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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Aug 1908, p. 1

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ta tte *1 TERMS.--$I.0O rer Annam, Oua TOWN A-ND OOUNTY FIRST ; THÉ WORLD ATRADS .A JAMES&SOSPrpioa Lu Âdvanee. ~~~~~~OWMÂNVILLE, ONTARIO,THRDY UUT201t8VLMEIVNo34 Sumuer Goods At greatly ed prices f rm to-day. CoeJohn-. ston & Cryderaa will senl ail colored Muslijs at, reducei prices. Also some Dress, Gooda at about haif MNen'"s TwIO-Piece Suits, Regular Price $7.50 for *$5.OO, Regular Price 9.00 for 6,00, Regular, Price 11.00 for 7 50, Regular Pri-e 12.50 for 9,. Regular Pricea 15.00 for .t2.00. -adëve r t ise d. * *OOUCH sold as mJOHNSTON & CRYDERIAN, Grocers' Due Bis taken as Cash. IStore Opens 7à0 . m... Yolr Fvrt Fally Rooipes whe u ghtotethe West End Drug store to be filled are properly taken care of and filied with the purest. freshest adbest hingred imens money can buy. WeVi ate the quaifty ci goods and tho aocýuraicy et preppring. The cargs re medeIrateai d as iew as posible for the ý(Geds we supply tey.7u1, We ask ïvr)L te give us aý trial, then judge for YOurseif. It pays to deal with Stor(e BA4NK 0 M ONTrf-ýRE"A L -o- Ltsaliîsned 1817 WEDDING BEL.LS. I Mrs. J. E.Whit1e, Trno adM.and I lation-MisH. LU Carsoadden1, Miss E. -- i M!2rs. ; .Obbeik East' Tornulto. C.. Emmerson, O. EK Jaek, T W. Mar-~ KELY-ALWELtin, M iss A. M. S3tewart, Miss E. M. Aquite weddim 'g took place at the EVERYBODY SATISFIEID. Turner,-ýS1îar home of Mr. and Mrs James ÎadiUA~iff UBOý na Vista," oun cuea July 29.± O1 Urýopeninug d&y ýïa a grand Pucs.DIt1 ORP itu whAlle r yonugest daughter. Elieu We were weil sat lFfied wîth the number Spowers (Uoee)becamue the wifei o e t of people who came te wish uas success J, W.ý Kelly, Peterbaro, ion ef Y r. Wu. ln Our new store aud if goed wishes and THE STÂTESMÂN wWil hoSent te auY Kelly, Osà7ef, Sask. Tlie ceremouy wa 1kind words betoken uuccess wo sec a a onsfide ew suecrfor lu Cane .1o t cendnited by the Rov, El.E.Rbraham- great future before us. We feel that Jan"t ,110 o ny u olr paior of 5*. Peula ohurcb, The bride was file people have cofidnc in us aud J-Ai~PHIII<H-SBwavl antedesd wene e travelling suit lknow that wben we advertîse a sale, we Ontari. ______ et bit hienwIt blus etcreniwfil be Ltre wfth the goodo. and why HIGvH SOHOOL NOTEb o heussain su lewihhat te o e ach sholildn't we è We are iu touch with ailt duchFi ati an lar wih at o Ltchthe leading import honses lu the couintry Âfter the happy couple receivred cougrat- and yen may ho sure t hat if yen a re Stuadents who 'passEdý, the ountrance ulat'ons, they IefttOu the2.57 train for a loehîug for up-to-dte' novelties that examainatien this year at Bowmsnville trip through the Maekoke- laktes. The pro yen wili find them at Nichoi' Beayer wili recoivre their criiae at thf ili seuls3 te the bride were namerous srd Bleck, Bo'wmsville. Schoel ou the U;nig ay prety tstiyiugte he ste~u l wbcliNew stud4fts are avlednetot pur. s1he ha ld by lier mauy tride. Up, u chase their bok beîore seelng the their -returu Mr. aud KMa Kelly wIli re.-CCESSFUL BOWMANVILLE BOT. pinipl aides et 327 Downie street,Peterboro. I- ....nn.. r.45 ....-,...- i ... Roebert Baiagh,, te Mr. Jaàmei E W. IEhllp, the po puier&G T. R agent éat NewcastIea.Ss slemriized Ang 12 at, the home,- of the bride in the>presene eto the imdaefin' ttecnrcit pnteTe cereifozv -as -,Pl frmed bvth Rv A. V. Brown paster h Presb)vterian cburchi, To the stratus cet thea wcddirg ýmarch Jromf .fhngn,r played bit Mns (Rev.) Brewnvii, the bride- was brougtli t sd giroen awa,, bv ber Cousin. 