4lqI 48~ 4q~ 4î~ _____________________'i RECORD 0F BUSINESS The Standardak of Canada -Statemer.t of the Financial Yean ending 3Ist Jauuary, i108 - PROFIT AND L055 ACCOT Balance formý1 ro rm 71o'Mo '1,7 - $ Q. 5 ivodenset the raeof o12iper cent. per Pmflt.to o< OL .L. ...1ý 421 t Ï-.n f 1for E-o LT NION'TES - . 124,7 j ur, OS fter dedncting Napeumea, Ort.ributed te Ofceers Pension l'und . 510 Intr.eot accruoýd on Deposi , eu.- -10' 775601 l'e, te,-<e J.ti t esre Fond 12 Premium on N-,w Stock, - - - 3.101 fer -1t,,f 1 >.efrv.',Faudfrom Iremlum aia i<e carricd iforsari . -.-.c. 17sofLibe fBank in Circulation.............G. . 1 à Fi r Coin..... 1ep, ,-T . , . 74,4 s > e , q e Bn Bankb a à It', to. teK-. . . . . . . .e, 172<57<Du, botr B-, ok Capi-u.. up-l4< . . . . 1 < <IGover nn r t<e tn, . <Q Ireeve Fund....... . . . ....1 11Cati Loa ou 1f Bo,L .ýfld z .oks liebate of Io'eret Fond - '. 4.2 I Baolance ni Profit and Loso Av out . 13- he ase tei<11. P. fSU. .I.t.<. .>. O5be ,6siIiO - - - - -~ wJ.on0outolt J anuary, l1908 PUBLISHERS' NOTICE, Owlng to almost impassable condi- tion o! roads in several parts of the country, the period o! receiving sub- sorîptions te TIHE STATESMAN at the advarice rate o! $1,00 a year isextended to April 1. TH E POWER 0F THE PRESS. The newspaper men o! Canada are becoming iargely represented lu the halls of public legislation- ia the Senate, in la the Commoîîs, In the Local Legisla- tures. Meit, as the saying g'oes. is modest, but la forging'ahead neticeably lu recent years through appreciation of thoir growing independence o! political, echemers.or party. They are turniug quiekly ene alter. another, the searcli light e! a fearless press upen the dark places where grabters do congrogate and arrange their nefarlous sehemes The press is the enly medium through, which the people may judge o! the conduct o! their representatives and deal with thein deservedly -Coiborne Express. D ominloil Li no ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS FROE PORTLAND Canada Aprii 18 Southwark Apr. 25 DomlnionMar. 28 Domninion May 2 K~ensington Apr. il Steamers sai froin Portland 2 P. in, irirsi Ciass rate $6500; Second Clase $4250 and uipwards accox ding to steamer. MODERATE RATE SERVICE. Te Llverpaol 645.00 To London $250 additional Third Class te Liverpool. Londonderry, Belfast, Giasgow$*27.50. lFor ail information appiy te M. A. JAMES, Agent. To Liverpool From Feb. 21 Empness of Britain 1ieb. 7 Feb. 29 Lake Manitoba l Feb. 12 Mar. ti Epres o ,elad Feb. 21 Manr l4th 1rae Champiain Feb. 2th Mar: 20 -mpmes oS-Bntain Mar. Oh Mar.28 Lake ErieMar. il EASTBOUND: Steerage $27,50 and $2875. Second eabin $42,50 un. Fint cabin 865.00 un. WESTBOUND cabin rates, saine as eastbound, Ail continental, Seandinavian and Flnnish rates bave been restored - -Lake Eria" and "Lake Champlain" carry one class, (second) and steerage oily. For fu particulars apply to 8 J. SHARP, W. Pass. Agt., 71 Yonge street,lToronto, or I. A. JAMES9 ROYAL MAIL STEAflERS. Liverpool Sailing's. Firoin Froin Si John Halifax Tunisian ....Salis Qat. Mar. 21 - Victorian .......ails Fri. Mar. 27 Sat. Msam. 28 Cornthian......SaS. Apr. 4 Virgnia .sals mi.Apr10. Sat. Apr. il Glasgow Sailings. Froin Froin Portland Boston Laurentian ...-. - Thurs. Mar. 26 Sicillau .......... Thurs. Apm, 2 - Pretorian..-......- - Thurs. Apr. 9 lonian.. ..... Thurs. Apr. 16 Rates and full informnation froin M.A. James. 