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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Mar 1908, p. 7

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Ifeéi it my-ý dùty te testify te the 1t I hve, received fremn the use of Psychine. WVhile travelling in New On- tarioeýr-iAn eia etnsIcu tïaetedl a v'eryt a col , which graduai- à [ deýveloped into Brouchitis of the worst formi. I was advised to try Psychlue, whieh I did, and after using but a few bottles I was eempletely re- etored to health. I recommend this vionderful renmedy te sufferers £rom E3ronchitis and other troubles."' Later: "I1 wish te add that nry voice, miînce using Psychine, is strenger and kias much more earryiug power than it bad before I had bronchitis, andth vocal chords do net tire with speùaking." P. TILLER, Capt. Ssiv 'n. Army. Aun St., Toronto, Aug. 13, 1907. ~Thrat, lun.g and stomach troubles cured by Psyelaine; aiso iincipient ton- Bumnptien. AIl drlggists, 50e and $1.00, ùr Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limitud, Teronto. M IXED "Se that's tvttks e Lohe bottoin e' the garde alon'afr the 'oney- FUC usa sa"y a mile spread- aý, ýnwe bcYug mistress, 1,)in dwn "Wi i rd that our garonwl rau ileng thse edge of the "Asyeud mut'imi thlere." "esbnho hieurs me Ia the garden h, threws apebble ovLor. Il uncle isrr't H!eut I ihe n aek, and then-" "Ilekua il7s ail right. \Xby, miss, tbet's ra e y Tirn does-<sniy lie eArnes mn t h e pigsty. Ho Says ifs ,And111 the secret's eut yeu'li kcep "Lr'ýrs yon, nmiss, 1 irnex il a'l 1' heu e as Yeu dida't eut, yeur Lg regîir feýr brecakfast- 'Les e.' says 1. I reembliehn I nos fliteen. au' the1 ycung 'pffi goninro froro theo gremn go- cer's bis ase<wals, 1qurte went 1 ý,iA the Young lady, wlth ai 1, 1býaîl flot bo boiras cd Iet -taagnnces, for' if unclu Vii ihe 'u bu in the fire, andi' there'd1 bx a rare flaru-up." *'And yet 1 sonrl.cimesiý wlsh ho weuld fini eout.," saici Rose. "esa doe elc mýari, andi 1 haIete deex h1,ýiý ,L ii But-" "Heis set his hcuart un keopi' yen shet up like a pearl in a h'systuer. But, loi' btess you, a sharp yeung blade comnes along, an'.,out Yeu poý-p." Af ton ail," sighied Rose, ,i islard that a girl musin't have a sweelheart, j-bSaiiy, he's sch a doe 1 And ý gSsd loekiag. $sf le said, prýo- duetnjýg a phoegroph. "Isnýt bue bond- rweýnplious 1" repied Saliy, *regard- ln1ý àt % ith appreval. "An' bis ers,-donit thoy twidd te? 1 sheuld ha'* kisojwod lie xx s, a capting by bts nmons- tachers.' "Eh !Wbat's ail this 7" exclimcd a voice froem bchtnd, cousin'g ieoth girls te saet giitily. "W haî's Ibis, eh? \VbaI's, tis?" demiandud 'Mr. Peppertepp, enatching the portrait feem Saily's hand. "Vçhat is It D'yeu hear? What is if.' repeated the olc i ran. "Can'l yu-L speak ?" r "Pcase, sir, it's my yeunig mo3n," ne- $apended Sally, neveusiy fPngeelng her * pron into 11111eý plats.- "Oh, indeed r And what dees a fuiiew lik£ thic, want w-ith Yeu, eh?7" "Pioýne,, sir, 1 den't kýnewý," replied Srrlly. 'Dol nexv I sheuid thlnk net 1 A "Oh, uncie, F'm sure-" bogan Rese, hetly. "Eh ?" ' ' in Pepperîepp. "Dos yon pr"- 1crid te kniew bcttcr than 1 de 9 A vil- laioneiceingface! 'Tim sur is xcy andssmne broke in Bas, o th pentof leurs. A glunce from Siysepdhe and huashý-iJy qiitted the oom The edMun henevuer, pnid ne hooci f(3 tho neruti being deopiiy un- grosse 1ith pertrait. "Cent' thjink1 vhe the feilew 'remninds mu o," o mtteed. "I'x-u seun hilm "Ti-e he-usSpraggs, air; but 1 cli hm Timi fer short." "Psexv Noerknew anyce with a iname ~ ýi 1ik b, njyu the face-" rrli ent'lp it," ventured "lIe, wusac bernecd nith it." 1Uh 1 suppojvse se," grunted Peppor- lepp. "Pcehps icu'i ho god unougb te v p i iou niung nman in your, peekelt. And. makmif I again catch Yeu put- Âq.ourse of, a Col1d FROmMHEAD To LURGS The usual course.of a cold is fhem head -toa throat anal thence by way cf thre bronchial tubes te the Iungs. At tha var-ions stages it is1 Icnown by diller-cnt camas, tiut yen cao bc certain of Dr. Chane', Syrap cf Linrecal and Ail Enter the Kingdom' of Love Who Set Their Faces Steadily'Toward It. "W hoeever witt luet him ttkofethie waler cff he -reeiy."