r TERMS :-$1.00 Per Annum, u ONADCUT IS;TaWaDTRÂD. M. A. JAMES &SN rpitr In Advance. BOWMANVILLEs ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCII 25, 1908& VOLUMELV o 3 M aI I t ~ IJUST ASPRIN%3 coucu at yrur own price for the balance of this month OnlY. 4 fanc-v Vlour Couches, Reg. $6 75 for ..........$4 90 -~7 Fancv Velour Couches, reg. S7,ý75 for ........... 6 90 2 Fancy Velour Couches, reg. $11 50 fer...... ..$875 3 fancy Veour Couches, reg. $12 75 for ..................... 89 75, 1 Bed Couch, reg. $16.00 for .....Il......................... 10 50 1 Box Couch, reg.$16 50 for,............................. 10 50 1 Veruna Rug Coachi, reg. $24 OÔ for ........................ 17 75 Undertaking is a special branch ef car business and always re- celves pers onal attention day or night. We do flot make any extra charge for dIstance. Phone 58 Hampton Brandi, Phione 129 F. LI .WILLIAIS &SOM, ~Don't Forget t1 À>We' re 1-eren To 'Sella G ~-Footwear.-ý and now le tic time te buy. For tic reet o! this G meti we are goiug te Beli et greatly reduced pce, ail hunes o! Mea's and Women's Feit God,rh,,, and Wlntcr Ruibers. Gla omk omfrSRN GODW ave a lot of breken lines wc want te j We cannot tell yeu. ail about ticrn as spae wou't, erinit, They are lu MeaIs, Womcnls, Boys, Srlsand Children's geede and ail ncw. ~ No old stock ameug tieni. Iwill pavy u te give us a oeil and compare The Corner Shoe Store New Spring Boots. A leading factory lias favored us with early Spring shipments of Lay~Stylisb Lace Boots Lady's Stylisb Làw Me~s The Mcready Co, bas sent us seven cases of their MEN'S RELIABLE WORKING BOOTS -in- Eijgish Kip, Fine Grain and iluSplit, Do you know any better Boot thanl a McCready? Another ILigli class faetory fusl our orders for Germian School Boots. These enjoy an ever-growing popularity. There 18 no shoddy iu them- the leather iu uppers isof good weight yet keeps soft. We guarantee the leather under the toe caps. These Splendid Lines 0F New Spring Boots Have beeu marked, at close Cash Prices, Safe Life 'Ins7urance. j Travellers often remark on the super- !or quai'.y c f Bowmanville beef and it ýNUMBER VI, is no£ unusual for goed roasts te Cenvinciug, argument lu favor of be ordered and expressed te Toronto, insuring lu, tie Equity Lufe Assurance A man who takes a trip tirough West Company: t lias been foand lu every Durham witi Mr. C. -M. Cawker & Son instance whercanyconsîderableamount and ylsits tic breedors and1 feeders, of business lins bec donc by any cern- eepecially in Darlington, wlll sec the penv whlch lias classified its rislks as source o!f their sappiy, cf bec! for their total ebstainers aud non-abstainers that local customeý-rs We venture lie cpmn mertality has beèn ycry mach lawcr lu Ion tiat ne-)batelier lu tic Dominion lias thc absteiners' elase tien lu the non. secured a batter quelity cf bec! for tic abstainere ciass. Iu tic Scottiali Tem- Easter and summer trade tieàn C. M. perance Life whici, has lied e more Cawker & Son and e simple mention favorable mort&lity Liluits encrai -of tic ames f tc fl 1cr -d section Mhan moet companias have lu tic nutuber of animais bougit for their general busine,-ss las aIse hed a whîch an average o! 5 cents par pouind gain cf eue and a bal!