00<a Gen 'rai Manager BOWMANVILLE, MAR, 18,1908s Isn't itrebreshiug te read lu Torento Telogrun i wth is leuning te Con- serveliain that "The Whitney Govon- mont bus lacked size, it bas iuckod can- deur, Il 'bas lacked courage, thepro. seuce o! au ppenbunity to e otiate on boitai! o! the municipaîlties on inferin its principals o! the tacts se ltaI they eeuld nogotiate on temr own bhiai!" This refera te the juggling on te pow- er question. Farinera of Duritam ceunby, home -lsaa siatenent that shonld malte yen feel prend of heing a tiller o! the soil. Prof. C, A. Zuvitz o! Ontanrio Agnicultural Celiogo savs te nnual market value o! lte burin cropa gnowu lu Ontario la greuton titan the combined annual values o! lte foneals, bte mines and ithe' fisher- les o!fbte wieofo!Canada; benco lte production o! thdsoil and lthe prosponi ty o! te country are yeny ciosoi1y associat- ed l itis Province. The Dry Gooda Reviow saye btaIlthe fariner is the beet customer te Can- adian rotulen hua.fie net enly bus more goods3, but ou tise whole, ho buy a a botter closa, and ho pays bis buis. Iu splle o! Ibis fulchh as been neglecled. The oppertunibies for dovelopinent are groutor-muny ines-lu the !anning induetny, titan lu uny other lu the world, Many wio read tiNa wiIi net believe tite stalemout, Indeed, mianv !arinens-unforîunatelv the majorily e! titei-elîher do net bolievo il or lbey do flot nealize il. Il la a fuel, nover. theless, and must honeegnized. lu lte face o! a reduction o! 198 liquer' lîcenstis lu Ontario last rean, titere wore 4,774 convictions for dmunkeunessaus compured wltb 4,216 luntthc proviens yeur. Sinco 1876 the convictions ber drunkeuness have lucneased by about 1,000.',Il may hclitaIttis Inceose la duo 10 a growtug publie sentiment taI finda expression lu sînicter enfoncement o! te luw. Que lhlng seeme plain tat witile anreala for drunkonness are on the nreuse, il la ne lime tealaken bte efforts of Ihe tempornce hosto le gel nid cf lte drnnkand-muklng traffic. Que gnutifylng foulure la that luntthe local option communities bte drunk-en- nos as ua lgely dlsappoared. Il la becomiug se infrequent lu thia town that a drunken man la rogurded by lthe nlslng gonoraluen ar, a carlosity. Que cunnol ho guesi o! Prodont Çreoln a aOntario Agnicullunal Col- loge, Guelpht, aays lte odibon ef Saturday Nigitt, wilhout being filled witb itopeful- neas ltaI lte id burin dnudgeny, lte oid dull burin lifo must give way le a new onder e! Ihings. As oue louves be conjures up a picînre o!flte burino!f te future. Evenylhing about lb belta o! ondenlinesa and systoin. Tte very bang o! tegale prochaine the fuct ltatIllie Ibere la full, c! intereoan ad meuntng and net a inore moneterieua existence lu the bouse Ihoee aapiano and a tllehouc und beoka and good eheer; lte itgi prlostess o!flte home, penhups lu a pnelby bine and witite drese, radiales oven albte pleasaut wholes'ome atmes. phono o! oid Macdonald Hall. Even modesty cunnol prevont a re- production e!flthe !ollowing freinlte Matiland Empire: "Theo Cunudian Pregs Association la le o congnutuluîed upon its 501h unnuai meeting, Tite press o! Canada la a crodit te bte country. at itaermed tise oubside preas-that published in ttc amailer cilles or lewxs bas noîhing to learu frein the city paîv'rs. Ahly conducted, and weil bass, lte oub-of-town pres,- whelher daily or weekly, la deserving o! -ad- miration. It perbormsana important duby te lte public, and ils tigi t an- diard e! litenanyv excellence is eue o! the jourualialie triumphs o!fbte day." TRi STATESMAN goos regUiunly te lte Mail editonlal noome!1 -1 flore we aRe wL rg or t order. We pride ourselves onthe quaiitv o! Our gr Oceries and will trv andi ake our prices as attrac- ti v as our quality. Try us. ~ ig Figs 1 Figs 1 We are making a special off oring this week lu Figs- flot the common cooking V.c c Figs though the price.. - iight iead sou to think they were, They are tCe best quality o! layer flgs. Regular 15ec ' par lb. for 10c. Regular 18e. par lb for 10e Regular 20c. par lb. for 15e At thé p rebout high prIce o! d ried bruits those should b attractive, Full stock o! groceries and creckery. t PROD)UC("E T AKE N China