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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Mar 1908, p. 5

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I BOWMANVIL- 1LE STATION. "M 8 ~0 .m Expres - 4.98 tue __ ' Lcal ..7 57 I x~r . p Passnge.~136 p. 0 I~~~~~~~ ai-~p.'Mxd.44 îY LOVLL OWOAgeots I hen Jury & Loveil test Eyes It Is Done Properly TRUSSES Thel fit at Jury &loell's TRUSSES That satisfy at Jury & lovell's TRUSSES That give comfort at jury & Lovel 's TRUSSES At reasenable prices et Jury & LovelI's TRUSSES For Moen or Ladies et Jury & ovell's TRUSSES That.aro guaranteed at Jury & Lovell's .One W Ay OIlist Excursionls To The West. Commening Feb 29 and continu g gdaily until April 29th, 1908, Io the following points:- If Vancouver, B. C. IFI1 Spokane, Wash. -$47.lIoJU[ISe att'e, Ws I1QflPSan Franicisco, Cal. $492 A 5 ýLos, Angeles, Cal. $h54-55 MIexico iy l'ickets soid to other certain points P alinformation may be ob-, tained from any Grand Trunk ticket agen t or write J. D. Mc- DonaIdý,D, P. A., Toronto, Ont. JURY & LODVELL Agent, -Bowmanville. DO YOU BUY HARDWAR E? PRtOM A RANGE TO A NEEBLE AT BRoW,,Vs HARDWARE If yen neguire any article of î'lcf or heavy hardware, spotlng geode or lnawane, paints, etc., call ai Charles Brewn's ln Pennfngtoa'e old stand, nearly opposite TuE STATESMAN office. The store looks veny attractive a place for overyching and everylhing la place, We saw a fine steve golug eut te a 1armaer last week. He je clearing ont som ged eeve vry e~snaby.Mn. Brown inleads te make it weth youn whle te deal at lhe West End Hardware storeHoelias added new stock, sorted Up, and can supply anything ueuelly iifouad fa a progressive and up-to-date îron mongery. Give him a oel, Ho wili use îou well and oil yen anything in hie fine et prices te please and lie goods wil ho tound igltitnlaqueilty. Cal and mako hie ecquatance if yen do net hknow Pim alreedy. Yen wil xuake no errer in deeling et Browns'. JOYOWJ5 WELCOME HOMEI. The lhome et Mn, and Mrs R. W. Laagmaid wae lest Thunsday evening the scene of a veny pleasant surprise 'wben the Seti Darlinglon Excelsion -flnb gathiened about thlrty strong te welcome one of thein membere Mns. S. ChaH. Allia fnom hon bridai trip te iu the course ý' the aening bkud Mrs. Alifa were conducted liet fepiarlon where lie Club was assembled vnosldent Mn. H. Osorno, wlere MNsr8 Allia wae presenlod wilh a bend- smre Japanese Checlate set. Vice- Prosident Mn. E F. Willoughoy on L ehalI ofthle Club road Mns. Allun ;n eddress whici plelnly showed how mucih she wae esteomed as oneofet hem wtýw bers and liow sorny tie club would bc to lose hon. Mn. Allun on behaît ot hièî wite la a few appropn iate wonds thanked the club for lhesermanifestations otfthem goed feelings and told ho v 4,ceply ilwae appreciated byis wite aud hirneof. Short speeches wene made -on behalt et lie club'hy Messrs R. W. Plekeli, Gee. Anale and A. Osborne and tzie Miss M ý Scott a tien whici the rosi ofthle eviing waes peal In social on- endfng one efthle moat enjoyeble eveniage ln lie history of lie Club.,1the companv breke up et an early lieur bY thmEtsieng oet hem Club soing 'AuId Lang Syne." l'ha Excoelon Club fe Ibis vear fleur- lshing wti unusual succese and le certaiiily a greai beon te the yoaug people as ai) Institution of Intellectual end Bocil enjoymeat. I ~I'~W1E A ~TTTTT T ~i ~ A 1L~ i O 5 OflO '5 L~'I V AJJL~5~1 ~5L~LL5,. ÂO, J~JUU, PERSONAL. Mn. H. J. Knight spent Sanday la 1Teronte. Mn. Chas. Weekes, Toonto, spont Sunday at