SOUVENIR . ... ..RANGE le a wonderful comfortinl the home. u So much deponds on the kitchen range-and nothing couId be more dependable than the ",Souvenir. __________ ____________No malter when wanted IT'S F-L.WF4YS REMDY. A "SOUVENIR Range requires no rekindling-thîl ire bu rne coninually- tliere's always plenty of hoi water-, while is Aera ted O'ven makes il art unEqualled baker. Kv CALL IN AND SEE THEM R"IC E & CO. Dealers in Hardware, Stoves and Tinware. IPhone 66. misS M. M. AItMOUR-Issuer of Marriae!Lcenses. Regltry Office, Bow- audle ttgidence.Beecli Ave 51-tf. DR. J. S. SOMERS, 'r DEiNTIST, Opposite Eaton's, TORONTO. 181 Yonge St, 3 6 mos. Courts of Revision. MUNICIPALITY 0F, DARLINGTON. Ntice is hû,ý eby given that a Cout " iii be helfi pursuant te 1the Ontario Vote' LisesAct, b yt hie Boueur the Jodge of'the Counny Court fthe Unitedi Cocnties of Northumbe rland andi Durham ai the Town Htall in the village of Hampton on Thcrsday. the lOch day of October 1907, ai the haut cf ibree oclock iu the after noon, te heer anIdte'-mine complainte nof ettore andi omi sstocî in the Votet' List of the Municipality of Darlington for 1907, se far cac relates te polling subdvisions numbere tiwo, four, five and seven. Anti thai a Court ciii be helfi ai the Towic Hail, in the Town cf Bowmanvilîe by the saidi Jufige on Satutday, lice 111h day ef Octohet 1907, at the bout of tw o 'ciov.k in the afiernioan te hear and delermine complainte of errere aînd omissions in the ecifi Voiers' List ce fat asere- laies to poliiu subdvisions numbere oue, three and six, HENRY F LLTOTT, Cierk cf Darlington. Dated, Hampton, ln the Township of Darling ton ibis hindi day of September 1907. 39-2w. z~ *** ******************* t u So ooks I Opondn supplis fr* P.Treîlco * New rjhe House CGeM Tiro SItIter. h leIont rmollo te kcop -up-to-date lu al linoes ef eut business., Ressens wliv ihis tire setter does ils work bettvzr tbictleti dway: The tles stay tigtit longer. There is ne charing or burning the wood. No danger ef over dishing the wheel. Tlie paint is net seratceet or injuneti. Can gel youn job doue lu eue quarter the time. Wo wiil guarantea ail werk doue' by t11e machine. We are aise ptepared 10 cut down wheels or auy 011cr repaire Iliai youn rig mas neeti. LAWN AiOWLRS sharpaned sud overbauled as u-jual. A. WY. PICKABD9, .ast End Plesi oî,Ewmanville opposite IPost Offie. :TELEGRAPHY. folr Railway a.d Commercial worle le "G-td.dbjy theKy"epll *wtfir.t ksont n plcn nt * eip o1f four ce.tsin. t....n iddrees* Cetrai Sehocl cf Teiegraphy, 3 Gerrard St East' Toronto. W. H. SHA .President $3.00 9 fj F~ lhF$3.00 We can give y ou excellent choice in this speclal brand in laCe button or' blucher, tan, -black and patent leather. Sat- .1sfaction guaranteed with every pair. Fred R. Foley, Bowmaiavilla, ont. CHANGE IN PIC1E 0F COAL. We are sellng coal ai s6 5o at the station i,7,00 dalivered and extra for carr3 ing JOHN GILBERT AND SON, Do wmaDville., Hlundreds of Stidolls at the Poplllar anld ~ces b'ave Seüul ed Pü:Aictcnnethi3 year. Demanfi ýiSfat greater lu ie ý cpp!3,. Sducate fort bn.i'eegnoeti -,: dy n il 11get them, 1 ut thce zfuctib' e iFiRST CLASS, Stuoeùte àddmnitc~ tel aüy lime. Write for catalogue Cor. i ,e-û .cnd Alexander Ste. ______________ Priaciual. 