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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Mar 1908, p. 5

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#4iJ AVILLSTATIN. GoNOEAsY (30114eWEST ~'M1l........85g a. in,.*Express -. 4.83 a. m >Express - 10 10 , e Loca _.. 7 57 Mxed- 8 SI p.m. i Passengr-1 86 i Loai.. - 48 P.m. 1 ~Mixed.. - 7 44 ..... 58 p.m. JURy &LovELL Towu AÂgente s IWhen Jury & Loveil te"t Eyes -It Is Done Properly We Fit Spectacles As Only Experts can Absolute satisfaction guaranteed. The correct lenses. The most perfect fitting framea. The greatest amonut of comfort. The least possible price, You are sure of the above when you visit our Opticel Room. 'Our glasses cost von no more than you wouid have to pay others and ntit get the same quality or the same attention that we give. If you are wise it, will fot take you long to cdecide where to buy y eur spectacles. ,Jury & Lovell, Graduates of:- Detroit Optical Cellege, Canadian Optical Collage, New York Sehool of Optica, Chicago Opthalmic College. Cooking by Electricity Ž isot.smucha fad as a tonvenieuce. ý,t la ciesu, quick and cool work, too, - vastly simplifying tire old ceai range or f gai steve. And vour Electnie Cooking System, unlike tire others, ceats uotiring wiren net lu use. 1! is tire moii com- fortable form o! coekiug, likewlse, sud masures uuiform resuat te tirose who use 1!. Le! us lustil tis up te- date -svistem in your home, 1! will sal e you money and werry. c. H.JK Tallin,2; Bowmanville. IilectnIilan. One Way Colonist bacrsdons 'Io Tlibe West. Commenciug Pcb 29 and continu Ing dailV until Api 29th, 1908 To tire fellowing peints:- SVancouver, B. C. ISpokane, Wasir. '47el~ 0SeattIe, Wash W' j Portland, Oregon WSan Francisco, Cal. $49 s0O Les. Angeles, Cal. '$54.5 Mexico Ct Tickets sold te other certain pointa Iu -proportion. R.-.11 infnp.4-mnn moir be ob- -1 BOWMANVILLE, MAR. 4. 1908. Freair oysters dally at Tait'@. ________________________________ Sickness la very prevalent stili. Mrs. Isaac Tabb recently visitait her Read every page of the eight-local sister in Witby. news on al, Miss Lou Parka, Trenton, la viiting Sunday was a real March day, wir d Mrs. J. J. Mason. and snow flurnies. Mr. W. E. Pethick, Toronto, visited Roada were bloclted and trains stalled fiends here last week. by Sunday's storm, Mr. L. K. Farr, Strathroy, recently A pair of 85 boots for 88 at Thre Carey visited at Mr. F. A. Haddy's. 1 Co's great shoe sale. 1Mrs., G. T. Charlton bas beenvisiting Weddlng reports are found onthree Mrs. James Richards, Pickering. ' uer pages and twe obituaries. Mises Florence Allen and Belle Caîl and see our workinz boots. We Murdoif spent Thursday in Oshawa. can ave yeni money. Reid & Pe3aru. The water in Lake Ontario la higirer Tea-We pride ourýeIves lu the than it iras bean for twenty-twe years blending of teas. Have you trieâ us? Ail roads lead te Tire Carey Sho&Co's Tait. great clearitlg sale in David Davis' old Box social every day at Tire Carey stand. Shoe C's great sale-a box with eyery Mn. Johnsten Rîlis and Miss Ellis, purcirase. Lindsay, have been vlsitIng at Mr. W. Big discount sale of ladies' cletir ceats R Knight's. and furs o! ail kinds at Cesici, Joiruston, Mr. A. E. Skitchi, Trenton' was in & Cryderman's. town Tuesday and ealed on -a number Den't failte e all at Reid & Pearn's o! old friends, shoe store and inspect their stock. It Mr, G. Arthrur Langmaid bas pur- wlll pay Yen. cirased Mr - Jas. Moore's farm near Zion Frein tua date Cench, Johnston & for $8000, we bear. Crydermnan will selI off the balanee oi Mrs Richard Peate and Miss Nlettie their Ladies' aDd Misses' Cloth