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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Oct 1908, p. 5

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Bradlev's and Courtice school rep)orts Fresh Crullers dally at Thos. Tod's. are en an Inner page. SeNcol'nwsoeBao lc IDIf~,iJjIia!Ji.~~~I post Cards! Picture Post Cards,thn SeNhos'ewtreBarBok ~OWABVLL ST'rIE. sands to choose frcm ai Nicholis' OnalY 25e for a new sub8criber to ond SO,,, siEA C4or-Ne WE A fulliline of Ganong's G. B. choc- O 98 eMail . ..8 5p a, M. 1 *Uxp, ess .440 86 Mn olates just arrived ai Thos. Tod's. Room paper bargains at P. C. Treb 'Cxlpreias -__ 10 10 m Local -* 7 51 icoo1<'s. Msd......8 31 p.m. 1PaSSOngOr-1 lis p. M Don't walt for other people to send lu Ls.,,.-649 p.m. I Mlxed_ - 744 th ne - ou~W sn ft wht ft Is redh<>f "00,000 dozen eggs wanted at A. Talt's *Mail.i.... 9 59 P.M. grocery. *Dally. This week's paper contains a whole JuTav &LovELL Tovwn Agents lot of local andcounty news on the tn A good table knife for 81.00 a doz at side pages. Nicholis'. 9 *****'~ ************f Mr. W. S. Clouston, chie! Inspecter of Best 25c and 40c tea ever offered ai ft ~ Bank of Mnntreal, Montreal, called on Mnrdocb's. * ~ i ~ the local branch Monday. Column o! Bowmanvllle Notes on $ W 00I 1 The more you kno'v about tee, the muner page. more you will appreL.iate the deilcate -.Seo the knlves, iorks and spoons fragrance and doudoicus fiavor of «,Sal. ai Nicholis' is a very good salaryfor ayoung persion ada" Tee.Lde'adsthesi ete tP shortitand Rraduates of last year are, Mr psaon Wilson o! The Sentinel- C. Trebilcock's. naw enjoying tiI salary. Peritap we Star, Cobourggvusaftenlri pete tMlieywaedt en itelp you t' receive bts" amoun. Mondey., gavee ulese ftel ea AppriseDntie a linr wueda our naw catalogue explis. Ont outr leedbsshmMisDumns ti card sign il andi send ta W. H. in BowmanvlloNwehtltrssUra opei SHÂ Cetra Buines Cllee, or- ' Every.iadv le invlted to cail and see always welcome. onathe fine stock of dress, goods and suit- $12.00 buys a goond kiteen cabinet ai - ÂsE................. .........ngs now showing ai Couch, Jfohnston Wlams & Son's. ..DEE ....... ................... - Mr. W. Howard IR. jollow o! the staff nicely. Thanks, friende. a! the staff of the Bank cf Montreal bas e e etr ahn ahn been trans! errod ta Quebee Ci ty. Mr. o e Wtrl ahn ahn _______________ ............__. W, K. Young of Brampton will fill the fo ~Ti n aolbr vacancy. If vau want your bons ta lav eggs luecroase Your Salary 1 Proper - The man or woman who cannot ad- gel DaViee' food ai Murdoche, Preparation does it. Attend mire the artistie baste o! Mr., A. L. Fresh fish ai A. Tait's every Wednee. Nicholis In maklng so attractive bis day, Thursdayi Frid&y and Saturday. store must be devoid o! the refinoment Upright piano and gond orgen for 1ELLIOT thai ovory Bowmanvllle citizen Io sup- sale, Apply ta M. D. Williams & Son. pused ta p065055. Fresh cnt fiawers to-day aiThos Tode, ~~~ ~~ Mr. and Mrs CH.AdraMse CalnMrdocb and gel a gond sel-, TORONTO, ONT, Stolla and Inez Mason, Miss Lilîlo Me- eciion of bulbe f rom a gond assoriment, anti Oie lime ta commence îB right now. Leaui, Messrs. Chas H. Meison and F.IB. Robinson, the Jell-O-Man, was ln one handred andi ona students from other Ernest Pattersan and Miss Edith James.