'ept. s0 Lake Champiin Oct ' 4 Einpreas LUIreIa, fd Oct. 12 Lake Eri e Sept. 25 Ott. 18 Empireee of B itÉain Oct. 4 Oct 26 1ake Mya ltoba Oct. 9 Nov, t Einprei3ýicf Ireland Oct. 18 Uîîtit further ncotice the foliowing ist andi h fi cabturaaise eastb -unfi (i e Montreal to Liverp cil), wiii be effective. Emnpreesse (ts) $55.00 and uîpwarfie. EUIPIreSe8ee(2 11) 42.50 and 445.0 "Lake Maotoba" (Isi) $45 00 aîîd op; ards. (J2u0) 3 ý0û Lake Chacoplain «,tcd tLake Erie [une class boats]î40 and $42.50. Sailing homs4 The "Empresses" sai frornQoebec ail3p. 'm.' A epecia t eeamsbip epestrain cii lea'.e Mo lieda, Windsor Street Station att8.40 Friday Mo'ing and ar- rive ai Quebec wharf atIl) . m. Ail other seaeîmer.s sii frein Mortreal, et day break. paseengerse mbarking after 8 p. in. the previone eve n ii)z, Tickets lesuedt 10 hing p eeeî gare fromn 1r4th S..K ' i jnavjcn or PFi n ieh no i nta throu gh uu, ci i.aL v. iii Canada. To London. Oct6tih 'Mantezu ma" Oct. 20 , AIntroe"' For full pariculars apply to S. J.SBAP W. Pase. Agt., 71 Yonge street, Toronto,lor N. A. JAMES, Boweantll )n r re ýr Br id The Mayor of Barrie lias cffered 810( of hie owu towards the expeuseocf pub Itsilng lte asses gont roll. As rosse' cf urgiug ils .n-tlatiou, the Examinei ss;- 1 In île assessmeul lIere art mauv inequalilies for whidh perha pe Lbt assossor cau lhe hsrdly blamed. Pul cation of île roil would make these ev idoni when tle assossor made bis round, the following yoar ovory rat6payer, kuowing the asseosment placod on othei properlios similar to his cwu, would b( ln a position le secune a fair raiing Having tle roil in Ihis itandy form would aIse beoa - reat convonienco sud help le tie aseessor lu compsring prcp- orties and arriving ai a fair valuation, The same ma 'v ha said cf Bowmanvilie Witli a fair sud complote. I essmont thec inorase sitould psy, msny limes over, the cosi cf publishing the roll Jimmie Rovnoidls, Port Hope ie stil. the champion loug distance walker of Ontario, Scatiengoofi, the Oshawa meani who set eut Tuesdsy at 2 a. m. le wslc the 138 miles bolwoou Port Hope sud Toronto lu 88 honte quit Tueeday nighl about' 10.80, twa miles west cf Pickerng. ou bis western jonrney, aller having madie ouly 76 ont cf tle 138 miles attomp- ted. It bad breu pretty ihoronghly de. monslnated thait the Oshatwa man ie net ln Reynolds' claFs. He coliapoed ai Ro' clelle bridge where hoie dlarged bis shoes sud on resuming the jouney fouud hie muscles bad relaxeti 80 lIatho couid net waik and wss brought back te Osh- awa, A comparison between Roynold's sud Scattergeod's records records shows titat Rovno! ds did tle 24 mileshe- iween Port H ope sud Bcwmauville in 15 minutes lese than Scatterzood, and the latter was au hout behind Revnold's trne for the 35 miles from Port Hope le Whutbv. Fer the savon mlles between Whutby sud Pickering Reynolds lime was fif taon minutes less than lis oppon- ent's, Iu making theso comiparisous it sliould be taken ie s cconn,, that Seat- lergooti lad walkod 81 miles befere Reynolds s tarled from Port Bope. CANADIAN RURAL L[FE, realisicsud