Coats- Peate are vlsiting tireir sister Mrs Fred ahl new geed-at exactly haif.price, Rose, Rochester, N Y. Oue special feature tis week lsaa Poultry Association meets ltriroir talk to voua3g people about -saving, room over Tai STATEsmAN office momiev. YeungZ men will find matter Thursday evening Manoir 5 for thought le the article "'Younfý Men, Befere stocktaklng, Coucir, Johnston Give Yourseives a Square Deal, ' & Cryderman will soul off a lot o! Dress Aittire babas born Feb. 29tb, will be gondsata about bal! -price. presented wlth a sîlver raug b tire, To rente World - One will Corne te 1 Mr. and Mrs. Skitcb, Lind.say, cl,- Bowmanville te David Reginald Jaç mesj brated the 89th anuiversary o! their son of Mr. and Mrs. David Bradley. wedding on Mendayv Feb 24. At thre carnivai hcld Fcb 28, priZes Mrs, A J H Eekhardt and 'daugbtet' were awarded'as follows; best lady's Gladys, l7ononto, are visiting ber sîstor cos turne-Miss Lizzie Taylor, "Star ef Mrs. A. S, Tilley, «'Youldon Villa." the East". Best geut's costume-Mr. Couch, Jobnston & Cryderman are Howard Varcoe, "Robin Hood". Comic giving 25 per cent discount offý their costume, gent- Wm Challis, 'Iclums v old regular prices on Funs o! ail kindâ. rooster." Boy under 14 yeatrs-Jack Wo are assured Foak's Hair Rostorer Edsall, Uncle Samn." will do ait that la clalmed for ItL Read A few errre crept inte tire report of the new adv't Tirefirm larellable. tireOntarlo Loan & Savinga Ce as Misses Stella and FIe Mason have publisbed iast wcek. Corrected figures retunned home after spending a very appear in the short editerial lu this pleasanit tbree weoks visit lu Toronto. issue. Tire ameunt due deposîtors was Mr. Russell Brant, son o! Mr. T. S. 8882,572 89 lnstead of $382 572.39, lu- Brant, Whitby, and brother o! Mrs. T. terest eaflIOd durlng thre year was E Oboro, owmnyiledlo Mo 840,126 46- This lae e!ftire best da. Obre omnilde Mo.managed finanelal Institutions lu the Miss Matha Jarvîs bas returned after cuty an extended visit with ber sister. Mrs. We unite wltb thein many fienda in George P. Freelanld, 168 Indian Road, extending a very bearty welcome te tire Toronto. geod.citlzensip o! Bownianville, te Mr and Mrs Charles Willams and Miss Mr. J. A. Freeman, Fergus, iras been Olive o! Enniskilleu. Tireî have taken ointed Classical Master of Port Hope residence on Duke st. Mn Williams b Scbool and wil commence -dty iras briught eut Mn Ezra Gifiord o! tire ï r Easten. lî's Royal Mail LUne and iras entered Master Forest Dllling, Bowmanville's upe iris duties. Hope tbey will at one ]eap year baby of 1904, gave a birthday feel t boule lu tire town. Tirey -will party te a number o!fiis little fiends ma e wortby ctizens, Saturday atternoen. r. and Mna John VanNest, .Ir., E. A. James, formerly ee=l 4mari- olina, are tis week takiug possession agere!tire C.N. R ,isbeing back61)-Y o! their prettv resîdence, King st. E, Winipeg telegrapirers for a seateon tire recentiy vacated by Mn. T ilardv. Rallway Commssion. They comte te Bowmanvilie te take Mn. W. H. Symens. Weicome, bas advantage o!ftiur excellent sehois for been appeinted Treasurer of Hope the education of their family. '[bey townsip lu succession te Mn. L. R. wîll receive a cordial welcome A ré .%ieNall. Port Hope, nesigned. port o! tire reuslng1 farewell" tiret Nirs. D.