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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Aug 1908, p. 3

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Ths great Uterine Tonic, and mi saeseffectuai Monthly Jepeu.d.onS. Siiiuthree Cderecs .c~ofsruta5.5 i 'o 0 dieess-ogrl;N,3 for ssiicss per box.1 So01l iby al înujetor qeat1 ilep aid on roc ept or pr-ice. e pamphlet. Address,:TV CI" àïlU14 0JUONT0. ONT. t<fýeraerI Vcufar¶ Lake Ontario & Bay of Quý,inte SteaImbjat C., Limited. IMAIL AND EXPRESS 5ER-VlCE ~JLI * L~VII Il I -FITIIT Coua~ncigJu e aetsteam-aiain 3leav a iCp. in. acu'ti aiHope :4t 20 s' iuy xe;Su. day for CLa o tte, N. Y, (Poît ofraetî. , 8itrna tesmen(r leavea Chiarlotte at 9.0u h.i u dily îxcpt S ,5a1 Ye1Inr,ation froîu alil gn E. E ii5 General Map2ager, Kit) gestonJ, Ont. Jury& Lv~i, MA, Jamfes, ~AGENTS:-. Ontario AB01U 111F NEW% WEAPONI WIIIILL AT 100 MILES. TheBriist ÂriliryCould Bons- bard Paris Without Leav- ing England. What wili the next great war be like I No o(me can say; but onëïe portant featuire of it will undoubt- edybe a new weapon wbichi is stat- edI to bie capableý of throwing a pro- jectile any dice up to, and even more thn,10 ils Thiý muId mieani 1.hat iny fc;reign p ow er 'osssn suçhI a guin, and ,clesirous of attaki.g Ingland, culd land at ansi urdd)pr of t!-e( co.ast such as ,om-ierce in U/aies orCrnl-an toc IDroceedý Vo bomiard Lonidoni, with- CUL comjing an narer. once Lon- 'on had fallen, thie great cites of ,the Midlands and th~e Noxtli of Eng- /land Could lie forcd to_ capitulate to ani enemiy lbey had not yet seen. Nay, evecn Edïinburiigh and Glasgow ight li taken wihot the captors 1vngLondon, says Londjon An- swers. B3ACXýED BY AN EPEIRT. On the ohe hand, ii the gun, w-hich is of Btshinvention, were in our hanids, -what wol appen 1 T<-ake a puirely imaginry case. Our # ' col~dhomardParis withiouit ~avig Elnd. Thýi>, combhined' with an organized attack on the principal ports by our aV,wol inevithbring us vcoy 'lbj [t the wea("ponI is ratca is roveed b)y the followînIg stat(eent moade i the course of an articlec ini the -"Con-temiporary Reiw"byi Colonel F.ý N. Mande, C. B3., WlIo às one of Our greatest authoritesi (on all mratters jpertainling Vo warl, fare. 1esays: "I haenIýer no nio o m Portant andlý re voluttionilary an in- vention as the new elcti gun andj projectile designed by Mr. SKimpson1. 1 hiave (exmned the miodel, and thie wlIole principle in- voivred,, and do noV hiesÏtate to Say that the practical results elaimied )Iy the invenutor are cet t o Iýeý Mr V . SK SiMps"on, of odn V, civil enýgineeri by pýrofessioo, aid a metallurgist and scientistyin cination, is the inventor of this Ilte'st destroyer, of pc anid mIen. WhVlen at re-presentative of AnU SwVersi called atý this gentieman's o!- lmc, lie ound a man of years, whose a(ccent proelaimied his Scot-1 tisla birth. SýOME1 FACTS ABOUT IT. -YL«My weapont," lie said, in answe1r o a uetin "is totally different ifu tpearance from ahl pres.ent c'~ non.l Ev en the projectile it, thr.ows i,, unlike the present sheil.