J 11E LIFE O OF x00DNE S S We Are Nevier .A.ny Better in Ours elves ThaunWe Believe Others -May Be. "Iso Yis h iat wiiibam ou Yen cannut bide -tise goodu"ese of( if yeblf"o;m c ha bihists gcod man an1mre isn'ou 'od"-.Peter, iii., 13.eu cvenu iebdrs ts Soema hope t e eegood lad. Charateri lgs isfst l~go agt ehuncisist as otiersjif efu hr i e i l. WIlies hoet eoews ysleeping in ' r laspeii soslf se a coleoge draitrynueis more iui nicer ia ns-anaaquisitin,'l'au Gooiin ess - ujxat youwauf fiî'ks to ts e ài i elao moston fis gained, re tisaI fisere i 'jite. chance cf but if is acf laid on any eue. Saints mitake. unýe nef mae by sleeing in sneti- Bu)1t if eue would flad tisis 11f e of fed places any mnore thinbeuty gooduese, isw shaU if Le had ? If nîay Le ganed by sleeping nem'arlbd as flicpiysicalgoodess sume greatpainting.xisi C lhweaumai bis te Le bad, Tietoble 'ntis may peopie" 1'y igisf'living, igbit habits, rigisf wisc fbink tisey waat te Le god is nurtrition. Every aut donoJiecas tlcafthey would-bc gossm if they me kncw yiistise gond ting te do cüuld Le good witbouf ifs mkigfron tise nigis mufîve cdifsimoral any.eal differcace te thema. 0Gocd aud spirital vahic is a contribu- nues sens te bewa matter cf dis- fuc te tise lifecof goas.Stead- position or of accidenit, bigbiy de- ily ch-(-ooiag sirabie as a gift, but nef sufficient- TEBS FALTIO iy wortb wbiie e upuy a good prier l heway eStis OF sessien cf tse for.IdM a oteasesooft, Of course, ÉheN arc many wbo7 best aiways. wouid neifser bny gooduese ut auy Tise good lîfe ns as mnuci a miat- pnice non take if as a giff To %lfm fer of habit s tis bad ee Evumyv ài iswholly undeîirable, ài lesy- acf defermiace Labif. If is ne use nonymnous wvith weakness, eftea sgbig fr tise ifecof goodauI'lse witis caut andI hypocnisy. Yet tise siepersiefing in ti2se es cf lufe of goduesb is sýirrnp-IY the life 1d'a-nes. NXeitiser myay we find isat tuaI sets tise gond above goode, tise ifer while cbeisbing ts th uit lufe fiat see e isetings that arc ' 'fcvii; ynun anobe ieestede- supremeiy geod, nojLf fer ilseiff alcuefvils witbiui andI hope te hn as un but for Il. ugel cf tise light wifbeut. Gooducs lenos a wcak, senti- Tie hf eof gnoodutIs ene)t for ts mental feeling tisaf cones over one pious pig. Tise mani wbe iinks wvien certain hymnîs are- beiag Sung tisaI le oniy le good and Ilothers cr whea tise musie of tise, rarueiop e 'nad iýý about tise only relis tismougi tise dimasles of tisebopelse case tise moral pi'ysicéi great cathedral. Neitisen is gond- mretn.One bas te Lelieve l is e urss emply eoocinl othený1s te fiud tise good in 1himseif. TIIE lNEGATION 0F EVIL. iLife's bigbest nizes bave bigis A. good rman is Wiafuiey %eter tisan pui-es, yeftbey are ifs greafeet bar- a statue, tisougis ie nay hbave cxgains. Ne possssin issSo well Lad habits whuie fheý statue certain- wcntb tise gainigag s tisis cf gocd- 1i as> none. nec,,,,, tie' cdean heurt. tiîdcle Go',odues is tise detcrmniaed seancis eyc, fisc keen faste fer tise rigbt cf tise life fer tise iigisest good.1 and true, thee bîgis deigbf in fisat Gooduese is tise, power in charme- wbicb is besf, tise ove of ftsc thingc ter wiih is ike beaithin iitise body; that bave corne d1own iite ns as-tise tise recuit of riýbt nutrition, pro- greaf heitage cf our paeýt, tise la- pet labor, exercice and bigi tiik- bon for fisc future that g bw e- ung. If is ceeu in streuglis andI not fore. la weakness. lu positive elemnents Affer