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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Aug 1908, p. 8

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Outof Door I VandaAnd s SFrntur e îagefrrn oLi7,recliing echatr ,7511. * liattan RoKer.75 iira',i11s 4275 and -'M75 Wiwîk-r HamIpers 82.50 and $,6 Wilo Rc'kerî do:n't fail to se thern, they atre large,, aomfo9rt 'j V abe, ura!e ~nd iIImake A good chai-r for your dý,eLnor slttitg 'R *rooým thL.;3nter. W waut every bodly to corne in 'a1, ask form. priesan takea O ver oýur stock, 11t will not cost ytlu anythlia- V and ItwL b ap;r sure for us to show you what we hve 5 Undertaking is a special branch cf our bUsiness aend awy e - 08ves personal attenltionl day or nIght. Wa do flot make any extra W charze for d'Ftance3 Phone 58 Harptn rznht phonle 129 F. WE WANT VOUR SEED.. We hbave ju.t p-arehaseýd a new u-odt edCleaner aýnd ar-e now prepared to hnai-ie ail kinds of Clover and Glrass Seed., clea-ned or uela ad to pu,, the highest rnarýzet WE WANT VOUR GRAIN, We are also ,ini the a arket as uai fl or il kinds of cas GIrain, sneh as Bariey, Buckwhteat, Oats, Peas, Rye and Goose Wheat, il of whic-h we are prepared to store and buy at store- houase up towii, our elevatcr al G. T. R. IStation,, or to buy if stored at then Publc Elevator, Port Darlîington. W'E ARE STILL .SELLING COAL. Ât $6, 50 per ton at Rarbor & G. T. B.-Station and U.00 per tondeied to ail parts of the town. Pea Coal $1.00 per to= less 2ý5 cents per ton off for Spot Cash. Oarrying, in baskts etra We also have splendid Throshing Coa at $5,50 at Hiarbor or Station and $6.00 Up town,* Usual linos in Wood, Charcoal, Cernent, Lumber, Shingles (metal and wooed,) Rex-Flïntkcte and Âsphalt Roofinig, Doors, Sash, Bh1nds and Monldings., Specl aattention to pianinig and maclgresawîn-g and dressing lumVber. Mçelellan & e. L!IMITED, ïcing -St. East, Bowmlanv )Ile. ý»%Te11 Vour Wi*fe*'rý 0 To al atour soedrn this week and next. * ~ TelI ler We are going to clear out 200 odd 4 * Smeat her pricëe. Some at Ours price! n oe at any price.* *la thi,% lot are ch airs and rockers suit- miale for any room- in the house and inclucle * Wood Seats, cobbler sea-ýts, reed or rattan, Oak * and mahýogaýny, so-me are upholstered. *Valueý and price make rapkt, selling s0 * om conarly. :Lu MORRIZS SON * PhoneDA~SADFN~A lETRT 0I8wanlie Branches: Orono and Hampton, * Reid &Pearn es * Summer Sale Foddr the nieeit alwfees we wili seii at reduced prices a lot cf Odd nero c o and Oxfords for mvrbody. H2eareafew c01 tbem; Womon'8 Canvas Oxford. regmur $«6o for $i.25 MIissecs' , $1,, Si25 for 9o0, *Chïldren's , go for ý6ý * Men's Boitandbonts e$75 for $1SI YUBUb BOD andShOtS 20 Per centc f regular prices. ise't.Leather Boots, sizes ii-, $2,00 for $so Womn'sOneStrap Kid lipper, French eel, reg. $2 5o for S' 75. Womren's Fat Punpi ses z-6 regniar $z2 75 fr$z 25 Boot, szes8-e3~,regular $' -2,5 fcr 7S50 lIs only part o! îhem corne and see for yourseDl ,We hbave *to mnas e roorn for Fali' goodi wh1-Lc are daily arriving 4 Reid & Pearn, * CLEANEST STOCK IN TOWN. 4ý 2Oppoite Balmoralti Bewnxnviilo HAMPTON1. Recent vi'itors: Mr J B Horu, wifeansd dangbiers, laie cf S% Catharines, aie viBiliue a% bis fatbss's prior to going te Renoa ; W W Hornsud wife, Miss Armstrong, Norman