Other Qysters. Oysters vWith a sealship Oystersar ckdla sanltary, g3rrn-prooýf, eaec ae whleh is sealed. Tub Oysters are pecki- cd inl e stalesim og, wco(dcn tub Sealshipt Oyvsters are hiandled onybyte men who ,,shuci t hemr at the bede.ý Tub oystere are ten-ded by thle hand-too often grim-ofe the railwey Nowis the iTime. We are Headquarters inBonavle Thijs is flte week to irake your selic,ons for the holdayseasonand where prices ar6 taken intýO conisidera- tioni wve are inxcled e have had to do some histling to~Ii, acomdt2h normous sto(!k wehavE oumihand for the Xmfas trade. Ir- ail 1irnes -we have withouit exc.eption the finest that m ione-y can buy. Tho best is noue too g-ood for Yot'. Read earefully the followilug - Fruits for the Xmas~ C e(ake.* uRains, Bichor................. .... ý. Currents, the famfoils Blue B3elîs that our cus;tomers werc e igtdwith !lest year, 2bsfo-,.25c, 7,igs, ncwtý and finle, 41b,5 for ................ 250 Daechoive. Slbs for, ..... ....251- Seedcd RI aisins. Griffu & Shelle7 Brand, per1 pa Ckage.......... ...........1. Lemon Peel, per lb...........2e Orange , e l............. ...... ý20c, Citron ,ver l..............S:oc. Coo-king f igs, 81"b.3for.... ............ .. ...2,,, )5e About etQbofraisin-s at,.... -........ 5e Per lb. Ii.XTRA SPECIAL we have thie ordinary cook- ing jjRaiuisscdcý Whle not as lIarge- are thé saine quaýity, In feet w(3 consider these siomeýthing fancy for the Xascake, flot sceded butL seedlcss Getting Together TH *.Again TUENICT0FTUE F15111 SEAS0IN. It is et this season tlhe-t wc reincw old eqanecs Customers whom w have -àût leard from since the en2d of last fIQh season,_311ediDg in orders, We are flot' w uxas oretain the býusIineîss oiour Old patrons but -"re elter rnew vtrade. It is worth the Staîemej t h;ht no houseill tictrede has bsen more Succeestudt nwe l rgrd1 qait.We Ca nnIo0t hlilp hearing Wh at csoessay -when thcy pay US a direcft cmloet odcusto-mer o! outrsget ilue un dbcoe ýa new one *.Frsh F ish.. Trout ..... ..... .... ................... 12eb WhIte Fish. ......................... 12ýclb Sýealshiptù Oysters are protected ~<~. j.Pn amn.... from gýermis by an air-tiglit, sealedcae.Very of vW 1nt.er Hadc............ Tu ostrsar pc fdil a 'tub with Frozen sea hierrine,. largre aillltigremovable ýcover, ftcn out i.e of Place. q ey.. - do ot orn lucon aAre you itiredui!wintcr foods? Do yvou wam Sm oked Sealahlpoysters d o oeï ci ,forejqtaste o! sumrr rgreeinnes? 'Xe bave a rez- ..F tact wi;th ispacýkedi arcLnnd the uler Junedipa of delicions green stluff a: suim- case. ub ostcrs have -ce put aircctly Jm-er prices. tanitg tem !cnbusiged o-Lettce,ver bninch,.,.......... ..........SeFiiiinan Haddie, choýca,.., tamiatig tem.Paraey ~c.., rdinary. Seishipt Oysters have,ý a delicious celery .................eta 10e. SaIt Herrlng, ........ puac.the true ' belf shel" fiavor Rdi2 , .. .......e. Ciscollerrîng........ Tub cysters are flat, insipld, wlth no We elso have be6ts, carrots- persnips, turnips, Blfsh oate.......... markcd 1fl-%vor, seve t!az o! chemicale. cabbage and onians. WANTED- An lJnlimited Quantity of Butter, Eggs, Poultry and other Farm Produce. ~T~U 1eTLIUTr ind Salted ..... 10e lb- .. .25e a doz- ....- - -..ý12je alb - ...... ... ..1 e a lb .. ....