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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Aug 1908, p. 3

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perbxpýs r uslye mae nev sid DI I I st sor er Jsaodiald'Vîn n. Lake Ontario & Bay of Quintie .Steamboat Co., Li-ited. MAI'L AND EXPRESS SERVICE RobseN. Y.--ort Hp obur Str. 1NO 0RTH, KîýiNO% C-snneiiig J11ne let. steamler vilallo. coisourg a, 1.80 p. m. and Porit 1ope et250 n. daiîy exýeepa Cuuday for Caavrk.tte, N. Y '(o fRchtr) Eetiprnirg steamer leavesChroeat90 ~.e.daily ecet uaday. F[0nll nration from ail agenits. i.E. HRS3Y. Ceocrai aagr Bowmnnvll!s, .AGENTS:- Ontarlo ARRESTED -IN IA Allcged îMurder -of Blaek ILandi Chief atilota, A despatch from oteatas the parents of (ÀVinicenzoMano P,1ontsagtelî1S of the iarres, -t 0of MagatlisCeia n5,al Iias, Car- 1 ottin hýis nativeCabrn vilge, Perlizzi, on Jiy 20v ~andwhe Alanawhodisappearedà -'om Mnra imeiatiyafe ~thenaurer, ade Ili's alppearaince, ho was immed iately aretd y ie genidarmes, iand is nwbeing lheld awaItIing iaction hby the ,CIaadian1 fkývernimenit. üMarino , t ieCdead nan, wsgneaiycreïded 111It Society inMQntreal. lhad, it is aleecollected $200) fromi Alagnia, and iwas th-e latter>s refusai to returu the money when demandeëd thiat 'brought deatis to iim on the spotf. Alagna shot iim in tise sto- mach!, and the-n disappeared. TehoHtldat(Otaa rorn Sept. 1801 te 201h, D 1908.ll D~sley xv1l or "ia iie n n i ~pevos yar. Gr nolPureFoo Ex hTi! n A ly ti frnfftieG'n ýo ilatWs Cone1pCrt"V irt lIap Hepor nd i-tariComany.opIla sprioes i p al A Gind D.sfly cfPSIntins e Euîgieer te Examine tme Chihn-., Adespntcbl fonîMnrn ay: It as nnonce on Tisur s day tist tise P rorvin:c iatl G uni ramnt hed decidd te coud et once eM ci h i~gîen dstrit t iivostigate ~and exmn is rprte iici are repontod tue)ntais lange cep- pen, gold and asbestes depnots, cpenedi hy Mn. Peter MieKeAnue, ?Adas te examine tier tisat have endsee oe rocent- ly. One of Mn. McKtenzie's Song, ibo bas juet returned fnomor tisat district, teatd evemal importLant discoývel ie-s cf coýpperl 11!d asbeste,,s. H1e found( e tvielv,,e-foot voua cof b'Inle quartz, very nricis un fine" gold, '1nd( reports sevemet dther important is coveiosb rsetn nts i cinity. A despates nm odoOn, Saysý: WlimMulis 1 y'n a cfa Pei-d'Maruetetrain ut, TIiure- " a,&i git wvihile etuing froi tis ras çn' 1 1-çasi t' Port St an.1ey * nnd had hotisloge eut oIff eoits kne, foîtise .f otcf i e h inter e'xpired n i Vme isptl FrtStaternlent of thie AotuaI flamlage Byl the Great Pire in Britishi Columbia, Adepci frow 1Fornie, B. C., and ehildr:en, visere tisey isad Iriedl enys: Asked] for- a sttee _tf fire, to get relief fronII tieterfeiat ~ aaPresiÀdentLinseAcftieTie od cfntisean, uriose namne CrcvisNet Paso lCeaI Company, was WlimFord,Nvies badly lbura- isas given eut tiese foltcing ociP d, mihi lise ieand cisitde, a Étaement:1 Loy cf 2 years, and a gilyc 8 years, U "Fire aren-Vatiey o~f Etk RiverVai died of sufocaton. Thene vine cadmiasng distroianKooteay, itue viatr in tis vol, vsicis n B. C2.; as pproýxùantey 30 iles curbed viati vioodand after dus- long and to e tentu miles broad, ing into it ho and lie family viere lu tisisarea are siuated th'is evidentty unable te got eut agaîn, City cf Fernie