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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Oct 1908, p. 6

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F nthatfeln of freedom cornes to onIe i0 i cunty. i je ne of th IýF-R' LL G0N lUi_1st exerenes c h eianll- C J~~y it dnes'Fs(eern as if liife here were longer than that of the es.It P M 9D A E 21',must ,corne roilithe mutis o o p o p o p ~ 4 This censeof freedorn bas abeen a curse rather than a blessing to ............. . rnany a man in the western cotiuntm, -* :. adthe witings of llalph Conal-or 'a~a.~e reveals this point to al who ead thi,.E quite evident tha, mnan i respected in this cojuntry,' flot so uch for what Ibisfofaer were,'orIre, nor 1for hic Inleing, > - nom for1any Poltonh ay bold, but becuse ho i nan, an ail round an, a hite ar niot co muci utarlyasinald white- CP nese ...... ..~j There is a spirit cf indepeadence . nth people here, which ornes a;:~i pFartly fmorn the stmogsneef fmee- ... dom and partly fmom their inter- cour111se vrith theý people ýof the coun-.rp. ,. try tlo t ie nouth, who are Me~bi ~ ; . iYou won't te;il your family dootor can in aÀilhi thoughts cnenn the whý ole story about your priv ate governent *>i Iiess -you are tooiniodest. You Oneca eeqite eas itat hil ned otbe afraid to tellMèrs. Pink- C. P. Rl. bsnedub el t 'ý" harn,-t Lynn, Maýss, the things you b;iindBitish , olurni,)oCaaa co diotcx.plainýothedoctor.YurAndtemte onra e 1let ter v-111be heldirî"le st1 iecttoo- ucan~igelse ol have du .~... fl4 yc. 'm her vast ' rSPOndý1- at that, timie. So much f or Sir John , ene wiyth slck wtomeni during thie McDonald and the Conservative pastthiJrt'ýy 'ars she may ha ve govemumient cf bis day; and new à gained the veynowledge that wilcrepole do net see the neces-. nelpyorc se ucltt ers as the fol- ,ity of building another tmanscon- . .. lowingfrom gatefulwomen es- tinental road te open up the north S AA E aaliheyn i dobt the power 0f -en ar nB--Z, -aiid-oLthe--otber _'ÏMau îýe -?if e n 227 , -wJ -TreuMJd LY lA *P K A ~ iovnce a well. What feels these _______________________________ VEGEABL O OUN M S ÂHL REID, Corbyv,-ii, The lec being 5urcha-ro.ed with Wewasmeht iMpontd Ont CÇ'Janada, Writes: act, whtc orcllnarily flnld their es- to conquer ail iLimale diseases. in the size cf the valeys bere. we-S-.- -'--e .cape thr-ongb the bewels when they are Arrs, FravnkE *FclrTrnaomhd ete d that thev would cover -- . -I---.- Ontario, writes to Mrs. , 1nkham : y as much amen as the mounitains,b 1, " When I wrote ta ycu corne tinie the valîcys are cempamatively ný age, I was a very slck wcrnan suffering r'ow. The Agosciz Valley contai £rom female troubles. 1 bad Inflamma- about three thousand acres. Il tien cf the feminine organe and could pet elcerdo ag ib -net stand or wallc any cdistan-ïce.At pet elcerdc ag i lac Iwa cnfne tans bd-ndtb but quite a percentage is cover doctor said I would. have te go through with a 'small seond gowtb an operation, but this 1 ref nsed te do. hirch, fir, poplar and cottonwoc "A friend advised LydiiaE. 