Hannam, Toranto, witb fiiende heie ; Levi Eliiott and wif,,Woodbridge,, 0 Ellioti and w:! e, Toýronlo, xith friends- ..,TJ MeLears sud fsmily, laicýf thO "Teusperaniceous havea moved %0 Greenwood w2u1 B Jenuings bas taken poseession aud is prepareS te caler t ibhe W5ai f th Ie publie-.Foballers' Be-union ai Bowmanville, Auguêt 28. Bee full par>icalare3 in anoibLer om. Under t" he auspices o', thO W, M. S. cf the Me.Lbodisi cb-urcb t ampEsusil avery se- ceseful soocial wae gi ver, ai the ehu9rci on 1 Tiueoay Aug. Il-. uavicg a nez re - Mesnbemsblp ef oen theeoc0ie*y ie aiuin te rse ibsi ir ribtis ihe fLu ef the genejral 5001017 ibihs er.Witb îbi as ud so.The i3 teray part o! lb peogîsus w,-as pidbyMise E A ÂAnhou, o! Torcn'o. This is lb. seCcnd isitlb taliented yenrg etetainsiz bas made tc IH,mpton Twih ln two menthe. Miss Anti ony deligbied the audience witb ber readings The pern, manner, voies are snob ai to prepossese the ýaudiences ilulber lavoi ucouragiug a hope for a performauce wbiel she makes goed to the PenLre satisfaction o1 everybody. HBer eeois were well chosem aud moat heartiLy l,'ade ReV. DaÏid Rogers, Seaforib. wss present. £aie le former Hanmpton 1boy7who hbas made bie wa3 te the top in the Ministeri al ealliug bhavin@ been given by bisî rLntren o! tbe Loud om Conference the highes ii teir powr- the Prsideuc.yfo the yeàr '1l90K.After thb iterary aud rmusical pjroa "Vas oVer lb' eompanIy Weuite lunchecu previded by îbâ ladies. There ;were Lhomem!&de c&ndier oc attractivîe lu aprearauce and tastil.ydssplayed thalt he yUng wcmaeuntcouly çwishedf0 o bee ceesm but aise tbe swets tliine lad' could poe -sibly refin fhem buyiug aIse fei bis lassies the sweeeMade up i houe. Mada Prodeslt aznnned Ibai &bm pro- cese iVoe b3$5,00 sud tbanked ail who ha< iu any way conlributed te the seticese cf the aveninig, Miller's Grip Powdverq Cure, R. M. Micel C o,Bowmiauvfllie. IYEWOASTLE AIbsî,et Cli3leunder Dr'e car,.. .Mie: Alma ThQaaa went te Trnte. . Dar, Hayes was down froni Omshawa.... flbert éIedges3 spent Isit week in town ... .ji B'askeivllle raturued te Toronto. . . . G W Robison was up trom Trenton .... ffalte:r Douglas is lu Muakolka. . . ,Mra Solomor latils le quits ill. . . .F B Lqvekin was lu Toronto. .,.. Misses Dswmou, Toronto, visited ai James Tebble's . . .., îiee attit Mason le steadily recoverlng. ...Mms Jet Heard je very ill. .. . Howard Trewin was home freini sty. . .. J K Allen la having the electric ligbta re-instaJled lu biis hoe ... «Mr Bau ch sud wife, Port EHope are visitiug naI Mm Dudey's,.... Mr Bryas end wife speut lbs week end in Tereuto .... Mss Taft was a hldyvisitejr au Daâvld uhefrds . J sui inger and Marjery Selby weut dowu te Oooutrg on a vieilî t.>.Mrs SalyUglýow le over from CliïcUgo Visiting fher iaw.. lsBsoKendal, je vislting ber sunt, IUrs Wesley B3rauiton . , . Mme F Bennett' ..Mms Charies LookhIasm et Bîitieb Col- urabia be a visiter aIrs W T Lckiam'8 lamnes smitbi, Regic'a, receutly vlsited hie siste, MnsBrittoni,. Mi3sa Minnie Mustamd, Brantferd, evis îiiug bier auntI Mme Fusher. .'