Boot and Shoe Sale ends the first week In J[JL'YY If you want Kool Footwear at Cool Prices, -for the hot weather, corne in and see us bef ore we close out. Further reductions inu ail unes from IIOW until enid of sale., CAREY Si110E CO., D. DAVIS' OLD STAND. Toronto. Ul ~ OMM M I 111111 I ii""' MI I. 1~ "'liii M 'Pi l'il:' I liii. r"'Jliii Il *1~ se" -IRE ROYAL BANK 0F CANADA. THE MOST IMPORTANT- FACTOR IN THE I-NVETMENT- 0F SAVINGS IS SEeURITY 1Ili ROYAL BANK 0F CANADA Ineorporated 1869 CAPITAL, ..................$ 3,900,000 RE5ERVE ..... ................ 4,390,000 TOTAL ASSETS.,.... .......... 46,000,000 Deposits of $ 1.00 and upwards recclved. F. J. Mitchell, Manager Bowmanville, Ont., Branot. !=IE~~~=~?UUuEEds___ ...rnium .aaau,...m.usoe,.,mmaa.., SUMMER FOOTWEAR -~ FOR ~ 8MEN ANDWOMEN.:e 0 Our stock is 110w complete in TANS, BLACK, 41t WHITE and RED and it will pay you to cmii and inspeet 4-our stock before buying. - * IniMisse 7and-Childrens- line-our- assertment is- Slarge and we feel confident we can suit you in Quality and i Price. We want your trade and are bound to get it if GOOD GOQUS at right prices will win it. Nuif sed. ýÏe - w«1% * Reid & Pearn, CLEÂNEST STOCK IN TOWN. * Opposite Balmoral'Hotel - Bowmanville, ýIWn w - V-l ý iWA 0F QOALITY. We cati your attention to'DEAL TEA again because Il Wewant son toknow that yen ~~ can procure the sane standard 1Of quallty as before the sharpO advance in teas «t the old ~ JUdgcs cf good tea tl continue to use HADDY'S lie ~We have itin two qualitics ý 25e and 40p per pond in n 4f~ Pound and hall pound pack ets 41j black, green or mixed, -(eroekerva Flresh arrivais (if croekery and china (Wect froni the potteries. 4 ~ 10peiýco clored Tojilet Sèts fo $2.00 up. 97 piece Dinner sets fo 8u.~~ scoc tc pat- terns a, reasonab'e prîcpS. Fi tok c f g rocre utra cg F1,aA, A YIY China Hall Groery. EXCURSION! WEDNESDAY, JULY 81b. Durham 0Old Boys anneunce anotheir of temr popular annuai excursion te Toronto and Niagara Falls, going via G T R to Toronto and froni there te Niagara Falis by lte nagnificent Steam- ers cf the Niagara Falî s Line. You eau sp eno. ota aays at the Falls or spend 2nd dav at Toronto as al tickets are good returning from Toronto on any reguIar train July 8th, or 9tb, a'so by spE cial train en arrivai cf steam- er at Tcronto about 8 3o p. mi., July 8th. Trains Fare to Fare to Leaves Toronto N. Falls & return & roturn Peterboro 5.05 a. M. $2. 05 $2.20 Mllbrook 5.F,5 a. m. $2,05 $2.£o Garden, Hill 5.55 a. m. $82,00 $2.20 Port Hope 6,15 a. m, Q,75 $2.15 Port Hope Jet. 6 25 a. M. Ql.75 $2.15 Newtonville 6.40 a. m. $160 $210 Neweastle 6.56 a, m. 81-30 82.00 Bowmanville 7 07 a. m. $1.20 8$L55 Darington 7,17 a, in. 81.15 $185 Oshawa Jet. 7.29 a. m. $1.10 $1.80 Whltby Jet. 7 38 a. m. $1,10 $1 70 Ohidren over 5 and under 12, bal tare, S eCal. train ileave3 foot of Yonge st., .]?ro.to8,30 pm. July 8.> The commitee are sparing no pains to make this the best excursion of the seaeon. Durhanm Old Boys'and their familles join the excursion as usual at Toronto. BOWMANVILLE. JUNE 17, 1908 Whiskey and the Wallet won Whltn3ey's Wonderful Wa'erlnoo ELECTION RETURNS. Ma. Ji. H, D EVITTrS MAJoRITY (ii. Mr. Thos H! pry, Returning Officer, opered thie ballot boxes Friday Julie l2th, and after counting the retÙrns cf. the different -puliing subdivisions de- cýareà Mr. Tohn Il enrv-Devitt the -Coni servative candidate for West Durham e&tc:ted'hy a mpjority of 64, The total vote poiled was 8114 There ware 26 ballots rejected. Bow- manville 3, Darlington 16, Cartwriizht ,2, Clarke 5 The Conservatives have elected 87' members,. Liberals, 18. Labor 1, thus giving the Conservati'es a mejority of 68 in the Assembly The following is a correct and coin.i- piete list of the votes poýlld lui the differ-i eut polling subdivisions in this riding: BOWMAu.VILLE:. 