1Pinkham's The land is bard te clear, and ifn Vegetable Cernouund. Mfter il ing thmee well worked or kept pastured,w bottins cf it, I feel like a new wornan. quickiy g row up witb ferus& "I1rnostheartilyr niormcldLyd ia - hruhThe land je very fertile,,b Piinkhami's vcgtrable , ompo nnd te al wornnwhsuffmwihferalerou III. very lîttie grain is grewn, ast FACT FORSICKcsME people go in more fer hay, dairyi 11or thirty years lydi, E. Pink aiid fruit growing. ham' Voetale ompnnd de Theme je an experimecntal fai froni roots and herbs, lias been the hm c bot80acebt stan,dard remedyfo femaýle i course, it is net rmn on such a lar posl tlvely cured th ousandsc,ý ceaie as that of Guelph or Ottaw w,mný who have been troubledwlth and yet it je doing a good wo displacements4nliýzflamxnat1on, ûlcera. along the experimental linos. Tj tioii- fibroidl tumors, farm dees net seem toeoappre periodie pains, baekaclie, that bear ated by the people bore as it shou ingdonf~Jngfltu1j~yiniges be, 1and ne doube cause they ha tiondizînesor&voispostrtîo. nt taken advantage cf tbe kno Io(d-e obtained by this werk. Hc mu11ch botter we would apprecia peool if wo only understood'thei BRITSR OLUlIBI LETER. Dairying is very'profitable ber utteýr averages 30 cents per poun No. 2.and cattle Cari eften mun out Agasiz B.C. Oc. 6b. grass ail the ya. Friitgrow:i A g -,s i , Ot. 6hý eould be miade- pro)fitaýble, but il It is four iïeýnthe s ince we left doubIlltfuil if thîis vahly wil over our homle l intbe Ent. [il that tinse 1as good fo;r ail kinde cf fruit w'e have fouind rny now frisucis oss f thýe other valieys ini B. t(ý -wbhIom wehave becomec very . uc- Fritgrowing bhere is net being ca attchdaltoubnaturaliy, wo ried on -witb any prcper system, b miss cseeing the faces cf friende in ne doubt, in the future, it will Darlingteni and Bowimanville, for made vemy profitable. This seer after ail, ene, d,ùes net forget the te be a nut country, as hazel nu bomeland. Tho people home are grow-everywhere in abundance, ai iucb the camne as those ýat borne; it.looks as thougb nutgrw they are, just as kind and loving might be macle very profitable, a.nd cympathetie, and why net ? the people wouid take it up. Many of thess carne in bore fross the Petatoos are quite a profitab eastema provinces, and even if cli- crop, and yield on an average abc matie conditions nork changes in $100 per acre, Thore are ne pcba the tempemment of peo lmarked bugs. Wbat do yen tbink of tha changes bave 'net ûcornein, the few Land je being beach here at ve vears that ibis country blasý been higb prices, from $40 te $300 p settled by vhîte mon. acre, withoutbuildings. This cou Yet, there are cosse chaacteris- try is a poor place for a man tics cf the B. C. people that are cerne wbo bas ne money, but if 0] quite noticcable te one comin 'g in bas a littie cash t,) start with, fross the enet. One secs at once looks as if thlere were splenidid pro that the people boere are stikingl-y peets. Western, and that menus free and We are nearly surrounded1 independent, and îtit jeamazing bow mountains, -although they are cma __________________________crnpared with those up ceuntr: stiii the snew neyer entirely ieav A Bod Stop, the higbest peak-Mount Cheau __just across the Fraser River. TO oel'cme he Wil-foufdd are-ah eut-five miles from Harris( reasoiteble objections of the more Intel- Lk n ltSrns hr lgigantotethe use of secret, imedicinal cern- e n o Srns Teei pounds, Dr. RL V. 1re of Buffalo, N large botel at the Springs and mai Y., cernetisse ag,îJied te make a bold< tourists are comiug and goiuga departuvra: from t1he na coarso pursued tbe tisse. and as Agassiz is the nea by the maor f put-up medieî.