wholeýome way by Anison North lu 'Carmichael," the notable Canadîsu stery of the yeur, publication cf whidli as a senïiai "Thte Fsrmer's Ativocato sud RHome Magazine," cf London, Ont., is juet being begun. lIs readers are te lie cangratliteti upon the llterary reut li store for tem. LIMERICK COMPETITION. CAsHI FOR MAIL AND EMPIRE READERS. The succeess f the Llmenick Com pot- ilion, whicl las been Irunning for paar few weeke lu thie 'coron)to MaIl anti Empire bas been se pienomiDnai that tliey have decideti te raise th,ýo ut cf pnize money lu the eoulest, which commeuced Friday, Sept. 27, te $100 00 Th-% pereon who oend, lic inte suggest- ion for lte hast lineo f the incomplets Limerick will nece5ive $30.00. The otiter pnîzes are ais follows: île $20 00; tle third and forth, $10-00 oach; îleý fil 1h suddjil, $5,00 each, sud ton con- solation pr:zes ai $2.00 eachI, I le probable thatthile" conteste will ho contiuod from weolî 10 week, sud tle conditions gaverning them will ho foundin bath Thea D'ily sud Veekly Mail anti Empire. CAN YOU LOUK PR)ETTY? Il ynou eau look proity come to Hays' Photo Studio STATFISMANBlSock. Bawm- anville, wearing 3 aur bostclathes aud s radiant s'mile sud ho wili 'teke yeu. as you are". Yeu will want a dûzen or mono photos for Chniitmas cards sud ih is net tee soon toe s1 for tem ilion you get iu aliead cf the rush. Cali any da *y, cuit or fine. 11535 wîll maske excellent likene8s of yourself, Bring along theo ehildren, Once a sear te not too, ofien to have ti photos taken, Wlien ihey are gnown up andi gene fromn the olti home sud yon are left alone you wilt fiud great sallsfacîiou in looking s througli the family album sud scanng the boys' sud girls' likeneeses. There s more iban sentiment lu this sugges- tion, Yen will realtze Ithe truilioff h seime day, se sec fias s the artiet about t t. Ho hbasîthe patience te take citiltiren Somoe arlistg have net. Bears ~ P ~ .,#ilKind Yeu Have Always Boîglit h Baare the 4 - 9 rThe le no period ln baby'a life thai imathers dread more than teethlng tmýe k The Uitile ga are tender and in. d fiamed; the child suifera sand la sleep. Iles$ and te cross, and ithe mother le us- nally worn out carlng for the chuld. 9The use of Baby's Qeru Tabieta alisya the lufiismmeetion, sofcercs the tender ewoilon gums, sud bringe the teeth through paiûaiisy. Mrs N. Sauve, St Rose de Lima, Que., says "When my baby wae cuitiug bis ieeih ha wss fev- erlahlsh, cross and did not taire nur. ishment. Miter uivlng hlm baby's Oivn Tableis he out six teeh bwlthout the laaat trouble. 1 have neyer used any Medicine for ~i 1nIprtza 80 hlghly ias the Tabiets." Sold by ail medicine 1dealers or by mail ai 25 cents a box sfrot he Dr. Williams' MedicineCoc. )Brockvllc. Oat. DARCLIN GTON Miss Edua James, St. Thomas, and Miss Marguerite McKibbou Toronto, are visiting the former's auni Airs. Thos. Power .... Miss Noee Towns, Toronto, recentiy visied the Mis--os VanD.'