19(.8 19J4 Baker Devitt Rlck. Dev$t 1 We.t Wari 1 South, Waî 2 8, 1 Majonitv Tyronse Mapic ftGrovE Hainpton hnniskillen;, Courtice Enfield Majonity Blacksteck Devitt's Caesarea Neatieton Majorily East Ward West I Majorty Newtonvilc Brewn'aS.11,H Lockhantfa Kendal Orono north Leskard Meffatt' a Sta kvile Orono South Majritj Total V rd DARLIîNQTON. 122- 33 115 80 i; 68 87 s 74 36 79 8à 59 85 67 66 84 90 64 79 113 ES 102 632 377 625 255 207 CARTWRIGHT. 27 70 18 8 92 12 87 109, 41 31 68 28 103 389 99 286 NEwcAsTLp. 28 41 35 27 49 44 55 90 79 85 CLARKE, 68 48' 65 28 39 39 49 29 42 43 69 36 71 57 69 45 46 33 21 51 22 Md 50 34 66 62 72 424 441 412 y 27 [ajorlty .61 oites 1511 1575 TIRIP TO ROCRESTER, 48 64 849 41 37 68 .59 '73 59 418 80 93 115 72 860 261 40 42 82 8 55 78 56 51 54 59 481 69 131 Warden Fred Peake, Cainpbeiiford, treated inembers of Coùnnues' Councl officiaIs, and soins friends te an excur- sion on the nev ferry steamer, Ontario Ne 1. frein Cobourg te Genesce Docks, N.Y., lest Thursday viten upvards of a-hu!alred enîoyed a vers' deligtful trip, rcacbiug Rochester about 8.30 p mn and nelurning nexi day. Thc Ontario carnies 28 railvay cars ai oee ime and hea accommodation for 1000 passengers. Reeve Tole, M. A James, W J Bragg,~ Alex Wight, (Dcputy l eeve) and Reeýr MeLaugielin, Haydon, vene of the party. Ail seemed te great, enjoy the outlng. Editor James visited fricnds at Holley, N Y, and did net returu >tIli-Saturdbiy evenln-g.- SOLINA. Scbool cleses this week, aad Entrance examinations viii be teld bers- next weÉkà;F JGroat, lHampton, prealdiug. R J McKciackgces le Biackstock te prepide .. .. Franc Gerry. Toronto, is- vigiting bers.... W C Werry raiaed, bl new barn Tuesday titis veek. . .. W H G(,rrill, Newcastle, voted ai Enfieid for T Baker. He looks bale and heatv.N Mr Baker's neigtbors voted for hl altuosite a man .. .. Misa Effie Brooks is home frein BellovM1e for vacation,.. About sixty merâbers cf PsccFaxily met ai Mn H TInk's Friday alfernoon lus theiramily pienie. 'Ite da'y wag finq and ail enDjoxed the occasion i- menscly. Agood game cf babl vas played by thc Young rnen af er viticit tes vas servcd on lte Iawn., A photo was afuervards takený, A gaiue cf f3cotball was played in thc eveing. Frienda vene present frorn Winnipeg, P'ickcîring, Oshawa, Bwmniead i crn Ontario...t Vernon footbal teain plays a return match with Enfield Saturday evening. . .. A Hubbard an-d R Stacey are geing te Niagara with volunteers.. ,. Mr and Mra Wm Avery visited ir. Mariposa. ... Joseph Ashton wiPl1 succeed bigsfather in business here SBetter* resuits follow fram the use cf Miller's Compcund Iron Pilla than frem, any others. R. M. Mitchell & Ce. FINE STOCK HORSES. ton, bas procured frein Dr. T. H4. Hîassard, Millbrook the fil st class 8 vear old ChdeEdale stal1lon "Pride et Al.' H1e wiii stand for service, ai his own stable. Breedeira wanting something Ichoice cafl at m7q place-and -sëec iis- 'promlsing 3 eung Stallidon, JOHN J OLL, ni-tfHampton. B IARRY XILKS, JR (1004), The hand orne shÉow boYise and speed pro- Iaea roon