and tfise'ToviS cfnd t, tisecubing burned don aI- E-Jsmer ansd Michtatt!ningimoetu te1tise 7atcï's 0edge, suffocat-I canap. Thene i,; a large nmaing ing tisem. l.innt etCet a-o ek, nean Fernie,1 Even mnore patisetir is tise aviful visece cmastishe rgeet ,eutput c f! mannor in mvihisre. Addie Tun- cal Atsogs iefire bfas been, nea gd ilnvaid vim-,an, viho> two maes cf eai Crek, tieàc d vthis er son in Feriennnex, tovin lmy ho said te be safer, and! met deats. IWhen it vine eea tisat, altsogistie inejeattnoud ihouise vnsgoing to ho igited Mîhltisere is ne grave apprelise-b y fiy'ing onisons in tise gale, Mn, sica as teit.Turner, a mIiner, p)repered hie vife "Rosir ba escped iiti litiad cisidrent for fligbt. Tise agedi bas on it smnîng side, butFeievea could not viatk, aditse onty 23 bouses and threo business aý dsav'eismelves, lbut fly bohuses hein g teft On hotis benkls vsastise bouse vas caugist by thi p1Cf the Elk River are a large num- fi4nieMn. Turner avipped tise otd bher cf snwmui, att cf vibîci, viitb iiail 1ina vet bakt ane caoexcptin hae hon sviept eui tpbr out of tise bouse, and laid bonýý ,oà exseneand pronbty a largel on tise ground. le thon seized hie nnmbr cf nnbave lest thien ie nn ciildrenl and fied. NotbLngý livesin tise vcd.Tise 1bdies ne- btts icee eo fts l covned se fer numbien 6, aad there vean were fournd by tise searcis- olY. teescbuts roiin h o isgpenty. Mn.Turner and bi SNest fmi]y escnped. Pas Copan, oinig mneset PEýOPLE ,,FLOCKING BACK. Ceai Crei4 and Ferni and Michel, Eveny day scores cf peopte areil will be $0000;tiseCU. 1P. R. vi0inturning te Fernieand before ton toe $200,0; tise Greaz otsn asbv asdi sepce ie Reiliayvittlose about 2000 ie noiyvi hv eund and tho lunsber companies ottees Tisneajre ne eidhvelopmeastscd the a illon.Tis tes c tuer xcept that donations cf supplies te tise CroVe2s NetyPse Ceai Coi-ad imoey coninue te peur in froni peny viili be net tees tisan naîniïa inectéons. Food às plentiful eti lion. present, and sleeping quartons ado- "Tise lose te tise City cf Fermie qa.Tise sanitnry conditions areý wattb ho ntt ees tisen tvoio million. heinig very cenefutty viatcised, arnd Tisene as ne rein In sigst, and tise there is ne fear of danger frem tisat fine continues slovily up tishe nut-i- nrter. tainside, but nothing but e very qCanbrook bas dene marvets te- iigis vind vient I do mois damage, vend attevinting tise suffening tiscu- ns tise vatley atong its levierpo-sdecFrieefgs.Tem- tions is svMe dan cf evpyytising! menvedisrceedtstFre comnbustible. Relief in tise Wfou meovasburnied tise citizenis began to or- îeoney, supplies and bedding bave gýanIize comminittee;s te receive, and com anvats geatfredoîendcanre fer tise peopte, public subscnip- everyoce s nov under canvas et, tiens opened, tentseeected on va- Fernie. Tisene are about 3,000 vo- cetlt, a iies hgnte ga- , moen and cbildnn tUCnnnok, te tiser blankete andclotising asmlva- tie veet cfFernie, end about 1,500 cent stores on tise main thorougis- at Letnidrge, te tise entbut tbey fare vien e ed, Ate ho ued as, are Seing Slovy hrought bnck te distnibuting bureaus fer clothes and cerni hpved forentienm. blenkets. Provisions vQeedonated, TAGJC e INIDENTSui 0F FpIllEacorps of cewgot busy, and or- IN-lID1ý'TSOF IRE evnytýiing wv insansha'pe te