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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Aug 1908, p. 4

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FABWFO SALE-BY TENDEE. AOLY M&E lllW lhmllu siTi r TRE oSe Iod ENEU whM iaiiy tire not bein.g benefited by the UIIIIIH tIW IIIY1!IIII Ton, halle mil lituoxavfl ear1ig~ ownihtnigmc ud tOCaces mreorle~ f ot16 Cu.2~Dèljlgsummer vacation as thev should bE5 ufidinga Goodý arel withpump, orhaf goodtonge the h s ur motto toi keep gri n tc ais oee raytne ee he tan on thir faces is H Il n iReasofiS tire AUGl ailndeso u ithey o na at orseep woll Vi thn the oDear ierl Threi n caln o atwe~tiiire Seoit 20s liy an thc d tet osod asprila Pu8p ia burulg ofthe ood, havea mFjrityt~wc a~ arge a the igeeai ll iv thne heo ___ th-l No.Lie nal 1ý dare ào wve riain tha Fhe ko ~ purVoseo he catj;>on. bea tý, bsre - - n diin Thp paýint la noli ncae~ r lujurd_______ b7 this gpeat mdcnwlcýh as we Canl gEt vou job doue lu o qate ttiýeî ýknow 'biiidRaUp the whol,'e si'atem," M, Wve wil giiaranteec aül wotrk dunie by Iis mhn.We are T ýURU NI CS CO0i441E:ERV AT i'vE P A P AR 1-7 aIsco prel-are~i to cut down wheels or anyî other rep>alrs t1mb yoU-r rigiOrops ID.Cartwri.ght, Ma ed an Mowers hapedndoverhaRuled as usual rànd Çrl e i e m n e b-e, a Coniservati-ve dailylu fu)ture. Cont- R. J. F. wr:teB Io the Cànadn Dalry- C~D~servative Toronto hias a newsapaper p)rob- Man aâ Farmirig World froxu Blacketock A .W . seatiài 1ùrsig alaid1,1 wbas la ssfely -tu the taus VOrthe B t~fhe Monsth WÈ, wil Slaunghtr ieso Empire is a good newspaper.ý but editor-i wilî beî a good sample suld an averge cl Kig oniltRï ro S t i. Blacksmlth. ially the moat unreliable journal lui thie .1o2 sly ht1abe tree . ____________________________________am_____ Dominion. The World le friend of1 il.SonhaI tâbs e trFe _______________________________________________the peopDle fighting conastanrtly for their b,'de farL onI.Te slybrlywIl, righlts and laorwdn its bigý1 rivi for a good oolor aud plnmp lu the berry.0- rss G od n î,, apearaces ere, is gettig a big« eietu- quaLt!ty of gb sud l8 tnuing ont faWry___________________________________ Iiation lii the Province. The -Telegram wvell. Soinoe Eariy Daubony oats tha-t AIA A. is Torouto's cOonisrvative loi lper, bave beaelie týtie 4L0 Iboesth I ROYAL BANK 0F CA__________ith_______ xep Ilbu e ncWapiaper offices. Pollitica1ly Cousor- wheab snd osîs were rlpïoning almnost too t at> o truhntadagressivo lu famtb, oWlng te the very lizrim dry weath- 20Pr ie al ltsMnfeues eodalszsto ~yd.b Inoipiatd189qestionis affocting Toronto, andi it her. 0 ueLnnTbescns i CAPITAL pald ip, ,,*. . $ 3,900,000 odiittyrially flays corporationls riglit anti yds. UP tO 9-ý yds 'wide by 4 yds. long sefilng below the mxanufactures ot Frayh» REEV...........43000<?lef t, bult cuts no ice asý al pat junl. Irop ',lura .ite linonl lle don't miss this opportunity. wit la a gold inie four its puabjlier, how-, TOTAL ASSETS.............. 460,o evor. Just what cla-ssi T1%e News aspires ASîi orsodn fteCnds __________________________ 13Fi1ý FR Li jâE E01 .to serlv i as yee poematica-L. Edi- Farminig World,,Peterboro -1 oily trng ouda'a excellent farmrer'si weekl1y, ~~~~. if(-ý-efl l i r e strng but srmnsdd r s o d~ .5avings Account.s may be started with thia bank with one(e. dollIr fews peolecar afigfo th lng nt Ii and upwards. 