ail, tisis rigit life may Le raIher tisan lu negative; if m)akes fie sc methtisari y onee au give bt more cf a ima and acf lees. isý world. Tise grandleetcotb- Gedcsis uslanifest iu tise qulali-Itîc-) u t tie pisysicai el -seing cf tics cf heaGltuness cf tise muer tise race is te le weii andI trong 1fe, in tastes tisat crave tise gcod youirsrlf. Tise fineef tcentnibutioný aud balise tise cvii, tisat love trutis f0 tise moral andI spiritual weaitbi of and 1bute a lie, luhbais and apti- our liimes is to culfivate tbis i1fe of' tudes tlisatmake themeelves kuowni normai coul beaifis.lie Auso ihu in a, tisonsand ways rafisen tian inlns trcng givec strengfh and is fit sîgeactesud lu attitudes cf pro-teugive gond service teIl. fessced Piefy. E N RY F. CO0PE1-1 t~ en z ~ ~ tien. One day, as aiways isappeus, J Hfic temiptatiocu seemed tone Y<JIV ld<Jtn ever. Jimmy ý,tec)k bis air-rifle and loitered dow-,n tise road, tel- Ling isimcf at enich step tisat bie -oid nct go aiiy farther, but -- ways geing on sowiy, until, ail of a sudden tisere lie was ut tise Brad- THE NEST. ley bouse, and tise Bradley boy, Tise oniy drawback te Jimmiiy's en- sîtting on tise fence. fie jumiped down ut sigbt cf, Jimmy. joymenait of bistw weeks in Cedar- "Hello t" he said. Tisee as ville was biis father's ordler tisat hie somefhing unpiensauf in his voice, shouid nef play with tise BradIey but Jimmy centinued te advauice. boy. Tish me e y, wlu isehvdrentelysothBadyby iii a tumnble down bouse a isnndmed Tentise ey tes cf tie adIiey oyw yards up tishe ad, was just about tchanlgefltie ai-rileadbstu Jisumy's age, and ne other boy cf v"Saytohu, the ciedY'<e' feu1 lived 1within baîIf a lmile. 1you lite utmbbt! "And Le knows ah about every- ,Rais is! Jimyr' eyes gloocib thiug, pispa," said Jimmiy. land narrow- rav'ines eerwemte "Hie k (,.,)oc mucis," said hunt rabiss uid Le giorions. papa, grixpiy. "lHe kno-ws some Jimmy forgot ail about nef piaying tiings î'd atiser, yen didn't leamu, tb tise Bradey boy. Jxmmyfi." "Comle on","said lise. Jimy nmeant te ebey, Lut if wass mi éoe.Prenl bardto ristthe oninal e*i tise 1(y entemed a ravine. Preftfy cocu tise Bi,y by soppdand bend I)o ou pou ou~ lrotli iug dMal, poiufed te wbee, con a IDOYI, pcu ourplotth iiisb, uga big, rouind, grayisis- Lke' a youing bird and gip dowa whst...White hlL cver foed o-r zuedicine zaay be ffeýred yen_? "h th ie rabbit' s nesf," ihe Ordo yenwattuwsonthlng et the wiispred. "ho into if. l'Il gi,' compo(sition ant charaLtýr of nt whieh aad a xays and head 'c-m back you take lato your stoinS whther M fye is ci. 1ooti or medicine? m 1iý Mcsf inlt-li[gent andI senstbln peopie Jimmliy, obeying orders, unu new-a-days nsiet onlewirg whit they iiuntil tise Loy had genle on perbaps omploy \.iiheer as bcd or as mredîcine. ffty yards, and then be teock cimfn Dr. Qlierc ein evre tLey'h a perfect aim t and ftred. Tise sho-t buzzed rlzsttfnaafuonuchknc1e~e.Sohe right tismougi the nesf. fisfi pubIJshes,-b acast and on eacih bottie- wr e wh ~ 1z~e afeunad <>~slipping in inefhber shot, Jimm anv iajýS&dc1es arf e ae 01 wited for tise rabbiis te cornec oufé. b~hl ca'* d fss Sormetisig Cameeu-but nef rabl-l Ch et dudilc ,es bits! Tlornets! Jimimy iuiad n are made arce studiod lnd nndersvtoo« ue acquaintqnce wifis honefs, b ut as O$EMATiN C super or eu vevinue ceu us tbey nppeared ise knew by §b thecî-u(éoE îustînct tiat h ad better get orsseucrenia wornQ u' ctlir wtk- axay. Stihli ciging 'te blis