-Mr ttan that I cannot, for obviousr rea- sons, tell youI until the officiai trials "Hwis it for hanidling? sý àt easily maipulated 1" asked the Anhwers' Iman. "Wli; isarge, but verýy easy-j t, aae Picture For yoursei]f the i possibulities of a gun vih il scnd abulletalterIate7ly 1001yrd or 100 miles, aIt t[ie wili! op-1 ýraItor, and w icNill fire innuw-p' i erable shiots, a miue.Xorked~b smkees adsmilies 0fjouse whefn it isý requnired for usthe o'p-ý erator ut c to) il hat, there ïs a goc upyof ("Iecriit at baud. That is, a-il that is nIcessary." ",Would it not be psil,,sg gested our represenitative, "Vo use' ether waoves for transittcing theý "Qieipossile" a the em 1hicreply. "AýFter ll the, prin- ciple o! ,vireless eicrc iasits limts TVwudle sipl V sn a, eectLic raythogteupe atmep)ire;but, then, it oud i equaYiy simiple for modem iec -AfIl - AN D OU AN'TMI- "V/he-yenare lianl(inig a gut Iic irs npoecil a'Ie fýrateý o!'3,ý(000 feet seesl, Ie sigbtilg is imle Yen miere'Iy aim it, aud ie ne need, as is VIhe case wthpre- sen-]t gun, o makaLiowacesfor utmopereor otber condiions. ThIe projecegees i n a d ead struigilitlinoe. O(curetheoljeetl a Imetii t mit lie inivisible. Au expert Couldj, lo)wever, with myI "Ilpo, esiygeVtin ia yard or hoo lis ýobjeet, even ut aditac C, 1 00 ils. "Se ynr eapon is lnoV af!eetedC i uy question of ranige ' A rigîit diff21eence fromi old V'imes, isu',t it, Mmv.-Sinîrpsoýn, w -iren Ieeca r uil irere fbamperet I y their ;sbortý range 'VI iras ie(-rephy. -O! coursqe yen kunowtVie torIy o! bow aple ou kiled liîs great rivi, Moreau'l The forr wa I 1,s "wul kin 1g a bout among -bis iroops, anidnthedin the euemy's u nes a group o! gen- er ais and otber officers. Tumnrin-g te a guinuer, lie said : 'Drop a fUw sisots- amongithose officers-.'13But the flrst 1bil m7as ucsfuat Morean feil. Tu, that iinstan-e ie taîiget was puinhy visbe vNwa as, o ou IIrsýe, flriugý lasî ahot ecbd itshiIglee, t sadrd. But IVis osibe Ia IV au go furtr'Ll, under Ie s14 now~ iii use 1 The prese-ntreo- teisas acmaisnleireeI rîhignd Viie ootrlight Thoj,ý mushlgît lis asbeatifnl Ilsimpl method o!of itai ighgt, but yen - require, sncb, a lot o! hem. Se ;- l,7 withcannen. One really gond piece lu expert luntsis l wrth anyl number ef otlers." i THE FIRST "WIRELESS V/IREl.7 Mr. Simpson is a mest intereting taiker lie iras a sbctet undr VI lae ord Kli adPoI so -Do)yen o w , esaid, "thati sntwrelers miïessages- :iandsay RvrTuiy authVe Brit iel Associaion meein u184, tDu- ccITbe syemje 'iuvenitedira Lojrd KUelin, tien,! Professer Tlotmp- s, ulo roencei t te lie 'a Ibealtifllemand hs dream e!f auscleme.',How ar ile, greatel- tricianl as le iras5,aswrorsg timle 01L1 PEOPLE OF BWMNVILLE NEED VIINOL. It Strengtheas &nd Vitlizes. 