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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Nov 1907, p. 8

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IIENRIMTA A VICTIM 0F LAGRIPPE. Mrs, Henrietta A. S. Marsh, 769 W. M6h St., Les Angeles, Cal., President Woman's Benevolent Ass'n, writes: 'w"eeks, ald nnjing 1ieoffId do or take Acip ed m e unt4NI tiod Peruna. 41I feit et once tbat I had aI lest ~ecrete iig-tmedilcine and I kp wa .lyrogtôred, and I amn glad tbat ,gaý th 1t 'î. ruly great reMedy a trial. T1i11 n eyer be witoutit agàin."1 Ialu~ eda August 31, 1904, Mna. ~Xash a~- I have neye et heard th îfcacof erune qnestiened. We sbil -use it. 1I Iraveled tbrough Ken- 1tnck au!ennessee three years agô, i1eeIfoi'und FerVneý doing ità good ,ýérzMucb of it la being used hem-~ Ad1dreýsa Dr. Hlartiman, resident 02 ho Har!,ý,tmanSniairn oneba Mar~csS lcitors Nýotarie, Publie WILLAM . Vciçes.D. G. Mf. GALBRAIH, (frmerly of Boiinanille.) Ttc pretics fi ney carriêd on 1 y Mr., Gabrit iIow~ 'frwili te, ç~udby the r ew t ri. Mr Galbrth wjll te fi:Bow- c ~ kt; cl daso 0. b,2 wxeL.f rqîîii-.22 t fi Z Sovea'eIgn Balim Pills, ZCen alwaY8 b8 had et STOTT' & JUP-Y'S Drug Store. 41-2 m. CORN ùOM ING i Farmers, place your or- ders with us nom, for Corn- a car-load exp'cted soon. WiI1 notify you -when itar rives. 1lcCLIELLAN &CO, Limited. Electri calSuVPl y 1 1 BLDLY RtN DdW N I Dn. WiLaeaÂms' FieNKPaies CAME TsUE saýUE AFTZJR DccaanPS TRENrKTENT FÀILED OSHAWA MisseC Cook Lnd M4r Herbert Griffu , Srnitb1s.Fails, visited Mr Cook ...M Phuil Chleney hjss returned Saturday tromlbis tinpto tne 'rrh Wst . . .. Mr aDd Mrs IFraný j.,cnbi Fand cdaughter, St Catharines, spent Thenksýg!viflg Daý ,vith Mr J McDonal... M Howard Pcît Toronto, spent 'lhan1-i viflg at home.birsV-alton IHall. Toronito, wther Son v0sqt,ýd!r, Coant, t Buena Vista" . ... rbic end MrS jas A Thema, Gaanoqie. vsithdbervar. ents','Mr and Mrs John Ni y .. .. Mr and Mrs Rtobt Sparks, Toronto, werô reefmft gussof Misses King .... Messrs R S McLauizblin and W F Eaton have been 'a New York attending the automobile show.... Miss>Marlon Gibson, Central Business CoV'ege, Toronto,, spent the 1holiday wîth ber parents ........ Mrs G8o GIbson wbo bas been visit- Ing relatives in town bas returned to ber home in Chicago...,. Mrs Gertrile, S Cochrane. Toronto, and two little taughters, Millie and Adrillis, Epent Thanksgîving day with Mr Robt Jack- son. At the recent annual meetilaz of the Oshawa, brencb Of the Lord's Day Aliance, John Currie, Eqq , was elected Treasurer Rev Messrs Hedges and Tuclier were appointed to repres- ent the brencb et the Alliance Conven- tion in Toronto.. .Friday evenîng Slmcoe Street Methodist church will bold a "Banquet for Men" to althose 18 years or over ...The, marriage of Miss Elme C Dav, eldest daug'bter of Mr and Mrs A H Day and Leonard William Goodali takes place on Nov 201h ai Mrs C Gardiner's.. . .The ladies Nwho are undertaking the erection of a new hospital are asking the concil for a grant et $1000, $5500 has been sub- Seribed and they will start th,, work as soon as $8000 bas been reised,..Osha- vie Choral seeiety bas the free use of the towu hall for practice during the winter. ORONO Mrs Wm Staples visited in the city. Mies Laura Allun bas