stand at the Bennett Hlse, Bowmýan % lle, during the season "f 19-8 He la the sire cf Hart y Wilke 2.34, Hazel Wilks 2 81, Eva Wilks 1.26J. and Muriel Wllks 2 18j and la ~cknowledged to be the best sire of road nusure A.,A. GÀxsBsa. Fropietor 20-tt iaple Avenue Stock Fanm, Orono, Sabbath Sebool annlversary wili be held on Sunday j une9 28th and July laiý Sermons wiil be preached on Sundati bv Rev H T Lewis, (Oshawa. On Wed- nesday Jaly 1ist,,, ecs yl be cern- menced at 2 30 Prozram ronsisting of a cantatae eutitlcd 'The Festai Quecu". wiil be given by te a chool. Tea wiIi be served frein 4 o'clock,. iu the even- ing a grand conýcert vi!! be given by te followng ,talt, Misa Anthony, elocutionlat, Torono, âMisa, Phillips voclis, Wiy, ad hoir of 835 volces üuder the leadership of Mr A B Crvderman, musical director. Gaine of football lu the af ternoon. Sec large bis ..Dr M W Pascoc and vife, Ottumwa, Iowa, are at Thea Pascoe's Mrs (Rev) T H P Anderaon atteuued ber*sieter'a; wedding at Cobccouk.. Anniversary as usual Juine 28Sth and July is . .. . H Wilcox bas started the township grader this week. ... Mrs 3, B Cryderman visited ber daughtsrs ai Orono ... W Doidge la improvlng lu health ... Mrs C Horu, Miss Baiiey and Edgar Horu we nt te Port Perry Satur- day te attend the f unerai cf Richard Jeffery. .District Preaid eut J A 'Werry, Enniakillen, visited out League Frlday nigiti and g4ve a very good talk en "110w toeneoose a 111e work."1 His address was bighly appreciated by al 'ivho were present. Hope ha wlll corne again ...Mr Willis and Edna Hannain, Toronto, vîsited ai Mrs Han- nam's ... Bs sure and secs football gaine in town S1aittday ai 6 30 on lgh Sciteol gronunda between )abaw.a andI Bowmanville. COLDON TUF LUNGS-Mr8 John A. Wilson, Little Shîppegan, N B3,, writes. 1 cannat praise Dr. Chasels Syrup cf Linseed and Turpentine toe higitly for It cured miv eblidren o! severe colds on the-lungs and wben thcv had whooplu cougit gave il' sn relief froin bar7dp coughlng and soon cured tbem." This treatment la a positive cure for creup. FOOTBALL.9 \The second, gaine iu the MidlanT, Fotball League waa played in Oshawa aun1av aflernoon witb Bowmanville as1 their eppouenta. The first gaine ;1 pved lu Bovinanville was a draw, n tber aide scoring. As the winning te m in ibis section play lu the finals a ainsi tbe wlnners lu tbe Peterboro dSIstrict both teains bad put lu some yard practicea and, strengthened iter onces sînce the last gaine. In thc first hall play vas about aven both teema rushing lte bail on geai but the abois, sithen vent wide or were warded out by the backs. Neither sida were able le score The second half vas a repi- tien of lthe flst and ai f ui une the ,ocoreatQod-0-0.Bevanilfr-rd 'laved a better cambinatien titan their opponents'but vers checked tee close te score Il wr.uld b- tard to pick out the besi plasers ou the Bovmanville teain as ail plaNed gond fast baill Dr. J. C. Dcviii cf Bovinanville acted,;as neferce and as aresuitmrade, the boys euit mit :ougrh verk. and play a cleanx gaine. i ector la oeeof tbe beat axulhonities on association football in Eastern OîÀlario' and alwaya rives gond satisfaction whnen he bandîsttc whlstle. As the teains areslî a tle anotter gaine wîilbu .plaved la Bovinanville on thc Higli Sciteol grounids Saturdav June 201h ai 6 9'clocle Tis gamne vii be, pia3 cd tle a lflnih Beoinanville 11usd Up as foliows Geai G Jarms,(Cap:); backs, .i%-Br-own, C liiibthm ail