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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Aug 1908, p. 6

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BOB PEAEBWITR MLITIAI Comiplineietary OpinLion to King Edward Regarding Review. A dspachfrom Ottaw a says: Tbe il iitia De(par trunntbere lias ',cive ite following, w1hichwa sent by Earul Grey ta the Clna Offie and given out forpulcto ttElg]àl(nd:"Following for Ibis Mresy ir Ki g. 'Rave the ltinor ta f o ayour Majcsty thei, ýfoi- lowinig opinion fromn Lord Robertaý ~ihregard ta, the review at b;ec :-TIYe review this mornîg was BICG CUSTOMS SUIT,ý DepartuantisDcadig$5,O FotC . KR. A dsaeifrom Moutrasys: TIc Cualtou"s Dpateu f Can- adaý lias eutereýd au actin inthe Exebeuquer Court agn--ina"'t tIcCanat dînu Paci .fie(Ri- ayCo. tlrco elr.$2G00,00, ouit "of wwich it is tllaiuied the raia defrauided the cautryby enus of fraudulentA en- tiit-s, und1er-valuation, ee.It îi stett tbe nheged frauds wcvre commnitted during tic, period in which a C. P. - Cus;tomschr camittï~ exensvefraudsanud fa. whîc e ilanow serving ea long senl iece n anc instance it ia ileg- cd tlt brýl'idge material ta the valut Of 3,0 was entered as serai 1HEIR T0 M 11LLION S SonaiGeogeJ.Goufld to ink uyS: Kigdn ould, Sont ai (Geor'ge J. Gouhd, iau beir ta mil' lios, îllwo1rk in the ineoa Cuanamjuato for tienextmonti ils pîatclrudimients of ii;ing anti ierigta set bis has soas te ,get iti moat oult of a ctreofex plosve.fil bs work wil ir, douie udrtic, ins'truct'ion ni spr visin o Prf. emp, [instructor ai (eoog,of Chm u niversit'y, tvhee yt~îg Guldlasbeen stndy- ing mi ing engineering for thc past two yearls. f!îe worked bis first ,:i.ift on Wednes-dnýy. --- Co-pan The Nýýort AI5atý Strke Weh-Ksow'nSai A eptlfrom Hafax mýsnys Aj fine strike of callas lbeau xïiiade ai t(ic nortli soea o aC B. ertheoh('dBoclussip pînig plier. Theý- Nortli Atlautic Col1- lcri e, Liitd, on Tucisday struck ti whlkuwuBlockhý1ouse ,seami utaothtc eptiof 125 feet. The seau was nidtal nine fee"t ninea inhsthick. TÏhis seu sowd excusielyby tIc D)omýýinion oa Conqupauy and North Athantie C ol- lianies, Lîic. Tic latter con- painy is about enterîng 9iuto an ar- rangmentwithitic formner ta ink ,Iaits an the Domjinion Coal Cu payareats, exiercising its rigît ta miethe seau undcrlyiug tbe ara EXPRTS TODESIG-N'BRIDGE. Goveatunt akes No Chances beud(ccided t1hat 1thl e reuiîdÀ- mug ai t1ic uibig ilhen dertaken uj tnder tlie direct su!pervis- ion ai thec; ineuen.l ordcir fa guard-agat ay rrr ' cl culation in the stress weiglit, sudh uls 1-ld, ta -tcdownfall ai the ori- gnlstr-ucture, tIc plans ('U'tIc ncw bridge wili be carefuhly pre- pared by a board ai tîre ai tIc lest bridge engincers tint eau la ioýund in Europe or America. BIG GUN EXPLODED. Six Kilied and Many Injured on A dsptc rou 'foulon anys:' Six persans wara killed and i18 in- jured in a gun expl1ýosion1 on tic school sip Courotonn ou Welues- day off Les Sain dHyres. TIc, ac(cident o)ccurreýd whille a num-ber airac,,ruits wacre ggdi ad ling n 104'-miIiietre gun, the b;renci aiofici bew ont. Tbree a(t'sf wuua are in a critical1 Cojndition.