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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Feb 1908, p. 5

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I ~ISFUNNY Borne people would rather suffer contrnued headache than waer the perfect fitting glasses wihwhich we are giving so- ýjlhcornfort and satisfaction to fhdreds,-, of people -in Bowman- ville and surrounding counties. J)on't suffer your nierves can't etaDd the strain for ever. Oar glasses cost you notbing if they do not relieve you. Wben We Test byes it Is Doue Proper' ly (and Iree) Jury,&Lvel Graduiates3 of.- Detr-oit OpVtic3 College, CauaianOptcal Colloge, New !'t1rk Se:hool of Optics, hcadOpthalmnie College. 94 75, ......5 50c, 7 " 20, a,"lC L kDYIS FUR COA'I'LOST-BEctv cn Nursa-y Corner Bo-' mi liville anxd Tyro1e. jlan. Sftth. Rewatrd for reîurn to Tyroile ot llownanvOle Post offies. (i o? E~ ETO liEN i'-On Lîbertv btreet .1.,' ofo eCrner. Auplytf0C.M. CWitowmianvin'e. 1t S uRVNT WNTED v 'Irch 1 ,tl ~ ee tr) MRs. Wm MeKxi, corner Lib ~y ad' WllintonStreet8, Boiuanville. po[ t dn'a Sifth-ree' Addresx Mrs 'E1 W.E'. Aleýxatodria Palace, Oaeeeo's Park avenue, Toronto. '1-31 STOCK FOR SALE--,lnwiî wrl h=re. n year cld colt, cuw due to renew Feb. 4, two yearling heifers, 3 snuit pigs. Realsonitbl, pries. Auply to W. D. DowNE,, lot 15, Br6kn Front, Djarlington, Bowxoauville P ,334 ]ULLS FOR SA~LrE--5 promtiinz yngSotHorn Buils, aIl of gond strain m jm fre n upDrted dam-t; also s5L'e d41I'hr Hlr heifers. SAMUEIL ATLLPl& SAlidl St rk Farm, B;wmanville 6 2w. FAPR%1 TO liENT-Ab)out 19-5 acies Fbeing parts of lots 18 and 19, cont 5, Bar- llngton, iu good state of cultivation, ýforrmerly ccipied by W. AllUn & sons. Fair build- ixxgs, gond water. Fail plowing doue. Pos8s- Mion April 1, 1908. For partir, larS apply 10 RlICHSARD KATCIRsoN. Hlampton, or JAMEs ELLIOTY, Bowmanville. 47. tf FAMFOR S&LE-Adjoining the vlaecf Enniskillen. A smal fax niof 17ars eng situated and composrdl of part of fieNrhof the Senthi1 of lot 18 in tse 815 r oro-essionof et lttwnsihip of Darlingtox. TInere is on tse pemises a good houe witn Stone eUar; good bxarn witit stous barement; fruit trees audi small fruits for a farnily. For furtiter partieulars apply te 1. Lr. BRowN, Hampion.16 Éf VICKERS & QALBIAIflH. Blairisters, Solieiors Nîtarles Publie WILLIAM W. Vicizans D G. M. GALBRAITH> (formaxrly of Bovýmanvi1Ie) 77-York St., Toronto. The prattie formerly carrîed on ly Mr. Galbraith fi Bowmanville wll be continuel lxy te u ow firm. Mr. Galbraith witl be in Bow mauii;lle every Saturday a, d ai se, during the Xc frquiru-ý' 22-t IliVIEAT LANDJ AT A MACRJFICJf. nto o strueý'tions, This section was ene of eigli. 