Hall Grocery.II son, whe wus formeriy Miss Millard, ef a OrIlla, and hon bhne 1111e daughens, ti Muriel, Dorotby, andlelon, are lo!t te t' mouru the ls e! a lhving and devotod m husband aud, btter. The Internent d teok place ut Onillia on Sun day- Among s the relatives who atteuded the funeral v !nem titis viclnity were: Mn. and Mrs. a William Jackson and> Mn. Chas. Balles, b Oshtawa, and Mise Carnîe Martyn, Bow- ti manvillo. si -i à Win. farty aud E. J. B PesM Pl P., were nominated at Ktngon fo4r pthe Federal and Provincial flouses lu] the eoiing election. and have accepted. The gross revenue coilectod by the Britishl postoffice on latter and parce'. mais despatched froin Britain per SCanadian Pacifie steamers lu 1907 a.mouuted te £35,000U, to wbieh umotunt r£3,000 should. ho added for foroigu col- Sonlul matis. Tenonto Durbamites are exprossiug warm uappreclation e! Tn STATESMAN fer the large space given te the nmeet- legs o! the Durhamn Old Boys' Associa- tion and the deep interest showu by its senior editor in the welfure e! Young and aid who have emigrated fromn the 'Homeiund o! Durham," We.iueerely vaine the expressions o! ap. preciation that cone te -us They pencourage us te still keep Durham and lts citizeus lu the puble oye. They are Swerthy o! ail the lntorest we eau muni- test and o! ail the tribute we eau puy te thein. We are prend o! thon. * Ilgh pruise la being given te flou. Geo. P. Grahain, the new Minister o! Railways, and Canais ut Ottawa. The *Toronto World voicos approval thusîvu Mr. Grahan's firat important appeur- ance lu the flouse o! Comnons as iMinister o! Rallways and Canais had been awsjted with iuterest, and the resuit justified the expectation aronsed by his publie record. The Belleville Ontario cenmen ting on bis speech say s: 1 Newépaper men who have been sue, cessini lu their business have seldon or nover !aiiod lu winning publie approba- tien when appeiuted te positions whteh requine superior admlnistratlvecapaeity. Many cases e! this could hoe ited. The St. Mary's Journal la a greut credit te its tewn. It is oeeoe several dlean, nowsy, influcntiai weekly jjourn- al-o! Western Ontario. An editerial remurk under the heading "Our Week' ly Chat" la worth roproducing. The Journal has mueh ovor 11,000 roadors: "&Very few advertisers. or lu fuet readers, have any idea o! tho audience a thrivlug uowspapor bas; or what a conparatively peor mediumn a publie meeting, or a dodgor or a bill upen a post la ,in comparsion wlth the newepaper." THN STATES- MAM'S circulation lat week wa 2,400, If au average of five pensons read eaeb eopy Our audience wus 12,000 pensons. Should Il net inspire au edi ton te givo hie very hast service and mental effort every week when lho is addrefsslng sncb a large numbor o! interested neaders ? Tee ma chiidren reai the streets ater dank in tbis town, especiaily boys o! 8 to 12 years, Why is it that paren- tal authority and home lifo generallv have se degeueratod lu the last quar' ter e! a coturv ? Soeosuv because the means o! comunicatton and connes- pondence have becone se cheup and easy that the yeung seon bll lat the vice fer that le what It bocomes o! rushing eut itb the highways and coming toge'ther lu places e! meeting and o! loufing te te uter negleet o! self restraint anti e! the virtues, of the home- il!e. Irre*verence and disobed-i fonce aie 'bihe geefathers o! crime. The wili of a boy must ho gulded. Ib muet naeisr ho broken itsel! or, breakj that e! othors. IlI thoee are eienentanyj trutha but that dos net provont temr hoing nogleeted. Eff)ITORIAL 1NDEPENDRNCE.