j ~ ~ ~ <'j,1 TFiRMS :-$1,OO Fer Âunum, OuR TowN AND, COUNTY FIRSi; THE WoRLD APTERWARDS. M .JMS&SN rpitr In Advance. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 1908. VOLUME IVNo1 'Le oreiI STOCK=mTAKING *och Jco:Y::tanï&J 1em will seil the balance of their Ladies' Furs ol'ail kinds at 25 per cent Aic un lot of d,,sIgds at about I . haif price. These are genuine reductions from our regular prices andt ail goods -will be sold as advertised. 00oui1 e0 * Grocers' Due Bille taken as Cash. ~ Funitu e The Corner Sioe Store I IK~M~~ -Furniture1 A nin Rnl everY Option that Cher similaroiie SA Lite Insurance, Icontain, and some to a morýe liberal'I 1 # -degree, and s0 the amaunt represented 1NUMBEn 3. in columu (6) is a clear gain., In eferin orGovrnmnt oseves Mr Gdo. W. James, District Agent, Inlu raftaricgloeGoernmu t a ey es can give 5 ou a great many more inter- lu aur last aticle a ita t thsliy e ' st!ng points of value regarding the 'suficeu topa ai plic caImB campanies methods whicb canriat be presant and future'> should we have delailed as fallv as we would like in the 100%los raio nd aruon ur nvet lmits of a written article. Dont forget mants but Sý par cent. to watch this colunin naxt week and in Eroadiy speaking, this reserve Bapa- the intervai consuit Mr. James what lates it-,elf into two principal parts, it's ail about. what are knowu as the peimanent rasarva- elamant to be put oside ta ducreasa the net amount at risk or to MEXORIAL RALLY meet cash surrender values aind the current mortaiity alemant to meet vear- MEMBERS OF W.C.T.U, HELD MEETING Iv death losses. To maLe mattars IN M EMoRy op' TiEiR DEPARTED clearer, let us taka a canurte casa cay FoUNDER. a 20-year Endowmant at age 80. Tha Resarve at the beginning of the year would ba about $89 50 and at the end of A Frances E. Willard Memorial meet- the year 8118.40; i. e>, thare bas beau ing was held lu the Mathodist Chnrch relaased by the end af the year the sum parlors Feb. I7th and was weil attended of 86.10 for the paymeut of death lasses The pragramn was very bright and durlng that yaar. Now this amount instructive. Mrs. Thos. Hoar, Presîdeut raleased is basad ou the maximum accuplect the chair, and after devotional assumrption af a 100% loss ratio), and exercises, Miss A. J. Mollan gava a tharafore, if we cau, by experîencipoe paper on the Woiau's Crusade Move- but an average death rate of 50%, whliIýý1 ment. Little Miss Elsie Armanel Petars durlng the first 20 year pericd of care- sang ver swaetly "«Jesus bids us shine " fully managed voung companies is not Mrs. J. aar butt gave a sketch af Frances uncommon. we wlll have a distinct gain Wiilard's 111e, and a review of the work for surplus increase on a wi'th profits doue by Miris Sproule among the lum- policv or for expense ioadîng decrease bermen was given by Mrs. T. C. Jeweli, ln the case of non-participating palîcy. Miss Bunner and Mrs. L A. Tale. The The uil eleae fr th payent collection was lu aid of the missionary yearly daath dlaims duos not occur t wako!thlnin the end of the year wheu it has served its function of protectlns the policv- THE~ LATE REV. EDWARD ROBERTS. holders and when this pariod is passad, the differanca betweeu tha thaaretically - assuwad and the actually exparieni ad The prayer meeting lu the Methodist eau be used for expenses, which placýes church Thursdav evaning took the form us in a position ta reduca the arbitrary of a mamorial service for the laIe Rev. axpensa loading wflich is addad tb the Edward Roberts who passed away the net premiun, ta produce the grass. by previous day at his home iu Cobourg the amount we anticipate we eau save and who was a former pastor lu Qnaan fromn paying ont lu heavy yaarly deatb St. Methodist