n BOWMANVILLn STAT10OW &0ome BAST, GOxug WST "Mal.......59 55arn Z1press 6 4 a, M. *Expre Io Io110' Lotal..._... 751 M1xs... si 51p sanger-.1 4 .a LoBi...~ 849pM»jMi7d_ 711 4 *MIk 9 58p.. JuIIy &LOvELLý Twriw Agente BOWMANVILLE, AUG. 20, 1908, PERSOI4AL Geo., Pingle, Ottawa, !S vISlfting bis parents Mr. John Cox, Toronto, sýpenàt Sunday lu t0wn.ý Mtiss Eva spry i3 vlslting ber Rats At Kringston. Master Alqan gale ïs visifing relatives MiÎss Leah Hutcbinison !0 ylsltlng frienlds in Torolite. ', '.ilbur M. Trewin, Toronto, la b.daigat borne.ý Miss Nellie Oram, Toronto, ls vlsltîng at _Mr. Alex Taylor's, Mrb. Jl A. Arnott, Linds v. fayered us with a call last week. Mr.D C, Foley, Hooper, Nebraska, ga je us a eaul recen.tlY. Mr. FE F Ashton and wife, Enfield, er ntown iast week. JH.Devitt, M. P. P., Blackstock waa at Lindsay reccently. Mi.Herbert M reCbivsedhi'e -tint Mns John Hamblyn. MisD Lloyd? Toronto, is vlsiting î6ýTE. lgginbotham, Miss Alice Telford, Paris, bas been visitlng at Msr. John Ly1e's. Dr M B Annis, Lindsay, spent Sun- day witb Mirs. A. McCrsea-iy, Mir, Fred, C Cibitt, Peterboro, vst ed! aliends in town last wve0k. M-r. W. E. Pethirk and 'wl e, Toronto, ba,ýe beeu visitingý relatives flore. -Miss Evelina Bcfdford, Purpl&' EHi Visited ber autnt Miiss Emmersoni, 1Miss Lillian Freomr, Part Hope, bas been guest of Mirs. F, M. Morris. Mir %W. N. Porter.. Columrcý-,s, Obio, via8 recent guest of oif Mr, J L-, le3 Mss. P. Tyler, bas returned borne. Miss L1h"ý,)Spry Is v!sitlng- ber sister Mire Chaiý«3Tordea, WeybuarnSak Mr. Frank Kirkendall bas takeni a position on The Coîborne Enterprise. Mirs J. S Walmsley, Woodsto2k, is vislting beýr cousin Mirs W. G Glover1 M1,e R. L. Fraser and Vîiss Peari Meader, Toronto, are vlsiting at home, Miss Limbert, Orono, was recent ~< "etof Miss Edna Drewry, Smnitbfield. 7eMr3ls. Alfred Maîin, Bowmanville, litderfattbr, Mr. W. J. Bidwei, Oramabe. Mrs. John Cornish and daughter, Stý Marys. are visîting Mrs. Smith O'Brien ÇQueen st, Mr. W1 Stýewartý Ottawa; was gileat of Sexgt. F. H. Morris, Re la bauilding- armories at fielleviIle. Neil S.ý MacDoniald and Donald D. MlaçiDonal are holidaying at Pointe An, Baril, GerenBay. Ms 1Is ac Tabb and daiughter Mlis1 -are vlisiting bis daugbterl at Grand Ledgeý, St. Tbomts joylng a well earned aaîrw their son Lanicelet at Gr&vnudt Dr, Jcihn C. Thompoeon, of Univerity YM.A, 'ic t _ Surday at Dr. G. C Bunrý Mirs L, G Easýtman anid diaucbter EtbeI baye, returned to Tüornto ît er a plZeasat visjit With Miss EMMerpo0n. Mr,,s. James Barnard. TQosonto, Miss A&da and Mr. HarTy Tdir were recent gueste! -t" hM " 's, Liberty St. ville fri ~ -m i~ agbter. May 'l~ l~~ ~ n inter, O1sbawa. c ,Ars rci uddagbter. 396 ,iarren A- ýg~,re spending- ugUst ~ ti riî sBrighton,d Miss Edra Muâir, Hîýailton, bas been -enjo.,ing a twoweel's vacation at, theý lake uctof Mira.