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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Oct 1908, p. 1

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Il i TEM -$.OPer Ânnumn.OuR TowyN AND C0UNT-K FIRST ;THE WORLD AF'TERWARDS. M . A1s, ONPrp'oo Lu ONTý,ARI0iTURSL:AY, OCTOBER, 15 1908 VOLUME LV o4 Johniston & Crydermani Invite everbody visiting -Bowmanville this week to see the fiaest stock i N ew Dress Goods, Suitings, Dress Furnishings and Silks they have ever shown, Ladies & Chidren 's Coats, Hundreds of them-All new, goods- fRIade -uP in the very latèststy1es~ -and- a very large and-- hoice Stock -of New Clothing bought for cash from the best and most re- hbable Mvanufacturers. Wo are soie agents for Semi- Ready Clothing. -also- a big stock of1 Carpets,ý Rugs and ýX Squares in wool, tapestry, brussels and velvet. JOHNSTON &CRYDERMdAN Grocers' Due Bis taken as Cash. Muclag Bg Plia -encils 1 Sharpouers 1 Erasers Pi-te 1 -Wanited fb500 ilorses, ail kînds_ 500 ) at Martyn's Harness Shop.. To bo fltted with an up-to-date single or double -HAÈNESS-- HOIîRSE BLÂNKETS f4We have julit received. 'a large shipment, (direct from 4 manufacturers) for Fali and Winter use. Cali and inspeet them. W.haeRUGS -AND ROBES ehaenow on hand an excellent seleeion and a ful È4sock o! overythlng that lm usually kept in an f f4 harnosu shop. f4l WIIIho eatïy anad promptIh atterIded to Wo will consider t f a iavour te have jo i ai antexamine our stock. f4 J. B e Y ,Bomull. f The Corner Shoe- Store1 TI-E BEST 15 THE CH EAPEST Now that tise weath.r ile coming on whieh test boots severely, we sing tise praisos of thse good boot and denouncëe tise shedd y auetien breed cf boot as oxpensivo at an:v price IWE POINT te the merits of: Our German Sehool boots Our Me Cread y Farm Boots. Our Foît Lined Boots Our Styllsh Finer Boots Our Broad Comfort ahapos Our Matchioss German Rubbers, LOOK IN at our four windows for prices whieh rival tise lowost Toroento quotatiens V(OU RUN NO RISK HILRE o! having auctien boots palmed off on you. Our stock la well bought, fresh and clean tbrougbeut. H EADQUARTERS for TReliable Knockabout Rubbors Men's 75c Wemen's 55e, Rubber Boots 8U25 etc. THlE BURNS 00., Ltd., Mai Tour Corners. 7T Om-0hawa I Store~opens 7.50 a. m. I'~.erslah.e's -Cream Balm- Sof tons, soothes, heals and beautifies the skin. It is a flesh food and a complexion beautifier ht gîves the skin th-at delightfuLI preaehy effct-the eivy of ail woman and the admiration of ai'l mon. Give it a fair trial and you will bl'e delighted with it. The priee is 25c for a large bottle. It L-, noither sticky nor greasy It pays to deal with The West EndjTheDru,--st SWe seil Buibs cf ail kindis for for planting 'DOW. n-BANK 0 MONTREAL EstabliShed 1817 Capital -$14,400,000 Rest* -$11,000,000 TvotaiA&uets $6,O,7 hea"I Office, Montreal J. A. McCLELLAN, Manager, Bowmanville Branch. I. The Peopl's Favorite GOUGH REMEDY has stoed thse test o! years and to 1dav our sales of this valuable pro. paration are larger. than ever be- fore. Everybody takes it. Oilidren prefer it. Don't ho 'without ih at this season Largo bettie 25c. Rodk .ILMitchell & C0., -: TEE QITLr TDiu«aISer l'bone 92sf For night cails 1 Bowmanavslle -~Phese 92 b. COL, WARD DESERTJED A letter signed "A Conservative -Voter" refera te Mýfr. 0. Jouas Thoruiton WS "iLiberal-Patron- Conservative"l sud says that Col. Harry A. W1ýard bas been relegated te the eeld shtdes cf obscurity lu bis ledliuiug years througb tise intrigues cf au ambitionspoica. -Deserted at bis ntmost ueed1, By those bis former beuuty fed." Iu mauy respects, Coi. Ward is meet- ing with s fate similar te that of tise late T. Dixon Craig, who, was brought bsek to Durhams from Califorulai, te rescue b is party, sud wbo was aftor- wilrds bssely deserted by bis former frieuds. If ever a in deserved tise gratitude sud continuied suapport of Durhamn Couservatîves, sureiy Col. Ward is that insu. It