home. - Mrs. Albert Chapman, Orono, le vîsiting Mrs. James Deymaa. he hofather Mn, James Saundoe, Miss E. A. Allia, M. A., Sunderland, *was necent guest of Miss Luttreîl. Lev. W. Coombe, Woor, visited hie * ather Mn. Ch s Coombe rocently. Editor M. A. James îe attenling. A.O.U W. Grand Ledge in Toronto. Miss Jennie Hooper le vislting hen sisten Mrs. William Jackson, Oshawa. Mn. Wm. S Climie, Toronto, necently visited hie si ter Miss Margaret Climie. Mn. W. H. Williams visited hie siston Mrs F. Sainsbury, Port Hope, Wed nesday. Mrs G. A. Watts, Malton, wae re- cent guost of ber uncle Mr, Thes. Bingham. Mn, B. A. Mulholfand, Pont Hope, gave TEm STATESMAII a frienclly eall W ednesday. - Mrs. F, W Trebilcock, aud babo, Toronto, are guests of hon father, Mn, W. W. Tamblyn. Miss Ethel Tabb has accopted a posi- tien as milliner with Messrs. McCurdy Bros , Sydney, C, B, Mn. J. Colin MeLean wlie las been epeading the winter at home left Mondayq mornnng fer Edmonton, Alta. Mr. and Mns. Stophen Taylor, Clialecote, were recent gueste of Mn, W. H. Williams, Liberty St. The Misses Diagman Invite yen te the Millineny oponings on Friclay and Saturday Mrci 2oth and 2lst, Miss Aiduna Collacutt lias gene te F ont William wliore she lias accepted a a position with Miss A L Penn, mili er. Mr. and Mns. William Douglas and two chidren, Philadaîphia, Pa., are visitlng lion fathen Mn Geo Brimacombe, Mr John Jones je visiting hie daugi-A ton Miss Winlfned Jones at Mn, W. H2 Williams'. lie oxpects to returu te the West shontly. Dr. L. B, Powers and Mayo W PH Giddy, Port Hope, intrvîewed Senater Beitb, Monday, respectfag necessanv repaire te tliq harbor.S Miss Bentha Kerr, Soaya, retunneda home last week afler spending a couple of weeks viiting fiende la Bowmau. ville and Cartwright. Haddy & Ce., of the Central milliaeny panions announco thoin Sprinx Millinery opeuiings on Friday Mrci 20 andh Saturday Marci 21et. 'Yen will beoa made welcome. Remember ils ,net a lecture netit Mondav evoning but a live tinilling,T dramatie impensonaîlen. Be sure yen P hear Prof. Kinkpatrick. Lecture rooni, MelliodIst chuncli, seats 500 comfetably. et Mn. P. C. MeGregor, Rogistrar et a Nonth Riding et Lanark, Almonte, once taught pivate echool in Bowmanville. The laIe Edmuad G, Burk was one of tr ies pupils la 1866 , Who nemembene S hlm P Mr. Arthur Baker whe lias been spending the winten menthe at hie home et Solîna and witli other tiends la this D viciaity bas returned te Winnipeg M whore ho lias a geed position as travel- ling salesman for the Raymond Manu f.i frctuning Ce ef Guelph.I A Bewman ville cunlen with the win- Et ues-that's where yen find tliem, At a curling bonspeil at Belleville at whicl i seven or eiglit city and town clubs w competed, Cobour.- Waverley Club won ai every game and carried off first prize- four gold lockets valued et 010 Bach, W Messrs. W. L. Allen, (son et Mn. W. F. go Allen, J. P.,) E W. Hargraft, banniseo, al F M. Field and Peter McCallnm cern-L prised tho team. Ma5 or T. H. Spry le, represeuting Bowmanville Lodge, Ne. 99, A O U. W., ni at Grand Ledge this week atitis 801h di annual- session. Mn, A. J. Staples ti nepresents Orono; Mn J. H Brown, Pont Penny; Mn. John Phennili, Bro9klin; Mr. W. W. Spanke, Pickerng, Mn. W. a F. Walken Port Hope; Mn. J. D. Anm. l strong, Mi'llbrook, There are 464 w] lodgee la Ontario. f Mr A. T. Walken andi tamily, includ- Ce iag lis fathen, Mn. VWilliam Walker, th left Edvilio ton thein new home in o Bowmauville. This causes quite a yacaney. Hie father will