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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jan 1908, p. 1

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OuR TowN AND COUKTY FEmST THE WoRLD AFTLPRWÂRDS. Per Annum. BOWIMANVILLJE, ONTARIO, Wli-DNESDAY, JANUARY 1, 1908 VI BIG Di1S CO UNT SL LADIES' OLOTH COATS From ito:-day wfc will, sel l jL jadies' and Misse s' Cloh Cat atfroi 5 ± 33 pr cntd iseount a .--,very cihoice lobt ail bought thîs season. Pur odl Ail kinds of Furs at gr eatly reduced prices. Corne early and get the f'irst choice, (RN SON &CRYDERIM Grocýers' Due Bills taken as Cash. We Extend to E2'erybody Our Best WéFshes Ne<w Year5 PIIONE S& Büwmuaavile. mak , reNad oPRVGt Ta INVESTIGAÎTE the ciaims we we have_ the flines t assortment of Footwear 'ýwn. In the fine Iines we have the *Lna.dte iss Canada shoe (The Foot-rite, Traveiller and /'ord shoe for 'Lien ;c lieavy,_>ýtap!e lines you have "fgynt va-trieties ta pickfrm to \ý4.O0. Our assortmient of ýoods. sWippers and feit goods îs ýrceL 25z2 ta $4.00. In rWbbers, 1-l'ngswe have a large inspect aur goods aud ~OKIN TOWN IC Thec Corner Shoe, Store AilFriends we vish you a very Corne ere to Buy e È Rabbers, Boots Laces, Hockey Boots, Feit Shoes, XmasSlpes Overgaiters,Lah- Wool Soles etc. A4 percentage of everY amownt zpn i. te Burn's, tore t/ris Two Facts are Established, 1. The Burns' assartment of styles lu Seasonîable Footweýar is not excelled in this district. 2, Thie Burns' prie is the low'est. Bargains in Rubbers and Overshoes, 'Christmas Slippers, Hockey Bocots, 'Farmiers' Winter Outffts. Holiday We have aur SHOES and SLIPPERS on di8play in ouÀr new eK-rtensioll (Peit Bras, Old Stand.) Everythnig inlu sght. Big choice. Cheap for cash. Tha Burili o,~ t Malu Four Comrsr, BANK 0F Established Ï817 capital - 14,400,000 Rest 8 11,000,000 Total Assets ~ 6,O,7 savings Bank DepartmenCt. SOffice, Montreal J. A.. MCCLELLAN, manager, Bowinanville Br.anch, SJOYTJME Make your plIrchase eariV. The New Bookzs, Christ- mias Cards, nd Calendars; Bibles, Praver and Hwmn Boos, ook fo BoS, -' nd Girls, and littie tots,. IChina, unbekbet~,oI z port Card., ( "PCrd lbms * ratvarieties. V7-.nill.e Qua1ity A-NDAccuracy 1 ,l'ave madle . whaPt Ît 1--a stfe reliable drug store that haS won the COnfidence or our mnany ptronis--a high-ciass druag business thaIý is enjoying a steady7 increaqe every 5eir. Things are done bu this store to Win sour Cilstom and crnly DRUGS of the highest qulaliity are so)id and those atFth right price. W'3 aga7in wi sh to tharik our- Many Patrons and FrIends for their 1liberal patronage lutx he past Snd to solcit a econtnance :Of samo for Druggists and opticlaIns, BowanileOnt, Phone 92 Hoarty Thanks~ FOR 1907. We are grateful ta a,," m any friends for such liberal pýatronage that has made the past year by far the best yet. Wesolicit your ' its in the coîiak opposite thrc Pco" deavor to mne' Uappv Fred gatiî.fied civer the L;r stmas txade. Te iTus It reachned hg water mnark"Ï,nd s omýýe h ave ýt old u s th_-t,Ëthe, ,weeLk before Xmas wtis the venrv best wek' bs i-,ess t hey e ver hlad. l'or!tun- ately they were somne of ouir large adierises.The facýt that ali dd ood businss an somedid arccordtad woulc'd ipdicate that so far aq omn 1 vile and viiiiy are concerned the hardtimes is arm, th. The mlIdweather and good sleighing cnrbtdini a measure to the stsatr eut.It aho shows the beneficial effeets of liber. al advertising ln u r STATEMSMAN which during December went into nearly every home ln the district., HIGH SCHOOL SKETCH. Perhaps noaril that has appeared ilà 'lHF STATESMtiN foî(r a long time will be more widely read or read with more Intense interest than Prinrcipal Elliott's -Sketch of BwavlEHigh iSchooi" covering its history from 18951 to 1908. We have Printed an extra nber ef copies this w eek as wej are eertain. every fom er pnpil wll want t0 rend the ar- ticle A fewy typographical e3rrora appear but tliey PaeDot yery serlous ones, ,'This article shouid be prese-rved lthe family scrap