h RemrêIkable cures .«..e Eftected ' 8y P0 ru-na. Unde(r date etf Janaary O 147 D.IMî_ _a'cwadSauà,Mn. Hartman receïý,i-ved the flui glUr rts 14My wif e lias been a sti jeetrma truidwhrhma Complication of diseises ferth0" tsmaCuiîhfrwe 2eeas twenty-five years. 1-er case hae bai-fI'Cd hvn se eun ansepAni.- Sician11s. One of her Nworsttrouibleb 1fet dwt n ln fscns ohric cens' "ytiPat[qn O e v~oral year' , un ii e , medicine I shahl tatotrtclperiol I n 4 nxhfirn.~Ms la woman-~cangeoetlite, Shsnt 'lnJnne,1895, 1-wroltc t onaot urWh ýdPos! r p secaiîLai cae Ynadvised acoret 'ra tnysen Carh ~nd Manalin, whieh we a ne en Whnol g omso, aarîids mced, and Lave to syi epeer'.e en ie ytmectrhi "About ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~j- the saetro iOC,-iie;aisbprnaabcm forabut ya ad it hz om)eejiAre-war e l0ni asbendst 'ur e. jor mreedie d iltattute ake EeaneBakdîu. ~tD dim rl"e- an evn Ore " ibsnto1 a, nrne ta h bv lIon O.AthnWon0. esîmul as acgnun th ehI lan ( l itterd td januariv 1, 1900, Mr. in OUr posseý-ssIinatetelteecr ~.kns Psi ,ater filve yeatrs,' exper.- tifyî_2- te ite same. During many a cew t eua r'avrtltlingï,e hven ie sed, ý' ii~e cntiueto apeak a x.good i pr orin0wolea asUg 1L ospmio0U é Wodfr eua.IasUi credof tetioia Eey 0116 Of ouX $to- T J PiK E,, r TdKEut j1 Yk St.~~rno T-111P is emel arido b r Gslbrel nth i, lwave P ontn{ b tie xe lm i.Glrth-ilh nBw manizlle very atra d iso-Lurnth i,îeb if requireif. 2tL : TELEGRAPHY.11 UUJIII * ltuhth u. u'iewbc t -day. Tiese ahe ha roieste bt 'Gnide by lts.iy" xlin et traininý; aies, tieselisues us tise Sýt Eat, To-ront. 1. SHAW, *Pressdeuto Y. M C . Bildig ~ngeandMeGîli St., r cle ues l Ca!usýsupperior cu iesl alil sbjct ,rao alie aes; Y. M. 0. A. O puivil e isee; stodeut, aýssistd te postions, Writ fsiorSoicatalogue. T. M. WATSON, I Principal. seaFOUR GPEGIALS, a Wulliams side a ce ..,...s2 0 wlxleslepriesthese opeciOar Stil Selire'nt ld Puces' Weaeagreat manv othfr r hes heavy boots $1 15 te $1.7&. Towxn. GET HE BSTI IT PAYS. tbnd tflhe vipepe , lar md)rogressive and bc tborcuighly ,eduicated for business life. Algraduates cf ibis sehool nre ab- solutely surte fgettiýtg iesÎtions, The de- mland is eonsiderably greater than tihe a;pply. New se an excellent time to enter. Write for catalogue. W. à. Elliott, Oer, Yorge and Alexander Sts. Priprejoal. FredR. FleyNew Tire Setter. BOWMANVILLE. ARE BN D ,N T 1N T HI Highandsof Ontario Sigelare lîu effeet until Nov. 5t, te VCiints in above district tnetuding MIJ K&KA LAKE~3 PENqETANG LAKE 0F BAYS Mv'IDIAND MAGNEAA RIR LAKCEFIELD TMAGAYI 'lDISTRtIC1T Sa %,rSe îMarievia No)rtheru avi Ticet,,ýls good iuntilDec. 7th oer 1until Tcesavid fuil informatou iaybi btitifrom Stott & Jury, Town Agents ,bhe ouse UColi TinreStter, 111e aOur mtta te okeep u-edt lu ail l ues et! aur businUess, Reesone wv h is tire seitter dots lies wnrk bott er tu tisLe eli vay: *Tise li taýv 7y tig-ist langer. There is ne ching or hrlgtise No danger o! over tiiisiug t iseviseel. Tht painit is flot ecrateheti er lujujret. 