.. Miss Moment,' Orono, b'as been guest, at Mme MceNaugtne'.. ,.nj L ing sud fam-ily, Toronto, vlaited at Chas Gom 's, .. Mis Fred Grahamni vsîted bier people at Dunharlon. . .. Mis Themas Liddle, Grimbey, is viting bier mether, Mis. tCpt.Gibson .. .. Miss M- Whltiug, Toronto, visited at Thfsuse Marti' .... T M Gîbseon sud wife weuiteo Peleroro ou the Excursion-. Albert Waidon sud Miese Mullïgan vieIt ai Gsrden Hill, gueste of Miesa Wod. ,..Mirse Sandersen sud William Orpwood. Toronto, sud MiesH 'Rutha, Peterboro,,were heliday guese ai Charles Goodaii'e ..Cbarley sud Gertie Brittian bave retcmned te tbe clty aocompsnied by their cousin, ,Aima Deug. lsý,. ,ýGeo, Warîiugtou aud family were ,receut welcome visitera front Teronto, .Mý.Aise F. Martin le at Guelph.. Mirs Gray visitiig at William Grose's bas .retcmined te Rarnlton.. . .Miss Orchard sud Mis Simmmnçsefront the weÎt are vîiil ing MiseZNeah Seiby, ,. Fred Shoecrafi le back frem the wessl.... .Mise Tema Parker sud frieud Mary Ogdeu, wsre home froua the ci . . .. Miss Jones, Toronte, wases vlisiter at MriAbbey sud Gldduse Joues, Newtonviiie. . . Josepha Barfett came ap 'from Ceiborne Civia Holidlay, sud Syd. Barfeti Toronto, was bre... .Misses And. erson Teronto, accompanled by Jack And- e3reen viqilïed' Dr sud Mrs Anderson.... Mijse Wiuuiie El! 1bock visited Peterboro ;. ... Mr. Lasbert snd daughler,1 Lesa, Mie. _Norton sund William SpenIer sud wife, Toronto, visited at Mr.Spener's.,,. Mr-, Alcoru M P. Prince Eddard Geuiù. tv was s giissl ef'bIs cousin Mr. Alcoru cf Standard Bank Unable to Digesti THE FOOD The digestive sysiemi is a wonderfu. plece of mnachiserY, but Poweris neiýcessary to make ht effective. TIsepowýer, ;u this case, is tilere forceý and ith thse nerves exhaLusîed the digestive system becomnes hopelessly crippletd. The1re is indigestion, headaches, neurialgie 'pains and sei oft eakness, dizziness and disco uragent.n eStrerigth cannot be regained from tIse food1 you est, but can be restored by Dr. A. W. Chase',-:, Nerve Food Tlis great prescr-iption of the famous Re-. celit Book author, A.W. Chase, M. D., insls nto thse feeble, wOrni-out ner(ves eerandi strengthi, en-,iches tice blood, ivgrtsthe nerve-s whichi controldietv fluids, sharpens teapeteand bDuilds up thse system in lN atlur e way 50 cents a box, at ail dealers or Edmanson, Bates &l-Co_. Tonto. Mir, john McLean, 316 Hunter Street. HamMiton, Ont.. states:- " As a resuit off weak nerves my appetitewa poor and 1 had severe attacks of indiîgesticn. Since uigDr. C l'Nerveod lu,r on lime ïmy dige(stion iaexc:ellent. appeite pgool ner ves sùOag, and fce an altogether dilere.v, Mrsý R Moore retturned from a visit amorg frieuds, lu Toronto on Monday. MssMa-' Colline, Toronto is vis- itirng at W H i Creeper's ...Mr W H Creempe-Vr sd daughter Maude speut, aunday tn Newcastle..Mrs. Lash, Rocheser, aiThos G o an'e. Mm wihbrSon ai Blackstock,..Miess E AsLhton, Bwavliat James Âsb- to';Mi E T' Siemlon and wife, Masters Claîkhecsad lRex-, Ohaya, Mrs Pickard, Newcastiland Mrg D tbrokenshIre, icrigai Mr Johin SIeýmon's; Mr., W Thoýmpseon snd Miss L. MacDonald, Bowmaivilie, at J. Wright; Mr F N fArmellui amî Iv,.T:vrone, at S f lcutjuy's; -Miss Eva Pasýce,,Bowman- vWie, a asMoort-'s; MlIss Broad, Tor- etauci Mr F Sml!th and wife,Enfiald, -unonaIBomaviîeAug 29. A lmisexpected ,S5ee particisma slu aniiether cr n, No ,'RI-IUMATISM I WITH REI>BLOOd-1 Rhextmatism, like ùisease of the nerves l1 f-mma thin, watery condition o! the bloed sud disappears wheu the bleod is