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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jan 1908, p. 5

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5< BOWMANVILLESBTATION. GOINl4 E&gT GOîING WEMT *Matil......5 55 a m. 1 *Expreess- 4.58 tu5 .Expreass 10 10 m 1 LooaI --. T 7 5ï kled 3 Si p.m. 1 Pas86lger-1 M6 p. m .... I........... 69Sp.m.I *DaàIy. JOIT &LCVELL TownI Âgents IW hen Jury &Loveli test, Eyes LIt Is Done Properl -ý7e Test Eyes Day or Night Our Optical Room is so /&aranged that we can test your e.yes at any hour with entire satisfaction to you. It is iii charge of 2 Graci- uate Opticians who give you S the benefito of their advice free of al[ charge whetheri you purchase or flot, Jury &Loveil, Graduate of:- DtotOptical College, Chicago Opthalmic College. Lice ,on Cattie The safeat cheapest and most cer'tain remedy is so]d by us onL.y at 4Octs a pound. Abs o1ut e Satisfaction Gtiarante ed J ury & Loveil, OU -USE TO REN T-On Liberty street -ipoi oS Nursery Corner. Appiy to r,.m. CWBBowm .,nvil!e.i-tf il 0135E WAN TrED -To lease or buv at once good slzed bouse on large lot Box 245, Pest Office, Bowmanville. S.iwt IBOWMA3NV1LLE, JAN. i5. -1907. Mr, William German. Norwood, rec-j entiy visîted friends here. Miss Hazel Bletcher, Port Hope,1 visited friends here recently. Mr. W. J. Morissey, Pickering, le the nlew hast oî the Bennett bluse. After sleighing or skating parties lookled after ut D M. Tod's Oshawa Miss Mfary Mutton, Cobourg, recently visited ber sister Mrs. G. T. Charlton, Mliss Maggie Joliliffe, Havelock. isq visiting ber father Rev. T. W. Joliliffe. Mrs, W, R Goodwini is h ývinga veryi enjolïabIe3 visit with friends in Belle 'ville. A c'heap aud certain cure for lice on cattie î, sold by jury& Loveli at 40c- Countv OrAnge Ladge, District of West Durham. will meet in Orange Hall, Orono. Feb. 4th. Miss Mabel Brock, bas ben engaged as teacher o! S. S. No 2, Pickering, as successar of Mr. Geo «W. McGill. Wh'eu yoil are in Oshawa at the carnival leave Sour wraps at D. M. Tod's. Just two minutes, walk from rink. Couch, Johuston & Cryderman are selling of their ladies' Astrachan coats at cost price and a lot o! dress goods at about haîf prici No rough bancts or face when you use auir ekin lotion. It is the nicest thing sou ever tried Large botties 25c. Jury & Loveli, Chie! Dunn of the Extinguisher Fire Co , Port Hope, was presented with a hazdsome zold iocket and an addross by the members o! the Company. We have sold dozens of those guaran- teed razors ut $1,00 each. Wvlorth $1.50 -take- one for 10 days and briug it back il you want ta. Ju-iy_ & Loveil. Mr. H. M. Wood, of Mlllbrook, wae instaled into theo offie o! Inland Rev. enue Colleictor at Port Hoape by Mr. W. Rudkius, Collector cf Peterboro, Jan.,(36 If there ever was a specific for anyý one coniplainit, then Carter's Littie Liver Pis are a specifle for sick beaUf-é ache, and every woman should know this,, Only one pili a dose, Try theni. 'W Vhile- out hunting Jan, 6 near Wes- ievlle, V. Dinner, the nitieteen year ofld Son. af Geo. Diuner of Port Britain discharged a double barrel gun both charges aofine eot taking effoct ln hisý' side.-1 Treat your wif e ta a Fur Coat or Stoleor Muif or Gauntlets or a Fur- lined cozt at M Maver's. Ho t'bas just what you want or will get it. Me selle fur goods choaper than other bouses. Ail kinds of fur goods repaireci, The respectabiy dressed rogue who paseed a bogue bill ou a newsboy in forronto le a degree worse th4n the1 father who paid hie- children to go to1 bed supperiese and stohi the moue? from ftheir pockets when they went Ito ieep. Mr. Thos. Tapson, who bas been in the General Hospital, Toronto, for some time, is home, the operation performed beiug bighiy successful. ies manyt friends ln the town aud country will bâo pleased to bear of bis returning health and strengtb,1 On Xmus night Mr. and Mrs H. ' C.1 l'ait, Edmonton, Alta., entertained thei Bowmanville people now residing therei at their home on Jasper Ave. After dinner the evening was very pleasantly passed witlî music, gam ýs ana recalling1 oid scenes and. memories Mrý Thos. White Orono, bas bought the weli known grocery and Provision1 business froni Mr. Chas. L Brown. We welcauie Mr and Mrs, White ta Bow- manvilie and hope the venture wil! Ipra vo most , csîu.Mrs Wbite 1is aj jdaughter of Mrs. John Hoskin, Odellst- ' Mr. Thos. G. Andrus, Coiborne.