bacits, Moore, PWetasPGibt; M ý Bradly, CMs:on. A Ul ,ioarwz.AWJSBmfh Val Laces and Insertions to match from 5c a yd up to 25e. Torchon Laces and insertions to match from 4e-a yd Up to 15c. Embroideries and Insertons. Finest stock of Swiss and Nainscok broideries and insertions in towh. Em-~ I eGood ýern McMURTRY'3 ~ MAPLE GROVE. fDflffllttfIN1 Sunday school .anniversary will bel beld as foilows: On Sunday June 21 sermnons will be preached at 2.30 and 7 Where the ibv Ebenezer Quartet iu the evening On >~ 1R R ' ILI Monday at 2 p. in a progrn incf singing ___________ _Corne Frg recitations, drills- etc , will be given by the chiidren- and addresses by Revs. Bell, Butler and others. T7ea served frOmi4 O'clack., la the eveninga&lecture wîll be given by Rev. A M Irwi.n, B. A,~ -NcwcastIen a ~T 'p LO» aronia,D1 0 IH- - Adlutatead ectur25ve 3sc,;Ach5idrn C i ~ ~ E " Adilsrtead ltur 35c;ews Amisn: tea enly 25c; chlldretl 15c; lecture only i5c; cblîdren ioc. A FULL RANGE I? istr.Beni Powebll, Oshawa, at G O m e W ah G o s Gibson'E; Mr and Mrs H L Pasecos, rium m r W s o d . Taunton, at R Pascoe's; L Niddery. ______________________ - Halmpton, and John Niddery, Mount Forest ' with relatives; Mrs Wmn Hum- gp- Muslins cf ail kindsata 12jc to SOC. page and Helen, Cleveand, at W gp>... Ginighame, ail patteras at 12Îe a yd. bu Griffin'b; C McCulloch has rcturned 10tDlietealptenaa 4 d St Thom as; Jam es Be kel, N orland ,, _____ Cham br ys, plaintcolor at 1 e a yd . i bas erected a new windmlll and la put Linens in plain colora at 20e a yd, r tlng' in water works . .. John MeCulloch lest a very valuable mare andôvcot.. î.. D Miss Lucy Campbell is vlsiting lLaWsts 1an-',dInsertions.ILUf Dr Corset Covers in ail sizes from 32 to 42 in îst measure from 23e ecaUp to $1.75 eaeh. 1Ladies' Underskirts, lace and'embroidery rimmed, with dust fr111 from 69e to $3,50. Ladies' Qowns and Drawers at ail prices, )rawers from 23e a pair up and Go wns from 9c and up.'ies' Long G loves, Long Gioves in lace 18 in. iength at- 35eýK a pair.. S Long Gloves in lisiea and ace lisie at 5Ce a pair. Long Gioves very fine lisie thread at 75o a pair.- Long Gioves in sllk, a]) shades at $1,00o and $1,25, a pair. I .Y~ ~~u@ -1 ~ -I - t do>-- Stripe Voiles in paele blue, mrain,1 Sand dark bIne at $1.00 a yd. Ctueck Vol light anti dark blues and browns ai $1. Syd. Silk and weol goods with satin a gp.- in cream. paie bliie, paie green and dark 90.- ai $1,00 a, yd, Nun's veiling, voiles, meres, Brillihcloths and atI other w7ea'i SpourIIeP ricea. «- Lawns and Persian SLawns. mo- Persian Lawns from 15e a yd teD w-Lawns in heavy .%qua1ity I2Ie a yd te SIndil Linens from 15e a yd to 35e, M l Bring Us Y our Pro LAWN >MOWERS. The old rellable la on deck agaîn and would solicit your patronage as in the past. I will guarantee to sharpen and repair your :lower to give thorougli satisfaction. I have the latest improv- ed Ideal (irinder coupled with a very large experience, you can dépend on a good job done. Abo ail edge, tools grôund such as knivea, scissors, etc. savus sharpemed, and aigenelmea lone witb neatness aud J.i ength. rhanking you aIl for past patronage. The West Enâ4Smithy King St., Bow. lo WM. H. WILLIAMS. Jue. Jwly and Angust Ieads 4< intoounr FaU Ter'm wnhonkanmy * S break. Ent-er any time New ctalogue free, Write for it to- Toot.Tite laget ost re- 4< li ab! e of it8s ktnd. yonge & Gerrtard SsToronito and othýers dwln g ;Ily alic Angnist, T0O1OrO, ONT. liemins penthrong9hout the sommer zand maDy students enter aittis trne. We have a' e roater atedaceiisyear $tan ever before, Graduetes readily secuje ernploymnent,Wrt to-d'ay for han'ldsom6e catalogule. It pays to at tend lte b5st. