RECORD 0F BUSINESS T9lhe Standard Bank of Canada Statement of the Financial Yersr ending$I1st jauuary, 1908 - RtOFIT AND L055 Acc0¶1t cs',rdfro ilt M r $105529.45 Dividende at the rate ç,6I prcnt a r e IG o se tBltannun, for RIGTO XT.>rip - *¶74 ealt gse Çontrtted to O ce s pelo ie O ar e eon eois ec â1g576 raser O ee- 100,00.00 oin Leo 920O rnserdt Rsre, 1fo rmn ne lew toc------------19,280.00 e i c akrfe tor7wer -6- 1,902.60 QfflRAÂL STÂTEMENT - -,e tteBank in Cireultton - - ,0,9.0 oid ,T,,d Silver Coin........$216,505.98 an aner------------3 ^ ~e 6 «.j1.rençs------------U44,377 00 3,8.0 otes an Cae ne. cf no er BIanks 64885377 Bankd---------------------1.51,M3. verumenS on Secure Note 731,422.51 * s * a MINISTERS AN~D CBTIRCHES Rev, Isaac Snell, Prince Albert, re- ceived a very hearty and unanimous resoîltion of appreciation ot bis work on the circuit and an invitation to re- main another -,ear, with an added $50 to bis salary. As a resftit of the Hunter & Crosslev meetings in Port Hope, twenty-six aduits were baptised last Sunday and 174 were received into Methodist churcb Membership, The evaugelists are now in Belleville. The members and friends of the Epý wortli Leagrue of the Methodlst church eýnjo ed a rich treat Tuesdav evening Arthur and, Miss Minnie Baker and Geo W James visited at Oshawa .... G B Reynolds of Oshawa is home. Mrs C Branton and Alice and Frank, Oshawa, visited friends h..... Mrs B G Stevens and Mrs R C Scott visited at Oshawa... C Shortridge visited at Oshawa .... Alex HoeNew Lowell, Centre Simcoe. rn ed acquaintances here. ..W H Westlake and family are moving to Jas Heatlie's farm north of Bradley's School and H Tink is moving to the old Pascoe homestead lately vacated by Mr West- lake ...W Chas Werry bas'been bitsy getting ready to build a barn. uext sum mer....- iHiF <bbohrne recentIv nnrchase *West IEnd os iuiwiwr iiiir!iw est End House. BOUSE 0F 9UALITY ', Mu. A. James. Alani Line Aget ljmnil Domilnion Lina ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIIPS FROM FOnTLÂSND Ktensington Mar. 7 Canada April 18 Canada Mar. 14 Southwark Apr. 25 DomlnionMar. 28 Dominion May 2 Kensington Apr. Il Steamers sail froma Portland 2 p. m. First Class rate $65.00; Second Clas 42.50 and upwards accooi ing to steamer. To LiverpDol 4M.00 To London $2.50 additionai Third Ciass to Liverpool. Londonderry, Blelfast. Giasgow,.27.5O. For al Information apply to MU A. JAMES, Agent. Bowmanville or to DOMINION LINE, 17 St.Sacrament St. -M ontreal.- -1 --- - -,1 tet-NUfo needte cange LIiuau wnîle wno have used theem prove rts Iect. Mis Kate McCutchen bas returned this rush continues We0 saw ii - une of Try tbem. bomeaflera two months' visit iu Petsol4a peope cmingawa frm. te DvisMr. and Mrs. J. J. McDonaid visited -store with boxes under their arms. ENIELLNteiiagheMr.J0bi, St. Cath- E ery box contalned a bargain There ahr duhes Ms are buindreds more-one awaits YOU rns Call for it Our League visited Haydon, League Ladies! it you would be strorig.aud OBITAR.W ednesday evening and report an healthy and have good complexions, OBITARYexquisite visit.. .. Mrs j A Jewell visited take Miller's Compound Iron PIS. R. --in Toronto recentlv ...esers W M M Mitchell & Co., Bowmanville Tuos. MILLER Wotteu ard C J Mountjoy were in Mr and Mrs. R. Wellington. -Simcoe Thos. Miller, sr, for many 3ears one Peterboro recentlv. .Mr and Mrs N st north. celebrated their Diamoud 5ofOshawa's leading business-men- died Bserys, rt errMis itoenceat Mr C J dwedding î Sunday. 2Feb 21. Deceased was a pioneer Minny'.,..Mssiloec Pevi(e Mr A E Hopper was preseured with commercial cireles in this part of the friends in Bowmanville an address and a pipe and cigar case countrv. 1e was borniln Devoushlre, The postpoued connuuiirum banquet by the members ot the fire brigade. 