UROP NOTQUITE SO HIEÂVI Conitinsat the End of July Areco t'O ERosy. A dsptchfrm IVnnipeg pays:0 abse muent wiu! bcecut on and abou-,t Crc cndiios t the end of Jl uut10, tee ilnc e emc ar rhap notquite se rosy as general cuting untsticthe wek o1 f many expKeted themL to le. lu spite August 15 to 20, which is Il the cf ail the rain that feI in June, vay frorn a meek tu ten days atr, Land wich made mcany ppe worry! than eihe the year 1900 or 1105. for fear that the ountry won get- Taibg therontry from end to end, t]ing t('oomtuch, there is a very gen-! oeecodtosarededdl eral cop rit fwan lt ofi, anldj better for rcapin, wtotaae this bas umnobtdly Issend the air average crop, se far as yild is average ieldte what percentage concerned, and miuch more than an-_ Orly the thrashill:ýng achin-es can average crop for quality. tei. Carefiil reading cf the re An averagoe crcpmo the acreage Ports shows that whiîe tie harves no i ,leansat east very censid- wxill 1he muc erlier than at crura:yovra hudrdillionbu- it will net be a -veýry early harve, eLs, heuh hw ch oei S for aithoýUgh on ligdt land conider diffllcult te saty. 14'++++++++++++-*- +++*-'e++ 1~ + + ~ About the Far ~ + + 4. + -4 G-'AILIC FLAVOR, IN MIlLK. Prof),. J. C. -Kendal an American dair authority, As been making ant invertiation cf tie garlie odor in mikau ream. Cwswhen tuma- ed eut te pasture in the spring, cat jhe tender ycuing spro uts Aet is plant ith eisand the resuit is mcst disatroust'the mîlk and but- ter sup ply. The edi-or is ulsly s- sOciated ihthbuterfawhile. bitter and other fiavers, are mnost prononcedin the milk seru-m. lRe- mýoviutg the skýim milk dees net therefieacmpb the beneficial efeet that might be expected. Pro. endîlhas made a cleosej study cfr the influence cf the weed upon thËle flaver of milk and butteýr, and 1has tried different methods cf ridding m -iIlk and cream, cf the fiavor.Whîlefti lavor eau be got rId Ofte a certain espt, y pas- are ntsfiinl fetv emk butenade from milk vith garlie In an heour or .-,rwo atrteanimal bas cat1enl garlicit,à is noticeablMe in the milk. Lu a sho(rt t,;ime thle entire system 11is pretdb'y thepngt ordr. t viii daimage ,thesaef th;e car-ca"ss of aqnimals slaughtUere, hieon psueinfested 1by garlie. Th2e (ouly effetivewa found te Overcome the effecs cf thus odor was te turn u te ows on the pasture for net mor than two heurs immediate- [y atter mîk!ig, an keeps He', %roroacces te garcie until fje fol- 1Qeiug m-ilkiug. Prof. Kendal foeun-d ne trouble froým it by follow- ing this plan. For Six M h They Suiffered Tor- tres- Patches of HuImr.or Beca me Raw- Cou Id HardI YS eep- med- ical Treatment Did No Goâd but WOS ET'S 0F'r-C UT u IR A CURED THEM IN TEN DAYS Semae folloir the plan cf keeping CONSLýoir u f the jpasýtuïr infcted witb gale for a couple oflboums be- fojre iilkin-,g. Bu,ýt this iras on net te b efectve.The clyeffec- tive planl is te se,,c te it thiat thecos b'ave thoir feed contaiuinlg garlie bo- fore ay osieabeamount cf1 éik bas been elaborated. The ýsaife, plan Lvt his and other foods that flaver, the m.ilk, snobi as tulrnips, is net teo feed tbcim at aIl1,te milch cirws. lu thie fhof the yealr many dairy sections in C'anada are tronbheý d ib tnrip fla ïvor iinmiik. Wliethis fia-ver maye gtrid of