- "The Press, the Publie and the Par-1 ties" was .theo capiton cf* a recont editonialinluThe Globe. fiere are some oxcerpts: "The meeting lu Toronto o! the Canudian Prose Association gave distinct emphasis te the growin~g sease e! esponsibiity te the public wile commuates and directs the Press o! Can-c ada, To te public ruther titan te the1 politicai parties la that responsibiliby - boit.. Mono than ever bofore the parta t newepapera stand for independence5 withln party linos- Thoy are loyal te P witat Is essential lu historie Liberalien or historie Conservabism, but wibh lin creasing detommination thoy resoive net à te ho dnagged nolens'yolens lu the train e e! their party on te dance uttendanceen auygopo mou who fer the moment chanceyte o preminent and husy lu the affaira o! Ibis or tisaI party ergunîzatien If they are net consulled by the leaders b and if they are net admitted te tite caucus they declile te have their apprev- f ai tuken ber grauted. If titey approveb e! a policy or support a lino e! action itN le hecauso it carnies, hieinjudgmeut as a being lu the main inthe public tutereat aud consistent with the parby'e beat tra- ditions. Frein the public point o e!iw tbis ludepondence lu party journalisin e la a hepelni igu t! For the Prose itseof titis attitude of!t sel!.respocting indepondence la noces- sary if it la te druw 1teias service mon o!f intelligence and brce. Money rowards o! _newspapýer work do net compensute P Ù1INISTERS AND CHIJRCHES. The Methodist Sunday School ar( preparing for a flrst*class entoîtallimeni on-the ovening of Easter Monndiy. ThE Orchestra and members cfL the schno? will furnish the programn. Reserve thf date. Oshawa Band was heme Wednesda% ev'ening and furnished a program foi the musical festival at the Salvatior Army Barracks Refreshments wer( served and a, very pleasant evening was spent. Leskard correspondence ln Oronc News says: Rev Wm T ouiffe, superan. nuated minister, in his S3rd year, preachec a vigorous sermon here Sunday afterý noonq having driyen down from Bow. manville. He la always a wolcome preacher at this place. In his rendering of the "Little Minis- ter" Prof Kirkpatrick: threw himself into the life and spirit of every char- acter and kept his audience spellbound through the sequence o! scenes and the c9nsummation of the plot-Clevlarid Plain Dealer.-- Methodist church, Bow- mauvilie, Mouday, March 23. The Prlmary class e! the Mothodist Sunday School enjoyed thoir aunual sleigh-ride Tuosday afternoon whea about 180 littie folks thoir friends and several parents enjoyed a giood time On their returu to the church a tea was served and ail had a very pleasant time The large congregation ln the Meth- odist church Sunday eveoing could not but feel highiy p leased with the servie The ton-minute song service preceding the opening exorcises, the excellent sermon by Pastor Garbutt on "Habit"' and two solos excellently sung by Miss Ethel Y. King-al clalmed and receiv- ed Individual attention and real appre- ciation. 11ev. John Garbutt introduced a feature at prayer meeting Thursday evening that may heip oCher pastors lu glving added lnterest to prayor meetings. Ho gave soma impressions he had re- ceived from reading the life cf Savana- rola and then lnvited short addresses fromnthose present 0f impressions they had-receiyed frum recent reading. ia référence to the wookly prayer meeting as the commissariat departinent of the church was a new way of giving ex- pression to a very old truth. Col. Samn Hughes, M. P., presided at a Sunday afternoen meetinz o! the Salvation army in Lindsay when the Territorial Staff Band visited that town. Arniy officials have a unique method of inducing great mon to corne uncler religious influences. The Opera flouse was literally packod, hundreds hein,- unable te gain admittance. Col Sam's cloquent speech was frequently Inter. rupted by rounds of applause says The War Cry. The audience~s contrlbuted $180 to the Army Fund. 11ev H . W. Fole.v, Bobcaygeon, Ont., is acting as agent for