nSi reileve »Il Cfa troubl6s lad 119 stato of tehoyemF suease te. rowslness, Dstreses fter th,) Sde4 &o. While thirmoA6t Willam, ,000 Pt ,t Aitu,1200 Niogoro FouslI,thPeoCtyabu 10.000sen*Semo of tlogor Outorto CURRENT TOPICS. "Truth, crusbed te ceatb, will rLso again." Lt is tee bad that se many phl- torophic great truths have bcrn clethed în the dress ef generalittes certan te n'aXe them Impobut threugh a grow- îng triteneas e! more form. 110w mucli n~oro effective titis observation would have been if the philosopher had mode Lt read: "Let on~ lie ho nailed te ~cu aad you'ro a lie hiliboard for life.~' "I e' oran andi fad acqulredlite sme seasna hbis ppepiae ethat ro- adajpteitA selt seraptdly ýte the nertit ecl limTale that mn a eyar a va- riety et heatwaSdelod hc bad acqutred.a habit -etmtrig uc rr~re apilython ils Grniai cso urnd rtle histahiýt whenitfva seýwlnlasuemGrayTsws prdcda voiey e wcfhth though sewn l pig iosa a aswn hai, l scw n lathe prîccd- iiîgl autmin. T++++++++ E s ++++++i tho dred of crk" jh+ .Ê dish of the plate, having a granite lining, and mented handlEs. ou finest silver remnovable ric.Hy orna, R large andi- handsomrely illusrated catalogue wili be mnaiied upon reques-t show- ing a very la-rge asscrt.-ent or tlhese serviceable dishes. ,~ ~J~' ~ 7~< T's notfikig ikê il "\elihat i e"coatLinuedMr bav thpea. Lt e sethe ll'Salary, i will, ed oreeaie i oerno. CoUls hd remined silenit. Iilirat longfigh wih Stbhs, nd et th lota- tor sishoimul vic!toýry. Tho faceps tfbisc dearly-leved ifeadhalsreho 1111ons, t. f in hi an illm net tho hougbtpe t0e11bite ai th hav eadho assomtan o! bore Une o (unee jilici Jxtrict Dantie- lUn ; One ouncýe Co'mipolind SalatCne; Four ouncesq Compolund Syrup Sarîuparilla ; Mix,sak well,an take lin tea- spl,ýoonfel does after ench meal and again ab bedtime. Your druggisit catn suppýly the igre- dients, andl the mixture can be pre- pared ej t homre aetvery little expanse. This, the deoctQr says, sets directly on tLhe kdes assisting them to fil- ter the poisons front the biood and expel sam-,e la the urine, ett he sanie timie resýtorinjg the kid'neYs Io he-althy, normeal action. 11- feel that a great mnyreaders Mr.lbtc )bo aze t l i o w ildermeat. v i Ili- tle you li thrw u eî iuto "W l' talwhIlo hig 1 sidMilly, Jae Ion eIll h al. Xuae ll ways st1e froid cf thia"fgo Iiared!" wa'ilod Mwilly bosarey e oven vr-Srn fcloî ai~d ~ a C O the ~~iori r IFa6u Keep xvii ram a tu t ut [J C:) C CLI J otiier bighway. JUsrBE.t~3B fi it .storrns ~ q dod conlIne ~ yourself . Indoor~s '~~' À~ t-J IF2RYOUR 1 The Panclo1