> (C P,. Kent, "Sm e Rest ý1 Miras. Fked, Roblin, aons Fred, Charles and Max and dnal-ghter Ninia, Ham*ý !UloL, aire -visitbng ber father Markusi lh~o! bs Whitics grec;.C ~ ting in Western Ont irlo Miii ~Arthur Le ggel siai83it- )se durlng Ernest's ab- * oeuigk, bandmaster of _ trnd W. Hefferman, were in Trenton wbhere Mir. Roenigk bas cLarge ot the band at Trenton's blg Mrs JmesA.Phillipe and danRbterc Marlon of New Yo7Crk City are visitlng lier parents Editor and Mira. M. A. James Mira. Phillips la reooverlng !sooe a sfevre siege of tYpbold fever anid it le noped the brîcing Caniadian I air wiii' resto're bIer to) peýýrfectbalb who la guest o! fier couksin Mis. A E McCready, an being7 one o! the Lldsîy Poat's Popuuarlty Par,-, whO ge3ts a fiee ;nlp tpo Quebec and reýturu baviui.g ri), 7elved 132,8117 vQtes. ]Beanti Kiîd You Have Alvesys 802M 13i'j;wtwro p;f af lMr. Harold Bel oýrontc, viaitet fiîenadas la town. Mira H Lancshir la Isltg meletivcî ln Port Dalhousie. Miss Mary Beet, Oronro, was gue'.t o ,Miss Bertha Aliin. Misa Ethel Morris bas beeni vibitine frienda La Toronto. Miss T -M Penfond le vîsitlug isàA C Elliott, Brooklin. Miss Effle Dunbam la atteadlng ,tbf milllnery openinga in Toronto Mirs. John Elliott- Cenitre St la visit. !ng old frienida at Le3amlnàgtou Mir. EF1neat MC Ellcb rampton, apent Sunday at Mr. J, Giigg's, M,,r. îand Mira, T. E Osboirne mecently vislted at Afm' T S Brants, Whltby Miss Isabella Lawvrle bas returned te Iler sechoolatAba near Brampton ,MUss Ray and M1aster Alex. Walkei, TcroýntO, are VÏsýing at ^Mn r, J J aon -Nr, adMrs.-Geo.-Pý--Freeland, -Tor- onto, are vlilnber father Chie! jar- Misses Mairie and Llzzie Paînton aire vlsltinc, their cousins the Misses Bale, Misa Greta Bailey and Mia i Cbrlstinu Boate, Peterboro, are i .gter cousin Mis. Muceadv, Mi and Mis, Fýrank Colwill and 7Mis. Smlthi and baby o! Kenora, are visiting at Mir. Chas, Richards'. Gîff &rd, Oshawa. and Herbert Staeinton, wlfe and son, Ennîsklllea, bave been- visiliag at Chas. Wlliams', Duke St. Me9ssîs. Fm-ed 3L Dlcklnson,ý Taylor- ville, 1!1 , and Walter DiekSison, Toi:- ente, cîlled onl old frienids Wednesday, The Dickinson baya are a great cred,ýit tao their native tuwnt, Dr, Anthuir W. Morris o! Vienna, Autlfrom the offices o!' Dr. Thomas, Couart Dentiats, le v*slting b is motlier Mirs D T. Mtýorris, afteýr tu years lu Europe BIe returne la October, Mi. J. K. Galbraith wlli receive at ber Klng St residence, Victoria Cot- tage Satuirday afternoou and evenin1g. Mr, aud Mia. Malcolm Galbraith, Kan s-as City, Kansas, will meceive wlth bier. Bey. thester New, B. A., B.ý D,, Rideton, d Mr. W. A Scott, Rridgebui, ba ve been- guesta of m. Gordon S. JurV, Mr. New preached moat acceptably in tire Disciplesa churcb Suniday evenling9 Annouacementislu nade o! the en- gagement of Misa ertha Mp.cWain, BuwýManivlle, only dmughter e! the lare J E. McWasi]n ID Mn. WIlli1am A. QuibilWlnixeg, Dominion Commis- bnc utPolceover the Transcontin- ental Rmllway. The marriage te take place ln September. Efflt.