.ie,..,,Mr. and Airs. E. VanCamp and danghter. Evelyn, Brantford, are vlsiting at Mr. Jos Van- Camp's, .. .Miss Margaret Oke lias re. lurned af 1er a pleasaut visit iu Toronto ana Port Perr,.. Misses Maud aud Merle Power, Providence, speut Suuday willi iheir aui, Airs. Thos, Power ... Air audAirs. Gale, Whitbv, spent Sun. day ai lier falher's, Mr Thos. VanCamp Mr. and Airs. Rd. Withoridge, Town, speut Sunday with Missi Margaret Oke ..,Mies Gladys Power bas roturned aller au extended visit witli Oshiawa friends. Air- R. C. Ccwan was home fromn LindsavireceDuiy, Air. Chas. MýePherson, Orillia, wae liere receutl. Air. Alfred Jaynes. IToronto. is homo ai bis mother's. Air. Geo. Biuzham, Toronto, vhsited ai Air. James Browu'a. Air Geo.SonerviliElývîsitinghls son Mr. T. Somerville. Air Ewart Beamiah, Winnipegg visi. :ed frieuds. Miss Loua Dobîon, Toronto, lias been vi8itiug relatives bore. Mrs. (Rosi ) Anderson and famili' have returned to Usliforni4 via Saskatchiew- an. Airs, Thos Jaynes is home atter an extonded yisii witli ler daugliler, Airs. (Dr ) Rice, Bobeaygeon. 1 ir. J tmes Dyer is leaving the West, tiaying decided to make lis home once mort) in old Ontario. Air. A. Cain and grand-daugliter, Miss Katie Norrls, Toronto, visited bis sou, Mrý Ge. Cain. 'Ibo Misges Colvin, have rolurneu Air Gao. Pollard lias returned from ilierbroke, Que. Mr. aud Airs, Dring, Cavan, visited al Mtr Wm Barreit's. Mcr. N F. Hall passed bis 79tliutile- toue on life's journey Sept.25th* Mr. andi Ars. Wm, Beacom. ationdod Lincleav Central Fair Air. Audrew, Sharpe lias ioased the H. W. Renwick farm teuanted the past two vears by Air. H. Davis. Air> Chas Sharpe, a former resideut of C..larke Union section, is one of the ,uards aI ilie Central Prison, Toronto. Miss Mary Long enlertained a nutu- oer ot lier young frieuds ai a blrihday pariy elle day recenily Mr. John Mason was taken wth ia a 'a f BOWMANVILLE, OCT. 2, 1907. Rev. W. H. Cliue, who lias been con- ducting lte Port Perry Star for tue pasi sesr, lias soid the papor te Mr. Farmor cf the SaturdaY Niglit, Toronto, who took possession lasi week Mr. Clime lias accepted a cal! te the pulpit of the Baptist dhurchinl East Aurora, near Buffalo. Hou. A. G. «II;Kay cf Owon Sound wlo lias been unauirnousi9 choson Lili- oral leader in succession le Hon. (ieo.P. Grahiam le a verv able man and hie an- pointmet meots wlth genoral accepiance Ife was accordefi a non ing recepticu ou arrivai home aller being honored with the choico. Great thlngs are expected of liim. Mr. J. Rose Thexten lias sold lits in- toeinl The Plciîcrin,- News to bis pantner Air. John Murkar, havlnZ se- cured a lucrative position lu, Toronto. The News bas prospened under te finm's management having grown lu favor and circulation during the seven1 years Iliat tliey bave been lu partuer. ship. The News le one cf the besi township journale in the Province and dosorves the popularity il enjoye. Ve wlsh Air. Thexton succese lu hie uow situation. Our citîzens atnded 0dbawa's racing shoot lu large numberesud ail broughl home a portion cf ithe fair grounci. Dust wasetaifling at limes. The crowd was great. Tâe agricultural featureo f the show wore as lasI > ear contribuied verv largeiy by West Durham as well as mucho f the fine arts sud fssncy wcrk. But people didu'l care mucli for anything but the races as thousande hung round te race lrack al lte afiernoon. Good stabling for horses bas been