îts for ýdo.- est station, thero is usually qui mestie use, ce, se lias publisheýd 1broad- a stm ameund bore at train tisse cast und 0ji ,l te the whole world. a full This country is cortninly ceen and cornple fl*Iet of ahi the Ingredients entering je hecposition o! hic wîdely politnu. You meet Englishme celebrated kpdkM'es. Thus he has taken Irisb, Scotch, French, Jape, Chun hi$si nchmr ps J<atrn; andtpatients inta mon, i-ndoos and the native Ind bis fulfni~ce. hus too hie lias re- ans in abundaný-e. We are flot i,, mo'rel/i,yedicines frern arong secret from one cf the Indian reserve nostre cf doubtful Merite, and madleanthvilgAaszbs wh tiiemLý-eýmedles of Known CompostiIon.adte ilg Aaszba w 1 £ 1 ol.toDrFi 1,issew tels, twe stores, a blacksmitb chi 1ý finira school, two churches, two hal JC0S c for lodge meetings, etc., and, i ot only os theW rotev.erv bo course, sex oral bouses, includir of Dr. Piere's Gldn edial Dscoveryj. e the C. P. R. station, fairorsiene eas anP or setoaa es es Hep-growing is eue 'cf the indu wherever lcaeL aye )rne pn it fil, trios here, about 400 acres of tl Zain engiisaf-cndcmpee ltcf al ley b eing plauted with bop: ~h. lgmuietscOMielng i-t, bot a ýisinailj book hsbeen compnDlieS renfuer these arecke by the Indians, nr stanldare medical werks. cf alil-the d iel entgneayteearfom 00e scheols cf practice. contalning ver fumer-y 1(2e r fo 50to7 Gns etat frein the wrltings o) iea.clng1 piokers bore- in September. Tt ofcttin rs fnedicine, endorsilng znthý,e strcnge. ýi ossible ternm ac nSevr Ige-qito îuteresting te visit the bo diet cntInSli Dr. Piere'smeins.fed in picking-timie. This ye, Oua~~~7 efteouiebocks viii b 7 aleSr f te uyeueceSin aôrea n~istl crd the crop was almo st a failurec bi' latter tevDr. i .v. Pierce, aflN.Y. couto hehple suhtc and _euotlg h sin. aonthsonti bock it wilii 1)e,,dtatPrUPirc'sme- abut l150 Indians were neededA Icines Ucentai e oe l -11)ý nrcei iea d h ikn By the -way, I agens orothr pesonus o lnuriu agents and thaat the-aremade ~c aimediel- net lkuo-w whetbem thie bop-fiea nai rots cf great vlue; ais that soeaof the sasse kinid cf beast that mai tha meovlai IgeinscntaineS In Dm.~ ~ ~ é PresFvrt rsrpinfor weak. the people mstless jr. churcb bei ~~~~~~~nervous. vrwrkd rnSennnrvn oeisses or net, but, anyhow, and deliae oen eeepoed, longe yearsage, lhy the hndiusîorsiilr a %etsnu ctrytecatch eue of? this latti affctnç her ai.euecftil kndho-,aiways hope. Hunting tbc ostiùf h.Plresgvrter-god in . .,and if yonu do r o f ri p o i v a "w e t o I d i n s c m e h n t in t h e d a y ti s w i l cfnt ew for ur et vluhianaive me1gn ilenwill sometimecshaet ..i male p l' iproed d eactpre hEl chase at night witb ,a IIla eSeet eey e egltn sail tic wcm (I i proapss, nteerso )droovosin, a 