made ich sud mcd by the use Dr. Cbase's NerveFood. von bave t1usd of nox. lous mediclue 'f iihs melbed cf -over- comîug disease bY building up vitality tote blgh water mark. Pains sud aches wlll then di5appear and y ou willt kncw the joy ofbheatbful living. Recent visitera:. Principal George il. Ho,ýgarth B A, sud wlfe, Wbilby, Ai hi: uvhý mobese isseQ Ge5rtîlanad Pearl rPeacc,New at T. Baker's, Misse: Le5.a sud Elsie Sîsinton, Oshawa, at L T Pascýce's; Mois'(Dm) Ï,White and daughlers, Nar man James sud famiiy, Bowmnvileansd J A Wemuy sund far d lEnailn aI W Werry's; Mu Jus Hall, iensd Ellîs, EnfildlSasd M Martin, 'Oshawa, at A L Pasce's; Miss GlAdys Raines, Ypsllautýi. Y lch au ho, uncle'sý, R C Scott; Mies Lila Stainlon, Zion, Miss Lieona sud Elsie, Osaawa, ai Mia R C Scott's... Mis Jas Vice bat been i111. .~...,.]Bey T R PAnderson presebted an excellen-t temapemauce ffer- mou Suuday. Division and Levai Cru. aesSrs were eut in fuali force the churci Il fwýilileS The choix was asdisted byff-WYm A White wbe delightedl thej cengiegation wllh ber singin.Se sang two socles &ud wo do net âkuow wben we have beard hem equal as a -oca9llat ...MissNuis Worry enter- ttained friemda Wednesday eveulng sud Mfis Gerti*e Psýcoe Tbursday aflerneon wben -tbtrt v youug fkiends were preserèt .... Division will have Ice croaansd ceq1e Frîday ulight. Eveiybody corne., . ,.Jas D Hogarth acteuda Uigb Court 10 EF. represeuhiug Court Archer ai, Meafo d.Soveral f armers fiuished, harvesting last Week-cîops are light Algemunr Vice bas gone t10 the Neuti Wet .... W'% N Pascoeebas bee nuurslng a biroken ni,.c,,ol reened mon. da, iset... .A«greal football eveut hs -geing te hoe held lu Bowutauville Aug t 2, See particulars lu anoîher col1umu, BILE la NATURE'S ÂHnre-lc Iftis tbelilver wbleh fitleons bile froin th@ bleeOd wh1ere iti la poison and passes lu tù the itsie where it is esseulial as un~ aid lediesioasd as a means et cf rogulatlng Ibeha; tIon cf Ibe bowels it la of Iba gr-eateaýt importance le keç -the liver active by, the use of Dm. Cbae'e XKiudov ;Lîvejr Pille lu Ibis wvay con. sÉtilon la sbrouglily ceureS. EYEIELD. Rîeco3nt visilo-rs: Mi:s A Kuox, Oshawa;' Miss Loua Niddery Hamupton; Clama Hogartha, Wibi; Mise Cseev, Oshawa; ai Mr D McCulloch'Ea; Artbur Hymers, Port Arthur, witb hies ister Mme T Thorn' Mu Lvu Coates, Brtford, at Baoside; iess Mary Metealfe, Burferd, wbe bas boon guest o! Misasireue H. Bray sud wbo bas formeS many friendaniipa by ber amiable matuer bas relurued home; Misa Jean Mcijulloch, Lindsay ... R Stacey bas gene le Winnipeg. ....Mr. J S Asion bas bargalued for the rosi. douce sud store cf W. Grifflu. -Mas- ter Elmo Ashton bas been eeîiously fil. -Miss Burroughs, Whihbýv, cpened socheel Mouday wilb fait siteudauce. S- -MIsa: Pansy Cochrane bas retiirued hom-,e 10 Toronto aflor spondlug bier vacation witb hem cousin Miss Hazel Cocbrane. Joseph S. Hubbard, Une Park, New Ontaîlo, wiites Ibis vemv luleretiug lettei wieih we hope he wil tollow wlth aIliers about the early bistory cf Eufield sat neighbemhoo<l: DEAn En'PDio:-In looking over youm valuablo paper ot Juiv 281b, I saW your eqauesî lun ueterence 10 the hlstory cf olS Caîdîpheula church, I eau givoyou a few items oh intemest about that place. Myý father, Wýilliam Ruibbard, Su., caume to-Caniada