previded but, eaille, sheer, swiue aud voullry jwere outinlutîe open. Swine wase elowu on the wagons.1 Call and se0 our range of navy bine and biack werstects in single and double breasled at 13.50 a euit. Ihila our Speciai suit and le equal te any $15.00 suit any- where. OVEROOATS-ag Speclal black, ovorcoats just for a leader for tle season we are giving yon ai a price that suit everv body $10,00. Don't laul to 500 il as lu s a money saver. FEIMOur Suite ai 87.50 $1000 $12WO0il tweed effecis aud faney worsteds ar e made lu neat nalty style cal; sud see and bo couviu3ced. AIse have black, bine, and tweed ever- eaie aat $5.00 $7.50 $12.50 $13.50 $15,00. $16.50 $18,00 and ý20.00, Don't bny be- fore soeing aur range. JOHNMCMURTRVY, Wfest End Hlouse. Bowmanv } Price paid for all kinds of Produce, cash or trade paralytic sîrok e lu lis riz-ht sida, Friday thîe Alted Clapman farm, inorti quar- nîght, sud lies lu a hoîplese condlition ten lot 28, lu the 6th concession, 52 acres, at bis home, lot 27, 41l concession. Air. bas naw become the ewner, Mason is now lu the 8011 y oar of lise gI If takon patietly sud persisleutl Ail s Alunis Usilendan, Osage. Sash.,J wiIi relieve the mest obstinate cases of daughter cf Air sud Ars. A, Callendar- indigestion, constipation, bati bleati, tormerly af Orouo,was marriedWe.dues- lied liver ne malter tow long standing. day to Davidi Mclntash, Esq .,Mayon cf That's what EHoliisler's Rocky Aicuntain Fillmore. Tha woddiug teck place aIt es will do. 35 cents Tes or Tablets hor uncle'e, Mi- James Dyor. Stoti sud Jury. Aiways avaiti iarbh purgntiye pille ANir Thcs. Cowrau carrieti off finsýtnize They firet maka 1îou sick sud thon leave wit bis rccidster toam firet os bestFarm ycu cenelipaeoti Cter'e Littlo Liverf er's cul-, sud ésinzle driver at Lind - Pille regulate tiiiehowels sud make yen sa, fair, Mrs. 2' nw"aisesuceese- well. Doae6, one pfil, f ui lu) carri ving okff îlte ted ticket for Major i ,'Prp pnr Stouev Creek best lady drIvor, double carniage, anti cf Mrs, R. Moment o cod nth uîe single, Ont town, dropped dead in th e kitchen More c tees of sIcý beadacee bilions cf bie home, Heo baves a grown-up nase, canstipation, can lie curtîtin l se îamiv. tîme, witli less medticine, aud for icss Mr. John Thompeon who las ton autod moee, by using Carter's Litle Liver Pille, Iban hy auycter means, Dieti at bis home lu Huntsville, Mus- koka District, an Sept. 15t1. Wm. Skei- To M aintain ding ageti 69. Hoe pont lis bw hbcd daiýs ai the home cf hie parents, 811 couiscio aICinke ten mars-led ard settleti in Darlinglon near Tyrene. G ooa alth ie leavos a wife sud four s-us. Ho wae n brother of Ire. Arci. Oro-o, irs Mn. John L. m cky, ow a retke o T. Taylor, Hampton, aud Nelson Skel- thc public and high I hoosTrenon ding, of île ol home, besidas other ne qinz, sate t-- iraive uCe.î i i. ' 1d Kidney-Liver Pille and have fouud ther.- île greatcst mediocine 1 evcer tried. used t11cm whon ln tle lumnber carcM andi believe by kceping the kidneyý3arai 1 boweis regcoiar andl the general hcnillo goodti tIt they proteci a person from catching conta "OUS diseasco, iihor s0 common in tha camp. I have scia lundreda of mena using 1Dr. Chesels Nid- ney-Liver Pille la the lumiber camps, Tlay bay 11cm by the dozen when goiîîg in, andti t show how muchl faiàth 11e lave la thorm thcy buy them ivheu ttey coulti gel their medicine for nothiug by goiag te the hospital camp. Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pille kcep rny iiver, kçit- nieye andi bowels regular and my hcahfi good. 1 would not think cf beiug with- eut theos." Drý. Chnse's Kidncy-Live r PUIS Pesîtivcly ecure biliouses, constipa- tion' andi diseases of tle kidncys. One PiHI a dose, 25 cents s boxz, ai ail eai(ers or Edmanson, Baeb&C, Torout-p, SENTER ANY TIME.: *for a Bmneee or Shorthendi cousee. *Positionse assnrefi to raduaise. Six *montne wlii fit yen. ~ rovîde 24 *teachere and best facilities. Write us. CENTRAL BUSINEBSCOLLEOE, 395 venge à St . T ro n o . W . H , S H A W , P r in ip al , NOTICE 1TO FARMERS. Farmers mnay store their Barley and Oats in the El, evator at Port Bowmanville in their .own name tilt the'y ave ready to sell themn. DARLINGTON HIARBOR CO., JOHl1N McCLELLAýN. tIlle. 17 acrebcîng situated andi comnpoe.c cf part or (the North l, of the South ý of lot 18 in the 8th <oncessio f the township of Darlîngton. There le on the premniee a gondi bouse wth s1tone cellar; good barn with atone basernenî; fruit ireee an d mail fruits for a famlly. For furthfr partieulars apply toeI. L. BRosw, Hampton. 1,6-If ROYAL MAIL STEAIIERs. Montreal to Liverpool. Virgijîlan ........ .... sils Fr1. Sept. 27 Oct. 25. Victsjaî ailse Fr1. Oct.d4Nov, I .e F Cs r1. Oct, il Nov. 8 Cotetcac (ew Oct. 18 Nov. 15 Montreal to Glasgow, Corinthî9n .......sils Thurs. Se pt. 26 Oct. ai Pretorian.......ails Thurs. (Jct, 3 Nov. 7 Orampîco iew>... .-sails Thume Oct. 10 Nov. 14 Siccllan. ..........8aile Thurs. Oct 17 Nov. 21 Montreal to London., Pomeranian......slsSat Oct. 6 NOV. 16 adiin....... -a1 ' Sat. Oct. ii9 Nov. 50 Rates and fuli information from M. A. James. A'Ian Lino Agent, Bowmanvjlle. Domiion Lino ROYAL MAIL STEA31SHIPS Kensington..-..............Oet. 5; Nbv, Sothwar'k............Oc 12; Nov. 16 Ca..ada......... ............... Oct. 1b2 S--. ..... . Oc..... Dominion..................-...... x .2 Steamnere eail from Montreai daylight, freti Quebec 7 p. m. Fuel CClass rate '-50.00; Second Class 557.50 andi upwarne accoidmlg 10 eteormer, MODERATE RATE SERVICE, To Liverp:>ol $40,00 and È142.60 To London $2.50 additional Thirdi lase to Liverpol)ol,,Londondlerry For al inUforrmation apply to M. A JAMES, Agent. Bowmanville. or to DOMINION LINE, 175.arieîst. AUCTION SALES WEDNESDAY 0cr, 2-Mr. T. C. Bragge, Kin gstonl Road, Easstof Sliaw's School, will soi bis valuable farm stock, ira plements, etc. Sale ai 12 30) o'clock Sec bis. L A. W. TOLE, auctione r. THUnaDAY 0cr 3rd-Mr John Van Nesi lot 125, con 5, Darlington (Solina) bavinig sold bis f arm will soul without resorve ail of bis farm stock, mach- inerv implements, etc For partie-i ulars see posters. Sale at 1 o'clock. L A W TOLEc, suctioneer.1 SATURÏDAY 0CT. 5-Mr. W. Foster will soul by public suclioti, on the premises. iot28, con. 3, Clarke, al2 o'clock, ýp.mii. six acres of a fine youugz apple orch- ard cemprising baldwins, stark and lion Davis. 