--Lhs s bought through Mr. Tole, the William- Fresh aysters dally at Tait'e. Mrs. Thrs. Elliatt'e obituary le on an inuer page. 11Happenings 40 Years Ago" eappear on u n er page Barley wanted by John Mlackay, Limited, Bowmanville.1 IPaïterson-Rogers' waddlng is pub. llshed on an Inuer page.' Bowmauville Boy in Myexico-Read about Tom Fairbairu s good luck Do sou readestorieb? 'Thc Strategist" on an muner page is a gond story. Pleaeed to see Mr. Cbas.Cox ab!e ta be out again after bis serions aéild eut. Barley, Barlev, Barleybring it ail ta John Mfackay Limited, Bowmanvilie. Young man, under Current Ta'pies on au inner page le an article for you. Cali and see aur workinz boots. We can save y on moupy. Reid & Pearu. Y nung Folk s-Grandrnother's Panth- or, on an muner page is worth reading. Tea-We pride ourelves In'the hlendiug o! teas, Bave you tried us? Tait. janetville cheese factory wae burned ta tbe ground Frlday. Cause of fire unknawu 1Don't fail toe all at Reid & Pearn's shoe store sud inspeet their stock. It wiil psy you. D M. Tod's. Oshawa, will ho bead quartcrs for the Bowanvilie ekzaters carnival night. Big discount sale o! ladies' clotb coase and furs o! ail kinds at Couch, Jobuston & Cryderman's. We sincerelv hope our readers enjoy Henrv F.Cope'ssermauottes. 'Making Our Own. World" this week ls gond." The Bavai Bank of Canada pays par- ticular attention ta farrners' business. Se advertisment on another page t! Don't waste turne when yenu bave a eald. Jury & Lovell's cough cure colts sou no more than the comman kinds-- try it next lime. If aur readers enjoy perusing History f Bowmanville 40 xvears ago as much as we do the gleaning o! il, ont lal)or isoet in vain, llich, red blod will keep yen, warm. We bave une o! the best remedies known for makingrich red blond. 50 doses 35 etc. Juryl&Loçell. Conch, Jobuston & Cryderman are seling off thoir Ladies' cloth coats at (rom 25 la 38à, per cent discount sud furs of ail kindsanad men's overcoats at groatly reduced prices. Mr. A. Fulford, sr., President o! the Young Met's Brotberhood o! the -Metb. odist cburch, Port Houe, was rocentîs presented with an addrcss and a gold locket by the members Mr. T. Wiekett, cuperlutendent o! Port Hlope Sabbath Schaal ,was recent- Iy- presented with a cold lacket sud chain sud a suitabla addre s by tbe Sabbath Sebool Board. Talk about advertising, the veteranI 'usines5 man, Joh n Wanamaker, Phile- diphia, is using two and three coluxune tbiiy lu i PennsOlvania paperp. lie t ~ ns it pays ta advertise certainl * . Attention te directed ta advertisment o! Security Land Ca . Winnipeg, rep- resented by Mlr.- C. E. Shortrldge who is home for a brie! holiday. H1e assures us the îpvestmeuts appeal to men witb monev, Chacolates you are proud ta give., For nrauy vears TorontoScetY Circles have recognized Ford's chocolates as supêrior ta ail others Jury & Loveli ý,te the Bowmanvi'ile agents. Try them âùext time. ý17he best o! everthing at Jury & Lýjvell's. They are careful ta keep the int luvery line-chocolates perfumes, ,i)rughes, medicities, pursos. etc. They understaud their business sud von get the benefit of their experience. Edmund E. Sheppard, former editor -ofSeRtsriavNioght. le so-riouslv -ili -at- 1 Azrlcultural Society'e annual mueeting to-day. ]Every wide-awake business Mau Must advertise. Mrs. Ilobert Richarde le visitiug