lu 1886 sud saortly ahlter- warda seitlodon te own uenobelweon Wbhitby sud Darlington 14 miles West Oh tihe pussent village oh Euhield. Ris eld bomestegd la uow oeccupied by John Biokle. Soe place te worship waa needed, Bible Chultiaus started preachiug in James Baldwin's bouse just east of the viilagemlnow owned by John Ormiaton, jr. They contîned ho pmeach'there tint l thy feît able le buil s ýmall chapel which wss baill on Mr. Baldwiu'a f amm. Faîher was a great chuncia worker in England sud was ouiy te willng te holp ail ho possibly could, 80 James Baldwin, Mm.Ry ïmers, a few other old mandbysasud bim-self put tiieir eboulders ho the wheel sud got the chrch buîl. ThLe noxit hiug waa whah narti should be given the 11111e chape? Father saîd Cardiphonia as that was the name of the Cbumch ho useS ta attend lu Eugland. TI'e îcame wss agreed ho snd father wenh t o Oshawa, got a largo caîd prilnted wilh the namec Caidiphonia ou- Il sud 1bd il put up over their littho chumcb door. These aro th0 hacha oh how ihe word Cardiphonia came ho be adopteS. There was ne Chatean- gay or EnfielS ah that lime, Bey. Pal R1obblns,çwas oeeof oumearly preachers, U yeu desire lit I eau also give you the, blslomy oh the fret public school balS lu Cardiphoula, wheme locahed and by whom, taught aseI atteuded the same. I can aIse tell yeu the dîfferent branches of businless carrled on sud by wbemà ailý operateid oui Main or King St. There ws s a greal S eai moue businerss doune there thon lu eue d1ay, i venture ho sav, tibsu lu a mouth now. I arn lite youug-est sou cf the saiS im. Rubbard who acteS a part lu Ibis Wtile hlatory. Mrs. Win. Werry snd nu oulysster Sargbh A, Hubbsmd used hote coo gir. hunan uiold sohtoi1a dîyS. I I -~ SALUM Harvest Home services will belheld ai Salema church Sunday and Monday, -Aug 30 and 31. Monday- chicken pie suppcr at 4 p m and lecture in the even- ing. Base bal game ln the afternoon Re§êrve the date. Fui! particulars later. Rev j A Jowell and wife attended a lawn scCial at Prince Albert. >ýDr C W Siemaon la the new president of the League, vice Miesa Daisy JeweIi re slgned. WTe bave as in terestînga le aaue as thora la lu tho towu hip., . .rGlea Reld- cour energetie farme-r, was first to LOSE STRENGTII They Risk H'ealIth Rather Than Lose Emplovrnent And Eventuallv Break Down, Thoueande oh eamneet Intelligent Young womeu whoe emmu ieir lvlho sway fiom home lu public oficssd large business esiaablîebmeuta are allanMt suife Ing victime of oveutaxeduer-es sud Sefi cleucy oh sivenght. Weak, bresbles nerv un they womk egaluel lime, with eeve5 a rosi wbeu beadache and back ache make eveuy heur lilke a day. Little wender ihelr obeeks lose the tînt of heal- lb anS gîow pale aud tim. Thein eyes are dail aud ehrunken sud beaaty alowiy but serely fades. Business girl.sud wo- men, because cf theîr work sud worry look eIder than thoir yeaus. Whah fbey serlonsily need lathé frequent use oeh s true strengthauiug remedy le carry theni tbnoagb the day. Dr. Williams' Pink Plls are like aluaI hueS te the starved neuves sud tIreS bualu cf, Ihe haines. girl. By mak. Ieg rlch ne oblod they sopply just the kind ofhbelp tbat girls need, te pueaeive theïu look% Tbey bilug briglit eyea, hlgh spirite sud Ilium make the day'o Selles lîgiher. 