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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Feb 1908, p. 2

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t - Cenuine Lîtti Liver lUs. Muet Bear 8f~naturo cf CURRENT TOPICS. Same indicatiens -cf a nie-st bepeful charater are rprtdby way cf Len- don Ihat th(, presesnt ;day IIgblagainst, thie ravages ocf cunsumptiun La te re- Suit, in victery fer medical scienice. The' London autheritias have jusl publ'shed a vo lumineus report aon sanitariums fer cinsumplîx es and ellîar features cf 1the tubcrculosis questiein. Included in 1his dueumant ara statements from an Ain- enÈcan tstudent w'he bas investigalad bbc cenitiens fcem the actual standpoint. Taling the stalislics cf 1the gencrateýn belw(en 1871 and 1901, ha s!, ws that al,, the. bagcinntng cf 1the thirty year peried 111e mertalily IrDi ut uleu'osis ameng monx and wemen \vas practlc>ai- ly th1e-saut-. At ltae and efil,111e deatb rate ameag lemalals xvas 18 par 10,ý0Q0, Rev. P. K. Meilce, Forks BadCeck, C. B.: "1 always eount it a pi aaure te rccommend the Dr. Sîocum Remedica te my parishioners. I believe there la nobing better for tîrronit and long troubles or wcal'cess or rirn-down sys- tom. For speaker's sore tîrroat I bave fouad Psyc-hine vcry benefeicla." 1ev. V. FI. Steesi,Paisley, On.t.: 'P.ychine seerxed just bbc stimîulant my sysbem need, h. I shah nadd My tesimoay as ta ils efficacy et evcry apporbuniîy." Bas.-.U1. M. Browne, Amhecrst IHead, N.S., "I have oftea rccommeaded Psychine since taking it myseîf, for il la a cure for bbe troubles yen specify. n 11ev. Chas. Stirling, Bath, N.B.: "I b~ave uscd Psychine ini my f amily; tIhe rcau'Ibs wcre marveus. I have visited peopleo ibo sIa 1m aItbey neyer nsed ita equai. I tccng!y reeomiîeed il. ies-. J. S. I.Wilson, Markdaie, Ont.: "I1 have teken two bott e of Psycii~e and am pieased ta say thýat I amn greatly mrany peee baccis 11e artiuc l lke fi-1ma e1Yî1diy aersivin-g a sipe paerpin s fejrmjulaleci 11," ~ ~ ~ ~ \1< a e-eiauhriy wodimS that ha, bas, fcd a pesîtîvermed",y 1tecure aleiany casacf beaach erkidney ci- bladdjar durn imc l[li e fellew- hng simplepesrti, il taken L efere lpe stage ef Br ght's d(isearPe: Fluid Ext 1ract Dandali-an, one-baîf ounce; Cempeund Kargen, ene ounce; Cempeund SrpSarsaparillathree ounces. Shake( well in a betle and tirka in tapefldoses all4er eacb mccl and auain e;t bedlme. A el-k1nwn drug!st h-cr e t heme, when ask-ed regard n 'g tlîis prescriptien-(, sialaci I 'he iingredients are ail harm-. lss, and can 11e eblaine-d ai ma ma]l cest frem any geed prescription phar nmeey, or th'e mixture would 11e put mip if asked te de se. Ha furiber strstcd [bat wbile this prescription is eflen prescribed in rheumatia affictIDien witb Salendid results. 