CAPITAL paide,*,.,... .... $ 39900,000 RESRVE.................... 4,39Oe000 TOTAL ASSETS3 ...........46,000,000 ~ SalngsAýcc îtinS ma7' be started withthie bank wlth one (1)dolar t4ELPIING TI4E OTI4ER XR,m Did 'Coli testop hlkhow ,fast rs-oepeople are getting ricl on Ourwha Vos ad sme ~hes suanerJlep yurslfby cpen-T ing a . zsavicgs aýcotnt with ',Lis barnît. ýp1 0wStaff ieds k at np'eesur-e to extend every coureneceesaPrv to fate1litt e tepe n reatiû0 uie omatter how htg' r mllyur buFnt lJb ecoe Orsatisfied w-ustomnie, s are curwaigadetmn'. ~ KAuE O ALLCAL BANKSfL 41PAYABLE HEREWIHJTCAf7 F. J.Micel Manaer owntnvlleOnt., Brancb. A j * . , f .Soca siÏde Excrin. To viroteon, P. E. 1-.......25.2 St. Jon, .................. 22.25 Monet-,N ........... ........2s 2 Portlan daMe............005 OldOrchard lt.........16.30 mrray Bay. Qupe .............8. 25 Nor-th SYdnePy, N. S... ....28 '7 ProporrIýionate .rates fr0,11ilstatioýg ns se Oarlo Ticket' s also wlll be sold te tao Cae<lpa% L'Aigle, LttleMtis,. St. Ireneeý, Rimo'hski, Piver, Du Loup.M rve .S., Shediac, N.S, Rumm erside, P. 'E. L. Sydneýy, arso Pictou, IN. S,,Casupheilton, N. ,Diose N. B. Cood goinig -Angust lotis, 1th 125h and l thi returntnDg f'rom desination n o r foeA ust 1JSst,, 190s. Forfurise Inomaionregardin h oi o routes, stop crer piieesepu a e traine_.,apply ti Grand Trunw ice Agents, or address J. D. coni, itrc Passenger, Agent, Uionjý Station, Týýor, Ont, JURY & LOVELL C, P. & T. Jý en*, -,- UBom &n ll,0, fWOYAL MAIL SEMRP FïR0M ýM C STREJFA L Ilanad ý1a', Au'gI Set.5 Cet.10 soutbwark, 'Aug. Sp. Oct. 17 D&1mpnou, Aug"ý. 1; - Sep't. 1, Oct, 24 0'Utt 'la, A ug. 22 Sept. 2 Cet. si Kensingtonl, Anuc. Cet. 3 Nov. É-r t GLas rte 57.50and pwards; Second clas 54.50and u Patzacording 'ço steamer MOTERÂTE RATE SFRVICE SECO0NDcGL ASS. To Llve-,ip, ,û145 X, To London 52.1.0 ad(IjtionalI '1hr lass to Liverpool', Loroicondýerry For alifrato applýy to M.A. JAMES, AgenY-t, or to DO-IJ0N LINE, il StSaraen t. ROYAL MAIL 5BIES Motreal to Liverpool Tunistan'...-ý-ý........... als Aug. 7, Sept. 4 Viùcorian........... '"sals Aug. 4, Sept, Il ..r...a....... ...... salis Aug. 21, Sept. 18 'Vsrlntu.........sais A ug. 28 Sept. 25 Monrtreal to Glasgow &raMpan.... ....... salls A ug. 15. Sept. 12 Pretolan ,..~. - salle Ang. 22, Sept. 19 ..peia.... ........ salis Anig. 29, Sept 26 Ratces n u ilInformation frorn X1. A. Jame,, ---- Ailan Line Agent, BowD,,manville G. . , AtaliaSea es To LIVERPOOL From Âug. 7 Emprege of Britain AI'g- 15 Lake Manitoba Anag 21 Empreso of Ireland Aeg, 7 Aug. 29 Lake Champlain Aug. 12 RATES:-.Accordtng te steamer-_ Fîrat lass $72.50 un, Second class $4250 up third ciass $27,50 and $28.75. Steamer Lake Chiamplaio carnies only one cabÎn passengers. Book early and Secu'c9o0d lctos For fu partieulars apply te S. J. SHARP W. Pa s,. Agt., 71 Yonge street, Toronto, or i BOWMAVILLEAGENTS, fr rest.W a'ter J eetvstrs: Senator Beith aIt ÀBaker'e; Misses BESSie anidLeGUjar(ý Osaw, t .