--z iý great success-. The troops looked well and 1 was mucli imprecse ith the precision, order andl or- gani~aion gnerall; thee re abot1,0 men undeýr armis and teewas n1-o htlnybr.Can- ad aper ta me"t, edealî-ng adequaely wth te pro(blems af- feinber iiia, and (lwith ar an imnroved organizt i o nto b e building up a very useful forc~' To ý, beMcd ront (o1 uber30 t Mlarch 3t. A despateli fromrr Toronta says: Thje Farmers' Institutje hlrnnch (of th( Onitaria AgricuL1ltuIraIlieprt-I mlentanoncstbtmeetings wil bole hld a utbedateA betwewen No v 30 audLi ICIMnarLh1131 st nex-,t. MeetLings xill be arrangedi for. De- cembLer in scioswlere theý ronds ili iikely le bad duing Jmaur and Fclruary. It is furtbecr an- nounced tînt eaCh distrit VwiAU le covered twice in tiecseason. Pro xoioua ists wilI le secnt ot ta othel afirs fthe agrîcultural sce tics in tC several ocalities, and li-,s wxil le kcpt in tbe cdepnrt- mnent's teutil at tic Fail Fairs. It is th(c intention ta bid again tJiis. y'qar special frit institutes and to exteud tIi5 prtof thr, work. A confereuce of institute workers nnd offiers -itlb he ld in Torouto dumr ing the Exihibton. CHINESE SETIE JAP51W A daaaifrom Laon anysIqÏý,: Anatbfer echaud ba nieltwe specîn despael recivalare ifrou RangKon, aiugta tha saî2zure ab Chine-HEou by tic Chinese an- thorities ai a 'tnmr having on board 10,000 rifles and 2,000,000 cartritiges. Japanese crbat bave pratcsted, camn ittî ca-rga Iclonga ta the,,, ai tret au ta maCilte a ýnoteI mn~I I a' quesiO o aiecinien.Thcei zur i smiarta ltatithe Ttsui BOLD BOY1BURGLCRI Yo ungOt Ladfs Acsdof Serions Cý riose. A cdespatcb i ronI Otta-wa ny l'he yaîîngcst bunlglfars aver amrast- cd iul Canlada wera cauigit ir on Waduesd y hy Dtectiv-e uMeara. Tircads, whüse ag,,s,,run letwee egtadtan, have beaui arrastadl i a eimes ai urgînnies, iaviigl ir kean in!taoffiÎces anistores ahong public streets 1byv me-nus la,,rear w-indows and gratinga. Tic laya broken inita offices anti stores along took Iýawnýy mouay and, postage RIU OLDJDSTRiCT. Prýospetor in3 Port ArthurReot Fidaat Sugo ae A tispac muPort)rt.'i sasN. M. Bel2 wha I itc ciy from hiSnguLk istrictjot rprsthfigaia quart.z vain 35 feet witicý. Ha trn((cd over threc chaluts, siawing frecc gold an)i two. la qanys if tic maineraI valuas"'ai'tc Sturgeo(-n Lake district wer, aar1- ent uywbýýcre in tbhe iEd tts it wold ha aena i ftIche atv uugcamîps(an tic continent. SII NE, WOU'NDED ONE. Icclandfer aii Vernion, B. C., Com- wnitaitMurder, A despatel frm Vanconver, B. c., ýanys : Silperlintende'nt Hu1ssey,' v ai the rvnca olcreceivedi wodou Ftn;idy aiternoondVint Jas. Antars n uIelnesiot and Wile . .Leigjlîonand woundcd JR.Brawn, at VarnonI, B. C., in tic moruIing fhlowug ndispute ýai- ifecting an irrîgating ditch. Auder- Leaves $4',OOOOOO and Eorbids 1ll1ir to S Countenance, Lic{uor Traffic four million dollars ]makessom r- Tr Il ) ori d s the1 heir tosl makbeprvsos apeen rreut ,'Nany' part of the ettst o tv sale of ilsntisteinlqors on bist nbdyfrthIe proeo i esae. The tstator scys: igitxctn iur.Tewl istrte base wc ocd m htteIacesii mn he ln ' Ircsent facitiesfor tsal e cd t p. o cuitsan. .