îonWdedyadcrurdte busin)ess collages hava patrouizeti titis col- OsnWdedy'nderuae h legs wlthin ane year, Wiat does thi Osawa, spout Sunday et Mr. Thos. roîldences,ý prv? We give lte, best. Nothing elsa Patterson's, Klrby.Th uetcorhnyIn1lb wouiYld Ai rcebsrauywndstsy Mrs. Cassie, wif e o! a G.T.R. braeo Teprs lve oe n1 b Fou. Airdaer lsecura ampiay- alisings ndnthcob t Iment. Wý,rite for catalogue. man et Lindsay. was found dead in bed FpAl, als gasadl, oba W.J.EilaIt, Principal, 1 riday morning. DeceasedWe malden F. A. H dys Cor. Tonge & Alexantder Sts, Toronto.ý name was Mary McKay, aged, 26 yea, We've moved you know but everybody and anativeoa!Orono. Shelhad resided cen tell you that you en find Nîchoîls' .-....-- ........_---------------------- -- ------- ...n..! Lindsay about îwo sears. at the Beaver B]lock ATTEND The tidy and, attractive West End Ladies' and children's coats, huudreds Drug store bas been made more lnviting of tbem just receiveti at Coueh, John- by, a coat of wbite paint an its front. ýstan & Crydermnn. J2LWe congratulate Mr. F. fl Kerslake A big stock a! now ready-to-wear B ritishî American and Mr. Percy Wesblake on the always clothlng- met opened out ai Couch, neet appearanse o! Ibis popular drng Johnston & Cryderman's. stoe. vll laie mad go r- A The hostie theecheapest. This appîles Business Colle g stoe. àvllldls mae od partlcularly te spices. F. A, ad àords at Faîl Fairs. At Cartwright keeps the bighest grade o! pure spices -7, M, C. A Building, Toronto. Miss Jean Adams securod theo largesi Hao'd Bags- Hand hago! New faîl sty- forbit an bie 1estre- numbor of prizes, 30 lu ail; Miss E Me- les just arrlved The prices wlll ploase suite u usess tpto and therbiaut raiin Langhlin wes second bevlng Fecured 29, you. We have a winner for 25o ar Nicb- 8uis ibuines ad horhan tainng wbile Mrs. Thas. Percy was third with ails',. -mnter any time. Oaaliogne frae., 26Edfbar and Mrs, M. A. James, Lamne W. J. Odgen, moulder ln the Ideal Villa, celebreteti the 85tb 'annlvereary T. M, WATas, Works, Port Hope, farmerlv o! Oshawa, of their meralage Wednesday ovenlng, pricipl. wae strnck hy a train Wednesday nigbt Oct. 7 Princpal. end lied ishead eut and hrulsed and 1 bs lft rmaImst eveedahove the A% model for a statue o! the laie Mtre _________________________ ist er ams seerelvll o Rebecca Nicholîs bas been snbmiiîed ta _______________________wit. HwasotaBeevlobsPeterboro council hy Miss Katherîne WMANVILLE, 0cr. 15. 1908., Fine weather marked lest week, cool Wallis. _______________________but no sovere frost-just enough tecue New se, ve s IL t nm ta e date the autumn tinte ta appeer on the 1h e trfle îhu edt leaves o! the maple end othea trees goode. Remembea the name. It le Mr. L. C. Gould visiieti friende lu Rolds wero excellent and e drive ta Nicholîs' Coîborno rocently. Haptn Tyan orSln-ws s Good qualitv stablonery ai P. C. Miss Ethel Luxton is recoverlng nlcelY delightfl nIf 1! ur Olti Country friends Trehilcock's. Ask for Linon Lawn, from typhoid lover. couiti se Canada now they woulci tbink It oxcels. Miss Irons D.ter, Oshawa, recently lb a falryiaud. Seo aur up-to-élate kîtchoe cabinets 'viled !rlends bore. Dr. aud Mis. James Chapple,daughtor with foeur cheat, foeur elfter, sugarchesi Mrs. Win Blewett is visitiug ber son Darothy aud son James Of BillIngs, aud boa and coffee canistors, aie canle- Mr. Almon,, Blewott. Montana, wbo mado a short visit ta bis ters for every kind o! spices. Wlliams 1, Spa Hughes, Lindsay, receutly sIster Mas. P. M Souchafbreightyeare' & Son. vL,Éed Mrs.