1p ;,etaUly selected 5 years ago. There xs neo be'tter Ld fer wbeat arlywlnere Prie oniy Z-6, werti $20. Texms, f2000; balane te -aut ptirlitaser.,-M.,J., DaAwER B, Bowmnanville, SEWLULBBINGATS 6Yte TîxiniJ STATESMAN wilI be furrnshed for 190C8 ini connection with the undernamed publications at the price stated, Toronto Daily World $300O Toýronto Dailv Star, inl towf 3 50 Torunto Dai1v Star, in eâuatry 250 Toronto Daily Globe 4 50 . f 5 o'clock edition 3 59 'Weeklv Globe.with illustrated parts 1 75 'IOWMANVILLE, FEB. 5. 1908, r eQn~ EASTGOING WFe r' *M i,- S -1, 59 a.m. I Exaea - . ~ ,.Epï£ss 1010 aý 7 57 L J, 6 49p.m I'i, 1 ,7 44 iý*D'cutv!&LuLLTown Açrerkts irw- ý When Jury& Lovell test Eyes It Is Done Properly yI e previously in addressing- thc Court plsaded for. a nominal fine, tiikin.- lts diegrace off the affain punizhmient enaugi. MnI. Arcile Tait tendcred thc amout off the l'us tatic Court un 5 cent piecces but bbc Magiatrale refuscd 10 accept uafidler's change" aud Jemanded bank bille or a eh 3ck, SUIL, -11110lib- -- GooJ Fniday will lie April 17. Mn. Truman Power spent Sunday àx Pont Hope. Miss Lillie Nicholson, Whitliv, is visi' ing- Miss Elva Powen. Messns. H L. auJ W. N. Creepsi Toronto, speut Sunday ut borne. Mn and Mrs Fredi.Bickeil, Oshawa seatiSuuday witb nelatiyes bere. _Miss Gertrude Joues, Bellevlle. ij visiliug lien aunt Mne. J. R. Finkîs. Dr. G. A Dickinson, Pont Hope. hai lieu nppointed Higli Sebool Trustes. Mrs Truman Power, Maple Grave, bas bee i visibing ber sisten, Mns. S O'Brien.- Mr. and Mrs. W J. Monrissy off lb Bennett Hacîse recenti vited ffîndE lu Whitby, Miss E, M. Henry, B. A,, off the Hligi Seioal staff, speut te week-end at li home lu Napanea nitre. W. Jackson, Toronto, bas liesr visiting ber cousin, Mrs, . JMentyrE arîd atier relatives. Mrs R. Baller aud Miss 1Bailes have returned ffrom six weeks' visil witl reletîves in Toronto. 11ev. J. lloages and Mn.> MeLean, Osbuqwaý, wsrýe reccut guestg off Mn. W. Il. Wil!iiams, Liberty St, Mn. Lawny Cryderman attended tie funenral off bis cousin Miss Anuable McLelaud ai Hamiltan Wednesdas'. Cituzens cviii siucerely sympathize with Mnrs, W. E. Tillas' li bbc Jeatb a; ber ouiy sister, Mns '1'. J, Masan, Ton- auto. Coucli, Jolinston & Cryderman are seeliing off their Iadies' Asînachan coats at c, ýt rie auJ a lot off dress goods ai about hait pnice, * l this issue you cviii flnd corne prae- Scal blutsabulot eye troubles i Jury & Lors' "s dvt st col TV-is shsows b, om linnalnazn - ýmeers, Mr MN ormnitl Sotv wtshes i ta or the public tbat lis elliiug Unrivailed ilerli7abletc He will cail on you sb )tly aud bapes you cviii give tbem a Fort Hilpe is baving n tîme findîng a Higli Sehoal Principal at 51200 salany Faiig ta get bbc Trent Valie Canai, 1tiex' are, essa-vîng 10 gel n Trencli froîs Nantit Bas', John i. oDtelegnapli openaton, dled ut tiso City