ûr W, F, Wilýson e T h6 Guide Port Hope, and t.hre childiren wcre ont in the lake with a gasoline lmuneh Whou the enugine baulked and the westeiiy win6i dreve the cra!t fuir down the lake They wenle ffnaily îeseued bv, the Idéal Works hauncb, Bariing a fright there were no serious resuits., Theïr many relatives la thia vieînity will, be aorry ta learri ro! the death o! Marp_ý.ret SvlvesterYeugetdaughter o! Yr. aund Mira. W. T. Robson, West- mnont, Que., w7hlch uccurred aS the reaidenc-e o! bier girndLatheî, Colonel ýýylve5ter, LUndsay, Auguat 13, îfter two tava' ilnesa. M. Robson was at Cal- -ary when the unews ireached hlm Mis Robson las a niece o! Mesdameis L. A Tole and John Percy, Bwayie Claver seed wantedL Seo advt, Apprentîce te Milllnery wanted at iss Dîngman's. Reduced prie for SooGl Read ens at P, Cý Trebileock's. Cai at Tea Pot Ian Firiday evoeiing ut Bowler's Garden Party. 30 oents-new sbeii-oend o' L90-f 'or Tz.v STATES.Mi'N Frosh flsh at A. Tai't's e-vey Weduîes. iaThura, Fid and satumday. Men's two pliece suits sElýling off at and below ,cost at Cc4uclýb lstoa eriyderman 's. Yen are Invited to the Bù-wiera' Gax. dien Party Friday evening-novel and nice will be the progîam, --Had the wind be)(en niucb higber Mon- day night, T, J. McMuartry's Jkîe double brirk bouse would have snffèired. Al verf fine bail-toue pirntraio!Srt F. H. Morris twvoclun wide a ppear- ed !a~ Satuirday's Globe wlIth sketcjh. The beet isthe cheaRpest. TWs lappliesl parilarly to spîces F. A. Haddy keeps the igbest --rude o! pure spiceas Miss1Hazel Annis, Port Union, and MisElva Anal£ýle Oýiwa, visited their cousin, Miss Gladys Pugb, Green River, 8. M, Scott, dnuggist, bas iented theý store on Front Street lately vîcated by D. Connelly and le movinw bhis stock there this week.-G'ampbellford Des patcli. s Eliza Hazelitt, an inmate o! the On oy the NIsss 'Irlgman. New fai goudsaire arriving and will be ready for inspectiona shortly. The beet vinegar-is nostloo good for pickllng. it «oea net pay te uise poor vinegar and apoil your pIckles. F. A. Hfaddv bas a stock o! the beat vinegar lu Wlsite Wine, C, ider and Malt. Miss Flo Mason o! Business Systema Commercial Sehool, Toronto, la oc1upy- ing Mies Gelbraitb'a Position as eten., egrapher at the D. O. & P. Co. factony wbile tfre latter la euýoyhng biolîdmys. A popular idea used ta prevails thet ail tees were pîettyv much alike, but IlSalada" Tea is provingapleasntsur- prise ta thonsanda e f partienlar tea dIruirerseCSold yý,grice,:s evemoýywbere. Wewouid like to see gretercr taicen In keeplng Bowmanvihi1e nemS ad tldv-, md when the residents nieglgeet thi du~ te plic ehuldseethat the wurk is dune sud the cos carg-ed te th, proper parties Bey. Orlandfo Juhliffe, a miasionamy la I the province o! zehnn Western Chinna, 1under fih. anadiaMethoGdiait BOard, bhas bad to leave bas Post on accoôuaS o! îlots, md brmhng ýbis famil? ta the clty of Tieukiaug. Mr. W. H. Pearce neer Nwa~e bas a very fine sample o! baeley hat he raised from La !ew îîounds be got !rom the Exýperiment+al Farm at Guelph, e.alled No, .21. lu la ell hed end stanlds between four and five !eet ig Port Boe ought ta be prend 9of ber bd.They are good players, nice bqya, amnd re-dy te oblige a.ny ohd tue Amd the same e! the fie brigade Ail good haada,-Times. Why tes, wben you thînk et it, ail Durham beys bavea been great beada, Citizens were onttu la l farce Frlday evenîlg te enjuy the excellent musical program provided by the D. o. & P.