ý H. W Bark. absence have rotumned borne, Dr A. BCorisb Taont. soutChapplo had boon ta Washington andi Mr. James Leesk, Tauntan, bas beon Mrs A onsTrno Pu New Yark ettendlng' conventions and appolntsd hy the Gaverumeni ta judgo MIss: Niabel Weleb, West Toronto, 18 and et Orona. Io at psent perfoamlng that duiy lu 17ll,'leMiuoJeuns Mr. D. Luttreli bas bonght the store teEsenPoics Miss Ru-by Pascos, Mount Vernon, anti lot !ormealy occupieti bv Mr. A. L. The beet vinegar Is not ton gond for bas been visitlng- Miss Eva Pascos. Nichoîls anti kuown as the Express pickling. hI doos not pay ta use poor Mrs, W Qulek aocently visited ber Building. The aId building bas been vî1negar sud spal yona pickles. P. A. father Mr. H.Robbins, Cedardalo takon down aud a fine two stoav, buldt- Haddv bas a stock of the hest vinegar Miss Garbutt, Lindsay, lo visibing ber ing lo lu coure of erection. The car- in White Wiuo. Cîdor and Malt. brohe a te Mthdit ars9naxe. pontçay work is lu charge of %Ir. Chas Mr. R. H .Wood, fomeman o! ans of iss Greta Simpson le vising rsafrte r.W, rckslokg Mr. W J. Bragg's apple gangs, anti E. G BukeSpadna oad Toro at ghemasoury, whlch is aguarantee Mr. Elgin Wight, peeker, wiib five Mr aBdurs ilerbat Rad Toreyont tha lon wark wll ho dons ail round,.tee u prayfrsimn 0 Mr.andMrs Hrbet R Ti' oy pen Itlaexpscted the building will ho com trspuu eayfrhlmn10 Sunday~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ wlbhefte r.W ily iie yCrsme Ti îîa hs o! applos lu Si houas, in Mr. J. D. Suidaywît bi fthe Dr W,-_ý Tlle. petd b Chistas Ths wll ddHoar'e orebard. Tis may ho consid- Mna, ud Mas. L. Isaacs rocoliv vis- gaoatly tatheappearauco o! that part ered good woak as ibis le rather su off lied bis 8sistor Mas. Ed. Hinmau, Edville. o! King Si. yerwt plsi hsscin Miseq Bessie Wads, Port Granby, was Monday afternoon while Miss Ev arwtaplsuibsecon -lacent guehi o! bem cousin Mas Wm Burk was deling on tie Kingeon roa Prs. John Taggaai, Liverpool, Eug- .jnnîngs. -near Mr. A, E. Bellman'e farm sho met land, whohbsheen spending the snmmer Mr. Elmo Staples, toiler o! the Bank an auto ownod by Ma W. F. Eaton, with her sistea Mas. Robi Richards after s! antea, sen Suda wib ' Oshawa, wblch wss runuîug, at preîî.y a separation o! 88 yoars, bas raburued parentea t en Orona.whFi gootispooti. Thinkiug toavoidmetng homo golng by the "Virginlan" a! the the auto sho taied ta bumu the corner te Ailan Lino. Thebhat wae delayod faua Ma ,u Mas, William Taewin spent go south sud lu doing ,so the buggydasl Moraloigt smk sunday vith thoîr sou Dr Garnet M. went @lvor the end o! the culvoat antd weather but maaebed hem destination Trewin, Oshawa. 1wae avertuaued throwing out the oc- safoiy. Mas. Taggaat le vea 70 yoars Mre. Thomas Hamlyn is vieitlug ber cupants Miss Burk aud Miss Ruby o! age and wae nover ïu Canada befare. ron prof. Chasi T. PauIl, o! E1r~Cl Mai ahynglde r al Durlug ber Ibros monthe' vieil bore see ]loge, Q11e 1 i jhmuised and shaken up but are net ser feil lu lave wlth Canada sud the Canad- 1'-- lInîred. The buggy is preîîy tians Hadeespont a wiuterhors sile MIf' Carrie Walter, Holmeeville, ph@.* r owuoa o! bte Iwould have heen able ta hall oua Eng- Huron County, bas beon vislting ai muci a! a wrecK... I lsit falotidseb bOt the dellghtful elîmate Ma. W. H. Barrle's. auto picketi up the iujuaed sud broux 2Eâ." ir. 