friende iu Newcastle. Mise Nellie Cotter, Oshawa, le vi slsing Miss Mldred Johuston. Miss Millie Borne, Sheîbourne, je eujoyiuw'a visit at borne. Miss Clara Darke, Sauth Hope, rec- ently vlelted Mis BobS. Bolmes. Mr. J. L. Tbompson, Port Hlope, *as recent guet of Mr. W. B. Couch. Publie affiee le a public trust. Be careful wbo you choose for office. Mise Pionnie Blpkin, Barrie, le visît- ing the Misses Stephens, Odeil St, Mise Emma Barrett, Necastle, ne- centlY vislted Miss Lesaa Richards. The Rayai Bank o! Canada bas vated s bonus o! 10 per cent t alal o! ite em- plosees. Mr. sud Mrs. W. H. Clemeus, Lake- vlew fam, visited relatives at Cedarville recently. Lýarge numben o! Young people iutend gting ta Oshawa Skating Caruival Priday Jan. 17. Mr. William sud Miss Maggie New. ton, Cedarvilie. are visiting their sister, Mrs. W B Clemene. Mr. sud Mrs. Ed, Walsh, Otta'wa, are vislting ber aunt Miss Carr$e Power sud other relatives boare. Mn. C. W. NI, Bamsev wbo bas beeu sponding the ballda!ys witb friends here bas rcturned ta Coibonne. Mrs A. C. Ellott, Brooklin, and Mrs. George Mrris, Osh.wa, were recent gueste o! Mrs S. Peufaund. L SCan any persan coud us the address o! M. L. Clancy, Who once fig. ured as Principal sud President o! O3hawa Business Collego? Aiways avold harsb purgative pills They first make sou sick sud thon ltave you coustipated. Carcer's Little Liver Pille rogulate the bowels and make ,ou well Dose, one pli. Regret is generalis exptessed at the voluntary retiremneut of Mr.'E. R. Boun- sali !rom the bigb School Board whore ho bas been a muet useful meS ber. Council appointcd M. A. James as hie cuceessar. It fils the art eriea witb nich. ted blood, makos new flosb, and healthy mou, womeu and children. Nathing eau take its place; n rmedy bas donc an much zood as Holliston's Rocky Mountain Tes.i 35c, tes or Tablets. Tbe marriageofo Miss Emma B. Gilmour, anly daugbhter o! Dr, J. 'r.« Gilmour, sud Percy McCutcheon Yeates Hamailton, took place Saturday after. noon, Jan. 4th at the home o! the bride's parents, Bey J. A. Rank in, assissed b y Bey, w. H. Bincks, officiating. The nowlv elected officers o! Bow- manvillo Ladgo No 99, A.O.U.W . are: M.W., Nornis WVilson; Poreman, James EllittI; - Overseer, Chias B. Tailing; Financier, Johu McMurtry; Leceiver. (leo Pearson; Recôrder, Dr. Yý; Guide, Fred Rehder; Inaide atc an, CLunneýe-, Outeide Watchman, .B, Bickeil. Mss. M. A. James entertaiued thi members o! THE STATEcs)ArIT staff and a !ew friends ver? leasantly Satnrdav oveniog at Lamne Villa in honor of the Editor's 5?9tb birthday. After pars-aking- of s nicelv preparel dinner the evening c was spent mos enjoyably lunumusic, games, etc. The Editor was preseuted, with a gald flenr-de-lis stick pin set in1 pearle accoampauied by the best wishes of the staff, Pnidav evening Jan. loth D.D.G.P. t E J. Osborne lu company witb Patri- arcb F. O 'Mason as Grand Junior Warden sud Patriarch Frank L Morris Port Hope whore they installed the officers o! Victoria eucampmout No 25.1 ÈJanuary Stock-Taking Sale. BUSINESS HANGE From Brown to White. To) PEoPLE 0F BOWMANVILLE AND VIÇINIT'Y. We beg ta cali vur tte'n- tion ta the flecS that ihe Grocery and Povio Store farmerly accupied by Brown Bras. and hitierlv by Chas, L. Brown, is now being transferred ta Mr. Thos. White o! Orono. We bave made a good start-we have been kept busy. We wànt ta make acqea'ntaneaf ai] the People, Corne in ta se us. Wc hope ta be favared with a share af, your pat- ronage By keeping the best quality of goods, ccli- ing at fair prices,, and, prompt and careful atten- > tion, wve hope ta merit yaur custom and business confidence. Beliug unknown ta most of youI have secured the former clerk-Mr. Ernest W. Rundle-and as you are acquainted wi1tb bim I hope yau will con- tinue ta cai as before, Favor us with a ebare of yaur patronage, and we shall try to give yaustis- faction. THOS. WHITE. Bowmanville. SMPSON-111 BOWm uville, Jan. 1ith, 50 Mr. 5n .d Mrs. D. B. Simpson, a daugh'er. PRIC-In Bowmanvjlle, J3an. iltisto Mr. and Mrs, A. C, Price, a dalighter. ANDERSON-In Oshawa, Dee. 7tb, to Mir. and Mns. Arthur Anderson, a son. Poovi.