t,,nubi p 1 -'iJ ' il, -1, , u q, 1 r 2navlleAple q a Bon' d'q 1> " Y Tu iD1'i. eaiur ilChas11, Var. cee iio htat --tf the e ofae he' h~~~~~~~,I teRc r~acewI e!on the premses t Nwcasiethe wholDe ci tie .hosehld ffetsconîstngof the furitre f arOr, diningroom, hall, siting rom itchen and five bed. rooms, nd r.uerous theraîi. Franik Kenefic is home from j. K. Aile-~ has been spending the week iin Toronto. Miss Nora Cooiman, Toronto, at homre. lohn Finley, home from Grand Rapids, Mîch. SCarl Pickard,- Peterboýo, under the parental roof. Mr. Jd Mrs. R. J. Bt:ler, had ail their famil1y homne with them for Statutorv meetina2: amerý a11 ores CnIt; Reave ("McLauh npsJIg min utso aI me _ngW f ~d sold to G. eV- uj; $640 Wir L, à; îli Son f iu oI o W Ueaty, and *6.l3 for tue sol to A. L Pascoe. J J Browni made coimplaint thbat lie had sus taînerdIpersonal injury by bis horse breakrng turougb a defective bridge, ask ing rsrunueratia, laini laid over to next meeýtingL. W. 1§nowdeù requested an ilow. "cfr ýtatute laMboï. Laid on "Id fer. . --- -, Argiie hR been LIi, _ A 1, Pascoe is the new sehool trustee .... aaWard, Drayton, have been vstn friende here .,.. Gurnsoy MeClolin, 3owmanviile. hoiidayed at T Baker's -.... Jeu Bray, Enfield, is visitiiig ýhere., . W C Werry and family visited_;ai Maplis3 Groye ....,. Mr Neil m and wite, irn, visited S Short- ride (...eo HL Hogarth, B A, andi wife, Whitlby, visited his mother .. Mr Cand Mrma,. .Ruegul Oha;r meet Wo4mea's Inatitute wili be held Thurs- dkty January g at SP M. Misa Taviori giv reortof th8 conventionatl IPkort Perrj; 0 L Bver-s anti Miss Toùp son at Mrs G J sîouinsjoi s issSpi and Janet Hall, Burlketen,,, at mies Ed' ltha Virtue's; Miss Isabelle Cowle at Geo Argue's,..Report tif Xmas tree on ifl8idfl page. SAre free fron alil crude and irritating malter. Concentraced mLedicine oply, Car ter's Little Livelr Pis. Very smali; very easy to take; 110 pain; no gripsýng; no purging. Try thom. TYRONE . Between now and S-pring the bialanirce or our f ail stoc.k wil be cleareci out -at, sacr-ifieDpics, starting Jan. 2nd. Suits, overcoats, winter unde wear, shirts, isox, sweaters, gloveb, rnitt-Ls, fanc, vests, in fact ail kinds of winter goiods beill be rificed. Lots to select from andi at prices tChat v suo ise -o. -ive. u-s--an y £.y krA£. uv vi~runa fl1~ ~1~tp~'q tP,~ l'./ui~ ~ rn',.nrwa ~ ~ ~ ~ CasýhfoFamPdce The nndersignied la prepar:edt- u ai odfarm iproducos, L naey:Egu Buttr, oulryDiressaad Fog-, Bas Miss Sarah Bailagli, home froma Por-t Hope aiidPeterboro, - Miss Aima Thomas, Coasarea, at home. Mr. and Mrs, Peacock, Canton, home. ed by Mrs, Habbard for $,20, for nure ing and providing for Thompson. ,ifalf of -each bill was allo-wed,-Mr. Hlubbard- was to look te the Couneil of East Whitby, where the deceased had aiways reeided for balance, CoPector Williams was aliowed to endi of 1907 to retnrn bis roil. H;oliday visitora: Miss Ilda Lanug, Kir. by with ber brother, Dr. Lang, Chicago» 111; Miss, Laura Aluin at ýhome; Mr Oscar Roife, Oshawa; Rupert Carveth, Toron~o Miss Viola Gilfilan, HamifitOn, Thos--Curtis -were -Christmlaa guests of hie sister Mrs'r Branton, Whitby ..« Miss Mamie Hooper. Toronto, la home for theliollc[ays. . . .Mr and- Mrs--Croft, Toronto, were recent guesta of ber uncle Mr JOBs Hawkey... .... Mr Thos B ni, Bowmanviile, and Mr H RsilBingMa, Hastings" apens J I FOR J1~N.fl~NAND U-U iz SCYON5 "i