11e ceulti seen ra THE MUSKBAT GLOX ES. The suinmer whien -Hugli Greenwe-odi was e0ighl year.s old t was deuideci that lhe eugbî neott le9ge te ebxifer a wbîle, and mtusthaie ut in 1the air -cf the fields and wee)ds ilearly al cf every day. That 'sas wby Hugbie was lId onrihis &,gPrncfaither s farm w heu 111e re-si cf !lite fanlily wac bni5lth1e cly ini tha 0f course, in a w-ce,, Hughie w as glad. Ilic missed latber and mothar and bis ,ssters; but Leing -on the farnir muani ail kipds cf culdeýor funr y, ich 11e cjuld net bhave inth11e city. What ho xanlcd rnest cof ait was le déi saine lrapping. Thbis w as bacante 777 Keep Zam-Buk Hny Accidelnts will happen to the best regulated faamlîes, ýand the nece!ssity of lceeping handy abox of Zam-Buk-the valu- able 'Ifirst-aid " cannot--be too Za?-1l2' o~~1W y strongly insisted upon. Mr FZam-Euk is absolutely unique in its Mr .Webster, 519 Seigneurs Street, cotnpoition, and must flot be confused witb Montreal, says : "One day as I was lifting cueap ointments cofta;finig rancid animal (>ttie~-L1e ney t, o ak ing trt Bownanîîî. one talOn at reason- Mbe rates. -yr ROBER'T YOTJNG, V. S. O FICE IN IIORspY'S BLOCRx, opUUo1site Towns11ail Entranc, wvhéree will be found> fromn 8 ta 9 p.m%. Night cils at residence direct- 13' opp os lte-Dril8bed., 17-iy. SIMPSOII & BLAIR~. D. B. SIMPSON, K. C., CHAS P. BILAIR,Iliarrfisters, Solicitors, Notarles, etc., Morris Bilock,, ug-atairs. King etreet, Ilowynanvilie. Solicitors for the Ontario Banik. Private moneys lban- ced at iowest rates. B.J.Hazlewood, A..,. iowmANYivLLE. a ONT. 4 -ODMEDALIST of Trinity Un ,- veretity, Torontos; Fouir ycre Attendlng Phei,;cîana d Surgeon at Mt. Carmel Boopitai P!ttshssrg, Ka, Ornes and Resldence Wei1iýgtois Rt. Tet hlepa No. lep. rý mF , ?WANT ED[ AT ONCE on sai, ary and expenses. 0,ne gond mnan in etic l ocaity t lg rcpable of handlin Isorses tQo advertiee andintrouce otr gu4zanteed1 rtock ZA t ostysprecaIties. No exoerience îleccs là 3' cy ut yoùur w rk for you. $25 a 1,1, 1n expes s Ps'ton p&t-ment. Wrie eL9 t the MaEactflr 119g ineera ant;d thers whdo reýali7 e the advisabil* oae. Our ivntrsAdvrer sent mp on requvalt. Marlion & 3arine, New York ]lite Sldg, Uoiriu 1and Washhi-ton, Dl.C., U.S.A. CHANGE IN PRICE 0F COAL. We are sellinag coal at q$0 7,5 ai the station $7M2 delivered and extra for carrylng Strielly cash. Corn.for sale. JOUR ILBERT AND SON, Iiowmanville. ERNDRESS-M7,eAKINO BY MAIt in your spare time ut home, or, Take a Porsonal Course at Schoci. To enable ail to learn we tcacli on cash or instalment plan. We also teach a personal class at school once a mont h. Class commenciîlg last Tuesday of each month. These lessons teaches lîow to cît, fit and put together any garment frous the plainest r.irt waist suit, to the most elabor- ate dfess. '511ewhoie family cao laarn from one(- course. IVe have tauglit uver seven thàousaind dress-making, and guarantee to give five hundred dollars to any one that cannot learn between the age Of 14 and 40. You cannai learit dress-malzing as thorough as this course teaches if you wvork iii shops for years.- Bew'are of imita- tioýns as we employ no one outside the schIool. This is the oiy cxperienced Dres Cutting School in Canada anidexcelled liy lione iu nyother- country. Write at once for part icýular s, as w,-e have cut our rate one.