-Rou., xxii., 17. The nrrim nportant cenvicion tlIai cuis ceaxe te any mon is ibis , 1h01 il S5 entreety in bis ewi peower le delermine hua destiiy. 'The frecions of thuesitti5 ancre thon an abstraction of phtoso- phy; il is easverking fuel thal iras, hy ils nelizatien, bisteuilmon tc self-'-e- uizatica, le foeedoma anci salvalieon. Tero ouvard aci thebe vatling mny souk refuge ta ieredity anc imnsuns ir- enaxont, bat neone wiit oescope rospen- shbiliiy fer bis esvn lite by blainiglits grancifaiben or his ineirgbbe. If cie- cumstancos ml yen il la becunse ycu are pliable; you are the willing clay wboeeyen shoiidho the sculpter., No mon uvio waited ton winde cf cir- cmrstaaco ever bud himself svaîled te the skes. Chanacter nover Is a wiuci- taîl. ldeais oaci epertunîties effor thenx-- aelves treax xitheuî, Lut ste must up andi pessese Ibeax fer curseuvos. \Ve ooie or'ali cuter the desinable 'lnci e1 vohat wv o 'uld ho by any cîber n ay tran deîihuralei5 settlng 3nt ferilb. H-on' many are gcing Ibreough ail thein dayse, drifling, waiting fer cornu laveýr- able id or eebas ealy wlnd tlE well the ,soite anci carry thoar ta any dusirnîble haeaî. They wonld bu geeci if bhey coutel ho gooci witbeîr thIe lavestmeni -of ensoigy; lhey xvonld ho xiling te bu sv'and Up andcimode te ruainuthie night xxny if sc)e ne xcelsc WiOULD DO THE VINDING. Suppý.iing gexdess "c ha,-cenfen- red freax svtblnt, hasv mach gcod o uielci il denLis? -Nethinrg beceomýs tic posses- sien cf eharacter' oxee-pias-a nestit' et dcterriiîit'0a ad ondeovcr on tire part 1 ofithehidivdua]. eaay -f de never 's th(, preduet ef î nssivity. Characier adn-lt - of ne externol compulsions. Noý poux- o fboavansi or eartb can fýorce as ta e hoe ither againsi or aven n'vibhout aur iis. Theonlssy gcociWe' bays s that ive willtot bave anci te ho. Themo e ,ne peixen ibhai nuis our 111, nier any, outaide earseis"s. liai ýcon taxe freax rs h paner le cheese anci te aebiexo itheIriphusi. Amy oller slow et lite fmocis itt source elîber in supor- stitien or in sloth. The cneatnre -cf clrcunisances ila8a pitrable cîject, a place cf dciftws'ed xvbere a atrng sxvirnmren ghi te bu, ting surh rubhish lie PcB<sre's head, eut you go, hag ad baggage." "1.0er', air," soid the girl, "thuro nain ni. cal oute eso put -oui. 1Is'pose yeu lad a yeung lady once?' "N exor, girl, nos or 1!'bhe ronred, as Sol- ly flouniec frein tie roem. "Now, xxhy on uo h," e muttered, "dons i>hat idiot cealide hue les e siek ne- tiens t) RPe? Net but xx at the minx w iii boara tbom soca cneugh foi- her- sel-f." Malsing thas the odimon wondered fecm lihe r mn. Scareely bi thueleeor ecseci on hlm thon Rose eeturned, et- treci fer walkirrg, and bearing a letton iii hr honad. Snmmoniag Seliy, sh05 osked, "W ber-e "TFire eapiinge, miss ? Ch, lies quile safe under my pillr.' "Sailv-"l "ls al ight, miss. I allas keeps Tlm tIre." "Fetch il. 1 wnnt it. 17m gcoing te urake a deani breast cof it alt nl. 'L0r', Miss Pstire 'Once ne't 'od hlm. 1-l'll go off like a pop-gntn" "Yes. I e_.xpeect bell ho angry, nnci se I've writca a full confessioni, andi I shahle ,axe it on bis table w;ýithi the por- trait, ad thoni, likçe a ltttie cownrd, Fm gclng te runawasay tilt tire explesion's ex or." "Muanna "crieci Saiiy, iu alarm. "Bec ous- deer 1111e huart, wbere n.ill voir rua te ' "N A for. Saliy." saic tire girl. îmiling. "Ooly bock te schoLI knowv dan od Nliss'\imriuiixx iii gise rixe a sheiten, ad r slsîsoil entercedo fer as. On ac- cor1d tireughts, Saliv, 1 thiak lFil gix'e yen tht letter, ani-i slip off befopc-einisses reý 'ion 'orsput ithetler and portrait crn Ire table, andciwbcn he fids theri- "Up I g" sky-higlr1 t'Is ni sae, miss. 