ý times as mcci waà pald, will convince our citizens of1 for profits frcm savings lu mortaiity lu tic excellent grade cf mente thus en.' j te abstainers section- as in te general- terprisinz firm -of purvayors are pro vid- section, Itslosein its abstainers have in- for-thc deleation iof ticir -palates- not becu one-hlaf tic ameunt previded Here is e record of the Darlington farm- for and indicate by tie tables daring a crs from whcm the excellent lot o! youung pcricd cf twenty-five yeare. This cx- beeves have beau bougght-thest nemes perience altiongli cxtreinely favorable are a guarante of tic higli quality: le stili net se favorable as reccrdcd Mr hsJconPovdce6 amonget Canadien Unes cf total ab- preTos. 4acksor nd Pervdece etainers. To get aIl thcv siould have pIeyugicfr n tes for thlir money, Canadian total ab- Mr. Ridi. fi. Souci, Providence, 7 etainare must ineure lu the Equlty Life primey~oung steers and licitera, AsFurance Company. Ask Geo. W, Messrs. jeun D. Heer & Sons, Provi- James, Bowmanvillc. ,!,,fr tic latcst dence, 4 extra young lielfers, report o! tic Eqaity Life, 'Mr. W, Eber CrAge, Providence, 3 flrime ni£ 4Ar EPWORTH LEAGUE £NTERTAIMZENT Bowmauviiie Epworth Leaguead4 wie werc at flic Methadiet ciurcI> Monday cvcning ccrtalnly had a treat.' Prof, F. H. Klrkpatrîci, Principal o! tic Ceuservaery Sciool cf Elocution, Toronto, gave a recîral of J. M. Barrie's bock ',Tic Little Minister" whIci ne eue couid heip but enjey. Hie dividad tic recital lute tirce parte and s0 clovcriy dmd na depict tice cenes and pareopate tie charactare tint e veryon9/j gave uLdividcd attentionu frem tie c ~- ginning te ticeud. Prof. Kinipetnici le certainly a vcry clever entertainer- welI werthy o! ail tic g, ctbinàgs seld e! him. Tlie interniiesiane wer.c pleas- antly filled with. soles by MIiss'Hrthel Y. King wbo dclightfahly rendered a dîffi- cuit selaction from Tcnnyseu's "Maud "I This se pleased tic audience tint she wes recelled and gave tic favorite Irishi soug "Mavourean.' Miss Luttrel called f Vary gr, gave Mn Tic D. pregrm John f3 discharg Tic ai jwcli bel factory, seconda cerne tc geod wo THIS MESSRS1 GENTLEh time te Eczcrna for me. prme yung s4. LVVL. 74r- John Wight, Providence, 2 extra fine 37oung steers, Mr, Svdney ficar, Beteda, 6 super. 1er -,oung steere. IV,',r. 'Geo. H. Collacott, Selemi, 2 very glne Young steere. ~Mr. James Darci, Salem, 1 superlor yýiung steer. "IrJ ouatian Cannon, Tyrone, 2 p(îime Young peteers. /I Tlicy will buy severel other cettie as ,oon as tic quelity cornes up te their standard. They are wauting tic boat calves and iambe te be procurcd as tiey are detcrmined te provldq tic boat, o! everything ln tic meat line for ticir customers.. New Ille fer a quarter. Miller% Cern pound Iron Pille. R. M. Mitchell & Ce. MILLINERY OPENINGS. forjii an encore te wiesicîs HADIeY & Ce, racefullv rcspondcd ad whlci Unbeanded admiration was celled nuai pleasure tealier audience. forth by car Spring models whici were O . & P. Ce. baud gave a short shewn an'Fniday and Satarday of, lest n previcus te tic recîtal., Bey. week and which appcaled te ladies cf rarbutt, pester, prcsided, and refincd and exclusive tante. Neyer lu ,ged tic duty meet acceptabiy. car "Xexps-ence hard wc more visitors. adience wae large, enthuslastie, Varlety lan evcry phase of miinery is ehaved and tic preceede satis- certainiy a conepieueus feeture this .This-le Prof, Kinipatrick's seasen. Wemeu are shewlng, so muci appeerene here and lie caunot indxividuality la dress of ail kinde thet it ce.! Olten seBongase acinow lies become an ebsolute nuccssity srk. te have models or vaLiaus sizes and shapes lu order te pléase individuel testes lu thus scason'ashsipes tic emel, medium and-large hats are well repre- sentcd, At tic present time the Span- lIE VR is Turban and large si lors are attract- MiAY INTERBST YOUisg an unusual degree o! attention, The sailor particulariy lies neyer been READ IT. regardad witi greeter enthualeeni than at the preseut time. It would indeed be difficait te describe tic multitude o! ideas wiici are siewu in trlmming. Bowmanvilie, Mrci lti, 1908.