~-3 y g IC~~D[NSED NEWS ITEMS~ Telegrahi Biefs Froni Our Own and MOther Couies -,iýiof A ,ix hndjred-pound tunawa cpurcd ofteCp rtncat 54.39tos poscd abtzmLauiton for breaches 'of Postiha;ster- of th1at city. This iS the bes-1,t year in the bhis- tory of h Naaa einuafor- gardenas andiochards. Tl'le cptlepniueon tbe aas of Caniada ta ,Marcbt 190 7, Mrs. WM. Dunn of KiUNea- t empted ta give be1(r 1baby dryou- plut for throat trouble and moh erdit. Heat an drouthof JIl-y bv e sulted in îeuigtb sia of weserncrp, bu)t the prospect is still cnsidere ta begood. The BiihColumbýia Irrigatio-ný Com-mi>ssion is as ,ýking thle Clve nuent ta take drastie mcacuycs ta i cotee't the forests fromn fire. A Doiin oenn uvy party of anc bunreâ cJimen lbas sta-,i ed ta) locate a rute for thene Tbie .T. P. vUilibave acceýss to the water front at Prince aupert butf space, is res;erved foriubi wavsand otber lutilities. GPRAT B!IITAIN. King Edward anti Qucen Ahexan-1 çdra wýýil] pay a state- visi t t the Kai- iser at B'erlin carly nexýt year. TheBrtal ovruethas ire- fîiscdtA interfara ta hava conces- sions cancellet y Venezuela re- retrdta Bitiili nais IV is stnted tit leginin i Mlarci next, thc Cuinard steawms sUd wlrunPotta Plygmoutiand Cher- bourg. UNITED STATE S. Eigbt porsons were killcd ina toiler c7q-jnaaion at Yarký, Pa-., on Ai mil stru dîd bcav%' dRnage b) awhtin fort1y mile stfî-u in: antI Daoa.ore irom 'uêrî unrcOO 00000tons short 0ailheAm paniat in 1907. Waitersut St. Lwnce Rver re- srscouplain tint tuit yJour are noVt ipping as gcuerously aunfarmerly., 1TwNo persoa are dcad and twol erosyill at Rochiester frm at- îrg toadatools, wbich11 they uistoak jO foil musiirooma.- Tich ne r ai tic G. T. R. eat- bounti fiyaýr iîl "Prou bis cal ucar BattleCckMc, and tba( train man four miles untcnded. A Las Angeles manl, drîvenï- insane ly religions imania, muurdercd bis fson and daugbter witb an axe, and tien cut bis own tIrant. Iu Springfield, MI., tic ivas of several persans hiave been çnn- gereti as tbe result ai lhites ly a hiorse afflietir' witb ralies. GENERAL. Tic Turkis Amnssadora at Pirpacanc At.Peterahurghlime lecu Duriug tic montl ai July four- eau mnountain eibers were kill- Pd in 0tIc Alps. Poýrtuguesareoltinit are im-1 p ,1rig scclylrequantities oai araandti ammunitian.- Two Ptaugrarrested lu Meioon a charge ai tîcit, wera torturcd ly tbe Mexican police. 