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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Sep 1907, p. 4

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20-tf, .rooçll, Ont, Going Travelling? Club bags Suit cases -.BUY THEM ý»F1OM-. Fred R. Foley, Bowmn vileOnt. Siy o ,oo s P1. **býIcc Colner -vouge anid Aeadr5re DPularitY and genuine ment. OLr atna grae, more studenits werepledu àit.ions-ndà et better salaries than in zany revin year, Wurite to rday for hands3ome tl -ù g u e ý W . J . E l l i o t t , Prlaiinal, I.flaaaaa..nn n - - -. -----nnrwv A SiTUATION at a good salary awaits everyz * Kraduate o! tihe CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLIsGE. Ex- Pol ve3 eproves this positiveiy. Ente~ ay tmeCatalogzues fre. rite W. H. SHJAW, Pinl, Yonge and Gerrard Sta, Toronto, Canada. *W. H. Shaw, Presideut New Tire Setter. The Boulse OoId Tire Stttmr it le Our motto te keep uip-to-date lu ail lunes o! Our business. Reasons why this tire setter does its work better than the old way: The ties stay tight long-er. There le no charing or burrning the wood. No danger o! over dishi*ug thse wheel, 1LUIse pailit is notSrsratched or injured. Gan get your job doue in one quarter the time. age. u ha le still but a chiid, howeïer tiemay hatve furrowed bis cheeek or silvered his brow who can yet recal, with a softened hoart, the happy sehool days bis old hometowio, village or section. The Maso» Cloth[ng Co 7ho aIre taking over the (,cthing and furnishinug business oï the Mason Go he-Id a formai OPenIng of ther new business on. Sat- urday afternOon and evening. A very efficient orchestra rendered a choice programme o01 musie lu theevenîng. The store was crowded to the doorsi The store has been reniodell!ed through- ocut. The floor la covered with linoleum, new .lothlng cabinets and an up4to- date bat case have been instalied withi elegant mirrors in eae-h The Plîner llghting system makes the store *lus llght as day." Several large 6suent salesmanl show cases are in use, ai- together making one of the handsomest clothing and x'urnishln-- btores we have ever seen. We have ixot had a look over the stock but Messrs. Mason & Anderson &&Y that their new stock con- tains everythinp, uew show» bç the best manufacturers in the business, and as they are givinz their entire attention to this excînilve men'8 business there le no doubt that their effirts wlll be appreciated by the male portion of the mani's coniscence' andi was a very aine and practical presontation of the truth. Mr H. J. Kight sang very impressive. ly "H-ave courage wy boy te say NO ! at tha closee ci the sermonl. Neit Sun- dïï the morning subject will be "'God in bmncncoses and the even- ing "'God's Huse of! great men". Publie cordially invited, 1ev. Dr. INeil McI'herson, Ni. A, B. D, of ludianapolis, id, who has just returned from Scotland, preached in lit, Paul's Preshyterian church Sunday ev- enling beinig greeted by a large congre- gation . Dr. biePherson evidently min- derstande how te help bis audience to enjoy a seýrvie-by se' ecting f.amiliar hymne. 