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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Nov 1907, p. 4

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BOWANVLLE NO. 6 1¶07.MAPLE GROVE. Visitors: Mrs D A Wells, Toronto, >1UTrES AND COM~MENTS visiting her sister. Mvrs Chris Cox; Miss POU R CONOM 1ý1Ne1llieAxor, Toronto, visiting lier 1hpepxngte itoyo!Fwan b rothetr Mr Chas ANford; 'Mrs W Rowe h ______ _____ _____ _____are fourd n te ivIlle 40 years ago c w e note ilow in Y and M ster W ilie, W ales, England, at MMITY Si we e h go auctionelers were li ns d t e . A c Mrs ',W C F rankýl's; Mlr John Gerry,o t e c r n f o m ioerTl uthv inch in the Taunton, t Tr C il Snowdon'; Mr UT Y hoe r o e mus hav a, and Mrs H A Farrow ow , vsie __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __e_ _ monopoly lie__________ friands here Su-inday; Mr and Mrs Rd Lorov rcie 27 oe u ajo ad, town, vtite is brothersreenlv PRASE ECION IYon, D Jacvos2LoesCandidaej owden nd Matr osu t e ndrn h l t Îlg S ttori1y A.nsw ere Beattie recelvt d' P_ W more, Londoan MrheogeTribl, ow, a hme M WA¶V~RlhI.I<K has lwa e~ntrad wol eel nd Mrs Geo _ehnsnadMr ani IlfhJ A JLJJL Ahuilfiated to have -an hones, pai Mrs Norman T 'hiekson, Oshawa, spentOu h w n working ma" srpesnaie nteThaniksgiviat Mrt tl-John Sodns om maons ..Nil elcted offleers of the Di vis- i ______ ~ ~ ýnare: W 1P-Mark Nlundav; W A-Q I Si l o F i n i tr The ýn-p1es Th, Wo11 ,s Cjlýý,,,,,,,,Richard!D Trimnble; Treas-S C Rundie; The Simplest ~ ai aiThorlped sas ose ivoeeetFcSLola Sjowden; R S-Howard ___________________________________________ The 1Heavlest Lorndonetoen on e nte eetFolevT Assist. R. S,-Gladys Munday. anyutiso of money would expose them tô Chalin-Jaicob tftevens; Conductor-u lc s edr fte ltigTa erslogcrnet s ymr The ost ractcal xposurea and arrest without any possi- Sirley Sniowden; A .sslst. Cond,-Rbac biliityet 2sawoff Jeffery; Inside e- ele Snowdon; % chance but from oui insistence that e very gam e nt eîte uso Outbidea SSentf -liusseli, Perkens; P, W. leaving this store shall be the absolute best that designers', genius, and tailors'sil a boe ntemre.Cnevaie aedn huigP -Mark Munday, ir.; Organit-Lola produeat eaelispecifled prîe In our showlng of fal and Winter garments YUsaif enou2h ovr thethre b ivcti-c <)u Snoden.your individual taste; yottfit your own figure;anyoroty nery asj evr We îv apoitvegural- Oct. 29 for a genuine political vîctors'-r i amSnowdon, jr., hda sueoeýss-mreadofe lsahndtshud e heh yourseek fahin externe cal ît o tee wut ail ou work. What they soeeo!viGtor, lu the results lui huskîng baee Wednesday evening. hmore edte e an onshvative orsoxethn etwevr orc tlwaead Healthfuil and elfficient hent- is a conundrum, la N. 'Wellington a te mr eaeadcnevtr rsmtigbteneevcretsye ing ils Our spcialitV. Estima"tes etheerfl.Iyý subMitteld for your Liberal wain returned by i.n increased OBITUARY shade wlll bc found in the iler display now offered for selection. Corn mne a ilth ~onsderaion.majoritv froin-808 at the general eiect- fine, smuart, new Stylea in Suits, Overcoats, Furnishings, Boots and Shoe. ion te 387, a Liberal gain of 79 votes. MeIls. WILLIAM RowE,.a In E Northumberland. a. strong Con- CROC servativie, riding. a Conservative was The funeral of the lates Mrs. Wm. E C 0%elected but the mýajority was reduced Rowe teck place on Thursday afternoon. R IC E & CO U , ~~~from 206 te 148-a loss te Conservatives Tesriea h os Dealers îin ad ae ooe n Tn ae f 58 votes. In London the Liberais b e atrRv J Garbutt, assisted ddnet put a candidate in the fieldasb Revs, W. and T. W. Jolliffe, Who in Phoe 6.Opposite post omfee'. they expeet Hon. Chas. H.