gone te the city, Mr and Mrs Wm Chalpman. visited lu Toronto, Mrs Percv, Toronto, is vlslting ber uncle, Mr Wmn Batten, Mr and Mrs Joseph Rickehy of Hem. ilton, visited bis father. Mr JilH Scott, Toronto, visited Messrs. G. M. L ong-and T Smith, Mn Howard Cooper and Mrs Henry vlsited triends ln Kranda1, Mrs Jeffrev, Port Ferry, visited ber' daughter Mrs J E Richards MiFs McCûtÏchen, Oshawa, visited friends bere Thanksg-iving Miss Mlie Edd v. Clarke, bas been gupst of the Misses Hammr., Miss Allini Canyeth, Toronto. is yis. iting ber uncle Mr A W Carveth. Miss Vilda Cowp n visited ber father and brother at Milbnook Tbanksgiving. ML--,O Millie Williiams, Poit Hope. vÎsited witb fi ieu ds here Tbanksgiving 1Mrs J A Jobnston, Bowmenville, hs i isiting ber daughter Mrs J J Gilfillan. Dr and Mrs 11ice, Bobcaygeon, spent Thanksgiving with ber mother Mrs T Jaynes Mrs Robt Foster and son Lawrence have returnied from visltlng et Toronto and Markham.1 Miss Eva Edwards and Mr Greenfleld, Toronto, spent Tbenks.-iving et Mr Levi Edwards'. Mrs John Davidson and Mrs Will ]YAviýon, Port Hope, visited et Mr George Davidson'sý Mrs Wrn SeYmour and son Frank, Pürt H1ope, visited ber f ather Mr Wm McLeod, over Tbanksgivi'g, 1Miss Ruby Thornton officiated at the ®rgali in the Methodist church Snnday week lu the absence af Miss Batten. 'Mr Oscar Roufe, eceempanied by Mýessrs Ewart and litanlev Everson, Oshawa, spesnt Thenltsgivlng bere. Miss Brand, teachen Second Depart- ment o1 Our Scbool, visited ber Darents, nlear Port Hope, during the holidays., Miss MI E. G. Waddell of St Marger- et's Colege, Toronto, spent Tbanks- givingat ber father's Mr John Waddell. >Mr Hl G Odelf and Miss Elizabeth Snowdn, Toronto, spent the holidavs eI home et bis fatber's,. Mr H H Odeli Mn F W Rutherford, Buffalo, N Y, bas decided te becotue a veterinanv sur- geon, and le now attendiug the Vetin-. any College et Toronto, Mr Wm Batten :nd daughters, Miss Ettie Batten and Mrs John Joli, Hamp- ton, aise Messrs Evenett and Ernest Gibson visited ln the city. If you are nervous or dyspeptic try Carter's Little Nerve Fis,- Dyspepsie mRkes you nervous, and nervousnes8 makies Nou dYsPePtie: either eue renders »ÂRULLNGTON Mr -Russelil a-gngmald bas retitrned frin the Nortbwest .....Miss mYeu2 Langmanid la visitig Toronito frýends, .iss Meggie Oie, %Mr Leslie el]nf Miss May Guy wereý in TOronto recenýt ly ..Miss 11ei0- G Morris, Iowu, spent SundaI Mn tA George VanDykes ....Mrs. Thos VanCamp visited ber daughten Mis Fred Gale, Wbitby. Mn cJ Stewart, Enniakillen, vlsitel Mn Jno L Meoteif ..Mt Ed Witheridge and f amihy, towln visited bhis moCher, Mrs Jno 1, Witberidlge. M -n rEruest Willoughbyhyas been re.engageýd for Scbool No. . Following is Lhe reporta01i S S. No 15, Darlingtoli, for Octobe(r: Naines in order of mnenitt-Class TV-Viola Mc;Ullacb1, walljaco Scott, Flossie Stacey, Andrew Secott,. Clasa III, Sr,-Flossie Wernv, Hiazel Beekie, Howard Ormîston', E111s Moore, Edna Meýun1joy, Edwin Ormiston Class III, Jr-Velmaetta S'acey, Avimer GiioRusseil Ormiston. Class II. Jr -Evenett Ormiston, George Gibson, LelA ~ver5, Russell Griffan, Clayten Moore. Part IT-Eimo Ashton, M4elville Werry. Oliver Kniapp. Mal Mountjay. Clabs I-borne Griffin. Parents are respectfuily reminded that it is, impos- bible