1 Nine persans wcre kihled in ai îailway collision betweeu Flens- 1 urg and Kiel, Germany, au Mon- Four saiors hast tîcîr livs the only k'inidti at pay. Le -fit h hy are Ks rci lice -at Jury &LM ol iJ t- t. Don% lie awake wiîi tie rcm y at you alow.Tc, banial wakefui- na(,sa, inrvous starta, bad. dreama- ta lo so-unidiy anti wa e e SOM Eerwee.h ' bxs25 cents. i tiroii a rrniuth,-ransis,- sion of an ordier(an tle Germianl 'ITbe great Pope' pera blluse Unikiisa%'a Party Try to Wrccký Ex- 1 Cursion Party. lu tespatch tram Wnuupegsanys: Tt wn-s lear-nedaun Fnitiy morning tInat a finiattupit wns, made j somae parties, as yet unknown, ta wreck n C. P. R xuso train ruuning fiouni]ipgBeach Con Tuesýday avnigwith sevemal lun- drcd citizenis on baýrd, abouit'five miles ont. A rail was lifted and ne- maved frmu ttack, ltt Éicdan- gar was discoveedbafore thie b vihy-hoadeti train rau inta it. Su- stiaaoureis directed tat- wVards stie1ypahzes ut tiare(,, -is a s luey n u evideulc ta coninect an.ybody -witb it. TO GO ON TUE MARIWT. PnaeRupaerl Toivsite WiHlAI A daspntci mrou ,Moutrealsanys: Trunk Pacific Rl a iwva y a!u-ounce tt;at tie tawnsite aiPrne upt w l l lac ou tIcuakc S(penla.TIc rauo nsre- garingdetilsarcin ic bauds ai Cluerai aae ose b si ic westL. Thýs anucratfl Ions anc -tiat tlle cuayhv beau~~ýL! auceafl m rrnî i lia Governuent ovi ic watcr- fî'ont sites. MORE OMESINCACTA Anether Attayt y !b Wrek RaiIblay Tr'ain Prcv"îîtct. alt abouina fala-ti Cooie hcnn 1it fon itebak nint outaide tt bnetao' staio, acientll exlliagnwo GENRALINFORMATIO'N. Nelygoudcoffee sprinký'ýle'd oser gamie will keep it fresbin ; the nîoýst unfavorabie weatbier. Holland has iO,looô windmýills, ea,ýcl of wbich drains 310 acreýs oÀ land, at an average ccst o'f 20 ent an acre a ye-ar. la dffeent'patscf thewod ,00mariags take p 2' lace eQ r dyacodng to sttisît - ies collt- dbyanAmrcnceg a. Th artmo, i seeof ,,'Natal osi 50 of twnyfive and even tbirt miles. ta lirlin, her hi lad pro,)- Whcre Evcreày (Cuse WrdCoss a A cuirions culstomn prevails at an Edinburgb botel. VWbenever a cus- tomver is beard ta swear Il is re quired ta lacea pennly in a box on thn bar couniter. It is not a icatter for surprise tlat the Land- lord7( hears mchless bad langui- age han omeof bis fehlow pbi can.s in the capital ofScotland, sasLandau Tit-Bits. Te foùllowV, Jin g i i nt 2, , 1'ide Ca, for praviding funïds for pcisandi socil eenigs.It iscarr'ied oan it uch succcss aianAston- cr-ereyian. A "kocin dùb is conected itli the inn, and wheni a custmrcls for refrýesbmnt b le 'sexece ta kLnnrk on thec table, or couniter, before- drinikinge. If lie fails' ta do this ie is fin'd acpn nyý. Aity ancewba o gulya cuses anot1heýr af breaking this1 nique( rule is also fined,(. T-hemne tbus obtained provides funda for rnany enjoyableoutings and plea1 saut eeig during tbe course ,J the year. At another boýtelI, known, as t1L. OIld Hundre1-d, C ctomers are ho ecd only oanc drin)k. if oanc is o suÈliettaqunL heir tf hirst 10V' :,ie Obliged ta gp)onot of' thebte anid take a wnlk before tbey are ai lowed ta bave annther. 1' Till ecntythe poritrof 'an rld tii te l ii W-ar-wic-ki hi' u taj invite ail bis cutstomners ta(-ac copany im ,liitanid bis wife ta the servic at tSe paricib eburcli on Sun- diay morniuigsý, which was situateýd on theoptsie of the3 roaýd, the bouehingcloed wbile tbeyVý worn aw y. On î'turnig eacb cus 1 tomer a s es!irtq tçarake of re- table l1andlord free of charge. Visiors'ala ertain btlin Ab- o'deenshire wbo car brow boosý ipust, rememiber ta kcep t]bem1 in 1,ibeir roam ovýeriit.