ý man te be suitable terms expressed their simpa- * -flthe candidate at the next general elect- thy with the bereaived famtly and urged iio. They were quite agreeable te ail prý sent te be ready for the summonçs Col Jeattie's election by acelmte awaiting us aIl. Mrs. Rowe for maniv as was showu by their f allure te support months was a patient sufferer and the ~ ~ the Labor candiate. htraas end was a blessedi chanpe for hern The -------- jjjM__ .......f... h or oiing oner ative cau hse inembers of lher famiily gave ber ail the I !îîiuresîtsiL i imossblefor u Iparialcare and attention possible, but it was l'lmind to compreherd. evident for some ttmee that hier lil!e work We W elcrne Bot Bu er ~~: TANTO doue, and God called le home TAUNTONme cher, and mucý', thought cf by her Sirnila n~~~eighbers. Rerforsu-eiW- AndIi S iI~ e.ller . ..* liam, John aRut! ales as paîl Thursday evenirg Oct 31 Taunton berers, They witht'ei twc sistersi a !The next meeting wllargelE: dns Sonareh ladig urvyor cfmeaa ft day Nov m8 The members would' be friends and acqualutances in their time thStOwn, They rei) nputationl by raising the standard br pleased te Sais ail the flormer members cf trouble. o a d Pcu'try. TFney keep the best quality thfat can be a ad as many newocnes as eau be pres- Me LAMUEMDUAL secued . eut __________Once more the sympathy of the whole -ti- ~Fre cal yïýs deped n gëtïgtl ehst 5ice fr 11' SLliA-mmuitiy goes o1ct t be f ami l1-of Mri îll __ oetMDoglCuc tJs J . f he bcd ,,quality. Tliey have secured sceveral choice cattie hem nii2 yoert ago )ail, ere hced te earuc bTee-'r prOmînný er s o hcrCrstmstrade. va g i Thesei3àt evoo mdliii~~~Týe an edr frterChitae2auiow,3eeu passed off veyuetv the sudden dtcf rsM ouga to i~:have aise sOmelI choice T'ur!ieys, Geese, Duckg and Cicen; in . Apple crop has beau gatheed-in wt c.1,10.adnwgifc eee sace et-ao, 1-iSoles;Blga asglittie damage by frost. bjy te akni away aiter a brief iliness j. sed eas-aco n, HIam s Al ermnshc rana, ausle, !LLIQuarterlv meeting wais lreyat- o! the edtdaghter of thefam;iy Miss ~g Wei nrs and ooked Hms AIl earman' brandsecond te nlone. Z1illlItneiatZo la aduu Fsmersenu .g e!Wm ateo udy laMu ,Du&l ic h et mdTheir Own make Sausages and Lard ineed ne comâment. MIlux 9ag ouiDkt !br ohr ieMDogî a a Inw ÎeIMP hv coîeyongcttie for 111 asbe0aligo renshr. tue burden and respensibility o! super- (D~ ill~i aleFarers wie.9, bring your good poultry and get the cash fer jjji Misses Helen Hogarth andGrr nedn h oeadcrn o e t11- . 1nwà Pascoe have beeu visitiug ln Toronto. yas~rothepee e li. We have orders in now fer good Turkeys for Xmas. We 11Mll Mr. and Mr- Rupert Meredith. 'e-brcntn edres irbiltfc want your best quality. We welcome both buyer and seller and or nte, have been visting at Wm. Weiry 's.