,î5,f r à n r 9A Steamers sali from Montreal dalilght, 'rom Quebee 7 p, i. Firet lass rate $5000; Second Ciasa t17.50 arnd upwards accui Clug te stee mrr. MODERATE RATE SERVICE, Te Llverpi 41.00 ar d 42.50 To London 12O additie -.ai TIiiid Clatis te lAvcrpooI, Londonderry ilelfait Gasgow $2.50. For ail information apply te M. A. JAMES, Agent. Bowmanî-tlIe or te DOMINION LINE, 17 tacrmitm Moutreal. To ,Liverpool Froxi Nov t Etupre-9i -, f Irciaud Oct. 18 No v. 9 Lake 1CbempIain 0,t 23 Noýv. 16 Einpres5 cf Britaîn N V. i 11Jov ý. 2" Lake NV,.r, Nov.10 Ejîrea cfIre'u Yi 'v. 5 Dýc. 7 1-a i.Mnitoba INov. îO fiRE 1 UCT10N IN HBA - 'S GUtil furtîter nuteethe fio ingst andi 2' d ýhin rates eatbound anîd wfsutbOuîi, wili be effective. Eumpresses tist) Q5-%tlo and ma'l. Empresses (2udi e42.50 and $15M0 Lae anitoba'- (t)tif45 00 and ucards. ffiî:dl$790 L'skze bmpan d Lake Erie [eue elass For fli ,parýI eîare pplv te P. J. SHAIîP W. eas aXt.,71 onge stret, Terentao.- IL. A. JAME1S, Agent, -[c \'Iv 1, SURE NDICTION lulOks -oi two eggs! over which pour gradually the syrup rmade as above, with ene cup granulalci sugar: ndd juice and grated rinid of eune le"nen; aLlsr lree lar ge bananas, mashe.d. Serve cold ovet- th-c pudding. USES FOR TURPFNTINE. W~hen steve poiish is moistened Vwit4, ti rpentiine it will flot humn off as quickly as, whcu mixed xx 11h xxtcr. Four dresof e lui peutinoe on a son fui of br-exn sugar xiii relies o, a cough- in ils early st ages. Turpertine anxd lard apptied to tUe iLO1owlng 15 the rep .rt et S. tS. No. 14 Darlinat -u, b' Ocober. natres lu oréler (;f mert:-StÊ IV-LuelIa Lick.-Jr IV Cecil Bush fiannan Dewe1. Witfridt Dewei.-- Sr 111-A unie Mountj~ Olive VanNe.3t, Elmer Wibr.-Jr. hII-Liu- djan Fîco., hebecca Wlbu',-br. Il-- Miarlon Orcbard, Rafe M-uîjvý, Ey2r- ett tlr-%derman Ewood Wiloiir --Jr. Il -Rtobert Rogers, Larine ihoînpson, Zitiah Deweli -Pt. Il-Mrron Farrell îvarguerte 1hirmpscm, Flossie Mont. zomery. Mlarguerite LIyrý -Pt I -Bruce Montgomery, Chantie VUu1q~eýt ArDA L, WIGHT' teach"ýr FOUR DREADNOUGHTS NOW. Jbnîleship Superb Launched ai Elswick Yards. Wlfh Acii-cp&fl-h fr, n Nescastio, Etigad, s;, l Te tIiibttlcship Stupoo- ~ I 3 ~ - tre iî~ro1d Di-adnuught, xvas laîînehd ai te Eisxick rdslucre -on This case elilrtste way in t fhcps.she xsluec whieh kidaey diseases et tUe imost serious -î - 7 iOe h oenrwhc forin are devoloped from deranîgements ilixv'tinAuui2.Sevs of the liver.ltttixxnaEixilduugte rs Mr. John Wilson, 918 Esplanade ave- xx euh liiii uarv. TUe tUî ce nonxes nue, Motreal, Que., wie:~îLast FeU- ï,a- ssnitylplcsC U ruary I was taken sirk and had to hiave cIngltndluuxxrnpe- the doctor, who said that my ailment was a-, Ofii Uc ut-eIfeniberthogh a disordered liver.