recoivi One f ts tth(?gic 4 fetetitie,_s and isadte tise nefuýgee-s l eeth- di cf tise fineand coeihiciS shws fore they nmived. isle big SAn tise extems te wvihis peopte vien vas tted up nan eueting hall and tc &%ien te escype 1ti beavis tise sleep ing pac.At eacis nt lfulty' fiîîdig cf tiebodiesc a fam111ily cf 1,500pweiLae fed, and every OC four in a vieil, a miiner, bis vife nigist 750(elop itiiatisevielle. I FIREBUG CAUGLT, Started a Nnmber of Blaïzes llu A despatoisfoi Moncto)n N.B,, àays: After iain-1rato icn ciaryv fines seindw, Franjk VWitliams,i iLe menitally unhnýalcla, mwas an- redby itie policeonyWdes day, îrnng, and is in jeua ait Ing trial Wiile nmking' his rud atbout 1 ecoc'ededy mn-- îng oacsa oa f thie Buil]-l ers' Weodwor,> 1king Company ,sawv flames comng 19f1,0m11aumber pie. As ise approachWA it a ian sprang fromi beitis le pile and fied. A aiarn vins gvenand tisefire ex- tingutished 'twiti tittIe ,damage. Tise mlani fied to-ards Hmhe'eMts a)dc a fevibonneinter a harn ewnec d y Mr1,S. JspsStzbuSt int flamel- s, end vin urned vic itis al]its clotents, tsetos aeutngt $i40ý. Wh1i1ele iehemrnwas urin a firebrkeeu mcnI1g tise big pile ci ties along tise I . C. r. tracks,. Tise meneployed on tise viork were uumnd nd tisefire ex- fi -a tinguisised eftem destroying twe hundrod tie-s. Tlise police 1sad been n ictified cf tise finepbug's dssru vmIor, and a petrot vies sent fnoi tise city. Wittiams ins captunred. St. JohanwHopital. A dptcsfnom St. TJohn, N.B., enys: Tviomonthe ege EugojeMe Autifè,tis 14-earoldson cf JereI MeAulliffe-, the acter, feit unden a train and bis teft leg head te o call-, puta-ted closete is th mnk, TueIP- day avening eigist physicien-'s por-, fJoinmed n skia. graftin1g eper.e-tion Snme deys ego e, bey iedgave a large section cf skiisicina suceesfltJy grafted. On1 Tuîesd"ayý n y-oung pig- vieasloemdanidi ski taenf nom it, te oyýen a grantl raivoUnld (onl McAulliffe,'S Jhody TV igeki as comptetety hteken lisld and MeA utiffe vill recove' r iTis is tise first ,,pe-mation cf the kind aven ettemrpte-d in Canada. IVIÂCHUINE A TOTAL WREC Zepplins Great kirship Was Struck Byý Lighitinig and. Burned. A despeteis fro-na Stnttgar, Gemý,- many ens: isegroat figfit cf tlise Zepplin inssipnîsiis ofked il naývigat1ion forvaprossbyn aili dohb, isa!n sotu econ- cd, ab)Soluiety ttise ýonto f its paotsand vas navigated ovor tise Lake f ostnc owin tisýe te et iseLiine e-erStrabnntg and sesome Ctendi esandwasex pected baetFnid i ie, s s ta rtîn!1i ) .r , n nt,. ev wrcven Sinpg inde tehave tise defeet piepaed vises n atisundeýrton prose, and te tie dsmny cf tie creid cf bystandens tise giant air- sh!ip boefroni 'tts m orange, e- Tiestorni bleviup1n113tdt A force guet (cf viind tome tise bai-1 tosfroli its anchocrage end dev il. n asoutsvistery dre"ction fori ENft yards. Homo tise rear end cf Ise great fbnie drocped and mmok end finis rt (ont fronii ose end te- antisen. La a fevi secends carne,, an e-xplosion and e great celuma cof tire" sisot uvedinte tliseair. Tis vinas follovied by tse cresisngdei t- tise eartfisof theise !oterIs end d Il p ni ei h t' fa h( ta ci el n os in su ,t vi GREAT BIAN AnrIisziscompay proposes te gcnIerate- electricity froni pont. Onty tvi'o cf tise taeive mnsures forsiadevied un tise King's speecis