'ýqgsygt was booked Mrs. Thos. Coant aud Mme Wells hem ta their homos. -o! thîs'i...- -' Blozers, Oshawa, visîtoti Satnrday witb Ma. Richard 'Wosteway, Por~t Hope, by M. A. James, Allan Lino agoaa.. Mas (Dr.) Levi, Patter, wbose bame-camlng fram England we Richard J. Ford, o! Toronto, book- Ma. sas Tab bs rturetifro ~reporbeti lest week, in campauy with keoper, who, !ormerly resideti la Bow- twa mouthe' visît with bis danghtm Mrs. bis uspbew Mr. Thomas Westaway of mauville, was ehargeti with eteallug John Cox, Stetier, Aita. Baadworbhy, Devonshire, visiteti bis $1000 worth o! money orders !rom lie basaenmed ao ~nephewý Ma. Jerry Westawsyi, Ontario Canadian Express Company. Aflea Thepe l;rr',ge a! Mise Frances Nes& aglow w*itb lighte anti flQwers. Sho âon anti aarestod tie bwa men who bîut, eýldetIdaiightea a!, Ma.' Sam Nos- was, wearlng ber woddiug gown of zave thoeir naines as Fred Kelly, alias lbi", M.P.PÏ.' Brighton, aud Mr. FrederS whlte silk, wlth an ovoadmess o! lace, joues, ago 25, of Cleveland, Ohio, and tI~Jaïshçjji o! the same place, wlll anti wes assieteti by hem mother, Mas. Hsarry Watsan, allas Wm, Watson, 21 teks3 place lu St. Andaew's Churci, W. C. King, of Bowmanville, lu paie vears, o! Toronto. The latter le wamt- iBrigibon, Wed1nesday Oct. l4ib, bine voile anti lace- Mise Hilionmn af -,d et Cobourg for stcaling a bore. M.A. C Allun bias rotumneti from a Bealin anti Miss B. MchIwraithe af Tor- Tteey will bo trIeti ta-day before P, M. .blp ta tie Nortb.west. He hati a auto hati charge a! lie tes table wioh Hlorsey. Gaeat crodit le due île chie! >pieasant visit but fundtihle weetbea was decorateti with deep rcd icimonti' for the shmewd gameý ho pat up ta cap- relier colti lu somns parts of lie west, Irases anti Iies o! ths Valley, tiei saine bure bath mer. wbo wore cule enougi ta lio enjoyeti vlsibing mauyý former Dam - fiowors hoing ulseti on tie buffo&, keop spart froin eaci alier. ?Mr. W, M. llugbaulaus sud recelveti a warmth o! intoîplece anti plana lu lie drawlng- Horeey sont thom ta bhis central Prison greetoîlg zhat ho wii long remember. room,- Toiroïto Str.for six moutha ai bard labor. dans wellta seurs a Iyman of Prof. Robertson's culture ard stanpding ta) passent lie daims a! lie importent sub-. ject a! Christian educalion, îbe Fihoid Yu aveAlwvays Boûùtîg f Mas. Martien ant i eiltien are withý ber Maîber Mas. C-hGrry, Cleurci 81., for a1 !ew tiays. ick, Toroto. barber, ftmerly o! iis tawu. weme brougit i bre Wednestiay maorung for interment lu Bowmanville cemeter.y. Hie wife and lires chîdren accompanled lis remalus. Hlere's ta Hon. James Dnff, lie new Minister o! Agriculture lu Ontario: Gaeat Jimmy Duif, Ho e li te buif, At raisin' eraps He nover stops. TOWN COUNOIL. Regular snontily meeting o! cauncil vins belti Moutiay nigit. Mayor Sxvay preàided witi ai memhers-easent ex- cept Count. Tamblyn -N1.inites o! last meeting roend anti confiameti G. D Floicher asked permission ta cnt dawn base ou Du-ko St Communication was recelveti froint John Grizglu reference ta drain andti bwn eewea. Bath re- foaredti taRoads and tiSreets Commitsee J. W. Hewetsou asked for luducoments la locale a shoe factoav la lown To M'!'as Cammitîse. M A James ten- dereti resignaîlen s member o! Iligi School Baoard wbich wss accepîti sudd lie