RICE &CO., !Iardware, Iron, Steel, Stoves, Furnaces, Tlnware and Homie Furnishings. Opposite Post Office. Phone 66. TH1E ROYAL BANK 0F CANADA. THE MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR IN THE INVESIMENT OF SAVINOS IS SEeURITY THE~ ROYAL BANK 0F CANADA Ineoiportated 1869 CAPITAL ....................$s 3,900,000 IRESBRVB.......... ......."'*'41390s000 TOTAL ASSETS................ 46,000,000- ; of $1.00 andi wards receivéd.ýl ROWMANVILLE, MÂY 20, 19C8 RSMKN MIbl Anoïd care Mrs. Norris Wilson, !IIII1I1!IIJ1IIIIIIUII DUR INSIDE PAGES. (corner Queen and Brown Streets) will dP1 dressma!.ing i-,her atRomeor by EvrLRY PAGýE THIS WEEK A LOCAL PAGE. the day SaRtsfa-%ction g U 4ra-ne e d.w Local aud otherwise. Pries reasonable. 21-8w ,- est En~Xd Iouse M1neters and Churches. w Salem nlews and school report, RETURN TICKLETS AT SING9LE FABE 6gl, Pew rsoal adhe Miwnies. On account of Victoria Day the GrandW Cefoimu Te itlNes. Trunk Railway Sr stem will i3suq returu Columan0vitorial Noteyes&. tickets at single fare betweeu ail sta. Bowmnvile nws 0 ~ers go. tions in Canada also to Detroit and 1,9ndou's Finest Park. Fond Suspensin ,Bidge. N.BlaYkgockd ,m- How dtd Mr. Devitù vote?'gangMaSuspesoridge.th N. 2Yth retur Ma pmaking-A Surveyor's L ife. gihul May 26r2th, an 1908.eur Wizlird of the E'Lst siatMy26h 98 Poem-A D3vonshire bine. *ÉO t t 23 d New Cure for Meniingitis Parties who haive been lu. the habit of ~ '"~'"" ~bIjjq Ontario Street, Bowmanvil'e. picklng or destro'iing floýwers lu this Carrent Topics town or stealing grapes pears or other Young Fob s-Little W ater People frisar eeb a ndtatsc Young Women and Cholorasis, offences will iu fature be punighed to Doai Ladies' Paraso Valuabie IHealth ilintsý the utmost limait of the law, In order ___________to encourage the cuitiration of flowers, Mr. T. Baker is receiving very grati~- etc. the Bowmanvllle Hlorticulturai » o la fying encouragemenit in his maiden Society will also pay 810 00 to any per- Poiia aretmholpargn tei clirn Macdonal d îutee andeCnsollatedll agis rsasigo nbdyspi cleand Gard.onvenson o da an rdwAà"%fi Mae rudF. Nwta fne reTed y fne22i 23. Pff eaer an tempstns orOtation togIlat U RH EAHop I7;BwavlERW$1'35, OwN.dj ar s l o o Hlwaersfrt, etc.,and wod of cain iA2 sTsees arao nviedthE u^o ntî o r O nLde'f tothe nlttieon ue m arlsamentrule atted. Lt wa be a rand edcationa latr, or he uthritesfl~din ta utnan al nvions tsou'd pln toos-so panbakfae n flsoperadlnt s ar e al ryigtng pardthicto. Fyurth aces entwhtewhitIenembodrd ndwiewt - utakenfro priatlgrden, hvesoci- ation,_--The_________faney spots, ail 4ifernt olor, kn g wa ed 1rewarhod r nfra.terion leng cacdonalssormeut Regulnr ric $1 .40 t to cnvitepiononlwr aleoyspi So dGrsdW IL ons H. 1o5n4 ay sle rie. ., 5endch hopeagornds.to cwisewii b fncen reT. edyJ 2ad2.PrPr ___________ Ttmpatontoplck He 8rs175; tsoto Bowmanville __1_____5,___Oshawa_____ ,floers fritetc, ad awor ofca ife1.5,TAstciatinfr e sons cedtLa is ar ol LtN.1 owmhevile onuesa Bau roumbhae ofattenda t earnanda teurainal a as l o gitrs wo ha wo suces, fame sud îalze in aheseileekly ates. esdes u os;tso 1h ak, ac le n a omeerandcplnfo rlie Threas ben t vetran irksenanucme fCnsso white, white embroidered, adwiewt okn fotatang cardcoenstihae In te aater sotr okpr n aestnsrieNv le e n ht i e$re wrfr nordid ion aleathir 20 00 00clora. sgulr pfrcen2.00o$2.5, $2 75, 4 'qime Î u bed or in tramping the eularprie treetst or convitinotheir sustae nr. We S W ln 0 2 living." only othe, bsyenandwomuficen F$a1,oris50, 7 4y asal price............_.8195'each.- of hewoldaethy hohav Thene iors e 27 sho 21 owavi towranss. an Wstuchae endued oh o rr tis 26 29 26 La A -the Lot arisen u anr tised rlgof eondmyAlR. C aram eron f 29 rt1 bing-uies ..L-Parasols LtNo. 2 a gilarge milavwn thcessgraeaan m en i lhoac½ 16 10chs. esd ta, cpntr fpoe. The sbeen N.heooetr 29 22 29 um3rofConsista ofwhte,,andwhite esis, nav mnen who ave l araed it hantham apteWuC ranooe k partand2mdelsen grieN ad r e il iti ancwhieoird 1hbtaind afte acquirinofa cmeîency, R sW.res.aThls9oe 6 stripeaksn white silk an a wher silar- wreembers ngdthA veaDothat ae go er ~ le 2200 2 sosai0rete0ebetq600yt b a the inEdd orio rtmpng t2 ste13 and these goods wiii2go0,as$2.50gul2r75ri4 admtthwat the wo ae a ae Ai. MoPrice272515 hardppet3a rfs rgd cn my ARelgk 23 l25$7Q18tLadies' 4Parssls Lot N$o. ca8 tnenbe he ometth dmnd fL. Jtchell 23 22 1 MUSTBN1SHTEBL. l'oa- -il 16iL10 West E'nd House. _ LJmnbrella ai tle ~OIt2rH ils alld NlVIen's Uibrollas ' in 4 days incy Parasols, (a set of huesamuples). the advantage or th e I'etand anvillé. Men's Umbrellas Lot No.6 26 only, men's umbrellas, god heaqvy twilled eovering., beavy ribbinig. A good a ssortment offancy wood haiies and a good size umbrella. Regular pricee S125 and $1.35 4 days sale price 90e euch. Men's Umbrellas Lot No., ' 20 only, men's umbrellas, good, heavy, twilled cloth, a good assortment of fancy handies of light and dark colored bone mounted witb nickel. Regaiar price, 82.00 and 81.75, 4 days sale priee $1.40 eaeh, Men's Umbrellas Lot Mû. 8 28 only, men's ir nbrellas, good, heavy sllk and wool Cover«;nl. A special assort- ment of haudies of ail kinis9 with 12 different kindsof moun'tinugs. Regalar price, $2 50 and 63.00, 4 dav, sale....... .............$8195