- 25C adoz t ( BDowmaanviI1e' Exclusive Tlten's, Ciothing Store. -11 Mon Imm )RANDON. NMrs C Cootper 15 visiti-ng friendQ lu Toronto .. .,Mr3 T Mounitj ýy, jr, visited1 at Nestlton recentlv. .. .Messrs CeCoo- er ai-d John Mle" ughiin lost a valu- able~~ hos eircet,... .Dr 'riC -Rundile lef t for Orillia last weekb where ha lias secured a practice. We wish1 him Sutccese.. . . Rev.J.A. Jewcll, B A,1 Ennistzllln, is expected to assist in the Epworth Laague niere tonight. To Zet relieýf fromidietoblos nes, Con Stipati on or t crpid Ier wiThout disturbing the stomlaeh woir urgng thec- bOwteIs. ti,!ke a feW doses of cartWrs LitIelver Pis hey rwill plea-se ,ycu, Mrs, W A. Lammiman t.as had neu- ralg-ia of the heart,. . . Mrs. J.T.Rne has returned from a month'suvryplas ant visit with friends in Southeirn DIakota ....Miss NZora Werry, Miss Laura Hogarth, John Baker and Milsses Edith and Vera and A. L Pascoe attended the sessions of the Grand Division at Port Perrv., Mr. John Bakýer was elected Grand Conductor and MIis-s Laura Hog. erthwa re eiected G, Suapt. of LoyalI Crusaders ...The clover scee crop bas been thrashed and'is the sma'iest yield known for years...... Vera Colwill visited at .4r. John Viee's .... .A numbiir of youjng ladies in this, neighborhood in. tend -!hangiug thtir nane in the near futur .... Eldad church choir preseuted on Tuesday night lest to Misses Lola Argue and Lonie VanNest aniicely word- ed address and some a rticles of silver wvare besides a sum of money for their services in the choir,..ý-Mr and Mrie Charies Pascoe, EnnisllEn, ývisitecd at Mjr. 'B!lke Stevens' and Mr, R. C. S3cott's .Te Loyal Crusaders wil1 hold an entertainment and X,\mas tree, on Mon- vay evening Dec 23rd when a first class program will be rendered by the young people assisted by the members of the Division and outside talent. Admission i5e.ý and ioe. Everybody should attend and belp the chldren in the good work. Mrs. S. Shortridge, Su.. .... Mr. John Revnoids bas purchased a fine new Dominion piano froi Mr Jammes Dey- man, agent. WIrHOUT CoLDs No LLG TI'noLE- A person maY bc predisposed to con- ýsumption bY heredity, he may be in unsanltary surrounding'a and Ibreatnle impure air, but the beoginnLing 0f trouble l a alas eglected cold. lu thons- ands -ol Canadian homes Dut. CEÂ5Esp1 SyRup op' LiNsnEE AND Tu1IPE.NTINE 18 kept at hanct as a cure for' coughs and and colds and a protection against dis- cases of the lungs. HAMPTON. CfhrIstmas Gifts For Men. This is one of the- bardest problems for the ladies tn solve, ý'bat twill be a Very easy matter if you Wil corne luir and loo,ýk at thLe rnaly iasef ai gif ts that we have for nien. In the past it lias 'been iLmpossible to get tic assortmrent 1in men'ie goods in ;Bowrnanville that we are showing-,bu as w r devotirg oui' whole time, store space, cash and attenition, to ti one line of business, yolu eau re'adily sec ha this is the propeýr placte ook f ;r newe, bright, Corne in and look Through our stock. Corne early while there is -n good assortment, select your gîtifî andave ui-, put it awVay for- you. In ,the Sootion~ of s'uitab' '-G±ftý for Gezft1oxen HOJJSE COAiýTS are entitledt to first consid'eration Besides the few articles enumerated above, -we 'have our large stock of Men's and Boys' Clothing-Siaits, Overcoats, Reefers. and Fur- lined Overcoats ' Odd Pauts, Overails, Somocks, Sheepskin-lined Coat reversable Coats, leather and corduroy, Corne in and look over our stock. We are onily too pleased tri show our goods. Select your gifts and let ue save them for youn till needed.