gn, rifles, andl dersaigennens, ~'" hi. givig ise te frequent ýeadlachie, ck- !tnd lSîappîng wluiy thf ns n achc. dragging-dojwn ;pin <or dsr %la adiietrcdî fs1avn u lower abixnOa or p6îvîc reglonacccmn- til a Ccr space, lot hlim c om ut, panied, ofttim,n w'ts'a eiiaiaad tise insuldhonets retuncdi pi:catitrrhal dr.ai nand Id1ircdsy, -. oe nec im1see u tmocf vweakner.Pleice's Favorite fntf swelling shut, bis Ieff baud iad Prescription ',le a met Aefcient Perndy. fur stnge u io esr bh- It Is equiiy efci -urnzg pain fui ý,ad 1oe peniode, in giving a rntl e usi¶ a nd i sed 11p liffie bey.1Fano ff xnofh(rs , n up sigties se anccd and Mwheopcd tise Bmadie tise11 execatmh'or bhyeconing11, tiul rendeniing chýlldith safe aud cer- oy pnativeiy ~l1e.Thse "Favoritn Pre- id ycu bit 'on:-lise shofd 8cript!oi 7"is Samcît poten, strepngtlg in1gsee, bUmeAtne We oris stem pu ftisce ay n muzu organe 4 (.ncnylem i n uparticular. Jimyanyadsmnigbs If 1 ~is 0 a ct.iinsd ivguain yce burninbd' ifi tsbe wouId necrvine sund cures inervo)e ehntortltfifun iemu n nlenvous prostrationienra1gla, hyteria a om.Wslebsmtie u spMame, e or St. Vitu-s s dance, and aIvt3 WieLswi other datesln ervenus symp _ e n OC ifcsaZdl and comifoted h iim, tendantuefnt inndorgaule dis- Le t1 br fdie stLony. CtL"ss'cf tise distlnctly fensinaeorg ans.1 "Daddy said Le kuew toe) mucis, -A iofetuldiaiauisr1.is fai ts severai schoolsofprctee eemýen a'bu duc" jimmiy euded. Mocis et ite sveai Ingediats eofwsicis "Andyet," said Jimmy'S motien, "Favorite recrpton' emade for tise 'i den' uu-eracsifb cureof hd~aefor wbieh itatieliid lenf k nougwis ebind.1 te 'CI a 8ifl,. eti mn rrend -,w1hat tb ey __S nm-eeght u i 1aY for woi-rseby seiidlng a postai cast -Youth's Co1mpanioýn. requcet fo s free b or f xtmacte ___i_ frein tise ieA2din7 autisýOrinie, to r. PR. V.' ine, .Iuvalltd i Htel andI surgies!l lu: Theisext Lest thling te knu)wing stto uteiluf A .Y, ami lb wllHerebubw egemütig sktaugio Yon by retsuzxpost, M Cg a alogwtut opu.n r I THE "RIGUýT MEdICINE11 FOCU!iD 1N PE-RiU-1NA. *"Thp rmajorlty of womnen who are ouf- ferixng from disordered periocis and otler pel-rie trotibies, l1a-v sucS streng Wtaits tadoctorg that they sowthe-n to experiment on them for kidney, ]IVe" or sýtomacli troubles until hey becotue- complet-ily dlsonmaged and their moniey Thswamy ufruaeexpe. r'rincie« f.--ý1er a i tweyers when mLy atninwascad to Per---na. "idrdl- dredbelevetbat at ls had found thse rlght mnedicînec, but as ti Sept on using it and -wae fliy cr ured, 1 oonld DL1Y ly tank Qedud akcour- aga, 'II have had most saitisfyPing resultn from the use of yonr mdcn adc have advIoed dozens of v-omen, who were sutf- ferIng with V-3man's ilus te use IPeruma and let~ the doctors alone. "Tho,ýecwhe4ýýohlowed my ad-vIeo are botter today sud many are fully restored, te ieith."1 Mm. Wiida 1Mouers, IF. P. D., Ne. 1, Lents, Ore,, wmites: "Fer the past four years I wap a wreteh&d womnan, suîfcîriag with s5eveme backaehese and othier pains, leavinig me sa weak and weary that it wa.s only with difficulty that 1 was able te attend te miy houseùhold duties. -1J used diffrent remedies, but found no relief afil 1Ihad tried Peruna. IlWithli twe weeks there wsachanoge for the botter and in less thsan thi ee mnonths I wes a weli and happy womn "Al the praiïe is due te Peruua.," KING'S (GRANDEATHElI. Prince Ediward, after-wards Duke of Kent, and tise father of Queen Victoria, passed lisrough i Briug- fou, Vermout, in