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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Oct 1907, p. 6

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ESTABLISHED 1873 0F CANADA Head Office -a--Toronto The Standar Bank pays intePeSt four times) a year on afl Savings Bank deposits. Saviiigs Bank Dqpartmaent ini Connection wth al! Branches. BOWMANVILLE BaANCE W~~ . Jý oares, Manai4cz. BRANSCXZ ALSO AT ORONO A NEW GAE. A iicw gaine, w 1tc9 ia [tords at goofi dccl c t amusement te mwies people, and ls) iinpar'1s coiîsiderable tenstruction te the y ounig le 19e toîniatiunen ci'«cis, bý p lca d in the foIl xxx ng mxarinert'xx1h lie. letters cf 19e alpbaLec;iHlai a dozen ,sels cif il the iettc's cf ltie alphabet are pi w. ided, ecch lettci on a mirnl ie~ce cf pas!tb< ard ci' xocd. One pla et' then katiters al lte lettci'. belet'e hue on 90i ttlle, as aI, caî'ds. The player xwholhas ail ihe letters Ilion tui'ns 19cm face dcxnx îxd, and proceeds le dccl thein oul, oe, .by cee, toth 1e cîhieî's.tegin- rdng wxxliCh e playet' t t i.- hliai-d, ticd ,niuing ei'ound the table in cîrlor. As lie d- alsa e[ter nI 9 litrssils face up, se that ail inay sec Ihat il la ý" toi' instance. The nexi player gls ain "c," suppse, niie, quickldy ses tithIl ioer, joined tb the "n' receixed ik the fiîîsl plaî et',xiiil otite w.xxctd Ile tc-announcs taIt act and claimits 1Me "il."' This is suri ondes cd te hlmi and lie formis 1he word 'ne'-cn te taIle ie fient cýf hiti, cnd imust leax'e il Iliere uredisturhed until sonie cîher player gels a idIt'r,xxliich afide fi te ns id "nio," null forn sente cîher xod Suppose, for instance, libat the tîird let' do I out is n a x"Thenth Ie COOMBES AND CLIFFS 0F ALBION.! (B1 a oaeRe'). People Whose Presemce Is Always Like Oil0on Troubloed Waters. "Blessed are the 'peaceme1kers, foDr they shaH 9le called .the childi-rn fa Gcd."-.Nat'. v., 9. EV ow s;i-inle are th1e sat,ývavs thai ýoperi mbit La -em«st sublime meorci and spirilual prix lleges. The gicalt tacher says that if',eny would h4, kuown es l'.cildi-cii f [lie Etcînal they hav e but - te ai V be peacèinxkcî's among Ihcir f lloxxs. 'Ihe~ ordinary x irtuca cenmmnly are lie c DndiL:ons -of the ex- lracrdusary ibeaèdtudes. If 9the ach r .icant by peace quiet- nesiidlfzruxce, case, anîd slecp thero w as a liime w hcn 19e pcrople of lite cliurce limighitwel iay daim to Ping - 11- te1 ci îii'î -4 e i; î41- xxet jiotew inx'ig &iiieand pleasurabeie ta CaI",'jxxîh hi. xx[sd sne legwb lnpx d eg thee OIi9etfett1-i)fth1e wilîîng t10 bc et ptccce wii tIste vorId lbýiy chufs cf ouri'tn-botmd, i'oclH if eîtiy Ibey îight contintue tcO sleep c', or cx'eî' 19e resilienl, sprhxgy luit u'idisîurbed. 4f Ibûse chaiRdck sxbic tiare sncb ait TiR"e ar'e Ibose v'lso cocceive cf ne ciiactiv e teaiture et England. Aseîi -b' 'lecr- -1[(r- Asceud- nither peaceinalîes i.-i hsewoab iug by a î'cugh path thn)ughi a x\,id cnd h aie e iitiyien warrjn M ntaions. If these ik meantie flaxi er hedeckefi laidsl e, Ille arc te noelycîildicix cf Ccd the fan ily sumiiis sce ced. Flote, fer a î, a sicai and by cxný eans a boe lime, the pcih lies trougli c sîrelcît et gncous czno. cu t îaylhav e lttele Leather. nax'emy blaze etfddeep brillianl dc xx liii 19e good xxet' of disarrnent purpie, interspersed xx ilt cluitpa cf iho m ad stit 9c a tlice pmaceeaker as yoeu ecully hatifi ene, lut less giewttxg, bî'îng Io burnan coriliices ced tela- ing, or heath. Descnfling c deep [i.REs gieter ceins s ',-d rn-cre perfect i'entlic, slîîuhby c ointe, festoefed ttaincny. xxihxroclbî cinl garlaîxds ofcre'amy They ore paen ake xxltho hâve the \vhile travechers ic aind decerated spirit cf I1le fteîîîily cf 1he gî'eat--r Fa- xx 119h the seni-1t'aestucec1 scaettbcrîes lhi i t heir tîcarts, xvi b bring iecii te- cf tte xxitd guelder rcse, atnd vxx it las- geiher in Ihese ,sois cf te deeper eiince cof 19e blackl VIEFML* IS byîofly, ead adoitxed wx' f19 recel tcher D' N AIL IS fait beauly etI1le flûtai xxetld, e Put liiig Therc nevet' xill 9e henuoiy arnongsti brook is essed, dancing ai-id eddytl19ng nbmbi ens oetiaxxs w sremccts ; ox ci' obslructiîîg roks in lîny cacades cnee îhing otly ivill bring, i-li1e apreafi d xxxv 1 toe sec bcncalb; cnd Ilsen sootS 'fth1e spirit.