bfedgtunips immediately a7 ,f- tem milking it is neerasafepropo- siin te advocate it. The patrnm is sure te tkotdranta-go cf it, and feed-' tunips whn.he sbuld net do14 se. Theme are, othier foýods for milcb, ceivs just as god and cbiea1p t do net flavor the mik. Tlien wbvy feed anytbliiig tat xviii endaugýer the oult f the produet ? FARM vlNOTES. TLh e early gqrtin im-iply piomed tlie grçuud and gatbered the crops. Wo must mana'ige v ery differ- ently- to-day. We have been selling from the farm eeensoffetiy vwhihel emust retumin soe ay_ te the sou. It - s pretty gneall nde-rstood at tepresentay that the fedciiig af alnmis is most ecoomicaIly pe--1 fomdby t!he use cf a ration in whib te eemetsof, nutritie-n bear a definiite ratio te aclioter. Thie present state cf agricuturai science would see (teindicate 1that planlts( tocoui be fdby properiy pro- portioned aions r in sncb -a man- uer as awil!secue a healtby and con- tinus devciopment cf tae plant until it fulflis the end ofditsexist- If ieeds are t e Skpt at bay the portions cf the f'ammr once elea,-ned must ho kept dlean. Unles tHis is donc it is quite imapossible te deIan a f arma at ail. -lI order te deotUns effective-ly every f armi must be gene eazer once or twick e ar ihspud in baud. Wbiotbem thýis vmork shall be donc e or-i-%iuc mil eendfimst, on the namture cf the wc(eds foundc growing; second, on the kids cof crop grownu in Certain cds and tiiird, on thne exteut c f thec au- procss poves Whee itis prac- imposiblefor a f arm oncrlean te get foni again, wbcn Mte or-dinalry process oicf cutivaition receives qdue attention. Every form cn f weed life is thus npe in the bnd, and se ne-vr gets a footing. Change of hf . M11-. Le titLia Blair, Cannift writes to i.'ikim 1I was sick for five yas tor told nmýe itwa ulceration, other tod me it was a firoi and aV&ýised anl Qperatien. knews wh-nt I suffiered, and tQ ing dJowni pains wvere teýrrible. " 1 wrote te my sýister-about il adIvised me te ta>e LydiaEn Pi: egetable Compolind. -"it haq(-i cn d iaile of ail my t- and t did net have te have ti tien after ail. The compoui helped me taO pasas afely1 Chnge of Lite. FACTS FOR ýSICIKW50 F'or thirty, years Lydia E ham's Vegetable Compounc frûem roots an1 d herbs, lias b( stanldard remedcy for fei andhiiaspoi eycrdthious womnen who have bleen trouibi diispia(,cments, ifamto tieni, fibroidtmos reu Periodic pa-inis, bc a ,tha ing-dlow felingflatuen i tion,dizziness,,or rnervotis pros Why don't y0ou try it?" Mr.Pinkham inivites i w ente write lier fer >-hm lasguid-edI tIousa' hah.Ailres,LyxnI ready for an earlIymaet generaly the best. (iommen ing gradua]ly and in a shoi they m iay hxeail tbey xv illi THE EAITRI '. EiNO0GmE-% (By a Banker.) IL hecarlier epmlehdfit the ampect of tuis Carth cf ec- ubtutecontinued and chne.Lu that remnot( ele away down the dum Sistaocf til withou)It form 1anld vo-id, itis p ini thle hac (esfdarkue(ss te tue- decnsýe Pmts anid as 'pers risiuig f romi its sri surac. Tenduring 0 thelon telcwngitgraduaiy cos aud thowodruspr-inciple- appears; at lirst cfan ext lexviy type, then as the eaï camle imorle ïand mre c,( apale portinig it, sbeqetcrý graduallly avuigtc high, more- perfet typesýj. Then, t land benaisýed Up from t] ters, vegetation appears; the order