BOWMANVILL&, NOV. 13, 1907. Don't sm-leo Incredulously wLen the ,*,A . ~ P ~ XJ Rdeer.huntersreurb br 1 sdbegin to D U P J.J LJ T/ P O W E. A' relate their experieflees. It 15 et polite. ___________________________________________ 4~' Don't refuseý a sept in the tcwn Coun- ciuext year, U ! ycur neighbors tbink EC O NI 0 y e Youare fit for the position, and wish to '~$ C O N M Y Doeîet let your imnagination wm your discretion when the niext smooth- are found in the + tougued stock pedlar ofes~u"a dead Eure thiug for haîf its value. PeaseEooBony Funace ~ 'Cohistmas shopping as enrlya saeswill permit. euprobably intended to do so last ~ear, but didnu't, The Simplest and were sorry for it. JThe LBTeavieet S"Suggestion as a factor in education'- was the subject of au address before The Most Practical Central Saskatchewan Teachers' cou. v entio.i- by Mr. A H. Gibbard, B A. î>furnace inthe market. terestediluwhat hesaid. 'ýMr. Gibhagrd : ileferred to Feveral instances in whicha estimate for your consider- , had cbauged as the resuit of an impres- _________________ation. son made on hini by definie suggestion ~.readily iufiuenced by direet sugoeestlon, u~. i w' <x m ~w hile older pupils are more infiuenaecd 4* 1 ' b- y~ suggestions that corne from thetr Dealers in Hardware, Stoves and Tlnware own'mids. Teachers by their treat- PHON ô6---D-ý --e -OPPSIT POS OFICE ment of a Uitile child can impress upon PJIOE ô~- ~ ~~ OP OSlE PST OflC. ~ his mind that te is lazy, careless, nois'?, ~ stupid. slow,ar, ou the other baud, that hie is active. careful, quiet, intelligent, quîck, and what the chlld tbinks he is, he offen becomes. Toachers were urg- ILà =g ob3erve the result of their suggestions. 9A more deliberate use of this method of r influieucing children, might lead to I~r~ etcornebetter resuits in the work of educati'n." Lu ~:~:Parents will find-in President ibrs 1111 A.. 011e~:w ords food for tbought also. And-& Selle !IihI ce ~ ~ ±er e :t~u Bowmanville, correspondent writing ID~ in the Orono News says: "In a very C M.teresting account of oneo the od C .Cawker & Son are the leading purveyors of 'neats of j- tïue tairs held here some forty 5ears iîlthis týw;n. They keep up their reputationt by raising the standard ~ago, which appeared in tbe ]ast issue «Z~l ! M as u Pu zo."cn lCf the CANADIAN STATESMAN, there is " f'l'e udPu'r. he ee tebetquliitht a-b published the prize list which to old ~e ecuedV timers must prove more even than in. Farmers can always depend on getting thse highest price for 'M terýtsting. We notice also that on that lid- the bebt quality. They have sccured several choice cattie from ccsonteilmtoLba'Aau e Fl cit ý1 i,?$ITt rizP andithe Bowmanville, MINISTER AND CHJJRCHES Rev. E. B. Sflco, Toronto, preached excellent sermons in Trinsty church Suuday, Mrý John Elliott, B A., Principal o! Bowmanville HighIS chool, preached at Kirh 'Y SundaY a! rernoon. 1ev. Dr. Briggs, Toronto, will preach at the Thnkil-iofrlug services lu the Methodist ehurcis Sundav Dec. 1 Campbelliord Methodist churcli as been thoroughlv renovated and wll hob oveC'ýn ed No0V. 12 A nlew pilpe.organi has been pujrchased and iastalled. The ,ýOntario \Women's Christiain T perance UJnion met lu Cornwafl last. week. There are now 175 Unions in tLe province witb a mnembership of 5000. Ilev. A H,. Poster, SmnithfIeld.ý will preach in the Mthodist cb-urch Sitiday, Pastosr Garbutt will preachaniesr sermons nt Smnithfleld, biS re charge. Charlotte street Màethodist churcb conreatinPeterboro, Rev. il m. Manu.pastor, baç e decided to ereet a uew eiffice to cost 830,OoO aud cap. able of Peatiug 1000 persous. It wilJ be,, coustructed on thse site of thse present chiurcis The Sunday Sebooli and Epworth Leagues o! the Methodýist cburch of the, Bow.manville District wiIl hold a Union Convention lu the Mlethodist church, Orono, Wednesdav, Nov 29th. Good speakers from a diý tance will he preseut to help make the convention a success. Very interestinz reports of the recent Sunday School convention at Bramvtou were presented Thursday, evenlng in thse Meth,)dist church by Mrs L. A. Tole and by Miss Stella Mascu for Miss Jennie McLean who was unable to ha present on atcuiit o! tise serionslîlneas. or her rmother. Among tise gtuddeeds o! former West Durisamites The Chrîstian Guardin bas the following to sav: "Mrs John Bellamy presented Zion Methodisf cburch, Moose Jaw, with a costly asud beauftiful individual communion service large enough to accommodate about 300 Communicants " Mrs. Bellamy is well kuo(wn here beiugr a èaughter of Mr. James Cryderman, Oshawa, and J ister et Mr. J. HL Crsderman cf this town. Cold En ouglh for PursI WHY NOT PURCHASE EARLY MI e e v AND GETTHE BEST Thle eold weather le with us again and jt je uow fur time. You should get your furs immediately for two reasons,, our sto(k le no-w complete and by buying now voit get a great- er seleetioni and have thse eomfort of wearitig you.r garments during this present ccdd speil, Our exclusive styles, high quality furs, and moderate priees appeal f0 ait caref ai aid part- leular buyers. Come to-morrow an d pick ont your Furs for winter wear. ~~ WHIYNOT-HAVE 9THE BEST e- e- o .1 Q ;e4 a) ro er~ b13 a) Q lmmcwzm