-Gaîbrair, Bowmauville, sudrcevdtSoiaapasis iee. Mrs. A E, W. Peterson, Torento. are Bowtuanville Women's Institute hffld vigiting their brother and sister, Hon. their regular meeting Saturday aften- Dr. Willougirby and Miss Willoughby noon Tire Presideurý, Nrs E R. Beun- at, Crageigh.,"-Colborne Express. sali, presided, A paper on tire "Best Onarie No. 1 car ferry iras made 61 education fer our zirls" was prepared trips betwoen Cobourg and Charlotte by Mrs. E. Belîruan, Mrs. Tires Power sînce goiug inte commission, cary r ave ,a paperd on, -Women tire hope o! a cargoo! iScotOisa eanadtap a'nemnda." th Pre3ident oeeon about il.heurs to make the round tip. cleanlinesa o!'hbomne and surnounuilungs" Mige Lola Dewn who iras been ý isjt. by tire membet-s. One uew member log her parents irere iras returned te ber wasreceived. former position as heati mutiner witir An easthetic memb er e f 1THE STATES- tire flrm e! Messrs. G. B. RYan & Ce., MAN staff came !B Saturday mornlng Guelph. and remarked eut tond, Wbat a veny One o! tire beaviest snew-fails o! tire cean, neat aud ordenly grecery store season waî on Tuesdas nîgir! last week -'s i8. Tis moruing it looked se -six toeiegit luiches. Roads wene dean, sweet aud orderly tirat I could again blocilel. Tyrene mail did net net fait te nem.nk it. Tire floor was get lunbtil Tirsday Tis wll be covered wltir dean sawdust aud tire nemembered as tire winter o! mueir snow staff looked as if their outfit bil come and severe eold fresir from tire auudry " Tire ýuestiOu Miss Gertie Young bas neturured from for tire public te solve la, IlWho s sirop a very pleasaut visit witir ber uncle, Mn waa it? E. Dunstan, Winona, Miss., and wlth Mr. aud Mrs W G Glover, Mrs, C. frieuds in New Orleans, Detroit and A& Cawker, Mrs Chas and Miss Hazel otrer points. Sic had amostdetigirtful M. Murdoif, Mr. and Mns. J. il. H. time and speaks very blgirly o! tire Jury, Miss Wiudatt, Miss E Joness, reçeption givenhor by Amenlcanfniends. Mrs. Rober! Collacuit, Mn, and Mrs, Miss Miite Horne wbe iras sPOtt M. A. James, and Messrs. C M Cawker, sevenal seasons as bead milluer witir a W. J. Bragg. G A Stephens, S J Hon- leading firmlun Sirelbrne, leaves tis or, Geo. P. Riekard attended tire Dur- week to take a similan' position witb iham Old - Boys' banquet lu Toronto tire larges! mIllnery firm lun Owen Friday nigir! wiic as usual, was a Sound at a substautial saiary, Few if mes! succesbful funictien Full report' auy milliners lu tire Province receive will appear nex! week higirn salany in a remti establisirment Maple Les! Cirle Companions o! tire tiran Miss Horne. -It seoins to be tire Forcst enjoyed a social eveuing Mon- natural course of events for Bewmanvllle day In tire A 0. F. Hall, a box social boys and girls teo got te tire top. witir tootisome re!resbments following Tire LindsayvFos! la reforrin- te tire the business session. Membera invited S ara grapir about Col. Robt. Syvlveter in fiends and about 50 youug pensons HE STATESMAN Of!1«40 vears ago' says: were preseut. Carpe! bail contesta, "Robent H. Sylvester la new the ironered crekinole, and otetr games sud pas. conlolnelof the 45th Battalionn. vernlchr tîmes filled ln a very _pleasaut eveninx WANTEDý! WA#NTED! &1)o We want you to get y our share of the specials we are 4~offering this week. A trial order; will convince you that this la thestore to deal at. 4q Marmalade 4Now is the time to make your inarmalade. We carry 49a large and select stouk of icasonable fruits. M9 Marmalade oranges, fine bright fruit, ..... 25e a de, S Small sweet orang........... . ......"..20e a doz, Grape fruit K ..........K... for 25c. 49 Sucer loaned if desired. 4î Lenten Special 4q S IR Fresh White Fish Salmon Trout Steak Cod B. C. Salmon 5 49 addock Herring, oysters, etc. 5 49 Bring in your butter and eggs to us and get the Cash 5 4î Q Poe65, The Pcople's Grocer. 