was notbluig but CO). Ward's pievsonaifv tisat seid tise rid ng for tise party iu tise last » octieni under hayodds. -No other insu lu tise ridliug could have dofosted Ay'ls- worth 'but Wizd. Hion. Geo E. Faiter epoke lu Mr Thorutou's lutereait at Port Hope Tues-, day evening. TBE LAT£ JOHN VANNEST, Mr. John VauiNest, Jr., who bas been in faiiug bealtis for two years or so froin laryngitis. passed peaeefulyo bis eterusi rost ou Thursday eveuiug, ct. 1, almost witbcut a strngglo. Aitheugis unable te work for some menthe, ho was able te be out-of-doors, sud -buly teck to bis bed about tbree weeks ago.1 Last fail ho sold the farm homesteaci at Solina te Mr. W. Chas. Werry, and lu March hast meved into the residence on King street east, wbieh ho benght frein Mrs. Donnelly. Decoased was sou of eur venorable citizen Mr John VauNest, Churcis St., uowlu bis 94th year, sud bis wife Lydis Gerrow, wbo died over s year ago. Ho was married nearly 25 yesrs ago to Miss Julia Bray, daugister cf Mr. Jonsathan Bray, Enfiold, who With five daugistors sud throe sens survive, sud who have the doopest sympathy of tise oommuuity lu their bereavemeut. The funeral Satnrday afternoou te Bowmauville cometery was very largeiy matteuded by relatives sud cld frionds sud neigbbors frem. Soliua, wIo came te psy their hast tribute of respect to s kiud neigbbor sud a a nu ighly es- teemed. Service was couducteci by bis paster Rev. John Garbutt, assistod by Rey. T. W. Jolliffe sud Roy. T. H. P, Anderson, Hampton, s former pastor. lu addition te the kindly words of bis pastor tostifying of bis unswerviug trust in bis Savicur te the close cf 11f e, Bey. Mr. Anderson spoeocf bis conversion duriug tise pastorate cf Rov. HL Thomas, of bis deop intorest lu ahi that portaiued te tise church sud cf bis mauy good qualities as friend sud neigkbor. Iu accerdance with t'he request cf decessed Mrs. William A. White sang during the service "'Nearer My Ged te Thee" sud "My Jesus I Love Thee." Thse paîl- bearers were six uephews; Messrs. F. L. VauNest, John Montgomery, Charles sud Edgar Worry sud Norman and George James. Ameng the relatives prosent outside cf town were: Mr. sud Mrs. Norman Wright, Blaekstock, Mr. William VanNest, Mr. sud Mrs. bon, Vanest, Mrs. David Montgomery sud sous John sud Rey. Mr. sud Mrs. Wm. Worry sud sons Chas, sud Edgar, Sol- inia; Mr. James Hostie, Pontypool;' Messrs. Samuel sud Fred b. Bray, Enfield; Mr. H. Fietcher Werry sud Mrs. R. J. buke, Kodron, sund Mr. sud Mrs. James Arthur WVerry, Enniskilheu. Woep net that his toils are over, Woep not that bis racee is mun, God grant we mnay rest as cally Ceborg ratsar C.A. Muesos is the m-,an who FORC"ED the buildinigcf tho Goal and Ho-nte of Refuge. Wounder what the otherCunisCocilr thiuk- about eute little wma for ciugj thiom te speld 54100,110e (re ýor lesj)cf cu1 tîes' moue,' for Cobourg's esprec411 boue- fît ard Cobourg Torie-s' especiql ad,!ait- tige lu election contestsý? What bosh some papers serve iii)te their ireadert- in poiftical campalgus, are run atlmostb entirely on the corruption cry sud personai denunciation. Gladly will the day ba welcomned when politics wii be dlean, sud when the, questions that coucern the goverument, progress sud developmeut of Canada with ber }zn- limited resources wîll recoive the honest consideration of the politicians rather' han pere'* RaIabuse» base innuendoes sud charges cf corruption against their polit, ica.1 eppouents. Both political parties dlaim to bave platforms cf numorous "planks" or sub- jeets How much botter sud saner it Lwould be were politicai speakers te devote their speeches sud editorials ou- elucidat- ing sud amplifyîiig these measures. .People thon wouid be iustructed and made te understand the issues cf the country sud would feel a deeper and more iively înterest lu the practical pol- ities of tis prog-ressive country. What induleeilint eau thero ho lu pol- hties as exenliftied b y both pol"iticaj. parties