'an gezut n rj b dentl-Ciont qujarte3r the lime We wviliguarantes al Vo0rz k;doue by this machinef We are als-o prpaeti euct tiovuý iVbeejs or any 0oiSon rePîare tliat your rig mav nkeeti, LWl MOWLeRs 8arps3uetianti averhauled as usual A,5 ,r, FIOKARD, EasI End BIacksrniîluBowimanvýl ie I f THE OLO FOLKS AT HOME Are Nover,~ithout Pe-ru--na in the -Home Estaished r879 Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis 1Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria Cresolene is a buon to Asthmatics Does itflot seem more effectîve te breatfie in a renedy te cure disease of the breatising organs than te take thse remedy loto tise stemens ? Icures because thse air rendered strongly ani- septie is carried over tise diseased sg-rface with jevery breath, giving prolonged and constant treat. Sment. It is invaluable te metiiers veiti s;nalj çls&ildret. Tiose ofu oounptivc tendency Sund iminediaýt, relief from cossghs or lu- r flaiued cond;tis f tis Sold by dugss Send postaifor boolýCiet LnEmiNG, Mae o Limited,Agns o- real, Can1aa 0 COOL We are Etiling coal -Pt 86.50 at thse station $7.00 deiivered and extra for carr3ing, JOHN GILBERT AND SON, No)ticeto Creditors. In he Matter of lhe Est ate of Gflbert PERSONAL es Mr Geo Cochrane recently esold a brood mare te Mr' Fred Griffan for 8250 LF.SKARD. T'he Misses Jane Ellen, Florence and Edua Mav Macdurtry of 646 Enclid Avenue, Toronto, are epeuding thei H1alloween vecation ns guesls ef Miss Mary C01lv1iie ut thse famlily residene near Leekard On We8duesday evei- iDg Mrs Colville ,01ves au oid fashioued Scotch Halloween pïarty lu boueur of the Young lades at Which an old Scotch friend isto render Scotch ,Sangs ia high. !Rut! coutuýme. Mir IsasseWiuter bas rtrndhome from Whitewater, Man, A uew plate glass froiut bas been piaeed lu!il-W E a-ey'0b elis Orcuo Divisn Sons of Temper; aue will reoapen on WVeduesday Nov 6(tb. The Misses Leigis visited et Mr Jonas Samis'. Miss Vida Samis accompauled thorm home, Mr John Chester and son,, Toron ,te, are visiting bis aunt, Mrs Vickers, 5tis conceEsion, Mr Siufion Porteus, Oshawa, and Mr Geo Cbapman-visited hie daugister Mrs Comstock, Keudal Mr aud Mrs Thomas Snowdon of Mer.- rickvilie, and Mrs Jas Snowdeurcet Iy visit8d their niotiser. Mr P W Davis of New Y'Lork-,,iChef Inspecter of tis ine SwugMchn ompauyn iitdMr J MRe Mary ïBitte, for mau-y er on tise twshpIndigent ledied ec nta M-vr Neil Blue's, north is fKeudai Mr Wm Armstroug, Mn 'erNew- castle Hatchery, is now at Wu'artou pro- curingounual supply of fisis eggs. T1'e only truc constipation cure must Oegin I ootin.*g, healinZ action wheu it eLters tishe mentis Boilister's Rocgy MonauTearestorps tise wholes"stem to a altisy, normai, condition. 85 cts, Tee or Table!s, Stott and Jury. Mris W10Gorrrll, motýher of Mr WmT Gerry7 of ourtonpssi away oui Tnesy eyniugladut ber homo et Sollea, wtscneatraln u terdhere Fridy terou.Dces -1 waýs for mauy -, ars areidnt0f1h, viaeSie leaves s band cu famuly o! three sons ý,ard one daugbther i-eiai fwhom are narried, Mrs(Gorreil was a daugister e! tise late Mrs Ambeir- Miss Mabel Lee D arnes, dauphter et Charles A Berneüs of 85 Willowdate Avenue, Montlair. and Robert Frank.