book. Principal Elllotspent mueh labor ilu huntlng Up and perusing old records ta glean the inforlmation and( the citizens owe hlm sincere thanka for putting inbto concise f orm so muchi local hist-ry of valuie. The article appears op, the page with Pruna, A SUCCMUSFU L YEAR The end of thels manthwiil! brlng toaa close One of the most sIIcceSsfIuI years lu the hista(ry of the Dominion, Organ and, Piano Co. Prom the Commencement ta ta the close of 1907, the factory has been. with onlv exceptianal days, workýing overtiMe. The output has taxed every facility to the utimost and for oeany months the orders wiero sa far ah.Iead of shiements that it was a maatter for spec. ulation in the office whether they 11.1à ever be even azain. The Saturday half holiday was discontInuaed, and wlth the force working avertime mnatters have at last pretty well righted themselves1 and ic908 willbe ushered l in h " xceil. )u prsects for anoather prosperous vear iMuec and Trades JofurnaI, "AGooJ Nine at Home" "Io a clwr ,,fstregth abrad-dte excellent r-epuitation of C. 1. Hood CO, and their rer-nedies i7x the city of Toweli, wbher they are best known, inspirscnlec tbe world over, flt oiyintemdcis but in F anything their poretr a about the-m. "If made by Ro V ~ Hood'm Sar, DEIPUTY-REEV'Fý,E-A A Po-wers. COUNCILLOýs -àJCG Honey, F W Fiigg,ý G-H Luxton, ail reeilected Reeveshîp of BoIffamllÎ , Mark y our ballots for M.AJAME for Reéve for LAIEs ANLGETEIE:- igbeesa nominated frRîc , tecrnigytear, 1I bereysilcit your vt nlinfluenece iii rry f avr. stad ormvrecord in the ConnoIil of 1907, an-d if elected for 1908, wil, 1as in the p88t do Dmy bestto servi the itrsaof thie town. Jif I arnelEectedl, I shall psy pai- ýtîcular attentLIOn to the oad8 a-d s;reet, ald -if yon giVe nie opportnnlty Iwilý spare noeot.t keep thaýt ipat n 900(io shp.Wishiingvon alilthe cowuihrents of tho - I remain Respectfully yo)urp, L, 1. W . Tom~. Bowulanvilie, -Duc,197 DARRGTOUN ELEOTTONS. FOR COUNCILLOR iLADIEs AIND GENTLEME-I reT1spect. 1tully requIest you to mark your blloÜt lau my f avor for uni ilr.Ifeiected .I will serve jou VLto the bes3t of My ability. Wishiing ail a happy, heaIthful and Yours faithlully, W. E, COUItTICE. E PWOIR T a LAGUU E fT1D ItGS, 1 The Executive of the Bay ot Quinte J p-vort1h Leag-ues lias issuled Thre Ep- j orti? Lea0ue TdngVol ume ,i, No. 1~ f, or free istribution amiong ithe Young I/Peop1e's Societies iii this Cnfrece L lis a well1 edited 4 page paper, threel paper*, bei-ng in eery sense a credit to) the editors. Mr. Fre2d U3. Foiey, Bow- manvilie, Secretary pro tem, is the Editor. Rev S. 1'. DixNcl, Tvamwoïth, Pres1dent, and 1e.G. R. Clare. cMiii- brook, are Associate editors. Three thousand copies were printed and a number se)nt on F-1riday to every one of the r8, Lagues mn the Bay of Quinte Conference. Tlle sei obiect for isuing this pubication nùw;i5 ta make the âannoun1ce- mfent anid give sunidry-,partîculars of the Anulconvention in Cambridge St.ý M1ethodJst church, Lin2dsay, Ian. 2 1 t023 for which meeting greatprpaaton are on the way. Ahreadiy .it isrurored that Linidsay N oung people tîkthey wili be fareed ta capiT)tu1ate when thle first contingent arrives or. afternioon train., Janarly 21 st. To ;ead, the attack seme biz guns have 'been secured in thýe pesasofF.EO-Flynn-1, Esq , Pand Revs. T. Albert 1Moore, IL W. Grabýam, B.A,, Dr. Crews, R. Emberson, B A., Gea. Jackson, B.A., and T. E. E. Shore, B.A , B.D. The Gatýiig gun brigade from the Conference wiii be strong arid alert. The ïnvadinz bostW have as a railying cry ' Folrwar-d in H is Name"e and will mnarch ta the snigof Owr Christian Soldiera,"ý Special rates have beeni secured on aIl railways. The airer 200,000ý Methodists in this Canference wiil ail be interested in the work of the L-eagiuers and wvish them ia p1easant and spiritually profitable con-~ vention at LindEair, WILLIAMS & SON5 1 LI - X alicv iioncst t aney 1 ýw 1 %it4-î: a-uvurtititirti tuu 1 1 it i var anvertisers are T! 1

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