ho vory mueli miesed lu the churcli, where ho has been Ei a clees leader for a long lime, and Mn. t A. T, Walker's tamily of three sons uet us grewlng Up will ho missed iu the Sun- ha day and-day schoohI-Colberne Express. Ve ad We nover know a man wio bore the hj name et Mark Westaway who was net çý a clever man. Ia Devonshire, Engiand, of ospecially et Bradwortliy,, il was a P household name fer integrity, houer and businepe ability. In Canada the good name le being penoeeuated. Wen, note fa the Miami, (Man.) Henald that a West Durliam. boy, son et Mr. John cd Westaway, Hampton, stands ighinludr flie businesand re rfessienal commun- i Vocal and instrumental music 10e et Nicliolîs'. Picture pest carde ld each, 10e e dozen at 'Niciolle', Tise Northi King will ho on lie Rochester-Port Hope roule as usuel thile summen. George treet Methedîst Chuncli, Peterbono, has an eduit' bible ciese numberinz 140 wllh an avenage allen- dane e about 100. it le coinpoeof e mon nanging frem 20 le 70. Of course.yen will ho there on Friday and Saiundey, Mrci 201h ad 21s1 The Central milliinery paniers wiîl be waiting te recefve yen witi a large stock et st lisi and up-to date milliiery. The firet enîdoor flowene we have ceea bloomiug -thi8 spri»g was ln Mn James McLeeu's gardon on Monday wliere a numben et protly whiite snow- drops were siowlag- thoin ioveliness la spileofethie severo winten surroundings. --", fflMrýÇ 1Russie is becomiag a rnel buyen et Brilish-grewn tees Partly owing le bh increase la mte quentilv tliey are .iag, lie price ot tee etthle gardons as advanced gneatlv during lie pest vear, making il necessanv fer lie .-Sal- de" Tee Ce., in orden te maintain lie igli standard et qualiiy fer which Salade" le uotod le edvance lie pnice 31 Brewn Label" tram 25c te 80c per Pound. Protesor Kirkpatrick gave a veny i teresting presentalian ef J. M. Barrie's 1Little Miaisten. " The audience onjey- ad e rare intellectuel treat, boti freia Iramalie asnd literary stendpoint. Bv is splendid drarnatie powen ho piclured li te audience oveny sceneeot lie play, eving an indelibie impression. A ýpendid stage appearence, a nicli voice ind a talent fon drarnatie impersonatien, made Professer Kinkpatrick a meet blasant and instructive entertain o.- 3tralford Beacoa.-Metiedist churcli, Bowrnville, Monday Merci 28. We have la Bowmanviile a very uîtenprlsing and succestul maedant whese store is deily cnowded wili eus- 'mere Three reasons accouaItfon lie shl-ha keepe wliat people wanl. lie elle elieap and edvertises la THEi STATESMAN. Pieture peelcards are a ipecielly juel new and lie las placed an nden for immediete deiivery ton 22,000 (and Celored View Carde MeFarlene o.. witi whom 13e placed tis Immense )rder, write-us that "1these carde are zbe most artistie linos on lie mariol, te cards beinz colored by hain-brueli 3recese " This iucky citizen'te Mn. A. [.Nichelle. 1 The Pair", senti side K ing et., East. Il yen weut' pretly, inique picture rosl carde go toNiciolîs', Bsars th ,,,lhe Kirnd YVuHave Always BouglIt Bl.s the c *1 ihoîd u ave Aways Biugit S' ET 1. i t' L K nl 10e music, Seo it at Nieholle'. Fresh eysters, dally at Taits. New music 10a a copy, 8 for 25e a Nicholis'. New music, popular prices, 10 cent; at Nicholis' News of 30ý and 40 years ago is fouaç on inner pages. 