11 Miss Alexandrine Bedard, a eteuogiap- er nesidleg ai 36 Richelieu et., Quebec says Il For the peut ouple years I hout My coaxttanllingrsdudeasllydbndeumnined tbneuigb cocnaant Indoor wenk sud greal tar ou my neuve, tbrongh the long Iodions heurse ver a lypewrlter. Ba>i Ilvs ouly six menthe sgo iaatheliaclîmax came whee oee aeeoon 1 ,etmtcousciousuess througb extreme weakDemss.The rosi iierletinces of my condItion wae thon patheiicaliy apparent, as I vvars confineS te my roni lackIng even tbejslreugih te' valla about. I vas aitended 'by ,adoctor, bat sitar being a menth under his care showd n sige c Impoveent va alib tge thgý at ûeeof wmy relatives reaS of the cure oh, a yoeng girl he case boesteriking reïiemblancelemn by Lbe use oh Dr. William. Pink Pille 1 began las useoh theople Ut he nexi day si alianibule my complotenecoveuv eutireiy te Iheus. I baS net tabou Ihrce boxes ,wben I1 begau to eea! wei sund ahier1 takl~ Ie pllefor about a umoutb, I hl se ~ ~ a etogsdvsenjeylng so good a heaili agas verie My l1tf.. 'yoM can gel Du. Wliilams' Plnk Pille huer any nMedicine dealer, or hi' maIl ai 50c a box or six boxes hou 8 2,50 froua The Dr WiWlama edcieCe Brookylilo U' s IL, 't e le a. se M'R. S WE LL DYR E SSER LS COOL MECAVSE HE HM'A-% COOL CLOTHE. WHySHOUL?> VOU WEA-R HOT OLI> CLOTH#fEi.S WHEeYU CA-ÎN CET COOL OýNES Fo'R .s0LITT.LE N'.N32AND> YOU WILL HA VE WEEI(L.5 A$n~ WEE&.S-TOWEA -RTHI J?'WLIL PA43)YOUTO 2YANC OUTI,;VG.' Su<lT 23ECAU-Ç.E YOU C.AN GET IT AT ALÀfo.ST HfALF?"ýRICE AN?> WEA1A 17 FOIR 70 SE-A3ON'J, CNT..YQ.NTHE DOLLA-R.- THA VSA 71ITME TIC. EXCEDENG3)L'ow PereFs ON A4LL 3 UMN"F- A LL ,Ç TRA-W HA T'AT7HAF-"RICb s former pastor, wiil proach twc ,Sunday lu P reshbyterian cburch heo .... Visi'tore Mrr Russeil Wollen, Peteiboro; M Luithe£r Bradley sud w-fe, Carnnuglot Pesetowu. sud Mr Joe Martin fisemailto-n at F? W Leeoa; Mr Alber Morris sud wieLeakard,; NM C Pasco, aI oe B sure te attend th, u6. Szee particular luiner column Rich roa bieod lb produzed by Mîller'ý Mr fF H Frost, B. A., wife sud daugit tei Hilda, Peirln, are vIsitiug ber uucl( Mr J05 VanCamp . . -_. Mm rWm Trisceit wife suod fami-y, Toronto, v1itod Mr, Mr Arthuur r1'geýs,,". Miss MJacksonm Trown, r ;enty vislted Miss argarei Oke.Mm Chs fRichaîrds andfmi. sprenT-tt S2uund a VI.'thù Mrm uts MIssi l' utlkitas vrctu-med af 1er spend- llg ber he-'ldays ý,... ~sAimon J Gardirer sud dau.ghter Hlelen are v1iil ing ber pa'etesbere.ý ,, Miss IH Grange, Jacksonville, FloviSa, is vlitngho ,slalom MmeC rul...Mrisud Mis Geo Peýarce sýud Miss mnos Pearce, Mosan3r Jame-"s sud Ira Pearce atleuded Che funaral Saturd1ay cf their cousin Brevet Lieut-Col Wýilbur enderoîsn luT oron. te. il wae a military funeral. very largoîr atlouded, tho floral efferings fi! inug a carrnage...Mr Johin Oke and wïfe visited bis sistesr, Mis Ed L Welch, Wý'est Tero-nto, foereîloBwmanville. Sihe la very MIIof heari dîsease, Mie. Oke' la taying a week with hem, Aiwaysïavold barsa purgative. plu Tbey fret manke you sick and thon leav'e you cinslpated Caitei's Lith1o Livo: 1ilregulate the biweles ud makle you weil. Dose oeeDpli. MAPLE GROVE Don't forget the tce cream saocial ou Mi C Cox's lawu on tbe eveuing o! Aug 27. Corne eue, coma ail, sud enjev youîsalf l Admission 15 cts, eblîdren 10 cts-twc for a quarter. 84-2w Mrs J McGregor, Miss May McGieg. 