- Flcwere of-tic mostbeaiUtifal and varled cliaracter arc sliown lu, abundauce. R., M. MITCHELL & Ce, Our ribbon as usuel celled forti un- Bowmanvillc, Ont bounded admiration. Evcry year a 5MEN:number leave their Easter orders tili MEL'l:tic met minute. Tiere le ne reason te It gives me pleasare et this procrastinete as ail the models and write yeu regardlng, your Yucca meterlals are new here. Order new. LOintmeut and wbat it lias doue Fe r about twenty years 1 bne been a sufferer fromn Eczema and Salt Rheum and iast wlnter I had one of thei w rst attacks 1 ever experlenced.1 After using many other ointments andi rcceiving oniy temporary relief, II pur.1 cbased a box cf your ointment and be- fore using al cf the boxý I was cern- pietely cured and there lias beeane re turn cf the dîsease since. I hlghiy recommend Yucca Oint. ment te any eue su ffering from this trouble as 1 arn exceedlngly grateful that I have been completly rid of that awfui trouble, Ycurs thankfullyt MRS. WM, FISBE!IGH. (Slgned) MONTREAL il -0-1 MlZES VINGM~Ar4, Tic Spring Miilinery Opeuingg at tic Misses Dingmau's on Friday and Saturdey were aspiendid succees. Tic cliarrning sprinlg sanshlue, crowds et lnterested ladies and handsome biats wero seme cf tic ieadiug tentures tiat g ave oeatic Idea that epriagtime was near. Tic window wae nlceiy draped witi pretty ribbens, many colored flowers and iandsomely trirnmed biats indlcating what mugit ho cxpected witiin. No eue was disappelnted, tiare were biats lu ail tic newost shapes censtructed te suit the fancy and faces of tie different wearers and tic site cf ticir parses. Tic sliirt waist' hat le very popular thid season and sou may have it lu any cf tic new siedes yoa desire. Tic suit bats te match your new sprlug suit are aise la great de- rnand, sucti as.tic Rusbian and Fisie turbans and tic.v are certeiniy very di-essy and stylîsh.,'One mach admired bat, wes a drooping shape lu brownj with tam crowu, wide Persien baud, brim faeed wti velvet and thrce ostricli plumes. Another beautifai green bat lied Dreeden baud witli twe black plumes and fency pins, and still otiers tiat everycue edmlred was tic handsomne white biats, the lovely Copen- liagen blues or tic large Ualueborougi black liate, whici will àlwvaySSbc popul- lier. Many otbers were trimmed wlti clusters o! levely tinted flowers tint werccertainiy very attractive. Another ncw shape whici came lu for considet'- aile friendly comment was tho merry widow sailer end whiclipromtes te ha very popular_ Tic principal colore shewn were tans, brcwns, blucs, greens, and cerise. For trîmminge, foliage. cabbage rcses. pansies, hops, grapes, fiago, etc , are used extensivel'y, these combined witli malines, ribbons, wlugs, feathers maie ciarming creations, Iu fat vo au ehafve almeet anytîug yeu' desire lu design, color, or nteriai, Call and thc Misses D!n-man will 2- 1 - vince yca tint wiat we say le correct. Many liats wore sold and mauy orders taken ta be filled later 0cr advice te yen le te cail and make yeur chice now belore -thec ru h- le on and 'while- thorae--are- so -many ariette te select f rom,. HISTORY 0F BOWNANVILLE, Yew8 of JW Years -4oô Fam Tiua STATE3KAN Mardi 28, 1878, HON. EDWARD BLAKE. God grant tint aur great lawyer may te, us long ha sparcd,, To tic county lielias worked for, whosa triumphs ie lias shared; For witliout regard to Party, but fer our Coantry 's sake, Ail honest, uprigit, sober mea respect tic