Febrnary, 1793.,ý lRe came from QuebLec, w1herce e ad isad commxand cf a reg1init. Hisi trip thirough Ahe cuntr. y mwa'S a - ccmllplished , 'In caý-rry al1s and SI cigis; a courierlisad been sen t n tr- iingten teoprep r fr bs accommno- daion. There wreoniy seven framie bouses in tise wisie vlae andi but o-ne-, tisat ofPinesLc- is 1 la g e e1o i ghIlte oreci e S n lu li- erous a party. The Princ arrived in tiseafer noon witi thirteen carry-ais andJ segsand lefftishe third day before L0 noon. fiad -with hii t-wo aides; a-n two body)(ýgunards, a lady a.id ai ck.Tlise ldy as te o -f o New Yor-k, and tise Prijnce puvdtise sîcigis wvisicb was toeconvey lier, with an abundance eof fur robes,, and plac- ocd a large dcýg at bier fecet. A littie icdnuocr n tise passing of tise prince ie lady fmom tise bouse te tise sicigis wbihcis ilinstrated tise characeter and pbysic- ai cf rergthk of tise Prince. Anak ward but stout yL ouugman was s3tan-dinig In tise 1patis, net Imakin)g room readily fe-r Ltise partY te ad1- vanceý. Irnnce lictward auvancedi audf, talking irn iup bodily, set bhlm on one side in tise snow. At tii place (Burlingten) be cdismrissed tiseI teameters wbio iad brouigist bimi from Canaida, and engg,ed five farmners te fake !Ui on te Boýcston. It 'Was s L' Y theseimen that 1he -,as a joliy co)mpaien, e-njoy'ing Élie pork aind bas nut cakeýs and mngn,-thse eariy settiersetf thse tow waC(olonel -tphnKeyes, agetea of tiseo-l scisool, wbo wore a cocked lbat and kepf a botel onWar street. fec proposed te pay bis espets te ?riuce t dwamd, uind eea]en mn1eýf tise village udeacnil In tise eveting. Col- onel Keyes i.itmodncIued imisellfc te s Prince, and thlen staktedj thut lbe haç ,rolg7itvit hhîlm semne yonng genitlemnen of legal and mratl pur]suîts who-w1 he)te pay t1ieir. reýspects te him. Tbey were sever- ali prsenedand( tise Prince re- spcicybowcd toecaci. isis -was aparently tsocmeneen ta 1pleasanteviigs ntran n. FADS )ý;AND FNIS Tise býick gown ýIncessin Po- Linen b las gj(iewybeor af- Riats cf larîge rpoto are stil! in tise lmajerity. Tise snnibonnet blas 'a vgeai ili kinds cof tare ýin isigi faveî foi dancing pgowns. Ne"ariy ev'ery -white linen dresiý shw-a tcuch c f binýe. T1ise Eton coliar is in tise ascen- dcy for t1ie warm >eth For geneýral eatise genpara- Sui bas clpsdail ofiers. Newesýt parasol hnisarecof malpie, bamiso, 'and furzew'voodi. Bai bed-d bi pins are thrulst inte )nearly every oifure Chcsand 'plaids wilcorne again wisthteiseiatumi-nr riis Nearly allcf our new auitomobile mnodelsý are- double breaste-d. *Tise Merry Widow bat blas 'nad a remnarkably long vogue inPs?. Frenchs women of fasbieanuný longer wear gloves at evening, af- fairs. I1i- predioted tisat cre1ýpe de chine -wiIl s()o11)conue into 1bigis fav-or. Tise Emnpire fcndency is soni neariy ail tise waistiijne rane Blck'berty is more used for tise drap-ed girdle than aîny etiser niaterial., Tie beievmed jumper style 's i danger cf cens;igumen tot aho' junik pile. A pstel pînk straw batd is inteýr- weoven with brewn braid wifhex cellent effect. A clever lttitucis cf black isi te be seen on mamnily ]hafs and fr)cks. Jaelewatur, if carefuily api cd, mnay be used te remuve stains huom laces. Persian embroidery, outlinedà witb cntce is an olegant and Hankerisifs ifha gray back- grenddecratd itis white cm- hnoderesare imucis seeni. Feit bats witdi moderate, crowns andi wide reiling brimls are sbown fer weýar at ountains and see Thing3 1Vlite