Mr. John R Clarke, the celebrated locture*enter. tainer and gospel temperance advocate j who will be lu Ontario on a lecturing tour froin April lst to May 2ad. Mr. Clarke has been 88 voars bof ore the public, ton as a comedian and the re- mainder, since his conversion 'as a tomporance advoc.ateaidlecturer. Mr. Clarke has many friends ln this district' havlng iectured here some -years ago, His elequonco la irrésistible. This town so far as the Methodist church is concerned, bas been divideci inte SOinO 12 Or 13 sections or districts, and the idea is to have the pastor become ïacquainted with bis congregation., Each district is lu charge cf two or three moin bers who report any siekucas and introý duce strangers and in this way the pastor and officers of the church are kept posted on the condition o! affairs in the town. District meetings are held, and the pastor and people become acquintod which would not be so under ordinary circumstances. The League service heid lu the Meth- odist church on Tuesday evening last was very interesting and instructive. Miss F. Jewell occupied the chair. The topic, Whgt the ehureh isdolng for tho young people and what the youing people are dolug for the church. The Scripture losson was read by Miss Ida lfltchell an-d Dore thy Sanderson delight- ed the audience by gi.ving a piano luet. Lotters were read by Misses, X, Couch and O. Hislop brom. Rav. S. D. Gandin. Cross Lake, and 11ev. C. P. Hlîies, Japan. Miss G. Young read a etter from Rov, George Sparling and wibe, missionaries receutly sent to China from Bowmanvllle District, the latter being writtcn shortly after they 1of t Vancouver. Mr. P. 'rrebilcoek gave au lnteresting ta!k on Missions whlch was yery much appreciated. The members of the Boys' Progress Guild of St. Paul'a Presbyterian Chureh entertained, the ministers of the town and their wlves and teachers of the R1gb and Public Sohools in the echool reom of the church on Friciav ovening. Sevetal members of thé congregation were present and a very M i FOR SPRINQ AND Sul1 1 GET FI19~Z CHO. lTlIlflflTflâm ~ amymna a a ammu. ÏMER WEAR. rs COMPLETE M M i 2th Gentury'îBrand r - Men's Spring Shirts, Youn aitint la bore te suit -yeun lupattern, Clot îng.qnality, fit and wean, lu ail sizos frein 14 le 18 Olothing.Dou't forgot te gel. one e!fte now tan sitadea fer Have yen lnied Ibis brand of! cletbing? If sping we ane shewing. net, wisy? Il la perfect lu pnice, qnality, fit and ,wear If yen tny lb onra yen wlll nover wear unîy olhber brand. Osil and bave a look lhrengh our S rn e k e r raÙge and yen wiliIne doubt 500 a suit [on spring coat lu aur'endiesasiteowiug. If yen wanl somo- Youn lie la bore, We bave 100 different thing ontte!ftthe ordinary try our made-be. pabterns le choose ren lu ail the lalest colora measune deparîmont and stades ut popular pnice 50P.e.ce, McMURý Bring Us You ISPR1NG TIERM APRIL st. Enter now and be ready to accep ag.1 position ln the surnier or fali. AttendI CANAI2A'S HIGH-CLASS SCISOOL This college bas B E T T E R courses, BETTER teachers. BETTER equipuient, BETTER-facilities for piacing studentg mn positions than tihe average business coliege. 1pe etire yar Ali Igraduatesget positions. Handsome catalogue ires. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. LCor. Yonge and Alexander Sts. The man Who handios the local de- partinent o! a newspapor learus after due experience net to expect ovon briefly expressed thanks frein a columu .o pleasant things, but ho knoweth as sureîy as conmeth the winter that a single lino lu wh:jeh there isau unin- tentional miarepresentation willi cause someone to ho heard as if from a house. top. And wa may add that when hie bas made pleasant mention 999 turnes o! some p rson, place or thiug, but ou the thousandth timo fails te do se, ho must