- trdfra short thue. Add-eýss: 8APDER$'DRS-CUIGSCHOOL, U BErio Si-, 8raeford, Ont., Canada, *ml.Pcwdered mill5 La an inven est loe-c'ahues. - xîîîa enai. And Ibi nawiy c1ere almei BstCmic e stume "'uile Sain"- cfr Dr. Ekeube-g, a Swedish ciaI A d[i'iel-,il,)eqdý'Opt .Pcad and f cod expert. The mnil], ils irst sub- rdum s nay'1e aî anzii, Best Crstnmed Boy Undýpr Feurteen nithed leO straining tbrongh a' ctten tnP the m-ast a'f hcb and rmysîcri- Iaa"tri'X ii-Egr e us w-.nlect.iiial nature, J1kthie Best Gn stiim-ed Gr Snhn'M filtier;lils lcmperature Laibathn reincad i snnand 111e lens, cc- ennigvEer ln lej neacîy îrcezing point, preparatecry te xithout intermissaiconandwihant. ap I LADIES IN COSTUME AND Utying. Pasîcurizathen is carricd -eut if Patent vriton, 1d liglit and boni, CI-t&BACTtEîî. 't bas net ah-eady )accn-dene .,i tIl-e1 I- Ida~ nbtnc fitcndt a Geld, Qu <en cf nBes; XIiss Cad- dairs-. The drving is effacted at ab cvrdioutg untlc vn-i ul ieîll- .MCrm~î aa -1bet tehheîe 1exorl. Fr, se far, sa ay e-i c il bi-oJ elhat, er 100 d&grces Fahr-enheil:.<an he gathecc fo IruOur 1liel e - LayFtrMenî,Cl'eGi; appim~ca ealstacf t e neils 'light ni J-p'n Mit-Xar y Vansione, Gipsy Gune cTraw iii Th1e dryig apcîGne 'it"ts-o a lapant se Lady; Mr.s. Finkia, Gipsy selng yndiici dutî kexsn s 11epertias fneyer xary lnec dinui, cen- Qcr; Gerrtidc oc Jpn volingcyliýiilcaldrui kownas he iniring, it, is assullned, foc ac 1ealler cge oe aaec éxscctcrlîýdj xittt tiikcl, xvhiuh wletdtnte rrdcin eiQucerGci; eC, Kale IXllntî witoutdimnuton r rducion GolLillaît Beumsll, XX ile R3u untaîl, Tria bas bceau fonnd lo e 11li1e mest, suitahie rtnn sndcoe-ote an citd, fer 1thei Queens cf t.11e Paîck; Nellie GenlU, Italiaut ruetalldesuibsîtnce up-on svlicb te de-'ieeple cof radium n 111e lice gra ,leritticess; Lea Varec, AMe)nlighl; Mca. pett Ie mlksibc 11e 111r crn-wenld give -eut hcat day andi night fer -te ban-efî manyf geuiicatiens cf a y -Kerr, Sunlight; Mis. Luixten,'Starlight; met-c ali melala hava net suffiieant rasi1t- fjly n e îd lcrelgthi Irene Mana, Slcrlight; Mr-s. IL. Brew n. famly;andga an elelrc iglt bisStars andj Senll5; inez Law, Nuire,; vnce against the chemical aclian cf 1the w4jul1e lne moe-. Metive powearl tee,1Bcattlc-- Law-, Collage Gtrl, 1-azel Dil-j mi115. The flui sfed ile ibis drurr sxeld 1e ta inexpensixe and se facilei l,liese; lîfilcaNiartiiîg, Smtu threngh wltcic la rried srulacn-tlat hersas wenld 11e lmest enturclyirIl aDyua.1id a exhaut stern -vr u a and Itravelling in 1the ait - w id le cii- FakGN Iare i 11 -ti-1 ianik 1 sideîably simplifîi,. Genît, C.PaiutonDark eîvn Swtî- Htr- I culs cof the drum at-e bcwl shapud, And wbei knexvws sytîbI the con-eld Cna, Cern; Parcy Piperi, - The whereby rapid and higb cfftciency in 1the tnuad minense- h-o f the intcr-iec'f French ArtisL; Henry Browxn, Fatiini- evaporalrîu 'of she aler is 11eealb wlc illb lngoeîs-able Ycrang Darky Dude; Frank XX 11h- cf11 bticthe past have faded le cec- I down, except ams, Old Lady; Xesl-,y Davy, Sunîrner ibis evapeî-ali n cxtendiag te ab-eutIK)nly the tIb cruln cn'esng thtat 1cr- Boy; Ed. Kirkendall,-SrncrBy