-in Bowmnarïville, jan. 8, to Mr. and Mr$. Richard Pooly, a son. Gowms-In Oshawa. on Jan. srd, the wife of Mr. Gowers, Staceyville, of a daughter. CowAîî-At Lindsay, Jan 4th. to E. B. 00w- au, V. S., and wife, a daugliter. SHAw-MCELROY-At 116 Harriett 9t. Winn ipe, Mn ,Jantsby 15ev. J. W. Churchill, Miss Em, daughte fMr. Eenry McElroyý and Mr l. lac 1. J. haw, Brandon, Man., formerly of Bowmanvilie. CALLÂ>-RoBiss-In Toronto, Dec Slst by Rev. Joseph Odery, Miss Mabel Leone, eldest daugbter of Mr.'Williain Robbius,Bowmanville, and Mr. George Callan, Toronto. DECH-At Batavia, N.Y.. Jans. th, Edith Mabel. beloved wife of Mr. l1a.ry Dech and second daugliter of Mr. John Grigg, Bowmau ville, aged 17 yeare. SMTH-In Clar'ke, Ja, uary 4tb, Rýehard Noble Smith, aged 56 Years GLIDDEN-At Port Hope Dec. >7th, William l Glidden. in bis (;4tbi year. YTALBET-III O hawa, Jan. th, Mrs. E. ýA. Ta' t. agect 7)y ears "IN IcP.KivFL-IU Oshrwa, on Saturdoy J;an. 4 Errly Gylür (Gçolinani, beioved wife oE. Nancekiveil, SLÂPorT-Ir. Oshawa Mon1daY Jan th a1ýncy Goçdman,. wîdow of the late David a,,poity, aged 78 years. 5MT-nClarke, on Tuesday Jannary 7th 'E gin Kenn.ýib, son of Mr. TVhomas Smith, aged 22 years. CHEnI-At Orillia. Jan. 10ih, aged 6D years and 3 months, Elizabeth Wr!4rbt, beloved wifel of John Cheer. Interred ai Port Hope. We are busy stocek-taking this month, aud flnd that ln came linos we are overstocked. 71e need the space for aur spring importations and for Janunry, wili sell at pnices that witl tempt the buyer. 1These pnices wil intcrcst_>you. 15i teà sets, 40 piece, fine 10rcnch China, neat wrcath decoration, would be cbeap at'$5 00, selling for $3,50. 6 tes sets, 44 pleces, parcelain China, beautiful floral decorations-ilu Swa calons, regular price b5 50 for $3 50. 4 tea sets, 44 piece, Ribbau and Rose pattern in< bine and gald and green sud gold, regular $3,50 for $2.75. 10 dinuer Sets, 97 plece, four decorationy, gold banded sud illuminated, regular 810.00, 11.00, 12.00 for $7 sud 88, 1i dinner set, 97 piece. regular $ 1000 for $6.00. 1 dinner set, 97 piece, regular 87.00 for $5.00. We carry a large stock of Fancy China ta select from and this sale will give you an opportunity ta furnisb your home witb high elass goods at small co3t. Sec our window je display. FlSH FOR JANJJARYO' FRESUI FISH-llerring, White Fieli, Salmon Troaut,, Smelts, and Oysters. SALT FI-SH-Labradoi, HFerri'ng, lXeSuperior llerring, g, Salmon Trout and Cod F eh< %.d3ie Tait, 4î Pbone 65. The People's Gracer. llighest Price paîd for Farai Prodt*ce. !EEEEUSflE!CtE ..E . .........u.En.................. ...lnEîEEEEEEEEEPEEEEEçîm -=====-- = = = !5= -------------- *Eiuiiijmi*.mnjmnîaig..,um. E.........u.......EEEEEE..... MEE I EIIiji CAPITAL EIIIETnomas E f M. 1Thomas R I~:ijas fledr EîîîiEdson L. P MIIEW. B. Torra Eln ç; t. Jobi Ehin New Y EIs ROYAL BANK 0F CANADA. Ineottrpotrated 1869 LPAID UP $3,900,000,00 RESERVB, 84,390,000,00 HIEAD OEFICI2: fONTREAL. DIRECTORS: E. Reuny, Esq., Presiden". HbS. bolt Ritchie. Esq. E. L Pease, Ebq. 1 'id Mackoen, Eq.D X Elliote ' Frq. P v nand, Esq, Wiley Smith, Esq. W. t, Ezq., Vice-Pres. Hl. G. Bauld, iEsq. V f hampson, Esq G1, B. Crowe, Esq. 7H. Thorne, Esq., OFFICERS: Pease, General manager. C. E. Ne"l rance, snpî. of branches- F. J. Shermn , Ass. General Managers. ;g-tbie branchep in Canada, fine bratiches in Cuba, branche,,s Iîli .n's, Newfuundland, ani a Juan, Porto Rico. Agenucy t: anisl Correspondents îuroughout ti e world. iii El IIII Manaer owmnvile rauhmil«rl ------------- ..... .... . .....I ~1 4f~ 4f~

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