-and baehathdwnteadmia- 19want te give both satisfaction. *i Frank Westlake lias purchased the tien cf ail whckuzew the cireumetanceb.O .Ell fam nw ocu pied by W. A. Lammi- And uew these grieve the mnorefor ber !I caeallo ae kb arly death. Two weeks ago she was Ail cses f wek orlamepresent at the mcrniig service in st ache, rche matism, wil n eifb Paul's church ecf which she was a de- C aw ker & Sof~~~ ~~~~l I , I wearing oeeof Carter's Smart Weed vteadwchy emraucc-M aIitr e-ad Beladoianaoackalhe lasters pleined cf feigfaint but wae able te hUm Phnec2 ednn. T khemeitey rstaedw1harlMi adn's Flland W ntrSuits. M n'sFurnîshings. PRie2cent s tors M ndMr w:lk horneThen sitewas lmost lim- aVrwuvre3 a.rc n. Ârewoae~îeyieKe .1i111iiiiiENILD*tcghfo ayher friends had horpe cf The first styles In Men's Ove-rcoats arme Everything that ile styiish anduiu r"13rysh Z,111i1 an %rdpassed nr,. __________________________________________________master, Buffalo, at Mr Freid G riffi n's; fniend'is exteudr-ed te the father, te the aldto the ne W long cents with fuli box for fil. and winter. Mrs Speuse and son, Islay, at n rtwe ,sipees i- e Louleand anto back in solid and colored miixtures, very , Li John Virtue'B; Messrs 0 McCulloch-_, au(d te the brothelr M;r Athur McDoug- swagger, at frcm $10 te $15. ves UISa i and W McCulloch,,Toront, at home, ailcf orthBayiThsfunra1tec heilere as the Halloween spirt i e famiiy eidne Rev. uugil Munrce, uur $2. Hat. A beautiful line for the man wi mmiiranomu,~.Tar.u- ke anyimprcvements ...RBentham BA k, Mnseof St. Paul's church, con- a suit that ile correct in every dtalta IN- FIS"IUn ABLE Aut E shlpped foureanloadq cf potatees te auctid the service-. The pail bearer8- The -satisfaction given by- our- $--)fHat - mederate cost.- Ail the new brows c u_________ camorb, - -_.Quite ai înteresting Fiff ir were Niles)ers W. T. Aile., Chas. P. in ail the latest stiff and se! t blocks Ile well tone greys, muxtures and other newwae %_cameoff__ lu-the hall here Thanksgiving Blair, W. Blake McMurtry and Ji O>,. ay-being the settlement by arbitrat- McMuriry. Reantives fromi a distance shown by the repeatcd calîs frorn those who and effects New variety models a ela ion cf the trouble betwesen W Avery were Miss Metcaîf,' Mrs. Payne, Mn. have tested it. lIt wouid lbe a task to conservative styles in alisizes tQ i vr The gentlemen lu tbis and Alex McCulloeb Avery clalmed Henry- Meteaif cf Cobourg, Mr and dulct-hsbt9toreeilpic 2 iue pitr r e eiet f~ damages (rom McCulloch for iujury te ars Norman meDougali, Coîborne; airs dpiaeti a ttu pca rc 2 iue * bis colt sustained rom falliug luto an Bartlett, Toronto. Bowmanville, Ihey are from unused Well. Avery claimed that Mc- Port Hope or Orono, at ail Culloch went through hie fleld and lim- eNeunts they wear laundried rpeyput the fuc up whicli caused JI N MI TY 4ýt ~Weil wae. Thearbtatons after hear-Je ora f lu Ifeeis wth te ae mlenogTe amittacr eweeteW s n o s o m n il, I- felo~feein wih Le en~f iunthe evidence decided that MeCul- Rev. A. . Creighton, Toronto, wfll ]3Bowm-ýanville and viinity. loch should pay Avery $95 for injury preacl inluTrinity church next Sunday. There jelsncthing tee good for te colt Arbitratons were Messrs Ailen Rv Hg Mno, .A1 rece the