name cf BLAKE. O, would tint tue Dominion had more of tic sanie sert, Squec, stardy men of prînciple, wliosc vote caninot bc bouglit. For if sie lad, tien iappi!y, our land would coca awake Prom tic dulncss tint oppresses ber. mca just IK e EDWARD BLAKE. Tic strife cf party bickerings; cf imagin- ary wrong: Of * bribery and cerruption"ý-we 're weary et tic song- The motives may ba real eneugli, but 'tis net tic road te taie Te remnedy tic cvii by abusing men iikc BLAKE. Give us membe',,Ps indepeadent, who Whliglit in honeet way, Wlo speak out plainly wiat tiey mean, and mean just wiat tliey say; Wbese capital is Principle, witi an hGnci point te make- if tiey want a good examplc-wc reter te EDWARD BLAYE. Ail know tti tes are liard eneugi, tic country stands in need Of just suai men as EDWAItD BLAKE te take tic forcmost lead. Let us tiare! are hope tic day may corne, 1when ne matter what tic staka, In car House of Cemmons tiare mey be more meu like EDWARD BLAKE. Early Bird Lacroisse team was callcd te annuel meeting. Gee G. Mann, Wm. Lorriman and Wm, Burgess weDt west te live, Praise le given Miss Du Rasseau for elocutionary powers o! higli erder, Jos. Jeffery was prepaed te glv.e gentlemen fite lu Mu: docli Bros' store, Rey. James Little, A. M., cf St. Paui's cliarci was going on vacation te Wash- ington, St alsSuaday Scliooi raised funds to susta.n a teticler in au indian zanena mission. Bora lu Bowmanviile, Mardi 15, 1878, te wifc o! W. fi. Hansen, engineer, a deugiter. W. M. Horsey's sale of tliore-bred Ayrshîres was, ennouueed, aise Tics, McKone's ferma steak sale on lot 15, con. 5, Dariingten, H. T.. Phillips, auctieneer. T. J. YMason advertised megneticen, and Rev. J. J Rico, S. Masen, Ties. J.ý Join's, Mrs. H, Stott, 11ev. S. J. Allia and others testified te Its lieellng agency. Marrled et lier fatier's residence, Bowmanvilie, Merci 20, 1878, by Rev. Wm. Jolliffe, W. Elwin Cronkhite, woollen manufacturer, Wyebridge, and Miss Ada G,, eldest daughter ef W. Williaems, Esq. Win. Goodwaln, a Pickering fanmer, was arrested by Chie! Constable, T. T. Colemnan, erraigned before Justices MeNeugihton and Tamblyn, Newcastle, and ccmrnitted te Cobourg for trial lu cannectien witi tic abduction cf the boys James and John Keiti refcrred te un lest weck's paper. Royal Oak Mînstrels' varicty enter- talument was a huge success. Special mention is made cf tie 'brase band plyn under Director W. S. Russell, einin by tic trouve, guitar playing bv Chas. Kelley, dog dancing by Tony Miîtchell, and comia acting o1 Mitchell and Tiompeon. Tic local hits were declarcd goed. Thos. Sierin, wrlting froni San Jose, Cal , says. "This la ne country for a, peeo sor nycue aisc, starvatiofi trtnethousauds, aitho its a lovely country te beliold. Hils and valîcys are covered witi grass or grain tan ince higli and gardons are full of fiewers, tracs are putting ou ticir green, almcnd tracs arc in bloom and oranges are ripe, but It le a, musemable c.ûuntry, there le ne work aud sca neyer saw se many peer begging for bread te ieep froni starviflg."' THE UNITED WORKMEN. BUINS BeŽssOP SOTva AŽNUAL GPAND LoDGE SSION-NE~w OrrîcaeR ELEOCTED. Tic 1908 affluai session o! thc Grand Lodge of tic Ancienit Order ei United WOrkmcnu was attcnded by about 500 [members from ail parts o! Ontario end a fluer 100'ting or more intelligent bodr' O! men rpeetu ail ir-dustrial. commer cial su d prefessional reaime activity wouid be liard te flud lu ar institutien. Past Grand Master WorL- mni A. A. Aird, representativeoft the -T 4 v. 1 rx . 