'Ir. A. J. Staples of Oronio Bcth bride sud dgroom wrenuetteuded. A dainty luL-ch was se(rved atter whicli the bride aud grocm letL by 7 30 G.T.LR train te speLd thoir hcneyrnoou iu Ton, enteý, Listowei, Ceiiugwood sud other Peints The greem',3 gift te thc bride was a haudIcei Hetz n piano Thie weddig preseuts were cheice and appnepr'iare, 'ile churclh ofe which the bride was a; memnber, peet ed ber with e haudeome music cabineýt PATTIN5ON- DINGMAN A verv o.niet ean.tnrne- Saturdia, AitgLut 13 at the r(eef d o f Mr. and Mrs. 'W, W. Diugmsun, Scugeg1 Street, wien their eldeet daugliter Mýiss Almira Dinguman d Mr, Edw-,ard W. MilssS E. E Haycraf lt eof THE STATES- MAN staff and lieýr -iece Mrs. oh) droskemln ,Osha,ia ve r1eturned frem a thiree weeks' visit witli thelatter,,, brothier, Mr. R. Wesle'y Lawr'ie at Erie, Pa. MLawrie 1ý a-, Dnýrham bey whlias prespered luinlee Sam.'s deminls. Hoelias il very large and weli equippod furniture aud hli.usfrnisli-, iug establielimient on State street besides two braniwhsto)res ini thor parts et tie ctHo e Oeuducte a Lueet siccoss-; 'luiL~ JLaUE.Mu1 three very f!ine hearseýs witi tweo spaus ot black sud euee ofgneys. Ho aise lias ilu service two amnbulanjces. Mn. Lawrie la e de nte e branci te ils already large businessý that et m-anaeturing plate gitssmin-j nons, wvhich iaiready prom-rises te be a1 good pyn uetet West DurIham beys sem te be msdegr'f dthe igit kiad of stuif sund uuhycrete the top. Miss H-ayoraft- aise spent a ienrl Cleveland, Ohio, witi Mr. aud Mrs. M. A, James, jr.,,sud had a çery pleasant visit lu both cities. MIISTEKSAND) VliIK(RES,, Capital Rest Total Assets lweek, the tellowiîug have pasted the idepartmentwh examinations: Pt. 1 Senior Toachenus - Mrtle Ba Lila Cole, MUabel Cox, -Elmer Runldie. Parýt Il Senior- Teachers - Leslie -COx& (houons) WHITBY PRESBYTERY SThe Presbytery met at Whitby J uiy Kerr, Fereter sud Moore, aud Mesrt MeLIluKeth, "Kosmn, M'unkar, For- gle > auealeders. By a standing, vote tis nesO!lutienl was pRassed aud ordered te o eug in dlutho mnt -The member8 oet Presbyvtery take thiS eppenlunity to cnrauae e. J. A. M eeB. A., upen the completion cf twenty yeanb' mi uistrv IintLiecoïgre- gaticn at 'Oreno, ami te express thoîr &ppre ciation cf the hoyalty et the con- gregation te their past.or sud the sup- port they have given him uring al those roars Hie brethren assure Bey. Mir. MuKeeu that thoyv are gratIfied te »ecou (dGoefon"the Master ilu the cont. gregation et wbich ha la tie paster, Tihey wiih Nr. isud Mrs. MeKeen bon voyago,~ a veiry pleasant holidasd Us full enjoymeut- cf their wehhI-earned reet, s.ud pray that the3y May ho long sparFd te carry on11the werk Met'the Master with uleasuire Itteriso-ves aud SPECIALU SALE Wall Papers!t Regular 15c, 20e and 25c. Gwlit Wall papers lu greens, browns and blnes with ellnrgs and 18 inch friezes te match. suit- abefor parlors, dining roýoms and Halls 'at NINE CENTS per roll, Reguar Qej-12eand 15C, Gilt Papers in greens, Browns and bluraes, sultable, for dining rooms, Sitting rcoois or halls, with 9 Inch bordlers to match at 5p, per roîl. î Big 2r. Bookstore. Bwavle Sugas Prservng ime quai- !ty routmore than pnîce, Twfe have liea beet preserviug sugan made Lu Canada. 