1nterest paid 4 limes a soar. thuhtn edtoa luaivnnpper. gocd article on the crop ontlook. for Aug(3 rIke Th e tores they tell f tho e, ali's dolugs ust. Re wrtea:ý The exepteion ;a the wha Yu udsane thrssqundrcpn nut t1jo New as nor apeabiei prcrop.Moaetsoi bas e u hre sed ou ever stop te hu how fas eoeîý0l3aegtizrc n srn! 0ýsut aev raina Peas b whichtiv Con-e mises a fa"yed ,ssbv mrvt 0 dre8s longtha of fine siik antwolgdaadanytreVoes filîtte theugý ploasnt wtasatiet bsnes omltrhw dvotytb wisefo interest the are noons too gooti as the landi was too wet (otyi rs egh)rglrS.Oat 12 dfrblneo nnh larg or strawIi wheab laFyeLý b U s'! ec as b h mlaiain(the l oiée Coin sud r OAL PAAL EEWTIOTCA ex-ellenit no-ws service of The Ml' wîî pulperly cltivateti, Il bas bcen merpltnCu ot osnfrtegot falkna et- ibriglit 8ee sud careleaýs farmera havej an 1U8 aft 7 wie raskpnrtylomue ),pp sl it as au-ad fox. bail belug 5 Oc_ quality............................ asm1(IVýIs lie(Ti,'.(, E, eilng apTaffeýta, extra bea'vy quali4r 27 n.whte,. cream or back, ga (forerlyo! o~imnviled pïeces Shantung Sikbeautifl qualtjties, 34 lus. wàdo, tan 77 York St., Toronto.NTH£NWPAF U-'OO ra lu om enVfl wied con u by Mr.l In the Mfatter of the O ntario o e h g n b er . 25,à d wek f etuied e ingdue TE luvnca roioig efrteii TEet-înelPOO af~ iie............. the new fhm. Mr abat Iin Bow IL. Lis valedictory laat wekthe rotir- Poica lcin uefn hio 0l.sae r ay ht iiPc c-er 'Sýnturiiay',aid aise durlng the the od5o ofce Hin Chilon 8the 40 eream anddê $1,25ae.a t changea un proprxotary-, shoiwed that, ef ara aenrdoR~rs black, regalar pik $1 75, August sale prlue. ..... 44the prosont owuor is tho niî iilu tho _________________________Il ,f try-four yoars of its existence. \h~ 1h etRdn fDr piece black Chiffon Taffeta, 40 in. woven oni 50v. e 2 is the inference ? To every, nowspapor ham: guaranteed" Noblesse Brand' reg. piee $J2.00, Augus t ra e ïce. $1O.00 publisher theso changes simiply luidicato __ maair luorr ourlsiLi opiio ovr a W unt to thle Ontarlo Election Aet, .7 "q'aiy e FaTII aboersExdlrsonswoud bvesavoi lmself ila~ fý1 nÏ SiVection 207, of the Officiai Agent Agutslpic Manitoba, AIberta anti Saskotcbewa-u animtemr oe J~for T bornas Baker aCandidatet ___ Prom ll satios luOutalo ~jormeymian priniter or ait somou othor! Eleto eoesef Thos Baker via Chicago ami St. Pal, \V or(l-117P îneplsor Duluth. NZ -~ ,. N-,, wok ..... ..... $î973ieces Mlack Bont"Peaua De Sol, ý, 8. From Toronto, NorbBvtw h sizo of Bomnilnuor 9ae, at 215unile Auguatty Au tslepis..... sept- 1 anti inemdaesain ik oiitosa erritory, dist;muce 17th, 1908, .12 ultAcgs a' ii.------98, antiailstatonsweattheool n nnî nnt~i>n uvr front other towns, anti villaýges where o.~~" .0 , ,~ , . . . 7e Au.2-27 Prom Torento anti East aad ag sufcet tsupport twortmodernly Reunn ffl er, 8 eunso uallnui bu afpie gve Li, Kasak Sask 7t loa Mosaos -T1o thorin touf.. Sept. 214 [East of Oilla luà Ontaie qipeiwsae ofics Wo eau-Wet idng 01Drhm Pare5 Cf 810 is wo Wlnïipeg i Au 9 laA,*ot recaî auytown- of les than 4000 whviero freo3 tickets wilIh g. luitn t talasWo fIolihu ,. swani Riýver, Sask , ant inlu noaroat us fromn Toronato 10l Belleville- -CJ ; é- i eredaepoints ou Can- M/othors, don't forget, this. Wbor Plae' there anosaprpbihr. V L 4I .A , L<I 1L U One cent per lle bem,ýond V ial nt aiy hitby, the those points G Edimonto, by having a gooti fonito ounty t (A o that lrgocut rvnil i1 i g u o r .ro u e n w an i inclusivýe The G r a n ti -apif Our' special Seoo ntarlo, Las only one printing office Û s ~can un . TÏrunk'is -the only double Boots. We bave been very -Oshawva lias proved-anytihing but-a gold Sth,1908.,O for the EIletJofLd> Thekroute t. Clai Tunelt in fo esaer J1o n. One of tbo Ira0krou e Ste Clhi Wuaet caroful lu choosing oui' stock loalpaer, lsikeTE q la ht of a Member to rie--presen-t b by Electricity. Ne smoke o! footwear for boys and girls. mauyý own e oacI lu ws t badîpsg of the West Riding of Dur- ___ or dîrt. tho buisiness lit thle irat roasonable op- hm $18.00 Retiurning. QUET PES portuuity., One real good newspaper_____________ SUR TOPLIASE would serve that- towyn fan botter than