havîing appareutly bei common horsetail, still te be ahuudantly i i many m jarshyý throughot the worid. Aftr mrelong aon, oi ficeuit flo-werless trees cof ma reisgrew in the ' warml atmIospbere -in luxuriant pro pxieles felwhich is new neestof civilizaton. A time ths pevi of the reign g(tation ome's te an iend, hemdand euglphed br tremen('douIs cataclysm; w%7,hil( c,tbug after the lapse eraic vicient changes, Cai& perid when the eaah cas run wt stupeudous ýýliving tuIres. iuhty beaýssthe lar, "'Last Fobuary mny sistor broke eut rbc,-th ti)îitosauriis 'with a humer which gradL(ually 7sp-read LIVE STOCK NOTES. nary(,(!'drfot-ixlon toi the rest of tho famiiy, 1Ibingthe meatîI ýa actin]n& te taise it. If aifee itself iu Weak legs in pigs sho litat the thIimtyfeetligil. _A imonsbýý i-thsvarying frcmi theý size cf a pea bone-making material in their diet it'Is," euold roquire atlmoist ti t,) that cf a silver dollar, Th( joints cf lioIoil Uo-fJ a Our Iiýmhs meme mst affectetýi heis iacking andi that they nood te b haTh putien cf a -l lge foral pý r'ts ire the eSkin -astender accun giron a chance te get eut on teninthehe au inbt a bocaine-ram and irritatedaud me re greund. -a sxvarmme- rt1 ggn able te sieep but ultile because the itch- n-etnqm e'v httesasr ing getse bad at nighit. My sister con- I etig 9a heu hate in th,, seaso,sm boivetht1h sn e sulted a physician but hociras ulnable te irben tbe weatber is waýlrm, it is irol a survival cf tbat period- name the disease and the troatment ho cuibeýr tea make tho e t on tbe c? them eqîually at home h< prescrîbed did ne geod at ail. As the',]nadinteoa. warm mweather came on me more ter.. greunidor te put a so1d ix the bot- lAn i noner the la tured morse thau ever, the irrîtated tom cf it, so that tur may ho seme Adteonemrtei parts eausing uste scratch until theydg cIý f cooiness and meistume aoxvsge, quth e l finai wold bieed. In August, iben it iras llng gsthsel oinai at its xvrst, my sîster iras giron a Sheep need locking alter every nîyrid fmute marinec cake cf Cuticura Scap. This she tried day ueariy, but tCey do not bave te - i as cf m h bttr- and it afforded se mncrh relief that omlkdMc dy1iecor;îm fiigt1tebto bogtthe cmlt ramncon- b ale wc.aIalk os:I,,,,-dfrigtecai e, eistiu.g cf Cuti(ua opCuticura Oit. ete d aeto Lho drin s n d fomm - in the ca d meut, andti Cticura ijýThis ireite the blamu tey vbcrtbtoî ucriri use.-I a;ccord!;ingteietions niie- hmvrt echangect rf m u bioocs dsaperin i tn dye Afchngs, hesorukgecftb trubedsiCeati lireal thlink that if it ldanet heenfor theCtcrleeîby r nytemhigteflorat ogsuraelcifsa dicuieiolihv been sfoigyet, hedish on bei1ngCaietï-,gde hih e aiI t i <3eog«W.]irwn, 18S Linden t, i ~~ producis cf the~î"!( farmi, gardon at rmmnu raei u CuedbyCuIra. e piuay morane ,Eer, e uenet sfe frmtis theiln shn sl eeand the frighnl ors eec hsec oompiiGoi y feiu isefa eciu , asin pse.riasis; the ices 0f i ïr --I"I llp ani1 crustig c clas insFealled ha mwn err htfte edh tttHmcfbr h 'viius e ueesfnlycee itthhem. pretemabile. (reeti tea stanldard Hiun als terRdee.And aud Cuicr HFlIS Iae ;11cb1 et a UU de i1 i:1t ll uoprern 1 esim2Viscfremiarkale igs 'l Ixla c un he hey v iii ha rtiepton A &'ni selftenre, . Sel iireehoct t5~t 0 e e ke tlceO la 1?aIz ; AutraI!a. R