3 Toronto Daily World 15 menthe t( new subseribers for $2. bloom on an jouer page Seo the fuel-saver for Ironing davs, a great ceavonience, at Nicholls' S2Lindsav council voted a, guarantee o1 $00 to the Central Fair Board. Brick lieuse and five acres of land in Bowmanville to rent. See advt, West mav produce 1,800 million bush. es of wheat-soo article elsewhere. Cali and sc our workinz boots. We can save yen moneY. Reid & Pearn, Farmers, Experimentq with Vegeta. bles je an article on an inner page for you. Toa-We pride ourselves la the blending of teas, Have you tried us P Tait. Blouss-Dresses-Hats: Ladies will find a splendid fashion arlel on inside page. Notwithstanding the advance yen eau buy tinware at the sameoeld pnice at Nièholle'. Atthe Royal Horticultural Show in London, Nova Scotia apples carried, off a gold modal, Doa't fail te eall at Reid & Peann's shoe store and inspoot their stock, It will pay yen. W. H Harris, Barrister, Port Perry, lias gene on a ton days* trip te Winnipeg and Saslýatehewan. Springilecoming. Millineny openings Mardi 20and 21. The Misses Dingman invite yen te attend. Gardenens and florists should send 'for a copy of Rennie's SeQd annual. Wm. Reanie Ce., Toronto. Daily Wonld, Toronto. 15 menthe for $2 te new subscribers. Orden at STATEs. m"~ Office, Bowmanville See new spning styles in inilllnery. Attend the epenings on March 20 and 21, The Misses Dlngman. Messrs, Barfett Bnos, ef Coîborne have purchased the hardware -business ct Miessrs. Field Ce,, Cobourg. Misses Diagian announces the Sprîng Millinery Opeungs en Frlday and Saturday, March 20 and 21. The numben of emigrants from [reland te Canada in 19C5 was 80.676; in 1906 35,344 and last year 30,083. Don't miss hearing Prof. Kirkpatrick on Menday March 23 Those wlio heard hlm before will want te hean hlm again. Mr. E. Creigliton Higginbotham wen the haîf-mile race at the Skating Rink ruesday aiglit. Thene were five cern- petitors. ",Mixed" le a peculian name for a steniette, but read the English stery on an laper page and sec if it je apprepni- ately' named. Spring millinery openings Rt the Cen- trai Millîner ' parlers on Fridav and Saturday, Marph 2Otli and 21st; iRaddy & Ce., milliners. Ladies, yeu are Invited te the Sprlng llillinery Openings by the Misses )ingmaa on Friday and Saturday. ifareli 2Oth and 2lst Wo notice that Coucli, Johnstea & Cry derman, West Durham's biggest Impertei s, are openiag eut an immense teck of new Spring geede. Couch, Jolinsten & Cryderman stili have a few Ladies' clolli coats on hand which the e are seilling at nialf price and all f uns at and below cost price. The many fniends of Dr. Herniman, f130 has been confinod te hie lieuse for soe weeks, are pleased te notice him about again attending' tg business.- Lindsay Don't miss the dramatic recital of The Littie Minieten next Menday niglt la the lecture room ef the Metho- dist churcli. Good seating accomoda- tin ton 500 people. Admission 25c Satunday- Globe ef Mardi 14 contains ageedIlikeneess etMn. Chas. A. MeCul. lugli, Hamilton, fermerlv eftuhs town, who was necently olected an hononany fe member of Hamilton Canadian Clb whfch was formed for cultlvating Canadian patriotism. Ho is a Capt 0f th 91s1 Highland Rogt and a member t Df Hamilton Board 0f Education, 1y -'1 AîtKIBD. NICHOLSON-RÂT-In Vancouver, on Fri day, Feb. 218t, by 11ev. O, O. Owen, rector of tbe Christ Cbnircb, 2Mn. P. Thiomas Nicholson sud Miss Louje 3, Grant. . ANDEis5ON-BLIGHT.At the nesidence of the bnide's parent@, Feb. 26th, by 11ev. 0, Adam3, Gordon J. Anderson. of Toronto, sud Hate, daughter of Mr. William Blighit. Brooklu, RICEON-HbîMEr- At the Methodist parson. age, Brookbin, byRev. 