-I; sce';NeIson --Sea v oy ag Germy, Tomotoi,with frien de1 Miss Aura Rundie, NMaple Grove. at T TRundie's; Th>ýh Lahesý Huroni Mies Grace Duthie, Toronto, at L T roug Pascoe's; Miss Gussie Luk, edrori' at aznd Superior W. Werr-v'ï Chas Vice aud ie Katie -10 ALL Pi TS ls TVIA â, Rose, Chaplean, with bis brothers; R j McKessock witis frienes in Grey' Co .... NORTHERN Quarterîr meeting at Ziori wae weîî N.AVI G.ATI ON Co:) attended. . ... Isn't lit time His Woship tise Mayor Issaed his proclamation for rpRom TORPONTO Solina te celebrate their Civic holidav Bey T H P Anderson will peach a ,To S5oo & iReturn $20. 10 yemperance sermon aI Eldad on Sunday Port Arthur and Aug 16, wblen Mme (Dr) Wm. A WhIte, FortWiliamNewYork City, will sing .. .. Miss eora FortWillam - ~.1OMeCarter, Guelph., is vliing at Thos Duluth - -40 0 Bakeris.. . .Howard Cowlng, Hampton,. Wînnîpeg - 55a001 wife, Oshawa, are at Ueo5 Inchadig m,ýý.Ïs Vice'er h,7..M Sea K Cowiet Toronto, le Incldin meas ad betison seamr gest ecf hm iser Mmer r. H. W. More ONY TWO fi 0RE O kEEEKR F, flt...0atnme 5 horne's EXCUSION. Thrs dae;AuIguc13 "at23 p.i 1 1-,Bker; Pcls isJT Rnd1 e ior LMInFformýaia t Iî ion ppy Vlec Rî tha ot esri R J. McKesocî. Ev~yayitss grand Tunk Aghts setion iscordiaiyinviedteaerdbi or C Fl.Nicolso, scialgaîhnin, EFIE . TALoR .RRiLSCHOOLS 3OPEN Aug. I17th Mthier, don't forget this. ,4îart yoar boy or girl right by havâing a good 'foundationa -a pair of our special Sehool Boots. 'We have been very careful in choosing our stock of footwaar for boys and girls. SURE TO PLEASE Thtey are, made M, an extra grade of strong leàther with gooJ weari*ng qIaiîtes sund a Style ta isdsicin Yet -with ail this the prices are very- moderato. 11e sure Iand sea etham tise Lnaît tiine you are in town. We -know they will please yoa. Fre R.Foley, Pamior Sisoe Store, Bowaunvilie A GOOD POSITION OPEN. The Equitable Lufe Assurance Society 'Of the United States wiil be pieastsd to receive applications for its Generai AgencyefOr Bowmaaviile and vliui-ity To the right man even without life as-f surance experience but who cari show a good past business record an attractive tIncorne contract will be made, Address confidentIaVy, if desired. C T GILLEs- PMI Manager Equltable Llfe.- 24 King] S8t. West. Toronto, Ont. A BUSI' FACTORY. The, Orono Creamery le pieased to aunnunce another very busy monýaItb dur-ý inag Juls', while the Pastures have dried Up couslderably and the fliies become very troublesoine, stili thie output f _'r Jnly eýxceeded the make for June. No doubt manys herd s have falien off in their milk production, but renewcd cows and a few new patrons have main-, tained a constant inerease le Creamervt patronage A supply of green feed,t such as mixerl peis snd oats, or corn, prove of greai value in assisting toj prevent a serions shrinkage lu the milk production during the preseet dry speli. 11lt wi!I be encouraging that au ad- 1l varice in price has been made for July and that prospects'rseem good for further monthly advances throughit the eson.t 8OLINAý BOWMANVJLLE, ÂUG. 6, 1?08 COLIJORNE Fi7IIOHTHS FOR $1gOO. TuHE STATESMAN will he sentto anv bon% fide new subscriber lu, Cauada t o Januars' 1, 191'). for ouly ose dollar JAMES' PUBL19HING IHOUSE BOWmDanVille, Outri. Th cpis f Tua LýSTATEvsMAN -ýfor August J- 8 nnd 15 187S are nmisinge prehb,;,sIons lest any hermnaphr.ditîeul .mrîanpulIatonwilcrowd cuti Sa-Iýtu> day NghCnada s mostrpopu!ar iterary week