Sde;1!. ToC, &1o. ( Lllcponns. rî you te eil une - is ,son t oi Ti ,A., Potter DLru i ihem rp., PSolep 1 dn' vatwnl a Miss Minnie Baskerville î-,homijl r) visit, Mrs. MLeanPort 1Hope, vst Thb- Misses Lauýllgbvisitedi in the -A fine baby boy was boru t -Donald and(1Mrs. cLonouSun- Mm. and Mrs.Fulier, Counect eut;'T. S.,visied bis cousin, rs. Steve Peurrn. m efeetlqers, au appse iman, ha: 1 y reult d he Thunas bosin ètbo snuthMnard. Dm;. J. WtoTorntio, is vis- iting is gamoter, and ant gOtabiOlvîsîting bMrs.Barmen at tie Wil !us and lws. agh the Mrs, m ayoToronto.-s on, Ont., vsiit r.Ges' Contracter all built agodr ri uce donc111ig, sbedl audl hay loft adjoiirnng bis and an'.1 stabl 1e. 1 turner, Mm.CarnetHll cof the Traderls Nuon eue ank has gene te Chiago, lu1. Le bear- C. MceCoy and wif e, Teronto and she visited bissistelMs. son. Itou- inkham's ua, aldothefcr fins Mrs. rossn, 1M, Ashdwn(ý e epera- in.g ibis sîster, Mrs. C. S-tiggr'h-s. nd aiLse H1arry PDudley b!as dsosdof throuh soe 35 tons cf hay. New 6500 pound safes bhave beer jMN ipaced in the Standard Bank herc, ,,,nkian at Newýýtonville. ca ad rs. Butier in gettig alog fuar- enthe 1y well ,ith ber brokýei nlm. ale '0 r.Scelbcy kîudly douated stmaw- sandsof 1bernies for the Epwertb Leagu(2 Iedwith &Sa. , uloerm- A Waldon is home frein Atlantaý larities,ý and is a guiest cf Dr. A. Famn-icembl, at bear- Mrs% NorunnPiekard and sistr iig-and b"r twre children c f Port A ,trtin. hu,,and Carl Pikard, Peterbor- ai S-oegh, are isiting M.W.Pc advice ard, eaver street. nds ~ il te Ms.H enuings, Toronto,vus- Kars. ited hem daugbter, M'rsu oodal acomanedby Mmi. and Mrs' t bm11ev. A. M. Ini and f amiiy- are asti gtingte tbe iNorth West onbi ce feed- holidalys te isit hi- pareutS, St time .AJ.Lear, ios svstn i eat. %um Perrî,sr MisEthel Rattenhury bas mc- Mm. W. Paul cf1McLaughlinAr- n1age W'Iorks, Oshwa, i vistini rve. Hle is cuepaigani0 hîitory m-li'itnp te ýPhiladleiphjia, on hi irs mas 1bicyce.-n uýý ÏI -vi olent E. Gibsn moebat aloo iod' far. onte0ý, and *ife andCIftainilya r lie pastLldyu ibbsfahr r )ugd Allun Bosbave oe 10tons cI cwin No1 ba înwed away i i bnsand bvo0are tl ut 9 accus Mm. Gearry and Miss owe, dcwn, ugb,[tem cf e-ae oveauid cf Lifester te s. Nw.Argaîl, New- ~reeIycasleiree nited in the hoiy rtho b e- bond s cfwedlock 1hy 11ev-. A. M. of sup-.Iw1, B.A1,1,B!D., at the parson- catio)ns age, Jul'y 200h. cmr and Couty ro-wn Attomney lbeld a Wb dry Court of EnuýîrY here in bebaîf cf ,e wa- rs. Wm. Tay'lo-r, te asceQrtain il firt i s isthe laývifulohir te an estt en the valued at $7,000, lft ylhem uncle, foud te lte m, eKeunziecf ÀGuel-pb. a cesd h l mes the CAUjSE 01 LSJM 1n v- pideliiOIflczx GipCalarrhal fusion, A rkcd lýInceaS atoiibc iuîg the bethnM ogir snuai nmay' sncb -ia c'!aî ii(s l o x i ny ae Iau âJter a llat at e s vtjtefrt tal cfve- Clil h euPemne ots over-BonCtSHusOisSrThat nle the svr.secyrle vi on un-n over casesaaiida pristent useetHyouiei crea - viiicure. th andIl (l o iiniltuegem l u ir, hie Pc - psaeSxihdy uiaiufo i meA , in atEucaiytes fouesi a snb- PURE Floua EXHiiTS. m b-nade byaCanadian firmsat the Cen- aein tbal CaLnaýdaFaim, ttwxiii bec eeof tCe prtiost aied mostat-1 trativ dsplysat the aim--. Therc fahrplay's unthe exhbitand 0dc 1oi ii rolgtnre being isaldte il- IL.