4î1 liigbest Price paid for Farm Produce. K.....S.U.UU fhhWKl K . oqtas m à- m *UafU*UEKKUS e1as11 a ----------- --- - -- Mllil HEROALBANK OFCANADA. Miii -IIneoriporrated Â1869 CAPITAL PAID UP $3,900,000,00 RESERVE, $4,3909000,00 1 M -FD HEAD OEFICE : fONTREAL. DIIIECTORS: Tnemas E. Kenny, Esq., Presidentb. H. S. Heit, Esq., Vice-Fres. Tiromas Ritchie. Esq. E. L Pease, Esq. H. G. Bauld, Esq. Hon. David Mackeeu, Esq. D K Elliott, Esq. F W l'iromlpsfl, Esq Jas. Redmond, Esq. Wiley Smith., Esq. G, R. Cnowe, Esq. W. H. Tirne, Esq. OFFICERS: Etison L. Pease, General Manager. C. E. leUil W. B. Torrance, supt. of branches- F. J. Sherman) Ass.,Geuerai Managers. El hty-fi ;-e branches lu Canada. nine branches in Cuba, branches lu St. John's, Ncwfuuudlaud, ani San Juan, Perte Rico. Agoucy lu New York, Cerrespondeuts tirrougirout tirewenld. F. J. Mitchell" Manager Bewmanville Braneb, il.E...u.t..K.i.KKflKpKiWKKK. KrnKm..... ....e. K. K a~a Ka KKas5 5K.. irfl H à S. W. MASON & SON'S i hl zýnDýContinued-. ,flonth Notlees of ilîrths, 25 <venlts, Iarriages, 50 cents; Dcaths, 50 cents, each In- sertion. When funerai carda are printed at tht. office. Insertion free 00111 LANCASTER-I nClarke, Feb. 29tbi, to Mr. andi Mrs, John W. Lancaster, a dangirter. RoBBnqs-To 'tIr, andi Mrs. John 4iob bios, Darlingford, Mari., Feb. 251h, a son. (Perey Clayton) BRÂDLEV-In Bowmarvilie, Feb. 211h, ba Mr. and Mrs. Davidi Bradley, a son. (Davidi Reg!n- aid Jaymes) lAMglIt>l. BzÂCocît-Hoo.Y-At George St Methodiet Parsonage, Peterboro. Feb. 26, by Rev. E. A Pearson, Mr. Albert 3e Beacock. son of Mir. W. J. Beacock, Cartwright, aed Miss EdAti Gertrudie iooey, Eurketon. ' SPARtLING-MCOc uBiEy-At Niagara PFls, INý. Y., May 24th. 1906, by Rev.Orville COPollarit, Anna Louiise Mecoubrey ta Frederick W-, Sparling. son of Mr. J W. Sparhing, BoitMari ville, both of Tororito, nt. DIEU (. HOPIÇNrSON,-In B,-wmanville, Feb. 211h. rar..h. beJoved wife of Mr. Josieph Hopkirisori, lu lier 751h vear, HAWKEY-In Tyrone, Fe b. 29th, J*oýeph Hawkey, aged 615 y ears, 6 mnonths. FRAiq-In Darlington, Marcb Mnd, Charles Frank,ri hie 711h y ear. Frimeal today (Wedresday) aI 2 p. m. 1a Bowmanvillo cemetery., Scour-In Belleville, .Feb. 111h, John Scott, aged 80 years. RennaIs-la Cobzurg, Feb. 26th, 11ev. Ed ward Roberts, in bis 76th year. ,tTEDAS-NeaF Midianti, on Feb. 7th, Williamn Dundas, formerly of Clarke. GREEN-At Rochester, N. Y., Feir. 241h. Archibalti Green, ageti 82 years. Interred aI Orono, MORGAN-At Jersey City, N. J, Feb. 17th., George Morgan, formerly of Orono. HENRa-At Moosomnin, Saek., Feb. 2na, William Henry, ageti 73 years. MULLHOLLAND-In Cobourg, on Frlday, Feb, 21st, inos, William Mulîhollarit, in hie 7lst yeir. SrARK-At Chamlay-Campar.. Quebec, Feb. 26th, Mary Elaen (Polly) Hfllet. dearly beloved wife eof Chas. S'ark Interreti at Whiiby. You will find soe i ocxl news on everv page of thre eight in this issue Exeter, England, Western Times of Feh. 7 undc r the beadinz Parkham gays-. Primroses have been picked in the garden and farmers are busy plowing preparing for spring planting. Owing te tbe enormoui advance in the prie of teas at tho gardenS iduring the past eighteen months, The "ISalada" Tea Co. have bad te ralse the price of "Brown Label" from 2ec -toe830c and 'Green Label" from 80e te 385,c er poud. No other changes ln uriceS have been ýmade The chief reason fer the advance ln the e once of Ce7lou la due to two c'iuses: Firat, the enor- mously lncreased deniaud coming from Russia. which country is abandoning China Tea lu favor o! the finer tees o! Cey ion. Threother cause is due to the planting out nf Rubber, which is more profitable to the grower than tea. February was full o! mishaps at TEE, STATESMAN office. On two publication imned n rnerai crsx y ears ago. otf ' 2~= '--~hestessaevery eujoymentinIIIMe10andi ex-tr CHAS- BOWN. Il L AM --b..a. pros iogte esteem lu wiici Mn, sud 8 LlB fl th e_____Ha e ___ I B ug th em re tu ru s o tire occasion tire c ern- n - - .