lv . It l a duty u ii ZeneV ru- o the conrth fat aff ords proper ts' to srrzn rde fits ievstd apialtaenýt and eneirgy ïlu iancaptal b ain ud energiare qulte equal to the demwand In a jurnalstic and îIlterar. wvav eand cari su't otthe crnly Canedian brard ussadu'ateod wih nyfreigu n timent, Port Hope Times suiffs the Domùinion eleacios no, far off and publies a coule f bomartîcies for C. Jouas Thornion ana prinr.s bis portrait ou the fron pa2, Wefancv some one musqt have stufefed Ediýîtûr William, Cameron Gaaout local conditions for lie is predicting a-rnsj 9rits' away Up in) Che f r ecast vwe h e rrdia ~eD.B. SImpson. K. CI, he tw etv-n Il50 an200m-1ajoýriýtyaLi HIt was the fiuding 0f a vers' comprehen- sive sU7V' of 'ýthefeiýd, Pr-e."eectiOn guesse are vrs unmlisbleaest,bu ic lC wu! tattj e ucandidtes pacea bigh e~tiat onthir peul ppWUiV THIRTY NEAUS AS PUiJBLISHER. EdtrM. A. James cml tedtiiri, Years as pulseisavng issued hi frst paper on Augu-st 1, 187 -8. H, succeded tise ate ,Mr. W, R. Ohmii 1 wiso 1ad erured is Ce offieùin 1850 a Iapprent"ice and had been onriected Viù tise office just twenity-three yeams. iý far as we uothere is flo-t unow a pub liise1ér aloug tiseliste of tise G. T. R *romiToronto to Bllvll r l uiy o tise adjacent touad vi!lag,,ýes es ones rio published anyi 'v -)i(0f iseý papers then. Te aedertr f rom active duity or g ýone into othil spiseres of activity1 lu reviewiug the issues of TE-i STATESMA N of 80 to 40 years ago an' comparing -,i fthie paper as issued now tise wouder le t hat iit cani be issued etz dollar a year. It was then1 a 4-p)ag sheet witis 'seldom oraiure than ý,a ba dozsu item'!às 0f loca]l uews 1Ad fletý1 flot rtisat umb1jer. About ismes P"patgi cba te hrougbi tise year. aud qnarterly. There was nmoney in i il ning a a per wit 5 ittie outlay feio eeditoýral -work or tpstig Two (ýfeýatures that werse introduced by tise preseýnt popistorsonafter asi ing contro L'ofTHE STAýTS-MAN hatvE b eiu continnaed audhead 1wed (w]grefati; to its popualarity as, a localnesapr they aire tise "Persoua,,l Clm"and "ContýryGorrespoeadence, , Occasional reports osf happenings in tse country isad appeared, but there wýas no staff of country correspoudeuts maintaiued as bas been doue since. Sucis a ting as a ,personal columui was uot known lu THE STATESMAN before our assuming contro]. Another featm2s that le found to any great extesnt only in flua journal is tis "Durbam Boys" or tise publication almost weclly of Information about tiseboys and girls oftisis 'couuty wis have left tise "Homeiand of Du-risam" and gone ont into tise womld to carn a competence oir MIi a place in tise vorld's activiîes. _We shal siot -boast of our succeëëssas a publisiser and business mai, during these 30 years-wisat we bave be enabled to accomýplishis le ll known b the people of this part of Ontarlo.