'Vith ohd age cornes feeblene-ss a-ad loss o! powrer; Vhe organe actý mor sowly andi less effectualy;Vtie blooti is th)ini, sluggisl andi wtery; digestion iï s )weýak and foodj( is noV assihateti us it vnsed Vo lie. Vinol repairs iom tissuies at checks ie iaturaI decline. If tories p VIe digestIive organis, al ds assimilatio)n, ae mered od and strenigtbenis eeyognl I liCdy-. InuVIls lnuirral mue i Volis inoV aptn tin hcb cetaline ail tVIe mIiedicýi- rial body Ibuildinig elemens o! e iver ou lu a couicenrtrated formi, - talion from reshcod'iversý, VIeý usehess ouehmint %nad tVeule iron added. ItVis becau se irekuir se owell (o! irbat Vinol lemae tatire offerý fit. Juryv & LoveIl, Dgie&-B - màauvïile, Ont. THE FIRST THING. "'O!f ers,'sai th Ve tonnist, "lyenlinoir al ilabut VIe antidotes for suake i)tes"' "Cerainl," rplit VIe exploreýr. "V/ehl, Inaeaebites yen irlat is Vhe firet tliug Vo cdo 1 I For Infants and ChuldŽen. The Kind You Bave AIways Bought Bears the Signature of "c AS AMENDED, "I eau marry any man I choose," boaatcd the fair but freck]ed sum- mer girl. "Aiway~ proe ided yonr choice is ~illing," amended ~nmmer girl No. 2. A WORD FLOM JOSH WI9E. "Like a ~Io~ ~vll or~aw a hone I uhon lie aîn'~ hu-wr~,. a ragcin' I man wiil nag when ho ain'i angcy. unîoered 314,903,a figure Bnot Utfais iinW nl. lo uhtius a c!f-e ro s ct-s I ssu mmc snce182 3 wîenmay e Ontmnt ani ile appeaýl wt:rr1s- oea klo thau ltu te mte !i isfoc.They anre absolutey ure, the mai nages deiayed hy the Fran imre"gn ,aduolsm.TeCtenac oot au beat greatsI cc-Pussau ar oolepac. T!is> afl'ireaeIato relief ii h tis- udn frreu u slthat VIeCh eùrldengiowthi VIenumbher trsIl dm nauon-n xtapeyu eairage attendauce per day uLtopî&D exp!eined liy VIe hgaro as due te aalt xetlasltri rei tFac rts xiiin op]ycf Cla pssd caryluWtyear reitv1 -" " }rryi,n !i-"ar, Ctlrn n dler'ce bryot bnatuiej( insidte ai Capta C an etiîe 1 Y vatenduce a at ruto ExhIbiS o sDruIl& e id ccnequnty esenngtI cs, Malî xi.Clttur Boao Di,-eae sand per day. lien, 1 tî dev-ise a canlopy of insulation whili wo'uid effectively nlulify tVs" ' '1Tlere is anotler point," was tlie inlqisitor's ext remlark. "Hl-ow abou)t .the 'hfe' on-ourweapon 1ý" "'Tliere ,eii rci~lyno imiit Vo it,"ý repliedI Mr. Sim1psonl. "o mn cannon, in spite of the liigl quality,, of t1e steel used, are so wonontand require reliring. Bt it is n o se itjli h n gun. Byreso ý,ï.oïàf its construction and metholýd o!firin-g, Vhs ificuity Cs doue away winli. Threwon's '!e'is alnlost edes xetn si far paswear anditear o! ordinary fields. Shonild the bjirds show too great peoctand that tlieyar liabie Vo ecommence layinig in Au- St,ý the suppiy orf crack1ed cornl and wIlea-t in 0)he feeding trougph is r1cduc(ed, or takien awaUlogethenr, I bi the Maîne E perîmethStation alid described inlisthe reportle o! Uic TascE uet Staton s !ilos: aIMnOTES.'l _J Wen tecceel i a o t M a n oigrgVeha ) 11Ï.for ýfIngîn t p lletIs o cib oi ,1( u sthir f.athers did; S ani age a imLi:V thegasli at !tniîstl)cileau ardly ranestîl ccnyîg he ae pr-reke a bare,,lýiing entheyo, m( auv oýd reint e! debtl, 1 Tid Moeprcf tsat Lyduia17-Pillk- kp y hmcoustanly, in trougili1t ( k n aesoela lsan'VegtaieComipoind cureýS wthslated side and i road dtc orsodn oteciue o fessiale Ibis. abý,le roofs eIInmay nioV liesieddti',( eymgh'iv el n îrs,. John Sqcott,4&9 Grand Trunklilci are r la uplney St,., Vo V"llai en foeet lonig, wihtesissabefortaannjrdhs. "Iwas very,,-much ruin dowxrin fveinches hili Te ltb slas i cheape nV eeal ehrs heaith from a 1female trouble, was thin, are two inches apart and tb eýs nervou!s, and very -weak, and suf re ilb~ and bunggy in good metpaîr than Vo.