-i Othlerw i-(e the boots will be blacked. regoà,Ar Lesm oftbe original nomor f the J S1amFle. Iii one of the roomins of aa Pumnfries pub)lic bouse is n iolýd armebar wMh icssuid ta bave ben frequti(rly used 1)yithe, poet Brs MI wlio sît in thîs chair areexet c ta trati evronewi isin t'lie roomi at tbe titre and often thepim- t no-rtal miemlory of the famious Scot- t tisb national poet is frunk. A. amaîl hoteuin WaOeS untlHquite recently iwas iused by -th-e Cath(oies as a place (f worip au un tdays,t and police court, proceedings weree leld on tho,, premnises during tbe we e k. 'WAS FI ENDISU ATTEMPT. -9 ti Insane and Criinals Coa-bt the Poi an FEnorruous Sm cald,-te(r and letitcamore to _i bl. efore taking th)ee! cbineyý, out thc water sbould lealoedt get cold. In Tary anians, leeka, and gahcare regarded as p)erfumels. A Tartar lady will nmake berself agrealeby rubi a piece of frcshi-cuit Snon on ber bands and aver bier couienance. In the Arctic regians people cn convese wb'i mre titan a nmile apart, ecause the air, beig cold and.- dense, is Pa very 7good conjdue- tor ; and the smootb smufae A te I aXs fivos the transm1ission of sound, The gaectesof Faneearn bigwaeom of tbem geitng as Imudli as $100 a week. Sa diffi cuilt is the art of cutiting kid gloves thatt mioat of the picplcuitters arekun ta tbe trade, by namre and famne. A ecranycapany liaýs justý paid a dvdedwbicbi, if notuni-1 precdenedis certainly very rare. :A eomjpany ý7Ca1]1ed(1tbeIneatol 1oin V manwbicb lias oenly aý caiaf $5 li0, as recently au- n oiuced1 a iv idend of 500 par cent. Mrs. Jeunie icugford bas just umr- ricd ber fourtcenth busbnd at' ConilBuffs, Iowa. She wa-sý fiat s~r:01,a ie ,age of thirtecen, and~!1, elve i erbsbanids are sti1l i:x~~ 1ng, iv r1*ý i' ig folewc aI-! mrtý as quickiy as thcme rags Tbe wat of the Rtshlsat !present h stimatedat$,ooo- 690, anid is belicvcd ta aedul wîtbin the pnttet is calcuiated tiaýt in seven'ty years, more they wiIl possessa $7500,oo,.- C00,r aniouint that can bardly be couceived. 11 To try anc prisoner, a deaf-aud- dumb man, wbo pleadeti guilty, t-wcnty six ýjusticesnietengrand jiurymneu, and titytoc,ýomo juirymen'1 were summiiiioned at Car-ý n[arvon1 Quarter Sesýsio)ns, mian ,y af tbem bay tot travel al long dis- tance !y train, In thc est Indes a lemlon bath is almnoat a daily lxuy. Tirce ce Four limies or lamons are sliccd urtai the atrand allow-ed ta iec for haîf an bouir in order that thIeý nî,e rniay le extracted. A remnark-1 able sense i freshuesaýý and cleanli ness as given ta the skin. A botie of wikey was rcni scld for $30 at Ohiakune, New Zen- and, w-bicb is forty m1iles fomtfic neareaýt saloon. One mnan bougbtj two large 'nips" for $5 rec, and the remaiuiug contents of the bat- lec wýere put up for auctionad kuocked down for $2_0. Tic Turkisl army is adoptiug nu- tomobiles, A Freucfi firui succecd-1 ed recenitly,, in sccuri ng an order tai tupysix automnobiles, caci cost- ng $200 and t hy ave been de- livercd in Const-antinople. History lacs net relate wiethier tbcyý have, yet leen paid for. In-Miss Elsie Baker the villageý _' ether Cerne, England, probab- y possesses thc youngcst chiurdli. ~rganist in tMckingdom.