1s are qitepeuiul nürjs and brîinggbta efc sitof er n eecpoi aes rai dalrsrndl1is. them iIn thir r 1chIards p)e-Ickig fmu, The Missicnary Society cf the Pre ùby' terian cbunrcb wil hold their Novemnber 1:3t1. Our popular ente-rtainersç, Messrslets.wic C G. Armnstmong and 0. A. Gams-Yortlnswic by, hav e been engaged to, sing in Incouju, will soine day lose Tymone Nov. 5th. power. Trhen ye wil needoc Morris Piano Womks at Listýfoeo, A srnall sum depositede cf whioh Mr. E. C. Thomtiiun, an 7 oli 1rn ,)by is mnae, wa me- e fe ma arc thrown eut cf Amlo mnt. The loss will pmobably amxounti ti $75,000, mostly covered Eîbihd17 F CA Mr. C. G. Armstrong, accomnpaýni- will, with Interest compoi ed by hic brother, Dr. H. E. Ayrm- cornfortahle in.coime for you strong, have returncd fmom Imeland open-i an ac-count. Yen canux aiter an ab ou f seven weeks. A fine young hie owned hyl Mr. Geo. lbad,,its neck bok eri recently.f,7I Messrs. lHenry Bowen &Sn won second 'on their gnmipr r5Ce loe eoa pose teapm, 'and twe thiîrds on(el old agricultuma] üolts, at Lind1say Faim. Mm. Emnest flamirn bas bugtthe 1late Willie Pringle residenc, Cn-1,,I ltt csinSt'reet, south,fcmM.' -I ' Cee. Davidsonl. Mm. E. A. Tanner ,the Libeinal I- 4 candidate for East Peterboro will ' liI~ M, be known te corne cf our people 1 ' J tbrougýh Mrs. Tanner, who was ani Oroiïo lady, a daugbtem cf Mr. James Linton. FADS AND FAN'ýCIES. Mm. Frank Woodward, Oshawa,*ted-friends boera-.-Fmanký is bec;s Big muifs will prevail again., of? oeeof1 the fumnae ganigs at thoýi Botb jabot and collar grow ir- M.iebeWorks at that eni r gang alone moîts 100 tons cf on Red trimmings xiii adorn manry per week. black clippers. Mm. Arthur Farrow baslasd Beits are soJIPmewbatnarmowr lc Capital1 now yield you acootal epart or ail of theircain other capital1 that does iiot fil. )J every week or xnonthi with NADA 51 Branchoe ounded quarterlyv, provide a ir old age. ,OueDlarwI ot begin to save too soon. tle, Nkiewtcomvi3le and Ocime 'hegrecs trne ooc a for special cases, prbx S Sold by ail drugr'ist, or prepaidore tcF 1, Free pamphlet. ddre,-: The chiý-f Mfie of thl rver î'ý the 3secrc. tion of bite, which is henaurl eglao o f the bowels. Whenever the Eliver bcmsderangeal, and the bile ducts ologgejd, liver eomplaint i,-produce, and is manifestedbly thepre.ný P.cý,12ce nf 111 butmfrin.Mm. .Hienry Ieiiy the noopel than in 'the sommer. t shonider, àsaiiow eom'pexrnn C 0,11ýWe but- benao odrsdont me n y .i boutthor lisenyts, ciehc- farm," west cf the village. Mre. Marten and black fox are h a-sin.etdtne n edce lins oId age. oua iate aboutothMrligamentstherti- J ýhycb1 ogeaI 15 "Ihaa etben u e ooheitfe ages cnd cometimes the boes in the arwjendubtrc m.Ae.rite esmaîl, anisortechvtrb t s IIhv o'eni ego eihfrjoinits, Convier. Otmnbt r eih aatarrh cf the stcmachi, etc. cmr, caveral years as nov. I vas troubled Succb morbid acecumulations of bieod Ontario Fruit, Officiais are i h tea asaemr e the Lie Oomplaint mcay hoes re red wîîh constipation, rheumatlsm and th.row; extra 'work -upon the, kîducys. neîghborbood picking eut fruit for front than in years. Étvoiding theabovea mentîeond ans, c f kldney troubIce. rekdeyblgunbetppror the London Horticultumal Exposi- Collare are offered te mach pin- ing then bols fracý, aixd amienýug tý cd. h. IlUtile over two years g, I1cernomlie uinusu2l laber of exoeting these tien. They bave otiedcsse mage covered bats. gs ie ihta rn ie eu net' pleteiy lstnsy heatc eriga i 'esosù0 t io wcyandkidu coelots from Mïesme,. 