'IF., A. IiADDY Groecies Ihat peaslrwhnt r o ~suowon ndwe have a a large stock from whieh te, snppl cr e Gem Jars, -w13haveahilkinds et Gem-r Jars and aU i ies, both ltu wide tops and uarrow tops of the bout make. Fruits, the best fruits wftW;ai kud in soason for preservig and 'table- use: With the beet sugar, best gem jars aud best fruitis your preserving wil be sat. irfautory. Butter and eggsQ wante8d. P A .I4w9LàZ China Hall Groeery. ThenCornr S hoeýStuo r e THE BURNS' PRICE 15 LOW EST ý,m 383 pairs 'Mens' caif blucher ont boots, gun metal finish. thieýk soles, geod- year welted. B o t h broad and mnar ro0W swing shapes. stylish appearauce, goôod wear, reg, $8.50 and $4,00 speia...........2.750 8pairs mess'. tan celer blueher boots, llght har- vesat-wi' e~wi soles, aIl size7,sell.7 , Boys' dark canýas boots, good-weigt s o 1 oe s, loather faced, service- able kuoeabouts ...... 1.90 Boys' -knockabout leather boots, cotton lined to clear,.,.............1.00 Lady 's white canvas shoos, also black kid shoos and strap sl-ippers, >te elear.. 1L 00 Girls' strap slippers to clear, many servicoable pairs,. 75e. A Luxury for Tender Feet Miens' sot t English kip farmn blucher boots, medium woight, goya-et §Pewn soles, very eaýy travellers3 and durable, McCreaîly's......32 5 The largesat assortment of farm boots and kno4ekabouts in this dis- triet. See. Our four Windows f~ up-to-date styles 1n fine -wear at t1ose prices. THE BUIRNS 00. 1 Ltd., Main Four Corniers. Oshawa Manager. Bowmanville Branch. Farmiers Attentiun When ln Bowmanvi--lle iake yourl headquarters a MITCHELL'S CORNER DRIJG STORE, There 10 always a special seat re- served for a comfertable re-t and a sale place where yon may 'store your par- cols whîie shoppingareund town. Everyýthing that should be ke-pt in a tirst ciass pharmacy Is aiways foand bore. if we have net, what yen want we shail be pleased to cet it. Prompt attention and ceeurteoiis tr~aton -re~iw-a-s-rce-vd-here-by our m&nycustomers. We want your trade-It wil b,3 ppre. ciated. ao COMichl Phone 92a 1F or nIahICeaiis- QOwm IaUWe FALI TERM begin8 on SePt.e, 3,Our oId-esta bi isled anid reliabie 3echool off ers the besi facUlitiés for mer;uring c, souandbusiness and shorthaud traiung. WrIte for et-, alogue; it pa-ys to Invesilgatc. British A oia Colloge, Toronto, secoi of IblËknd inIvites you to write for lis new cataiogue. W, H* Shaw) Pre3ideut, or 9, R. shw ecreiary, table asprettl' l ihnbbon su"d pînk sud x[white sweet pes aisud loeked very attrac(tive, The gnoml's gitt te tie plauÉlist as a..goid pin set Vilipans Ameuig thet beantitl gltts te tha bride were a beautiful sle cau)delabra from Messrs. Sii suaid Buiismsn, wholesale milliners, Torouito, and a very haudsome cnt-gla,.ss fruit disli frem their traveller, Mr. A. A. Davis. Mauy otier usatul sud pretty gift, censistiug of checks, cut glass, silver and inen- wera received from relatives aud tnieuds, Mn. and Mrm Pattinson left the same aveuiug for their new home lu Torouto, the bride travelling in a navy bine suit wti Paddy green and bine liat te match. They wili ho at home at 169 Berkeley St, Toronto, attar Octeber let. THE STAT- ESNAN exteuds goodwishes for a happy future. 