0England, Sept. 8th, 1834, andi died i n will be held 'n the Metbodist Church A woman who, is weak. nervous and his 74th sear. H1e came to Canada at Tlrnrsday March 12 Supper served at sleepless, andi who bas colti bands andi 80 years of age, and firat started a but- p mi, af ter which Rey. Dr. Crews, eLcnoflaniatlIe we cih6rlhg -baslàues s!atNè6Wcas§tie a-ntFals orontwoisrtrndrmCifn oneiluBowmanville, In a lew years Springs will give one of his popularpircuaon,Crter'sonePiliseuand h he disposeti of this and started a grocery lectures. Solos bv Miss Irene Bray, civrclationnrdmoe nrvunes a trade at Newcastle, whieh he in turu Enfield, Mlsi Ethel VanNest, Bowman.giesrgtanrst soltiout and embarkedin dry gootis, a ville. and others. CoLe andi enjoy a Mr John Gibson, the confectioner, business hie carrieti on mâst successfully treat, Admission 15e. celebrateti his 80th bîrthday Feb 20th, for forty years, 20 ai which was spent lu BILEais1 NATURE5 CATnÂTIo--Since andi Mr J 0 Gav his 8th blrthday, Feb Oshawa. H1e was a man of very best it is the liver which filters bile from the 21. persona! qualities, but. bo never sought blooti, where itlIs a poison, andi passo Miss Florrie Thomas sang the sol- public office Hej uni'.joineti one secret iîîn~tn the intestines. wbere it is Plfz.Con.I eatulL dvrysetyute r l~i6U U Ztt U.*, uuse ~--~- du-- 81.00 to $2 00each àfa] db in ail shapes and, styles fo qualities. Full range of neekwe ~ their sons consistiug of foi Shield knots and bows hands at popular price5 ~. shades, light and faney pa ~.- patterns to choose frein. iBring 'Us Yoic -U; l pr, LI'- ill range of eollars or spring in both ,ar for men, and )ur-in-hand at 25c. at '25c, Four-in 500 in ail plain aiterns. O ver 100 laineb suitable- for dressirig sacks -40e, and 50e a vd. HQIS ERY FOR C-HILDREN, A fuail range of liisery In aLmr opened up for children's wear, inal eolors, Tans, Cerdinial, White and Blaeks in al sizes 4, 4ý, 5, 51, 6, 6ýj, and 7 at one price 25c, a-pair. Extra gooti qnality also a ful range of Ladies' Hoisery in ribbed and plain from 25e a pair and upwards. IRY & CO., UMJTED, ir Produce. B>owmanvill( t books, ment thorogh cure wiiI be brought about and the. à f omlicaions avoided. 25 cents a ~iotl, t ilclalers or Edmanson, Bates îk Mr . Heury M. Edwarda, Allen Park, -Ont.,&"tes - '*orcl3 cannot express my tliankfulness' for Dr. Chase's Sys'up of Linseed and Tur- pentine as a cure for whooping cough. Myj children were eery bad with it and this treat.Y ment brouglit relief and cure.3 Oraoipton; Mr, andi Mrs, mo. Tamblyn, Orno, cousins; Mr. ana, Mrs F. T'an» ton Osbawa; Mr Geo Buxtou, Toronto, 'Ile iloretl offeringes were very beauti fui including wreaths, etc., from MNr. E. Jeffers, Hamilton, the Belîman famlly, Mr. anti Mrs. W. H Carley. Mr. May- nord staff of lady teachers Essex Street echool, Toronto, Miss J. R. arw Oshawa, Miss F. M Jewell, Mr. and Mrs H. Fleteher andi Mr. andi Mrs. W, 14,' -Ladr-I-L iBrown; ±'ast Leader- R H Bunt; Vice Leader-James M cLean; Recording Secretary-J T Williams; Financiai Secretary-S J Sangster; Treasurer-R Katerson; Chap-E Ras- tings; Marshal-Sam Ruse; Warden- Chas Horu; Guard-J Ward; Sentinel- R Tricla. Presorit membershiP- 47, No of maes-3I. No of females-16, No of deatbs since organization-5. Five members are receiving 5% from the lite expectanicy fnnds spentOai auy *&JV in pe u,,en. No RHEumATism WITII RED BLOOD- Rheunsatlsm, like dilseases of the nerves, is f rom a thin, watery condition of the blood, and i dsappears when the blood is mftdg rieh andi reti by the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. If yon are tireti of noxious inedicines, try this method of overeoming diseasa, by building Up vitality to the high water mark. Pains andi aches will then disappear ,and you will know the joy of heaitbful living. çd bymail, prepaid on reeeîpt of twenty4ave cents. W. T. ALLEN, Big 20 Pookstore. RE SAMPLES-I trust Farmers will bu carelul anti brîng true samples et seeds they offer. A good way to pro- cure true sample is to open each andi every bag, take a baud full from each, mix thoroughly and bring at katît a pounti so as the dealer cau judge what the bulk is like. If the above is follow- ed it will likeiv save unpleasantne8s when the seeti 1s delivereti. Sunday selbool rq kintis. 'PTrebil à. 301 ýîa - . . ., - .. uks -- -Iîu-iËs