1icent do il; I nealty os" "Oh, Srrlly ! Andci 1 s dependeci on ysta," said Rose, putthsg ber arm arounci tIse girls neck. "Yont're- a riens', gsod- irtareri sotI. Yen n ont for sake roc, noxv, iii ou ? I krsox-oyu wex'nt arsd thr hrsa Itus for ymer pin s." "Ier', miss, cf ail the coaxing'est I ci sut ssorsder the capîing's in lov'e sxith yeni. I s'pose I sha irasve te deoIlU" "Arsd, Saity, Iss ont tosu le d4ail cpportunity te poss thts note te lihe ceýplein. Il's jusl to explairs te sr "Pose-- Rsse, is that sou?" rie'J Pop. perliopp. "oh, dear!I1rmust go." xvlispered os."If 1i stop te sec hlir1sali break dcwuandacispoil ail. Renerumber. oi an rsd ssil l-ut ssarting 'for o reply s, h Iî- r 'ed oniway, Sai]y foiiowxing ctly( po inflamcd membranes, allaying inflammation, Pi-csorîily the latter icturneel, bcoring aiding expectoration anrd poiveyvecmn Ilrploe 'rtul nmppi.iitse thse cold. oiieyoeèmq t, ht aefl:] rpe ntsu pa per,' "tI s'"-bu saiet, placîng il sxith ihs rhase's-yr v'p,0f 1r ý,ele Pse' lad gis un ber'on tise crrer cf jux thu, - lbtable. "014 Fizz-gig cou'l 'lp susia' ilt tîsce. On -ecouci tbcghfe, tibeugli, F i silîr-e-aptingse tuai." So îaying. euse slippod ont. anci tucp- Frfromabeing a mere ceugis remedy this gocat iug ontutcf siguit cf the study ws'tdss prancîptîen bas a thor-eugh and f ar reaching niesalirt' ay te bbc uni of the garrien. etecot on the whole system and while it keepa Arcix oci trte bshaoe -of et bonal thre ceugir ore and fr-cc, it positively cures she ir, ca eci on exappoerateci sigb. colds and'affectiona cf the throat and lunga. "IDoughLtote tch ia t," she Saici. 25 cents abotule; a, ail dealers or Edmrnson, Pm'oseîxhlv ber efforts n'ere ren andeci hi Bates & Ce., Ter-onto. ua h sire toii al nIer feel, anci a r. J. Provo&t Rerifrew, Ont., statea: 'rîac 'ieaklg l îo e.da '0c!r-f curtc-year-olA boy hact sncb a eg zever- cocid on tlire ungs we thotugiri lie was n'aeby,- oe 'e0ppud ibe nnl, going te die. Two botîles of Dr.Caeshiît rrsiosc bauena u Cyrup ci Linseedl and Turpentine maýFde a a f',I comspkýe cue, and we beliCe esaveci hi, life .ftîxi a'ins eueo ursciata a cnaven ccying fer mency whore the - -- . Jî s, r o d Srenail and the prtzo ibrougli stinuggle sbouid bu. Vie ought te nseký,tc is xverld se thal ihe xveak eau eevelop them svit1s aci finsc thele ýsaivatien; but wu nover ea isety mate il se 1lin1 the detibun'- etcP stene'icts al cou finci tain bavons. Lfe svîth alI it t rings cf jey aci cane. cof neotaucindxee, le juil the caît etf ciernily te mou, crying drI 1o the seul te st rselfif m, oulgain lire bigli prizes, i0 w.'11 te cie anci ho anciovercomu. Everyllsing is dccieci yhy bw yen face p'oue lite, wisetber xiii cerplninings and fe'an or sittî rejoiciug anci reseler- t en. fer its strngglu. Ian a 'eld abute chanacler nis devel- ropeci by freedeax cf ehoice andl hy ex- encse of sv:i1 THE GREATEST CURSE that ccnid coresewvulci Le te bave no oued, ne Ir*al, noe serronom-ediricul- tIras, non disappntm 'e,its, ho bu Inre fr-onsr the strcnucas cheices. Tirese ar-e thi. challenges -of fate, the svays te ,pcsver, tîne palhs le salvation. Vehal, Iben, lias religion te de nili t'ealzing the ful hif?Doces il ist cf- f'or divine nid s'hicb, regandîses -et ar witîs, con carry us -on te perfection? If JIl de, it ones thai xxhis ivsaine- bs becausnco c ferreci andci hrsrefoe erîy uxtecual. a robe of igteceusaezs n hee neeci lie ighteeus lite xiib- iTb'ha ix hot rehgien offert; ideals. ,cpperuianhtrs, ýsynpaîhios, inspiratieon. cns'irnesont. aisd nurture fer the rea- I'zatiers of tbbcbest life. Yct aoll lna- usait for our wiit. The kingdcm c, leooandi pence la tbmrst oa o ne.isc Yes. soys onu, that man'y be" gecc gos- Peot fer the iîrs)ng; but îy is mot,; thatI h the aay af ibe nighiy; 1 arns net n',at in il. If veur uvîtiissoeax il is becaurse il is unaseeI.Xouar a-I t rsas nslong as you bell-,e eil o bu. W its what streogli 3en