'CRESS WELL,-BELLUA-7 A very lhappy 1event vas cibae ou Satunday August 8tli at -"Balsam Greve" the resfdeuce et Mr sud Mrs Edward Belîman, Centre Street, whau Beilman becama the.wite of Mr. Chane Trevelysu Oreeswell, Principal ef Pub- lic echools, e1apid City, Man. The wedding mardi was played by Miss Frankie M. Jeweli, The bride was gilven away by lien tatier, The selemu words whîci made tic, twaiu eue were preouoed by Bey. Johu Garbutt, presence ef about fit ty relatives sud fionds. Tic bride were a very liaud- some gown ef cneami Duceess satin iuserted witi lace, sud cannied a bouquet ot brida's roses. Han euly atteudant w as Miss Agues Belîman, Celliugwee cd, nýiece of tic bride. wlio made a -veny pretty littie fiowen girl lu a dress ef pink silk. Atten congratulations tic wed. ding party st dowu te a finely prepared weddiug dkinar. The deceratiens lu tic diiuig reem, ef piuk sud white wenc veryF pretty, aspecially the bnide's table wiil was dintily laid Witi wirite ribbous sand smilax wile abeve 1h was, suspende thtrree white weddiiug- bele. Dey. Mn, Garbutt'Lu a happy velu pro- poeed tihe alti et tjic bnide wlii:ch was respeuded, te by the groom. Mess, A. E., Behiman, N, T T.Bira, O ewail1 sud. W J Williamsý, added ceuignatuilat- ory speches. AtUten tiacûcremnIy tic br idai arywas photographedb1) Mr. S. Hays. The greomi's gft teis bride was a han Domeadetof Wm ms nsud te tichewe govmirlha gave a Pearl Pin. M1any Cther beautUitlgitts cure receivad byh tIs ride ýail testitying te tlýi igli' estea uwic leleil. The jiappy couple iet by ticeeuig train ton a Short hllnymenin tic eist pev. ion!s te go"iig te thair westen m. Mme Crsswiilias tauglit so-heol, witi Ili luc mcaslu Rafealr Saleai, BowmanvilIc sud Pont Anrthn-, sud lier llauy fiands liane jelu lu wîshiig hanr sud lier luýIusban great happineses ud presperity. n sdMis Cressweil wlill raside at Rapi)ïd OtMari- where vtey will ho ah hoime at.ter Sephember let, Among tic gucets present tnom a dIistance, wcre : Mn. sud Mr. Elmer J, Beliman asudcdaugliterOligod Mr. msud Mr. N. Belalîman d daughters, Misses Ania sud Floreuce sud Moe.w Merkley sud Arthur BelimaL, Mz. ud wusu pleurs olusouen 5a i ces iuuà earlier dars sud, Miss Jenes s POkOno eutdoor wenk ot tic preseut day. The elnging though uuaceompauied was verv heanty sud flosted eut over thc wioie nelgiberhood. At tie close ef the service moalt oethte yeung people weut luto the parler sud speut a happy hait heur lu music, etc.% "An eveniug wti Frances Havergai" was fnily eujoyed by the Methediet Leaguere on J. C Elliott's lawu Tues- day ovoulng. Prosideut Lovell couduet ed thée peuiug"exerctseesud tie pro- gram was lu charge of Misses Lillisu MeLeau sud Ida Pinci. Elmer Ellett read tie acipture MieseFie Mason gave s paper ou tic "«Lite ef Fran2ces Havorgal" sud Miss Leua Hadidy oe fort 1"Cousecrated Hymne; " M Is Fraukie Jeweil gave a roadlng "M ieunderstood;" Miss Ethel L. VanNest sang a soie sud Misses Poilard sud Dudley sang a duel. -The-hymne -uaed -were-In keeping-wh- tic teple and thé meeting wae very interestiug sud profitable. Meetings. willi bo held lu the chunci hereatter. PORT PERRY Mn. Samuel Jeffrey sud wifo, Blak. stock, vislted thein uncle. Mr. N. ,4effery Bethol, is the new Science Master tu Port Peýr rv igh School .... Mr and, Mrs Nathan Byers attended the funeral ef Mrs. Thos. Mountjoy. Haydon...Mr adH' Mrs, Franrk Courtice, Collingwood, were reçent gueBseoe Mr. S. J eftery Miss Seobeli, Miss Glover, Mr. Wilbert Hoar, Bowmanvilo. were guests ef Mr J. W. Meharry recently. .. ,.Editor and Mms Sam. Cuttie and son Flood, Orono, vislted Mr, N. J elrey recentiy. .....Four- teen pupils tried tho Junior Loaving Examinatlons, 9 paesod, 5 with honore.