ý Co. baud, Theiae open air concerts are becoming quise papuflair as a auimber o! people wcre la3 froma the country and sevenal rigs came dawn !rom Oshaw'R. , Twü farmnersfa hadthe mifrtuine te bave 6their Ïharais bnrned during the electric Storm o! AnnaSt 4th. Ther- weîe those o!fWmParu, Jr., c! tbe towýLship o! Cartwright, and Jas. Dick-" sono! yrte.Mi. Paiir'ss as lavrt unfrtuateas b ha bs jusart ed,4o ruil the faim,ý Jhn Wesiey Wilson, Grand Rapide, Mich . reacbed Neweaestle ta visit hie3 1uncie Rev. J.C. Wiheon, net10o1, n he had left townaîle uevi*sited th birtbplace o! bis departed mother and spent mn evening ut the aId hbem wbich, la owned bî James Stapleton, cîlled the1 Taylor !farm.1 Citizea bave tieen mucb laterested4 in the arumy o! prizea woa bp Sergt F B Murris at Bls'ley and other plaes as weli as the prescrits g.iveîx him on the nght o! bis reception bers wUhamre exhibition In Mitehell's drug store W#indow, There are some very fine pieces o! silvier Plate. We are in receipt o! a letter itom1 SLieut. B, Gertrude HoAand, fommerlyo!' this town but now o! 3rabrook, B C. She encloses a speclal edition o! The Craubriok 1Bermld conta1i4îg ngauc count o! Ferale dîsaster. Miss H olland wisbeeS tobe remembercd te ber m&any Bowmuanvihle frien1da. Observation coav7inces us that ten dollars don't at us long as ten cents djd iwith our gadahes espenid maore for sceeksanmd suspen-ders than gýrandfather di-d for bis Sunday ebotises and s4tili we wionder wbît la the mLatter with the worid t*et It dees net grind euit as many 1»bch bleqssngs as 15 did a IlIunr laqt IPssue we publSbed an aril&bout the deatth C! Damisiion FrTuit ns-ptecter J. J. Pbllp, Winuipeg, Reterrlng te bhis fumieral the Telegram f my:.JPhllpvwasflaid tareat la St. Jamens eemetey. RFev. Henry Kemnen, l who was a1 fiend o! decea0ed, be bmving bsen mn ofier la Grace cbuircb for ai lonjg timi-e, condncted a service uat the family Uhome, 369 Grahamý avenue. The cmskez wîs cevored with flow,,ere, lu wreaths, set pieces, tributes fuom frleada fuar amd neai'. Amang tbe weeltb o! the ivil Service Bowling Cl'ub, amd A. C. MPeonmanager a! the MePher. son '2 Fr eit ca. Sept 15. Low rate excursions wii alto be rua on ce2rSà,n dates, patc (r f wMhbca be obtelned frem Grand Titrnk Agents.9-4 HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS to Man-itoba, Saskeatcbewen, and AI- berta. Ail rail via Caicageo and1 St Paul August 28. Sept. 1- 15 and2 aise via Sarnia and Noîthera Navigation Co's Steamers. leaviýng Samala 3390p mý 19 mmd 31, 1908. Winnipeg mnd mturti $32. Edmonton and uturu î250 Propertionete rates teotiter rpoits lu WMester'n Canada Trees gfi-!or 60 da-vs. F til information fro m &ny Agent e!f the Grand Triuk Railway 8sytemu APPLES W.ANTED Wihbuy et aurEapro, wan ville, en and a! er Ang z?,ple fou evmprating- and from reports t( crop1 lnu this section is abo rut two--third, fat applesaumd we are startingerlisr an tbnt accouas. Ail appen tatepik