0. A. Adams, Feb. lOîli Mn. Athr Reesoh sud Misa May Hammett, both of Brookllni PROITBE-11OuLY-At the nesidence of the bride's yareuls Brougham, Manch il, Mn Arthur Prou-e, Brooklil, aud Miss Ail Ifoutley, Brougham. PARR-In Tonont. Mancb ifth, Samuel Pann, Blackslock, aged 26 yeans. STPLs-Near Ida, Cavan, Manch il,10, o Samuel Stapies, aged 80, yeans. Deceasect wag a successfui agricuAlturist sud stockman lu bis sarlier days. Hie once llved in Manvers. AStGUjEIn Cartwrighut, Mar 13th, Alexanden Argue, aged 63 yeans. Iuterred at Cadmus. GLAs VILLE-lu lanke, Marcb 15th, iRobert Giausille, aged 73 y ears. JAcKsON-IU Petrolia, Manch 7ih, Elizabeth Fox. belo'Vec wife of Herbent Jackson, agea 25 yeans. JAcKoz-Sudden ly, at Huntsville, March ltb, Harry. ouly 500 of Mr. Wm, Jackson, Oshawa, lu his 101h yean. Tim STATES.MAN is lie megapione iliroug hihch Bewmanville business mon epeak te seme 10,000 le 15 000 readers weekly. Rates on applicaition, Oouch. Joinston & Cnvderman have opened eut a fine stock et new tweeds eud wensted e. Nowile le lime toe ave your erder ton, your riew Spring sults, Dr. William Saunders, for 21 yoars directo et ile Dominion Exponirnental Fanm, Ottawa, has been elected an an hoaonany memben efthle Royal Agnicultural Society et England. Mn Nathan Biense, Port Penny, wli le neral Agent for lie Frost Wire Fonce Ca., attendefi thein conven- tion et Hamilton recenlly and was delighted wilh lhe hoepiiality exiended, Prof Kirkpatrick te eueeoft]16e meet realisti3 Impensenatore we liave, everi hesird" was lie populan comment when ho appeared ia lhe Opera Hanse here last Spring You'l 1e serry if yen mies bhie literany treat. Mies King aud Miss Lultreîl wili provide music. Mns. Gertrude Allen, wite et Mn. Gee, Allen, flonist, Elizabeth Street. Torente Junction, died Friday Merci 13 trom pneumonie. The romains wene inter- ned luProspect comoteny Monday. De- ceaeed 15 a daughter-in-iatw et Mn James Allen, Bewmanviile. Sunday foennon il raiaod heavily but toweroe evenîng It clearea and and was fine, Meaday morning a bliz,- zand set in fnom t13e eeutlwesî and mnade ilnpleasaut for lie echeel ciild-- non. Snow lies disappeared greatly tie pasl week aided by sun and nain, Col berne Eixpress reffenning ho a pana. graph whicli appoared ln TnE STATRFS- ,MAN ne Rev. T. W. Jolliffe's ilînees says: 'Coiborne fniende wlll, we know, ho' sorry te learn et Mn. Jolllffo's indis. position and ail will hope ton hie speedyI recevery". The Bowmanviile Football Club'will aoid a meeting Priday Mar. 20ih la lie parlons et Drs. Brimacembe&Devit for nrganization and election ef efficers fer lie ceming seeson. A veny success- mýi eaEon le entidipaled as ail Dlayers on lest sean'a championaiip team are available basides 'many new eues, Ail Interested ln foritball are requeeled te attend$' 1~ Il 1MjILLINERY APPRENTICE .L2.WANTED at once. Apply to MISSES DiNGMAN, Bowmanills. il-If "OR ,SALE-FRANIE RESIDENCE bargain. If you want a home on Odell St. see M. A, JAMES. M PIZ OR SALE-Carrnage brood maeIn foal to Crown Parole,'16 bands, 1200 lbs. wiIi work single or double. Always been used on f armna. Apply at THE STATES- MAN office, Bowmnanvjlle 11-1w. EGGS FOR SALE-Mammroth Pekin .1~DocKs (Importe d) eggs twenty-flve cents eacb. White Wyandottes (Fisiiel stralu) eggs fifteen cents each. Apply t,) MIES FLoaaztCz FARWELL, Boy 115, Oshâwa. or at residence Harmony. 114f H1 OUSE AND LOT Fer sale-On ÂLOntario St, Bowmanvilie. A gond two stnrey brick bouse, eight rnoms, pautry e Ilar, bard aud snft water. stable andi drive- bouse. Apply to Mas. A. E. MCaaEDY, Siu- ver St., Bowmanville. 