to-day, for s deýan yeuug man te aiiy himself with the orerl is inference fromi prosent day political speeches canuot bo other this that al politica s-on the other ide-ar, rogues sud scouadrels, uuworthy cf the associa- tien of any respectable man. Ta it net true that insteaci cf advising yeung mon to tako active part lu politics, thousands of self-respecting citizeais are keeplag aloof from the committee roomea clubsi la it any wondor? "The Kiugr is froe ef debt, that is whv ho is happy" itates a wrlter la ibis paperr Here then is one secret cf hap- pinots The Inference for us ail thon ie GET OUT CF DEBT. As we have stated before this le a double.barrolled satisfactIon. Lt makes happy the debtor and tie creditor. Ho'wsupremnely de llghtful it wouldbeothis verv nsouth If evern body woWd, as tar as ttelr money wili permit, pay their debte. Thore la not a business min ln Bowmanvile nt present sud ew lu any other part o! Canada who de3ss Qt really ueod moîîey badiy. Even thse printer Is no exception, ""A GooJ Name at H-ome" "Is a tower of streugtb abroad"l-and the excellent reputation uf C. 1. Hood Ce, and their remedies in the city of Loweil, whe-P they are best known, inspires conflc1en-e the worid overflot nl the medfcires but in suytb-ing th1eir preprietors say about tho.m. -îf MUsde by Ilood IL'2 Uood.' "I believie Hood's Sarsaparilla thebs I round fanlyirme(]ieue known today. Ms G. D. F'.Rsxz, 652-MWiider St., 1Lowell,Mss -"I reomen ood'a ;Sarsaparilla -t-o auy1 Lowvell. Mass. ..l am a strour sud healthiy womain tdy ,from tak'ing H11o0,'lSarsapailla. wbichî keep in tho hou" for altsefaly." 11us-. FÂsVTm BÂLcU. 108 Lsezeu S.LowlMass. -1 einsMerHoW sSraprlathe tbesti blod-nrflr u ha e 0world.' u.Jzen 112C&xoosU Libor-ty St., Loweli, Mass.1 Hcocd'sSar2sparilla D3eold everywhere. 100 Doses, One Dollar. Prepared oniy by Q C.L rood OCe, Lwwefl, Masà., 'L.S9.A. ITANTOBA LETTEhR LET US ELEYATE POLITICS (SpeecilCorrespondence) C"I am n ot in polities, 1 amrn lumorals." WINNIPEG, Oct. 10, 1908-The C. -Charles -Sumner. M. R. strike is settled after a strugglo LIt must be cause for sincere regret to cof twc m1onthis, The strike affected ail respectable people that the ýoffensive rsearly onle thousand mon in the Win- personial element enters- so extensively ni-peg shotps cf the 0. P. R.,' and- the -m-the present- political -contest. 14t is- business initerests 0fthe city -are hiappy pitiable to sce the hnoe and great te ne asettioment off ectea,. The rai erp c 198 i god ~ men on both sides ind(ulgiu.g so frequently The rin quan oft19a8d price, a s tî inipersonal incriminations. Lt bas tbe somehero be,,itwo n 125c,00, and l i appearance of sohool boy behavior and is 102,000,000 bsels. 12,00,00an uýnwortby of would-be statesme'n. The 102,00,00 buhels lgreat journal, long regardedl the leader TUhe bigg-est movement-of wheat inof Ail the Liberal newspapers, Tbue Globe, the isïtory of the Canadian West in uel has sadly fallea in public est imatýion in mon-th has beon recorded for September, 'this eontest by imitating The Mail sud whenl 11, 018 cars of grain were inspect- Empire by indulging to)o frelyi e ed at iniiiuîpg. 0f this total 6,690 dvligCnevtv oiiin ntn cars were handled by the 0. P. R.,'and o ds eviingCouervtivteetcansih ned 3,885 cars by the Canadian Northerncfishadretntegetaiiysu railway. This movement of wheat wisdom Of its writers to the discussion of alone mneans that 10,339,350 bushels meiGasures rather tbau men. were forwarded. Another outstandinig characteristic of At an enthusiastje meeting of St. this campaigu greatly to be regretted, we IAndrews Soc'iet7, the question of form- feel sure, by ail right-t hinking persons, inig anoither regiment iu the Winnipeg is the reck:less ,ýcharges cf corruption ad district w Nas favorably decided upon by tbrough thé' press sud from poliica1 repesnttiesfrom Clan Stewart, pafom. Tbis practiece mnust loweOr Sons cf Scotlaud land other