1Hoar, Witb cohored shoos there muet be nii ost heipliess, iwhlen a deýar friend sgent tr îie thOe recuit, Da vid Gibson, Wiiiie Gibsu,ý H. steekings te matou. md e myour rpre leies, Pmn n aal. eraea eifcaunot be reasona-- Boýwou 'and others. .mi u oee utn r b)ut 1 began te tt"kcthern, foiiowinIg the by expectd exopt by correcting teFMs l. d. etadAutnV-faetsfotim ng thle directions on tho otbe Ivary coon cntpto.son. have rece,-nIIly taken nup em- Most walking bats are tnmned up iîuýg began te feel 1ben'eflted therus nd------ar-aa i--.-.--.tc1c o ces1ain herh Id-cnthe loft side ouly. conltud to taitethielss. 1R eg clar bcw '.s rc a Igroat sak jge 32o acres eccl, upar Calgair.-i The plaited braid boit je eue ofLVROOPAPT mss "amnov com! ple teiy mvmdf rom ur a elh eu mi a ahsi Mac- Aita. the season' e novelties. 1f. ao Fwctt H mio,0Ot v cfteiormiet, nfcbte hn ai rsg~cJe te Fworid r They Soothe Excited Nevs.- Sissplicity vilI ho the slogan cf "Having u frdwithliver om reI been. for yearc past. 1 cnniot Ifo crolodss aicugte Nervons affections are usuiahly at- the wiutor's millinery. years cnd tried cill sorte cf remnedies, i va, paise the reniedies tee highiy and wîll Is 1kneys trihutabie te defective digestion, as Plaids are mucix worn and fomm cdyý1ise1d t>evyMîbmnsLxa-Lio ork alasreonen hmteohrs î.W WiLmastor, 81ff McAtee, the stornach dominates the, nerve cssme cf the semartest f al ite. I m et sytha cter akwin to v Flie Constipation le aimeet sure te set up Av,, Louicvillo, NCy., wnîteci centres. A course cf Parmelee'5 'Long sleeves are invaiable with sthein, I fecol quit hnmac, cyoio. ci- other dorangements. tse"T scnfiercd for tvonty-six yeamc vith _Vegetable Pille viii stili ail dis- the nov tailored shirtwnists. Price 25 cents per via. cr 5 for ?1.00 uid 1eandaemitosvti bladder andi kidaey trouble, assit iexng 'turbances cf this characterad y Most cf the nov conte are par- all deaiers or mailed direct iv the Tli ,ive bovels are partiy reabsorbed Into the di eIo Pemuna, a trial, Idid, se. resýto-riug the stomacli te nomyinal ne- fcctly straight cil around theloe Milbnmn Ce., Limnited, Toronto, Ont. systeni producing cometimos ]l ht bt so! Peruna and thmee bote ie relieve the nerves from irit- ege., suinetîmes kidney trouble. 1t'?L.oQ r! Manalin en tiroly curod fme."~ tien. Thereisene sedative ]ý-tlke ho The blouse that matches th1e sul- u t e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a d in th e c o r r e c tio n o f? ir e g uila r i,- b a s t e s srt e e x te n t, r e l n e d t h 7'mfu Beans are very fond oh? fruiit.m. IORONOP p_ . tics cf the digestive precees,' -- ) pro- sepamate blouse. ro; F ankc a large blnck beau the pmaie bas doume seeffctieorkr, Shoe-s vitb patent leýathier vamps' walking on thes'r as -eau t e t ufidt t(, eusane.and eloth iýtops