- She is çînIY twýclvc yenars aIdI, but she bas had charge of tic instrumnt for tver two yaars, and bas praved ber- elf a most efficient musician, The position is an honorary anc. If it were possible ta impart ta asheet, of, water an inc in tiick' ncss sufficient velocity, the most towierful bomb-sbclls would le imi- niediatcly stoppcd in their fliigbt wlben they camre into cantac witb it; it would offer the sane resist- nue as the stiel armior of the mnost Mlr. Arthur Taylo)r Nawýýbold, af heu Springs, Buryý, Ega Who as Ilcft an] estate ai close on $50,- 00, provides by Ibis wl an an-,ii ity of $130 for. tic linefit of bisi :rey1uioud ilfieIl., "wlom thc rustes are directad not tao part witb citier l y lgift, or destrue- longed ta faiies in wbiih tiare were n r marc insane meulera, au icoutrse tley soanl founld 4ticir' wa nothe bioapitalsisoayun. biere. Tcexactfiue fotbyn 1907 whci bve uat eenissuiet, in hosp!-itals for tlic nan,'acoat the Province fo the-ir keep $2, 550; ,313prisnersin the jails ca $01,39.2; ad 28ý9 pi;souers in tIcý Ceautral Pisncoat$2,45.0.Tic toall coat a iiii2aineance oai tic netlyaffiîcted and tIci, tin al classes was ,tns $3141-31;5.03, mare tban twa-tbirds ai wii was încurred on accaunt ai the irat cas, constitutiiig about ana fourti oi the numlaer ai persans alto- Agreernent signled for ntr WokaA Bulk Suini of1 27OQO~ A ies;patchi fromn Toronit, says:i Thamias un~th west and Tojrontoý The tender ofÀthe F. Y. MGigan On the cas .Cntatpic,$, ConstructinCompanly for the erec- ï270,000. Suçesfltndrr ,h Mc-Gigan Construetion Co. Work tion of the great electical power obec peted Dec. 1, 1909. Alu.. tr'ansmission line for the people uf minuma cables to' be mnanufactured On1tario was accepted on Friday Ci Quebe. Steel toa s tu be mnan- evening by the Hydro-electric Paw- ufactured in Ontario. The cost is er Commissio. The total price is $5,0 less than thecmmsin $1,27,00. MWhen completed the estmates furnisbed the mlunicipali- liue will be 29)3 miles in length. The ties. ThIe contract.or is aýso bound agmreent wass iged by Mr. F. If. to bulild additional lines if dýirected- Mcugarepresetrtng the comn- ty the commrission on or before pany, and1 also by thie cmison e 4, 1909, L u odoule-tre ie- etil,. age already contracted for, at the Total ile(age,, 23. Territory sameprice, so as ta pernit exten- covered, ârom Niagara Falîs to St. sios to othermuipates ian, o)r otierw;is, ibut inli par-1 soniallytsac t hbe is wel!l kept,' houaed, led, anti careti foruni Lie saldiea r naturaldet. 