Scottish reýspect lor ail politicianis, anidistdisocred- so5cieties. itable to boëtb p'arties. Butin tbiis contest, Tbs ee Ihaeiadth peanr o teionservaivs wo at togetnto an interview wîth Mr. Fred W. Field, power, are the chief sinners. Lest the editor of thie Mono tary Times, of Tor- uninitiated nîay tbink because se many onto, who, after a tour eovering ten papers are publishing these charges they days in the West, said: The first and are ,aIi true, we nay tel eur -readers what xnost surprising thiug 1i notieed was the rnay bc uews te many outside of news- absoînte disappearance cf what might paer offices, that the Albany Club, be clle thewil gamlin spiit.Toronto, is supplying every Coniservative Another impression was of the firmness ne w-ae nte0mnos a sw of rosi estate values considering te wpae t h r e ominn, so fr athe times o,ý f depression. Sorte complaints eau ju1dge fromoreeagsAil b iwere hieard throughout the west as to a'corruto dtoil perigi bs 1 suIftiei nt spply II Vo cars iu themovement papersThe( publishers- of Tory paper s of tbe big erop. Regarding the business acp teefree ýeditorials,, and publish situation, the retailers have been Ibuying them without the slightest knowledge of cautiously and a littie less of uaeh huIie their truthfulness., Another piece of handiet] than usuai, which brings about humibug in the saine line is whst they caî a levelling downi proeess. With a con "Our Ottawa Letter", which mnany; Con- servative toue through ail threo provin- servative papers are pubiahing. The ces, au absence cf the speculative spirit, ludicrous feature of these "Ottawa" the building cf substantial towns sud letters just now is that they are written eities, the outiook for the spring of 1909 aud maiied in Goverument envelopes is excellent. Another thiug that struck frorn St. John, New Brunswick. These ine, said Mr. Fields, "was the waste of are some cf the methods pursued just by-produts-the buruing of thousands now teo discredit the leading-Liberal poli- cf tons of straw and the refuse coal at ticians and do[ýceive the electors. Ileadersi thle mines, these being oniy two instan- cf te rceig nPrimn ces, but showvs that in a comparati;yely the roceîg i lentli new ecountry, men have no time te go recognize 1o'et"ual of "ese Olt'chrge afterthe cents w,,hen dollars are ini view."1 of corruptioni asrhar sof Tcory Chilg WýNinnip1eg lssued 236 building permrits oserin speeches rvin the House tha( t vaiued at, $47-d,400, in Septembfler, whieî er ovrprvnad ay ftem shows ain lcrease of $240oe thati contradiedef. Smoe of thtem have been, of September, 1907. The total valuLation mainufactured euti of whIole cloth and are, of permits issued to date this year i sedfrcrpinpree ny $11,685,700 Edmonton permits wcVre Calaitin 9f bothipartios must (&elore 1785 being, the largest ilu the history te cu in tha's mark the(, ece of o! tht eitY li nmu '"Y11thi, sud the this ecaIimaigu suid feel true orrwin total for the fiiontbsiiký endiug SE,.D seeiug ,hoew polities and politiýians bhave tomber 30, is $2,380,302. srnk , nin the mire sqc far dat eleticrns crb1er' Eercisoýr6 N ote Books 1Sfate, j1 Drawln7g =-ORlS Loea Boxes r F a0 0 NEW FALL DESIUNS IN Wal Iaperl6 b received this week. See display oP ain windows. Latest e r n colorings and patterns and at H reasonable prices. 0 d o r ~W.T.ALLIEN, S Big 20 Bookstore. omnvle OPENING tCF NEW SHO THE, NEWr:ý PULiC cs-rLINS.S.No. 3, PENFRIDÂY EIVENINO IT A TEA AND PROGEAM. The cpening of the niew seboollionse a', tuhe Base Line Fýridaýy evenig was a grand . ces Theasebed erowd was drawni froin ail parts of the eountry- including EenzrMple Gae Bowmiýanvilie and Oshawa Early l;. the, evein-g they began to fle do-, ; into the romy. baseiuent of the ucnw s aoo nd to partake of a grand suppeîr sucha nsily the ladies of the-,Baýse Lino know îhow to provide. 'flicladies who bad it lu 'cbarge certain! 