for those pupils ta malte satisteet- env progress wbo attend sahool iregu-, larly. A. E. HUME, teecher, DISTRIOT-NEW5. WhItbv;'s Chief Constable bas been dismisseU for net attonding te duty. Six birtbs, six deaths and six merrleg- es were regigtened at, Port Hope lest montb Ex-Council Ion Murray Ferquharsen, Port Hope, clebrated bis 811h blîbdey Nov. 7 7Mr. S. Dudley bas about 825,000 worth of good wintec apples lu bis stonebouse et Whitbv. Mr. H J. Lyttie, Manager o! the Bank ai Montel, Lindsay, bas retîred owing, ta illhealtb. Venerable Anchdeecou Warren, Ton. onto, preecbed in the Anglican cburch, Port Ferry, Sundey week âqrs, Oeo. Justus, Bobeygeon, sisten af Mrs. J. W, Fowier, Peterbono, dropped dead wblle watering ber flow- ors. Cayeu Long Swamp Drain deben- lunes emounting te $6,250 bave beon sold ta Dr Gee. Brenston af Betheny-et pan, A Peterbore young man Ion causing a disturbance on the G T. R, train and interfening with men on duty wes flned $96 90. Mn. F. G. Joblin visited iu Taranto. He was accempanied borne by Mrs. Joblin, who bas been hn the bespital for saine lime. About ladty. flue members ai Durham Lodge ai the Sons af' Eugland, Port Hope, assembled in the ledge noms te bld ferexvell te their president, Dr, J B. Wbite, wbe bas heen appointed as Mexl Inspecter. Ho was presented -wltbau addness and a usef ni suit case,- About twentv-flve af the friends of Mn. and Mns, James Curtis af the Fost Office, Part Hope, took possession af their home Tuesday evening, Nov. 4, the occasion being a weddiug and binth- day annivensary. Just forty-five vears ago triaI day Mr. au(l Mrs. Curtis wene united Inlamaniage hy Bev A. T. Green aud en that saine day Mn. Curtis wes celohnating the 24th anniversarv of bis hitb. IThe bride and groom ai foty- flve ycars ageo, wore presented witb a dozen elegant silver hunies and fonks. An app9ti'ing lunch was served and the guests diqnersed atter a very pie tenot evening. BL ACESTOOR. Mrs M Taylor passed away Nov 2.1 She was oeeoa the early settiers lu the township.. .. Mn Rus Parc, Tarante, was home Thenksgiviug . ... Miss Cliue visited ber brother lu Tenant.... Miss C H Ferguson vIsIted et Seagneve.. -..Miss Fiera Oliver yisited Toronto during Tbanksg-iviuag ...Messrs Kins- man and Jeffery and Mr and Mrs John Marlow visited in Toronto ....Mr J W Philp, Holstein, visited MnrH W Philp aI tbe Willaws .... Tnaunksgiviug ser- vices in the Methodist cburcb were well attended The Ibree ministens Inî aur village 100k part . ... Our schoihouse bsbeen msde more attraetive. Messrs Charles and Nelison Marie w have given it iresh coals of peint heth luside and out, and wben this work le entrely completed the building wili proent au improved 'appearance. Mrs Jas Fer- g-uson, "oeeoaithe mothers lu Jeneel", passed ta rosI on Nov 1, la ber Sist yean. She wac a worthy repcessentative of thet noble baud ai pion3ons, Hen wornanly bearing, exernplary lufe and Chistein fotitude, througzh e long and aselul career, socured for ber the respect and esiein ai ail. Deceased with ber busband moved ta Cartwright, Iu 1817, wben that now weaithy and prosperous township was a wilderness. Tbey bave nesided on the saine farin evon since She was a laviug wiie, affectionate4 mather, faithini lrind and kind, neigh-( bar, She was a Ilue-long chistain, thei Mthodist cburch being ber beloved Zion, Besides an aged husband, de- ceased leaves a family aif lve sons and twe daugters : Mn Samuel Ferguson, Hawlck; Mn John Fergusoin, MeGilli. varv: Rn,, .1 n Ferzo'in - frillin. 