Hospital, Worcester, Masq. Ja', 30th, off kiduov trouble Mr irUxton wýas a native off Port Hope, ont, and. ,as 50 t cars aid. A grand camnivai wtl i beied at the Skating liuk TuerdAy Feli. il. Goad prizes- for nsýw costumes, Admission l5c. *a nail. Fanions G-raut B9nd lun9nt- tendanxce Sere panticulars an billeý Buiids up wu.ste tissue, promûrtes ap- petite, împraxes dîgeestion, loduces ne- frCI ' -îgsp i vîgueedsbreogtb auJ heailh. Tîxat's what Hollister's R c- a MouÉiatahu "ea 8l0a 5. e, le or 'l abl-ets. Jry& Loveli David Hartlev, Pebeî'boro, lias acccpt eri te n-ilationi fa le aie af bbc coun- petibors, in bbc six dei- ' al.idng daube-si vevbxb commences at Kansis Uity on Pcb. 251h Thecutest hasts fan six laý s off tvwEh e Louis per dat- iVe conea-atulate MJr. Levi Sklinnser T. roue, tue busUllîýg agent ,foar bbc National ie In. 'hep )ra ni' îmdb-y he R. imoud MgCa,, Ltb., Guelph av recci',ing a firegold watcb as r-'warfl lot' Lxý cduatis' lu psaing A this favorite -_cpune.or. Ou.r ci1izens sympabbize %vith VIr, rh- 'Clark and family in bbc Jeathof ls fonrîli son lhin cvbo passed awuv Pendus' lu biS 2otli 'cr ai the famils' r - deuce near Taurncu afbsi- suffering ffromi spinal metacugitie. Durng bthe lest few du le remg.ined liacoa taxe condition. Trie remains wîll bli '-roucht bere ta day for iFlerment iu Bow;asane ic 3Coecery, Pcort lane bas a kzecu business man who el eiqunlois witit a callie dog lie saw foilawîng a fa'-mer and peid blux $i5 for tbi o c'r. It burns üonthbOt a townsman owued bbc animal lut fouud hlm scob a nuisance tbab be wec glad to fiud a eoatrv home for lim. The' s3core. is' eut aud bbc awuen cannaI finad lunguage lu the Euglisb dictionary abrang enough ta express bis chagrin Mn., A. T. Waiken. Edville, bas nent- crI bis farm ta Mn. dos Sharp Mn 'Walker wililiec leaving bere lu a short time taoeecupy bis nowiy purcbased farm near Bowmanviile. 11e wililiec aecompanied liy bic labler, Mr, William Walken, wbo bas issu a rEsQident offibie paît off the couutv f onrxany yeans, aud le uiow lu bis 91tb year, rebainiug bis liodily and mental pawers lu a good oegree.-Colsorne Express. Mn T. H. Loekhart off the Indian' Industriel Seboal, Rsd D,-er. Alta sends us a photo card off ttc Sohools He says: I'The large stane building fan girls cosi $40,000 and the smaller brick building f or ioj s cost $10,000. NYs are happy in Ibis wonk aud have mens' indicatiaus off encouragement Your vWeelhy viitor, THiE STATESMAN, iS u-'oaî lOstgSes advt. WDIN %ELLýS. 