( frons beýaring down pains. Indeed I og1aesxce ne uc ias ntificial iliforyor did noV careý whether 1 lived or died, 1 fromn floor Vo roof. The ro pro- sef r wfe atran accident. Tt feit s0 ba-diy somnetimes. ic aotV1.nie tth îes~b tte o keep heouiet o! a "Lydia E. -Piiýlcam's Vegxtab1eCorn- and effectutahly keep (ont thie mi lrain oe hnVohv od pcomnd Coleely crdm falmyIecp hnhgli inds h wm ver after iilicomes trouibles. I*gaied la fiesh, anid amn The roof iseaiyemvdlyiortv.T)'tltmwsb- sree from bdackacdhe, lcýeme robllifting one end and siing Iited r(wstybeforks, etc-., reniain sickheadches andnervusn~~ E.ise on t he-opposite gable end, on teesokilgVhutntem .1 beartily recommencidiaB W'g, ili -I 1ei Pinkhxam'kins Vegeta'ble Compon forl Which it 'rcsti. The trougli(-eau theniI is i neessry o observe a aIl women's aliments, knowing what itliec filied anId the roo)f dwn back y týria,ý,'aÏw) n has done for m."irto pacwlihot itigit. This'!wpit omk odadpr plcelftngianent raand Vie01- rst o!fhs FAýCTs FoR SIUCK w i 0m -r- m arrangeîîîent is the be-st thuls far Î l 1is h rading The ,roand must lnoV For tVirty years Lydia E. Pink- anid for isaving foodi f rom waý.ste ouly lie thro)wn npso a Vol-ie l-*,I) han' VgealeCenpnnmade k'igi ngodcniin l ovo1,h lel.te wicway gthr -romn roots and h erlis, hias been tlie u r al sued in 1ý_ it hrCutedthsattesds u hr Standard xemiedy for femiale jusImylecniealewselytems liepovsinfor dawg hs hav ben t6ikledwit usdfr tht urpseiis aneecels- ad'o!ent 1 flon vwbicb ithe road liýlcmn. inflammiationl, ulcera- sayVopt tinaseleedpac sMade. Thie grain;ig o!>the ro tien, flbroid ttimers, irre-tiarities, CUt ooth hi l w is lu separa tsould ie douein the arypal t o! period1ic pains, backhtiltbear- cmpil euso!th tou , thley îthe(-seasýo-nnoV ae Va ul,5 .c .,are given cracked corn, wovie ing-dowfeeing, flatulency, indliýes- I ~ ot r elmxuethiat it eau lie setthed and cmat tion,d(izziness or nervons prostration. ci, before tVIe imatai is ap)plie. IV 1 Wh~don'lt yol] try V?giit, diry vcracked b Ioue(, yster shi I Ailaiwayvs i)e ncsa oregrade IMrS. PIluhal-tsIiiss'vies ail Siý1 ick nd harcoal." ThIe dry Imeai isaaewweksafe hefirist grad(ing, women te 's~itier !far adviee. mixturýoe made 1up)as foilovwS: 2parts a oeprso h odwl e- She has gte liuad o pgcod Iwheat bran and euee part eace mo hanothIsle voiugde ol1 rbrew emrs ' grain, liuiseed nmeal and ms emmdid ____________ lic! scaps.The trouigîs are e -___ PILE LOUSS IN FRIC. I ated aboulýt he fleld iiiufciu niubes o !lly acmmdttalilt( MSAE. 11 NtvesLiin2g onu Lkeasinthe hrs 'rhsoieTms The resýultS o! Vils metliod -1o! f reuntyMad bî heWss Prhitoi lme.feediuig are sat'titatomy,,. 