lcnr-fdiths cf the originali ameun. Thec1rible furnece c eu-omlsadf -m Bcwnilapener;Cbr-ic Benn- e> aper allen efflciency La bhighb, hi g artbs a e 1 e u auandsiNi.gger; Jack Mealh, Bille> Peince; lrem 3,00 ta 400 pennids an heur par-b-. radirim ? But allbcugh 1iiieerust cf F. Liegel--, Dominoe; A. G. Bagshaw, ir11he earth is n-st ceoparalis- ly Ilhicler Santa Claeus; llesvrd Pingla, Brcýwnia; square yar-d eý&surfacea. Frein 1,,700 j Ian an cg-g thell eruparel jwith11e -Waltui- 11111, Ldy Bell1; NormoaniVar- ki 2,1W0 plats cf miik ine racenverted in- Iegg, ye1 netwithstanding il cur pew- ~Cue-c -wc V;X.Mm le pcowdcr every heur. Il is then mutÎ- crs xve hava net yet aucced la bei-- fI ïsh, Niggcr-; A. Trîlende, Clw-î; Peî-cy cd lîke fleur and becomas reauy tfer lIii sanhl- n hegbi.Srey enfîe'd er;ILi.Sierneni, Aute Girl; irnxedeleuseorfersieagefer~ i wxvcldihoserth an effor-tte t- rle A. L. Nichel!îs, The Turklsh Balb; :Nec- immdiae lse r fr sorae, or "'decp dewn la sorch cf Ibis precieu-?s mani McLean, Uncle Jbah ta New Yeirki itidefillite PE'ried antUidce -îiy preduct. itl; Howard Vercoee Spaaish Treu-1 - ________AndiIbis la enae rae eideane-cof the bader; ErrcJ Browvn, Highlander-, ,qTyiiiiiut pnt r '-t- r- A111- Grat Ce It r ttrdy iNichiIls, The Pierrot; George DNGERI 0F KISSINGý, w 11 b as-erd lias caled n <isî Hughes, tuga;Archie Minî-cnd, <nca Ibis prnalui heal and lt-Tht ,gsver. Tramn; I. M\. Laws, Ceileglesper-t; XXar- Medicai aulherile<s have ceme le 1the And I1ese ilis wes(drcris xxeuks cf crea- cen Pinelh, leubea; E. Joli, John Bull;1 c<nclun 't.îlit a dLisesaw hich bas l u- ji n rieta-ize moe rnd moe tlb - gcal- W. -F. iWkard, Uncle Sm; Alex Chris-1 long pnzzlcd 11cm is ducela 1the pres a- trws,;anti lite rniflv cfrI-is taen e eiuto'lc *Heshi horr fIcnce -cf the "kîhsin]g habit.' The lad ijavirxg rsid-e ferour e ils angusl:nta-eBaKars; X ltchuHrsD che lgcr Alan voec mrîdlieil b DrfXV. aspes lujesty ith e Hraes fhei-cî sr tdec Browsn, King cf DeIh;Alex. Bagrîcli a lcirix dlixrc naerîhcaup el 'ive iutsel ila ac-f fer ns, ithat Tramp; XileCela1, Scax Le; eu th r 1e'alienail IIallh Seeiety lu Eag xxe, 1the punî'-itaîcrt ferr r casir.- TpaXtiia uht iîtls eh Innd Th jav i etdr-t afeced y Isie liitaberrie hbyHi. ýrna if We i; Wîlbart Dudley, Indiaii; Mel-- lOt di-raseknewate scient.isls as w-ll, inhet-it an tcrnity cfliappirics. B-kl I VL' ]ooi--cc isears aien!ng o ef Ib rn - cce, policern;sV. eg 111e le-b eiesaaa fiiaelihealugil Harcy Tbnw, N. Jamies. Old Ma.Tbnw;lails ineipie-t tlage, and eitxx-ardly IB. Jaekmnar. Eselyn Thaw; Philip Gad - lheytny ha pcrfectiy seun-d, they alau _;-e î, Illi\asxrama X Litn eout cne 11v one. A viellai is nat, il eap- tLo- ing Uc'e e puara, ikely ta rec"gaizc the malady HE-ALS THE SKIN. ther-c is ne aigri le beIray ils presence. lu' kees,,sa Dr. A. W. Cl,..e's O(ntment I,% nTbr'Irq FR DCTO TBY TIIESE ON YOUB ENEMIESý Why la Ireland iî-e a btIle of wina? Ikcans-t it has a Cen-k iit. XX hn ila geiblU' a king? vhen iionldcd inI lta )l-o f a soerciga. Under wbnt circumslances 'senid