1ie fBîrs2,îxîs 1rigs - Sec'vant wauteod,1;ee advt. fetin. etS)uî uecax Fresli oysters dallýy at Talt's. BRODIIE-MAOMURLRY. vif'nturiat fh! i , aýxtinf- n. Mrs. R. Freeland 18 visiting frieands A very quiet wedding took place at lu Toronto. Winnipe, Manîtobe, Saturday Jan. Il. HAT-lu Barliugroî. Janu. 3Ilat 10,rratxd viiigat the rpsidelice of VNr Frederick A. Mr8. E Geo. Hart, a dIlInter. Mrs. G, Raworth, Napanee, 15 iitng'eramurtre, 1'he T. Eaton Co), brothriNTl s-t ,Ja.Irht t n e friends bers, Daniel Ar a sou. MissLeabas off tbe bride, when 'I'limas Brod'e, ESq EiLt-In Oshawa, Janr. ý4 ce 11,, uîd Mr- r, Mss enaBragg', Providence a been cof Winnipeg, and Miss Margaret J y FrdKLuke, a sout. visiting lier cousin, Nliss Maliel Barrie, Macmurtrv, trained nurse of Toronto, FÂAROW- lu shaaf. JLII. 251h, the Wife et a, Cali and ses our workinaz boots. We were 1 anoily united in imarriage bV Afred P.rr .., a digorer ean save s ou monsy. Reid & Pe3aru. 11ev, . L. Scott. uncle off the bride, ttFaV ACbuiJn otSt Major is Mrs Geo M Bryan, i2oronl visitedl Mr. Br, die wil libe well kiîown to mos, and -1,-sil, J, Suelgr ove, a dugliter. hier brother. MJr, W J. Dlrn recently. o01 our readers as for many ears lie COLOACOT TrIaeivtliîiville, Jau. 'idES, lu was he ccoritnt ad tile attheM su d Mrs George R. Co!Ia 'ottf a daughter. s T the apride %nt andetelllertet the (la Maud). l edig f eas, He ou tresindhus? nario BKnk bora, and later, Manae'er SorIi-In luîarke, Jan, c6*1h, te Mr . andlMrs. blening f tas. ave outrilusoft1he Branch at Lindsay. Mr. Brodie'S Arthtur N. Seper, a son Tait, friends will, joi in lu congratulations,. Baowi,-At Maple Cxeek., Ssk ,Ja . 1sf, te 3, Mr, W, H.Harris, barrister, Port wishing iLe and fis bride long lie and a -Mr. ard Mrs. 0. Eversît Brown, a daug'hter. 0 Penny, wao necent guest off Dr. G. C bpp asD4D Bouneasîs. ____________IASON-At 95Bellevuie Ave., Toronto, Feb, [s Don't fail toe all at Reid & Pearn's4i, aat ioaseeViue ome f the shos store and inspeet their stock. Ilb GREAT BARGAIN OFFER. late Thomas J. i4ason, agnd 62 yeams. h Wiîî pal-'vou., Funemal St ornG. T. R. Staition te Bowînville MIs MaelVauton las eenxit-.~Cernetery Titursday 6th irst. on arrivai cf 10,10 0 ing Mis. Tho Vsteazi.albe neris, AŽTIS50000PSMOT. m. train. ing rs.Thoý Rl SlemCorers, WANED 3.0l TIS LOýTH, CLARK-Ilu EaSIWitby, Fnb. 3, John nnear Lindsay.sle ads'- Alexander Lemnel, fourth sou et Mr J lie Clark, f orunerly oS Bowmanville, aged 19'years. e Big discountsaeoflde'lt ot esr t add 1000 uIýw naraes to 2 J ts aea oa Wdedv i anxd furs of ail kinds at Couch, Johuston oun tist off subseriliers this monti and p. m, te Bowmanville. cemetery. S& Cryderman 's. make, lio'ond quelin the greatesb ICUTTELe-At 5 Ccttfingbam Street, Toronto. la Jroniuthbloodisnecesgany. Miller's oewspaper off en e.'sr made b y an, Cati Jan. 21h, James Cutfeil, broîherof lte laiel e Comnpound Iron Pills contaîn thar, le. adiau publishen. nJhnCtremi, Blu Jas.541h yearola ment iu the mosb assimilable forin Every prosent suliscriber te THE Luella, Iufant danglicer of