Oshawa eseam Lsnand Hays, J J Virtue (Ennîskilien)an a Thanksgiviý'ng sermuon lu st. Paul'd the Owa Sedem Landry Whitby, ac::d as clerk cf cout fi b:hTusd:mrIngte a ary Oonc. W::: sda::;v:9hur DlJS. B ! U . caer ~os holiefirsta farmers cculd aîways agree in ti evcnreae.fekr fo iac ilI bcpreseut IB by arbitration ih wouid be more satis- hl uS.Jh' brhTakgvu nlpormwl i ie ae. Opst ao',TRNO Drop Frazk Pt c cr &factcry al round and save cnsiderable mIriflg whelie .W E rolî. ninsrvc !18eMe1diî,me. H cnhe uch igl u wlien te cal and yen eaun rely cse . terco pece-Diepeaneoeeete~it, a *e**ee:double, ail cIIus yaits Jupon the wcrk. Goode sent At1e1s1 paersric nthe held l the Methodist churcli Thanke- ;TE LEG RA PHY. cI na. Jonquils. ulesnl _____________________Tuesday and returned Friday ENSILNMtoitcuc luea evenng giving day. After the epening hymu for Rai1way and Commercial work is an double ail color.Aget.- ____________________________the delegates t h Provincial Sabbathipae was offered by Rev, W. J. Cad- agtb s u e a, 4f~ _ Recet vietors Mrs.C. J.Pasee andSehoo convntio la Bampto wil manand te senptur readby Re, T. hGui,"teelaKey,"en * .l o! thersetns tvBtr:MsC.J aceadgive their reports, Goed, attendauce W. oliW.Ri on ab tt, th :wt, iret lesson to any apphicanto e ~ Pats Putyad tc 4f ~~~~ ~ >V ~~~daugliter Eula wlth fiends lu Toronto; invited. jpast oprahdavery exceildute-* , th 0StISS. ~ *od.Ie P att ,Pene.ue] rr nretes 5iMr J W Virtue and Miss Marguerite li RvnJ'. lve, pniprahe o fro tlewds 'Bl eeds e n- CStrEaSt ooo TelegraphAWrý' ods d e ____________________IMiss Tena Staintcn,Toronîo lJýH ana rahdmn rn h od ýüsdi h n. S at ootW .1ýI nhome; Messrs Noblo and Bruce Met, Sundav la Centienary church, Hamilton, tien whosé God ilsthe L'ýordi." The speak- i5tiu Coffees a specialty. ~cal!, Darlington, at Mr C E Stejwars's' sad the Spcaealli, lgr lûueter cpbasized ned e crstanpatriot-PER Mra-1 _ _ _ ____ __._ __-_ _io 'nc vx, o rýt.h gi i a ,n f Q ý 1- ý., - - ý_1 - shiP-pers aflI ge-- aret-e- msu.î-1 ate -- matet Ieaït ~ai more lolth ruttiver andkdey u Q hsdubes-I CtUN TO 4I , Caîl sud insspept goode0ysudhpnîces et b Mcd becmes ImWudwanydndth .elid rutsadwchwihwdepd re1tin-s1tniuîd lsetrorinrys ____il_________________sppie f ilpc o i a dPie.TrIsei n ee____________________ f p o fo!resistauco le lessened. It is e icuiheattee reamoessin te c" urefcopIcatd dsae puo -~ tise old people abers ail etHers Whon-Coost siio! tee fileng rgan. Tin zes ocdgolnz Nov. l8tb nd - » Reidite th thn seofDu HWCoffeda-dèac n CMw CLEAN'EST STOCK IN TOWN. è,FOOD. Tluonsands o! old penple depend Each eue attending xviii hopreented kdeydsas-n cntPato 87 ou eunedetien buaiby Ticketsndi and ouenr f M fn nil iuHM h lr o; nmaton maycu My e - Bowauviîe O qis the nves, gaulr no-The Sudy Sebools aud Ewcnh Chase'Ks KdnyLASvePlss u u hswona 18jaud rm 1211 eiui ennOSI RUs eooop d s uld up the Lqmgueset one b ethediet caureh cfrthe <weinàisommasedet"i fu I dimpuriles 1xavle ai stem n d i eti hiensw l-ifesdvigor Bowmanvilie District will hold a Uninwa 10ic eut lc dieasud surffeg. Stott c& Jury, TownB mbirïbeir saieidartenie3s. ïConvention lu the Methodist church, Agientdssf cns ox

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