1or, Kedron, sud MisasAlice Fox recently vlsited Mie S Colo sud other frieude,...- Mmr sud Mme George Taylor, fpapten, vlslled Mus 1T Suewdenl .... 'Mis Wal- lace Simpeon sud d-augbter Ida, Chat- ham, are vieitiug M. Munday, Sm. D Il Coates, B A sud son Llyu bave rehumned from spouding s couple oi weeks lu MuHkoka ý. .. - Mr 11:7nCeaIes lsvlsiting bis cousin Mies lieue H. Bray. EnfldS Congratulations te Misses Mabel éCcx, Elsie ol ansd Leslie Ccx whýO passed Ihoir exaMînation Iwilb hnr . isEdith Taylor, Port H1oeoWith Miss Gladys Mna ...Mr. Truscot, wife sud faiy, Torouto), are at T, Po'êors'. ýý mlsei Taylor, Port Hope, sud Simupson, Bar- nia, areý visltiug ai MmakMua' sm.J...ohn Suowdeu sud wifo speut Sunday aI H-ampton... MmeýWilliam Evorson bas been visiling fieudSai Ebenezer. BUSINESS GIRLS Jr shop. inu lesi. ig hum.ý iresout tteaBeil smod- Ics tbo r iber. is vis. a solo maxi-m îman- Fouad, Mtisses Velma oîothy Baker, md. Iho the echoir Prf, lsn cd 2BGUoL rIarlit 1 1 MM, &- il - .. - ;ïf 1 ;ýý- C 7ý 1 tLEIlsa fiarvestilaz Uev IL ra réaiela. ,,S2.0UAT.5 FU7< fI-00 A LOT OFW l'2 iY I ~1,50 ,, J, .75 TIFOTWNYNN 51.00 . . .50 j DUZENVSHP-R Ts 'Rez- 5sa , 25ULAIR 90C., S'I.0, el15 AN8 rAPR OPA.5.5'0,v7 F-A N'CY3 AN?> PLAlIN COL:- SELLING jNOW À7,T 6e~ O'RSA T 9CA AR. ECH. Grocers' Due BiM taken as cagh The flason Clothing Com Cr.o'uuNGAND 1 FURseIsuINGSes ORGENT.LEMEN cD T11ER111Soi-s, OBH WAMaelilmisms aregu7ests t'5 BnIt Ms-Miss nfrdPower, Darliz MisaRuthB aho13,J1g lu T rj sent the woek aond wiîb Mis> Mise Louna Williarns 18 holida-inug in Mu snd Mrs E Mundy have reti Toronto. from, visîtiug thoir sou su"daidut F MeAdie' sud wlfe are on a tip te luaî'-d0cch. N D, sud Denver, f-o~ s 10 ri usîsuda. About 5N0 emploee!s cf thc- -,, s Mirs John Goyue anSdiiîu frienda SBtcek Boomrs, Teronito, an4. iniHamilton came by ýspeciarinte Proepect Satunday, aud oujoyed a day's out Chats BweToronlo. wpa, i one SudnC WsinloB overSuuay.VIlle1pmacbed twvo earnest. pr' *Geo. H-amvey, Toreuto, speut, Suuday sermons lu tho Maecalf St Chuiçl with bis mether, wass Veli lkdsdwilI 1bever7'wý *Geo a Pedî'ar, Sm, bas a flue e uw aa mcL aughbliýU auto0. Albert H allonj, Allants, G R Arthur Wright le3avea on FrldayÎ me'!-'ch of cstadellgbted tIl for a trip the Ncrthwest. gregahbon of Ihe Pieabvterian 'Suuday nigbt bi bis reuderivi Mus F Rao sud Miss Jessie are visltiug beautifuil solo relatives inBEcsion, Mass, The schleu cf Carteî's Littlo Thea Boue sud wlfe, Datroit, Micb, Pillali lastml u aua are visiug their parents. geuhly ahlMulato Ibe li;ver sud 1r: Misses Aura sud EdSia 1Keeler sue tle bowels butal n pug.Th holidayinz aI Sunderland. sure to plesiea. Tmy hhem., J S Soules bas selS bis esidenco ou Mus. Ry. Bennoîtt, represeutat àBuock SCtot Lyman Gifford. the Rebecca Locdge, home, sud R G Wellington, sud wifo, Toronto, Jacobl, Oulside G-,uard oh the are at Oshaw-a on-t-he-Lake. Lodzo ot Rebeccas. atteýnded ta; MIsHarriahl Wigg,,M A, was aguet confn3eeco at St Themas. ef Miss Eb.v, Toronto, recenUîy. A, fie 3buoke ou-, early Moudaï Mesdames Chas Stone sud WiIi AdalulgluIostr wu -b Js ar tHuulsvll, Lak6ofo Baya. and fermerly oecupied bv' Drea:i Bort aI tr esenBnk ee novlu-g piclures sudd pread te C, Bog o HunirWestrn Bsn. Fue-raul'e machine and biccrpai, taiu, l spndig vaatin hme.More cases of aIck headache, bî Eru McGueggor sud wihe, Toronto,,nes conîstiýpatIon, ea bacureS il wera recent guosteohfhia parents, lime wihh baesmedin.e %sud losa Mise May Mackle, New York City, le by' uslug- Cautex 'a Little Livox gueet ohfI-eu slalom Mme 'ES Henry. 