ers are net tzaking shouzld be brougbt proniptly te te Evjaporator as soit apples are et ne va1lue ferevpuin FSKLF, &ACKERMAN, 34-4W" omnvle GAR11EN FAUTi 1A"YKMUY A -ardea pairtýv wll be given by the ladies .d! the twn stthe 1nteres o Bowmunville Lawm JBwing Cn-b on the beentiful grounda o! CapS. A E McLaugblin whe bas very kimdly plrseced Rtbskammry at the disposai c! the Cli. The D. O & P. Ce Bund mentes wiii. be served GTamoes aand Midýwy trctoswl be prýv de-d Everý'body ce me, Admission -to zrouanda fiee Friday Autguat 2na, et mer recenitly vkiteS their unicles atý Brookla.Mir. John Fric. and w4lfe, Bumavlle ysledMr. L Slnr S)pringbiUl Fam,. . Mr Thea Goadman i and family are already preving thcm- selvea.good ciies Harveat is well advamced mnd on the wbole cropsa are fuir. BoaS creps 100k very promising. - ýChlckens mie growing wel-bar veat home festival is- cemlng.Ses pasticulars e! feottaliers re-u»nion la afother columa, Don't miss this great M. ies Lillian MeLean, BowmaunvIil3ie ISue t etEthelCuitce., h issesI ili, "Oshagwa, ire visting MissFer enc Clmes~.. .isJos. Bawke8vlsa visiting frienda a ii lbook...... XWlaa Nellie Haderson waas eceut gueat o! Mesdames Charmes unS Samuel fHuoper1 Bey Ismue Couch, BD, lBamilton, whoýl kindi-p ccupied Tyrone pulpit Sunda11yI ev;ering... Remembei- the dite o Tyromte farvestHome-Labur Day, Sept 7. New lil!-e for a quarter.,, leaCov punnýd lien Pflla, R. M Mitchell & -Ce, HELLO!I ARMERS ALSIKE, RED CLOIVER AIND TIM&BY SEL» *At Trebilcock-'s for Croquet and foot- i OUI*y 830c for a new s11ucriber toeiien * 100000 dzen egs wa teda A. Tait s A fahl stock o! sebooCl splies at p. C Trebilcoek 's T, H. YKight flýà-,the arkeo ChoyiGer Seed, ýjBowmaaville Womeu's Istitute meets Aug 29 in Council rioom. Get a New Century washing machine from iA TaW atnd save labo,, Upright piano and good ergan jfor sale Apply ta M. D. WllllU1arms & Son Miss Mue WVain bas realgned ber pos- ition on the Public Sehool teîcblntg staff, Rnbber CO,, Baud will play eei Tneeýday eveinlg ta erid e! September, Thne Argue furm dcirectlv north e! Sohina, ia for sale or te rent. Sec advt. - Ailwhite blouse seln or b eost Pzuce1 aS ouJ ohaston & Çryder- man's. The purest claver hionoy in 10 l1b. pailla, aise in glass and lai the comb at F. A. Hadédy's Donýt feu te sec the great bargaina lu mushilns and dress gooda ait CouTch, Jobaston & Cry-derman s. Don.'t forges A O, F meeting ti Wedniesdav night Bro- F. H. Morrisc wili be presenjt. YOU attend, t-e, f bxotheir. Ail cloîed Mualins seïlini? atý reatly ý reduee princes Ud several u ieces at -C exac-tly bal! pince gaS Couch, Johaiston &Cry deiman's¶ Ex-elienit views o! Kinýg st auid o! the Cavanagh-Jonles and Cesswell- Belîma,ýn vqw-Ceddîngaare On ve-w la Baya' l studio indow. 