bavs-sok the heat, enciras ce te brcathe lisare of hua- von; au-cl-y high theupghluilil e a tonne; la alit bh;age iitto do the' besl; yo!irý xill xiii nespenci te the oenio.xiIi finci bnrmooy xvtb bîphon l, and yen will frid the xvuy cf atmenglh. HENRY F. COPE. ifs ownnon w sebouit 1o xsithdrasv ihon Sa-lly ornealol Isira xith:. I~ait nigslit, ca-plng. Miss RPeo as gene axvly, but. chu lefi Ibis Piily fer yei.' "Thorisc. fufly 1"' sard the yenung fol- iosv, ièéantng cisc te rea 'h the note whreh Sally heici alolt. "DU) von Irncw,' ho sard, "If I ceulol rcoch 1 shcrrid ho tompted te kIs hat gociIsîrorciface as a rosiaed." Ianciptng," si Sally, blnshîng, Yopsc I slod n lis te uorcons "Corne. -leon tlisn," sard itse yonng fcl- ionw, loti gli-ng; and, ieaning focihen ýoser,. be lontod a senunding tisa ýon the girl's chlieek. lie xiac aboutrito nopent itivhers fis angny "Gonfeounc iIl, sir! " nuaed Saliy By, Dry, Scaiy Eczema on Most of His Body-At Times ;'Flesh Seemed on Firô-Rim of Crusts Around Scalp-SuF.ered 3 Years CURED IN TWO MONTÉS BY CUTICURA REMEDIES 1I fir t becamne affeeted with a dry scaiy humer which wus pronounced drIy.eczoma by three loadirxg hysicians. Xiomeced on mny legs and arma, a.nd finaliy cevereci the greater part of my body. I sufered for about three years. My scalp around the edges cif iy hair was a compjlete ring of seilles and crusîs. The diseuse was more dis-. figuring Ihun ean be Imagirsei,_ and heat aud perspiration caused mry flesis te ho as if on fine aund 1 coulc n et kecp' my haucis uway front ilt times. I was given salves and iniedielue repeat- ey by c physcitn, aund advîseci ta wâua frequeutly in soda and water, but nething cnrod rme. Then 1 reuci cf the woonlderful C ulicura Remedies and decideci I voonîcitry lhem, aund 1 amn glaci te state openly that by con.. stant use as dîrected for te'o mentis I am. outireiy curoci. 1 useci two cakes ef Cutteura Soap, tbree boxes of Cati- cura Ojuiment, andc the sumne nxnmber of botties of Cuticuru Pilla, 1'wiil giadiy toil about Cunicura to those ,whem I son lu neeci cf a akin cure. Maurice I. Greiey, R. F. D. 54, Wiud- sorville, Me., May 2 andi July 12, 1907.'" ITCHlIGE SCALP For Ten Vears. Could Hardly .Sleep. Cured by Cuticura. "M11y vife hud suifered for ten y cars with a ba i tchiug cf the scalp. Most of lie.tie i se coalci hardy eîeep ut night. The skin wa.s ail dîsooloreci and influmeci andiaie hud tried hundreds cf thîngs vhici haci been recominendeci in tie papers and by f riencis, but Ia vain. Lasù, yeur 1 sent for a set of Cuticura Soup, Cuticura Oiulment, andi Culicura Pills. She rlsed this cens- ~ leetretare ti er directions andi us net been btered eince. Louis Siegel, Meherrin, Va., May 16, 1907." Comiple Extereal anrd InternaI Treatment for Every Humeor ofats, Orlrdren, sud Adlts con1"sst o Cutîcura Soap (o Cleanso, the Skie. cuunradment to Real the 5mand Cuti- cura.Rttsolveut (or In the or orfe! hecoIate doated PJLB'I!is,1viais 6? eo) to Purify tis Ieod sold throurhOut thse world, Poter Drug &1 CheM. Cor-p.. sole Prop2., Bogten, Mass - ,ràwl lrec. Ceticura noek on ýà ln Dhossoe WORTH TAKING One ounice Fluid Extract Daodelion; Onaeonace Compound iSiatoae Four ounces Conpound Syrnp Sansaparilia; Mixoci andi taken in teaspeonfal doses afttr arcr meat and at hedtime, is prononneeci by a proainent puys1- cian o te hie best mixture for the duraeofthrie kidney, hiadeler, undi al urinary troublîja. TisEsys tho dector, ta tic mort simple theegi remnarkahle prescrip- tion ex-dr wrilion te, creanse the syutein of impuities esiandiraste ne .ter. Il acta as a p in-erful ternie te tihe kidneyF;, forcing themn te iller eut thre socis and poisons, overcemu- ing nhnurai,nr, lame back, scatiea andi other é-,elictiens aising Irons serîr, impure b)lond. Thre ingraclents crin bi procnreel at uny goetdeug store, aud bcbng pnrtly vegetable andi entirely isarmless, cuis casily lbremixeci ut home. If