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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Feb 1908, p. 3

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WORTH TAKING onQe ounýce Compound Salatone; * FoUr cne Compound Syr4sp 4 doses ýatter ,ai niceal aad ealbedliîe * Iis pronounced by a prominent phvyi tato b the Lest mixture for the cuire of the ktdney, bladder, and al * uirinary troubles. Ï This Eays the doctor, t, the most * ,imple thongli remarkable prescrip-: tion ever wrttten to leanse thec ieystemn of tmpurities and ivaste n atter. It acts as a pom-erful tonie te the ktdneys, forcing them te iltere onit the acids and poisons, ovcrcomt-* i ng rheun-atism, laime back scini ac and, other afflictions arising fromn4 e The ingredients can b- procured at an oo-d drug store, and being purely* : x'getabte and entirely hariess, cati cas;rîy lic mixed at home.,èe If yen have a suife meg frierd show * this to bim, as hlie sl i uadoultedly behaPleased to learnof o!S simple and* highly recoomnended a remcdy. COINDENSED NEWS ITEINS 1PAPPLNINGS F110-14 ALL ONATHE R-IAYE TRE- BEAB SPOKEN?0 &r Oliver Lodge, Distin-guished Scientist, îi acspatri lie lias sucree rations froc London star. secret anuh o eiucted inamro is tlic asioni, lsy Sir Oi eï rangliaraUt leang listi of science, tbr Rescarcli So persoas nom( lias ig sent eucdiums tri 11e lite Enai ced Hlodgs r Niex crs. Tii cul Engîtali i lire 0of'tf11 I die lun1901 Has llad a Communication. h fnom London says: That fe he dbed that lie intende.i to attempt ,edcd in oblining commun'- to communirate with memrbers of the a persons wxeh kahown 'n s,ý)cety after lits death. ,o their ctcath, by mcons ýf Sir Oliver Lodge satd in part: "Wc dmhustIve tests recently cen- have received. whiat investigation lias )nnectton xvth Spiritualtsm, proved to lic messages from the dead, .shing statement just made through the nmedium of NMrs. Piper ami r Lodge, Principal -of Bir- Mes. VerraIlthei latter cnd-ovvcd to a niiversity -amd holder of 8 remiarkabte degree witth the po\ver to distinguishe-d degrees in ict as a translater -or interpreter of tlie riCIIbcrsý of the Psychiral psychical woetd. We have discovereet ctety. Three welt-known that there is a ncw human farulty cf ld by Sir Oliver Lodge os cümmuinicatin-g,,xith the- dead. Tho messagps Wliihm througli most important sel -of plienomena are xrn beyond the grave are those cf asimatir writing and talking. 'Mcd Gurner. the late Hii- .W cl-known persons, including those1 a and tlic late F. W. H.- riamerl, are conslantly purporting to le latter, a liriltiont write2r commuairate with us wititi the express prose and a leading mem- purpose of potientiy proving ýtle'r Psychical flcsearch Socicty, kanvn persounalities and giving evidience at Home, declaring just bce- 1cf kn-owt.edgce appeopriate to them." ýYi ýý and Austeta oer a railread wiîrh ENGLISIT YOUII'S FOOLISII FREAKS Austria propo3ses t3liuid thî'ougl tlie B3alkans. !liréd Ilorses and Biuqgies atnd Aban- Dr. Il Sno, t ata Senior Surg ')n, Cancer Hlospitli, London, wsrote: ."Tîeý meilntonanro of soiud nerve equiiibrium hy Scie'tifie tisoSUenutritontike Bovril Nviii do more te slay the ravages of any rnalady than a century of medical pro çress in drug treaitmct" "Box cil" is ail bcAl. Soid hy your Druggist andi Croccr In bottias coiutaining-- I R., 2 oz S., 4 ois., 8 ois, Ugiic18 028, TH1E BABIES OF EGYFI IJEABE PLENTY 0F T-EltiAIND eus te prayer, and the prayers, or one ef them, is gne 'ally taughlt liy tac fa- ther to his son. The grs are sIteton; tauglit ouything untess they I ek mg te a wcalthy -or an tiîfusuiall'y alightt mcd faiy, whua a ,tprayer <e ýtwo )and r Lit o4 aeedlecç,rk îs 'e ,nsiýeed eriugli educat o'nfoýr them. An Arah) school, la onc 0of lie mosi3 ta 1kstirg t laces in' Coiro 10 v sit. The chi!titeun. wilih te sLcrsesit uc.-on the floair, or the grjund, ta a serai- circte, andi cdi lia a tablet of rct 1 whiclist painted wvhte and uwa i :cq ther tessons are xr.t1rn. When Plie latter are Icarneet, ttriy araeaxoshed oui and HEPL XCED BY OTIIER rLE-,,,ONS. During thl icsury heurs lhe Arali schoois rerajiýJ 4)n4,0f the Cnincse, for thc ctï;tdleen ail study aloud, aiet as tney chant tlieýy rück hark aned forth tîke trees in a sLorm, al this imovo- ment is cointinued for an houe r orrý11e al atime. bhosrlhoomnGster urocks tock and forth aiso, and t ooether ulie srchool1 presents a inest novet arpear- anue a3 xell ai.;sound. WorshitDpers in 1, ic mesquesi always moeve about re- ing tisa Koran, as th s li4rmentisi bliee d b0'îss:st the niem.ory. TIhe desks of the Arali achùos are ýoddet ri x acs cf palm sticks, upon whiii is placd fihe Koroni or oua oor the lhirly serti- ns 4)f il. Aflet- lcarn- ing tlic alphabet, t'lic eys itakeri P the study of tirKoamrarzt enîie clro, 'ors of il, unti teso; -d1 jok ta erttreiy failar. A peculiarit mcLlid fotlowed in The Kind You Iave Alvie7,s I3ought, and whieh bas been L:i use for over 30 years, bas borne the signatnre of 49 and lias been made -under bis per- 2;f~- sonal Sapervision since its lnfancy, Ailow no one to deceive yon lu this. Ail Counterfeits, Imitations and "6Just-as-good" are butnI Experinients that trille -with and endanger the health off TIrP'î4nts and Ch1ke.lren-Experienc a agaiust Exp)erimen-t* Castoria is a harmiless substituto for Castor 011, pa,ýrc.' gorie, Drops and Soothin- Syrups. Lt is Pleasant. E, cont.ains neither Opiuma, Morphine ner other Na-rcotlo e-utstanco., Its age is Uts guaranteo. Lt destroys 'Worn;s and allays Fevenishness. Lt cures Dia-rrhoea and WirnIa Colîe. lIt relie--es Teethlng Trouýbles,cre Constipationx zÙd Flatulency. l; assirnilates tf- cFo,regulate.s tha Stomacli and bwlgiving beathyandnaturil bsieep. le ChildrenIs - Ç-j ý .1 -? 1

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