xill figure premil- nied Couinties otNoth cdothr ay s he vas wl i ntio(From t1e Nv. h aisoteW .S fteetyti itr te railrcad with anether lady, andiTelde I h- -3.S n 'rai inig ne ogcc stwo Ilies vera et Mm. J. N. Feairbainui, Trno ehde hrl eemtdter Vle n ikdhis nbt n uhr bcame u !p te a widctand twc -ýkit- Mni. LomnJackonbasneumnd'ct,'m. Luon neete a e mnysrnart bt.atsUietouisc ne~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -(spigi h rs inie.vr ulrport cf the Society er Felfit je eeu ccaeionnlly in at, 1i---ian . dtei C. We bave a comfortble home1haro res. Noble andissoiv, l yj th pst 25 yeare. A cho-rus s buit ije, by n manese pint as AIitiei9,omand Itho ete evOpe annnd are oiy abutfive mnuesited fricude at Tyrone neeentîy. gvn yth ison Bad undersatin, o tmne n o th. mectiencd on 1ýcl theb c iiowfo ie f zutL xalk from store, postoffice, station Col, John Uughes and vif e visit- tlho direction c Me.Meaf.Mis em f h otic luss nth nsthicarrears vand cost5,ae so on Irl be ndcbrc o balwhrevobol ci t n.A. . ovrs -Muriel fHilgave an interestiug mc- largen bats are imne u hytca rce es uini e oa mean o urces.or ls eres ae vol1 M iseLoMrA.. oent NvYokjeciaio.Soles vore vol1 renidered are ssostly ueed in mediums lengthe tiIîrer as sili be stifficient to ietr INLIs LenaMomet, Ne York isarrearls cf taxes accd cosis, atileCl utSattnde an w ar lokin f- avisLirg a Miss Ruby Thorntou and Miss Nov fancy plaide include sncbi Trsaurer's Offi btie'Town of-Cbu nd mccl, cld-fashicned revival. This je Mme. Win. Patton, Toronto, visit- Mabel Lîmbont, anud the ýchoir cf cembînations ce brovnsaud greene, Publie Auctian, on ing hat e aededin Bitili Clumin c bersiser, ns.A,A Gasseby, the churcli gave two or tbree scec- Jeep peacock blues and sîaty gr8ays usa,243Dyo if as vo have good material in the "M-Yeaple Ave." tiens, and a very iîîtemesting ad- Panty freeke for emaîl girls are l9Sattbhour of TWO o'el!oe!ý lu i Is people, but vo necd a lot cf good, Mm.adMe e a u dre§s beariug on the gréat vom)k Made vîth puffed sicoves and 1ev uom, ,il compliance wiii tic provisIons hi ,b soucd Scriptural, pacticai, cern- framily, "Toronto, visited at Mn. the ladies cf the Methodist church neeks, vhicb droop over, the shoul- Lande are ail Pateuted, out mon-ceuse religion, and, oh, wbat Thomsas Smith's. are doiug both in the Homie and der. ato an opportunity for seed-soviug nov mwn m.T .Fhic n oeg ile yMmc. (Dm> Car- The fichu offecet je employcd exten-c'- at? ihn this ssixed population cf the dauý,Ightem, Lîllian, c omnil manu, Torno feing assounted-c sively in the deveiopment cf the îny West. ~~~~visited et M. A. A. Rolfe's. tei.bakcteeaomtepregvso. or We are expecting, the B. C. gev- M1isssBrh u uc eob ' - - Varions shades cf brovu and 5-. u- crussent te do something for us Por)!t Hope, visitect their unce m ADI DAC.greeýn bose are beiug chowu for~ w io 171a te aiong the linos cf local option 1ev Thos. McComb. xorwt ~v chtnofr ~ , M a b e L i s b e t ie h o m f r m A g e n t e m a v h v a s i n h e a - A R T W U IG E T f0 isnetressieu. It je socly IIMise metishm rm Agetea'wo aýii h- Turbans range in size from ssodi- N4 6 2Qo 15.9 5.15,0 it needed home. Pennyv