-CHOat it in the evenings. [CONDNSE iwS ITENISI IPPENG S P ROMcfLOVE C'ANIADA. Lord iRobeérts -,,il! go as fWrmest townsi, u a cusin cf Lord IRoberts. cru thebsidewailk. Al. FH.Prid'y 'saretdat"Win- nupegtom rombbng the mals, lHe Noms)00iss uf debnurieste r chasîe an ozonefLîtuatIiiu piuit. Hamilto BoardofHeth at mîlk daest lc their namnes U bottîcai, adb epnî o tlecotns Isaýac Scit'gli"ano, theIaha, ru cd at antStecMai or the ur dem of a fio-cut mmn as ar- rest-'edinMcia adbout back. NIýovata Îis ending the P- rinx eesof Wlsa mink oatxv"l ur tIiriIngs anid wàtfutos f2 karat geM wortb abut 8,00 Brockvilà b e wased an oid n uamned KenvîHe unilPbe pikd up a atoneand struk Georesc baey i the face, ntlîctng an injury that mii 5sfigure him for 'f e. porteý_d te be in a ve ry 'grlave condi- A Britishboard ii uui'cino t:1e metlods c osr ving imeat . Mm. Lloyd-GeorgeblamebSehoex- pen'dituire oun mmetfor Gm - nuanyý's distrust c)f Brîtain. Thrýee bundred Bit'isb mewmbersý cf Pa"iam'uetit aepegdte thee- mrloftecate embargo. The dlgtsatnigteUi versai ec Cngeji.Lndon pohîiî a 'simend at the isolation(cfi Germany. To pret ont frbrfrictýinit LodCharles BrsfxSir 1ercyý - Scott bai;s beý_en apontd ea neir command. UNITED STA'TES. Nortb Drako'ta is tieeo anu- iment te Theod4ore Rooseveit. A negro CIbaýrged w\itb! assaltiing a irit ieanirsbn ned at the stak hy1 m inluthje public sqýuare tGreenv-iIle, Texa2s, GENERAL. TujrkiýihMoslemns are noirsrog lypro British. W.V K. Vauiderbilt's stepso'ýn iras kiied lu a motbor car accident in France. A -A Cinese vesse'l fonnderedl in a typhoon nea'!"r Clanton and 300 per- sons wree dromned. Geuu Vo de Gotzof the Gem- mnan aiîmy. , xvii reorganîze the Tnrk- Clak Knneythe 1J½glishm-an vho iras captui'ed by lMorsh i- gans, bas becu rohoased. Wlith Live WMrv. A despatch fromi Quehec says: 'Whiie insta1iling a mnotor un aco- Mmi. fPercy Dan11iels rceiýve'd'a shock from 'a live "ie s a roesuit cf xb ho died an Iboum inter. 'Dec -CI iras irel kuciru in Toro(nto, 111irber some ye 's]go howoe edfor the rectov r cf te PBank cf Mon_ýtrei, an of ago, and unnmnied. FoÇr Infiants aud Cidrn The Kind YouïMHave lasBuh Bears the Signature (cf L a ~ 7 INOVASCOTA'S CROPIS. es Lnaes Large Averae n A' ý dosptc mc Halifax says Thea Nova Sco 'tia ovmnon Sumepr cpeort basbecumssu end Comared xibhe veag ifnt siMYdn costi season,ue sm mah fuis.9C.i I ~!Headn off 0a k Gas is liable ta puff out --7o the fronit dooir of any fura4 unprvided for gasi e s capcc. "Sahie urnace han iu t om atlcGa,-, mnp er directly colnJectedi Éth smokepipe.Gas pessure sasdamper sfiinl for it toesczpe up ch1imn1ey ' sec lusrtinbut heat does-n't e'scape-. 'What dues Sr Me Gas D)ampe:r mean t furýnace parts ag-,ainC t evf - effects of gas., Wh a', doos "surshinb" Gas Daniper ieatet Means furnaace canit'a opertd totfear as te "puflg" as; frncecan be Ieft, wjthout ioubt as to Wha dos "unsin" Gs Dmpe man to "Suo1shîne" coai ac -cluili Itmens ist.dofowner with "ord(inari!y furnlace" 'Ir having te 0keeC ~hek-daf inefnitlyclosed ito,"let off, gas-h& tees totld pp.rts of ha-nryt e at ofgapanup chrney-rat aiu wi afl s4iety bc pened, and ceal saved foi- anlo-the aysdu S,- J. Vil~z LA aD t:ICHDIS PPk0, ïk'îCotonRoo Conpo -VAST AES CVRD