Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Nov 1907, p. 5

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AGrand Jubile eelebration. SATURý,DAY, NOV. 16 c Oue and en i0y the ~, reitfrl tEvent withi us ,o r will be a Double Celebratioll lst '4'e celebrate our 5th anniversary as a business Iirm S in Bowmanville. 2nd We celebrate the admission of our new partner, Mr, ~ E A. Lov eli into the business. Lots of .Special Cuts in Prices. Hundreds of Free Gifts for Al List of some of the free poisJe Cream of Violets Perfume Tamarac Cordial Dentifrie APPLESWANTED, We can use your frosted applesff flot F; t, at Orollo anîd Bowaaniville evaporator-s. FINKLE & AIEMN NOTICE. 1 Tei'egraphic, adVlce is reclved that Jury ofiA wards, Jamestown Exposition, Norfolk, Va., have announcd that Grand Ti unik exhibit has bêen awarded two golti medais aud oee ilver medal eovering installing of exhibit, phIoto. graphie scenes-aud fish sud 'ame dis- [Play. DISTRICT DIVISION. Donâ'ý neglect to provide money for your taxes, AUgregt range of swvell neckwear at Maso.n lothing-Co. HOoSY in 101lb. pailsat P, A, Iaddy's; cheaper titan butter. New subseri bers zet Tun STATESMAN te Jan. 1, 1908, for 25e, Barley wantcd by John Mackay, Limitedi Bowmanvllle. Barley,,Barley, Barley, bring it ail to John Mackay Limitcd, Bowmanville, Cail 1and sec Our wrkinz 1boots. Wc canl saeve oit Mmy. Reid & Pearu. West Durham District Diviston 'wili hoGld itq fai, session at Maple Grove Nov. AIl persons who received prizes at Bowmanville Fair and have not called 'for their -money are requested 10 do se next week (Nov. x8 te 23) as the Treas- urer is anxious to dote his booke. CORNIQRN! Treasurer. A car 0f feed Coru iserpected 10 arrive at B0owmRnvilic station. Farmers and etherE desiring corn wlll have anl Op. portuniîy 10 get il; at; a !ower prico off the car than if unloaded. Leave your order and vou wll be notified of the exact date of arrivai. JOHN GILBERT & SON, 44-2w. Bowmanvjile. GRANI) TRUNK IJISPLAY, JAMES. TOWN EXPOSITION. HAIR GODSI ,%ore Thra£ a Coxhe A si-ICp, effective and safe remedy 6-' ail thea >rrtat*on. is fou.d in Crosolon, Antiseptlc Tedt Thecy combine the gemiialt aueofC(roIcLneti ec sothi;ng po mrtesot slippery .-1- .nd ScOie Notioaes of Births, 25 cents; m1arriaes 50 centsx; Deathm, 50 ents, Ialii zertIon. Wh1(n funerai eard@ are mirinted at tWe sO;Iice. insertion fr;ee Hoor~,-In ondo,Nov. 7th, t10 Mr. a nt Airs, 11. J. Hoonler" , ason, CoPEs.s-InOshwaNov, 4th, the %vire of MrHE-At P'ort Newcas4tle, NOV. 4tli b 4capt. zanti M"rs.litchell, a agtr IIArTNcPfl1n Toronto, Oct. 251h, to Mr. ýindT SLE-RTorouto, Oct. 20f1h, t,ý Mr, anti irm. -Artllur !j. S ier duhtr Ladles, m gcods are recognized as the standard ofpe cin nd their use proteets the head and produces a y uunger expressxOL a the face. t0 GENTLEMEN ARE YOUJ BALD ? I invite SOU teny show rooms to demon. str ate thé complete success of my art coverings lu Wigs and Toupees, worn on BEI~ORE.over 85 000 heads. They are light lu AFE. weightad d most natural lu appearance, An~d a prot9ction to the head againstg -119g11t, coids, atarrah, neuralgia, ý.ec., and give a Younger and handi * somer (xpression te the face- ~NWEi~ .PLEASE REMEMBER THE DAY 'OUYE~ < y AND DATE Il IIALL-CLAY-In Oshawa, Ct 301h, by 11ev. J.,H Talbot, Mr. Elmer Hall andi Miss Minuie Clay, Iboth of Oshawa. 011I8LErTE-ISÂAC,-On Novemober Itli, by 11ev. John Stephen, Toronto, E inny, youngest danghter of 'r. James Iuac, Toronjto, and Sylvester H. Ohisiette, Cobourg. CUIPPS-.JAMIEEON-In Oshawa, Nov, (6th, by 11ev. W. B. Tue(!ker, Mr. Thomas William, CbIPPM, Tara, and Miss Mary Jamieson. Osh. awa. ~'EELAD-I Bomanille, NoTvemiber 7thl, Robert Fret'and, ageti 75 ars FEausQ-InCartwright, niear Blackstock. NovembIer Ist, Aun Devitt, beloved wife of Joshua Ferguson, aged $0 years. DONL-At the residence of bis son Mr F. J, Donly. rystal City, Mau., Sunday Oct. 27. 1 Mr J ohn S. Donly, formerly of Tyrone, Ont., where he conducteti business in sewng macn- mes, in i 7lst vear, TVLO-In Cartwright, near Nestieton, Nov. 2nd, Mary Ooe, wjd,)w of the late Samuel Taylor, aget 8à years. RnvOLs.InDarlngton. Nov. ,5oe PROF. DORENWEND, 0f Toronto Be wilI ea BnetHoue -olinj on This ,w iIter vibit c 1074 . PREP 'lD'O SHJ A LA RUEH VARIETY c e York, Londcm, and l'ai iStyu1, tban ever cffored to t~ tb bef ore. 1 tuait l e a pxaî Gentlemen's . W!gs, Tues BR9ngs, wavs and plaiu rns Switches 0f ail long hair incvy J.Iaddy's lical Tea, the deliclous tea at a low price 25r, and 40c per lb. F.A. Ilacidy. Don't [ail to eail at Reid & Pcarn's shoc store and inspect their stock. It wii pay yeu. New muffiers in Fancy squares, pad- ded. shaped and knitted styles at Mason Clothing Co. TIII STATESMAN will bc sent to a ncw1 address in Canada or -Great Britain te Jgai. 1, 1908, for 25c. Butter paper, the best, kept in stock and printed at THE STATESMAN oficeO Place vour order now. The Royal Batik of Canada pays par- ticular attention to farmers' business., See advertisment on front page tf, Mrý and Mrs Eli Kirby, Hollandj Landing, have been married 69 ycars.1 The groom 15 89 andi Mrs. Kirby ls 86 years. Messrs B. Wcrry, Arthur Werry, John Tabb and Alex Lawric have been

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