'The lalio)r of Bovmianl'ille eoie AtLe !Nokone, oui the Guinea of feedliug is far less iItantht mre- I's a serions mistake V. o Inegiect eoat n !riathrearea umer quiedby, auy othler methAod. Thle liackaclie. Backache is the firsV sii o! villages that stood on piles1 irds do) noV blang aruud cithe smtmo inyils aa o ' ah ov-ethe waters o! the Swiss lakes. lI trough,1s and lover-eat, buit belPic ý i aiof may follow. Btl oths T There are many -scores o! buts wt hmslea 1ILItt at a tîme",,and inyPil c qikyVooe-i gable ends and grass-roofs lifted 1rneoff, buning, or pa ilaujcen kdeyiis d oVdla ntllii on piles Vo a heiglit o! ,about seven I cime back aaiwhen so inclinedItelVima man iats, 1- feet aliove thelewater. Rude ver- t Vo the food supply al: the trouglis Brihs D easýe. Read at a Bow-! anl auC,ý1 summouutId the hbutsi, wiVi) feu- I Theme uý s ne rusthing or C rowdýt!inl, aiîî àt a og tIrI en ter edge te keepia bout the atendan, asirsualat msdn as i the- babi)es from rolliug into tle Mcdigtieswee agenmSr.Plaro!f eiatna lake. are keipt Étog(o1tibor. 1.,Bom-- ', n.,sas t 'ScautIihy draped men and wome - For thýe hast egbcyams th ie flrst "mPîadsek tr ibyo r al ft-4-day basefo1dimor ac-1a resuls in D iu duigouts on th(e qiet waters en- lets er fromnfourmonths adVtenemta utigelelela ggdIn fssýhing, theiir ch .Iie! mean1llýs dyt Iu iuh adVet-tid lsbakbsbengvu1 c'! iveihoo. P los iutead o! padj- days old. Th'ere is some danger o dIles, are used Voepropel the eCanoî(e, Vute pallets gti~de-velope(d andhm osdeahe anyac frM for the water o! the lake is, nowhere eemmencing laying tiee eaiI rli ' Sornle tîme. Lumago ad ettled ani moethan oveir five orsi feet in lest resuhtis, unlder hs system nin h {dnyroonaf adcu-w deptb. !ee~~~~~-tding. 1lu orie-r Vo prevent sud cd inmc sfeig Ti a A wide lnatural ebanntel extenidsi cenýditions, the h1iereshsould noV seîhyla fe ou utigO sothwar (frm the lake Vo within lie ýlocated tuoo chose Vo echtelril 1at reired stoopidng or liftig. .ont( fetl ie Atianie. For some orr Vo the feed trougbs, and ax largeH m ool' iny iî n ' raoyears ,ago, thie wb-ites on Prange should lie gîven ithem sethatr( eommendaitt-ý,(ionufo! he ugi, E îThe oatdecidîed to connect thbe I tby imay lein hîdued te orlk, w lieî m ur n by uchlehee cEaaiélwitb Vhe a.Tite resulis 1tbey wiil do if ivntheoprtn iwenalesladfied lem were disýastrous Vo the ploor lake ity, early after their rernoval ba nVsufee snc ads 1s eIlm dwelies. itoiti ntibe %withlout a box o!f r The idles lirouglit floods of locean Botbs idn1ey Puiis 'linlb bue.Cî watem into Vhe lake, vwiliccae fflh uuýii) odb Daes Pie5 cns se~~~~~~~~~ sattatVenaie cudne l1Ifh The R- T.oobCoLtd., Fort o, drii the -water and many o! their j>Erie, Ont., Sole Canadian Agents. o ctl-perishied. Tbe fresh water COU U.N_0-Ii. ac fs eevery muli surpris",d"by) n mn VIe cbaged coniditionis adrtet. MR~LS AET NBIAN ci tip thle Se River, mwhile safs o feund fla nwhomie ilu VIe ake. Il, s Pesae UOfncet svr As ne o od w -as gained liy V Isin- Iotg Lp Lte. a ltchngBurnng e n Iesaand tbe lakewas losed o r!sFelerflySointa ese mjse-hti, insnh1tîu nc aýgaîn, anld aithoutigli Ille lake is -OitsAoeBog~Ie-royaity - s acipcla r Vo stl ahttelksh tje rvrfishl ~ oegucutisau nnw n mIS ha ve come backVtheirold lbauntcs i Many T reatments