Mr. and Mrs.John lWeaWIyqlk or~r u'maesSTATESMAN wbo will pay bis or lber 1-1Trimbla, igeelil moulus, to Jurv & Lovell's tdvertiing. lt is subseiption to end off 1908 anJ senld us TiYN9E-At Kilkhampton, Eniglauid, Jant. 2, 1908, 14ev. Cnn Thynne, agl 76 yrars, son of trubhful, practiecal, and consistent., eeone dollar for a bona fide new subscrib* the lare Rnv. Lord John Thynne, Dncnaced elat columu on this page. er te, THE .xTATESNAN (Sgo that, our li,;t lad been Ilecter of Kilkh-ampton siuce lssnt. will lie increased liv one sîîbscî ther) wfli Married Miss cwrlinKn amie year. Coucl Jobustoan & Crvderman are reeeive Tnxt WEEKLYGLoBE ansd CANADA They had six sens and elve daughlsrs. teeliig toff their iLadies' 'oI coats at FRIfrawoe7 erit hrba-CiE-Near Einnir'killen, i Jan. 299 Myrtîn ,ffrim 25 üo3.3k per cent discount and W,11, ora hoeyer nt be"ar race daugitrer cf Mr. William Oke. agnd 1 fur of al îuls uJ eus aoroat ~gain; and the new subscriber wil ihoyearîo10 tits fur ofallldns ad mll' ovrcot -Rt eceîve Tifn STATESMAN and THE CoNnan-ra,.Ar hi, 1-nie residence, 40 'nlaystIri gai ý'educed prIces. WEEKLY GLOBn anJ CANADA FAUSIER Toronto Junt-tion,, Jau. ISt, Peter Concl, Wo know off a numben off cases off forcone wboleyear, The papers say al eged 45 years Fornnerly of B ,wmanIle suppsedconumpton bm ao ebeei le snt b difenut adreses ý cLELL'IRD-At 4 Mary street, Hamilton« cued b Millon's mp nd ra n Pleut noet app iee tDac, ssou o ThisJaen, n7th, Auna Bell, ti daughter oS Mr aud tcre y MelesCmruýIo ifofraple oDriiil fCt,-d r.Vim. McLellaud, agzd eight years and R. M., .' itceil & CoBowmauville, a nd'Gresa' Britain. Sein! lb to 1ur 4MOlithS. Niece of Mrs. J. IIICrydemman, Anotl',ez-euld day struck this section distant ffriends--104 welcoÉne weekiy BLEnASK11 aille.n ao 2t, Tuesalv uneing herGrpeersreglý- if t fo si.'Milldreel, eldeet datogiter et Mm, J. Peter - _____2___26______in_ ferntLeask, aged 15 years, a toCaitie. Itwas "dy cod" bt vft'yTIBARDm-At Port Hope, Ja n. 29 Wl1inn r u nipping on noses and ears - R5rj, agsd 7 ye'srs. 'ti-re i no nd ~ lu bc he 0f ~ POL~lRY 450CITIb}. IHoextnr'eAt Shi-rey. Jan. -17, Francis Ileîtry itatgivs s )a~e aritînI Hociu u bs MI yer. g -S'fUtDNna-In Oshawa, Jan,2410, Orval, estsa ffor thie mouey as a good parous streogîli. About persns nteestJ utr 1aSuderyps I eui plaster, sucob as Carter's Smart in Poultry hold a meeting Màonday MAceI-Tu Osbawà, -au 24, Carlin fË Ma lWee du Beladona Baekaclie Plasters. eveDninuS.0 E. Ilall when the Bow.reblve aghe t ,Makn Por Iopoferd $20 t Go.E anvti Pulr piEeas-Iii Oshanwa, Jan. u7tit, l'inta j otHp ofrd$20 oGaaE mui' olty Associatian was Chartes Spires, aged 58 ears. Ma' les, B A., Principal off Arnprior formed sand the lnlwîgoilicers WrAxtLY-At 606 Metcernîott AvnWoic 111gb ,hSebool wlio h ow ieeeià',g$12-50. eieeta.