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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Aug 1908, p. 7

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i j ,1' B.viek l1 H~deeadr liI- ilVo rbe P ia - ~ating, Paintluthe rbi-e,'&t. W ulae thes Lý- o cd co, i e Csse' Ltte Litier pils ar ea ln ü ,n;i v.; yu (Jnpt ion.'hývý,1 ),oùn and pr- correct ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ai dbeorer n' thwtmctmtthec Suier r 1tns du"r; sn I)pant u fr leho ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~vï onceC trnhmwi lateelti ui an c'Y eao manyý Ones tha pc li' flo ba d -,. Iins, are do ritlou tcgbm.c But afier ý ai sc sa us t ts bysu c 1 eo mn ire tha ,, ers1!s,ý wai îi h OThe do no(t. nDbl- ) rer' Litl LI"e Pileae1ey m I coS 2eG es otlt.Oeo w ui ar oe Tby are str oti rîeetlo anddo ot ripe io purebu b thirgeti acio posEnc aiw at 'he raaes a Sttem n a n lshe 26 ~ , Stteia lOcir, Vn Strat Moivl T. bl M. A. l myss ývft-c e. and n Prpre or Sb riten Ntity ih aauc Ad retsece dret tranIsie aDvestsln t'ý en etspr , P. B. SIMPSON, X. C., CHAkS P. - ILA 11, iarstr Notarieg. etc., orisBlock u -tar,Ring 6treet, Bow;man-viiie. olicitorm for W eOatar!io Bank. pri-vote mo>nsys iea- cd ut owest rates. BQWMiNvîLL.Q IN T. M D 1ET; AL S T of s-'ir!nty Un yToronto; F-onr year%Âtedls Phyieln atd eeon az Ml. ormei Hos0pRI Omee azid Riene Weliogtoii Rt, Tek e . 10P. TOD T HGOýE ÜIIPLD OPlE ARMIN An efficient akd sent for triailfee Of expeuse or risk. No paymnet ilI a va no;f0COntract,AdrsC.W Tiemri-tun & Co, !07 Park Rowv, Newn YorkO(ity, U S. A. 20 S m PLT LifYS ECLeu WesUit e bsiesof Mnfcne Yýnigineers and thers'wiso -ealire tise advisabil- ity of bavinig thleir patent businuess t!asscted byiýxper*ts. Pciiaydiefe.charges mloderate. Our lnventor's Ad-iser senitlupon, ;equiest. Mro aln e ~rr ,f g Môn11i . '-'.id Wasliingtoin, D.C., U.S.A. I jime ***-,, a"td************* loto aUr Fail Tel," Wstbout anyv c breaýk. Enter an y lime. New7 tctallogue tfree. Write for Ilte- x Ca. CeoltIal Business College, xToronCy. Thse largest moSî r lalofits klnd. W, Il SHAW,Prlnelý-pal Yuuige & Gerrar-d St,, Toronto ft aladai ýY even nutnb8em'lSd sCtion of Dom. ' .on LanIda in an'litoba. Sasiatchewa Iberîs, exeeping 8 and ?3, not rceeled e oeeae by Lny prson wtso us tise iead osï a 1.imliy, orsI- a naie oves- IR of ge ttg ileeXtent of 0eqatrsec- d'5 -,sciales, mor r esq. -rtinforymust imade in-,par. 'tis acýpplCIat &t a Dominion Landeý Y" Or' suis-s gener for t tth rictn t'is lt d isiate. Entry Lby prox my m- ' -aie at aly Agency 0on cestain el-O "s sise olian tendjing hiomesteader. iE-hAt eatsixmotirsdec il 1d clt iv a t ionclf(tise and leteach year ree ye'ars. 'Li, et er may if lhe 80 desires, par' le ',equ' reîe reidence tiles by liv!ing on ' lad we olely -by hlm, flt le-s ýi z 1y ( e)ares 1i ,>o,ete u ntish iîii isonesead Jont owersipin lent I ~ -- y s CUIRENTTPIS A physocianWho has been attend- ing teitrainlmdclcn grs nVienna says that heý has deteirmined that in mlanly casecs the breaiking dowom f thLenrt~ss realy cased y thne presenceo logequnttisof o alie cidin the system.1He Calus the disease oxaIuria, a name tat is otne r, the profesion, and expressesth