yeur nioaCliae a fuel-O? If il sscic 12 la. lonig. XX b are sxel-fed ehiekuas lîke suc- ccüssful fartitra? Bacante lhcy are bicsud wxvllh nl cepa. XVit1 is a gratni ef saiid in hie ai-e i-"a çs -heoaiterscane? Becau-,e t but-sla îe, plpil. XX ýhyislaclie ltter 'r' hEc 11e face cfr îlenIules la(her? Il Lamornierausoi, î-ew tîxax iii anger. CA\USE FOR lIEJOICING. illl-Iutrdeorsland f bal feminiue paeemaket- next deor is giag te ol0e, arîd i'm glod e! il." XIcs. ib'Jél,--jhy de yen cali ber Jibits-BecuseeveLry limese g-ls a nlexv gwn you bave, le have a bâtter psensses in n remarkable degree the ability ta stop itahing and Inel raw skin, thiat it has Le- corne knowe the worîd over as the most suc- cessful treatment for such discases of the skie as eczema and salt rbeum. Aey neawbo ih familiar with the life of Dr. A. W. Chase, the famous Receipt Bock author, knows tisai few physiciens ever bad sncb an opportunity of becoming acquaieîed with the most effective medical treatments, and notbing that the doctor ever put his naine to isas been so marvellously succeseful as Dir. A. W. Chase's Ointment Ycu can prove this absolutely ini any case cf c-ra, After the firet iew applications the wretcbed stingirsg, itching sensations arc îelieved, ar.d gradssally sied naturally the raw Ceres become emalier and emaller until they entirely disappear. 60 e. a box, rt aIl deal- ers cr Edmanace, Batei & Co., Toronto, Mr. HiransFrey, Norwood, Ont., writes: .For tee years I1bnci eczesna on one lkg. The itcinig was terrible andi when 1 scratcLaed thse blood would flow. Tise dcîre coulci flot cure mie. Foet.unately 1 heard cf Dr.1 Cha'esOhiisi, and its Persittet wcus h3$ comnpleteIy cured 1me. IirflSLt IEL f1,0 3I101 ul"It. Bitish Nledical Journal I'îakes Dîssnal Prophesy. Deaainîg wilh 111e pux0lspects cof lbc ot'edlcal Profession, bbe "BiilisiMeUt- cal JDurna" says il svouid 1Le- weil 'f flic suîderîts et cur medicatýsebecisý ccnld reaize Ibat la a fiexs years' lime' tira, i'. f xxitîn practically ne capital s ciieble, xvilha saekingi sain fer ran opperl-unily et arniag a ls iutelod. 4Gc x l'ra lyeu ylîl y-au floU 111e ai-an en th1e spot rackiug lîxeir brama betsý-j t,, cul,-Uoxvn expeases ta mcee t1h&r lu- suflielenît incmnes,' 1the article ceDnlif-uas;, adtbe w-iter' rmentions, la Ibis eau- rctciea, an irsquiry freni a qîtalitit-d, aian as le a einas toechcc ocrks se thel they -igbt be uscd mite than "i mst tlul eu fraalîîyv," 'std c axa i-cc te bis client, "it, I ýI c netsr, 111e Tise judges aae t aia- ih iltrsb5U awsay loea bele id th- rects cil a big tree. The îraps xx re lergeltienthen.,aUd iIlnglie rushaI le the I ie nti ktieluig clcwn, Jle kel laie 111e hele. Thc rab- lil sas n-asshere la sigbl, and se lnugietpns-hed bts barsd la, aud ihen bis whela cciii, ani fait r'ound. Stili 11e cenîl. iul feel any rabbil, tut lus lingers UlU find a 11111e place, sv ay i1,hrIbi- htxxbhhaliecenld just p~us -hli hand. Pit-tps b,-raUbit liadt Squt'-zed lbrcurgh. Ic ýpushai bhis bond in ii sIfeut. Ne, tI ccc xx as tic- rrhbit. Aud the'.ii, wrt nlie tliedi1le puili - h