'ferma-cash, or part cash with balance by first mortgago, L. A. W. ToLE auctioneser. 39 2w. q M01.DAy, OCTï. 7,-Mr. P. Mal'lory, lotM 15, cou. 8, Darlingion. will soli ail of ý his farvi stock, implements, etc. Sale at ! p. ni. Sac bis. L. A. W. TOLE, auctioneer. TIJESDAY, 0cr 8.-Air Thos Colo, Man- vers Rosd, sotuil of Tyrone, will séli on lot 11, con 6, Dariluglon, aIl cf, lis farIM stock, imDlements, etc. Sale at 19_130 o'cIock, Ses bills. L A W ToLE,. auctioneor. THuassÂ,& 0cr 10,-Thaeecutors of the estateocf the isto airs Frederlo Cubiti, will sou ai lier late residenco, Cubbitt's Lane, Bowmanville. lier househoid offecis, including parlor, dining room, badroom snd kitchen furnishin gs, etc, etc. See bills Sale at 1 L A W TOUS, .suc- tioneer. MONDAY 0cr. 14-Air C N Ruse, Hamp- ion, will se) hiebis buse and 18 acres of land, liouseliold effects, liorsos, caille, carniages, etc. Seo bills. L A W TOLE. auclIoneer.1 TUESDAY 0cr 15-Mr T Tennant, Lot 1 Con. 10, Darlingion, offers for sale the whole of bis Farm Stock, Implements, &c. Sale ai one o'clock, Sec bis, L A WToLE, auciioneer, WIEDNESDAY, 00T. 16-Mr, Johin Osborne, Port fl3owmsnville, baving sold lits farm sud will saul is valuable farm stock, implements, etc. Sale at 12 o'clocký See bille. L. A W. TOLE,, ' auctioneer. FBIDAY 0cT 18 -Mr Blewett, Orono, will sell oàlot 80. con 5, Clarke, al cf bis farm stock, implemenis, e. Sale ai 112 80 'clock, Se bills. L A W TOLuS, suclionoor. FRmÂAY, 0cr 181,- J H Dant, wili soul by adcien ou lot 2,cou 9,Darlinig- ton, ail hie farm stock aud implemeuts For further particulars seelargebilîs. Sale to commtence ai onie o'ciocln. JAMmBL BrsoP, suctioneer. 1 PAINLESS TMuITHLING9 rjl 1 THE IkIGHT IXND 0F CLOTHINCi *1-4 SFOR MEN ÀP i We have selecied from many makes, the 20 Century Brand as the beet cloihing in every' way; the soleciion of ibis brand was only made aller the garments of many linos lad actn- ally been worn the only test thal postivehy decides tle garments tlat bas menit for the money ycu pay lon il. The garments will xeep their shape, are cul and made by practicai. talons, mon who have become experts at their tnade. The styles ,%tre designed by men who mako a continuons study and wlo aim te bave ti garments the foremostinluthe Heady-to- Wear Clothing Trade. The material, le as good as any taller wili give yoil at a muel higI- or pnice. We have seon this eiothing made, we have seen tle supply of materiais noce ssary and if you couid but see the vast quantitios this firm sonde oui you couid easlly undersiand why tle pnice e i owor than tle'ordinary tallor made ciothing and mudli botter made and fitting. The difference is accounted for by tle very low pnice tle makcers get in buying sudh large quantities, tle mostisl proved by up-to-date marhinory used and methode of man- ufacture and the low prices we soul them le you for an 1 you know lIaI your suit or over- cosi le up-to-date in style, fit, quality and wear and cyten you. are dressed lu 20 Century Clolhlng you are wearing tle besl that money can buy. ,OVEROOATS-..aC2 &TWEEDSUIT8ý.'- 2Otli Century Cloth ing for St yle, Qtiality, Fitf and Wear Bas 1o Equal, Bamoum l'ho l To Livernaal Fi-am