01'Ou aieiatrangea1"t itlsaf ia tint at W1iitc plains, in Nae'w York State. TIchaVaIOt is ruin ly dwaris. TIc proprietor is Aduiral Dot, a wel known cînracter in the States., Ha is thirty-tw\,oyears aid- ,anti 2v, icet big]). Ris wife 'is re- puted ta e le ie pretticat dwari in tic world, and -active1y assista him in tic business. Sic is 31 incies higih. Tlic iiiu-romiatiwaitcer is short ai us istrsss eigit Ly.1ý anc mnciî. Tliey nl penk Engisi anti Germani. In a remankable Iliglit at Leuans, Wilur VWrigbt atltlti analtitude 1) nlincty feet wtUlis rpaa ani remainti a1lmtost seven mini- thMST aa lars ont S\hnsubîocts rtteud\ mnt UIILETRS 01 IITB THE OLD GAG.ý (1ndwiV ept yon sa lat e 1" in- qieilis augr-y wif a. -My dear," rephiedtihtic uutýp.'ndy huhat, lie car was stalicti lia snaw drift., "H'mi-thicu, ITpresume thaut is ;a. cold starage pend yu'vebrouight home," sic retortad îc-. AS USUAL. lira, va~t o yuim-t Myi. Touilyn ita day. Wliat tit i se a MIr. -,x" tir. Mr. o-"ousupiseut~ sic usualiy taîka an aflalt! Mn. Kax"O hae tt itVt day, ai cours. _Whcn a womlalan frgiesaun site nieyer alhaws liimta farget tliat ("esnsanivioatsl' fhi U,,evus iem tae r 'j, 2.1 t 'f iw l xcusion trlainj)s ofa i avati fïon Vit Maitàime ProvinuLcs ware4 stîeiin Clirlk River for an hu ji îFr iain coofueca a %lgh feiitxvec aeai.Duing teistyin CbahkRer tic iotc lava' mort is lior ani cgar carrici of onthe xcurion rain EventIc ella wasra'tand anti cm-l, aI anc m nail 1lad bi S IIna aplît anldsutndote ingi Oua pnoliemn is pwihcaii, 1u noatniniLat ahm At nke'. tain I taeln hîodîus a uti t ies mvs l '111-ingticfriueantcsa 'Ï-n LA E Yl- et LIR -S 1 to i' laïvest Ficà!-ý'S cf IIIiïý,iitoba, Saskatchewan and, Alberta. Weïl-paid work for over 25,000 men. -n-a second class to Winnipeg. Fïee tickets hemi 07imnu)peg to points whe'ýre hiarveSters are needed, east a)fiMoose JawV, andwe f r1' ooze jaw ta ýf U Aibecta at one cenqt per mile. $l.O, PTRWORIýKING 4T LEAST ONE MONTHý- Apytô ticket agents for fuil cniin GOING teritor AU .14ý 18 AU . 8,1 AG.2,2,7 SEP . , Is E P ,9 SP.,11, 14 ii-hu,wert but Soi F- -f FoT tîîý,u oon..S,.,.erhBy u. udiduln Ticet ied toWoMen. but fl"ot haiba-Lare for chilcren. E E KUR S' SPECIAL TRAINS FROM AUL C. P, R. STATIONS ON IEcu ffns'rd ractrnI AUCUST 14, I S -uA120, Apply tf.u,,ret CP.F. ticket agent wicher. fr leaflext .iriugcodi ,,train tiue, t. orwrt C. B. FOSTER, Dhtticî Peueucer A~enî, TOR~~NT$ ilolignson Exýcursîin Train Stalled at GChalk River, 1 Me iýl inhi 14 Ail',! 5 1 AF»Ç 11NU POINT FOR ADE)l [--2 . m 1 1 <-, -T-U 1 -r -T 1- A despatcl fîom To(ina ys. Owin taticfcct tînat "ontaria is connibtinlnnuahly anl enormalus sum ai ufmaney, cniri o ilpro- portion t tiopfenae ifor- aig-br rsidnts frrthc main- tenance of criminaL, insane and de- p Jendenit pe'rsans ai foraigil irti,. iL is ikytîtl t ic Povncil ov- erumei-nt wilh proteascto ta tIc Do- pýort fa anin.Mr. Samulel A. Armnstrou, IsetraiAyua Piosand (iPublic Caiis o lowîng us investigatdininto tic matt", stats tint unany cases ai foreigu boru aif th;e moat dafective t ype bave beau alhowed ta enter tIe Dominion, WhoIbAd beeu in asy- huma in their awn country or le- i 1 1 1 1 - - 1 - 1

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