-, But wt dodrto express our siacere tbanks to tisebuinsspeole 'Of BowmaîIliî aud s urrouading country for tise larege siare, of patronage accorded TE STATESMAN offiCc dnrisîg our tbree dec. ades ln business. Our aim bas been to observe the Golden Ruleïiiiail of our business relations and tise coutinnous frieudly relations tisat have been main-' tained to tise pressaI is soins evidence tisat satisfaction-bas beeni given. Thea business isas gradually incereased5 l1ast yeas- being tise most prosperous lu 'ýur isistory. Tise circulation cf THE STATEsmAN has grown too. In 1878 it liad a litIle over a tisousand subsoribers -to be definite 1047 namnes were on tise list, including excisasges, Last year tise swcrni average weekly circulatiosn was tNw tisousand four hundred and fifty-seven copies. Tise foremost posi- tion uow beld by Ti-n STATESEAN is well indicated lu a letter just received dated NewiIorkJisl 31.190aS-ironr TheP Printers lI kPnblislîing Co. whicis States tisat: "Out cf Twenty-two Tisousand Five Hundred a nd Two publications listed iu thse 1908 issue of Rowell's American Çexvspaper Dirso- tory, oilly about 1800 are considered wortis au advertiser's serions considera- tion and THE STÂ'rESMAIt is onet of tlîem, ]isat you tisoroly believe tisis to bc a ,act goes witbout question, but if you keep too, quiet about it, tise distinction .5 noct likely to be 0f mucisvalue t0 you." THE TATESMAÇ ceî-tainly menitstise higis position it bolds on tise Roll of [Houer, or it wouid not receive Ibis higis Wraise from sncb a reliable source. Our endeavor bas been tisse 30 years to 1a'ad i n tise na'wspapsr field and witis bhis ambition stili strong we have taken sur youngest son, wbo isas bueu special- ly trained for newspaper work, into hofiriso tisat; TEE S>TTESA, N shah! se ad e -anup-to-date paper ,for ts flie2 pblic Bean~ tise 1tii Kind tVii Huis Alays BouJfit ignatuJ -le of, Ptt ir ad id y I- re IV, Miiss Ruby Gale, Rochester, N.Y., Îs at 'Victoria Beach. Editor Harry Gale 1-j chairman of the Board, of Educat1-i. Miss Neil Carrutheirs, Bowmanviile,d is visiting friends lu Coîborne F. W. Ayleslworth is the new Pr incipal of the Public hol lry85. Jas Goard, WniDgÏs guest at the hoeof John Dark, Wclw siserMr H ale VctoiaBeach Hl. W. Du-dles' and Wie, Newssle are witb friends la Coiborne and viC!Lity. WN. B. Beit, Oshawa, bas apCcepted a position on the staff of the Standcard Bank of this place. WEDDING BELL&. J nloon July 29, by Rev, R. Hin de, Mr, I Joseph Spencer and 'Miss Elizabeth Car- lotta Blackler, daughter of Mr. M. Bilackler, botb of Etwcastle, were united b)ridai Party back from Bowmanville a reception was held at tise bride's home and alter partaking of ea sumptuous re- past thse happy couple aud their host oýf friende bad a bilamions tinue until weil nigh the noon cf night Lwheu groom and bride were "seen>" to their new home on Edwý.ard street, where ini their new mole of ho-csekeepers we wlsh them mueh joy iad scesAuincident o! the weddir' g ceremony was t fhat aut tise proper tiMeý 1te dulcýet strain's 0f the W.,eddfl ngZ M arch hous, qite Lear thse scene cf i tyîn of the nulptialkot A very pretty wedd,,ing wa solemniz ed b v th e Rey. Fathe-fr (Cosle 0cf thLý eolv Famiiy Church, Parkdale, Toronto, ut 7 50 a m, on Tnesday Jul s' 28 when Mr Rieuben 1L Cox oif The Liï' Wear, Limnited, Toronto, eson 0f Mm. Charles Cox, Bowmariville, çwsunited la hols' inatrimonv te Agries, çr;ungEs danughter of r. PtckBonves' cf Cobourg The bride lookeot-1cbarmintg, lu a trav- elIng sih J wedgew'ood blue with picture bat trimmea wi:h roses and' carleda buqut