1Ihan -b,7 anyoCîher meaus. Mi s Bird!. Baies la ependlng a few Publie llbrary buildingisla ecin Ssyàt Niagara Fallsansd Buhffaio nieS ho conpiet.ioii. Tbs p Mus M J Zebertsansd sou Erie, Cta - building ïvill bc occupled byh wa, are vlsiting Mis R F Richards' Telephone Ce. Thev wilI havea Mis sud Miss E Maxwell, New York eru, well-equlpped Qf1ce. City, are viaflug Mus W E Smitb. J C Dale, Madoc, Ont, anui,,cu marriage ofhîhi second daughtei Mis M Matrlyn, Toronto, ws guost Thayoer, ho Nerma--n Lee Laucb.' of Mis John Bale over the sweek-and. Murafros hOb~ Mus Johin Hodgson, Tymone,, le vîsit- wadding ltakeplace lun Septeuib iug heu dsug1chteî Mus Geo McLaughlin. Mis Jobueton. Brantford, who 1, W IR Rojsa wb bas boon vltiug liug Rov D tlM Mhall, M A, sang Lindsay relatIves, bas rolurued home. very sweetlýy lu the Bpîletït church Mr and Mus Dean, Chlcago.Ill, vlslhed day moruiug, sud Mr. Robt Hend hem fatiacu MrmF Lumb oer the woek- sang a solo lu hie susi pleaslng eud. uûseGoeTrno n er ah theB eveulug service. Misses FeeeGoe ootsd Congratulations te the foIlle in, Olive Grose, town, are ai Sturgeon oseful etudents : Junior Les' Point, Misses E,ermïml Lee, Nellie Gilil-a rMiss L51e, Toronto, suid Miss Vers Eves son, Grace Burus, Mena Mj Wemry, Courtico wouo holidayiug wlthbVelma Mo1crrow, honor5, yMamie Gci Mr mOke. Masgrg George ,)Bray, Norman F Mra Wm houons, junior Mhiulho:b Mus (Dr) Jas Morris sud childuoen, Grace Burus, Mena Merrow, Grimsby, Ont, aue vieitiug hou f athor Morio,,ireue Swiun sud, Do RevJ HTaîot.Holg, Dorothv Luke, MadelineE Frank Brllain., manager oh the Bell Mossus Geo j Br9y, Norman Feu:ý Týlephon- o GoNoiîb Bayecetliy vis- Thie song seri!ce le Slmce Ied frieuds lu te wn. Metodiat cbUm:cb sunday evening Boit oldabro ba rel rdfosutâe excaptifoually geed. lu additionl Olmiegames lu England and is splendidititntes 1rondered! byth visitiUg bi-s parents. a'sole was aun Uhy Mvarion G Editor C M Muudy, Reformer, sud, W uid? a dulel by Mme W, A Haie asi F Piokard, Toreuito. saeou s fibg A Adam-s boff th o!whicb deserve s trip up the Muskeka Lakos. to. ThIe wýs tho fareWell E Mme J uosem as rtumod rom under direction e! îhe\1 pe r MrsJ JCrokemhaseetrne frr--9,Botlomiy wb.Ô eRves te a very ploassutt hbee wooeke' vieil wiIb duties lulb.normal sud!iiubllc al ber brother Mr R. W, Lawrle at Brio, Straîfoîd, lu addiltion ho heiug org Pa. anS choir master eh Knox churcli Mr6 Jas A Ramussay aud lile daugli- a'S Mis Botte nley wiiI be muel i tei bave relumuejd home te Kinga ton lumuls'ical circlos. eccompaulod bv lber siater Miss Floasie. a .~A MoLaugbiliu. 0%.Ë Mr S J CourtiC6e B A, Kincaudline, iKidNslasMy bas beau engages? as fachematicqI teacher lu the Higb Sohocol ah a aalaîy " - ch $ý1200 Mr. Couriie cornXes -Very é. ', : . hlgbiy iecomrnanded. , h IdNo ii la Mu udMm RT arswell, Misses Sig, atm Blanche snd Étlliol C-arewellhsud -Misa -L ýL ý--L A r O-br. ez, mýrz,-7-%q à-&- arq -- - - .1 ý - - -ýý 0-9 ýý

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