Sound whene she bcd been bit cf dicing daily et a ie*,'Irtîu ns- c ovr ag.Tebxcae, E 5 b 1 cos- W. C. FRA-NK. vis3itIujg vith ber brother,- Dr. M. taurant, said to the, Irish eutrvinte prtmldrge.cTebosaese.t5 H6 50 1 3.2 ____Hbibn.wb tcddbii in faver. N rt. of J 12 r, 10 3soI3.25 by ~~~~~~~~M. John Osborne aud daughtem "Iustead cf tipping yenevryday Laettio mco enshv j5.2 6 3 9.8 ,5 a13 A MGSRT NESIAE m.F. A. Hoar, Barrie, visited IPat, l'ilg1jvcyou your tip in alm nLle elves mdafel ait aedÈ HP_ 9caMILON ZA3L-UK, Rv. WN. and Mme. Limbort et trio sum attte end cf the mnonthi." . frilî je the nmeet piquant, addition Ni 9 6 45 - 19ý.10 3855 uOc - Metisa odrflI _1,thodist Prsonage. "Would ye moind paying m i te the upturned cuff. Pt. S. E. 124 12 1 , 9_53 3. 25 Wm a tl e cale!u Rner accd1 Rev. William, Weiasb, Brampton,, advance, sorrlV" asked the vaito'-. Khaki, buif, suede, and ail toues Pt. of Si NO D es More Thauî l C laimied viited bis brother,, Mn. A. R. "Weil, that' e ratier a stmange me- cf yellov are in vogue in the late Pull descripton cf thecse lots given asr so fer It.LWlh quet,"--enarked tire gentleman.- bats, their bzensbing gener- ef sale.-Ni .Mc AILA A (Uerrector cf Pulmonery Trou- "Hovever, if yen are in vaut of ay ond ith otýheri colore. Cn.isT~rr ny No housebcld ressedy in exiet- hieùs. -Mauy testimonials could ho cosse mouoy nov, here's balf-n- Snnlbas r fw ad hsethtCoorg Agetisi195 alonce bas von such glowîug tributes i-ros.ýeuteti enowîng thie great e ca-crovufr u.Btdd o i-flnd fv e t alhave h-hcroxins arm from people in higb pinces as bas cy oh? Dr. Thomas' Eclectnie Oil je trust me that yen esked for pey- and nerrome rnu oom hrimis, sissi - ______ lite Zarn-Buk. Mr. Roger F. Permy, cuýrinig disordors cf the espirtcry nient nov?'lrt hs fls-srn.teed rýiýl i Justice cf the Peaco for British poeeobut the hast testimonial i"Oh, no, com," grinued Petii, po lac te hi-aoe cltsrug an.othe one broht mo'f4 no aoumba tested thie famous bnim, j e-exporience and the O11uj econ kcting the baif-crowu, "but Oi'my go, the navy bine suit cf tailored Wierho uptsvnic eadthie je vhat lie scys cf it: meu--ded to ail vho suffer fmomn these lavin' bore to-morrowl" finish remains as a standard, and Wae tibnt o? iL,,il' an "Te evlindso,,rdne vith tecertainty that --the girl vhe n cars it nearly alvaye amnt f impor,tent ari th -LI ey vihi ficd relief. Lt viii allay loswl rsei etsye far "Gcldfieids,1 B. C. irlLnfamation in the brionobini tubes SURE SION 0F SILLINESS. lokeneli rewssle e ntut tylee os sadne es ese-T teZa-u Co.,il;n te propanation cn 1 wsoc accused," enys tmned fmom shouldbhr to waist-not are tberefore alniostasebo h- "Gentlemen,-After n very faimr m Fred. Houey vbo lins been Lientenant-Generai Baeon-Powell, altogether for ornemnental pitrpoc s-, thoseocf grevupei). 