o liycf the valley Aid whIte sweTý,8 peas. She wasated ed3 b-'hemr si stM isýs Rose3 2Convil iic sf Sarni, as bridsai, whG was as.e~ fil'tired in bine oçrgpadie witb pic- ture blat to mrach The groom wavvs sulppomted by M'ýr Edwiard ConyFey as g~roosmanaud ho also gave the bride aiway. T11,e presents were vers' numetrous auid usef iouciif Gthe most notable beiýag a hieavy sUver tray and silver tea service fmomL The T. Eston Co. Limited. The groom 's present to the bride was- a lovely snnburst of pearîs and to the brIdesmaid a Pearl crescent and to the groomsmau a Pearl fleur-de 1lis scarf pin. Altîer the ceremoniy tise parîy went to 1542 King St. West, tse mreidencuelf1Col, Viance Graveiev, where a famiîy, gather- ng met them sudenijo.ted aý recherchain tmld ood lebe sndconfetti. Mr, af ter their return. OBITUAR10 Mu. THiOMAS CR,ýIEP'ER )j Did at hie cosey cottaoee home in th] town oin WedrieSIay JUIv 29, Thoma SCreeper, in bis 84th Sear. Aitho attain te îng an are far bayond the allotted spau a deceased etaiuied a vigomous mind an T body tili about four 3ecars ago whIe 1pamalys&is came gadually on 'greati. y enifeeblîng bis physicai powers, An e latteriy be became very feeble and re n quimed and received every possible t Stention and car Tiose ivho have gon Sdowri irto the valley of suffering ani watched assldtsously and anxiously bi a the side of a ioved one as hope alter hopI Sdropped away know that such sorrov cannot fied solace in tbe teuderegt word-3 The-wlfe wil'h -a fldelity- amnd continnli aof service tisat few women of hem ad va nced lifi3 are capable of, day alter da: and throug-hout the solitarv nights, witl etruiy berole and necer falling devotiors wthdtenrderiy tor every chance tc 2sooiti bis pain and im-infster to bis me. quirements Wýhat a very fortunatE condition it was tisat tise was spamed 1-c wait ounl'im to the endI Deceased was a tmue t ýpe of tise sturdy Englishman a mani of sterling iritegrits' fine moral character, stumdy constitution anid excellent habits. Bis prinoiple was to owe no. man anything-promptuess with hlm was a virtueý He was a pmac- tical mattroff mani but bad bis owr way cf extractîng enjoyment cut of Ille Fortunctely Yho etaned bis intelitct almost to the last Ha had been s Christian for many ý cý rs and the strong faithin Godsuppoted bim. in bis de- clieing' years, and ise often bire test!- reonv to that abiding fsith, He was boru st Goosisam, Parî-sh of Morwenstow, Cornvwall, nenrl-t 84 s'ears ago He learned tise trade of a carpenter ai B 'adworthv'in Devoushire, New Year 'i Day 62 years a.o be rnarmied Isabella -J-euniags-- wisc -rias-- proved -&-faititul helpniate for over tbmec score years. Emigmatirig to Canada in 1851 the-v set- tled in Hampton where tiseî lived tili 1878 wben they came loto town and have bived on Horses' St. He built tise two haudsome br ck resîdenices usar by now occupied by tiseir son Herbert Creeper and -on-in-!aw H. T. Hooýper. Tbree cisildmen survive-Emma .ise (Mrs. Thos âMcKeown, Toronto), Flor-. once (Mrs. HUooper) and Herbert B. cf this town The fanerai Fiday was private but -a goodly number of friends, and neigbbors were pres3ent to pas' their tribrite of respect to a wothv citizen. Ilis pastor