1t Wewudlike ta show yc6l oui three piece parlas suite, Maboziany framels,a npbol.steired la Velconi at 18.75. M. D, 1. Wihlîams & son.,Il J. B Hei lavlsiting relatlve8 harle H prier ta bis gol'ng O ,tKenora to assumneel dut1.ies asianag-er of a largIel Onriug tI mili w etthat tbni vhng tw-ikr BRey,. L Phelpe, tormasly o! Lindsay niow o! Stilihng. bas goee orth on a camping and fisinpg trip with bis son Arthur, of Bobcygeon-Lîndsay b-'îe6a Press, Miss Ample Ditigman) will carry on s the millinerv business ! ormeriv Carried-t LSchooiastic Vear Re=Opens Tuesday 19eptember il, 1908 l'he ours,ýes of sttudy include. ever ytig required for T£,,, os' OertLtfices sudl im lU- hlon wi tbhonors îtb the varions Uiltvýersîtn es Spectal at ten tion ý give l togeer11 cofirs teclndng comerCial work (tusoihod flot wish te take the dleparimentelex inos l3owmovtLoHigh &Shooil for 1bnîldig gr and u qupetas wel as tnirecord work dore rnas with thoe best in thlePoic ai)d the a4.n cof the tîste sd tff is te maïlinl tain ilsish b moral tone erd ils rptt o eflciency alua thoronli work The Princýipal wPl ho gC(s tue meet Dmie' 6- in tdusor i pemoifn o10give satny' ~t ime prs ol l'r y itErinomtoread sg lthe -sciï and Itle varion uis ikeup. W, B.Couch. ..Elit, 1.A ton St;reet. W ANTED-AI iids o!frut ton cosisigromenit by LNTFE Bnos. 0.',awoa Qnicete ýr,1 n a esquRe vdeal. ils tf T TOUSE FOR ALE-On th Uuth ---L ide cf Kogsteet, Bwevii six àrsiitabc,,god i. pj1te Dý . G, M. UTÀNTED FiDkR~HAx un vA ttty cf scrap trou, coppýer, brass, sors p ru1bber, etc., deiver ed ai c ar yard. 32 Ontario St , or will cati et your placeL. Phone No. 17,or SALE IN DARLING-- arg nad smnllermafor, sale tl) Derltngtýo-iTowuship,. Sorne sellbran oùw offerie Titis jIs a good urn_ e toInvestt, gýate. Aci qiuio5kly by 9 slieg teo.C", !""i Haïopt,,Ot, 3) 4Wi L IZIOUSE FOR AL-Q the Soth ...side of Ktegtret, BjWmPanv1fe. niie roomaandSb bahom, nwPneFrae EIi~iglit, stable, ait cuveneeoces neder cover, quarter acre land. Applh to D, G M,. GÂBATBowmaeville. 33-tf -ARM1 FOR SALE-In thevae o! iramto,ab0nt f3 acres le a. good state of~ultivatton oodbose and barns and other ,outbuildings. Il netïsoid wili reet for telfe 0f years. Possession te plow ai once. Apply at once to R. H, BssHamlptoe. 33 w F ARM "FOR RENT- i go acres aituat-1 ed eue mile norti f rom Bowmen nviillecolls oftnge parts of lots 6and 7, on. :,, Darlt g- ton). One of bte bes fera te iiithe cuetry. Apply on the primises te JoH-N SME or Bowmeuvtlle., P. O , 33--tf F ARMy FO R -"ALE OR TO E ENT- V 9n0 acresbegparts oef lot 24 tinSuth nd 7th concessionse f towelshtp ofDrît il e property of Oeo, Argue. Good brick bouse arud ferm buldings on the property-% destmeble ferm. For pýq)n rapply te F. W.Le, EmnikWlen K33-4, F AR %1 FOR SALE OR TI3NT- be ýacres, of lot 23, con) 3, D nrli gon, ith' Dera 3M z 4, aton.e fndtn ise hrse stable. Gonol sardy loaiu ithr îgsireaib'rosigit term. yonn g rcharu of!Y,00a p pe trees, besides sial fuit, 1tares cf woodsý, cedar, umaple, becehit reme bouCise wfth goodt bard anSeod 1wa'eýr. Possession te plougit after harvesi WIilll sel ehefp. Wn11. Pl A LpsoRTH, Bw manvMle, 'JePt. 23t MUST BE SOL»,ý Specil Annýouiienemet ZTaR 11PER TY ot Titra C. A. adl' brck dweLlizg, lion doser SUIS, hobby v alS WVe wish ta draw your specia atten- spedi eui ard 0e11 sofiter fsi 1to t a the fZe5 thet we bave just pur- imeieay ibs Propeny