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Cor, Yorge and Aler-ander Sts, black iles in L.00 a stripe blue cash- 'es at, 40c. 25c. juuue uuiI.J .J rWear. Ladirz' Suimmer short S!o(-' -at 10e, and 50e e k*,. Ladies' Drawers Mne at 25c a pair. Ladies' H Ladies,' lisie and Hose 15e, 20e and5 with lace front 25e a fronts 40e and 50e a from 15e a pairup to Stockings 25e. y&Co duce. Bo r VICIK ES .& OaLBRAITR. Bat risters. Solicitors Notarles Publie WILLIAM W VICERS D, G-. M. GALBRAITH. 1-(formerly of, Boii manvîlle) 77 Y.,k St,, Toronto. The practice formerly earrled on by Mr. Galbraith iii Bownanville will be coniinued by the & firm. Mr. Galbra'th wiii be ln Bow Inanvilie every Saturday and alun durlng the week If required. 22-t f LJ ONORARY GRADUATE 0F Ontario Veterlnary Coliege. Office in rear of Mr. Wiliams, furniture store, Calis answered day or rilght. Phone 58. 10-1 y Sy~. of Canadian Northi-West. Ifomesteail Regulations. A Yeven numboeed section cf Dom.ý Ino Luala Manitoba, Saskatchewan aud Abert, exepîig 5 nd 2 , lreserved, aybe tutnesteaded by any per'san who te lte soet f a ratmtly, or aDy maie aver81 yeasotagtatit etent of une-quarztr sec. htou 011260 atcres, more or les,, Aticatiol for tentry must be maïe tla pr sos bY the applijant at a Dominia,, Landa111 Aency or Snb-agency for tite diîtrict la wii, i th 1 dàsle iute. Eniry byproxy may e!Oyever, b'e imad!e aiany Agency Lon certainv 1co1citiLoue by lite fater, motter, son, daugitter. 1rolher or sisEter o' an lnteadtng oesad. Dlnilrle-(I) At leasi six mongthii' esidençeý UPon andcu .-iltivation outhliîd in eaieb ,year for tLhre-e years. (9) A 1itcesteader may- if lie g-o d piepr teurnithe requ:rel residene dattes 1)y livin1g eni farmling land owned soleiy by Limn, aot,>es titaLn eiýtty (80) acres lb extent, la t1ha vlclnit.y C;t lshoniestead. joInit owTinrshi l ad ~Il flot Meert tiis requil-eileut. [sAhomlesteader inteniiug to0 preferin bts resdeceduiesi ecae with tble aitove4 wbl iigwitb aet or ou fairmtnglL lalrd uwnIed itv Iiirmse lf t-fuet nutly the Agen t for theie dititu nbIntention, W. WV. CCORéAý, Peputy aoflte iNziier cLite Taterior. N. B Unatiîrlze.plic4,ýtîou e1t tisa- vertisemenit nil lot Le patd for, 21-6mno cVests, with, witheut or 11I l2je, 15e, 20e, 25e, 35en2= as in ail sizes, a splendid d cotton Ilese, plain Coon, 25e a pair, cetton Hase a pair, hasle Hose with lace 9pair, aill hades of tans to 50c; aise pale bUne lace___ Limited, , )wmanville. ésié é666,i uAaIa ~a r~u w-r~ WLAI1AbLL~ E 'I M LII IL Shoe Store Supplies. We carry the la test and n4ttiest crations of fashionable foot Wear right down the whole calendar of shoedoni ladies, gents, and child- ren Wear. We make a point cf haý.Ing._ everything ln travelling goods, trunks,' suit cases, etc , the most -esr1ie kintis an2d clora from the cheapest thtsgood to the best thtsmade. Ùa soek is large, our prîceýs are rlght and satisfaction la guaran. teed. We are alter y-our trad.e. UeBerrv 's celebra- ted Diamond Pouaýih 10 a box. Semple box free Fred R. Foley, p,P 'h OPStor, Bwmnii I~.. w E - - I - N EVEKY DEPT. Ladies' Whiteweai'. IT ýýth VU-d 62 60 6R .1ý a i bu bO -btý- k- n-ý . -1 ý 1 Ir - -12 - -) 'Ir'Ir- - _.%, 1! £il WiDiD %-IUVUÎ50 'il