yen bave a suffer ing friernel sow ti.i te hIeas he wil nndoubtedly ho pieuse4 te learnocf ise simple samd highly recomnuendeci a remedy. le fatl fr-arn er porcin irs* h-mi masters 'lic6e ane nice goingsý-on," lie ex- ciaimeci, angrily, tlsrusting b-er f roar hior. "Tsi teetuvýcIere0 iy lias e yon ai- nIoyed use watts 4lnms iomfeiei'y. l'il have ne axea-cf il. Packnp aci go t L'e yee banc? Pactk up acigo V' 'I bug, sir-" hegenatIire captain, but Fcppertepp w'euld nol hear anod "t )oct lîcre, Mr. Tirisahens What-tho-, L"ceax-islcn nanuyoi'ci better he off beoee I sammoîn the poulce." "Put, si-- "I'ti net lheur a iverd. I pracurne irray Le niastor n aimy lena onie. Yeou go, aiacian. l'Il gixe yen liat n farheur te packt, andi-ont yen go." "Ugb ! 1I con'go," salît Snlty, tscrug lier' Iraci. "I caa ge. But heloee1Ide thora's semethiug tor yenu," tlinastfirgl R1oses ltter into bis tiaisc, "anci I hopeý Pepportcpp gozed aftf'r bon fer a me- rient;, thon, turuirrg, horeexciaiîsscd. "IlarkIeo, young ma--ý Prît tie cptairi iaci disoppoorel. "Gene l' saielIbu. "The tellen c a goci- l-orktag rascal. I1ss'nd elîeuv tîrat joie geol helci cf bina?IRisfrace xx'eriesme. l'an sure I's'u suen t il eferc. WhaI's this, f nonîiem 1" as bueopened tire letter. "Portrapa sIres gisons me notice. Eln? Wtr', ibis is Restes -wriiing. 'Dean Umn- cie, i feel 1 cengîsl ne longer te kîcp the Secret fs'oni ,,-c. i hase surillen te (l'ortie te skhlm te calolt ou andîc eZw ,,uht thr. N~rw e &duce is Char- - l "Iarea se ,if yl'eutek aiIris por- liait y10 or pr e udice wiil i,iapî "or, for 1ir, iic laesp1enta hlm aitt thut a golu- mars stsouid Le.' AhI -andi this, L lire ras- cals portrait. 1I suppose," Ire multereci, o.s h oec il feIonail" xrapper. "M7'oll I" ho rcjacuiabed, os heooeelecia, il, "of 911 thebu ngar-]baoleu---My' Pose ts, fait in tex-e xx 1h o thing lite 'thuti. 1If ttc fallesu drlla ounare ll- 111 ihîersoxvhrp hmi as sre Pos my uorne's Peppentepp." Presently, as ho paceel 10 anuitfr0 an aogî-y n'oee, bossas star-lied hy a pebble slr-rting lire bat. "liing rie, if I doal believe luxai fel- be-,wseafter SaiN again,"' hbu axuttereci. The noxi moment a griunîng face -ap- ipearci, bat, seeiag Peppertaopp, ifs lnos' ias atout te xitbdrov. aho sPIils l'eu 1"exclairuad theold1 "'tus, eir, iI's me,' caici tiie e1ier, ýsbuepistsly, scralebing tris heaci, . &I -oyenare Chantie r' "No, cli I a "Ne pse-exaricalicu, air t You are Chaurlie." "No, ste, 'rn-" "Chantlie. I 1sny, Chas-lie I I hav-e iisoe in black ad xxhthe." "Ols, vcry svotl, e"saic intie man, xiih an air of sosignaclien. "Ilavo peur "Se yon are the futbosv shc's tallons in loi veIiis 7" "Vei',hy I-es."Lcaid theolIlhor, gctnning teoliliv. "Sire ts raîbýer ge)ne on me.'l "Bottier gon-" cniecite lro01msau. ri disgust. "Gene on yoar? Andi peay nîotray Le ycnn intentions tonards "h 7' mean business, sr oth oJ us I Saynlcoiy puni. 'idiiC mode etex- p-'osimsg loarsoIt bespeaks the mari of * Loedinsg. Pray. air, ina 1I ast heuv yen prnpose te su-pport lie?' "W'oll, xve thK ughi a nice litho xsoî'- sido pnb-" "A isýhat 7" shumeciPoeppe(s-lorp. "Or a caliag-heie. Yusoc, s, ire &oncid the coting iî1i -" "Ilas it asuveroncer-Ite yen tIraI 1 nîlýgîst irase cenord te san cais mai- "V wine didtii îriat aseiug ar yoa nspartial te) ber als yen raîpghlstump) au a bit ixiein We'suas aplicoîl." 