vecancy filoti hy ajpoaintmEnt o! Rev T. W. Jalliffe. Ciairman'o! Fire anti Watea Commiltee repartoti on re- pairs doue ta tanks, sud tug4rebted tie purciase of lhe alti Rnbbea factoay "promises wbice cnlains a gooti tank, anti use.lhe gront for a lmner yard. Motion cerrieti for pumehase of premisest. The Local Option b, -law wes glysu its fiait snd second readîngs. Liairman Roade anti Streets reporteti ou expeudi- tume dons anti asheti for bnpplementary grant for necessary vw)orz ta ho donc The motion was lait. Tis financial repart wae recelvoti anti adoptedthle failowing aicans heiug passeti: PcCiellan & Ca., beain, lumber $61 12 M. Buns, labr.............. 81 95 Eti. Wilhe rIdge, iabor .......,, Il55 H. Meader,ishboa.............. 8 00 W. H. Dustan, supplies ........ 15 ()2 G. Bichol, gmavel ...... ... .... 16 70 M. Burk, gravel ..... ,......... 2040 S. Oke, zravol...... ........... 10 00 W. Hiendeason, gravel ......... 1050 Mason & Dale, straps...........i1 55 Foundry -Ca., repaire...........83 50 Alex Tavlar, lebor ...ý......... 2 25 J. Buteon, woak on tank,..... Il OU M. Burns, labor_ ........... 1 50 E. Wltberitigo, labor..,..... 1 50 Jas. Elloît, gasolino .........49 89 W. H. Dustan, suppîlies........il1 84 Durama Rubber Co,, packiug,. 1 50 McCbellan & Ca., tosmlng ..... .48 91 Win. Brook, woak--on tank..88 20 H. Allun, filling tn.....28 00 M. A James & Sous, printing. 140OS McOleIllan & Ca., woad......... 1 50 Cierk's atvauce ta indigents., .12 oo Clerk's acc't. tuning piano(.:.. 3 70, Electrie Ligit Ca, service...882 49 8787 62 MINISTERS AnU CRURGHEiS Roy. John Gahuttbas re3eiveti $29 50 froin bis coun1gregatian for lie Pemnie Fiat, funti. Mr. T. H. Follici, M.A,, le affcisting. as organiet lu Si. Paui'e churci duaing lie absence o! Miss Tamblj n. cf lie-Eigbth Preshyterian churci, Washington Boulevard and Rabey St, Chicago, Ill., au Tuesday, Oct 1-8, Paleutis o! Bey. D., Scott Honck, Wellington, who wae taken slck wiîb typhiiifevor aIMr. A E Paul's, saine lwo weoks ega, wili ho pleasett leamu liai ho is imüproving uicely - N'apanee Beaver, Newburgh Methadîse chc is colo- bating ibe Golden jubllee by spocial services. Bey. D. O. Caassley, Wiithyv, preachoti lait Suudsy anti Boy, Dr. Beneon o! St Catharinos will preaci nexb Suudav, conclnding wibh e grand suppor anti concert on the !ollowing Montiay evening. ' The Metiadisi Ladies' Aid belti thiR regular meeting luthe foran o! a social aI the mesidence o! Mme. A. E. VeCready on Thuasday aflomnoan. Aller bis bus- iness meeting a capital musical pragrain was given. Misses Riea Manning anti Helen Mitchell pîsycti a piano duet; Mas, (Rev ) J. Garbuli gave su, Instru- mentai; Misses Peau Melutyre anti Ethel L VauNI'st sang suibable solos. Befreshmnts wcre serveti anti e very, social houa enjoyeti A few gentleman' honometi the ladies witi thios presence. The bostese, assisteti by Mas. Fleming, siýccoeq tilu Maklng, aIllfeel qulto a,- home.omt Leegue meeting Tutes- day eveîùug Cwîâ à 'ýý -Am-I?" mlie- sionsrycouet anti Wàs lacàe".Ygc O! MissYoung. Af ber devotiongteerCÎSOs couducteti bv Presideul Loveil anti a wýeiI monderetisolo by Ma. R. M. Mitchell D )OG LOST-Abont Sept. loti, black anti tan hounti, blîci, supposed tb have pnps.bArny information leading to, its recovery l e rwardetiby applylng 10 WILBERT HOAR, l4OWManvilla. F 'ARM FOR SALE-Qnqj hundroti P acres iu 10.t5 80 Vi~i 81, con 6, townshlP 0f Darlilgton* . arame house wti siate roof, -narn 415100 11f. Applv on premîsas 10 F L VanNest, or ta_ Mrs E 19 Vanijestp 169 Athol St, East, Oshiawa. 