2r H QUSE AND LAND TO RENT- A brick bouse, stable and slanghter bouse with five acres, a gond orebard aud pas. ture, about onos half mile nnrth of nursery cor- ner, pries reabsonahie, belonging to estate of Lewis Quick. Full information may be bad by calhng ou or wrîting 0. A. JoHNrsyoN, Box 85s, Bowmanville. 12-tf ARM PFORI S LE-Adjolninz the F vilaeof EnnisiiienAÂsmall farm of the Northb f of the Soutb ý- of lot 18 lu t4e tb concession of the towâsbip of DarlingÉon. There is on the premises a gond bouse- with s1tone ceilar; gond barn witb stonu basement; fruit trees and small fruits for a family. For further partlculars apply to 1. L. BROWN, Hampton. 16 V GENERAL BUSINESS FOR SALE. An nid establlsbed business for Sale, cnnsist- ing of generai store stock, Post Office ilu con- nectionutberewitb, payiug gond salary. Dwell ing and premises wiii be rented to purchaser if desired, For particulars apply ai once to ou the premîses to B. G. STEVENS, Solina. il-tf VICREES & GALBIZAITH. Barristers, Solicitors. Notartes Public WILLiAm W. YIicERs D. G. Dg. GABAsÂrE, (formerly nl Bowmauvilie.) 77 York St., Toronto. The practice formerly carrled on by Mn. Galbriiith in Bnwmanvilie wil bec ontinned by the new flrm. Mr. Galbrath wiil be lu Bow mauvilie every Saturday aud also during the week if nequired. 22-t f FARM LABOURS AND DOMBSTICS. To farmers and others requirilug help, Ves srs Brunton &Gerrand, booking agents in Engiand, bave bnoked a number of f arm laborers and domestjc servants for Ontario 10 embark April Cnd, arriving about April 121h, À. Ilmited number wili be ailoted for Counties of Durham and Ontarin. ail farmers reqniring must send lu application as soon as possible to Box 333, Bowmanvilie, P. 0. or enquire at STATESMAN office, Bowmanville. Il 2w NOTICE, TO PUBLIC Wm, Tonnant, V. S., having pur- ciased lie gaod -wilf sud pradtice of Dr. F. H. S. Lowrey, V. S , is about te open an offie liere. Pull panticulanslaten. CARD0F THANKS. I desine te thaak the members et Court Bowmaaville, Ne 964, Canadan Orden ef Feresters, fer prompt paymenî et $;oo insurance on tie lite of my son, lie laIe William T. Johns. Ale o tle great kindnese liey show- ed durngis ilînes, 1W IJLIAm H JOHNS. Bowmnanville, Mrchiol, igo8. COURTICE, Mn and Mr8 H Gay are in the oity ceiebatng lie birthd~ay oet hem graudf son, Master Harold Gay..Mrs T Sandenson, Toronto, le viiting Mrs W R Courtice. .... Mn and Mns Chas Govlne and Mn Homer Goyae spent Sundav with Miss Mab-3l Walle7 s...Oshiawa and Cedar Dale Divisions visilod the Diisian liere Tuesday, evening and zave an excellent pnagram, af ton wich netnesbmeats were senved. The mem- bers et our Division visiled thein braIs- ens and sisters at Saline a --Tiureday a si -elgi oa f _yongpeople tram hene dnoye to the home et Mr A E Clerneus, .Tvrne wlierethese)enla veny enjty- able ovcning. ... Educalional sermon wono Rev J R Butler on Sundey but owing t- inciemeal weether and small congregations eubscriptiaus wlll b e taken next Sunday evening One (il lie finest ententeanmenhe ziven in Bowmaavifle was lie co given by 1the Teachens' Ineitute last Ma> wliea Prof. Kirkpatrick eppeared at hie b3st ila "Julfus Caesar '. Rear himnext Manday nigit as iedramelîzeis "The Littlo Ministen", Miss Ethel Y. King and Miss Lultreil will aEst in lie eetertalnment. 