kToinion tace rest curemwilsoon be aÉhngolhepsta, tre-at- seaofrest a stimulation of the rvobabOly a combýination of theo twotretmetsis what ost of h sfresîshould rciv.Theyar ipoonged effort of any sort. (Com- me~~~v àiey u hni llias brugl exertion is igiybeneficial. Wha seilattenýtý'ionoaui may re- qirte %we donot knowbutmost out "the (vi ' F ph-sicians tha they n e ts air adsleep. Ifi theyv go into the country they are ,Il'ielyto s"upplemnent the resýt wît sligt eertonto get erehn !lepbcausçe of thie air and the e-x- ercise, and ubsque tly togain stregthrapdlyanýd exerIt tliem- selIveS moreud iore for the -ýplea' sure of inghirmucles.Te atre wvorkinjg ail he time ý?toward the' norm al cond t-!on of he liealth it needIs lno hscathe high- estprouetof dhe sehlools, to wite the pr'escriptionu [t aphiia -who shoul-d show just how it wasq psil to tkethis Cure wlien busi- niessasprsior funds were iowl w-ouid soon bec proclainîied a public b enef-cto r, A foreigiswietfs-cm Algeria, d"',u-umwbent bas ishe avîsa of prof, îthugl blckstem rusta tiske l bdiyat limes. Their only undesrable foutus-e is a tend(ecy A- deteriorate rapidly wben grewn undeýr 1unfavorlo irumtace. It flouiss beslin semias-d ous. It aiseo is disýtinctly esrabeun ac- cutilcof its higp ltncnet h hbasis iupon wich ihe relative îh atsae founded. God beu cannot ho muade un Ihe absence ofw gluten. lisn Russin thc dus-an wheat ields là pet cent cf gldu, untAis cunUI-y18andi 20 pet, cent cf glu- ten, with prospects cf eaching as higbi as 25 per ce'-ut. Tht' on' pos sible objection te this drougli-;t re- isigwbeat is tle colos-adta THEPl FRIT i toi E EARTH Keeping Min HealthyadWa- ing Off Dsae Ceisi,vegeýtables arnd meat spl tise eentneddfor man's Itour- Y sisment. Yet Nuit -- tiough it bas very little foodvaueba proved to be aboueynecessary for 1p-erfect healti. that ail thse cosumon tifruits act onus Liver, . ny, oe anid tilir. heeare tise orgaýzýnstat rid ihe body and theý fruit jui"-es stir tieni up to mo-re v1gorou1S actioni, thiuskein ise -whle bodýy îeain and ealhy B-ut few ,vpeople eat enougis fuit. Reaizng issafter svealyears ,;of 'cprimeti , apromiinent Ca-naian2 p!iysiciain sceeedh- ombining the l juc f apeornefige and ýjra "Frita-lvs. Tiisey ar.reLuy Ua- mno-re pirmpt and efctv. Sni oI ! âeaiers A i0c.a box-g boxes fo? 12 50 trSni sze box 23a ruta-ve 11,1.te suh Ottawa.ieL commo for en t redak, gner induoerce nr.i"rpat a undoubtedly we ailo fýPelA vstoo uh Fthe mosint prt suhiastatemeontl ailhvenee obsrved th tth" be Tie was sogenuhnah Trher's brpast t',iego-1o ld him to ianys otriking curimetouis own 1e Tht' elem wýien of ime etsinto qulfestioniaor oiion i tha mti h en thIecoceo Ofs Thcertie when s(geneouil iver au tha cdr doubts abou bis eeos r- but ater ie la reir, e threrosu il t is hen tt thphulosophy o ho, the dispues of the uthoritis are a boon to 1uSal. WebaveCau triyfor boltiuig and a1uLth rity for tirtýýy cew lo thie bite; au' hoiyfor a diet ofi rafs fosand authority, for friod fr-esh pr;ani bsl uoprohibition of meat,'cie e CX Clson11of certi kinids onlly;, praise( forvgerin anýd thoeir clasiflIca tioniiascrns Byv a -wise seice-tîinonf lis exp)erte thîngonionivny-,man eau gel an iun- dorssment