~ ' I ENNISUILLEN I Wo)men's Missionary Society meet at Mirs Geo Argue's Thtirsdav aftersoon *.... . ethodist Sundaipy Sehool preýsentedQ the teAchens with Peioubet's notecs fur Ilessofn hels ...Mr alid Mrs Ezra Banna, Michigan, at M Jame-sSai' ton's. - . Miss Eva Crookshanks visited MissIda Hookin;- Miss MaggieBelI, Oshawa, at home; MIrs Thompson, Gaiud's Corners. at MIrs W M Wotten's; MiQss lohnston, Cartwright. at Mr John Cowling'-s. Nr and XMuaLiRnRgers have returned froua a pleasant visit with Mrs Smith, « _ghon The New Years tea and services lu connection with the iresbyteriýin churci wereD a s-plendid succe-ss. Proceedis -137, Mrs Johbn Elliottt Toronto,,with friend8 here .... Mr M B Cryderman and famlly spent the New Year with Mr. H. J SHoidee and family, Orono ...Mr and Mrs Edwin Reynolds are visiting their son MIr H E Revuolda, Roxton, Quebec .--Mi JoIhn Tgne if minz n~tn the line. G-et our prices a-d sec our gpoods We think lik.e to try. we can suit we-shoulci 1 MnIf I Nw ea eenngMr-Sidney Hocka- church held a vcry sncessfui entertain- dar, Solina, and Miss Neilie Cowllng, ment lu the Music Hall Friday night. oBi îy daughter of Mr W Cowling of this Mrs Thos Quinlan and Mr Wm Baines place. were nnited la the holy bonds of held the lucky tickets for the gold coin edokWe extend hearty congratu nd the Xmas cake respectiyely lations ...Rev J -A JeweIl, Enniekil- WEE TEBIE, EDD t .~ 4 -~ ~.cr -~~" krrc m9flhS tr o~ rýd 09t Ad ~( ,~ t f " ~ & / ' ~. fl preent~u"crhe wh snds us a nwat Ws onl cgrezatlonal fiUký,lJbr U ÏFL SATEMANor Spadiva Ave.,- Toronto. on1 a Uu rbrt H TT5Âýfr10 De c 80th by Rev. J. . Pedlev and 1.00 Miss Maude-Bianche Elizabeth 1 ' Recent visitors; Miss Nan( 1 Bowmanville, at Mr G Ormi i. I .ly overconie by use -YLivER PiLLe le usuaily accompan sleepiessness and e: tCHASE's Phenie eoliacottwth 825 o e ev mus head. 'ces.Mr Lynu Cole red'red the Y weak- solo "H old Thou My Baud" 'ver y nicely tion and1 Suiiday morning. 1 To introduce ou.r Nevw Swede - -Turnip the"C aia .~ 4~ ? - -'-'r -- -~.4- -r r -' r'- T. i unVI Iflî putr, c js IJIAL menAfu- aiiQaLja.e. mi Trade DESIRED Nr W Mi1t!,. Chicago'and Mr and Mrs JoI, Toror-to, visited at Mr G il joll'edj. ... M'r and r D J G ibson were in Torontb recntlyý. _ . Mrs AsaWil mot paid dauëhter, Bovmanville and Mr Younig, Toronto, were guests of Miss Fothrgi.,. _ Neai and famniiy, Port Hope, visited his sister, Mrs Uglow.._ Anson Walton and famiiyv iSited et Dunbarton ....Ge0reWarmlington and familv vsiedl Port HIopei, . Arthur Baker,- Wýirnnipeg-, vsited his uncle, WmPare..M and Mrs Carter, Oakvi]le, were holiday guests au Mrs WT .l...'s.Mrs W H Jack- son and dauighter have been isiing in Toronto..Arthur' Toua of the Herald, Guelph, is home._. Miss Eliza Bunter. Bracebridge, William BnItnter, York, are home for the holldays .. Oscar Henning, Toronto, visited his sister, Mrs Goodali... MIiss Venner, Orillia, is nuesl ol Miss Hattie Mason *. ...Mr Wilson Power and little daugh- ter, Alice, Ottawa, vislted Mrs Wm Kenefic ...Mr and Mrs Eiibeck visited their son Charles.... Ressrs John, Ton-roc and (flton,.n.A Piekrrand rpho er 1- -~.---.. rr - 2~'. ', -bkqid »*,4b n 1%61 Wl rjý5ý,ý