1"Ail hall the power of Jesuis'ý Naine," "Nearer;my God te Tbee>" and "Onward Christian Solediers" preceded the sermon and as iight be expectedj the congre3gation join-ed Most hertliy ln the service of song. Dis opening praser aflso caught the ear cif bis aud- ience and was ful of gratitude to the Almighty Father for early influences experienced ln this chureh, for the good men in its Officlary Who gave hlm counsel and encouragment to right liv- ing. In bis rernarks bel ore annouinc- inzg ie txi he referred te the mon ?"ho had b2elped hlm lu bis boytood-Wm, Oliver, B A, James B. Faîrbaîrn, Dr. McpLanghlii, Franets Bieakley, Jamnes MecClelan, Peter Murdoch and others ail ci whom had assted In gulding the stops ol the boýssof St PauI's. B3e ad- vised othiers t0e trive to fil the pflaces of these worthy men In the mnouldiugof the lives of the young, even if they were worn out or burned out lu the cities in~ atter years. Gharacters rightly formed usuially continued to exert an influence for --aod throuzh lite. Dr. McPheren's Tiredi, iatguid feelings are the result of th ccurrnlation of waste products, in the s;ystem. On the failuire Of the liver i and kidne,,ys to remove these impuritieýs the biood becomnes Liled with poison-ous Substances whichi instead o! aiding theï functions tend to arrest them and ie rîse to pains in the limbs, backcaches, hedCes and tired, wora-out felings. Ther-e remains to be discovered a more promp)t and elleetive mieans of enlîvening and inivigoratin-, the action o! thse liver Il iw APPLES WANTEDI1 Atter Septeimber 9th we wîll buy any qtianZlty of apples ifor evaporating pue- poses delivered aut the Bauer and Clark ' Evaporator, South Ward, Bowmanviile, BAKER Î& CLAUK, AUCTION SALES TSii7RsDAY, Sept. 19-Mr. J aines Cole, lot 82, con. 8, Glarke, wili seli al of bigh grade Catt' ie.Gdeqedal hrss Including two very choice brood mares, stock, implements etc Sale at 1 o'clIock. See bills. L. A W TomE, aucetioneer. [TuE5D,,Ay SEP-r.24-Mr. Raymond Davey, lot 1, con. 8, Darllngton, wili: sail iMs farm stock 'Implements, etc.' For particulars see bils, L. A. W. TeLle, Aucetiýoneer. About 0(-r. i Mr. Albert Crago will seil bis Regîstered and Hlgh Grade tarin stock, also mnachiniery, impleýments, etc. L,.A. W. Toùru. Auctioneer. Port Hope Model School will open onl Thursday, September 5th, 't907 -under thse maiàageet o! A. A. JORDAN~, ESQ., Past President o! Ontario Education2al Un01 anle >ble ac- tpI.bu OUUL u.a cerized spreads. 80 a. range 01 COALI1 COALII Uintil further notice the price o! _EQg stove and Chestnut GOal will be 86 50 per tain at thu harbor; $7.0 per ton de- Jivered in town. Pea Goal 85 50 pier toni delivered lu town. Carrylng ln baskets extra. Me-CLELLAIN CO. Llmited, 884w Bo~mauville, APPLES WANITEO On an-,d after Aug, 3Ist., 1907, we will buy ail varie-! ties of app]es for Evapor-' ation, Sweet or Sour, large and small, delivered at Bow- man ville, Orono and Ne w- castle. 35 4w ne~ mer RIBBONS, ETC MISS M M. ARMIOUR--Issuer of DENTIST, Opposite Eaton's, TORGNTO. 181 Yonige St,36 ms 8-0-W.M -A N I --- M'A.R.ME T i Oorreo e ..Tueeeay foaf Ibs _ _....42 20 to82 60 WVHEÂ'17, Fait, bus3h... 000 et 0 o 99 prn .00Go e 075 fi Red 1Fie .000" 86 "i Goose.....000m065 BALY,vfbush, No. 1 ..000" oo0 Il t~1w ~.,QQQs94 i teB.8oote 0 4b ilTwo rowfei 0 0011 o00 1; ,hteh............OOOln0040 Rva,~~e i...........0.0 so6 Paîas, Blackeye, Il bush.. 0<)0"Il la<c le Canadian Beaui0s etU"0o75 te 0urWm91 00 i 'II ALBERT (JOLLEGE- BELLE VILLE ONTABlO. DEPLtTENTOP'MUSIC C Vr U11N 1, -,A . G.O., iet , igraduate of Royal c(ons(irvatOry, Leipsir, Germany. Full staff of peiissin PIANO, PIPE OPOAN ýV0[CIK,VIOLIN aud TEO FI rvatory and Univer- uaflyVlunthe Gollege eful candidates in five Dl ............ 700 PD..........20CI t table, e lb... O0 0 P,'buoh new .,0W EnANGE IN~ PRICE 0F COAL. 7e are Eýttling coai, at 8,6 50 at ation 87.00 dellvered and extra for carra JOHN MCMLIRTRY, West End House. Bowmanville. Highest Prîce paid for aU kinds of Produce, cash or trade. lil ýýx

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