churcl inlu Iis towu and claims. of Hlampton Circuit and well known Returunn to the examplce at age 80, throughout Ihis district. Rev. John wa find the usual non-participatîng rate Garbuît, tha paster, paid hlgh trîbuta ta be W4 75, whereas the rate of the to the worth and work af hlm as a Equity Life Company is 840.10 or an faithful' servant of Jatus Christ. Rav. annual difference of 88 65 whieh deposit- William Jolliffe, who is theaonly ljvinL' ed In the batik par yaar for 20 ýears persan who was ordalnad for the min- would amount to just 8100, uo small istry in 1832--both having entered tha differance wa laka ii. But you wlll say wOrk lu 1858-almost 50 years aRo. that $8.65 is more than a 50% saving on referred to the decaased as bis brother currant mortality amounts to. So it is. and companlon. They were lasely But that bringa us ta anothar phase ai aFssciatad in the work for many yaars the aconuumy exercised bv The Equity and ha ralatedt manv Incidents in bis Lite Assurance Ca a branch wa wlll lifa that were higbly commaudable. take greater pains in our naxt isue Rev. T. W. .lolliffa had beau assaciated Inthe intarval tbink aver thase with deoeased first in London and later figuresin Toronto whera thay iabored, At the later place bath ware on committees iu Age 18 Co's Equity D¶iffer Am't sav- the interast af the union ai the varions rate Abst rate ec 8% 2oyrs, branches of the Mthodist cburch H1e, 20 42 85 39 00 8 85 106.50 1 o, had found hima geal, whole- 25 48.20 89.50 8 70 -102.8o souled Christian worker Me. P. C. 80 48.75 40.10 3 65 1(0095 Trebllcock had knawn hlm In -Cobourg 85 44.60 4.1 10 8.50 96 85 whau ha was a smal! bebfore Mr. 40 460O5 426),8 45- 95,45 Roberts entered the m;'iitry and latar Ta anabie us ta off8r thesea atractive while hae was pastor lu tibs tavn' and rates ta the public we hava not raducad vîciuity. Ha al%ý ays bad a fund of the palicy priviieges, lu lact wa have stories and was an adept in telling them. He paid great respect ta the mamory ai deceasad. Mr. J. J. Mason MktRAn dfli~and Mr. Alpha Plnch eacb expressed A Viqt.kon nd angAnilq kidîvwor-ds,.resDetino- decased. A YOUNG MEN. GIVE YOURSELVES A SQUARE DEAL 6%Spara ta Sperd" was tbe beadinz of the first article the senior editar ai THE STATIESMAN Wrdte for publication in a nawspaper, so far as he eau now ra- member. It appearad in The Observer wbich religions journal was pnblishad i~n Bowmanville. One idea advanced waa that averv- yonng man should andeavor ta save a part of his income. Wara ha writing now tha adylca -would ho toa ah waga earnars. Everv person who warks for a -stated wage or salary sbonld striva ta layby apart a! bhis'or ber earningg for ernargencies, a. rainY day or for 'use when capital whjl be required for soma luvestiment. No pa îr sou Bould be so lacking- in ambition as ta be contant ta remain an undarling or employee for life. Thara Is no naad of remaining a servant ail life long. It is no disgraca 10 ba a servant but every s oung persan sbould-alm and plan ta obtaîn a propriatarship or to reach a high and resiponsible position. Mr. T. D. MacGregar who writes mach for the encouragement an dbenefit of young men, in a receut article in Svare Moments, expresses a truism in these wards: "<A man wba young canat wit.hstand trivial tamptation la spand monav has nat lu hlm a sîif euough financial backbone ta make a succesaf auy important business venture. The troubla with him is that bis backboue is ual as praminant as bis wishbone. Fellow man, yon are glving yonrsai f and those dapaudant upon you a square deal when you save money and iuvest it so as ta brlng a good returu with saiety of principal. Evan if your iu- vastiner goas no farthar than the thrae or tour par cent