for. anIy food Ihat pleas- es' hiu and any uatiyand 1ni- tlmtýýeî question rslvsil- self nb, ont' cf individual judg- niient. And pes-baps il was", 1'nnmd te, do0 se, wv"hether ýopîinions Me-we linnded down os- net, for mien find ont whjat disagnees witli hewith- iasi been overceme by tht' ints-edue- eutt going -te d)ctess; lhey are apt j in fkne-ading machines-y tînt blieachies the dougli ly means cf ais-. The ais- is an effectiv-e and liasm- - ss D'aciu gent and s-endoss the'b-a imac-t iligliles- and las- mloee wlolesome ' lIais breadfihatl liasne boe I realed. Dîu ws- ca(,,L g-rows rathes- luand lasi breaci, smoll bIaves cf a pt'culiar Nhiisl green, witl a lard cuticle. TCht' beads are -cempas-alivecy shen- des-,coply fornmed, someuLlmes short uitl île longesl beards kuownaumng wbeals. Tht' spike- lets are twe ie feus- graîncd. TIt'1 grains as-e b'cs-d, gissy, and cf al b anlucnt elhowishi, wite celer.i Tley are las-go and look imach like -ý ,L arley,, 1", many asked pointe cf diffes-ence alec are easy1 t(, deteet, Sir James Cricliton-Browne, whose pflatform includes a phaink un -wichi woul screw a mnaijs ' co- sumpton ofgood nd tothmm fod ow'n to thie imu requir.- Sd o minti is pyscl efici- ercya maurdby calo14ries and sucbh i'ke asrctsadadSucli teancfing, il eae, is roýpugnant, ilo ahi ut the stiïigy, and it iidlg- os un thiis ]bit of acam "Il asrecently become verciY te"' kniew lesevswbentcyas-e .sifferinlg fs-cmn v(sealing,te av at keenles-realizalion cf the faut! than tht'e siutdauithos-ilies. ils ai special Valute P)Many fore is Bau m%% ilie. A niotablle dseeyand ont' Ihat apa-) pf spe-ý cîalyi fmany p iole t Bew n1,anv I!iie ie t' omin-a[jl if siornecl !!, 1pin the'Mle-a tt'abnîenb. This lb acî1, dlirecbly upen th' lls f (ibe Sep (ile t-t hi god ifesfv lboîv- luh it 4 4a-aIIe 10 refed she moneif qili sa & tl e he god the sbemnach nees whichis bu siply tLe mnalec il dits own work. BlEDS THA\T DECEIVE. "AUl biseas-e net se innocent as tbe y wouldIcei,"says aunisah is. Tal,,kefor nac, lie geese. MosI people lav- e lourd a goose hies we h-aee by daniger1. 1 ,VeIL ltht is a trick onm île 'bird's- pas-t. 1l1 pas't agos", wht'istthe Ime- tie- go,e waS sitting on her- nest lcared ttthis aaiun madelier he(ad and nock sîmulat,, a suake. Se àt formCd a finedeene. "Tht' hawnîs anothen deeccvcr, if you approacli ber neet, she ill set tîp a dismal entes-y, and s-u bck wns-d andi fc-ward, traihing ("e!e wing on the' grcund, as teigi i wecre bro-kenu Thinking b pick lin u, y-ou f'6lowThunsseeussye awýýay frongmlier young.,lIntim's- cfý BOWMANVILLE - AT-THE-LÂKIE M'r. c'eo. W.Grn left for Sco land on Wednes5ýday, July 29, an wîll sail on S. S. Virg'_,inian of A jIan Line. vve wish im a pîcasa- tnp l)to tht' land of Cthe heather. r.and îMrs. HryAllun an faiyspent, Sunday and Mocnda Mlr. li )lbrt ilig, decorator aî.u painter. M!rs. Gio. Wýilliams, Toronto), vciiig at hMer.ogcr Fishieigh' "ootimshine Cotage." m.e renson-, Toronito, spet the hd Mrs.IE. Lage Fauk and E ing sPpnta pleasant time for, Mr. Reuen Coxand. wife, T - rono, spent a couple of daysa M.Gus. Busl' last week-. Thi ed to Bunsahls and gav e he hely receptjon. Mý',r. Pand S . iMark îuy lSr rent , vPcrpe "ust Cet ag"and hey areafielot (of fel onset for. baving a, good timec TJhis- is tht' short' for themtefins( Manýd Mr.CaeG alan family ad iss Rthrfrd o ren ,(regult'ssat M.Ge.W Mrs. m. Flmingspeut a w aý "Tht' Bngaow,"guet ofMr (in t L u nn iey and bla, vr plea sautoutîg. rs. Fred, al To enteu, spent the hliday there-m verywelemeguest. Mrs Il Mynard, Trno guest cf ler brother, (jeo. E. May Ernlie Myad opiTce aýnd LotilTapýison went on tht' BUow- lers' xcurson -tePeterboro ivit Hehiay wthe ". Vct r. They plaed tht'Y. 3M. C. A. thewre, hosig by 8 to 9 runs. It was a fast game. MJrs. T . Il. Sprïy, aooe sntunday weýek at Mr. Gi Bounsalh's cotge. Mir. Chias. Gage and. son, Toron- ber Wisitwspenut the hli-i day at1r. Ca.iies Friday eve ning lsI, us-ws p uîouiy nnoucVdin tht'papes-s, wýas thi, occasion cof a jolly time a tCe camp cf tht'Ae laoazr (Wilia'sCottage> on tt' eah Tht' cottagers i gnea, ndte Wetside un par'.ticular eigah- Most unanmos in attenanc nnd a un iit un praise cf tht'arne met.Tht' boys cstil eev cdJ grent praist'for tht' macnerun wiÀhic teyministereýd tbtht' plea- suîre cf al, and tht'badof Tht' Il) O. & P. Ce., sCemed te at oc partake cf tht'spirit of jolhiy thaL ajasporvades thlis campr, amd rendt'red a very choice programme, thtc audience mnietigtheir np- peciaton un tht' usuéalmer', Tht Inembers cof tht' camnp, Messrs. A. Mutton, E. Joncl es, F. Nends, N\. Mufltton, S. Morr)i-î.is, P.S. Mutonr and ~ ~ ~ ~~~ý W.Aeibynsitdb es- ste O Meyer aisd EL. Moyýse, served lunch ite the' baud and invitt'd guef-ss, wo were ail lould un their ps-aise cf thte nti. Tht' amai tt thiis junicture wvasahrdnd chsagrined te hennris that a couple cf rufian - ad ade a cowardl'y at- tac1k on our police, wlio \was busy guarding the' larder fresu tht' aI- tacks cf a burhly native. Chief C'ouch prl"omptly sat onee and tht' onter, owing stehhibl, soon van- islied. Fs-ci m t'numbiies cf tht' fair sex,ý, whlo uwEre present, and ap- paetynuxieus For tht' succes cf the occasion, wve wonld judgc tMat de camp willoose sometof its Calued members ce log. Lunchi çnded, tht' ban-d conchuded tht' pro- limme. Mr. A. M. WVilliamns, au) honornry mmbrof tht' camrp, ;hanked tht' bau.d oni behiaîf cf the Loys. W. B. Tapsen, manager,.s-e- J'lied, thlinkîng the' boys for' tht' honer, conferred on tht' band. Threec dwects wcs-c thn given for tht'mcm- 1,ers cf tht' camp, and thr-c mort' Istops Itching HEAL S THE SKIN. h i s ne Dr. A. W. Cisealis teent poss5s b a remarkai!adegrea the aiily to stop itîrig and heal raw skie, tisat il aha. coinc knaown tise world over as thee mcii suc- ce.saful îreatmerit for- aurh disacs of this kin as eczema and sasti rheum. Any one wisa isý farniliar wih tise ife of Dr.y. XW.Chiase, the fanions Rcaipt Bock author. knows that few physicians evar had surisart cpportnniiy of beroming arqnaintad with tise osat effective medirsi tresîments, and naîising tisait'ise doctoreve, put l isa,&tme to fias been so marvelIlously sucresoful sa Dr. A. W.ý Chase's Ointment1 You con prove ibis abaolutîy i ny rae-s' of erzerna. After tise irai f ew applications, tise wreicrd siegig, îîrising sensations ara îelieved, ansd gredually sud naetsrally tise raw &oraserome.ce smsl n maller until îisevy Pe-u-n ka Systemic Catar.!rh Rernedy Especially Aapedtocas of Nervous Postratio or Extreme Summer Heat. 