'P, triai 1 bave proved Zam-Euk emin- IIu Califomnia bas returned te bis "of mistrusting mon vith waxed tes, but iargely beuause the buttoniS Lace mitte have osebk lis etystsaty. usycaeiodpoiinntrvlng salesmen moustaches. Well, se, te a certain make the long cleeve much énsier fashion, but t myar iffra cf uned n ekin ach cf five yeams for a ývhoiesale firmaet Edmonton, oxtont, 1 do. It ofteu mene van- of adjuetsseut. the mitte cf tlic en dy TI' ng standing which ne docton bad been Alta. . ty, and sometimes drink. Certain- Duli ebados, sncb as victeria and -ire saucy an fpnd, Thie b able te do eny good for. Mme. Jackson cof Simce, visiertit, l the 'quiff' or iock oh? bir vicb cggpinnt, are favorites in the son-eusaeoenlcedear us- "I vould certninly encourage any ber, sister, Mmc. R. Heeckin. Mme. scouse lads vear on their forebeade son's' cloake, and though the gar- orle artop fitre ruche that;J iil) teperson to keep Zam-Buk in their Brmash cf As-hburn, n cousin, je alec n n c ure sigu oh? sillines." moente are bighîly elabomate in cd e- tenaplacin ste n ril Psd home.. It truly dcc even more thin a vi'sitor vitb Mmc. Heekin. ____signe, net n grent dccl cf tri'ssnge- aes.a Thae iïs, haelle ndyeu clairn for it. For my evri part. Mn. Fred. Arnott, whe leht Orono us fvord. 6nib c te aehmok 700 1 woid net nov ho vithout it ini a ycoung lad vith hie parents, hm Theý more naosani, set in ber! Siik, -net, and sevoeral dfeettîyblne etoscv h uthe ieuse Youms vemy truiy, udMme. Win. Aruott, abouit 4 ay c an 'd opinion tho moe he me- kidof laces are frel ngled VIdes ýp Sigued) "Roger F. Perry, ye1 e1fo ce oud vstdset beliug t0orcfit.bluss the faancy for miugling dif- a- "utc1h hePnefrBC ' oremeentiy. frotmateniale vbîhcb prevailedj--- Mn-utceomh. aef- .C.Jamies Dickeon's potato crcp last yer heing. net et ail dissinisb- iy Zcm Bnk differs frrn m di .1,1)ytiyn oud hblard te beat Ii ", tel salvesedembrocations, for v-1ie anypat Icf ithe twsi Maly chfla csse cf ti l o evral do these nmostiy contain nsslclstepoees !grla(,' s uUeSd-sses for ebjîdren itho cshkiirt je is and hfats, Zamn-Buk j unl era. ond.Your M,?oulth gored to fit the 'oe(,Ftend h? h 05, ~ soothesanud heais ente,I cee, Ltfa Mauy"'nltis-heman Water when you tggtee noiadterci ri' iceers, erupt'ieus, bouls, -ezeina, wZopoaessosn httie c ;f 1Dr. hl<o sfil, ot h xtatobe if~ýl1 cbfigcee, t. uth oue Totshc(ci u seMe ý-tc In he lI)tsý- h()Iias 1,;cuitting and fit'ting.ý or hloid it je thle lhanidiceé posibe e- - nuy uic. ILt iicr aM Nemyeeysfe~i IIIner je li 1sd o hum,i caderhidenscogbreak eeodprout some for the autunîn hecite 1beýg11Iul c-1 otl>u ies t Iustatlyclnnesau'y tliret;itvlireu e, hnwln nd itudin inribcn ISft st c ~ ~ - C ondt hibiti ppid pre- from e epraili, cue he seet-,Èpour-- EDIT ESR. n bo etefvrtand bt lp, ILod1oienig.It uespls ct auId cntson.Lt is amd-So Good. n ne s enineyards cf it. If-pies vrios uler, ndfitue.cine clIeet in tlf and cen bho(get Thet lateet word (i ehegidesc Aiannst ud stores souei t 50 fi n aquarter cf a dolla-r. ltalgoesi hti hhb omdc boi eunctte ox)_, or from ytthe Zcm-iuk (ihe Carke Tbre-sb-iuig SyndiaeteafIlud a lhaif yardIs Iohvid(le, soft vb- V'Il: ýz onC., Trntfojr pie Gc o aeprbsda nov cepamator teI)j ' bon, dreped about tle hijIl vaiet, it. 52.50. replace the onue destmoyed in the lire 1lto. Fer Package ree n pae t the right1n enýrt- uaslh, -ed by tied z'h ,> ne- tsvô ir' c rate J mini 'boy Beet uad bas e oh? Pc ce if tho r4-

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