neot expect te ho Iforgotten, The omis- sien may have bean frein accident, inadvertence, or even an entire lack ef knowledgo. It* mattors net. The simple tact romains and lho wili ho judged by that. Orchardists iu every part ef Canada should subseribe te The Canadian Hlorticuituriat o! Petorboro, Ont The fruit raiser Who eau take this practicai and progressive monthly magazine without malcing more froin hie readtng o! lis fruitful pages thun tihe coat o! a year's subseription (60 cents) must be a very dull seholar, The Dock la bull o! tlmely, helpful, practieul information on, fruit. flowor and vegetabie culture. Growth o! circulation is a criterion o! its menite and popularit3. February 1907's c irculation was 5520 copie3. February 1908 it was 7,824 or an lu. ereuse of over 2,800 copies lu a single yar-a record o! wbich any publisher should feel justifiably prend If sen biave an acre o! orchard y ou want this excellent publication. ÏRY & CO..,. LIMITED, ir Produce. SPRING >TLRM .4' fruin April 5th merges into 0cr .1< Sommer Terrm 5mai Juiy th .4c Enter now aud be eady for a .' gond situation in the ealy anlume. New Catalogue free. Write for it. I CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE,* .' Yonge & Gerrard Sts., Toronto. W. H SHAW,Prineipa1 * START ANY lIME' Get your training lu the schant that is quaIified to give yen tfle best that eau be had The British American Busin ess Collego, Y. M. C. A. Building, Toronto, Write for catalogue, Se(ds! e ALSIRE, RED CLOVER ÂND TMOoTrnr. 1 amn lu the market te buy the above ut highest manket'value, elther cleaned or as lit COnos freM the throshlug machine. RE SAMPLES-I trust Fariners will ha carefui and ~bring tmue samples o! seede they effer. A good way to pro- cure true sampie is te open each and every ag, ake a a d f ull frein ach, mnix thoroughly and bring ut leabt a pound 80 as the dealer eau judge what tÉe bulk la like. If the above la follow- ed it wili likely save unploasantuess when the reed is del4yered, 52-8 mà. Je, B. MARTYN, B owmanville, ESTABLISHED 1856 A great reduetion in. Stock and Poultry Foods Cali anct 5 se our priceu. A funl assortment on hand. Now je the time to leave your orders for "Seeds" and Ideal Fence' PETER MURDOCH, Bowmanville, Picture Post Carda and AI-I .bums, stationory lu fane- boxes, by the quire and in pads, lilnon lawn la the popular .~brand, Ask ber it. :A Il the latest bocks, and mag- a-zines, sehool bocks and sup. .~plies, bibles and hymu boks. Faney goodsatclearingprices, .' Sunduy sehool requisites e! all Skinds, 'P PTrebilcock, [ICE i j! M Dress Goods for Long Gloves. Lais og kid glovos, just now in, lu tans, Spring.~browns, la"C'ks, also white ln ail sizes frein 6 up- wards, every pair gu8rantoed. Latest tan, shades lu ail weaves, fane y tweeds lu cheeýks and stripos, plain clotha nî lu Navy Bine, Greens, Tans, Bîowns, Cardinal Ail \ýooI Delaines and black, ranging iu prie frein 50c. a yd. and aevrpetybossndrsigsckl upwads.Alg allthepoplar igh weghtail light and da-rk shades, the most complote geode as Huguenot eloth, poplîns, voiles, san-toy range ever shown, runging ln prico at 40c, 45c, orepo.de.cheue ut popular prices, and 50e a yd. -- R ,. .< Pa ~4, -. c== t-- 4-. ~4~E: .co . UN Il M i i M 'BUY WHILE STOCK L flueuza, catarrh, the grip, and pneu- menia do lu the stermy month. o! Mareh The best way that we kuow o! to guard against these diseases is to strengthen tie Si'BtOin wlth flood's Sarsaparilla- tbo greateat of ail life guards. It re- noves the conditions lu which these ismuses make their most sucess!ul ,ttaek; givos vigor and toue:te ail the vital ergans aud, f unctlons, and imparts agenial warmth te the blood. -Raimem- bor the weaker the systein the greaterI tho expesure te disease. flood's Sar- aparlla makes the system s.trong.