1'1.v iUeceuI vis;itons:' Mrs Agnes Smnart,. MisesMa i ooper, Mn Henry Heoper, Ml- s Minnie Lindsay,. Tonante; Mr Ed Burubain, Part Hope. wiîh Mn Will Stapiles; Mïiss Sarah Fa'rrell guest of Miss Susan Farreli; Mn and birs H Glenny and Milaster Aàrchie, Pont3 p ool, at Mn H Hu!JIls, Mvr and Mrs J, Percy and Master Clemneus, Bovwraanvilîo, sperit Stinday at Mn W R Clemens'; Heu end Mns b Phelps, Misses Gladys and Wynuie Phelps, Lindsay Mn Arthur S Phelps, Bobcav- geon,' spnt Tbank-sgiviug aI Mn A E Clemiens, Mn L-enn Cale, Winnipeg, naw attendiug Dental Callege iu Tononto, recenily visited aIA E lemens.... Oun teachens, Miss Beuso a and Miss Wright, speuttb h olidays et thein bornes..., Misses iMabel Wight, Jessie Bingbern and Ella Saundere recently yishted frieuds lu Bowirîauville ...iss Flan. ence Clemens visited et Dr C W Slemon's, EnniskfIiie.ý... Misses Millie illes and Florence Ciernens were appoiuted dele- gates taý the League convention aI Orao Nov 26th. Mn...ài Wm Bnimacombe ha home freiManitoba....Rev 'l S Speuce e au îý ntorestilng report Suni day cveuing ai the recont provincial Sunday Scheoi convention et Brampton - -. Mn Ed Vintue, Uxbridge, is rnauing lote Mn Jas Peniound's pnaperty et the Est sud. ...M'r Robi' McCullougb lest' bis dniving hlan-se Satunrdayý night. NEWCASTLE, Mn Sinon Beekerville bas sehatica. Miss Eilbeck was iu the eity Tbauks- glving. Mrs. Carter bas cetuned ta ber borne lu CoIbonnre. Mn.r Chas. Thorne we home aven Tilankýsgiving, Mn. and Mrs. Will Spencer, Tôronto, visited his methen. Mn. and Mrs. Gea. Berneti, Coibarne, visited f rieuds bore. Mn, and Mrs. Al. Bennett isitad friends lu Toronto, Miss Esther Pope visited bier brother William, ln the city. Mns. Caldwell and Miss WilmoI were lu Toronto recently. Mn. Walter Conch bas moved ta the Baskenville nesidence. Mrs. Fax, To routo, was necont guest et Mn. Joseph Coulson's., Mns 1Eývensen ai Oshawa, visited her deugbîer, Mns W. H1, Jackson. 1Miss ae Highet, Cobourg, le visit. iug Mne Jias. Fbtlp et the St ation Mre Herbent Toms, Tcoenco, visited ber, Mrs. Wm. Toms.- 'Mn. diMs. E. T, Bnhlton, Tarante, visited et Mn. J'ohn Douglas' Sundey. Mn and Mrs. Richard Hill, Tyrans, have been visiting Bond Head iniends Mrs. Thos Douglas and nises, Miss Aima Douglas, bave retunned frein the City,' Mn. John Perrin, Propnieton ai the Royal betel, Whitby, vlsited bis brother Stephen.1 Msiss Giadys Parker uisited honrsister, Miss Leua, ettIhe Business College, Toronto. Mn. and Mre, Chas. Heekin and f ain ily spent Thenksgiuiug with bis brother lu Tocanto. Rev, A. M. Irwin, pester ai the Moth- adlst chuî ch, le in the nonth Country, deer huntiug. Mies Esther Pope eand Mrs. Frej Papea spent Tbanksgving with Ihoir s151er, birs Gray, Hamilton, Mr. John and Edilli Baker, Saline, and Miss Dustan, Bowmauville, rscontly visited aI W. Hl Peance's Mrs. SI. Louis and famlly, Archie, Edith. and Carmue. Wîunpeg, Man, visited et Mn James Rowlend's, Bisbop Breoutai the Philippines, le expected bere shontly ta remain ton dlays, wben ho will arrange for e tamily A we,-mau who is meak, neruouq, and aleeplose, and who bas cold bauds and foot, cannoct feel and act like e well per son.