British Soldier iS ForbddeIo DO. Ciîi"n ia-ve no idlea cf tise bameetbings ,,tise British soidier is r bas been], fridnte do. Smiýokig of any kind in tise streef-s, fer isane a arimie (a-Illbecie of m(ies and r-gia- tinif sboid 1be explamed, are "crmes inArmy -ýpariance) until cemp111araýltiveiyrecety. Anld te thîs, da *iï,y, î in msfgarrisenntowns, Tomminis forbidden te carry par- ceis ini tise streets wben in uniform. Nor ay tise married 'soîdier car- ry b11i child in bis armsq, or wheel it in a perambulator. To be caugist carrying an umibrella is anothe>r sroscriine, as is aise ,wearing c-down caps, or non-regimen- tai(cm ny eaiied 'sqnare-pnsb-, "g boots, or generaiiy in any ,ýay aitering uniform c(.()lofing-, con-, tmary te r-eguilationls. Notb lav;ilntise bair cnt te tise )peer regniation iengfis, againi, s ene cf tise commronest of Armny crimles, as is alec "neg.-lectinig te shave." And miost people can re- ~neMber tise pecriod1icýal runmpuntisat t'sed lte be- caused, every St. Pat- rick's Day, tl)rmouigi Irisi so~ldiers he2ing punished for wearing sbam- rock on thir1 cap's, or in their but,- In seme uitra-sinart corps _even it is a crimne fer Tommy vte presume' te lace up bis boots in any other fsinthan thea accepteýd regimen- tai p)attern. And in tise saine way bc is hablie te punisismnent if he car- ries, wisen "waling-ouf,"!. any 0 o ngaud.A TU09 * A remarkable machine habeen il Aud,29 E X H t ~ TI N Sp.1 isaedfor expeýrim1ental purp os- e>s ithe0 utn-oueo h Bnkof Engiapnd. It is ithe inc- tion of(Aa Lwdi egner h ipparatus counts end sorts mne1y into paper tubes or buge at the rate Greatest and Hemt AttendCd Annualxibiinnalî the WorlAd -OF 72,000) coins an hour. [n the _________________________________ Baink of England fourteen expert ý c ,shiers, w rking ail day hlong, are i Every Proi ýnce 1 E < b flg ln <b(M1myot d ivr acoins. The-e ew mchnewil lSouads lur zs~iV~tratos~Cnc - so in Ia itlt1of tLhý?tinnjue. InAm AJc)rct tricity, andGra <iork.r i.1 a u11 ec oA tunadperforms its tak inaun 1A ÀT' il Ie iiiteresting way. A great bag of iFo tePr SLonaIL oteria dWri aiels tiiecl coins is flrst poured into a Fuiterrs n lehr0A01 reepacie at the rear of the. ma- ItriainlMliayTatýto a elat pca cine, and the operator takes his 11R fkýI0-e stanid in .front of it. The movemeont, I'iràAel c p o a lever brings up a heaping tray- DCËý fui of sev eral hundred coins, whichlWt 0 efres are tipped over by mechanical ac- nentoiI ýSo nenainlCtSo tion.YThey f aillapon a poiished me- nen b a BdShw lir tcp Cliw *tai plate. This is tilted downward e and broýken np by raised metai gs U l - ls *rules into exactly a hundred ýchz n, 144a, I0 iy'1;iTD1 squares, whichrmay be so aitered in ~alik~ia~~~s .O 11.Mtw iiHI ~ol isize that any'desired coin, sipping! CH1E17,A P YA RE S Yf,0r, E VErPYWJ iIE RE into themn, is heM flrmly in its place.î * As the coins full up(QTi th, lt, . ____________ _________ merchanism hîdden beneath it caus- Prith a."ieve-iikemQion. The i ER L NLN 'VAISTR OEGAD *sit iýs that, .shouid it be arrangedi Someê ig and Qneewns Wh11 Hava t o abstractsxene fromn a heap Been Bcniftted. of larger coins, ail the bîgger coins1 NEWYS BY 31WAI BOUT JOHN S it is a curions fact that wh1iio *which faîl upon themovin plat el BULL AND MIS5 PEOPLE. English persons rush abroad when are in the space of a few seconds thýey are in pourhet, it is to "esifted" off andi return t*k-thieir ori- England that royal invaiids in other ginal receptacle, ýwiie i-n' each of Oceurrences in the Land Th4at cors turn for a renewal of the hnndred squares lies a sixpenlnystngh plece. 