il Abstract cf the s-tmentpr Pro m Swan RI ver, Karnsack lias beei servýe(tý liepst "10 ygara. suant to the, Onta3rlo Eloction Acti ,2,1 anti intermetilate sta.tions ýya l Faim Labiorers' certîficate The are maie of an extra port Hope at one t1ille baid two gooti Sectlon 207, of the Officiai Agent suppleti with. oalch ticket ex grad ut ;iong, leather with ruigofie ni w arygoioa for Joh11 UenrDlviVIL, at Candi-- plishow tc prcure Ibis go03 quaIties andi al u, b papera, buit eue of 'he li as for yeairs A FOOY Norîhinm tet ikt style that lias distincti~on. former position -anti cf late years lias Election expenses of John Heinry Wm. TENNANT, Ve.7,1j11 L n ivil als hoissud va Neti et with ail Ibis the prîcos boon almost couistanlly lu tle 'anke2t. Devitt................120.15 TeOrono) Creýaeî speedtT3NO RYG DU TE0F 1 11 Bayani . . y.uner are very moderato. De sure TirEp S'uÀ,uSMaS ias beend muore for- Daeia omwlo -gs none~ohrvr usy month dulr-:.luai ee2ayCiee fi&i cesrtain coniditionls on follow. ant se he h nx im nateý Ihan mnany of ils ceatemiporaries, ing Julv, whle the pastures have tied! rear of MIr. W tUiams furuesoie. ails RYLMILSEMH date: yu a-e u :on W kuw bu il aiottoa i laa lrgo egre a- l7b, 908 ~ap conslderably andtihle fies becomo2 >alisered1 day ,ir night. Phone 10-1 ~ MOTR Aug. 14 Prom stations norti of main wipeae IitboltewanssfisopouTHOSl, H. SPHY, rery rrulsre sà="teupt o Canada, et c.1 Set.8 uin Toronto to Semis TIun-- lboy wilpeseytie-n. Il lias profitteti, 100 , froun lhe Julv exceodeti the make for June. NGo net via Stiatford încîutiing mniafortune ofollierpapersiliasbenRetiirning Officer, doubt many borda bave fakieen off In Dominion et 9 Ot~2 Tonout'o, Norti Bey lino antid.~agetasrer lhrtuetyO West Ridldng of Dttrbam. thei mlhi production, *1tut renewt eanloAg 9 Oc,3 Nv Stations West.> Fred K. Foleyý 1uire~ -s--o-u "h Ms cows anti a few new patronsj have main- FiratCaarts725an 19 Tuant teSarna Tunelsongr, -The MUeni ant,' -Thoe taineti a constant increase lu Cjreamery M Clas 4,0adowraacrlg1tae Aug. 19 Trnot anaTne alrSn trBwmnvle Sln iar,"" un' "Tie Newcastle UdIt'lf LlI liii patronage A supply ~of green, feeti, l mMDERT AE EVC Sept 9 Intlusive via Strattord antid îo îeS~e wain Nevs, -The Nýewovastlo Timies," anti flut1 RX fM uias mixeti pes anti oats, or coin, R EODCAS ail station souti therof. uew Bwianlville News." It is _______prove et grear value en assistiýng tan I W iepl850 Aug 22 Toronto sud dast andi east -.only anollier instance o et l survival prevent a serions sîrinkago In tie ' Seamrs To odn$,0adto of... OrAi TER Kingsto SET of thaet groaetly duin liee patqare ounties ot NorthmbrIn production dnring the present dry op!] 0' r'orKOO ai nfraio ppyt su < P iy a~Qiwig ~s~ik A.VOID POOR MI"ATIONS aniji"sok' ~ taiaii isnvi N, 9 4c 19.20 8.58S 22,7$.51f1& 78 anS ail' other points in proportion, oc. ti aupronrpeouofw ai eetlicAii n Ag 14, 18, 19, 20,1 preveti a succeqa l aiiyn counlry towný il.. . ..à enpW u owewlHkw iMd n a oe ý 272 ; Sept. 1, 2,8.9, Il andi 14 8es ul r !Uggls. emà V lias bogit or hv susnIbo t lu Ma loa Et& E}4H 12 ë2 1 rmpln........el Sept 12,y ct amuD =MI MWela rae.PaOL hAgat 98 Sept.ntot msih np Tm10is capMdt stamr anci meaua saiSh orlcor stoc Stiea rts Df7c dsrbuin conditions etec, app]y tu sny Grand uEsPKAKTFO ewapapor anti pilin elabsment p,~ Preoriao...........sella ept. 19, Oct 1 A"Êi ofriviiege a aÏlopoe bagag aniS Trîesn eu bRAWE CM Trtiuk Agent. TE CNS EPAKT RM natnîy tOwn u ncivt regular ýf s~aleute fteelt ie Itm ae nifl uomelnfo aito!rueaeaalbeb bsrue look leasutse satic ý uap-d MfCuts NCTasurN. M.A.Jaes7EDNESDAY, AURG 19, AT 8.30 P?. K, 0, P, MLT AONtq ONT, cUnïS Tieket sud au iomatio fron al Crand BwnnllO f i.

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