'à flng conti'nnance", ts neia beý-rme mor r cacustomed t il in Temiperate Zone,,bwvswsr giAI, tise systei le someetimies ,poos-ly prep-ared t ttis eth e s f ot wotsThis te tr is casecf mac sickness. Stema-ich ii aasroiIndigestion anddy- ppa r netamongtseleaet Offrm met alimnents, W-beu isel esiuis euretise assimilai e eso INDGESION aifected, an,!as aà reSuit tise dyd noureisen -At isLod Lassitde, eansbrifag ,oascf e ant nervous potainare tis utua Wist e ooeis j3a s-mediy tisaI i restoro t1isa digestive or-gane ta theýL- nomiCondition. Suis rmey asbs nfeunla le-nIl bas p-vn otcf cf roat nieLU oosad f cases cf Iblis mrina. Ils acýtionba benremarkable aI imnes lu rcstoring someo pattents whio t'ad given up ail hope cf tecovey. Buit thpre le nothing srsange about! 1Perana'e actin. It sml ossn tise muosMem- braiss of tise orane PE'ûRSis ïInVoiveti, 5stasing S I-jý 7ao0r maicondlili t i on11s a> iai ature Üo perform beur datteiuhndrei TisaIpereuwio hbas cands tthe-,s Muous membranes iilg tise pntie âigestive tract lewei-gardd gaInjst tise asuai summer ailinents. 'o-ana Ilei mans wh'.ereby ta aI- tain Ibis most dees-abie condiltion. If yoa sufeforom auy of tise above meutioamed smpose ry a bottIe of Pes-una. Ont' botte 0of thie remnedy -le cftIon Sufficient ltou,) c any one cf its m31erit as a, safe and, reliabie rem-edy for ail catarrisal conditions. We b ave mnany letters cf gratitude re- coiet from parrons w*Co have expe- Aoeuced ils benefits These teetimioniais ar%,e roof tla us tisaI l'es-na 1bas net fintatise is- sion for wisicb il M'as iuteuded, tisat, of seicevlg suffering andretln IleGii. tht home cf Mre Jasroîl Tyler whes bis second dauglites, Annie AmiaR LUnclico ws rodat 7 pm.tei seme lwnl-fur guoiste, :aer wfisli tht' evcning -was pleasnntly spent un musie games and.danc- ing. A tht' guesîs were about te, eave th-c following address wns, rend:; Bowm1lanivihhc, July 301h, 1908. To Miss IMillie yirAnumbles- cf yens- fsiends bave m4et at, -your homern(,te ighlt as we nndenstand- this is yens- 23réd birthday, and -we tihouýgît wc could net let Ihis eppon- tuniîy pase withont recegnizing il Jin some tangible way; you Ihat fhave aiways sow a bapp eme wnever we ha'e imet you n tht' pnst and hope il wiil stîi continue. We2 therefore nsk yen le accept Ibis b-eia asiglit tok-en cf eus- re- spect, and truLst, as yeon weas- it you M'ill net forget tht' happy tlime we havje spent logethies to-niglil. Trust- ing as tbc yensers-cl by yen may have mnany more friendel added le yous- alrady large dcce. Signed On bellaif cf the fiends, MISS MIAY DILLINOG. 1MR. SID)NEýY MORRIS. Mss. John Christian and Ms-s. Kienheýn Gos-nil seturined home leo (ambs-ay 1) r meý7lat Friidny aftes- a moniith's pleasant visit wýith Ms-s. Wým. McReynioids,, Brookhill Dais-y. Miss My-the YMcReynoids a-ccem-ý panied themn for hes- holidaye. Mr. and Ms-s. Thos.