'Stuaxn Net a (penny, air,. net a pennyi. Andscisefor 'ber' moudY-- "Gbý, ysoir Coul stop thaitlieat's rab- bish." "IsIas', nbul 7" enieci PeppurtonPPI fia ring tra. "linhbisb, Mr, Peippeu-Ot." "Iopp, rsir-tepp. Peppertio-p stl tis p'S." "lW 01, eerexuncra uas s l5er lxeP'S ris pepper. Anci as fo r y-oile intofro bang uce if i dent ioery ber Ib-is day mn'seuin su pite etf y3u t'" 1anxdthe iais sIc-ode anaY. leasing Folpa-tcpp tO ru- fîri te the lbouse t inenlonbleo<eec. As ho poeci e- )nd fr-o is bis study, mnitaix' yrehiearîmin" l freel be de. livoreci te Rose ens lier' islamr, h-e woe oî'neyooi by n rceaed rai-tai. "Sa113 t' hoe rbuci, uugrrly. Again the triDclier isatlied, t1i5 tirme oserOes igereaUsly. "ýalIy," ho rosioci, "usl dorî't 30 n aI- bersi the, door?" "Brypockýieg.'canre Ithei-eply freas I "Open thu en lIl 1dicî)re gu o" "CArsf'r'nsd lie' girl. se O bu."b aîaltbler'od, osietus )cic te c-ea t "For the hast cheveu years Diamond Dyes have hecu apecial home.favoriteQ wilIr us, aîrd have been a source et hmre corntort. Two voceksaugo I dyei Ibree airs cf carmains viti great pr- fit arîci satisfaction. I final .coloreci lwo pairs cf rusîy orielfaded ecra lace cîmtaius o deicate shade cflibght pimmk tor bedroom windows, osimig yourr Dia- monci Dye Pink for Cotton. I aise dycci a pair of tspestry portiere duir- tainms, wtici atter five years cf -snesr hbc oae very fadeit andl unsightly. This p'air I dycci s ricIn gamnet, aising Djamond Dye Garnet for Cotton. I May -Say, tirati j n y estinmaiorn, D'a- monci Dyes arc the hesi I have ever usee." Mrs. 1Emma M. Sharpe, Trorente, Ont. The AIl.-mmportant Thing te seerîre anicees bu bouse dyeinng ile le hesure yen gel the real Diamond Dyes. Thie next ii'rportant thing le te he sure tint you get tire Kind, cf Diamonci Dyes arlapleel te the maleriat yeninuteuci dyeing. Diamond Dyes For Cotton. Whein yen decide te cohen Lace or Trapestry Curtainîs 1lanvohicliCelions or Limmuni (vegetable fibres) hargeiy predomninate, aINvays aak- for DIÂrîOrND ni&is for Col-' lois.* ALWAVS WRITE US. If yor mer- chiant carnnel upply yenuili the ce- lera yen nseec inbuWooi or Cotia DiA- MOND Mie.3, write uns (eccisimng ten cents forercdipackage ivanteci) aci we wilnmailsane te yeur addrcas. You Wili Need Tlsem. Soîrd us younr acidresa andi we wbll mnail yen free cf cost tie tanmous Diarnend Diye Arnunai, 'Newo Teddy Bear Ilookiet arnd Di.rinrcd Dye Cook Pook. WE-LI.S &-- ICIIARD SON Co., ,IMI'rEu MeNs-REUA, P,2.1 r - 8 8 s e I I i I "'Net a lithoe bit," ruplîfeol tbe yeoung feiloxv, calmily. "And lt me point out tire filet trat the docrstep is haedly the Lspet te sûlit" on -argument. Suppose nýe retrre te yoar stîrdy ?" "W'eli, ,cf oit the cool- Very welI. sir, vony neit; ceaxe tis svav." and, in- sxvardty rmging, ho ted tire we.y te bis "Now, sir, ncxv 1" ho said, xvîren b'ý had laken up w bal ho ensc rda wa- minsg position. "I hase eaiied, sir,hececuse I foolthIal a lui, expinnoaticn Is duere le -eu." "Vuny ceonsideralu, yonng nana, but ynr conduet explains isi. 'Yon roter te-" "The disgracefni seone -of wlsich I svar "A mûre youthful indiscrution, sir. I trust yen wîli net bc prejndieed againat mnc one that acýouai." "Oir, ceriainly net," is014 Puppurtepp, sarcan iicaiiy. "I admnit thtat I onghitotehase ap preacieci yenu befere. But the lady plead- e- Ifor accreey- "tPray. sir, xvîy do yen bother me xvitls youreIlove affaire '" "Yen are, of course, an are tisaisire iras lef y eus' house 7" "Oh, bas she gene? Weil1, gecd nid- darnce te tise baggage. 1 suppose yen hase cexe te ask use te take ber bock ?" "I am strie yen xvi. I ksoxv in yvnur hennI you n'ilt ho giaci leweliorrc ber." "ýOh, ne donhbt I eught (te ho detight.ed. I shruIrdn% svender if yeu expetled mae teý give the girl aae,,ansd stand god- fatir etu yecrr cîsidren aftc-rsvards." "I sincoiety ope yýeu riay, air,' ne- -plncd tiheYunurg fetioss. "«W cl, -of ail the- Iîong me if I coit tîko ion fer l'eue imrpudence.' "Mtay Iassure hon tisai yoenironger ýOIblct teone)r engagernorst?"akeci lie y('îirsg mnr. etzing Pepperteppe hord. "may brng hon' bock 7" "WVeil, wetl, tshe's net a bnci girl, and Iii loos er il. Ors consditin, r.rd, thot tirere le ne repeition- "A irsù and mest olferîce, I assure ven, sir." .