-1 non, Pro.- Eou R B,îbb; l Jeu 'urt, eni ealxtaG uabel.vedà lyhab bas thie liilsi,9de town ta offen as a Presiden-W. R. Knig'tt; isb Vice wir'e of Lewis J. We kety, sud yoruugs iter i! quid pro quo for that al 8r 50? Pres.-J. S. Lunuey; 2oJ 'ViePe~o mW.BmOha. patian turL mea o and croc',nscengtb Treasurer-G. B it; Dirêccîrs-Hý or appetite, tvour systn s i îhýtbhi. Vîrcoe, R R Bîrd, A. Battis, C F. HoiscraeFoky on-auTee altaeges,c Jflo Me-(,uLachie, Thos. Botrel, Fl,(i"'uen ie'l 'tee~ $ Oa Teanon Tal1ets. jury I& Lo,,Voil. Dtttan, H. B Foster. Audior-J ci 0r Fî, uh -,o Il 1 10 Mn. W. H ,Ptarn and Mn. F. C. Feh' Moorcrafft, 1 McConuachie- lb xrntn I Spriu (W 0 ' l Q95 i&ïasrrended the tune.ral 0f the Iat'e decided Doitt huld an cxlilrh fi s , Red rie,,, - ', 1 1 15 j1 Peter Coeînell at Toronoa Jn-sction Wtrrter but to gel rcl for Lseub sea-oni. r GOaSe ii 0 ilOC 0O85 Tbrsas Te atter naeetd-ecda wmmereec0h1c. nt ft ~bush No -, 0 CO il O 70 1il Flomence Nigliinzale Lodge, No -- Nx nct66F i asr.elc r 1 * .~. ., 43 r0 45 10 0 F, 0owhic'ýillecos-3sed %vaS a ver' .gs <"d'LJarf sOlan~s .,..... .00C) 77 I flouyisbed lieetome yeîm.i ugo arndnrr îfoWBvGG ai The i,~ons CiI)ting l'Co 1113off erîn o sadohrpuc axeessuud'~ ' T~ &. aO£ joi to nmale BowInaueiîlO PoîîltîrCaàîs frai 0 OJ llr085O Si"l for Saturdav oui -, Meu's bravi' wool Assit.ualvain farînums 9 0Go 0 7 undeîweam for 35c. per garment, and - 1 rf'l i/Insheayiiedglvosme11r-r BlexGip Powers C(r'" ' R. âf. r' luhe n o0 0 ilO075 $125 anîd $1.00 for 79c. li lise Spec laitce jl & Cac, B ow'es --àv il ýe tnù.af- ....... 8 00 10GOi, line3 that they are offerng for Saturda',, as 200 "S0 only, care moreiy th cali attention tthbe---'-----BE, beat- ul I 6' 5 r o23 'i eut îeducbi on s al heiastore '1) 40 ï-Z- -- 0O 4, L-ofne boteslu Otsîîo vii Le B OF QLEAUI, 'jECONViaNTi0N. i 4 4 segen at thb Ontaia Hose b reotters ~Nln .,..5G 8. e'xhiitton ta obePc i/c in T'-nsnbo Fei Te-îglilthi'nuîcoîetoxrff I> b tLo 1J. Tâb Il.ditîn Ri-E, - î'1Legrvstser, i u le Mr. W, CPot-on ur'band off tL Iwpy System wis tal ainounce that tbey Conference whicb was beld lun the Cam E rena Rtgnrs third naughter ,.±'J Iwiil Sen1 etuîn tickets a lsg e firsb brid c streebMNethaiistcburch Lindr'ay Aiex Riggs, Ennisic, Ont , wrnibes ciil 5fàrc igo i ang Fo ilt, 12tb, Ian 21, 22 and 23 WaS 0ne of t1ae utast ilst Clareshaima, Allierta: Dean Mnr 131 an-Tlliçaldeeu.nin~uuu ebiuipirirsg and largely att-- dtiJames-I bîve mueS pleasure lu rcnew- 15th Sceure t'Icketi fr os 1an2y GrosO gehllings cf youagpeope inthe ehireb nu my subusetiption ta TuE STATESSIAN Truok Agent. bisbeey of tie [[leeîc-. iebi' h ay, 3,1rli. Edîtor, we eau beat the report c 'iy etup u bc olnrî te ixg Iu event wes atteudedbyliv er 2--odate ,Iff r-ur ffrieud, T. Herbert MeCready Womrg ouplirstauJ orm' o; geii.