- lin Moment, -on cf Mr R Mioment Oro-no, were marrlcd by Rey John Moment. as sistaut patte-r ocf etise 'isun A ývesU. Presbs.teriasî cleurch. E t Oranglil?,e, aet tis he i en !,sebrd'epaeî, Thurs: iday Oct1-.Teefiitn lri cular, ~ Z btîlo ' onea ~ste cens, tle f the Towinskpof Dai- ltngton in tise (Joîinty eof De4rhism, fnarrer, Deceased . M'e APeIneSinicot, vis bas spcut XTOTICE le bereboy giveni punsuant tl5e hast menth is vls er sIster, Mre. S W -1-' te Sec. 38 of CL ap. si. nIs-.o.,1897,that NM(oore, tSatnrtiay mornlug for alpersenshiavingdcainis or demande against Hîampteu e ta;,,ýy vils b er brathier Sir thse estate of the said G lleert Steveus, deceasses,R Katerson anti lamnii over Thauke vise died on or about tise:31st day et Jnly 1907, are rsquîred to send by post, prepaisi, or deliver gIVtfUg.Mr-Mason -eVIsitiugbe te tise usdesigued Solisitors, for Tise Trusts latiser et Oillia...... Mr Blake OSe, Mis- and Guaraulce Company, Limiteti, Acmiuiis- se,, Inez Pearce -3anti Lois Wenry, Dar- trator of thé property etl ise seid deeeased, on îige- or before aise iStisday uf Nevýoemben,10te, l sur , vert receut gueste ut Mn John chrIstian und surunsmes aud asidresses wltî fu RiCkard'S...Miss Loua Clarke la visit.F particuiers ln writing,,of tbEiu' daims, ad nd nRcetr...Ný8Al statemeut oet tiein accouitsansi tise n atone e ul o csste...1M-sAle ta seuiis(lany)IlbelId by tisem daly vonr- 1nurse, Gepivisiteti relatives et ar StarS- febstttry diaatios'. vle rcnty .rjohn Buckly, Ans(i tîke netice tisat tte1ise said 25th dcv Oroi,-rd -,theý as"Vv)IA of Nevemiber ,407, said Admjnistraýtor vîfi oo nidnitlsIa(1v proees tedisribte iseasste f ts said de Deive, Bîlace"tocln, re(euiît vste s ceaed amý--onL tise parties eutitledi tisereto, bey- Atkinson.ý. .. Mis Annie Dininan ne- ung regard eniytg tise claiese ofwhists it shah 1 eently visitoti at ir W H Peacee tiu hae otice, asud tiluse sudAdin;stretor e will ne0t be Imlhe fer saisi assi, or any paýrt Nisers il sud N Alnlst eue of liseir thereof, tnany pors4on or porsis utwlisse prizl Leiceasters setuce t heir return from dlaim noti e shialinet bav, e be eeiveu by it tht falilfaireý...-. AnIniVersary services or iLs saîd Slctors etilime of suich Gdstlbiii h eiode hue Sua ek Ution. n17eMtoit bri iua 'a Datî b d Octehe",07. coutinfteti by 11ev J Il Gaïbutt, Bow- TIHIFTRUSTS AN4D GUAR A NTEE [manvilie, verse Xeplieu3ally W,311 at 48*4 iI54PANYLIMITED teudeti sud al vers delighted wlth tise SIMPSCON &BLAItI, Idîsconrses, Ofsig iiaurxm Bovuisviroeimale oletrfor luise sit A $nerao 250.j aRev Dr Briogs preacheti in Meticali 0St churcis Sunida.% Miss Editis Weekes vlsiteti relatires lu Toronto ueceutly. Miss Ada Minas, Toronto, w as recent guest of Mrs. R. E. Holditeis, Miss Jean Ted, Torouto, epent Suni day ,vith ber bfrother, Me. Tha.Ted. *vîsitet iber auint M"'rs L Paterson lasi *week. f Mrs HrvF innigan aPd-Nti iss L 1 mthvislted their ýis -îr, lMrs ShIenidan, Gananeque. Unin Tsausgilugservice ilu Pres- is ria urcis Tiursd1ay, Rev HG Lewive1t racs Mr s VW CeeS bas returnet i er homo lui Toronto a! -ter- visiting bier fatiser Mr W T Oýe, wvho bas been s8erieusît' ill. Mates arolti and Arthur 'Weekes, YTeroZ.t0ilwbo0 bavIe IIe n visiting -here for thct paist t ï%,eirks bave returned home Mr anti Mes A Towusenti anti Miss Leua Totvnseind, vitb Ms-s E M An- thony. oe t S Cîannsave genle ta Englanti Rey Hilgs amro B . A Morris- burg, vas receut ue o!fbis son Mn A. R. Cameron, B.- A., Classical Master of homniie 1bScisol!. e Dr. Normnan J. HaliSlina, bas purclifsstdtsat", cefo! Dr, Lapp, Ponts poolý11K. Tise latter goeý te Nev' YonS te tk a special cee anti ear course, Mir. H R. flollanti has rentet iMrs. Mlsinahuse. 