sev. eral nice pieces le't--all at-half price. Ladiles' Tams and Caps also Straw Hats. Almost a ful line of small wares. AI.- maost everything in f ail and -winter goods in emaîl quantities anld at big discouints. Remember you can save MoreV on every dollar of our dry goods. N 0w help us out-it will pay you Ail SE~ OUR LINES IN- Other Ire-n snd Brëasa Bedteads from $8.00 ta b5 0 00 Other )-INTMEPNT V iaed and qoilcerful Oeaby do mare for rouýgi,luI- tha lac tatad ekin i l amosi s ara is the complote cure, aoflteeav persistent use. By its D. D. Monnay Seipt. 2, Lsar Doayl thle churcli will serve sup- rn , in tha u-sual formu.lu at 8 P. m., 1ev. j C. Speer, L'Pton, President (if Tarante , Rthbun's "ST1All" uament is thie standard grade for Foundation Work, Stable and Celiar Floors, -Cisterns, and Silos. Wa keep it alwBys jn stock and tha price is right. Ouir Planing Mill la now in full operation andl we LMORRIS I Lkoode, 5fr. sud Mx ~. esars. Rav VanCa & SO N , 1jatteu~ea île axent Islande.... Mr. W 'Rune~aTDtrector~1T~~0î - - -. Miss Ste uars 'âS c CD mrup and Alvin Trr '(. ittTonsd ella Blnplznra lias k3U1~Ai iU.iN UUA4 tbSt foi swtadYiia winter comfort;- We have lt in ail sizes and are preparcd t- deli'ver U to ah parts of the, town or comntry at reasonable ratas. j Also CannaIol for open gratas, and steam and smithing coalis always ini stock. EXTRA. CHARGE for carryiug in b-askets.- OUR OTIIER UINES ARE-.-- Mi'Ms Kt fGui catinlas t ýd f L No trubleto Show Our goo3e or uote prie,( tai week the Times t ruusWSY acc~ent~, s boy wa~ hllled and 1: ~ ae lesa daînage doue. xn<rO accidents ai ait t occnrred. ~ ot the Methad received $1000 from ~aurû, Owen Sound, the laie Wxn, Qu v B intereat ol3iy ix 3 beusi s w%, Coeîn WOmha cw wa Lsr plun 15, sdBaer the îz e 0 o ou cFrb nwadand Humsutsvlhab ortwen~ fromP FoetanguiseM uAdona or opu anulusida page- j inaeperseý jof rganist clin- ladie W"e 11., the ij KING STRE-ET JAT F. W. sl BY PEÏLVIf-c CJRI Ma eanid lmaclea rnew wcýmanc me."--Mrs.i. D. RLisn Mis. O. 'D. Ronso, Stý. Fe ix S t, Brooklyn, N. Y. wri te'S: more good than ail my two years' traatment by specilphsias 111 can mai17 say ithat 1 ±eel like another person. No mo)re swollen feet vond limbs. No more bloating of the abdomen. No moresores of breath.1 No more stiff and sore joints. You have no ide" wi yo;ir treatrnont lias done forime. Ithlas prolonugedrmy ife and madaclueIQ w wair"n nof-me.- J 11O, such a blessig I ha ve recelved îhrough your kindness, Doctot', and the assIiance of the medicine wWhil vou sa kindly prescrIbed. "I ain able t9o work sinres Ibegau your treatm, ent, but before 1I vmwnfot able te help myseif, much le.s do any work* AI! praise is due to Dr. Ilartman and bis rAtmn 11 rsoiis fro m% Clr..,3à