13y mechaniism even mauoeIn- Reigus suplremle luthn COU he Kaiserin hlis a flrm bhelief in gnusthe huancred coins whichiurilWr.t'i epeahsp e otear have been caught on the plate trav- mr(if flith rcuprast oiveoer of the air ci through metai channecis intloý Wainut growers state that there the Kaiser oxves mach to lLighciife, paper tubes, and are staclked, withi-1 have not becen gou many nuts for where hie stalyed forI sev, M-weeks out the chance of errer, in tweni- twenty years. a few mouths ago. ties, forties or sixties. Sârfish are doing miuch damage The Crown Prince of Sweden, wso to he hqUlsbbed an alotents1 lately had a 'svere attack off mca- in the Wash. sies, is now,, in Enigland tosece whatî 110 ZAVLBUKSAVD A 'ndtoe imuageof anl ancient glish air can do fur him. Hie and G1RLS IIIR.Briish goddess has been unearthed the C'rown Prinecss and their two -at Caerwent . baby sons spent a few days iii Loin- -1 Lesson to AilIIothers. Jamnes Green was stated at a Pop- don with thier relatives, anidtHer Whea ceanleso ig lar hiquest to have died fromi syn- left for Bagsbot, w'here tbiey wi w orm break out on the scalp, geai- cope caused, by drinking a glass of st-ay for sume thrme. eraily the flrst thing the doctor or- cold mater,. 11Ring Aifonso found his visit tu ders is to have the hair cnt off Sunday was the-20th anniversary Engiand very befca and de- Don't do it before trying Zamn-Buk, of the consecration of 'Tynemouth ciares that it was aiso hieipfilto which can cure without a sacrifice. -Parish Churcýh, which took placte on the baby Prince of the Austrias-, Mrs. J. Butie-r, of 5 Bannockburn i Juiyv 5, 16.sc, the Spanish Ring and mue iti Avenue, Montreal, say-s- Captain ereGlor of Bir- their two sons, ,wiJl arrivýe in Eng- Mly daughter, Annie, caught ce- kenhead, has 0-ienhesum of $50,- lard in S01etemer and go to thea zemia. It broke out on hier face and 000 to endow, a chair of Sýpan1isl1 in Isle of -Wight. sapnd the ciseaseMUaS quickly 1thee Univerity of Liverpool. The unfortunaLe Qucen Aameia, transm tted to rbert and Yda, WbJ repairing the parish chiirch(d of Prtugal, whoý is suffer ng from& and in their cases not oniy their o1 Ciare, Soik, eworkmen came nervo1 us rekdown and a sevee heads, but their handis and faces, rpon a large nest of bats, and by throat robl, ili arrive scgïî- Swere covered Wh sores and scaly mneans of nets dcstruyed over 4100 of g'o to the countryv home ,or iner - places. them. the-r i, eJones fPar he 1 tied varions blood-purifying! The Countess cf(arîc saYs it is hrped the quiet and theN i remedies in vain and then consuited the garden city is thse frst step to- null restore her to he8,ltli a doctor. lie applied ail kinds of wvards the ideai Of sovng tise greatécen Maud, otsNor ay, lotions but the soros remained tne and incraing isery of over-crow- thGat Engiand dues S"oncers or]ibl samei. lie rneit erdered that the, ded cîties. Prince OSap and she wold gun haïr be ail saven off f om Unseginls Mary Scbeld, a Heywood WO- rnust of her time tiserm~ as sbceoe beads, in «rder to get dewn&)te iman, bas been reïmoved Atithe Bur the air and surrounidings of W'ind- cisease on the scalp. Te each Inifirmary snffering from a frcuc r éeif uot that thle Nrei had rice log hairand I thou0d à tl'hig a(e b miwh. essig ans*r esaeai hnt suich aIpity to cnt it al off. 1 Ire bli oum c, at Sansad ig o b taito f used. lie thereupen withdrews At Rcdicoaswr c eecs, tiat a King an1d Quen shýouid stay bis services altogetýher. u umbering about 5,0,made tbeir in their own country. Se ifQce Affer thaf I bougfit flrst one thing way tbrougb a isoe itise Walli(cf Mauci visits Englad she wili have and tisen anotber, but its was ail nu bu an inci in tliameter and es- t, leave her husband beisnd. good until w,,e got Zami-Buik.Thaýt ntabliised thcmnseives in a btre.