1 ý:ý LUà&Lý 11111 10 hie far.ewell address, remarked on the excellent abilîtY shown in tUic cendiuct cf Grand Lodgï 7e usïness and e3xpreissed ies agreeable ý3surprise infindin1-g such a youthful appea rance -as lhie l:oeked into the 500 faces before hlm. No question but the members of the A. O. U. W. are tho pick cf the country. Hon. Geo. P, Graham, the ncw minis- ter of Railways and Canais, who is a Past Grand Master cf thie Grand Lodge, camne up from Ottawa for a dayv te attend the session. He received a most enthusiastic greetlng as lie enter. cd and responded with a happy speech, e congratated the representatives on their action in support of legisiation to extend the membership througieut the Province,.fils confidence in the Order is unabated and he wished il very great succes His Worship Mayor Oliver cf Tecronto was aise pieasiugiy surprlsed to s-je ttc composition cf thc Grand Lodgc. fHe was iutroduced by Past Grand Mlaster T. C. Irving, Manager of Bradstreets, lu a very funny eech that convulsed thc delegates with laughter. Mayor, Oiivcr's rcply was prectical and appre. ciative cf the goed work of the Socictv. Thc sessions were cxceedingly har- monicus tirouglieut.. Thc changes lu the Constitution were fewer than at any prvous annual session. The defeat of Gýrand Tru5tee Rilcy's motion for bien. niai sessions was overwheiming. Tie almost unanimotis vote te pay the $2000 poiicy cf W, Bird, Shenuonville, who died ihree heours after mailing is asesa- mente,' being 17 days euspeuded wae a magnanimous act, We have not the space te give a ful report but will publish a list of the new officers: Grand Master Work man, S. B. Morrie, J.P., Rodney, Past Grand Master Workman, C. ,Z CameroD, Iriquois, Grand Foreman, Major J. J., Craig, M. P, P , Fergus; Grand Overseer, Jas, McEwlng, Drayton; Grand Zecorder, M. D. Car der, Toronto, for 3 , th time by acclamation; Grand Treasurer, F. G, lnwood, Toronto; Grand Solicitor, A. F. G. Lawrcnce, Toronto; Grand Medi. cal Examiner, Dr. J, Milton Cotton, Toronto; Grand Guide, W., W. Burgess, Mimico; Repre-sentative te Canedian Nortli.west Grand -Lodge, Past Grand Master boel Gibson, P M., Ingersoll; Grand WVatcehman, T.,E. Bloedwortli, Toronto; Grand Outside Watchman, I. A. Kinselle, North Bay; Grand Trus- tees, T. Riey, Belleville, J. Leekie Wilson, Toronto, W. C. Mikel, K. C., Toronto; Grand Auditors, George Clay and C. G. Knott, Toronto; Executive Committee, klev. Canon AlIman, Bark' Falls, J. T. Allen, Mount Forest, R.. Ingram, Ottawa. Grand Master Morris appointed A. E. Whlnton, Toronto, and T. W. Car- others, St. Thomas, on ticExecutive. Past Grand Master J, B Nixon lu- stalied thc newly-elected officer sand the Grand Lodgc tien adjeurned. Feliowing are the District Deputy Grand Masters:-St. Clair, John Wat. son, Dresden; Erie, Geo. Willamson, Simcoe; London, Jas. Armitage, Lon- don; Brant, Geo. P. Burns, Ingersol; Hamilton, L. E. Merr. Jarvis; Niagara i W. D. Marshall, Pt. Robinson; Guelph, B. E Nelson, Guelphi; Huron, Herry Morris, Goderich; Bruce, R J. Atcheson, Clifford, -Dufferin, R B. Hen, Orange. ville; Peel, Jas. Jacicsou, Brampton-, Toronto, Wm. Irwn, Toronto; York, W, fil ark, Stouffville, Stmcoe, D. W. Wiliams,' Tottenliam; Ontario, W.,M, VanValkenba.g,' Whîtby- Durhaem J. J. Turner, Peterboro; ýulnte, Alex: Meore, Pleintield; Ktn-gston, R. W, Logmore, Camden East.-St. Lawrence, Hfi. Fa r% Brojekville; Stormont, W. Clark, Cardinal; OtaaE. F. Drakez, Ottawa; Lanark, P. C, ~crgr Almente; Georgiafi Ba.y. E, Flaxman, Huntsville; Superior, J. J Carrathersi Kenora ; Nipisslng Editor NTrmau Pheips, North Bay. I Th TuAn9 ~old abit, -Li -L miel, Viv' /4"%*n4 1 £ Il,