ailed but fe1 n ap rtau ht o t amilong thle lake dwveIlings,. A fe ever, îs whe-re hey miake a inýtk WO fih restllliin l te ak.TORTURES 0F ECZEMA V1 1tis, for ;instanice, tcaî ahlyialie hanjý]jge frem JIsaiity Vo l)Coin- puis*,iiahle ofucto stick apen fa ifreshuness caaout 0 YiELDED TO0CU TICURA stamp on al teter Iupside dovwu. Do- g r j dna,,ily t1lt tbley grel acstsn ing 50 is Vo insuit th1ý" ing Ithouigh figel te I Ve edfeetConditions. "Cutieura Reinedies are ail yen dlaim is effig, an jd af e'w centuries ago Tlle Freneli lhave juist been mak- 1tliem V o 1be. 1I had e>oza for ove r supoin, enyh fa ing a surv 111audmap o! Ilbe Lake-.1two ()years. Ilinhad w physiciaub en gpnn tmsV v o Ai b bv eu hslk w lý-hY ceuly gave Ime or , tl'a short tituie be thin învented - miglit easilype -andl anet enulmcrtVieoittneî avthne Ieoffenidcr in priso)n1M lers i l her homies arethiat there aud lotions 1 used te nio purpese. My on a charge o! seýeking Vo b ring ridi- ý :s screlnapcto umne- ankes 'ites onemass cf soer, TI-3 fhe'Knd yOIRae Awas B -oulglit" En Use For Over 30Yea5r-. tercsting UGossip About Somie oï hp Worl dmsProcacint Peeple. Lord Welselýeey makes ne sýecret o! vfMet tibe is extremely super- iusinýdeeti, lie oncp umewd, a letter ote Iembers e! Vhe àrteen Club, that varIle lu Ire- nd lie lad woru ont several lut iei tîrougb salnting single mag- es, anti thut le 'ivoulti net "on y acen"wuik under a lad- r. 11e aise lielieves in gbiosts, mh eau tel som.e ecednl ange stories o! reginientiai pc e-s. P rince Em Stsou o!, VIe rin uke o! Saxe-Meiningen, ienetv) ianunhuisteartiet, but lie ts started a sehol fr sud ntsl n1inigen, ueelie las lisstdo iclI be rcvsfer bis ewu paint- gs toe I pkeep ,o! thatahol ek o! the Picesluats!picture"s a ma1ýgiiceut fl[resco for VIe Unli- PS'ityý o! Jena, representing VIe '-ctor John lFredericli en borsýe- 1k. ie Prinýe me eue o! the" îifles;t o! mou,. a thorougb Býobo_' in, Mni a lking for visit h Ve ast colonis oule and Pais, ere lie is 'iveli1 knownvi. Like miost ator thVeSultan Turkey gesabout liiiuly fear assasinaionandit le ouVhIs vounV Vttle 'ivl novr sheep in edaml. tus constant dreatio! ýaI bias made b),i a prey Vo lu- ninia, antiA le oasnoVtoften slep m nore tSan tîrcee or four leurs a Vine. iV is said Vo cost himl îrly $1,000 a night Vo have lis; ,drom guardeti, for the attend- its entr-usted iritîi VIsimotn usioýn are ail tried retainers w1lo celve princuely salaries for th(eim )rk. Many arhVe riies adepteti VIe Sltan Vo escýape f nomiarold- assassins. lIn one o! VIe aute- aiberýs ieadiug Vo lis pïivate wrtmeuts' is pilacet a h!e sizeti 11re o! Hie Majesty, for VIte pur- ce o! iledng any prowliug me- ujtîonary ihoie migit bappe V retrate ,,tIns fan. NLauyprnessat other ladies VIe R>oyadl bouses o!f E"urope n-id ie -capable o!f-campnug got 1joe s askil1(,d n'rkrsirre Py Sudde!1ly ,ýdeprivoi cî! hei îk anti ">(etll-. PInea lear- ne O!feusforý instance, is, a ilied wiatelmanker, antiLue fre- ýntLy show irue at rliuvrions rmauexîhitius. Tihen agaîni, ve Vaken upsanti patenteti more ni euie o! VIeint iveniti(ons o!Vhe iches Phip o! 