hianCi ut, hic fenind ha coli net, hi- c ýisbis fnr gi 5e caucghtluiis suie- ttig sharp anti r îrigh, tibat f-ît like, ce. p Eset-y blute lhe pull ed. 111e gleva catîltaîdhl al. Perbaa f 1 rurlel i ard il roigli gise wav and ecrue 011; uýat lie lurîesx ltaIil it dd i I5-ouilU dIr ,p asx'ctîdowvrintla th1 lee.and 11e 55itl, ries c -tOil a'aiui. if l'e c- nid eî get ti ifc~~eut e'rmd cut li,- h-ile higger! But nrie. I-la nlie xx ns ins bis rigl-band peeket, anUili w xs bis right baU that w as caught. lie cenld nioeeil back and fojrth a l- lie vay, and la anut cutI a 11111e say, but hoe cenld net getlilb frecý. Hugbc babgan tb feledvery celd. XVben hi-c biaUt býcearurîrtlng c r ssajIking lest bý heU 1dltxvarxî aneugi. but Jlxiig st11h. face dciess n lth1e sharlx -of 1the gi-'a Iree irunk, thtuchili slruck thîrengh biiii like a LnIe.. Perbaps haoxx-euld freze te dcclýi hlereaeny ene, feun biut. Theeu-igbl set hlm Itesh-outing, "Gr'adpa! (Greadpcl Grand-p-a-a-aI" Il hurt 1hl111teolia 5h11l, vilh bis arm stretched eut, aUd.ha bean le ear mccc c f bIs weight -en,111e banîd tathe botle. Ssr,,ýnalhing under 111e beaU fel vcr eAUd sxhuîe bis bacc wî-i.slre-;leýd on il, and thîon lie Ceuid fle is band and iu ussbgs'l Allr- ieîglima, as il seuîned le I-lugh;e, bits amui lirîglal s-a Ilial, hajusl bîad te D scil; andul hein, tei lis sur- fuite. lb - itand cane eut cf t1ehe Wle xxib flic gix-e cilern Il. Il w as seme luicles and cagged edgra -of !ce that lied cauglt, and litasvaraî bhand, rcslîng orn tL e leng, bcd thasved il eni)ugb te set bli fi-ce,. Il wxas a scry thankul býox' ss liecga and'avoided by wvoyone aIbout the homusoiki makes if, riom like play. it cuts the dirt and! greaso, 1, -caens tlho ork, fully one-half and makes the dishos far brighter and cleaner. Try Gold Dust once and you'Il never be without It in your kýitchen. OTHSR GlNcAL rubtir4 ticois, vamshhng ciothes -and dishcs. cie-nr ýLwccd- USE FRwork ,'Ilcloth. sFllverware and t pre clising bras5sworw, Made bY THE N. XM FÀIREANK COMPI5NY, tiontreal. P. o-akr f FAiR'Y F, ÏP. np auh weiked oway. The flit tlhing l'e did svas fe ge brick and puîll up Ilhe lsxe trapa 11e bcd pcssed. Thý e 11enct le 11the ethers, aUdpulied theni up. tee, anU teck t111cm back te t11e bouse. "I dm1n' want -te catch any rîînskrats or rahbils or cnytbiag cisc," be IclU gi-andnîa, "be-as- nesv Iknesv taiself b.ows- lbfeels leo11ececugit ina e rcp. And ti, I had 11e-en a muskrat and gel ceugh, cud, hellercU as i0ud as- I did, and any- body lied beardinae and cerne,, c wuldu't bas-e belped nie-cut, weuld iea, grandpa?' "Ne, my b-oy, n-I if thea Iurîter xx cu- cd a buiffai- -relie.-e" "XVel, I donii xsanf mine that sxey, - seaid iiuglie.-Yeufb*s eompanci. CUMIOUS TRIBAL CUSTOMS. Rid[are of P apua lanXVlich Wonsen Hlave NMch ufuc. AMIethdist rissieaar- in BritishI News-Gîritîca ises'kawui as Pot nu- 111c Býes' W. E. Butýw-ales, lues cdded te t11e werid's 1-.essIedgceof1thee curi- eus andlillae nsexînraces cf 111e greatI neirîl Pacifie Islad by fhe discesery anal parlialt -amiaîg cf e new Ir-ibe, raya a Melboutrnie cecp-ndünl -of the Lon. rien Chren ctce. 