-bwi ales frcm aU oece Ibis nction, f nit cf Edmonton, for mîid wea-ther. The 'Je 'i a 1 rIlowr o cuand ne, -, mie n'n nl,'rfieont vho durdi n& 9BJ iw or ariýth1ng like winbon Betertae ke-t.'V ntînte, ot tiiaotihyej hoClvut wabbcr was y esterdiy (Jan 28) aud Jury & Loveli and tke aý'way peasaut Meunxries ei 'odai. Temupenabune rcgisbencd zero 1 Maad,'aniblu visit ta Lindsayr. Ofiiers for îcjo8 onu-oue on two maruiugs auJ 30 to 50) ,Mrs Amas Bond, oad ,iTr. nand io aru-Han, Pres -Rev, R degress abave iu daytime. Sevenal reuewinglien suliseiptian 'o THE Dake, Newbung-, Pré3. -Fred R nîgbits waber standing outksîde in iuek-. TATkeSn for 10 s,:"/sl~eFIeBowmanviUle. ist Vice .mres,- ets dU usai freez-s. Hey bol Sauthemu taca 'arpanier --ver sinoee co.rnug WVm 'Keb-cbexm Brightons. 2o1d Vice- Alherba for me! Tbere bave blce would ss i ee erq ncb fl w and Ots ý.--Rev R A Wbhtam, 'ua:drli18. inan'ketted alneady o% er 500 000 busaels cotuld.ssiWvr'bve uhaifut a ere dis 3rJ Vice Pres.-Min3s Pearl Bumnbam off weat, aud it le estlmated that fr0m wouiîe WiIno sa'vunulc Satrdav Stilliýro9Lk. 4th Vice Pres-Mits Nera 200 000 to 300,00) bushels are yet to bele Jan.22.Sine 'ieuit as eenealcn~Rcyelrc, biriog~rbVic Prs -soid. P-relîy good for, Suuny Allierta Jn.22Siericfoty liiflasombeaunigitîs; Nins Rev.) S C. Moore, [Our correspondent is senior rsteri ot enaugb suow fo legiu ecnetry-RUev L. S, Wighl. Br'gbtorx n'emberaof tbefirm of Bowe & Simpson, I bave neaiselou a cuiter on eleiglin reasuier-Miss Erlift. irsaxsGn, .Livd casdodsr'ue n ipo usctiswnte Wisiugouauec Sa-s-y Coufereuce Represenative-Rcv 3was station agent ai Bunkebon som8 fuei n tp er Wisi7Yn." Ci>SS. F. Dixon. Tamwartb -Wardet. sans ag. -ED. C. S GuxtEN SICKNES-lS a dîseaseOfigirl- holod not unlike anenisa. Wsarineesp. sitortness off breabh, poon appebibe, indigestion auJ irritableé hea-t are the ,samptoms. 'ihere le no reatmeni go weil suiturd ta Ibis almeut us De Cbase's Nenv 'e Fad, winch nestares the heaitb-!L fuiî glow ta thc complexion, vizorand W r eltiacti on tae boditandorgua nd d's est Food Choppeor.r helsiîcitytaon the voit'al drgaIrau KEY. FATIIER JOLLIFLtE REAEMI. I l j. NO CREDIT Orocers' Due Bis taken as Cash. S.W. fIAS-«ON C & SON, -Next door to Standard liank. Bowmainville -~Free Ehed room at Central Livery yards anytirne, Jwish to alli. oufle to 1-' e pub Ec tbat 1 hýit I pst closed bL' ck taking for ±te e ucessful yea.r endsng ) 907 and before e stering on anioti er yrear, 1wib ov nlny eo 'anL-s for ttle i Spatronage you have -bestowed upoi.i me 1'bave ad1tvai itried to conduct my businesa on ousire sprinciple aidI 4~believe nsy efforts bave been apprec1ate Choice Cured fet Just the ind to ticýtie