155'!!! mii!iiII :Mil a liei illit *U!UkEmlSbewfmmwnawnhlum*! ouuwtnmsmcsbî.h.un.,men..,f,,,., THE ROYAL BANK 0F CANADA., CAPITAL PAlD UP $3,900,000,00ESERYJI, $1,390,000,00 HIEAD OEFICE: 110NTREAL. DIRE0TORS. Tnemas E. Kenny, Eeg., President. H. S. Hoît, Esg., Vlco.Pres. Thomas Ritchie. Eegý E. L Peaso, Esq. Hl. G. Bauld, Eeg. Hon. David Mackeen, EEg. D K Ellit, Esq. P W 17 hompeson, Eeg Jas. Redmond, Eeg. Wiley, Smith, Esq. G, R. Crewe, Esq. W. H. Thorne, Eeg. OFFICERS: EdsonL, Pease, General Manager. O. E, Neil1 W. B. Tonrance, supt. of branches. F. J. Shernman} ass. General managers. Eighty-11,;e brandies in Canada, aine branches fa Cuba, branchee Ia St. John's, Newfuundland, and San Juan, Perte Rico. Agency iu New York. Cerrespondents Ibrougieut the world. P. J. Mitehell0 Manager Bowmanvîl iôBnaneb. -~-58'!~"""'555'!!!55'!! **I1!*!*** Il j nmhUmuus ut NE! TRIS SW. MASON & SON'S LADIES We invite you to eall and we' will be pleased te, show you our stocklof new Dress Goods, Silks, Muslins, Zephyrs, Ginghams, Waistings. Delainettes, Prints, Ducks, Laces and Embroideries, Hosîery, Gloves, Corsets, Underwear, Table Covers, Lace and Chenille Curtains, Quilts, Table Napkins, etc. - ZIGENTLEMEN4 We are now showing the latest Spring Styles in Hats,' Caps, Tics, Shirts and]!,Collars, aise new Gloves, I fHese, Night Gowns, Smocks, Overalis, work Shirts, etc. High Claâss Clothing% made to Order We are agents for the ART TAILORING CO.' of Tor- onto makers of the most Up te date high class clothing- in Canada. Sec our samples before ordering yeur Spring Suit, They will be a revelation to, yon. NO CREDIT Grocens' Due Bills taken as C'l I5. W-0 ÉIA5ON &5SONi Next door te Standardj Bank. .B winil Free shed room at Central Livery y ards anytimie. 4î We want yon to get 3our shiare of the specials we are f 4f~~ offering -this w-eek,---A truil-ordQcrï il -convi1te--you -ha thîs îs the store to deal at. Marmalade In Now is the time to make y our marmalade, We carry a large and select stoek of seasonable fruits. ï Marmalade oranges, fine bright fruit, *.... 25ie a doz. Small sweet oranges ùrape fruit., .......,......... ....... 3 for 25e. Suicer loaned if desired. e Lenten Special Fresh White Fish Salmnio Trout T~ oliyBakng owdr ~Steak Cod B. C. Salmon Ïh nyBLi we aeHaddock Uerring, oysters, etc, wt Royal7 drape CreaM of Tartar , dermgae-Bring lnI your butter and eggs to uis and get the Cash I~srshealthful anc. Arcn1eTlait, delz'iclOus food for every Phono 65. The People's Grocer. hone-every day Highest PrIce pald for Farm Produce. sa! eguards your fgLid against _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A12 iund ph~osphatfie L 1%P~ - -Nottces of Blrths, 2 5 cents, marniagea, 50 cents; Deatias, 50 cents, eaeh in- Sertion. When fanerai carda are itrînted at thi. office, Insertion froc VOIlEN -Iu BOwmauAville, Manch Srd, te Mn, sud Mrs. Wm, J, Vodden, a son. MATON-In Bowmnanviile, Manch 1th, to Mn. sud Mrs. Frederick Matou, a son, VANUM-Near Solna, on St. Patrick's Day, March 17, 10 Mn. sud Mrs. Edmund N. Varnnm, a su. PscrrncKx-In Toronto, Feb. 26 te Mn, and Mns, Guy Pelhick, a danghten. (Evelyn Eila). MESRCn-In Clarke,* Mar. 9th, to Mn. John Mencen, a sou. DÂvlurto-în El Plasco, Texas, Manch Srd, to Mn. sud MmS John E. Davidsou, a son. (ne Zeila Landen). BESIAr-In Oshawa, March101h, thewlfe 0f Ed. Beman, n a son, C001-lu Oshawa, Manch 7th, the wif e of Wm. Cood, ni a daughter. PEÂBoD-In Oshawa, Msareh Sth, itEé wlfe of Wm. Peahody, of a daughten. Dowaîs'G-Iu Oshawa, March Sth, the wif e of Chas. Dowling, of a daughter. (StiR boru). HAN0COC- At Providence, Darlingion, Mar. 12, te Mn, sud Mrs. Edgenîon Hancoek, a son.

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