Rev. John Gambutt assisted by Revs. Win and T. W. Jolliffe con- dcted the fanerai ceremnony, Bey. Father Jol;iifre spoke -;of iis _ong aeld intimate acquaiântance-. Tise bearers by bhis own request were tot have beeri LimetL Cep C LuclJus Hooper> >ommaiW. Creeperand Victor Boy Hoope. Twowere abentand Chas. Painon aid Lwry ryderm %n too-k thei r aes Bsiete meîbers 0f, Mchrîs n wife and MsM z V ari- niuig, O'3isaws ' flios C! -ýcpe r, ipton, r r iuiiitiiiiiit i r!"l iAugust Summer Sale. BalanCe of Ail SuLmmer Goods Must Go Regarlessof Cost. - DntMiss This Opportnity As Yoa Cannot Afforid To, Pýarasols-Balance of aill"ur Su-mmer parasols to clîea-r at eatyhai'f prie e. The lot cou- tainýs at 0fO plain ecolored paýrasols, fancieýS anîd whites, al mu-st gO none reserved, Men' StawsBaînceto eanout at 'xctyhait price, sýtIlI a good jrange oýf styles and sizes. Get a new hat as there is Ftili 7warm weather at hand. Mens Sit-Stlla few 2 plece summner sutso hand lu bro!ken u ý-es and szes f7.50 týo $8 0 ualtisto clear the entire lot at $ . aSuit, if yo -ont ed -sit1 iseae will pagy yo to pout one away tili ine-xt year atthspie Wah oo*Baaneof ail suinMter, wash goods mitterÉI5l ranging -i prie e from 14 to .liea yd, while they lst bthesale pr-iýe VLLe w l e 0a ydý AJilpatterausUglit and dark, Do't mirss the ýOpporl;unity. Ladis' Bouse-Balnceof alliladies' white lawn blouses tocdean Out at EXactly Haif Price. Muist go, only 25 blouses left and there are stil soeeboic.- ones i the lot. Don't miss this chance. Embrideres-or tiExaey havte i fdo r daue ut e 4-:U it eront everynd Emrieri pesForthis slyal weheividdorm e br eies up int boxe an this month and if priee will do it they ought to go q.uïikly, priees 5e, 10e, pean 1c a yard. AeUSS Ummriî er SoûxBlneoffnysummer SO-x, eglaf 2e ldnc8 5e a pair, to cer- thm ail out at the sp -cec'i l price ofA 1l-c apar Corne along with the erowd to teWet End House you ean fIlot afford to mssthe- chance of buying summer go)ds atsul low prices. Ail sutmmrer goodis on, sale truhu Sthe whole store but space m-ll, net allcw to ý mention ail.E *d Mctl 3n '- Bring Us ' urtry & Co, Liitlîed4, FouraProduce. B owvmanville. 191NISTEIIS AND OHTRCHES FAML TERH OPENS SEPT. ti eeil are ,,ti bu 20 beariingatppie trees. Wiii bc oiti at reai Tisose wiso know heastthe manita of ibis seolba-rgaxil. if youl want a home on odeil St.,see s Tise Lord's Supper wals administered aeissanietspotr.M .JMS Og to a larZe number of communîicants luTILIT tise Metbodist chamois Suridas', Rev, W. ttA MFO SAE9Oars eig ~~~~~~~~~~~' U C.lsiitnsitn e .Grut~JI1 ots 10, 11, con. 4, Pariington, on which mat bots services, A baptiem le to be I ' -"-ý are geed house and lsarns; seven acres orcisard; nadminlstered neit Sunday mornîug. TORONTO, ONT, good wehi and cistern; four or five acres or' I woods; land inl good state et cultlvatlot,. For s Thecongegatin oftis ethoit Tihis collage stands flrst in popularlty, particuars apply to JonN SoNËRs, box 91, .a.u corgmegloEo~ ~e~ous,,tisorougngis anti gennine mariS. Go where Bowutanvtlle. 