viere paesed Pl ttse Bnishtiis Pai- ment. cmu Buske anetormechnse, vas tismevin fneî an auto et tise 13tnnklands ~ mhTEugand, andt died of bas inuries. PRONO~UNCD I CASE INCURABLE WoeBodjy Rîaw w[th Ecz!'d L!e was noebeWs Evei SUFFRE D14 YEAS CURED (-0BY CUT-iCURA «From the agiefe' tree nment 1e guntil eâfteen years oUc, Tri son Owýenes life able by eczenar its worst formi. lie ~vas al it n ht until - a red rash broke3 Sout on his fore- habtwe were rot aiarmed at f1rsü. Tory soo)nheer the r*asis began te Opread ocver Ihîs Ihead and seidrand it caused 1hinm greaý"t d.lcenfor 1 Itook hlm.- te a doctor and tried hait' a dozen oth)er treatmeats, aill with tis sme resuit: ne-à,) emntat ailTise diýseaseý gradually lpea ntil neariy ever"y parb I>e is 1bedy was quite raw. W;e had <,(> strap i1dm idowin eIfor h(3 Used te tea iinseifdeaflyn Ys quite beon ýwrds. Ne one utho-1-1 1vie -ie_u1d rear Lmn. Tise regimnli1 doctor, a ver 7 Clovcr man, poone thecas heeies;at lea-st, be said tise çnIY hop-,ie that ha might, if ho liedJ ng nugis out-grorw it to pmme, extentý. We had hini la hosital fou times and he vias preneunced oýneet tise viorst cases, if rot tise vwors,eve admaitto-d. From .ealch ho is i- charged as Inurale; lfce gt vor5to under tise s3uccessqive treaments At Ono ,hospital tisoy incased hnl m plseand tisissemdte aggravate tisesoressterrDjby. JHelokde badiy thaPt ne one Ikdte go nea r and h elifp vies 1a urdea 1toen. We 'kept trylng remledyat'ter- reie, --buit vie had got aimes t past hoping for a Cure. six- màontiss ag e ire rhased a set e'of ticuLra Seau.. Ointmnent, andl 1tslvn Pils and preerd ith thern, Tise ïresuit was trul.ymaeou aind to-daly lis ý preotly cured, blis skia net aaige biernLsis on it ayiee Mvrs. Lily Hedgri, 51, Vauigisan Road, ngJan. 1-2, 1907." ,Send te) nearest depot for freeo Cuti-i curaBJook on reamno' Diseases., Depots:Lndn 7,'hrterF11e ie S ai , Ru Potter flrug S& Chem. CorP.. ýonl Props., 1Boston. ONENXlS PN ElW'S ilTEM S THE GLOEE 'eleg ra ph i(3 ricfs 1From iOur Ovin and Other ConrisÉ One hunldred and feur clisildren lied at Montreal last weeýk. Men iie inwen cities refuse o work a-t thee isarveet. Gaiusbro', S sk.isffered a The C. P. R. askilS for. 25,000 har- *est hiands fo)r tise pra,-iriÀhrvst SeeaÉovins inSsaciea nre ge"tting telephon service at $S2 amn,,-ï,th and unmder, The Jnly cultput', front the collier- as cif the N. .Steel (&eCoal Cc. ~as 59),318 tons. TheL C. P. R. aesadte be pre- paring fte make Mntea he suin- [er port for theýir AtIlntic sem Lodnscustonis rje'turne for -l e e$5957,an incrense cf 1491:3 over June. Tise exain1ation cf scisochl-1 renr' s teeti is ad(jvocatedl by tise Ca- aldiani Dental Associationi. Tise C. P. lR. aresaid te be mi- corting mteni froni CIsicago te take se places cf the striking miechanis. Tise estimate of Ontario receipts roui succession duties for tis yeaýrr ia already been exceedied bY $8, Tise Ontario Governiment bsas ap- lointed M. J. N H 1are, an agrliul- irai expert, te asse thtie fernere ÀOn1tario ccounty. 