'fle race in questierî censi--ssof- alieul 20,000 blachs, living et a place' Caiied D-ahn. -Thle customsuts th1e race ai-c uot cuir-ions. The irnmlgcalitec poiieyiýs moer-c ratic Ihan t hat cf "WNihile Anslralia."e fer aIl strangers bas-e cuber te becenie full aienb-ixs ef t11e frihe or b11e elei. XXbaîî decliag w-ltlî Mr. Bcu-wniusv,boss--cicr, the dirdi- cutyseas gotel ec 1 matdag bîm a falluier cf ltaefrihe. n ln u iintersviewv ta Sydau-y Mc. B-xa lcsv gav-e soeaiiîloi-eslinig parliiulra f 111e Pebuans saidO rd cf cis'ihiýzalien. Thre Dobuin land iewa. 11esaid, w-ere arn exeiip'e hi modecn caunîcies. Ea-b tribe arnd cclx amily baU 111dm ewn Iand andrie portien w-es ailewed te go cul cf Ihaîr possessien as a lean- fe r a seasoers ccp. The m-en 1-sacried éurt-cf Ibeir essit lbae and on 'fliair d thesir Iandcl eceme 111e proerfy ctheir sisters' chiidrca. and se i 'san handecidesvn frern generaticîx te gais- (,rati sio itn 1the tribe. XXeai'n hase great influence in 1the cff airacf 111e bribe and Iheir dulies are qulle distinct fr-cm thoeaof 111e rn., The aiea clear t11e bush sud dig 1the gr'eund, Ihan,111e sventen PrePare il and ,plant yams, th1e crep being thetrs. *if aman wentoed aulycmais ha had le e-sk fr 111cm. The banana petch, bowevrc, iýves b!s ocxn pmcperty. X;Vves vr cbane y puchase. If n man ld wcifer bis wife Ina c.ould lhce-sb Ler cceasienally. but she ceuld ileosvehl ifshe UlUixent 111e il and go back te her J TAC «ratLslih.Remecfr, . lTones an inigoatesthe who o 4~prvoua syeteus, maltes new JIlooct in Cid Veina. VCsee Ve euse de ip ene esfBraiss TF'orrsj,Des- oedeiwiexuf ekness, Emfssiossï, Spr- aeorkoea,ai F lets of Abunse or Ixeas Pý.e$1 per box, sixfor $5. Oewlpesi wi cure. Soiti by ail druggilts or ma;e n blalnplk.on gecespt of prCe. iW2apl maeiledfree. Theoc dMeàéi,cru 00 (forneerlp Windsor) or eat5 nt. eown villageo, where ýshe 'tili had a ho-me. Iii the religienef 111e peeople ntnu ed Mr. Brewuilew, lb 're w as s anrelhing cf ancestral Nwecship. A dcasdrela- livxe was regarded os.are adhi namne muist ilot lie nmentioned on pi -cf eah z'* An e-,ceptiýon was mdein th cs fany oe abeing ill ami gvie up by th1e medi cine man. Tho lattert might ihen cali upen 1the iname cf anJ ý ancestor, invcoking hlm tei brinýgbal th1e spirit cf the dying Pw. her beaven wcs a place îvhrrc e bealt 11 streng and goo c leklng li Ml ,e ejthers wýent t) hall. TLey belil) in flerîg whe created t.hnm buLit Ilft hei aloeaafta-rw auj, Ceuinsel (te"XVbalti n- hbnaband?" Wlas"isa fnee, "Wh-altd eeshafinish?" "Wall. bes ju finishing bis tinte in prisoni' MissOldfield---'Did yen mecan Ihat as, a smilie fer me, Mr. 'Oldbhau?" Gl[d- beaaii-"Neo, ny dcar; il wvas a txingel of rhicumnalism. Juulks-'e just gix un '$100 fer Ibis diamond ring fer my vi li. ' .Tns- "Rsa beautyl But isn't il raîhar----er- oxtravagant?" Jenks-- 'Net a bit! Tliinfle ~blil will Seve in glievesl" Dialmend, are geing Up aIse týH,4 china ef Itheir feminine w ears-. e- I 11 1

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