9 Heatis hStreet, Deer Park Toouto fo tie 1vinter, ant1 i yu das.is îun N ove-"ýmb tr, -Me J JMaso3n attentieti a et ingo Boad ! empraceai MoralRe-, foraio!1the Meisdi iurcis. Be va eleclud on tisej ex-cutive sud mme 0! tise legUeatin anti literaturecoi mîttees, A serions accident teeS place at -le 1Gas Fittiege Co nwerks Thursday io tise fiooer!iugilitise second fiat gvewey andt Iret mou vn fietbadly injuxreti anti eue Silleti in tise broke'n timbe)rs aud iron. Tise man k'lilled vas Ha-jfrveyý Perkins. ageti 4 eas.fi lav vite anti famlly. Re.J B Wat , D'D, Pestero!-0,it Oiivho bas ben vsitîng bis sister Mr~R1 ove uar O -sav vsitedti Iis tevu laet veek lu compan h Me. J. W Bosbe r-y, Dr. Wateou liveil here wien a yonngman beiag -a clerk lu Gibson's Tee toeb-ut he bas net been bore for may ers, Dr. Wateonis a speaker anti lecutrrof minshrenova sudus biliedti poa in Massey Rail, Toronto, Nvme 0 A t ten ýid Mock : Petrflam-ent lu Bovmeu Tbemsilne rtgl'e nder tise aupce ,f Ith Mted, cor a lisoougilv e syejbyalil present, Tisiei sa oiiets îMis's ]reli ay, a îy' nfîik li sd Miýss ru e 1 rsn excelleti temslve. Mr A ABeus(-Ih and the 01orfeo rIdu sý;tà 3vert also great!lý ap- pliîd5 d andi we o Pe alil hs teea viii never rou v wry iu wehl-doing- Proceed 82,75_..VisSos: Mr mis. to, Brokl, t i John RatoPl, Miss Fiora Viïrt-ue basrsurdfon Terento-; Mss (O) Canphel, Brookilu, [ut K-r C Williams'M3!îatiù Mirs P Werre, 'Ivrole, etNMe H J' Wý"err's ..Mis Svbii Jeveil, Lniaa oe.,,Ms Ethel Curtis, .u, aI Mn Jas Pse's ..; ss. MargaretStewart visitinig frients il Weflieutianti Toronto, Dyspepsia ilu ttc eret terintes viliyielt i te tiseuse o!l Carter's Little Nerve Puil, aidet b-, Cart!er's Little Liver Pille. They net euly relieve preseut distres but strenrgthon tise stomacis and digest- ive apparatus. Don'btmssthse Xock Parliimeut lu Acîs e! itns Smtmscost verv 111ebub totten a-re sinerely apprecialeti anti linge(-r 1lng îlu tisem yof tise recileut WearceremiClA1te.,enti veu ue ncbexpressiüofe!appreciation. Mrs Sidney Trovail o! this section ne- ceiy receiveti tnem Mes (Dr) Cavent' of Bellevil le, Ont , Ibis bitter visicis ex- plains tîf My dean Mrs Trevýail-We are homeý agaun aller oun auto trip, having retuarued via Peterboro. We otten thiniisu speak of youe Slnd Sos- pitalitîta 10us vison wet metitis tise car accident, I shýalalwvsremernber yote. Shoulti yen ever coene te BElleville corne direct te our home anti yenvilI receive a weicome, Arnm seutiing a photo o!f,ïy isusbaud ant i7soîf vbicb I hope yen receive al, rizbt. May, yen meel vits Slnd fiontis (as to ýn aire kint)i)nl voutr valut througis life's journey. Witis meuite o! chlldboodi. jbniAntre ~es blay, Sajabo),c, Qie. eys: 'q" have proved th-e &valu e o aysOaTas- lets as a cure for leveraM of tise troubles thet sfityoug cistihÏdren, ln- cluding -skianIsae indîgestioin and teei3hing troubles." Sold by medicins desalers or by mail et 25 cents a box lrom Dr. Williatns' MdcieCo., Bruckvîlll, Ont. 8UPFEBUfiG WOMEN Wuýu1LtJAs' PINK PILES Every dose o! Dr, Dr. Wîlllemîs' Plnk Pille rakes new blood,every drop of pure bloud bringe the 111 diebearten. - d woman nearer fo bealtis