1Canadian private yachts not on- ,god in commercial enterprise can A iitary dictntorship is predie A r n(!itîLiu,1y oý JUtILbiea Uk' iL tbreatened in Coombie. Gînyintende ,te construeti ano(tiser Zeppelin ainsbip. Japanri s said te o ceteptai tise ~ costutincfsxte nv Tisene bas been furtiser igbtiný etentis Rytit and anti- Royalst inocin. An e-antbýquake odestroyed min prpety iAlgenie, and ma' lives aviee1est Enicisentise Denisis explorer, and tvec omlpenlins bhave pnssc hi Greentand. Seveaty per cenit. cf tise îutbenry. trees voro destroyed bY tise 110%, Miss Stete a lady mniseienamy, bias henbruiÉIl tyancke-d by lin- dus' in tise Poon-a dis'trict cf Indin. Censiderabhie dmee as heen Jcone aadl a aunier ef lives lost lby an eantbqueke in Atgenia IN A BREATH THER'S Rý IEST Breathe Hycîc i d bec ured of WCatar denso code m ba'ncb;i tat ileai boter in dosing te ioaisvit celle in [tie noce, tbmoad lunps, kHilin ailn cafrhaigr l ed es itanghetip, Hymei acte Ikh e acnnath eenterna aiur ba& , ee caefi heln m Bftra te helig n Hy oeand e and quicklA.y1yenIRil ge rie afitrof catarri had bead cls. vei t help you fte vii nt Le aenen'aeieso, ce Jursy Lvil, ar Voretuni atisEu-oy Tupea trpt ye e outtt et ny A.H. pRo t, cf Pr gthe , Tsesu Slgt hie dOvu Lie -e Aftew rtin itnee cf a yreaan Ity tok bishf o n odneeey. li pised been conetr ned iit oftse Ben 1f Ua utton o tbit yen,r aiid fert tis eo peetisn eorn ty ewes- agenof te sa nkbore.PAcprtong- ed wsty un e s aeiniand e En tisee progresnecf tse dfiiesebut iittTise eceesed in-výIoQsa vidoi ndthre csithee La order te oun pitio t yien'e in uI t cncp te ran TGrunk Paiie elvn ana m(!et is1cotcting ane itise eet As ofto acst a nGiPc ar c te Siie (i'dedofor ise veAsi, eviset oU vietvnrd to aded andiiiseld troerefrtis enitue v hiso tinos 1es0c WoCiunoieg Tý, ise iestctisenvey lom- t1is bing bulitte ootofrts GErd TOW T ruNifeb S ebe t lrireut lreaedy tiseeareens pAoydeaetcfrinniegln tisTe lr,ino, 67 octootiveATise ccPoi- ReevsBad Noe.s A despateis from ,St. Johnj,NB. s: A -Ut tise menthty meinof tcia. Uni,*ted epttForeiga Mission Beerd frtise Maritime Provinces en Wedniesday, it vies announeied that word bas heen received tisat choiera is wmIggettisen ison usta- ions un Ldia.INo msinne b[ave didbut et IOne sta'tio-n un is e Madraspeidnytise ntvsare said O te ho dyinig et tiseraeof eiglit or ton a day. Turkey. AIdespatc'Is nmCntnie seye: Tise nerions FeiiPacha, fonmntybeadof tiu-se(eret plie biac beentyniee 1iisn x tise Vitayet forous.Fbmvn oco of tise metated cf tfise palace, favorites. lie vins mng tie ost unscrupuous penseoutors and plua- d oncftsepuiblic. iebec(ame invetved iun a mciitis Gernmany id unbs eissen.le hbad ateý-. ly been tisreatened by sies cf bis many victis, an vis feehig vihen COAT 0F MI1L 'SAV"eED SULý TAN-l Would-be Assasi ledm rgoe'n Sun cf Gold Mehn Arested. FA5RM A espatis rî eevSvit- keyv -vine stab1-bed un tise reaton [Mondayigtht by aemineýr plc ofice.Mie cent c f mail výihicistise Sultian avy rsdfetdtise btovi. Tisevoudhasasn ais, earrested. Ap Lentyhoisad be bnibed te commit tise actas h ia e lare e n cf god i bs peekts iend bis b-gggevins packed ready,, foi flight. IKRUPP RAS AIR TORPEDO. ProjectileMay bo U1sed Boas ont leniîtd aet Son. cepys: Notvithstanding frequent de- niitise Kupp iorîks be-voeppan- eatly ecquired te iegitet t ise air terpedoý in-, nntod by Colonel Unge cf tse Siedih nmy, undven condi- tionis giv-ing tise idssGses nient use cf tisedevice. The parti- cutens cf tise veapen are a greet secret, buf, t iiderctood that