-cf bi'otbcin'1ood. - 1 the ascent recoe'nes. VW henix anebegns lV cîdet'bis lit' Anîd îîoxx 1he'surnil e fthlIe bîoezi yfor 19e belping -cf cîher'iveos, w hon lue ,erdure-clxllt"d dexxns ta rcached, te no longer plans te o ' bis teiloxxs, extilatisg ctxd delic,,o<us ozone-ledeix lut te blesa 1the race, hi, beconixes Ilite e't' boret'no ct te grîatoccan irex ii' -sErvan,u ine i,- ie hec a-es te nicte gce:ýd feeling; the oller wx 11 Cu- pidily an1d enmily. -. NXe ned en and women xho 9y Ilter 1eaîigngmd conduet xiii piornote golfeeýling and triendlnessa a good decl imore than we n-ad iawTs for the Lanishing of wcrn and plans cf s'.ai. The fInest peacernalers in Ihis worid are the plain tien and won w 9e help us to lbke ollwr fliRand lixe w 119. lhem. 1\Vhoex îw, in any xvav, succ,ecds in talMng any of 1he friction andi utrest Ocit cf lite iV a peacemaker. The king- doci uhleaxen that, is eoming xiii 9e Vie kîngdcý-m of pcrfe'4 harmony; il xvil cs-me xi humnaeiiy icaras lte gi'eat lE'scDn hi: al Ibis experiince cf pain andi jey shexitd be teac.hing us. the les- soc ýof li, ing al peace and in loxe xilh cur ]xi'ohers. F'ait' xords abcut fi'ternity easily are spoken and seon forgotlen; il lsaa gKccd deal casier 10 preact ieace Ihail it is teo praclice il. Its day nieyer will cme se long as the chief concere cf eýcci ite is to gel abead -cf every oltier life. IL nexer xill coie unlil we fully ,ce thal Jesus meant something more titan a pretty figure -of speech xvhen tic taJlkd tf the divine fatbei'hcod aed TIIE UMIAN i3tIOTIIEFiHOOD. \\hy sh ou, ld tete itt bet~ he sanie bî'etory aiixongsýl ailmen 19eV ther'e is in a fantiilytIHonmes are enriched anfi11kcif jo)ys cf oui' livcsfon b, the pîicess cf ccasing tle lix e tî' uuî'r indixidual selves and living for te SojCial gi'oup. S-orneday ne xiioi penour eYes tb ae~ the waste, the tiss and pain tîîîd discoird caused by cur iedixidualisrn. ' shahl see fully w liati e nkuw but diirly cppî'eheed-Ibat the rosi riches, thiý le îing jcys, the enduring prosper- îiy cof Litesprîng fi'or 1he things xve b - o o~ o / w We are spen ding $5,000-0O (bis, montl (o explain what the <Word,"Constipation" 1ýM as Constipation means NON-ACTION 0F THE BOWELS. If the liver is healthy, it pours enough bile jnto the intestines to make the bowels move. Then, too, the bowels disohargewat matter from the body by a peculiar snake-like movement. This requires sti-ong muscles. When the bowel muscles are weak-when there is flot sufficient bile-the bowels do flot miove for two, three, somnetimes four and five days. This non-action of the boweels is Constipation. Waste matter, whch should leave the -body, is taken up by the blood, and carried to the kidneys and skin. These organs-in a vain endeavor to throw off the poisons-are overworked. The poisoned blood, in turn, irritates the nerves, causing Headaches- Bacicaches-Neuralgia. The wcakened kidneys cannot rid the systemn of urea, which changes into uric acid, causing Rheumatism, Sciatica and, Lumbago., It is useless to try to cure Constipation with calomel, cascara, senna, strong purgative pils and vile-tasting minerai waters. They simply force the bowels to act by irritating the delicate ;j membranes. Their action weakcens the muscles and really does more harmn than good. "«FRUIT-A-TIVES" ACT ON THE LIVER-stimulate the gand- and so regulate the action of thte liver that it xiii excrete sufficient bile to Move the bes -in the normal, natural way every' day. Notingee in the world wilI so surely and permancntiy cure Constipation. 'FRUIT-A-TIVES " are made of fruit juices, -intensilled, with the most

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