BY OCEA"IN NC RYLND. Are Very SIoly Boughit The recent dsoeythýat a group miles soutb cf bNwZoaiand wire oncepar afa gro'at coniný'Iental mass xten iin allpobbiity te A-ntarotica ,anild South mmia wbicb finiaihJy sn eet ca attention to e hef a t ha thre are vast areas now covered by3thoc ea xývhich more onice drffhaudThe pro)- It inoveiecao l s rsudden'I catasroph oxemheinuiu ailani- mll a=I t'getabhe IHifebut tLe xork iront on century afteî' century tuh great surfaces more a part cf the cea Clor. Events often occur tMa recahi snob.c ic -issi tuiid e s. Netlong afte-r Chiie's beautiful port of Valparaiso, A us161906G, the noirýs camie that the island c)fMa a Tierra, on xvhich AeadrSehkirk iras caaiay for ifive years, bis ubapyfatesuget ing te Defo)e 110 thestryof Robinson C 1so l ad(71sunik ;beln1eath 1the wavo-S. Th'e story iras icret bnt'L it chhdagain te mdn'th fiact tbat aebe!ieed teovethtthe Juan Femupandez-grup, te nbic this ishaudbeiongs, was formerhy A PART 0F SOUTEI AMERICA. Landi once rose ab)oie thleide mastec, -f waters that nir opart the(, island(s from lthlemanad Amnon hemay <ro f fthis 1may tCheth at have been eenon the isiands icrsince they irere first [visited. It is not very uncommon for v-ol- eanic ishauda, after tbey bavýebe tbrust above the surface te i;s'ýap- pear again. The isiand rakto irs litemaiiy bhcwnin ito the alir by- gustt, 1883, anid te ratis ta mesniuted, over 100 foo bigÈbh, sxrept ovrthe ncrtbemn coast(cfJa, d-rowniuiig 36,000pope Falcon Island lcam intoviow ibove the Pcfc orytxventy yoams ago, sank ag Il, botto:n years and once moe as cuciito view. A part cf Bogasior\ on tehe Aiaskau coast disappoared aftem a feir years and other land bas reont- ly 'isen in thosun eîhorcd Fau i the a ili190,lnr thle Boum)îIsiand, aiei it cIýLf ian-d the nm fNsiu etui~a quisitic.Tt ilasshipped fo hir grs, oree, o tefohmvn cf itbas oir isapeare. thel Moldtraeni 81 a a ilar b. Vistoryý, itb he ddtioIc Scldby ail dýo-t.rg sor. seO Wn ne Tisdalon eto thîe. their-vs Lseabv thebcibnd the Decber. t frthghswp Ame ocaiihand is smetimesAb a pces bg y grat rmhomiedur tanee T hpeed r ov;(,Lï,ý te the anat ïoi in tho arsasgrnpi 190, iren t opeete oqin the eWpayeslabtforty f cebt hgbswp over tue hae asn uspkofnd,.e lauring everpOUarcle cp f erure andevey orm aclif itote a broken off oia'd sx vept a iraad tone abato, l had stoed. modem blistoryii a'nd ' b 1ane itti me ge foiogssn ,Iorbae. dnbuia oncte aoete rtr eî htNv Zembia, Spitergeland rauz Josuwef ad samere vmi "Eh Iceaud, nsou theru Geena cd [and aes feir oer saus re ailt ti lo t boe irter cf te geat haudI,ý idge ta neinodEnupe s Ame hritbugae fudi otnuu arinecorige thatOxeltounsal the cfar nthefuatcnal iflat anga arItr bs been ferome timo cooi anc ofa umbr fth bcthud iu the IUuitedSttsmiaran naval serie. Nightly these baudýs clan wil paricîa GAV BITUTO) TRIP1LETS. Occsio Clehatd ii rea Syle A~~~~~~ deptc.ro onra sys Mrs etad fLciegave birth te tilets on Tucsday. AilJtbrc aie hale and hleanty.She bas1)(beei cbhiidren. The ouewa d ciae ou Wcnesdy in ouerof the eveut al aîid sur r aewl corne. r 1 M m- To rov teyent at Dr. Il ni ili"le ases Ointmeti a certini ad veyo fôrrn uofit: ing, t i 'o i a l c t h e d a u i l U s n0 " a sli lu( ée; ib ISSUE NO. 31- flS~ 9IL-1 0