tise Kmupps pidi a lar1ge ani11 for tise in- vetonnter protonged tests, se it je ssued.tisat the projectile is reetty effective. R-Peporýts say àt cen ho ueýed on tend as volt as et cea. Noi Zclaa 'Iewi Lt!v i PchlbiS A desýpatois froni Ott-.a va eys: Tise( Department cf Tr-ade nýd Com- mec as nceve acatefronti1 te NewLo Zealarrd Goveru!an'n1 eing thaýt tis1mpotaion ntoNovZen- land cf attiso-ideg idahe boas ah otutoly proisibited. ither- to tiseebas been n suntax cf du lier cent. ad sialonuim on aIt1 prison- ]iný-de goode on into New Ze-- land.ý TLIGEY AT BI'FFA LC. A W'oanan Shoote Uefr Husbaid ilu a IQuarrel. bnsband vwas shot and fatelly in- juned early on Tnesctray momning t tiseir 'home on Niagara stmeot, o WVednesdey admitted that sdie sid shlot ber isucbaadý. Mme. Suthserland -d'aime-that- theýre- hacieuiirrany fensily quamnueis, that bier Iisaband isad hoont very jeniens, and tisat Che Laed flintty reternmined te comit 25,000 MnWanjted jfor To meetas fan spssbetise un- Usueldemand for fan tabonens à berta, tisj aainPaiiwal wn il i m specialjecn. dc excrsinsfronI Ial!Ontaniu sta- tin.Co t cf e'I e-ay ickt t Wýinnipeýg i 1,0 ndfoiWn tÉract te vork ztseyv %iii Se cmne monis' n nts sretfield, a iktbackteOtiotain ipeint viii ho issuied et $18. Tickts8 are" unygodon lFan ILebîe special trains, nInd vii ho issued> te vimen, but n1i10 -ntefor chu-i dae.Leavinig dates cf ecnin are nes follovis Arigrit l4tiîand Sept.8s, from att~ ~ i sttoslsthe tIritcry bet"iee Torento -NonrtisBey tinoand Tuo- Auget 9tband Sept. 9ti, fromn ail: stations on Tomento-Sernia lino anl sentis theref (un Cennça), ItI sttions ceat cf TuronteoNonth Bey tino, te end iakiudig King- ston. For tie tisree excursions mn-Au- gliet spec-iat trains viii mafnom att peints on ise ýC- If yen aie in any dubt as te date cf ex.- [usc rein yn-rtit. tapply toe local C. P. R. a genit, 'aise viit iseý- furnuisitues "ofspca trains, or axaito te C. B. Feston Dstic Ps uenenAgnt CP P Tnne DOGS HAVE- EASY TIME. Doge il) emeencountnies bave great f reedon.i, nt hecauic Moiam~nednslove tbli mre but becau'sc it is impicue te kiil! or meý- Le'stan anmluvevrmnan, thet Allais lots lirý,e. Butt tisere is ne" bittener insuit then te catl a Ms Lori e% dog. "Tise Sviisç Feiily Bohinson"',,,senet admnitted et tise L'rihcusto)m bouse hecauise -.t tells about a, doýg neîied Turk. [IBONMAKING ATTRNT Tise Pmocss and Lîptement ,,,t1iJSi Ms 1 GENERAL. Tise Yaquti Indian-s have kitled Sesato W.B.Allison, tise well- las Soutis Dakota tise dnended lck net1is niig tie visecrp. trise streets cf dNew- York Ct Ï,030peopl are killed every year. Driven cr y bytiseiseat, t'vi n commttedsuicide ýat Booy on Thunsdy. TwomnîerQiledadutiree otrs wudd in a figis oeraý scisocetctonat Layimn Kýe- vention tMekedcared ctld storae poisons fis and nsik. A nunrse eid lte, belonig troto is' ecee c tise tiseftof a dia- moaid ring froi a patienit At2New, Y'on k. Tise mille cf)!tiseIneatoa PapIer Ce."in New England a1re closed on accourt cF a tisreatened sikand 20,000 moý'n are idie. Nineteen ntutf ever'y onie 1hun-1 dr4i Cisicago babi under one yeari old d cied in tise firet 22 deys cf ; -i. Tss about ene-fourtlistiseý quoted deatis rate of tise cit x 0 Ili Rlý. èc Il a i'N', s

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