~~C -& je-C m z . : -= ' eh. _ - -rooks r d . Ase4 wih ing A TR W M D IQ& L " chlldàrenofsi iAleanterennedy jviv , i II 7 -J 1 'l V &J4.7 "1 1 ngaIl, deceaseti. iA t i owanlletie ii ay0fFe. lNext door to tandard Bank. BowmanvilleN 1905.~~wr.P -- I l .dA nrom ai. Central Liveiy varëb anytime, -rCOs.Ul 'A11 t'4t'ner-i - " ', , '_7 1 - MA-E M ----J - LT CHilLDREN'S BEAR-.SKIN COATS Rer.$3 00loir82 10, 8350for $250 $875 forn275, 1 0 o!r82 95 GIRL'S CLOTU COATS Reg. $2 25 for $1 25, $2 50 for $1 50, $2 75 for 81 75, Z8 25 for 82 0 $3 50 for $2 25, $5 00 88 00. LADIES' COATS jLadies' Coats, reg $8 00, $9 00 aud i9 50 on sale for.......é..5 00 I ' $10 75, $152 Co. and $12 75o tale for ...6 75 I " $15 ýO and $15 75 ou sale for ............. 900 ILADIES' SKIRTS ILadies' Skirts,any $4 00 te 85 00 Skirt on sale for ........... $2 75 I î -' - 5 50 to 650 ..r ..for ...........8 75 I 4RLS' AND MISSES* SKIRTS NOTICE TO PUBLIC Wm Tennant, V. S, bavlng pur- chased thre good.wiîi aud practice o Dr. F. H . S. Lowrey. V. S , is about te open an office bore. Fulml particularalater. ARE YOU BALD? WegýV. hav j.. b. Provethat tir or rYotJ" heen balti by grl hir wý. herc Il basbeeri 'Write to-day for parrilar or ent.1_ .dfor trial R Cera1 . evnt bo.e 1Y-1w SED GRAIN E&IR SALF1-A quant. ot f Mandiechrtr andi English two rowed Bre.APPlY to ARTHURB H. BRENT, lot 10, con 5, Darlington, or to box 239, Bowmnanvflle. 9-1wt ]FO R SALE-FRAIVR RESIDENCE bargain. If you want a home on Odeli St. seee 'N. A. JAMES. B >ALN FOR, SaL-E-To remrive. -0 0x85 ftI ngood state ot- preservation. ý mile nro0f Kirby. Wcnld inake a barrn 40x72 with 11111e change. Apply tb S. M. BILLINS. Leskard Out. 10-2w. F AR4 TOREN t-AbOUL 125 acres lngparts o os1 n l,£n ,Dr ltigton, ini good state of eultivatiin. formerly occupied by W. Allun & sqns.1 Fair hid. iegs, good water. FalIUplowing done. Posýes sien April i1,108; For particulars apply tu RICHARD HATERSON, Hamptffn, Or JAMES ELLIOTr, Bowiiai.ville. 8 tf ARM TO SEV-, OR REN 1--One V othe et farms i Darlîington15ace more or less, lot Se, con. 8, Darllegton, on which are a gond f rame dwelllIng andi ontuld- ings-close tc Enfielti village wbere are church scbool, post office, stores, etc. Neyer rented ViII ire Solti yery reasonably. ALEX MeCuJLL- ouen. Enfrelti. 9-3w VICKERk & & LBU4l&lT. Barriste'-s, Soic.tors, N otar[es Publie WILLIAM W, VicRERs D. G. M. GALBRAITH (formerly of Bowmanvilie.) 77 York St., Toronto. The practica formnerly carrled on by Mfr. Galbraith iii Bowmanville will becontînueti by the new firm. Mr. Galbra'th wil beti Bow inanîile every Satnrday avd siso turing the week if requireti. 22-t 1 Al WIIEAT LA1N-> AT A SACRIF[CE. 4O ACREIS of finest wheat land 640 near Regi.iaiopen prairie,iil arable, rro obstructions, Thie.sectioni was o'rc of etghL specialiy selected 25 yelar's ago. There te rie better land for wheat anytvhere. Price only $0.50 worth $,20. Termq, 83000; balance to sait purchaser. M. J., DRAWER B, BOWMa.,VIlle, 6-8wt NOTICE TO CREDIT4JRS. N OTICE le hereby given parses ot teRiie- viseti Statutes of Ontario, 18,47 Chapter 129, Sietion 38, that ail persoris Raving dlaims againt the estate of Robert Freaud, who died 7th Novemnber 1907 at the Town of Bow- manvi le. are leqorredtu 1 senti by post or te rde- liver te the nndersigned solicitors for the ex- ecutors, Mary Loex3 er Freelanti andthie Tor-

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