your par-te îheýe froý;1 ri ings, cured by the celebrated packers, F. W. Feavmn a Coù. of lam ilton. English breakfast-Bacon, Lfo's, corttage EcMe 3 ct SCheese,, Frankforts and ]3oliiu. Sautsage, cured specexalýý for our trade. Also we have Fresh Fih h. 8 (. i- l iuin, W hi t e Il i s llerring, Haddock, Mackex'ei, Smie-ps d Salmon Trout. Salt Fîsb-Labrador Elerrin1g, Sainion"o'îLake Spro S SHerring and Codi Fish. We -xant yolar butter id e- s and vvill pay or. the câsh. Phone 65, m Pope's Gtocer. li!hes Prce a dforFarni Pro.dece. ..................a..... ................. . .....a- Inr~porated 1869 'C! APITAL PAID 'J $,8,900,M00 E iF 43,J 0 Tnomîs 14 DIRE 9 dt~ ii Tniq ,Kerrry, sv , Pr~esiden'i- Ï,l S: UoIl ,Eoq.,' iFrt Jî, VMUlýirmas Ritehie, i.q E. L P o . 1.G.Bu ,?q i li. on. Duxv-l I Mceien, lu-qD K i- , 4 . F inxpnEe 1? EîM-« Jig< ed noad, Esq W '3,1 rhEsq, , OFFICIERIS.tai fEdson L. Pease, General Manager. C. E. Neil -ra G ,Jà -W. B. 4oronce, supt. of branches. F. J. Shermil 'n, 4r i r' :~ Ç4 -4î rce q lu ('puad f~ ~ hr,,i Ct b-%,brar in, St. ohu[~'s, Nev-F,re t ,d r ýgil 1 J porto b R!cf ci 2MSf.ft tgI.aî iNN ýcw~s a arill ........l.a...a le ~ ý Ci - B This Roilman Food Chopper will be given. free for fleusmi fsThKid oHave Awys Buigil two new subseribers to Tiaz S1'ATESmAx and $2,00 or for BoftiIl- 011'new subseriber and $150 LBeanî thie , lhe KiRd Vi Hala ANalys*Blîglt oinetcniu e1 ,HILDREN'S BEAR-SKIN COATS Rec. $3 00 for 5$2 101, 983 5) Ufin%2 50, $3 75 fotr'2 7,5, S4 00 fon $2 95 (4IRL'S CLOTU COATS Reg. $2 2.5 ffoi/ si 25 5250 'or $ 50, 1$27.5 fort?-, 75,583 25 for 2 00 $3 50 fan 52 25, $55GO05330W. LADIES' COATS L adiýes' Couts, repg $8 00, $9 CG au i î9-)0 on sale fr00,..,$5O $10'Si 75, $12 00, andI $12 75 on cals for ..., 6 75 $1 00 Oand $15 75 oituWe for . . ........9 00, LADIES' SKIRTS, Ladies' Sk'rb, auy 8400GO baS5 00 Skirt on sale for .. $2 76 5 50 tOo 6O 50afanr,,.....,,875 GIRLS' AND MISSES' SKIRTS Gt i' sand Misses' Sh irts auvSB8,G0 to 83 95 on sae fanr ,. 2 25 WHITE WOOL BLANKETS Whtcoa Bakes ~ efan $3 00, Q5 00 fan 83 75, $5 50 fer 84 00, 86 00 for $4 50. COMFORTERS Reg. $1 75 for 81 25, e2O and 82 25 fan $1 5-0. SATEEN UNDERSKIRTS ecg. $1 25 for 85e, $1 75 for $1 25. WOOL TOQUES Reg 25e for 19c, 35e for 25c, 50e for 3Sca LADIES' WOcJL AND CASHMERE GLOVES >AND MITTS Reg3.2 25e for 19c, 35c, fan 25e, 50c for 38cu, AEM Sý WINTER3 .UNDER WEAR -AND TOP SHIRTS - Reg. 5Oeffoir 8c, 75je for 55c, Siù for 7,, $1 5 for 95c, $1 50 ton 11$1 10. MEN'S ANDuBOYS' WINýýTER CAPS R3g'. 50e for 38c, 75e for 55c, $1 00 for 745c. WVRAPPERETTES Any 12jýe a yd. for 1ýc a yd, 15e a yJ for 12o a yd. FUR (iOODS tuffs, Scqris, Co1ians, Mufle, Guantiets auJ Caps ahi ut E-XîÀCTLY COST PRIGE

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