- A few weeks after Il dir lu nebeusiex n t-oet compleling his treatruent I began te î-aiaîie -p iic anda U notice symptoms of kidney disease. TUelrndogts ras urine toah on a reddish appearance andil continued te get worse, until there -evGIF'I 4-_1VPUE brick dust deposits, and thoin I knew t'bait te kidneys wvere seriously affecti'd, t ptte mdBxeu npcino and that 1 vwas threýateacd wî vth Bright's OC "I otaiaed smd ofDr. Cbase's Nid- ror.fUeDpa-het flnlnad ne-.iorPlian s esi oMty fc eu e Ueispcion etfocds tretreu ks om1 eel1ce.1y11i7g11a frtlielislw taijuiÏ wate beme nauraicelr, nd ~ te elxennueîtU oudng arc Il eu so(ottxîg nealing, streagtnenîng ai c and curative eýeets Makes you well ae d happy. Bollister', Bocky Teis, 35C Tea or Tablets. Stott & jury 1 Mrs W Il Jackson and bMris Thoais Douglas spexît Tbanksgiving wl h triends in Toronto~. Revand MrsAV EBrownspat hanks g-ivîxw Dayat Hespeler an laiclpatid lu the celebi-ation of her parent8' slver wedding. Constipation, indigestioni, driv-e awav appetite a- d make you ýveak and 81ckÎ Eloiîter'c Rocky Sicur;tain l'en îestores the appe-ire. drives awax dizeaie buitds up the system .35e Tea or 1'tb ets Stoti & jury, Mrs S Jofieaccompanied b-v beýr ni c e, Miss Hlamilton wore in Balevle 'W ed- nesday aIt te nuptiais of Uer niece Mies Brtnha Bread, and Mr Merkley Clarke tif this vilaZe, wiîh Fred Boweu siap- porting hlm, EstabdZsA.4ed 1879 Cough, Grip, AtmDptei cresol1ene is a bont A(3 ak Does it n,, emmoeefesi-tobah in renmedy t, cir ies ftebetigngu thaa to taketh rmcy ntoth s'mc. h cures >1l-1eset n irededsrul ni septie is carried over t0 diesd ufcewî every breath, gîvig proý1Ioged ad cons t ra ment. --sjvanhet miessvhstl tendev-y find m dat- relief from ceugs o j- fi ue codiion o tel tU at This kioîîng con N, repeaied pretiiy on th(. xvist, ferming a sort o-f draxx n ulp lucker fýor evcninig xx ar, or te rex cal ceeof tUe guimpes or jabots for a1lx diess. Piaitiiîgs le finish off the sk oves mia) Upexvomn, but sbould bUc lmoed tal, t allxxcd tohanog dexvn. The fUny friling of lace round (lUe igb.Ii transparîeit nect bonds is, e co usf uicrnlwoi-n aCpi-sent. Feor eblidren iu theft]atitnd winier Ineithing is Uciier thon a bleDu-e and Id1100 skicI in blue serge wih kniiecr- Lhpchers 40f the saine iiatcci-xi. This is a seirviceabte costume ond warmn ad fias the furthci- advuiaý,g-' tUai peili- cents are net needed. SAILOR SUITS FOR GIRLS t-or the 4eider girl sailer , uifs are the ný o- xorn. TUey aretp!atieni and bUc ciigto aliiiosiext u. TUey sîe Le Umode xxdh ao xvid, colaiand he steexos sUejuId Le imodcîalcely futi. xxý i l iu ockcuffs. 'i Uc sldît shouI 1. ptii Te skirt is rmade coithi'e anda bil oýr four straiht vidtfi s et ut edaud should Uc bne-U l 1e1l,0,pitd. A 1-tell Ues -eof the plt îîid eil otilli'i:ire 1tUe de- thedesai udLe1ah1rimiegh neit3 i1,Uceen teicw tUe hemn of tUe sdri. - ----.-.--~*,.,.