'Vnr-tembelrg, irlj (shja rurJoýus IoIIv cf maliuo cksati upprs.P slp Oînelxf A L0tIaý, WIL)o l makeCS zi IVif 1!11- seel 1t ed a'ax caniles,! icI oIemoultis ani Ipri-epare-uýs he e~ w fn gers (s, ss, anti shipperýs i,,; uet be in tEpsessio Ào!anlir îvhih anbisonieor rmuie- o ~ le attî1cie , e.gVI cls levaon tir, Vi Couts- accor-ding Vo VLabelsby Ro- cbeser ati ilhirew. Thiere is an entire copartiaut dev oteti te s,eoof !ihesboes croaNei(d by thef oceedes Petits Pieds, over irhiolh the moînlier iritI VIe smnallest foot prsieiuii she iras disphaceti. The noirs that a sou o! Prince liolenlole, exChancelier o! VIe Germian Empire, luigta-ken o"r- dors as a pPiet, las been nmnt eA rector o! a panis1 lu Transyl- va.nia, drawse attention te Vhe fuet eta anumbero! mebers o! pin- fCîly or re-ignin!g failles lae e- vnonucedti VIe a'o1nd in order te f ol- loir a, religions vocatýion. The(-- dCwOFr e VIeDuke o! Brugauza, WIe au as onmpee t te ah icate VIe throne o! Portugal, entere t VI ait nt iacov n lu VIe ieof [%ight, liere Rn dadand other mmeso! VIe Royýal Faami- ily fmeq(-uenItly vîsit 1er. prince- Maximilian, a brotber O! VIe pro- se(nt King eof xoyas l ivelwi1 kueuaftr aviug eeciei i apostolate lu inte esct ! o - d!( ri,is nir t'a'ngCanon lair anti lâirgy Lte yougde i i VI Un verisity o!frelug rneFnu nianti o! Croy, ivio 'ia oet f piehat;e Vo Leo I) i., i oir a pr fil priest o ores, aile ,Pine 1leuriette o!ficbesti ive ,i a Benedictine uven nerPague,- as Mother Adelgindi. Tbere art qpue a numeroiso cratium esg- loCh ladies o! titie îo haýve alo V'Ie( veil. Tr ireso! IelaVe Counvent o! VIe Holy Cilt ILu y flei, and oeue o of-rd shemnJ dlaugîters is aise a in.nero!VI saine ommnt.LadyEheed Hoadis heati o1 VIe Miili li! Couent a'ileLady Maria (Cbris- i na Banidinli, Lýord Nelug' ýclangîte-r, antci Lady LeopoltiKp pla sister o! Lord Alibermrle, abreme es o! the Sucre Coeur. -No fowiertbiliiFour aunts o! Vhe Duclees o!fNorfohk are in eonveute -Motion lad a ig]Ilyt red aýýpple jnhadli she iieledt, Vogîv-e Lte th dhidme-,-tble sua"Une tah ie iittle bretier a Messn in gener- osity. Jolunie lad a peculiar fond- neefer apples. Cuhiug bînVo lier side, sble saiti "Noir, dear rnal as a nice, r osy apple te give yen,, and sle irants yenu 1.0 libec rus"That word iras ne0 in Johnuie's vocabulary, so e hosa< "mra (Ilu o yen ea by gn ereus 1 "Oh, deanIat imeans ynare t Jolunie iras s llendu i ap-ple agin Vo hIie ohrsaîg '4lMiama, g i Vteise adte!] lier te be generousi.ý),'ý The indYen aveAvays LBought, and which bas b jeei and as een adeunder bis pere IYz- - W<4~7K~~~4î« 1kow lnaone V o' deceive yen in thiis, Exprfnetstt býûtË.iflee wihand edngrthe bealth 1of Infats nd hulreuIExerinceagainst Experiment. gene Droo an SeehingSyrups. IV i'sPlant Pusac.Is aeis iWs guaraijtee. IV dlestroys Wý,,3orEli vnd allaysFeeins.IV cresDiairrboe.a adW Colle If LieeTeeth iing Troubles, crsOisîpVo aid au -y.I ass,,is t ullates thle Food, egulte Bears th.e üsigilatire ocf- . ..1- wulvy 'u 1 'Vie. ý -imrf.s apU - LL -1 -L

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