'y deserve a great deal of credit not on11, for the beauty of the table decorations, but for the readiuess ard rpdt with which the crowd was witdon,.and the excellence cf the food provided, After eijoying the grand suippeýr, the large crowd filled the auditoiuhm of thio sehool, above, and soon the sea ting 1capacity of the sehool wastad to its ut most, sud also the staniniig room ýate enijoy the excellent progrsm thait ws provided. Mr. O. A. Gamsby, Orono, Miss -Williams, Oshawa, Mr. Fred R, Fole, BowmanvilleMiss Aurd Osborue, Mrs. R. W. Langrnaid and Our Own Local Chorus with Rev. Jos. Barnies ini the chair and Miss Power as accomupan- ist, combinied te make such a pleasing programU of soug-, recitations, readigs, etc., wbich seemod to cýause the tweo houirs thus ocpe to almost fly. A very pleasing eveuit lu connection with the program, was the reading sud pros- entatiou of an address to Mr. S. Ever- son, Secretary-Treasurer of thie Se,,hool. Board, te vhose ef-rt agreat, deal cf credit is due for thescesu comple.. tien cf our ucw bidn u the pros,- entation toelim cf the, riecipts of tho evening te boed sthle Sehioci Board thlnk best. The addlCress was read on behaîf of the Section b! Mr. F. G. Truil, sud Mr. Everson, although taken complotely by surprise, replied lu a very neat, speech, thanking the people for the approcistien manifested of his offerts. Shortly after ton s very memorable and enjoyable evoning was brought te a close by theQ slging of the National Anthem. The address i S as follows : Té 31r à, 1Everson, Sec(,retary T, a- I ethe ,rat-payers, mmb -ad- friendas of this Soctioii,' have gu oe e bore this eveiug Ifor the puv ý ýe f gratifylug our i2nteileetulal a ~ca dlesiros, and, auoîng up this Ne ýý;1cIo Wehave oftezr betore gathere - our Sehool 1-Ieuse for sociald purPùs, bu nover bofore have wo experienicod 1, mutual bappiness and joy as we this tîme, when wo realiz e thst we h; v-,e a public building for the purpose of iustructiug intellectually, xcrally sud 3spirituaily, whîch is a crodit to u;s as a, 3Sec'ion, and one which stands second tù -noue in the county, As our represeu tatives on the Pnblký Sehool Board, we reahize the difficultyi of yeur position in uudertaking to, sue- cessfuiiy complote a work of this klud, Mauy Sehool B3oards shrink frein the ýrespousibilities of their position lu a worlr of this kind owing to the dIiffienlty cf giving general satisfaction, But we, ono sud ail, are pieased to knew thas we have as our Trustees three mon who have carried to, such a successf ni issue the completion of such an arduons task, s0 as toe all forth words of praise sud admiration, from. one end of this Section to the other. Whie we kuow that wo are delY indebted te our Board of Truistees as ga body we realize that we, arei especially iudebted te yen, Mr. Eversoi,vwho lha ve spent se much cf your valuabie timo aud careful thought iu suporvising sud briuging te such a sueeessful issue thet completion of this building cf which, wo have just right to, feel preud. Kuowing that your hesrt bas been îu this work, snd desiring to show our appreciaticu cf your untiring efforts' for our benefit lu some more material forin. we ask yeu te aecept this sinaîl amout of moneythat we have been euabled te raise this evening, to be used as our Board of Trustees thiuk fit, lu conue- tien wîth our New Sehool building, sud desiring to show- te you personally, Mr. Everson, that we are net ungratef ni te you for your untiring efforts lu cur behaîf, we ask yon to accept this ad- dress as an evideuce cf our, approciation of ycnr uuselfisb sud untiring services, Signed on behaîf of the Section, . T. Guy B. F. WILLOUJGHBY F. G. TRULL. The tew wschocl. building is blt cf pressed brick and the coîlings cf is class Pediar roofing. The auditoriumi of tho ehe5sla cmposed cf three rocis, the largo css room is single seated, the teacher's room, containing at table, chair, enamelled wash basin, 1-

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