2-S TTUSe84ý FOR SALE-Ou i te Sauth f Kisiago! tnr8fet, BoWmanvllle, nîne rooms anti bablirdâl», new Pease Furnaca, Elecîrio lîglit, stable, ail conveniences einter caver, quarter acre landi. Apply te D.- G M. GALBRIAITH, BOWManville. 5-tf 1 MARMI FOR SALE OZ. TO RENT- 70 acre farta, lot 16, con 7, Darlington, known as bhc Sylvester farm, a haif mile east of Ennltkiilen, ail necessary buildings, well wabered and convenlent bo cherches andi sehool. Terras easy. Apply to C W Smibh, Box 857, Whitby. 87-tf D3R0NO CRLEAM ERY .Tbe firet Ocbobor issue of lie Famea's Ativocale cantains the fallowing com- ment upon Crosmeay management: Mare creameais-i fail througi lack o! proper management than f ram any ather ceuse. Daiaving bas growu ta snob dimensions luthiese days, campe- illon bas become sa keon. liaI ouly weil-informed men cen succee i luil Indifference ta bis changes Ihal smO coustanlly baking place, unprooaessive- nese, gebling beleint inlumethoti or equlpmenb will soonor or later affeci a creamery's business disastransly. Tisý dalay science le dsveloping. A man uowadays wio makes butter or man- ages a cresmerv, bas la know s lot more about his business bisu te oper- star a! twonty ~sars ega knsw; bas ta bes in fommet inlumaîboas wbich th.emaker aflliai pealoti nev'er-dreamed of. S ar er- we know our equipmont le quito complote. We have, iowever, planuedti tamaie additions !romIl ti e la tîmeas increaseti patronage would warrant. As la ana business methodg-ourm mat- eety limnite us t thie simple stabemeut ciat we bave earnestly sud baneslly eýndeavo%-re otit gr a SQUARE DEAL TO EVERY PATRON. 'Ne f iiýy rp- pasclalo lie veay genroiests ptronage3 accordoti us turing'lihe. soason ani re hopefual o! beingab'lc o ta atvauce lie palçes for Oclober creain. SEE OUR NEW DRESS GOODS. This department reveals ail 'tiat le desimable ini the newest mrations in dress materainculuding the vary lat- est weaves in shadow staipes in alfthe fashianable color- ings. Our trois goods will ho a revelatian ta yau. COLD WEA7HERRWAN7S. Wool and Flaunelette Blankets,. Bat Quîlts and Tie Downs, Flaunel andi Flannelette Shoetings, Wool Veste, Drawers and Corset Caveas, Niglit Gowns, Hoisery, Gloves, Underskirts, and ail kinde o!f Knittati Goads. NO CREDIT Grocers' Due Bille taken as Cash SW. fIASON î& SON, Neidoor ta Standard Bant, - Bowmanville FaïcBlhed room et ContraIlisrdlâ anyt*!me. -Notiocesof Birtita, 2'5 cents; Kjarkiagfe, 50 cents; Deathq 1,-50 canzta, eack In- sertion. WhLen fïinerai1 card. arai DIlned 88thi IâIiçe isertion frec TÏmj.a,-în Bowmanvllle, Oct loti, to Dr anti Mrs A 8 Tilley, a tiaugitber. TA MBLYN-In Oshawa, Oct 4th 1b oMr sud Mrs J M-Tamblyn, a daughter, MITCHELL-In Oshawa, Sept 281h, to Mr and Mr$ David Mitchell, a tiangliter.1 MANNING-InS East Wbitby, Oct Srti, to Mr and Mrs Walter F Manning, a son. MkAÂNaRr-In E st W ,hitby, Octt ht, te Ma and Mrs Albert Maynarei, a dangliter. ALCUmRACK,-In BawmanvilleOct 201h, to Mr anti Mrs Phd1P Alcumbrack, a dauàhtai'. fiThis is the PIckling- and Proservying fi W Season. fi To ensure good resuits, your vinegar and Spices, mnust Lbe right. T ry u s' for T h em. F,,resh Fruilts 49Oranges,, Blue Bernles, Watermelons, ' Lemons, Bananas, ' Archie