___, proved equa] to tise case an_'d in 1a Proliflo plaice-fisbing grnd few 'weeks it cieared every trace c have been feund in tiseWiieea D YO ETRIII ski disease fromi each child. With by the Hull stearn talrtse it in use there w'as no need tueuct c' wic dischiargcd in Hii on le People iiBowavil Rai off the girls' bair or f ake any other lMondaywih 500 tons dc cbicel îïroi flou. lextrme measure, it jnst went tei p1aice. v-ork and isealed the sures i fieTWitb tise beat, musquitees made Slow eating and regular muais is chpeYtheir appearance af Hlackncy and cf great benc~lt fo a ',vrong atu 7Llhap i te." Ce oiolm -,Lpon. Manry ecbildren and aduits somch Tos wo suifer wîthin - j Za-Bukcrs ioodsnfg suffered from tfie paînifiul effect cf digestion andwek Goa n a cuts bruses eldwouns""""$ig te bitesof these alien insect pests.wteaeadtseueo '4ion sores, uicers, bouls, eruiptiens, scalp Tihcr n i Ueo Ton1 sures, eczemnaituch, 'barber's-,a The Bisisop cf Manchester dm pstumacistabiets restore tliw dges- 1burns. scalds', and ail skini injuries nonucng snIobber, says jfe pomv tion te a bealthy condition, su that and diseases. Besf cure for piles systemn is one cf the causes that tisey can eat what tey want at any yet knowrn. Ail druggists and ali enates tie working classes. This tme witbo u er cf dstircss or suf- stores at Oc. a box, or from Zam- distinction, betweeït nicis and peuýr féring. Buk Co.,Toronto.was the cause of division in the After al few' day's luse cf 'Mi-o-nja BukGo, ornf. hurch . stnmac-h tabiets, tise b 1eadacheýs, dîz- Messrs. iekers, cf Barrow, bave 2Y feelig drowsineys, bad tarte in -AVERAGE LENGHT 0Y LIFE. specially bujit a steamer te carry the mouth, coafed tongue, iatu- î Te mn 4o bes tli e i j-joefwo submnarines to Japani. The e s- lene, sieesss.distires aiaffr Tha eu wbo lvesnfuihe i moresel will be sailbmierged and tbe sub- eatnng-all tss yp o cf a thana cntuy îoidandthecbidpmrines floafed in. Tisen she MwI easoac-iidipead wPho Cies in infancy are alike in- be pumnped dryand tbe subarinees prfct dimc-igesionapp edeaitian cludcd in tisea law cf everages. They made secure. wilie etoend. Odlaî balance each other's chanceasiiMs Ane oridagstrcf J r & oveilbvd. ~ uhu9 a > M6 n ny9a 9.A 9 h isdst fawn . appe .reis ngh Xmotorv7le very mucu pleasei. "Flow ns t11afl cO ormsimaan n "I isold~proba.bly bave been swerNatise applicnt;"nyfr ie'oprv eyutn served by this time if I bad," Saidm is." eC3,e'eQnLflwtisA ean tise guest and tise entente cordil l daoute cure fce-c vanished. R~~~ER OBJECTIONS. * be~Ig~drtuigLe * LIKELY. BhmWb o yenobjýee-t tet; mny wearing a beard? oswate tik' > oi a ýj Firt Lwyo-"»n'tyen fbink Mrs. B~~-fisn't thse îbeard ger oroebaÈfntuedmýbca une are giving- our lient unneces- ilself Ithat 1 oject te. If wollid e 1earsoEDNOBTS&C.Ton. sary troubel le "nl ,right if yu %vold 00Y 1 mise Dr 41cha. s Ointm à,enà SecndLawer<'Ys;but We!onil t> wuldharbmonae in cel charge him fer i."with of py dess SII O I- *