will e s"lS cIc- caedanew, up-ta.dae Gore iret.,Bemevilo 3- and are nom, prepared tabtieai kinda e! seed, cleaned or unceuned, FARM FOR SL-SarsO! oxtellt1-t mmd Su pay the Mheat market pucs. J jlnSon çrhcieb afiue i toray brickro. vvahall, 3a bedîeoms, 5kobhen. bedoom, pantry Buckwheat, Peaà, and Goose %Whemt, alil ummer kiLtilenveeunde, porcith,Sîvuse o! wbleb we are prepîed ta bandîs at vouS shed ud vsios 04;bn 43 Oui stureheuse up town, Elevator at vtibi9estbbng odrieatt;beboue.p G. T.R. Saitn or at Port Darling ton. orcard, tard aud sets etr, shteS on Ma,; "A qure ea fr Eeiybdy' l ar vrsrod Wn twn of Bowmeevîll, aot "A .u DÈ fr veybdy"!suriminites welkfrom Pue0si fce LnSIscic mosemale .ua trialand he convinced. day am. itis fiue property ce,,nÀte pnîcteset aIIT~I1AUT~mi 1 VïWTelp e, Rlentte Agent. Box 1Hl. Bowrnn- 1 c LE LA & C1 L "'ii dville, o"r tOA' MÂD' aîS Box535, OshLave If the chiid ren îeluire physie nonUG acta so nice a, s Milets orm Pow.derý Ver V Pleaatt th .M. Mitchell & Cc A cos~n abl mbition obtain8 lu the peo)pie o! Hampton. They strive tte be fui st-to c!(c me eut aheacl-amnd tbey 0ftren succeci This lri the Engllsb of ir Thîs time 1t la ir. Chas. Hlorn, the villaige milleýr. whe le mairt with new fleur frem 190ý8 wheat, havlng9 dellvered tefrtpied tint l 1Dtown lait Tbursday. Hiampton à jUfs bave alwayo borne a goednameloi malking Jour, and judg- igby thie new product ite ireputation bas nlot dmnse. Wbeat la Cart- wmvight and porth Dýrliugton la extra [ad Mr. Fred AshtOD, Eted uod s Tiuirsday,, t3 o Hýorn,£ XXX Paistry Fleur will be a higb grade this ear. AUIJTION SALE TuEýSDAY AUG. 25-Ms. Ell Banmett, lot 13, Con 5, Jairlingteis, will seli hbis ferm tockimplem6nts, fauiture, etSale at 1 P. M, See bî1Is, L, A. W. TOLB, auctioneer. SOCIAL AT IVAPLE UIROVE Ani !e creaim soc-ial will be heon the lawu of Ms Chris Ccox'3 on Tbiuysday evenng Aug z7th at 8 o 'ciock.- A urst class programn will bc given by talen-t tram Bowimanvilie, Oshawa and Oroino. A ced tîmle is assurcd ail Who attend Adission, aduits i5c or two for 25c; cbîldiren Iac. 34-ZW NEW EXHIBIT AT P'AIR. Bowmanviiie Fair wjll have an inter- estIng exhibit ta bc seen bere for firet time 'sept 18-the Tuberculosfis Exhibit of the Proyipeiml Board of Health, be3ing F pec Pi7dïïatioaîfeature, lna aSent in charge C,{ Offleers o! the Department. [t is o! a nicat initerestiug characteî fui lv illustrating the methoda adipted for education of people and treatment of thosfe sufferlng from thg White Plague REDIJCED RATES TO TORONTO ViaGiran4 Tiunk Rallway Systeion account et Caadian NtonlExhibi. tlon. Retumn tickets will be sold at îinle faire from ail stations Ia Ontal 1( te oronto, good going Au g.'29 tri Sept. HELM-FORfflOTOn ,Angust , e t Igesd" Mounit Alitait, Ontaril'b y. îýD, GCeMeron, Florence, onlY d (eIftr tDi, and Mrs. 1Rot. Oit Foiries,and Walter J. ffoIm, port Hoe.e C-nAeIePHy-At St.Pa C hitret.To-- ntAugusi 15,.-LyF Bey, CnnCody, Emt!