~ - A ',eung mon stopped anruther in thc su-rd arid ashed et Uiîsî: "I sas', leihuson, box e yen got that umbreila I lent yost ?" "Ne, xs-as lite repir. "Arr you xx'nniing i t?' "Net exactix , aasxxeî-ed the l'iraI t s iseakcî-, "but tUe ctsnp I berreweîl il off sav.s tise Oxvner xsnîît h." XX lie-n thr xvorid is oser c'sm-du'îi la - receivtng yoa, il is about lime te gel - sia pictous. sixips. Bng~es '9ando1u, Toxwnship 261j, MAILS POil FARS NORTH. area, 72 square miltes. So&uth-east -of Prince Albert is "The Pincs' Forest Re- One AVNilI Leav e Edmnonton for Fort scrve, ccxeîîng 145 square miles. MePherson Nov. 29~. Iii Albett thtrc are but tUt-e -eserxcs. A de-.ppich from Ottnaa lys: TUe TUe targesi is tUe Cockiiig Lake Foûrest Pesi-ellici Departimnt anrîounces that Reerve, co-,t uf Ediuinon;, ils area Is a mnaitoc Fort Mct-hesý-n, at tUe 114 squame miles'. BigUt doxx n atUs mulU fthie Maizie Biser. and all ,south-easi corner of tUe proxince, hax,-- ",Pmeit pit, vita 1 e Edmen- 'ing tUe International BofunmIýry as ilis Io n Nov. 29. AnetIhet- mai for points suthei-n limit, wvhite ils western limit f ar ncrth as Fort Smith will Uc sent is thrce mites east cf tUe fifthU Meridian eariy in Januiîîy.anîd a mail for Forts il towxnship and a h-oit of ]and bas bce-n NcNlurray, Cliipexvayan, Smith and f«omrrted mbtU te Koctenay lak,ý,s For-ýsi Rosolution lunI-ebruary. By tbese mais Reserxe. Ancîbher smail reserx-, [lUe h tiers (ouly. each not excedi î-g oe :,ypmess Huils Forest, Resorx e, monsists ouice iu wciglit. çviii Uc takon. Prefer- cf hat anf toxvnship (hUe sou lb Unif of cico xxiii Ucgix on tkregistci-ed ltters, Texvn.ship 8, Range 2, xxest eof tUe feuriti and ativista -ordinnry loti-ms, ac- 10cridian). cording to tUe date et posting. TUe Ail LUe foret reserx-es in British Co- M 'ntedPolice xii talLe, a mail from lumnbia ai-e xihin tue î-îlxvay toit, L., Dawson Ux tUe csorland rouieexvla Fort tUe strip et country lxxenty miles ou itc-,Pherson, fejr Hersoheli stnO 4sart. eccU siçeof the C. p. R..ceoded by lire ing eut eanm-l1 iu December. Txxoý mails prexvjide b1,tUe Dominion. Tbrso ce ,viiai-o Le en71t teFort ChurcUili 011 servses are elgt lainumbet-. TfUe namýes 1-ufson Ray. vii afeki1ýg, NMa1iiob. ond, nmnsaesfoiluxss: LngLake -- Foet eex. Uo-q daneshuort- TrnimY: "Mao. imay I play mLe xvcl C Knilop. 1 quae atis;b:lieve ziruenetlainill' anueher utIle ts of tUeLnhersre,- 1ai-n106 y: Ailrigit imm ee ckefor square rui les;atU Motîniain Feresi tî,te" Reserve, aa mail i,-art et 18 qurc miles____ i)ing 1usi:owtt 1f Ruban ie;,Ni.- i ae NshnliUxviiï n reaofabout 1h ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' sucmls:T-uiilFoest Re- À1 sere.nuaioret149aqar inmilute Tmauquitte Platea.nstîes Rm d1ioos ae;lIiCre'Frqi ecrh Huis Foi-est Resci-ve, iying brixx-eea Soi- - mon ~rin tinO Main I ake aud Uns iug ai, orea et abolit 25 'qutiro miles. If il xvnsu'i fer gAting Uci- fi-ont hair nul-se0 rie girl W tîlld ol icci te bdîaa kissed 0~oliiSi bei xxiii once lu & wt~ile. ýj 1 1 Il