- "Leokhere, ynun5sfpelexx'.1ratliser lite yen. \Viat are yion ?' "A acidier, sic." "Ath, thai aceonrris-fer il. My' dcaneat friends lias e ait ha-n in the Ariay. Nosv. srrppose I1 take tira girl bacteiutil s'en are ready te maryier- i( and gise yen a trifle tesvords heuseki' ýping, are yon tai- cliise cite reidu, e a asersicec in rcomm 7' 11I sabolihodetighteýd t e hocf use te "VieIl, lhere's (aningly. snllgar-loet;ng caecal wxx liirgs abaut tlb"place, pes- lenirsg mnrri>cce withirs otin lions." "Inded, sir! 1I has-e neveeheard -cf tliii. I'NorI, 1tilt teday." "Stroase sheIsas roct rsindi. "She wnoulidlrardiy ho ttkcty te de se h la.!' 'Perbopa scîsaîd tlb y'jasig uan, wsili a teok cf x'exation. "liersen'bipirins i tilbe's glocite gise the ir se oasînde burth anti 1'il- "My cduo ce.1Ishaîl bc ona tee gloci tcnil rît any minle Miss îline." "TFýisisthe noîcal," 5014 Peppu-riepp, bartding his i the portrait he haci -eceised frerîr So]iy. "W li-," cricci thoe the, xih a Ieet cf astonisirment, "t-- Exenuse mc,. arr: li brnrg thû ecnul e earsd mat', bhina apelo)gize," -and w ilscut xx iting fer a rcply lie hurrieri froar the bsouse. IThial's ait riglît." criedP"i Prpetepp. rnbhing hie Inonda gleefulix-. "A ead lite that te aspire- At ibis point liLs mediietionr s'ee dis- tirrbod by Saity pokbng lirr nad in ai tie _cc ani o li "Pleaise asir.,t efore I go, yeu've o[eti yeung mau." DIAMOND DYES Add To Home Comfort and Contentment. The Kind You Rave Always Bonght, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of ana nas been made under bis per- sonal supervision since its Infancy. Allow no one ta decelve you in this. Ail Counterfeits, Imitations and 66Just-as-goodl" are but Exporlments that trifle 'wlth and endanger the health of Infants and Chlldren-Experiene against Exp-,erimente' Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor 011, Pare. gorie, Draps and. Soothlug Syrups. It ls Pleasant, Wt; c.rstains neither Opium, Morphine for other Narcotie! substance., Its age is ls guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feveni -shness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colle. It relieves'>Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency- It asplimi1ates the Food, regulates the Stomaeh and Bowels, givîng healthy and natural sleepe The Children's Panacea-The Mother's Friend. CENIUE lA î(,D 9 1àAL W A Y Th18 KiRd Yol Raye AI ways Bouglit In Use For Over 305 Years. 1CEcNTAuR COMPANY, rT muemfAy SREv4EW OR C;Hy. "Yens' yeung man ?" he, saici, question- insgîy. "'ice, yen 'lave, sir, la yens' pocktl." "Wihy, tise gies mimd. Ins rny peeket, iniceci 1 No I. BtIra les Lxiiturne, Solly. le's jusi gene -off tetîr'aslr that eurptlîet's Leci nn oyinrg youm raies- tress.", "Miy Tira? Le-r', asir, tisoru'll he mur'- Ia hon haste te o fclts Ihe Dunceci in- le tire or ns cf an cellylady nho ap- p corcd in the olperîvas'. "I-ey-siry 1Itey-day ! Ni'e "anes'iugs or. 1' sad the lady, as Saillv pusieci past lier. "Are yen as a aos yanr ciasier? The frounL dor wide oen, oane errce te car" nh'î coma5 or gees.- Cornu la, Etesie, dene. Ncsv, Mr. Pepporteopp," aise saici, vs lie"enteneci, "xxliailiaive y suLeen dsîirsg it iis peor chlIe? Driirphier te run away'.11 "b drixe lieur avy sait h, onucer- iigl-. "Yes. sir. Yemr x'olcanic teasper m'ade thec chilci otraid tecoafese sho bnci a "A sane-etie-nrtni souneciPepperiepp. 'Looket -hbim7 A 100ck et disappres aI flitteci accota tibia Minniss face, as saie gazeci ut the portrait; but balomo she couici speat a lumînit nos heard ti hie brait, aund pre- aemtty the captoin cîsereci lngging in the uniucty Ti, suhileB Sally cinng te bis otheor aria. "Non,ci" saici the caplairn, gixiag l'un ajerk 1h01 Ibreateneol te disleýcate his aras. "la il truc Qitralyen dureel te au)ney Miss--"l "'Teint truc,, ta il , Tiax ?" 2ried Sally. jem-tuag hlm ithe cUrer uvoy. "Say Il aiu't truc as yeusveheurs a-nîakin' tyes at MiSG Pose." "Looke are,"saielTirsi, breailisily. "Stnikus me tIs ta a bicemin' leenate asylurr. Fast- diPopporceraInsisîs -on cailiag roc Char-lie. 'Iben lie eptatu svouis le 'or-sewhlîp me. Andc noix "I sew bat Itlst,"l ot dPeppert-opp. "Tis alilcornus oet Iat foeiish gin-t'a ta- foluailea. I n osh my bande et IL. 