ýly ine èdest daugitter cf,%Mi, H.E.Moiphy.Os ïh. ààwa. and Johin ÊAexa!nder Cralg, Prince Aibert, Sask.b GAL13RAITE-FLANAAN At KansasCty KanSes, v 5A, on Titnhrsday vAngusitit,]1908, Jackson Gaîbraîttit formnerîZy afBwmuie and Toronto. HziLt-At Port Hope, AUugts 7tb, eObarleS Hill, eged 35 years., Wîra-At Brooklyn, N. Y., Ang. m8, Bey. jos. Wild. D. D., formerly of Toronte euan Or- eue. a ged 74 yeaîs. WILLs-In Tüonto, Ausiý 15, Gýreta Muarlel, yoongesi deugitter etof 1Mr John Willi.s. eged i yeer, 10 mes. Inere tai Bowmanvîlîe T esday. PxAcu-At tie Weýstern, Hospîtel, Ternto, Aug. 1t Rosenuna WillIiams, teloved vvite of George Paiformerly cf BOWmen inl ber 54ibh yeeî. MP 0RG.hdose This Week S. . ASO &SORN8 Fine Swisls Net Curtains To Clear. ,5 pair anly, reg. $5.00 for $ Oa Pair. 7 pair oxly, reg. 84.50 for $2,75 a pair. 2 pair oaly, reg.,$3, 25 for l,12 00 a pair Ladies' White Wear., White cambrie ndrkita ace or embroidery ter-ied, reg, 61,75 for $1,25, 01.50 for $1 0Q4 1.00 for 75c, 85e for Drnwers,g, $2M00 for $ $1.7 for S1.25, 81,50 for $1.10, 01.25 for 95c, 1.00 for 7-5c, 75c, for 5e 50C for 38u, 35e for 2be, Night Gowus, reg,.e,2.00 for $1.50, $1 71% or 01.2S,$15 for $.O 12fr9e 10 for 75-_ Corset Ca-vera, reg. 1,00 for 75ez, 75C o 55c, 50r. foti39e 25(, for 19c, Anoth-ier lot o! White Mnaslns, faeoheek, or strps reg. 15e for 9c a yd. 5 anlyLais White Dres Srs , ,0.0for $1,00., Boy'% Wlash Suite, asre styles, reg 75c, 85c;0,,Kç, choie. for 50c. Embroidcry Silks any ýc1or, reg. Seý eaehý, now 2 for 'e Bleaehed Sbeeting Sx 4 etf s elfr 25e a yd. Spe niai bargai, u nsl iiryadGovs NO CffDlT trcr'DeBistkna a~ 5. W FAS4ý>oN SLONI Free shed room aÀt Centrai1 Livery yards ayie ni Beo-At Courtice, Aug. 141h to M, ae Ms Brooks,.a son. fi- BIRi-nBw avle uut "the wvIte et 'I . W. James iLerry, "f a son,' asnds-efnnoeuvlî, u st Thils is the. nPilng anld Prs vlg BIsri-D BowmanIvlîbe, ug 10, te i. Mr, WtBelV 1105kim, eta Snitr 'fff~ UKYnr- At Ce belloCueAugust î,1908, te o,:I, Mr.end Mis. Frd .Kda Saugitter. e et Mr. J. BT okera ti Sauitter-asilil hein McLSAAt rc optal. Toronto, Aiig. 151h lie steeovn. MLaBnitr To e nsure goodi resuits, yoaur viegar anaI JEXELxoT u Ag. SSii, by 11ev, W. H. Spices, luszt be rgt BreenitreTi. .,Port Hoer ue ae dangber e Rohrn iot anSd îMires EWar Jex, CobourgT y ~ , 1 1 hy Rev. A. , v, Mge.'"t ., . ud _ of theo laie Roerot Bailagit, and,,,. E. W. Pbfp' agent G, T. R,, , Newoastie, Ont. CLAR-CLLRK..Aît tc Mensje , BedvxeW- -Id~,A. 12, by Bev. Stuart le leson, er, ~F e h P u BARLEY! BARLE!!1 Wa(ec a,--- GALEFDOIAýN MULS 1 flighest Fric, Paîd ý (ei Lest Wc F-Orget E. R. BOUNSALL, Designer anS jDeâler 7 in Graniîte ad a ril bi 'e BOWMAziNv-LL E, OT MIJM ANVILE S ,SSON 98. TEA'CvHNi STAFF, JOHN ELLIOTT, B, Aý, Speeildistitel datî.ýcAts ndEn1 A R. C.4MERON, B.A., pect>iaL't l sis F Il, FOLLICK,1M. A., Specînli2t in Sc;ience. MI5SSE Il HENRY, B. A, fâpecieatin u 5k doms SudHisjr Every member of the staff is a teacher of experience and fully qualified foi higli Schoolý worký fOranges, Blue Bernies, Watermelons, Leznins, Banamas, hoo1Archie Tait, 4~~ 1 i ýý l (ýlue"r g1hiter of R. ID) ý 0' . - eT 1 112. 1-eturninefrom Toi-onten" m- hort;I041 1 -1-1 -t