-bigginson, and son Tom, Base Lune, and Ms-. aInd Ms-s. J"e. White, Liverpool, Eni ,wlio as-elies-e on their! w'eddhing tous-, visited Mr'. and Ms-s. Wm. MReynldsBs-okhihl Dais-y. -N TEI-',NEBlIIS LUtX. Ont' cf tht' stiaranes> hoomn *wldhic bae eccnrred for m iasyyes- -smtrange, because ailegelles- n-e intelligible, auci, 50 us-, ssc I sais facts-il expnine hyscientiste - was tht' reimas-kaie11Adunaccoai- Ille pocgte ftic glcý ev cf tw"i1ight, wvit![ tbe cempieteabec t f dnkesdnsingftht' w1liole cf île Igot,which s-centy se slarld, nostl-wete-nEurope. Abeti fi cuissot hue pes-vudecitht' nesth- es-n heavenis, as tilongli, tibeaxiÀs of te t'asiIl saddt'n,-v Charis igtht' sun liad net 1s11k msefat1benenli lht' horjizo)n as usuaL and tht'poýsi- Mq. PK BRiEN, 2?STrdâStreet, Liilou, Q-e--- "Tise ftiïgues entaiied by mny drUteF as acoountatut beCgaý: n t w Men y systm abut ayeeir ao I fei1t tbGa. I wozald flot lon,- be able to wtstn the, se-ývere trl upon mry nervûEs, a,-, i tihlng unknown to meb1oeIwouldl 'bm ng,) for-fce hourd to be over iiu order to reet. "gr%1anaily grcw wekr nd a few mnirth s Inter my eslgbt a>mned I t'hon brocke dw opeeyand was obl.iged to take týo rny bed. i Jwas alpo' sulfferîing frnmplpttinof tise heart. "fera few weee' tealsenttby & local phYsieilan, IwaILI thse sanIe criltiei cf)-nditiorn and as tise doctor held ont no great prospects for mne, 1 de- ciddto exprimnt nmyseif. 1- "I1 took several rmdisadvertlet'd as Iulbut did flot deriv-e any beneuit, "Peruna ,was thenýi given ii, and beFore 1 had talcen it a we"ek 1 feit xny condition tm.proving. .fte afew woeks imore lisAd lapsed, drigwisich titeIfoloe ts dreton aroeuiiy, my shtee lros-ytmbe- came ftimer, nmy siglit stron,ger and I isoped 10 be ouI sooni n. "My xpetatonswerereaiized, for i lu rneweeLs I assumed rmy duties as ',Pceaua certainiy wrkd oner oxy SySÉem, and for puene ruLn- down from oeror 'Sbliveii ieosefacoson.> Assistant %Aar Gorespondeiat Rcous- mnaPe-r-u-Ela, Yfr. 11,B. MneAssistant War Cor- respondent dlus-ng tise War ta China-, t'as-e "Bi-ack and Wii'e"688 Cralg Bt,, Montreal, Canada, writes., "1Wisen a mran travele tai exutsemeily bot or cobd elimatos, ise realizes bow valuabbe a fs-tend Lho bas Ifdbeo rs-es a bottbe c fl'es-an. "I know of lno article in mytrvln on k hihIbaelas-ed te ras isigiser. 1,1f you ,lare ufrngwt tise ex0- tr-eme isîeat, Pes-una rso-syoa, or i yon atre Lt-lleted ý wiîis aLcol, rip slhort tlime. "'Or if yen sufer -with eepeeeeor if yens- appetite te poor, again Peýruna% Tht' phlciomenon mus entis-ohy dif- ferotnt te nus-es-n bos-onis, and ilie cauenieains an abselaite myistes- Iwaiu as touia Jos uld ce'n m.dtdtht' Sn testand stili in os-des- te ps-ulg thteng o f thle ButLi veur eautiflInnid sfrange, this phecunmenon ceuld net comlpas-einssplendeir annd magni- fi(tcnce w'ith tle stastling disphay of nus-es-a b senlie -wiich teck --place in Englnnd in 18A9. As tht' twihight disapilpeasi-ed istrange corsuctions cf ceos-ed light wes-e ebses-ved un tht' nostiers heavens, graduaiiy tnking the fos-su of a ýggiantie lmnu nscof mnny clrdfis-es. Dpn ing f-mtht' n-cl e-egeometdri- cal c mucf cns-yýing hengtli, cf qnîvering, mauy-hued wihre; soime abiiaiint amnethyst, somne a deeper pus-pieos- some a vivici car- mi-ine os- emies-nd,No a throbbhinig glewing arc, and it flashies in gold os o-age azure orvrmio, mauve os- violet; new for, a Wmment purtiaily fadingawy again sud- dcnly, with