4t Cheurcis, Deseronto, have -Iveni Rev, J1yon wifl.iou will fine our graduates pusising -and Mme ,G H. Copeland a monrtbhs tetisa mLt. Their supax-tor training enables_____ ______________ holia3s'Thev bave been is tistem to gai and iotd lirst-ciass positions. I boida~ n vsîtt~ ICollage open ail sommer. Enter any unme. friends and relations at Bowmanville,11 Write for iatalogste VCHEH .&LlîRAIrrH. Port Paîrs aud Llidsay. Barses SlctrNotarles Public Dr. mndW. C7rdrma, Daroi, i(formely of Bowmanvm ll.,, was an mrterested visitor attise Method.Jj 77 York St., Toronto. ust Ssbbith Scisool last Suadas' and b v w zwý Tisa practice formeriy carrieti on by Mr., requeat addressed the soislars ,at theé Galbraitis in Bowmanville will bc couîinued hy sclose pmncîpally on Missionars' work m tisee e S abraltad isoil Seing the Hi dr@ssoe im ob a n eweek if required. 22-t f t buniast In tise good cause Central Business B ey J. Gabutt's sermon Sunidav ÇA I a Levesing was on the- making of a lîfe Coliege, Toronto. m.TEiN I tise oldest officiais of the Metisodist J%' The largesi and besi equipped JOntRar e GRiA DUCleg.oAE,0F chrcs Bs ot at go nm l ~ Shuicfi21.niinits r ear of Mr. Williams, furniture store, Cails èhUrh. is ext as:A god nineîs 'z choo ofitskindinvtesyou answened day or nlgist. Phsone 58. 10.1 more to be desired than great riches. to1 write for ilis naw catalogue In tise course Of a Splendid discourse he ý1 alTemfe Let , drs r rmarked that he had seldom fcund a W, El. Shaw, President, or E. R. man witb so lunch S.Vmpathy for bis V- Sisaw, Secretary, 7 fellows as the departeli. Mrs. William A White was unable to sing as an noned mteet oing ae nrfing Cle of o N otice terid ee nd nt eret wel stanedfo .miýd--summer time, PresïideDt Lovehi RLl lGO kiE E pesiâed over a capital program Tues;- j dlay evenlig o. Tise featareoftsevn BELLEVILLE, ONT., j0 Frs otn fVtr'Ls 98 irig was an ade 'asn fo h senaeof tise laiscios ofetpraetical ed-ots uii~~t f/eTw fBw Sea" - by Mm, C.- C. Washligton 'Which lesttisree ars, $'54560 pays Board, oNOIESHREYGVNtsSIra- wasinsruciveandbeard with great Tuitlen, LetieLgT' se et bathis. Gym. miatetdeuivete epersons mentioned ile pl1easu r e. M's.(m)W. A, Whsite, ag,'eeks- i n! Lad1 ry p modairedsfied ratas. 19,ts oisrqieb at etosobs New onk ssng l be usal xcelent -so 1 pYsutio aon e tisa animeol rnmtSor delvereti of tise lit, matie wayr , GoV TederCare.*" Othernasile Yeur A staff of axpanienced spacialisls porisuant - Saidi e, of ail personsapaig muiel UMbers weremo4'ianosolobgve idvduli,rpeson In five distinct isîy tselsireiedAsasiet lli of ts at Jn-1 n vnn casFe for ail ragis Mnii nit iElectiens for mebecrs of ts ýMiss Lana B1orna; so, l, Le er te, c tdnsinuis ,dapaniment. Graduates Legis1iative Asisemrbly andi at mniieet- sweet ocbilà oieby RatCa " Srpi, oli iebeipoiins.Cndidates pre. ons ani tse aid ilst was firsi postýeji up et Up fr Jes" Mi08s Seila Msn aesyr !yel frtiaaxinton sld by ts 'yofie at Bowmnauvllîe on tise 24h ayof a edeRv JGandofrd e rCmecilSeiles Electors are ole ue 0exmn is at lice ,,voi1 'Dos eisCamýe ?"Ms ecas oreEooin Bn raeundtsrltCak xaiaeaction to isyica Cuur, hv iasiiari orc ce igt Margaet Trbiicck wb isa chareJColage eLpeV TLeda,,Sept.Stis 1905 iaw 0f tse pogrsn d sene tb uks or 15 Fr IiusîrtadCalederAddU ssSJOHN. Lt, T :DCark I J ýý .- ... 111- .. -le t n -L ïîi*îil 11 il, COLBÜRNE' 1