and happi. ues. Dy- Williams' Pink Pille have Sbrougblt the glow of health to thous- ands of enforers vise g1afly bear tesît- mo -y te that affect. Onse oftiseae je Mre. Eîiziath Dauhan, -of Wellaud, iOtwbo styie; "For more then a yenr I vs greatly rau down. 1 had elocken- luýg heacs and my isenr nwotU1d ppIoate e vloeutly thet 'at tinhes 1 feared deailiwvas3uer. I vas under tise cara of a doctor, but isisl eof lm. rprovlng 1I'lest straugth sud my weight decreaeed frowe one handred and forty 10 ninty rounde. 1 was dlscouraged,- ibat fiually decided to ,give up the doc- tore treet'meut and try Dr. Wilams' P'ink Pille. I amn glad I dld eo,,. for after uslng tie Pille a few veeks I could ses a marked Iniprovement lýa tnp condition. The isedeches left me; 1 regained s treuigli; tise diatreseinz heart palpitatîion ceased and et sud ef two- menthe I was fally reetored to bealtis andfa it betterthaisn I bad for the pant twenty yearsm. Dr. t«Willlams' Pink Pil1le are@ truly a asarvelous medi. Cu-lend I cannot eralse tbernenougis" Hear papiatIn, aemia, ied aces, lseetepeitgesueral e- net, bciscise, earinezs andi a hiscet Of ote ruls r i ieeuon ef beýd be -i.Dr. Wllss'Pink Pulls meke new- nuis retiilo-tepr dlod dee jtise reet.T!isaI le whythe pill cur aI troble duete atery blood rweak eý hak'y nerVes,'Tisere la flt enook orcornec ilu Osuada visons yon wili no'. fli sesgeatefal person wiso bias4.bLeen oureti by the use o! Dr. Wilm 'Pink Pilla. On tise word tcf yournlhbor çvo usk yen te try thia a iedicir'.îe If pou are weak, aillng and riu down, The Pilla are sold at- 50 cepti a box or six boxes for $250 et Ilnoiiedealers or frora Tihe Dr. 5liIasMedlclne Co., Br echîle,Ont- Attýen-d ecS fPaïirllaentluïiBowmau. Ville rPriday àeenug, A pinSsand visite social wiii be i-I ou Tisauksgiving Day, Thursday, Oct, si1, vien a geeti prograutuprepareoi bu memisers o! tise Epwerîiu League cou'. sistsng et recitations, readlngs. -chorus, es, soles,, duets aud quartettes viii be given at 8 pm. Admissioru Aduits 15e childiren 10O.... Vsitors: Mr andi Mrs Hannais, 1]rooklin, visited at Mr John Westaway 's ...Mrs 1E iannan bas returueti home alier a pleasant visit vitis bler eilidren sud attending tise wedd('ing of iser sou Norm, In te Miss Miller of Toronto 1 SUPEMS'nrIONS ON SKIN Disn,àss-Of ah1 supemrstitions probably tisemost fool- i l týise ie thp-t wben a rashs or I sore Ète bealeà i o2r tA iby meaus of extèrnal a~picsios [ wll strike lu" aiýd do furîher baîsu No reputable pbygician w igve any coýunrnance t ucsa nottioui. skia dîtaass0f eveny formA and especially eczema, sait rlieuin, sclt eati, etc., are promptiy rellicved sudt certaiuly eureti by Dit. CH4sE s Attend McSParliarneut lu Bovmau- ville Fia-eelg Qtuarterîy meeting vwili be iseid next Sunday merniug ut ZMon ceh t a~~ a i.Mir W1 N Pascoeeh ad a succes- fui husking bece Saturdey night . ... Tise sad intelligence vas rececveti here o! tise deatis at Calgary e! Mr Will Vice on Suuday lestIlie vaskiliedby afreigist train on tise CIPR. It le Ivelve years since ise was borne. He was a plasterer bt' trade, Ris brolisers anti sisters have tise sympathy of tise commntunit.y inthýi 'Mis.