Itie in- ycung and cl rîch and poor. nd it conàtainïs no drugs and no alcohoL ALL DRUGGISTSI 50O.- AND LO bad a y u pscdet flb ror.clrcun. nuib Jsadon , l-liaid 1 n UIL. Uti ti[1y t1 UI l n ~ 5 C. Instant relief and refreshing gleep for g u l1e skin-tortured babies. and rest for tired. isyyor"-Lno Tit- fretted mothers, in warm bath -Witl BItS, Cuticura Soap and gentie anorntings 'With Cutîcura Oïntment, the great skia cure, and purest of emiollients. "By the wa, how1,i did you corne 'out Cutleura soaP. Cutieura otment. '-d Cft.wîthh1ýat drink cure you put n ou tura Resoivent (in the lorm of cliocolteCoatedi y Pills, in vials of 60). Sold throUghout the world.hubid ea? "Fstae.I an' Poe rg& Chem. Oorp.. Soie props.. 135 Co. rn rpsne" "Iwbs~yt fjumhue Axe, 'Bôt M-. duii L rps45,s"f%ý45k' nea. s t 4 Na &bor-"Tb4at ' ryu, lan or lirnsef srodi 0cur ncew an"