'She mxustIsasvelier ou vvnaI'. Mr. Charles"- appmemching Tira "baing me if I knoxv icume etir'naine--tata b er aci mate her haoppy'. "Oin, bob 'ec," erieci Tiax, w"suisone- erre te-Ilnmesvhio 1 omi?7" a 'iýrn-c is som nnrsistokoere'saiel Mliss Mirnas. "ut is (aptain licathertean nh hc s in love xx 1h RPose."' "Ilethuion 1" n Icied Peîsîsertepp. "I ilascîglet Itîscux' iteface; son cf odiBob "'The isaune, sir," soui the coptuin. "Thurin'by the dictons didal yen s tiy s9) before ? Rosie, I oa.rgeaiulaie yen. if buIs lite hic fathar h&Is a deuu'es fine teoux. As tee yen, sic-" tus'nîng te "Brit. sir," sai Sally, "il uverc me ho xx'as alter.', "the bohw dore yoe ll1 m - "tcsir. il vuru ali thtrnugh mis ing 'cmi ancientire piller'.' -Lencion Tit-Bris. PuEFINITIONS BY SMALL WLIM Duel -Muc ithviithe julce squoozed eout. l-e- XVteýr îsot stoyed -eut tee latu, and wxv'ast te SICeP. Fan-A tliag te hrusb warruth ooe Sýt<mu ,h-The bern eof tise sa'vallIov. Sait That ishat nsat's yýour' peatoes tatO tiac iIf yen dontputsi sine ru. rei t u Aplace îuhere Ine s-ail- e ,ad tse, anale. Waltc-fune s-Whlen 5'ear yes are ail tlsea t;c corns e rnbumt oisee. Resp(,nsili[y-îWhat nieulci bu ou sc Laton ifthlIe ebier' ene sheuldciceaxe off ris lr<ititers. Aci-s itnco-Prico 25 cents; chilciien ane tee hvv, fifleen cents. IL tsa't aucessary te mention y-Oun Iauyer ln ioer ilil, hbus aune 10 get Tlý,iere1an incres ta infant rer- Euanrb sudarasbi Fiea nlcsnune'ari.d ds Pmss a 1s t. HISTORY Or, BOWVM 5N VILLE. News ocf Forty Years Ago. FROM T11E .SiATESMAN 0F MABC11 12, 1868. A MOTTO FOR EVERY MAN. \Ve cannot llahfrght in tiinboutle cf life, Thoe -ak toast go te tise salt, Seo do to oaci rthie thing thut La right, For. tlneie's n n athiswstand fmor as ati. Credit refuse if 3-cu've mene-y teO puy, 'ieu'll finci it'lc.1xvicoc plan. Anci a penny iay by feDr a rainy'day, Ie a me)tte feor every us-an. Economy sturoy, but deun'i ho mean, A pennsy nay lbe a pounc; Thrnc' tMis w-cntd o ceanseire cdean Vent carry y-ou safe andi ceuni, Ils ait s en-y vn'eI to e bufrec, Ixvill cwa, To de a gooci tara whea s'en can, Put Chaiy aisvays coemmnenccs at bouse, 'Ihat s a mote for evcry msan. IMARIttlD. Squir e-GoccdInlaBexvmaavi] le,\fci P1868. by Pcv. Pont Bloiras, B. C, Mir. Jebu M. Squire, Darliagten, aci Miss An Ceeci, lIen anvillu. The for,-ogeing ta pesttxely the cniy itemx-cf local news lu the papes'-of Murch 12, 1868. - '1' TRIBE 0F CREMINALS. The Maghnya's, Greatest Prîde ia Slc- cessfui Burgisrry. The Maghayn la bora in un erbor tiel and acho-otociWte Ief t frea lits ia- faney, soya thse B-2ngel Gazettur.. lie lives svithotrt sheller ce fcd for le rse lrw erl)xuiually rno'vlug from en- cam oxnt l rrampaxeat, cheseci hy tint police anci exucrateol by lie vlliag- crsi. Hie grool,ýest pnibdo ta a uceesefut butrgiary, ;andal rlneldiin1rigýj1 bout hîs uresi cxc cd rad. Jait offors neoerr eteDn;i is nrereiy thse rcsîrîtcf being a bîrni ue le lus tiae Thoet auor ot rrlîclaxIm he Mgi Doms lat Chap- allauns w;mad& by Mr. »<rloîv iI. I-Inry. UH ournai the ,greater nnrr crf tIse aduit nmnîbers 'if tho rt e sv' duý in joli. Every tel1:co officer ivas beici n-es-peansibie if nrny 1Dsns wuco foimoci in is jiiridictien, xvith the recit thal as5 sc-on as n Dem w-as reieased fr-cm iii bu xvas usiralîx- neiuneciilhue andutr tise beci iiv4elihjsod seciienîIs.11 A-gieullnrnl suteients wei osto b- lîsheci fer the tribu, bîrt tboy denoct suons te base been veî'y succecefuri'as ci-viiizing a penduls. The sýeillnen-Is swýreieas henîises for' tIhe wnan andi Cblcir'r', but tbe m"rx are selddenn fcmsnl bn thuax, The tomales ge.nsucally at stelen prcperiy in flic villages ant net a-n3 spies. Fe'r seige-f.arm disposýaI eof,-,i-w<ge eue acre cf ]andcisterontair-uci ion ux,,ery Ps-e hdri hbabitants.

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