-es Monsa ad Effie Vice are .,i;itiug et Islay, . ...Mrs Waiters, motiser o! Mrs Jue P&Ecoe et this, place, was interred at Zion Saturtiav. Deceaeet bati been îiiviiug vils Mr EdLwarti Pascoe, Witiy tewnsisip, ani was b'-urneti te deatis by ber clothes cibn fire in ber rocou. Deceaseti vus 88 years eld ...Deatis came to thse relief o! Mrs W il Gorrili 'Iuestiay. She Sud been s great suifer- er for over a year but silo bore up se0 patientîs'. 55e will be mucis mîsseti b, everyone as she vas s frieud to ý1 She leaves basities a eorrewing isusbnd lisree s,,)ns sud atiaugister, Mrs Thomap- sou vise waited on lier throîîgàis er long illuess, Tise funeral Friday vas lp.egely atteuded. Rev T H P Antier- so:n preechet f rom th 3 text et ber ovu cboosung "Be ye ready for iu such an heur as__ye tiik net tise Son of Man IThe Home of Que, ,Quanlîtvl-, Valu il Fuit and icompiete. SEE OUR LINES I.N. Iron anti Brase Bedeteade from $,00,I te M50 O00. Spring;s isud mattresees tram &2.00 ta Dressers sud stands fnom l$10.00 ta $65 Co Dieieg rons chairs lu sets f ron 88 50 ta $75.09. Sitieboartie antiBuffets tram 87,50) ta $65.00, r . i rvrmTci . Dia The Home Furnishers-"b Funeral Diretors PhOne l'O Bwran'Vlhle. Orono aniHamptOn.1 e. Ail FuIl and compiete, 1 TheStore of Quality and ~- QUANTITY flason Clothig Company. The Home of High Class Clothing. There are lots of Stores for tise ladies, but only one goed store for thse men and a visit to our store wili convince you that i'ou are ,vasting your t[ime and losing money by buying your Men's Goois, at any other store. We have 900 Men's Suits rauging ln price Ïrom850 to ffl000; Yuloth SuItý and-O vercoats iu T weds, Frizean - avrs 5to s8(). Boys' Drass Over. coats wfitb vol vet collar, long Ulster with stormr collar, Bo i's Suits single alid double. breasted and, Norfolk Styles ln tweeds and blue and blae' serg-e ?88.00 to 6.50; Reefer with storm collar, 83 60 to $7.50; Uhildren's Buster Brzow;n Qver, coats, and 1, Reefers, ln red, green, fawn, brown, bluie, beautifully trimmed, 63 50) to 86.00; Children's Buster Brown Suite lu fancy Tweeds and bitte serge $3.00 te $4,50; M n d Youthe' Fur band Cap ,s a large seleetion of beautifu1 designs 5jc to 81.00; Men's Unuderwear fleece lined at 45c, 50c, 60e, and 75e, WTool at 50c, 75c, 81.00 81.50 and $2.50 per garment, lu grey, brown, reti, olive aud black, sizes 82 te 44; Boys' fleece lined and wool underwear 25o te 75c; Meu's and Boys' gloves liLiefi and unliued, wool mitts and gioves. henry working g-lovee, Mittsý aud gauntlet.s, WVe have just received a cons gumnn of *. beautiful autumu Neckwear, lu ail1 the new fr shades, grey, brown, blue, wiue, green, purpie, etc. We receive a shipment every week of new thiugs lu Neckwear. We have just received a shipmeut of thse Iatest uvelties lu Searf Pins. Auythiug that le new aud up-to-date in Gen' Furnishingei, -wehave. If you are thiuking of getting au Overcoat do not faau ta corne aud look'through thse 600 that we have, and sou wiIllbe suited lu every way- fit, quality, and price. Overcoats la Tweeds aund black Beavers at $5 00, $6,50, 87.50, and the best black Beaver and Melton Overcoat ln Bawmau- ville for 810/'0, beautiful black-R2avers and Met- tons at $15, $18, and $20. Masn eothing Ceo.0 CLOUHNG AND FuR\CSSIi3iw sPopGNTuMN ND THEISNS gry 'l Jolln llacKay Ltd., wiH pay highecst à price ai the Mill&, Bowmauille. -à-