Tat,- fi Phono 65. The Pcople's Grocer. fi llighest Price paiti for Farrn Produce. ' BIALL-MCLEoD,-At 74 CharleS St, Toronto, bY Rev J-B Smith, Oct lot, Mies Barbara, second tiauglter of the late Roderlck McLeod and Josephi Hall, Orono. MAEY-At lier residence, 515 Jarvis Street, Toronto. Oct. 12th Eliza Ann Phelps, widow of the late Hart A. Massey, hinlier ï6th year. àESIRIMÂN,-At his late residence, Cambridge Street, Lindsay, October 9tls, Weoton Leroy Herriman, M D, agefi 76 Zears and 9 moollis. Interred ait Port Hope Mongay. BALL,-ln Cartwright, Oct 6, John Edward Bail, aged 48 years. SAUNYDER-At 107 Balmoral Ave Toroato, the re8ideuce of his daughter Mrs H laRaine, James Saunders, Eowmanvile. aged 61 years. Interred ini Prospect cemetery, Toronto. BaAy-At Yorkshire, N Y, ct 1.Ann Baison, reliet of lte late Thomas Bray. andi sister to Messrs John and James Balson, Darlington, aged 73 years, PEy icg-On Monday, OCt ilth, at the Gen- eral Hospital, Tornto, Mr. James Pethick, belovefi husband of Anrnie Pethick, aged 48 years. 2'nneral from 120, Sherbourne St. te Bowmanville, WedLesday morning.1 "Lest We Forget E. R. BOUNSALL, Designer andi Dealer in Monum enta, Tablets, Markers. etc., ln Granite and Marbie BOWý;MANVILLE. ONT fLOUR#100bs .....,. ..$2ý 50 tOe8 00 WeHEAro, 'Fali, bnsh . O 00)t'e 0 87 'Il Spring ...... l 0tg G & 8 fi Red Vlfe ....... 0 00"fi0 87 .11 Goose ....0 0Il082 BA.RLEY, VIbush, No. 1 .,.. 0 0Oil055 OÂTs, whlte le ......... 0 00'il 0 88 BYR, le ......., .0 00 tg0 78 BUCIKWHEAT 19............. 0 00 0 55 PuAs, Blackeye, VI bush.. 0 00 0 00 "e Canadian Beauties O000 fi 0 95 o Smah O0 00 Il O 85 1~Blute 0 00"Il0 75 CLOVER SE»......._10 O00"18 00 Tîmov:aY SHuo,......... ?)00 875 BuTER, best table, f lb. - O0 00 0 22 ,EGGS ?Pdoz ..... ....... 000"le0 19 POTATORS, VI fbush <..,.... O00 t' O60 GAY, &tOn ...............6 00 '7 00 If you once try Ca.rter's ittho Liver Pis for slck hendache, blousness or constipation, you will nover be without them They are purel, vegetable, small and easy to take. Don'G forget this TOST--In Bowmanvllle, un Saturday, * ..niht ,a brown mille glove, Finder please leave ait STATESMAN Office. C O0K WANThD-A plain cock by November lot, Apply te Mas. D. B. Sima'- SON Oliver St-ý,-"c w Moville. 41.-tf I OST--On Silver, or ConceseIon '5 Battenbor4, table covor and centre plee Reward by STÂTEsMÂAN Office. 411f W ANTED-AII Je ki nds of _ fruit onj conslûgnmen by LAÂNG5ýTAF'F Bios. Ottawa-. Quick retorns and 9a square deai. 33-tf NTORKSH1RES FOR SALE CHEAP .L -January and Mardi sows lu farrow, in- ciudlng my prize-winnars T J COLE, Bow- mnanvilie, Box 158. 42--4w BE ROOCH LOST-In'Bowmanvilleo on .ý.Fept 28, a small goiti broocli set with gar- nets. Finder 'w111 le rewarded by leaving at STATESMÂN office, BowmaovlUe, 41tf ]ROOMS TO LET-Office rooms, lodge recrus or will fit for living roomes as required. Nice briglit rooms over our stores. Apply te T GiEo MABON, Bowmanville. 41-tf PIGUASTB&AY-Came on mnv promis- es, near Electrie lglit plant, a large sow. Owner ls requested te prove property, pay ex. penees and take lier away, W JACKMAN, Bow- manville. 42 8w HOGS ASTRAY-Come on lot 85, Hcon 3, Clarkie, two sows, The owner ls reqnested ta prove property, pay damages andi take themn away. R L OsBoRNE, 'Box 312, Bow- Toanville. 4?-Sw il

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