saviugs bauk v ou have few more l!m portant duties thaà that ai saving as much from your incarna as you passlbly cao. To thase wisa persons wha lutha haight ai prosperity savad money ragularly, the prasent period ai business dapresbian and anforced idle. nass wiil nat spali disaster. A young man who hald a good posi- tion was a faw waaks ago forced by the eeed o! the compauy for wbich ha worked ta cut down expenses, ta giva up bis position and seak empluymant elsewhare. Tbis was a wise votuug man who had savad monay With a gond savings bank account ta bis credît. ha did ual need ta jump at the first position that offered ta gat mouey enough ta live an. Ris stared up rasources ena- bled-bhlm ta take bis lima and makeaa tbarouLyh canvass for a placa ta whicb ha waS adapted and which promlsed ta giva biru a fair raturu for bis services. He bas sncb a place now and is rapidly recoupiug tha expense ai maklng -a change. How diilerent wauld hava beau bis casa had he beau ika sa ffxauy foollsh Young men, who speud avery cent thay aarn, to say uothing af runising into If Ibis man cauld 'havae arly learned the habit of saving il would have stavel by bite. The result would have be-r net only that he would hava had tiiý13 funds ha sa muchrequired. but ha alsa would have had the abihity, confidaLCa ~and dfitermination ta push bis invention ta success and win the larger profites himself, This malter ai saving isaifimportance not only ta the Man on a comparaively small incama, It lisBoual ne the Wage. earnar who neads ta save Iu most cases the -largar the incarne, the larger the living axpanses and trie greater uaed ta make adequata preroarLticn for the f uture No matter how large your salary, young man, accumulate sera- thing aud gel ahaad invt'e worid sa that you eau live better, do more for, your children and acquire a campet- ence for a comiortable old aga or a f.rain ly ? Living withiu your Income and la ig asida soruathing for the future lsmerely a malter ai cominon sanseanad backboue. If you have cammon sense enough you will sea the point o! praviding for out future whi.le you ara able, and uat beava Ibis provision for the uncartain olutcome ai veur future business Yeu cau do Ibis If you hava backboiae enaugh. If you haveu't, the man who bas gets joaur mouay. Thera is still anothar way lu which you ara glvlng yaourself a square d eal whaa yau save money. Il wili -help yon te eut ouI the, worry and auxiaty that hinder -Yan from doing sour beat work. For there Is a worry Ibat wîlli ndermine your strength wheunyen, glanca arouud your home eircleanad realiza that you have ual savad a cent against the day wbeu rour loved ones may ba lait withont the incarne that ýou ara spending s, lavishly naw. If sou are naetssivinzg money and the raading of t4is article maires you, dis- coutented witb your financlal condition and yonr own attitude toward l, then i z will ual have beau written lu vain Discantent is ralv-agood thing. A. certain amount of nnrest bas euterad int the makeup ai every suecassfal rnail. Thera are mauy factors that go to make up success. Some ara elameuts w ithin ourselves, same ara qu.ita oulside and bayond aurn contrai ta a large axtent But àlmost anvone can cuit!- vate detarmination, and that le the tirst assautial ta sucess lu savlng. if yan are uat already saviug maney regularlv consider the subject earnestly uow. Then-ý-TART and at once. The wav te do a thing ts ta go aheadl and do il. Overcoma ý7our Inertia, laziuass, timidity, or whataver it ls that holds you back. Don't put il off. Procrastination saps veut abllity and wastas veur enargy. Evary dollar you ~~Iy j our prices.. . -. - . *1 Reid & Pearni, 1 * I OLEANEST STOCK IN TOWN.I Opposite Balmoral Hlotel- Bownianvlhle,