ý Centor's Iran Pillse eualize tho circlaton.remuove nenvousess, and TYRONE. ' The 111e'a! auy caostant traveloer la alwaya a bard one, but thoae whoae work conpel Ibem ta take long tire- soma drivas aven rougb rnde, exposed toaU alconditions oai weatb'er, aVre iu couatant danger of Joling their healthl. 1The extrerno beat ai summner or the pierciug wiuds of wlnter aap thelr strength, the kidnBys ba- caine dIseaaed or rbenmatîlam sets lu. What ls noeed ta wlthotaud this bard- shlp ha ich red blood-the pure blood that Dr. Wilflamo' L'luk Pilla abuse enu rnake-- These pilla are the travel- lors nover -fallrg friend. Consernlng thom Mn. George Daipe, ai St Elol, Quce., say:--I amn a grain d1oalr asud am abliged ta make frequent trIps, somoetimes very tlning. I retunne bomne frei n eeoaithese tripe lestsuîmner very mauch fatigued, I wes overhe6sted and irled tau col and i-est unayasif by lounglug on tbe varaudah tii iste nt uight. I caught cold and the noît day I dld not feel at &Il well. 1 hed a head- ache, pains lu, my stomach and was veny weak. I weutt se as edoctor but ho seid I would ho -ailgbt lu a day on se,,ea 1 eatned an another trip. I had net gene fan before 1 faoit very 111 sud had ta return home and go ta bed. I had chilis, headache, pain lunîny siornach and kiduseys. The Dr. cerns ta sese me aâd easd I wss overworkod.. Ho treated me for several menthe but Cf ed i mpnavhug I canthnually g'row woss.1wated awey ahnosi te I aakletn ndrealiy thovglît I wais geig bdie, One day My wife neturn. ed frein tb\ village wlth a supply ai Dr. Wilila' Pink Pilla. She urged me 'attaike tb.em as elle said tbey had boern veny blghiy recommendod ta hon. I dld Se, and hy the tne -I bad tek-en four boxas I feit enangb benefit taý decîde me ta. cout'nue themn and I took about a dozeun boxes. They fuliy cured me and today I arn able te go about uîy work wlibout feeling fatigu. Fatigue ou the leat exertlon la the aigu thar the blond la pour. 113place the bad blood wîth gond ioodadd the labor will ho a ploesune. Di. WiI- hiaine' Plnk Pilla make pure, red blood That la wby tbey cure anaemnla, rbon- mathim. kidvey trouble, Indigestion, bheantpalpîlation aud thé nerve racklng fIlae o! glrl-heod and womanbood. Sold by al modicine dealers or by mail et 50 conte a box or six boxes fan $2.50 fain the Dr. Willilams' Co,, Brookylle SOLINA. ,Mrs J 'T Rundie is visiting hon sister et Lengdon, South Dakota. ... Mn W H Gonnili bas gens jta lhue with bis deugb- ter, Mrs James Atkinson ai Newcastle ...Mn F Hocraaday purchesed Mr W H Garrili's bouse and lot.... Mn and Mns H MeLean, Osbawa, visited et Mn Geo Vice's Sunday .... Loyci Crusedens inteiad heving an entertaiument and Christmas Ires Menday eveuiug Dec 213 ... Mn and Mrs H F Werny, Kedron, visited at Mn W Wenry's...,.Soiinu Wonmeu's Inctitute will meet ou Thurs- day Nov 14. Ail ladies cendially invlted ...Mr. Sulas Werry, Enfleld, bas ieased Mn Jas Heatiie's f arri.... Messrs S, S. and J, W. Brooks have compisted thoin apple-piching bavlng put up about 17,000 bernos.... Misees MoueL and Effie Vice bave returred frein Islay. Mdis Esther Elford accempautsd thein