a qua\vsing trempor, scintilating and I fashiisg as b)rigîýt- lyý as bcufcm'. Tht' spectacle is n)wý beyonid expression sub0lim-e anidn- jcstîc, and bs who lad tht' geed fortune te w"itneýss it were alto gtes- orwltelmed-at t-bisman fieu1t andsu tue disphay of tht' nubyforces cf Natuire. On aneller occýasion,' instead cf ai proLongatie«ýn cf dayhight, for a spa-"ce ef Ilret' heurs, cmecs uta nooni-day-, ase-aturadn-- tus vrpsrend tht' land, a daxk- noe u n vhilch, il i'; beiiev'ed, tEe emutist' casth wnspluniged. for Na- tare "was (thon veiling iles-fae %hWkd ai lie d-ad tsagody whidh M'as lking place onGogta threîe pure and hlySon c(f Gedl was-, beurîng the ,sliasuefuilrond of aiE who i w it comne Lte bîsu, en- during tht' punslment due hy thonsi b Eteral Jutice. Aye, eh még14 Nature then, agliet ut tle heurt -rendîng sff on f lberl Lord, sbreud e-el ndnkes and sre bfii f-cterib!ld in"- c UitS A bis dastardlymatchss.But b!is death i u-f, bisuf-ng 'cuir pasot leîl girisand Su- pes-nal joys cf heaves; bis crewn t f' îles"-ns cas- titie te()a ceno WVAR LOSSES FROM DSAE 1is a ocn amag f itht' Frenjcli n adgaca 1,00 o nn wes-e snt e tt' int c wom29 -toee killied in i on,-nilet7 i 000l perisledfscpevnaedi t's.lstht'-Boeern- tt n s Poses M'es-cto-n lies n wtes- fs-cm actes t a g-)')(, Iru'e friend a nd is thse ton2,toÏ'eneeded. nz adm "I-lave tried it foirnots n r true, loyal s tandby in lmsftrouble., I do flotheiite JrOmmndit t10 ail," Reatorea to Ilath,â Mýre, . Coln,831 Notre Dame streý-et, "Last od-nterIcoraedaeee cold wbcpffeccted my lspad and Ihroat soîh1dwotake ta my bcd and could Lot do nmy hoju:owork, A friend ad- ilsd ûetca gel a 'bottie of Peruna, and I rcrda bOttie, -It Ubeltfrom the 1tat. L ave laken three botties and -airkt new wma.My d2ughterlo systesuwa also com-pietely run clown adaftor nsing Perua ie ss gain re- s-tore:(d t1 isealtis." COMPLINE.NTS G.'T. Rt. Tht' Grand Truink 1Passeuger De- yuur trinlut à5.4J1p.m.n hast M on- day;,yeste-day mos-ning we1ladC Ithikil my d1uytecplet terend on lo rad f Ihe e-- IRON DUKE IN FRANCE. tas-y Taces mtaeWie1ingtout. Botl as a la ad as a. yongof- cor tle LDake (of VWchlinjglon Stud(icd militas-y tawtcs kand strategy aI u gets, un Francu(e, and il was îles-o that ho lad the Advantage cf "sil- ting aI tle foot cf" ont' cf île great- est masters of ecientifie warfare whlo ov- 'l iv edVaîdmmWelingon himsecf is recos-dcd te have sanitînt le cwed lie idea cf fornling a, square cf infnntry te nesist cavais-y te hie Fs-eh tances-. Tht' fos-maýn had ibeen Inied un the' ciglilenî i contas-y by tht'Anls- trianLt'epsl rgime t aIVilles- Cetterels, France, but ans-]1)th blussurs broke tht' squIas-o. Tht' Frnlused it un 1812 aI Salamianca,, when ci!agninil f ailecibefoe îl chas-go of île Englisi Dragoan (tuards. Il was ossentially ailes-mca- lien enly ses-vîceable writh tht steadies trocps. The, Iren uk sa-w ils me-ils, kne w lit' lad the riiglit ae-l(n ut Wutes-hooil at h rle square, Vandumme'cs idea, wbich relhed back île Imperiai Guard and boke the powes cf Napoleon. A CS F N SiROu P1-0TAIo Rielieved In a Remaarkable Mýanner By Pe-ruýt-na. 1 . . ý 1 - - 1, . ý - . 1 1

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