- Miss H. L. Carscadden (honore), Miss A. f3 Devitt, J 11. Fitechett, Miss M. B. Gilde (henors) T . W. Martin, 14Miss A. m Stewar-t (honore)I, Miss E M. Turner, (honore), .W. Ward. Junior Matricu- Hlow Is Your Btood ? If yo aksrntaenervrous, have 110 apetiedn't lieep weil, get tired ~raily yor boodis in bcd rcond;tion. Thu~ ~ ~~~~~i antbesrg thupre, rich hlood Roo's Srsap rilaIuaks :god Impue Bood-Myittl bcy had acon- HoodeS r larii 1, 1 in a short time ho Srat0,d,0Oin Had No Àppetite- "I mas troublfed with dpesa an d no appetite,' I had a fent feeHnr aftez euting. My csttin ru' ai ndw.but Hooýd's sapalihu bas uiy reli*eved miie." FOINES'w -,uidervillc, Wisýconsin. Weakness-"I bleýs the day I 1h'aard of LHoodi's Sirs.ap- _Iî, as it uemb of extreme, Weaýkness àfter Ltnp. buUit My husbanduwp Hood's SaisaparUla le sold ever7wboem 100 Doses OneDoI. Prepared onuly by C. L Heod C.,Loweil, éass., U. S. A. A specjial meet0ing of the &mnil Football Club was heid Mondsy evculnig te maiearanemnt fr 1aré.uniD o f ahi playerS vie have )'leen ou liaBownanviile fta le n lthe lasi 15 years. AboUt 50 inlilations have been saut eut te the boya Fway f rom bonie, 0so hla sreusing lime ùg expeciea. The date efthIis gret celobraliÏou id Fnlday Anguat 231h. A foot- ball gaieý vFiii bu pleyed belveen liSh "bau wîéençsudibis year'a eheMpion "colts" et ligi »,bSabool grotndu at 6.80 o'0100k ïSharp, Publieý are eordially invltod te attend. Thée ld limera viii ehocue thelg players ow em héfelioving liai : Dro. N J Hostie, C W Siemon, J 0 Deviti> G M Trowin, A W MeuleO, D W Clarke, W Me- laliugi, sud M6esr. BOaiFRP.Kéns- laie, Freéland, W J ïnoi,, B Vanutce, Q Poster, f U Vanalene, F H, F.-ca, T 1: Mocready, T HauIer?, EB Haddy, C Haddy, H ryler, A Baker 3 Diekinson, F lWcnry, 9 Bear, F Downa8y, A Smi.h, F smiti, E Wezden, HEMitchelL 58 M Sejoi, L Pasue# G Mitchell, Bey, E Munroc and Many bcers.-Tfii.e ugtc vi have -heï- regular lino up, football players thoy havé lurned eut frei this toms. Sevoral of 1hoir memberu hev6 boom on bera vluning Iusoîuatiouai champ. lonubipuj, bésideolicro wtniug Provincial, cils snd coloehonore, Out boyoalaiaju mai e fp ârt lcam viorevor tiey go. viii hé given lu thé oveins o!ofvilci more patciisre viii hogtven in naiB tweek's issue, Miss e tas Myuard leenjoylng lier bonlidays et home. Tic dredgo came SstlirdsY sud wlhl te bese moti--quite a weicome visit- or. Mies B.. MAynard loft Saturday slter a phoasauttlwe weeks viuit le Inoende ah York Mle Travrwhlng la lu vogue, buit verY few fia arecaugit Tic ides et some la tiat lie ruutiing oi tic meooi boats scare tiom off, Arthhur Sutton and Jas., Lu uuey are maring geod use eft hem up-to date motor boats, sud many ofthle campersý enjoy a geed rIde. Leopold Countico, Misses Carnie Cour. tice, Ethel Gay, Arunie Belîman end Franhle Jewel were guoste of Mrs, Geo. W. Grant, "Drumden Cottage. " -Norman Plummor, wilt sud tsmIly, WVM. FIsbIjýlgh sud wife, Mrs SCOtt aud Mrs E.LMiddheoeuasd daugiter, and T. Osborne wereý guosîs at R. FiBleleigh'o, "Meoousiue Cottage", r8ecoUtiv Boys lu "1Sunset cottage", litfor their homne lu Deer Park, Torouto, - Sa'turday They epeýak weil et tile Beach, sud iutend eomlug agaiânenot sum-rmer. Thoy,, are s geuatiemauly lot oe! ellews sud wlll bo wclcome3d bac!,. J. W, Noblh sud wite, Miss Helen Noble, A. Bouasahi and Mfrs- W. P'. Myree, ail ef Indi.%uspolis. Iitd., Cccii Oshorue sund daugiter Helen, E. Bo-Lui sali aud wife, chas Cex, snd wite spout .Suudnaî-et 'Stuishinue Cottage", gUosts af Gues BeUsshl,ý loi tî 4î -1 -L ý-r --Tu- 9 -- i -OUDDorters- i i - Tm 1 pastor of the Methodist -church. in Me. recentIv ...... Mr -y Ir -1- 'Y' V". Princinal J oh n Ellintt. , k -Dr

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