home and will visit friends bore, VELVET SEIN, SoPr AND CLEAR-WIIaT one or twe applications af Du CasElsc OlINMENT wilh do for cough, inflamed and irritaced skmIn s aimost as wonder. fui as is the cemplete cure af eczema by its persistenit use By ia healiag, soatb- ing and antiseptie influence, Du. CHASE'c OINTMENT quickly cures cbaflug and skin diseases and emp '1ions and leaves tbe ekint, cabr, soit end yolvety On Manday Nov 4th the fiaonds af Mr and Mrc Thomas P -etons surprised thein by assembling et their home ta assist lu ceiebnatiug the anniversary ai their golden wedding. Suitable presents were g Ivan the eged couple showing the osteernin whhch they are beld by their frieuds Abundeuce cf refreebinents were ssrved and a very pleasant aeu.n- ing iras spent. The funeral ai th bite Howard Hoidge Sunday afterooný was largelv attendetrl Bey. T H^P An- deoson conducted a short servicea ett 11e1 bouse aud Rev in JollIfea.Bowm7an. CHILDRýEN7S CL O THING., By the way our Men's business is increasing and the large amount of clothing that we have sol a- tiis Faîl, there is n o d oubt in our mindi about the success of aur Men'c business. But we have flot sold as Mucb Chiliren's clothing as we shauld. We. are of the opinioni ttat only abou~t half the children's elothing bas been pdurehased in flQwmainville, for the, rea son that the stock bas flot been earried, that tbheebas flot hee enughvart, in f aet that Ibis part aof the cltig~hiieclinis been neglected. The reasan that we have net done more business in the Cbilclren's department is that the MOTEIERS have not vi-slted our store. We feel assured that if they once visit us and look over aur store _________________________ they will feel satisfled that il is net necessary t(o go tai the city for their clothing. We claimi and are in a oiion tu back il up, that we have just gfi nies an assortment, as gr, variety, and as great aranh., prices, both low price andtig price, as wilI be eieen in the m- j3rity' af city -stores. For the little chaps we have fancy Bus- M. ter Broi'rn Overcoats, and Reefers in Fawln and Green ... Corduroy, Bine, Grey and Red Nap cloîlis, Blue, Brown ,Grey Frieze, Meltons and Beavers. kLong UlsIer with high strm col- . Jars, the short Reefer, wit.h high storm collar. For the larger boysp fromi 1il years ta 16 we, have the ~ *.~ Chesterfield C!i9rcoats, vith vel- vet collars, inl blacks and tweeds. One particularly cwel une af Overcoats arrived Saturday, a, handsome hieavy Grey Tweed Overcoat, semi-form fitti'ng, flared skirt and long vent in baek, sizes 28 ta 33 at $7.On We cordially invite the 1adi(,; visit aur Children's deparînient and we feel sure that you wil be bath surprised and pleased witb -y our visiit. Large assortment of Boys' Underwe-ar, Sweaters and Caps. Buster Brown and Russian Blouse, Suits, Norfield, with ball and pies t and Persian collar. Three-piece Suits, ln cingle and double breasted, Tweed and 2 Hard finished, Bine and Black Sergec. CLOTfIIIG AND FuRNISHNGsrnssOR GENTLEMEN AND TunEi Sons. 44 _,J Johin facKay Ltd., will pa9- highest ý price at the milis, BownianvIlle,ý JOHN M5aeKkY LiqMi ïED The Store of. Quality and ~ QUANTITY tlason.. Clothing Company. The Homne of Hig h Class Clothing.

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